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12th Biomedical Quiz 2024


The theme is Psychiatry which includes:
● basic sciences in psychiatry: neurosciences, genetics, psychopharmacology and psychology;
● psychiatric diagnosis, investigation and therapeutics;
● emerging frontiers in psychiatry

Detailed Syllabus

Topics Key Concepts/Examples

1. Basic sciences in a. Cell types in the nervous system
psychiatry: b. Neurotransmitters and synapses
neurosciences, c. Neuroanatomy: overview of brain structure (cerebrum, cerebellum, lobes), key areas (e.g. hippocampus) and function
genetics, d. Neural circuits (e.g. fear/threat, memory, reward)
psychopharmacology e. Genetics (extension of basic understanding of gene to protein, SNPs, concept of polygenic risk, gene-environment
and psychology interaction, concept of epigenetics)
f. Psychopharmacology (drug-receptor interactions - concept of full/partial agonist/antagonist)
g. Psychological and sociological concepts, especially those related/underpinning key psychological therapies (CBT,
exposure-response prevention, psychodynamic concepts), personality, cognition
2. Psychiatric diagnosis, a. Key concepts in psychopathology (understanding descriptive psychopathology including delusions, hallucinations,
investigation and thought disorders)
therapeutics b. Investigation and diagnostics
i. Key concept (e.g. diagnosis in psychiatry through clinical history)
ii. Cognitive/neuropsychological testing/physical examination (related to neuroanatomy e.g. frontal lobe tests,
clock face drawing)
iii. Neuroimaging (CT, MRI) and their role in psychiatry
iv. Blood tests/biomarkers

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12th Biomedical Quiz 2024

c. Key conditions, including psychotic disorders (schizophrenia), depression, bipolar disorder, dementia (major subtypes
- Alzheimer's, vascular, lewy body, frontotemporal), OCD, PTSD, autism, ADHD, eating disorders,
neurodevelopmental disorders, addiction (alcohol, opioids), perinatal psychiatry.
d. Psychiatric presentations/consequences of other diseases/mimics (e.g. autoimmune encephalitis, brain injury,
psychiatric symptoms in cancer)
e. Therapeutics
i. Psychopharmacology - including antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines
ii. Electroconvulsive therapy
iii. Psychotherapy
3. Emerging frontiers in a. Introduction of research methods in psychiatry, spanning bench to bedside (including molecular methods, genetics,
psychiatry organoids, novel drug trials) scoped through a series of key research papers, highlighting emerging areas:
i. Psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin), ketamine, in psychiatry
ii. Neuromodulation (deep brain stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation)
iii. Inflammation and immunity in psychiatry (role of innate immunity, autoimmunity)
iv. Big data and AI
v. Induced pluripotent stem cells and brain organoids

Prior Content Knowledge

Student participants are expected to be equipped with fundamental understanding on:
(a) cells and neuron physiology
(b) cell signalling
(c) genetics

Suggested References
1. Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (7th Edition 2017)
2. Cambridge Textbook of Neuroscience for Psychiatrists (1st Edition 2023)
3. Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology (5th Edition 2021)

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