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Camelia T.

Canaman – ABM 12
CM 3 Business and Management – Mrs. Nelia Tadoy

1. Do you agree that accounting is vital to the success of business?

 Yes, because accounting helps businesses to track their income,
records all profits, losses, credits & debits, so from that entrepreneurs
can see if the business is in good or bad position. They can adjust to
make the business a success and determine its future growth.
2. Give 5 examples on which accounting is used in making business decision.
 Investing & Lending Decisions
 Expanding current business
 Plan of budgeting
 Purchasing New Equipment
 Estimating future sales
3. Explain the role of accounting plays in this decision.
 In investing decision, the role of accounting is to assist in the selection
of business opportunities that can achieve the maximum profitable in
the long run, also it provides transparency and access to information
concerning the operations of a company you’re going to invest or on
vice versa.
4. Do you think that nonfinancial information is still useful in the accounting
process? Why or Why not?
 Yes, because nonfinancial information is as important as financial
information, nonfinancial is used as a management accounting tool of
rational and prudent corporate strategy, it helps the businesses to
establish effective engagement with stakeholders. Both contains
valuable insights that can be yield interesting results if used correctly.
5. Give a concrete example on how you can use accounting in your daily life.
 Budgeting and Managing my Spending
 Getting better grades (the minute I receive my grades I have access of
where I am. If I don’t like the current standing, I’ll assess what grades I
need for the rest of semester to end up with an overall grade that I
 Planning for the future (savings)
 Family Income
Camelia T. Canaman – ABM 12
C3 Business Ethics and Social Responsibilies – Mrs. Nelia Tadoy

1. Discuss why ethics is important in business.

 By defining acceptable conduct outside the purview of governmental
regulation, business ethics strengthen the law. Businesses adopt
business ethics to encourage moral behavior among their staff
members and win over important stakeholders like investors and
2. Refine the business man’s myth that ethics has no place at all in business.
 Since business is a social activity, it must abide by the social norms,
laws, and values of this community. Ethics is ingrained in these
3. Define business ethics. What is your own personal definition of business
 Business Ethics is the study of what is wrong and right in human
behavior and conduct in business.
 For me, business ethics is putting a conscience in making any steps in
4. What is your personal view on profit/motive?
 For me, it’s not that bad, it just giving the business person his due profit
but also giving his customers their due in terms of quality of products
and services, it should be proportional.
5. What is the Catholic Church’s stand on profit-motive?
 The church is not against the profit-motive because one should respect
the law and obey the government.
Moral transformation is the idea that people shift from one moral role to another simply by
changing their self-perceptions from weak to strong. These cases involve the
transformation into heroes, but moral transformation also involves journeys that end in villainy
and victimhood.
Moral transformation is the hypothesis that doing good or evil increases agency—the
capacity for self-control, tenacity, and personal strength. Three experiments provide
support for this hypothesis, finding that those who do good or evil become physically more
Moral and Spiritual Changes

an idealistic sense of social justice and fairness. a need to have choices and make personal
decisions. a desire to make a difference in the world and in the lives of others. an interest in
learning about other cultures and beliefs.

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