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Social media has a great impact to students' behavior in their study. It becomes a great source of
information and a platform used by most students in their studies. It is very accessible with the use of
some gadgets that is being connected to the internet. That's why social media became the new
playground for students.


The internet is today's most important source of information and social media in present time
is very accessible with the use of gadgets such as mobile phones, laptops, computers, tablets and
more that is being connected to the internet. It seems that everything can be found on social
media and it has a great help to students in their studies, but in some instances, students are
becoming dependent on it as they do their assignments and projects on their particular subjects.
Hence, social media is a toleration of student's laziness, also it triggers the procrastination to do
their school requirements.
Addiction to the usage of social media has extremely increased in recent times. The perils of
its effects on the academic performance of students are disturbing. Academic performance,
which is depicted by the grades of students is a great concern that student spends excessive time
on social networks. It influences them in many factors and students are becoming vulnerable as a
victim, if they don't know how to use social media in an effective and efficient way because the
usage of social media must always be present with responsibilities Students are soft-hearted
individuals that are easy to be empowered by bad things if they are unguided. One-sided life is
less interesting and exciting, so it is for social media as it comes with both positive and negative
effects can give happiness as we are being entertained by memes on Facebook and funny videos
we can watch on YouTube. It also gives us enthusiasm as we socialize and make new friends
through social media. There is a correlation between social media usage and academic
performance of students.
There have been various views and opinions which recognize four major advantages of
social media use in higher education. These include; enhancing relationship, improving learning
motivation, offering personalized course material, and developing collaborative abilities
(Wheeler, Yeomans and Wheeler, 2008; Rifkin, Long necker, Leach and Ortia, 2009). Also,
Liccardi et. al. (2007), argued that students are socially connected with one another and therefore
share their daily learning experiences. Research has proved the heavy presence of social media
usage among students. It is found out that, students use social networking sites (SNSs)
approximately thirty (30) minutes throughout the day as part of their daily routine life (Nicole,
Charles, and Cliff, 2007).This shows the level at which students are patronizing these sites and
this may bring along both positive and negative effects on students as far as School into social
media and also to determine the impact of it on their performance in their specialized course.


This research seeks to determine and to find solutions to the impact of social media to the
Grade 12 Senior High School students of Juan Sumulong High School to their specialized
course. The proponents were also determined to find solutions to the following questions through
the process of the study: 1. Does students’ gender influence the habit of social media usage? 2.
How much money did Grade 12 Senior High School students spend for internet to use social
media in one week?3. How long do Grade 12 Senior High School students spend time using
social media in one day?3.1 Study purpose3.2 Leisure/ Past time3.3 Communication3.4
Entertainment3.5 Socialization4. Do social media affects the health of Grade 12 Senior High
Schoolstudents?5. Does social media really helpful to the Grade 12 Senior High SchooL students
on their specialized subjects?


This section is devoted to the significance of this study to the teachers, parents and
students. This study will help the teachers of the school to know the influences that social media
delivers on their students, so as to assist them to illuminate and raise awareness to the students,
to be capable to utilize social media effectively and efficiently. This has also a significance to
parents in the sense that they will know the possible effects of social media on their children.
Keeping their eye on them maybe a way to protect, guide and discipline their children to become
a literate and responsible social media users. And for students, they will know what can be the
positive and negative effects that they can acquire in using social media, they may turn the
negative into a positive thing, through that, they will be knowledgeable enough to do best
practices of social media and get the benefits of communication, applications and technologies
for their future career and personal development. Moreover, this study will also give an alarming
information to our government. It may serve as a wakeup call to the government officials to take
an action on how to end the insufficient and irresponsible usage of social media that made a great
impact to the 21'st century learners. This study will also add to the growing body of information
in the field of research. The result of the study will serve as a guide of other proponents who
would wish to embark on a conduct study of a similar nature


The assumption of this study could be that there is a correlation between a high usage of
social media and lower academic performance in grade 12 students.
This assumption suggests that spending excessive time on social media platforms may
distract students from focusing on their studies, leading to poorer academic outcomes.

The study may hypothesize that limiting social media usage or implementing ways to
manage its impact could potentially improve academic performance in grade 12 students.


The scope of this study will focus on the grade 12 students of the GENERAL ACADEMIC
STRAND (GAS) , in this study the effect of social media on the academic performances of grade
12 students in Mobo National High School were measured through the given questionnaire and
observation . The main focus of this study is to find out the effect of the social media to the
grade 12 students of Mobo National High School.
SOCIAL MEDIA - the means of interactions among people in which they create, share,
and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCES - is the measurement of student achievement
across various academic subjects.
ADDICTION - is when you have a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do
something or use something.
PROPONENTS - a person who advocates theory, proposal, or project.
PROCRASTINATION – is a challenged we all faced at one point or another

The following are literature and studies that the proponents think are necessary in having an
in-depth understanding of the research problem. Specifically, it contains literature, studies, and
the justification on why the research should be pushed through.

Related Literature
Local Literature
The Filipino people are known for being a proactive users of social media. It's been a part of
their daily life as they scan their digital platforms to socialize and gather information. It made
them updated with the current events and issues in their surroundings.
In the Philippine Daily Inquirer (Camus, 2018), states that the Philippines again topped the
world in terms of social media usage as the number of internet users in the country hit 67 million
people. Its Digital2018 report, said that Filipinos spent an average of 3 hours and 57minutes a
day on social media sites, mainly on Facebook. It also said that there were 67 million accounts
on Facebook in the Philippines, matching the total number of internet users in the county.
Another 10 million Filipinos were on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.
The Philippines were ahead in terms of social media usage in a list of 40 countries. Least
interested in social media were the Japanese, who spent an average of 48minutes a day updating
their Facebook status and posting pictures on Instagram. Other heavy social media users were
Brazil (3 hours and 39minutes), Indonesia (3 hours and 23 minutes), Thailand (3 hours and
10minutes) and Argentina (3 hours and 9 minutes). The Philippines was also No. 1 in the world
in terms of social media usage in 2017. Overall, Filipinos spent 9 hours and 29 minutes a day on
the internet, based on the 2018 report. This was the second-highest in the world after Thailand at
9 hours and 38 minutes.
Facebook is still the number 1 social media site being used around the world along with its
messaging platform, Facebook Messenger, Messenger, as the study notes, is currently the
primary chatting platform for the Philippines, based on its Google Play store country rank in
December of 2017. The Philippines also ranked 6th in countries with the largest active Facebook
users with 67,000,000 – 14,000,000 of them from Quezon City. Instagram, on the other hand,
doesn’t seem to be doing as well locally only amounting to 9% penetration, which is 3ranks
below the global average of 11%.
These alarming results have a big impact to all students. An improper use of social media
can be a reason for their health problems, and deficient academic performance. Fortunately, Bam
Aquino, chairman of the committee on education, filed Senate Resolution 173, "Responsible
Social Networking Websites has become an international phenomenon because of its
unstoppable growth in the past several years. It began as a hobby for some computer literate and
turn as a societal norm in the life of people from all over the world. Teenagers and young adults
have especially embraced these sites as a means to connect with their peers, share information,
reinvent their personalities, and show case their social lives (Boyd, 2007). They use it for the
majority of their daily activities and information gathering. According to a new Pew Research
Center survey, Facebook had dominated the social media landscape among America’s youth –
but it is no longer the most popular online platform among teens. Today, about half (51%) of
U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 say they use Facebook, notably lower than the shares who use YouTube,
Instagram or Snapchat. just one example of how the technology landscape for young people has
evolved since the Center’s last survey of teens and technology use in 2014-2015. Most notably,
smartphone ownership has become a nearly ubiquitous element of teen life: 95% of teens now
report they have a smartphone or access to one. These mobile connections are in turn fueling
more-persistent online activities: 45% of teens now say they are online on a near-constant basis.
The survey also finds there is no clear consensus among teens about the effect that social media
has on the lives of young people today. Minorities of teens describe that effect as mostly positive
(31%) or mostly negative (24%), but the largest share (45%) says that the effect has been neither
positive nor negative. These are some of the main findings.
April 10, 2018. Throughout the report, “teens” refers to those ages 13 to 17. Spending too
much time on Facebook, Snapchat and Instagrammay actually increase the risk of depression and
loneliness (Mozes,2018). Many American teens are sleep-deprived, and parents blametheir
attachment to electronics. University of Michigan conducted anational poll of more than 1,000
parents with at least one childbetween 13 and 18 years old. It suggests that sleep problems
arecommon among teens and shows that the late - night use of electronicsare a main contributor
(HealthDay News, 2019). Related StudiesLocal Studies Social networking media have been the
major source ofcommunication. Hence, the label cyber-world includes Facebook,
Twitter,MySpace, Instagram, Flicker, Frienster, Blogs, Podcast, YouTube, Tumblrand Skype.
Users of these forms of social media made use of suchtechnology gadgets as mobile phones,
tablets, laptops, and computers.Those students who used the social media wisely, improved
theiracademic performance. However, those who failed to regulate their use ofthese social
networking tools negatively affected their studies whichoftentimes led to their addicted use
(Pasagui, 2017).

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