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Engine Tribology

Module code ME 824

Dr Riaz A Mufti
(B.Sc, M.Sc Eng (UK), PhD (UK), CEng (UK), MIMechE (UK), P.E (PEC))

Lecture 4

Contact Stress
Engine Tribology

A. Contract Stresses
B. Contact between two elastic
C. Geometry of contacting elastic
– Different cases

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Contact Stresses

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Contact Stresses
Contact stress causes deformation, plastic or elastic. The contact area will
change depending on the magnitude of the contact stress. Therefore, it is very
important to calculate the actual stress at the point of contact, the so-called
contact stress
By theory of elasticity, developed by Hertz, in 1881, when he was 23 years old!

Hertz’s contact stress model is based on the following simplification

• The material in contact are homogeneous and the yield stress is not
• Contact stress is caused by the load which is normal to the contact tangent
plane which effectively means that there are no tangential forces acting
between the solids.
• The contact area is very small compared with the dimensions of the
contacting solids.
• The contacting solids are at rest and in equilibrium.
• The effect of surface roughness is negligible. Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Contact Stresses

In a static contact, the interface is the principal plane (no shear stress).
Maximum stress occurs at 45 degree to the normal stress.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Contact Stresses

Below contacting surface, sigma x, sigma z, and shear stress varies with depth.
Variation depends on the magnitude of the load. However, generally max shear
stress occurs at about 0.6a, where a is radius of contact area.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Contact Stresses

Contact stress under sliding. Sliding generates friction force which is tangential
force at interface. Principal plan rotates by angle psi..

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Contact Stresses

Distribution of shear stress, in sliding contact, under contacting surface. The

calculation is for friction coeff. of 0.2. To be noted is the location of maximum
shear stress moves closer to the surface, comparing to the static contact.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Contact Between Two Elastic Bodies

Elastic bodies in contact deform and the contact

geometry, load and material properties determine the
contact area. In this lecture the methods of defining the
contact geometry and calculating the contact stresses and
deformation are described.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies

• The shape of the contact area depends on the shape (curvature) of the
contacting bodies.
• For example, point contacts occur between two balls, line contacts occur
between two parallel cylinders and elliptical contacts, which are most
frequently found in many practical engineering applications, occur when
two cylinders are crossed, or a moving ball is in contact with the inner ring
of a bearing, or two gear teeth are in contact.
• The curvature of the bodies can be convex, flat or concave. It is defined by
convention that convex surfaces possess a ‘positive curvature’ and
concave surfaces have a ‘negative curvature’

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Case: Two Elastic Bodies With Convex Surfaces In Contact
The configuration of two elastic bodies with convex surfaces in contact was
originally considered by Hertz in 1881 and is shown below:-

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Case: Two Elastic Bodies With Convex Surfaces In Contact

The effective radius of curvature is defined by the radii of curvature of the two solids.
The reduced radius of curvature for this case is defined as:


Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies

• The method of arranging the ‘x’ and ‘y’
coordinates plays an important role in the
calculation of contact parameters.
• It is important to locate the ‘x’ and ‘y’ coordinates
so that the following condition is fulfilled:

• When this rule is applied, the coordinate ‘x’ determines the

direction of the semiminor axis of the contact and the
coordinate ‘y’ determines the direction of the semimajor axis.
• If 1/Rx = 1/Ry then there is a circular contact and when 1/Rx <
1/Ry then it is necessary to transpose the directions of the
coordinates, i.e. ‘x’ becomes ‘y’ and vice versa and ‘Rx‘
becomes ‘Ry’.
Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies

Case: Two Elastic Bodies with one Convex and one Flat Surface in Contact

The geometry of a contact between a flat surface and a convex surface and
the reduces radius of curvature for this case is defined below:

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Case: Two Elastic Bodies with one Convex and one Flat Surface in Contact

Since one of the contacting surfaces is a plane then it has infinite radii of
curvature, i.e:
Rbx = Rby = ∞
And the reduced radius of curvature becomes:

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies

Case: Two Elastic Bodies with one Convex and one Concave Surface in
The contact geometry between a convex and a concave surface is shown

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Case: Two Elastic Bodies with one Convex and one Concave Surface in Contact

Body ‘B’ has a concave surface and according to the convention its
curvature is negative, i.e., ‘Rbx’ and ‘Rby’ are negative. The reduced radius
of curvature for this contact according to equation becomes:



Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Area, Pressure, Maximum Deflection and Position of the Maximum
Shear Stress
The Evaluation of contact parameters is essential in many practical
engineering applications. The most frequently used contact parameters
• The contact area dimensions,
• The maximum contact pressure, often called the Hertzian stress,
• The maximum deflection at the center of the contacting surfaces,
• The position of the maximum shear stress under the surface.

The contact area depends on the geometry of the contacting bodies,

load and material properties.
Contacts pressures and deflections also depend on the geometry of the
contacting bodies.
In the next slides, the formulae for the calculations of contact
parameters are summarized.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Area, Pressure, Maximum Deflection and Position of the Maximum Shear Stress

Contact Between Two Spheres

The contact area between two

spheres is enveloped by a
circle. The formulae for the
main contact parameters of
two spheres in contact, are
summarized in the next slide.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies

a. is the radius of the contact area [m]
w. is the normal load [N]
p. is the contact pressure (Hertzian stress) [Pa]
δ. Is the total deflection at the center of the contact (i.e. δ = δA + δ B where δ A and
δ B are the maximum deflections of body ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively [m]
τ. is the shear stress [Pa]
z. is the depth under the surface where the maximum shear stress acts [m]
E’ is the reduced young’s modulus [Pa]
R’ is the reduced radius of curvature [m]

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Between Two Spheres
The reduced Young’s modulus is defined as:

The effective modulus of elasticity is defined by the modulus

of elasticity and Poisson ratio of the individual solids.


Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Between Two Spheres
It can be noted that for the spheres:


Substituting into equation gives:


Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology

Find the contact parameters for two steel balls. The normal force
is W = 5 [N], radii of the balls are RA = 10 x10-3 [m] and RB = 15
x10-3 [m], The Young’s modulus for both balls is E = 2.1 x 1011
[Pa] and the Poisson’s ratio is v = 0.3.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Area, Pressure, Maximum Deflection and Position of the Maximum Shear Stress
Contact between a sphere and a plane surface
• The contact area between a sphere and a plane surface, as shown below is
also circular. The contact parameters for this configuration can be
calculated according to the formulae summarized.
• The radii of curvature of a plane surface are infinite and symmetry of the
sphere applies so that Rbx = Rby = ∞ and Rax = Ray = RA. The reduced
radius of curvature is therefore given by:

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology

Find the contact parameters for a steel ball on a flat steel plate.
The normal force is W = 5[N], the radius of the ball is RA = 10
x 10-3 [m], the Young’s modulus for ball and plate is E=2.1 x
1011 [Pa] and Poisson’s ration is v = 0.3.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Area, Pressure, Maximum Deflection and Position of the Maximum Shear Stress
Contact between two parallel cylinders
The contact area between two parallel cylinders is circumscribed by a narrow
rectangle. The geometry of parallel cylinders in contact is shown and the formulae
for the main contact parameters are summarized in the next slide.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Area, Pressure, Maximum Deflection and Position of the Maximum Shear Stress
Contact between two parallel cylinders

b. Is the half width of the contact rectangle [m];
l. Is the half length of the contact rectangle [m]
R’ is the reduced radius of curvature for the two parallel cylinders
in contact [m].
For the cylinders: Rax=RA’ Ray=∞, Rbx=RB’ Rby=∞. Substituting into
equation yields:
Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Area, Pressure, Maximum Deflection and Position of the Maximum Shear Stress
Contact between two parallel cylinders


Reduced to:


Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology

Find the contact parameters for two parallel steel rollers. The
normal force is W = 5 [N], radii of the rollers are RA = 10 x10-
3 [m] and R = 15 x10-3 [m], Young’s modulus for both rollers
is E = 2.1 x 1011 [Pa] and the Poisson’s ratio is v = 0.3.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Area, Pressure, Maximum Deflection and Position of the Maximum Shear Stress
Contact between two crossed cylinders with equal diameters

The contact area between two

cylinders with equal diameters
crossed at 900 is bounded by a
circle. This configuration is
frequently used in wear
experiments since the contact
parameters can easily be
determined. The contacting
cylinders are shown and the
contact parameters can be
calculated according to the
formulae summarized earlier.

Geometry of the contact between two cylinders of equal diameters with axes perpendicular.
Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact between two crossed cylinders with equal diameters
Since RA=RB then in this configuration Rax = ∞, Ray = RA’ Rbx = RB and Rby = ∞.
The reduced radius is given by:

which is the same as for a sphere on a plane surface.

If the cylinder are crossed at an angle other than 0o or 90o, i.e., their axes are
neither parallel nor perpendicular, then the contact area is enclosed by an
ellipse. The formulae for evaluation of parameters of elliptical contacts are
described next.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology

Find the contact parameters for two steel wires of the same
diameter crossed at 90o. This configuration is often used in
fretting wear studies. The normal force is W=5[N], radii of the
wires are RA=RB= 1.5x10-3 [m], the Young’s modulus for both
wires is E=2.1x1011 [Pa] and the Poisson’s ratio is V = 0.3.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Geometry of Contacting Elastic Bodies
Contact Area, Pressure, Maximum Deflection and Position of the Maximum Shear Stress
Elliptical contact between two elastic bodies, general case
Elliptical contacts are found between solid bodies which have different principal
relative radii of curvature in orthogonal planes. Examples of this are
encountered in spherical bearings and gears. The contact area is described by an
ellipse. An illustration of this form of contact is shown in the next slide. The
formulae for the main contact parameters are summarized below.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Elliptical contact between two elastic bodies, general case

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Elliptical contact between two elastic bodies, general case
a. is the semimajor axis of the contact ellipse [m];
b. is the semiminor axis of the contact ellipse [m];
R’ is the reduced radius of curvature [m];


 and  are the simplified elliptic integrals;

k is the simplified ellipticity parameter. The exact value of the ellipticity

parameter is defined as the ration of the semiaxis of the contact ellipse
in the transverse direction to the semiaxis in the direction of motion,
i.e., k=a/b.

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
For more geometrical contact details please go
through the document:
Engineering Sciences Data Unit 78035

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology
Thank you
End of Lecture

Dr Riaz A Mufti
Engine Tribology

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