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Marine Pollution Bulletin 131 (2018) 212–217

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Optimising beached litter monitoring protocols through aerial imagery T

a,⁎ a a b
A. Deidun , A. Gauci , S. Lagorio , F. Galgani
Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malta Tal-Qroqq campus, Msida MSD 2080, Malta
Station de Corse - IFREMER - Immeuble Agostini- Z.I. Furiani, 20600 Bastia, Corsica, France


Keywords: The monitoring of beached litter along the coast is an onerous obligation enshrined within a number of legis-
Drones lative frameworks (e.g. the MSFD) and which requires substantial human resources in the field. Through this
Monitoring obligations study, we have optimised the protocol for the monitoring of the same litter along coastal stretches within an
Marine litter MPA in the Maltese Islands through aerial drones, with the aim of generating density maps for the beached litter,
Optimised protocol
of assisting in the identification of the same litter and of mainstreaming this type of methodology within national
and regional monitoring programmes for marine litter. Concurrent and concomitant in situ monitoring of
beached litter enabled us to ground truth the aerial imagery results. Results were finally discussed within the
context of current and future MSFD monitoring obligations, with considerations made on possible future policy

1. Introduction information on litter quantities and distribution within the Mediterra-

nean is still fragmented (Ioakeimidis et al., 2014).
Marine litter is considered nowadays as one of the most insidious The insidious nature of the marine occurrence of litter is acknowl-
problems affecting the oceans, in particular since its accumulation has edged through the inclusion of Marine Litter as one of the Marine
been identified in all the main oceanic gyres (Suaria and Aliani, 2014). Strategy Framework Directive's (MSFD) 11 Descriptors. The list of in-
Also, unfortunately, plastic pollution is globally distributed across all dicators approved by the EU Commission for the first six-year MSFD
oceans due to its properties of buoyancy and durability (Eriksen et al., cycle includes ‘Trends in the amount of litter washed ashore and/or
2014). Since 1950, the global production of plastic has increased ra- deposited on coastlines, including analysis of its composition, spatial
pidly and this upward trend in production will continue in the coming distribution and, where possible, source’ (Indicator 10.1.1). The MSFD
decades (Cózar et al., 2014). The abundance of Marine Litter in the Initial Assessment submitted by the Maltese Islands for Descriptor 10
Mediterranean Sea is increasing: in fact, it has been estimated that in specifies that information on litter from the archipelago's coast emerges
30 years, the abundance of floating Marine Litter will increase by 6–8% mainly from one-off research initiatives or from clean-up efforts rather
when compared with the current situation (Lebreton et al., 2012). than from regular or even operational monitoring initiatives, revealing
Therefore, it is essential to monitor the Mediterranean Sea on an op- a glaring gap in the national monitoring capacity for this issue.
erational basis in order to identify trends in marine litter accumulation. The approved MSFD monitoring programme for the Maltese Islands
Operationality can only be achieved through the adoption of innovative proposes that, every three months, visual surveys by human observers
monitoring means, and this study represents a preliminary attempt to are conducted on two recreational beaches along two 100 m-long
apply to selected coastal sites in the Maltese Islands an innovative transects located on each beach and that SCUBA diving surveys are
surface marine litter monitoring technique, involving drone flights. conducted along two transects within the nearshore area of two remote
Although no macroscale hydrodynamic phenomena leading to litter beaches so as to collect data for indicator 10.1.1. Additionally, surveys
accumulation, such as gyres, operate in the Mediterranean Sea, marine of floating litter (‘litter in the water column’), conducted from the same
litter is still considered of critical importance within the semi-enclosed beaches, are also envisaged. These monitoring obligations are onerous,
Basin due to the basin's limited exchanges with other oceans, its densely especially for a small island state, and necessitate considerable human
populated coasts, highly developed tourism, 30% of the world's mar- and infrastructure resources, also since the acquired data may not al-
itime traffic passing through and various additional inputs of litter from ways be utilisable for additional marine litter reporting obligations that
rivers and very urbanized areas (UNEP/MAP, 2015). Despite this, most the Maltese Islands have under the Integrated Monitoring and

Corresponding author at: Physical Oceanography Research Group, Department of Geosciences, Room 315, Chemistry Building 3rd Floor, University of Malta Tal-Qroqq campus, Msida
MSD 2080, Malta.
E-mail address: (A. Deidun).
Received 15 February 2018; Received in revised form 10 April 2018; Accepted 12 April 2018
Available online 17 April 2018
0025-326X/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A. Deidun et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131 (2018) 212–217

Assessment Programme (ImAp) within the EcAp (Ecosystem Approach) the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) for the quantification
of the Barcelona Convention, under the Bathing Water Directive, for of beached and floating litter. Apart from the accumulation of marine
Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution debris, the proposed technique allows an investigation of how this
from Ships (MARPOL) and for the Blue Flag programme. changes with time. High resolution overlapping aerial images were
Despite their relatively recent emergence, drones are increasingly collected over fixed transects that cover coastal areas of about 200 m by
being deployed within research efforts. Research applications of drones 200 m (40 km2).
include the monitoring of beach topography (e.g. Casella et al., 2016), All collected data was mosaiced into one georeferenced orthophoto
the detection of oil spills, through integration with photogrammetry map. Detected debris was then classified by position, material, and size.
(e.g. Capolupo et al., 2014) and the long-term monitoring of forests The litter size categories adopted in this study are consistent with those
(e.g. Zhang et al., 2016). Linchant et al. (2015) give an overview of the prescribed by the MSFD, namely the 2.5 cm to 5 cm, 5 cm to 10 cm,
various applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) in wildlife 10 cm to 20 cm, 20 cm to 30 cm and the 30 cm to 50 cm ones.
monitoring. The drone deployment, however, only constitutes the in- The aircraft used in this work was a DJI Phantom 4 Pro. The gimbal
itial stage within an integrated process which involves extensive post- was set to −90° to look at nadir. This allowed the capturing of photos
processing of the raw data (e.g. aerial imagery, positioning data) pro- perpendicular to the direction of flight. Images with a resolution of
vided by the drone. The regular acquisition of geo-referenced and high- 5472 × 3078 pixels were recorded. The shutter speed and aperture
resolution aerial imagery by drones is both cost-effective and rapid, were set to 1/320 s and f/2.8 respectively. The ISO setting was kept
assisting in the achievement of environmental monitoring obligations fixed at 1000 so as to avoid changes in the intensity levels between
associated with marine litter, especially when coupled with machine images. The drone was set to fly at an altitude of 30 m. Such a value was
learning protocols which increase the reliability of results by increasing empirically established as a compensation between image and spatial
replicability and decreasing human bias. resolution after carrying out tests at different altitudes ranging between
The main goal of this work was the definition of a protocol for the 20 m and 50 m. While aerial imagery data collected from low altitudes
detection and monitoring of marine litter through the use of an off-the- had a very good resolution, this only covered a very small area. Such a
shelf aerial drone. Thus, the study's two main aims were the following: scheme also required a very slow flight speed and a high photo capture
(i) the formulation of an optimised protocol providing guidance on how rate. Moreover, flights at low altitude attracted more attention from
to spot beached and floating marine litter through the use of a drone beach users due to the propeller's operating noise. Images recorded
(unmanned aerial vehicle) and (ii) the application of machine learning from a high altitude covered a larger area but suffered from a poor
techniques (specifically, those related to image analyses) to the quali- resolution. As a result, the optimum altitude for data collection was
tative and quantitative analyses of aerial imagery for coastal litter found to be 30 m. From this altitude, each frame covered an estimated
monitoring purposes. A set of recommendations on the integration of ground area of 45 m by 25 m. Automatically capturing images every 3 s
protocols presented in this study within the monitoring indicators being while the drone is flying at a speed of 3.5 m/s resulted in the frames
currently formulated for the second six-year MSFD cycle are also pro- overlapping by 58% along the wider side and by 44% along the shorter
vided. side. Data collection during the summer months was always planned
before 10:00 and after 18:00 so as to minimise sun glint. A polarised
2. Materials and methods lens Z neutral density (ND16) filter was also used. Wind speed and gust
measurements were recorded before and after each flight, through the
2.1. Site description use of an AMES RVM 96B-1 handheld anemometer from Belfort
Instruments, as supplementary field data (mainly to test the drone
Three coastal stretches situated along the coast of the North-East under different wind conditions and to respect maximum wind speed
Marine Protected Area of the Maltese Islands (Malta, Comino, Gozo) thresholds [5 m/s] set by the insurance company).
were selected. These three low-lying rocky coastal stretches are located Following data collection, the image sets were processed by the
at Bahar Ic-Caghaq, where the western and eastern flanks of a rocky OpenDroneMap software for the generation of a point cloud and texture
peninsula were monitored, and at Qawra Point, with the two locations map (Open Drone Map, 2017). GPS information extracted from the
being considered, at least a prima facie, as coastal hot spots for the EXIF information of each image file was used for the creation of a
beaching of litter. The domain was set such as to include marine as well georeferenced orthophoto map having a resolution of 1 cm/pixel. This
as terrestrial facets of the coastal zone, with the study sites being chosen was imported in Google Earth© and tiled for visualisation. Placemarks
so as to represent (i) gently-/low-lying coasts congenial for the were then manually added to all recorded litter items. In particular,
beaching of litter, (ii) stretches of the coast which are not sheltered plastics were marked through a blue marker. Rope, wood and rubber
from wind and wave exposure and (iii) easily-accessible sites which items were marked through green, red and black markers, respectively.
enable repeated visits. This approach permits the joint identification of White was used for all other non-natural items. Different marker icon
anthropogenic litter on the coast, i.e. litter that has beached, as well as polygons were used to represent different litter size categories. KML
floating debris within nearshore waters. files were also generated and imported in ArcGIS for the computation of
As a proof of concept, the protocol was tested on four sites around density maps. This made possible the identification of accumulated
the Maltese Islands, as shown in Fig. 1. Embayment regions within the litter hotspots.
North-East Marine Protected Area that are frequently exposed to strong To ensure the correct categorisation of debris, blind tests were
winds and waves, were selected due to their ease of access and low- carried out by comparing the digitised data with field measurements
lying topography (and thus high potential for beaching of litter) and taken after each drone flight. Some objects that were manually identi-
monitored over a period of three months. In particular, Qawra Point fied (such as plastic bottles) were compared to the markers on Google
was selected as this consists of north and south facing coastal stretches Earth to make sure that these were correctly marked and classified.
that could be surveyed in parallel. On the other hand, Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
was considered due to the occurrence of two rocky coastal stretches that 3. Results
face the west and the east due to their position on opposing sides of a
headland. Fig. 2 shows the flight transections in both locations. Datasets from each survey at Qawra Point and Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
generated 115 and 358 images, respectively. Fig. 3 visualises the digi-
2.2. Drone-mediated monitoring tised database of the detected marine litter.
The total number of litter items recorded at the two monitored sites
The methodology followed specifically targeted the requirements of (Bahar Ic-Caghaq and Qwara) was considerably different (30 items vs

A. Deidun et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131 (2018) 212–217

Fig. 1. Map of the sampled Qawra Point (top) stretch at 35.959°N latitude 14.427°E longitude and the Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq (bottom) stretch at 35.944°N latitude
14.454°E longitude.

578 items, respectively), potentially as a consequence of differences litter items in this area, density maps were not produced. Fig. 5 sum-
between the degree of wave and wind exposure of the two sites, as well marises the composition of beached litter recorded at the two coastal
as between their coastal current dynamics, their coastal topography and study sites.
the degree of human activities on site. The highest concentration of The computed statistics suggest that the results are not affected by
plastic litter was recorded along the western flank of Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq. the day in which the survey is carried out. However, the concentration
Successive surveys suggest an accumulation of wood debris on land as and size parameters were found to depend on the location. Qawra Point
well as of rope fragments close to the water. Only one rubber item was is a Blue Flag beach. Although data was collected as quickly as possible
found in the area. Other litter items which were observed over the after stormy days, the frequent manual cleaning of the area by workers
course of this study included chairs, mattresses, bed frame, and even a might have introduced a bias in the observations. Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq is
washing machine. A total of 294 items was recorded for this area, with not protected nor manually cleaned. This might be the reason why
the most frequently-recorded category being that of plastic items be- higher numbers are observed.
longing to the > 50 cm category.
Along the east bay at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, while all plastic size cate- 4. Discussion
gories were recorded, wood was found to be the predominant type of
debris. High concentrations were found inland. Small quantities of rope To date, a number of different snapshot marine and coastal litter
fragments used for fishing were also recorded. The number of litter assessments have been conducted in the Maltese Islands. Sciberras and
items belonging to the ‘others’ category was found to increase with Axiak (1995) surveyed two beaches in Malta, where they recorded a
time. A total of 284 litter items was recorded. Beached litter density high presence of plastic and wood items. In a separate assessment of
maps for this location are presented in Fig. 4. litter along Maltese beaches, Tudor et al. (2002) concluded that this
Most of the debris items in Qawra Point were plastic fragments mainly consisted of ‘beach user’ debris. This conclusion was further
shorter than 25 cm. Wood, rope, and other items were rarely observed. supported by the Turner and Holmes (2011) study which confirmed
A total of 30 items was recorded. Due to the low abundance of beached that litter on Maltese beaches mainly originated from land-based

Fig. 2. Drone transects implemented at Qawra Point (left) and at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq (right).

A. Deidun et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131 (2018) 212–217

Fig. 3. Total marine litter detected on the west (left) and east (middle) bays in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq as well as in Qawra Point (right). Key: blue = plastics; green = rope;
red = wood; black = rubber; white = all other non-natural items (e.g. fabric/textile). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

sources. Most recently (winter 2016 and summer 2017), within a might be real and may be due to differences in the dynamics of coastal
comprehensive survey along the entire 271 km-long coastline of the currents and in coastal topography (e.g. profile), human activities
Maltese Islands, Curmi and Axiak (2017) conducted observations on probably also play a role. Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq is in fact much more ac-
beached litter by standing 1.5 m above the sea surface on a boat tra- cessible from land to vehicles, making dumping of litter from the land
velling at constant speed along shore-parallel transects, in line with the side a feasible prospect.
monitoring protocol for coastal litter described by Galgani et al. (2013) Indeed, at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, categories such as wood and plastic
for the MSFD. This study reports the accumulation of marine litter in were found on land, at considerable distances from the shoreline, near
areas which are poorly urbanized and also during the winter season, points of vehicular access. It has been observed, in fact, that many
while, surprisingly, lower degrees of litter accumulation were recorded barbeques are held in this area and this could explain the accumulation
in popular areas and during summer seasons, indicative of the mobility of wood items in the area, along with that of plastic bags containing
of marine litter and the intrinsic influence of surface currents in moving discarded food, further confirming the popularity of the site for re-
around such litter. creational purposes.
The total number of litter items recorded at the two monitored sites The relative accumulation of rope fragments along the western side
– Qawra Point and Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq – was considerably different (30 of Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq could be indicative of the area's importance for
items vs 578 items, respectively). Although such a stark difference berthing purposes or its exposure to other important berthing and even

Fig. 4. Coastal litter density obtained for the west (left) and east (right) bays in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq.

A. Deidun et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131 (2018) 212–217

Fig. 5. variation in the abundance of litter items recorded along the western and eastern flanks of Bahar Ic-Caghaq B and at Qawra Point, during the summer 2017.

aquaculture (these sites deploy ropes on a large scale) areas further up Flag status of the Fra Ben sandy beach located close to Qawra Point. A
the coast, while the eastern flank of Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq is largely shielded progressive accumulation of litter, especially in terms of rope and wood
from north-western winds. On the other hand, considerably less litter fragments, within the monitored coastal sites was observed during
was recorded at Qawra Point, and this was mainly composed of plastic. successive visits, suggesting a greater presence of such litter in the
Since this place is near a touristic location (it is close to the Malta marine domain with the progression of the summer season.
National Aquarium), one can infer that probably the area is cleaned/ The innovative monitoring protocol presented in this study has both
groomed more regularly than Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, also in view of the Blue a pronounced management and a policy relevance. In particular, the

A. Deidun et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131 (2018) 212–217

data collection protocol represents a ready-to-use, off-the-shelf metho- Despite the potential advancement of beached litter monitoring
dology on how to deploy aerial drones for beached litter monitoring capacities through the deployment of aerial drones, possible constraints
given that several trials have been conducted within the current study imposed by data protection considerations, which have resulted in
to optimise the same protocol. It has been observed in the current study many countries adopting restrictions on drone flights in some areas
that a relatively large sampling area can be covered through drone (including beaches), need to be factored in. Inclement weather condi-
flights within a short period of time. The same flight path can be re- tions, especially strong wind speeds, are yet another constraint for this
produced faithfully on successive occasions due to geo-referencing, novel monitoring protocol. It is difficult to discriminate, solely through
making the monitoring programme a spatially-consistent one, taking an examination of drone footage, between the plastic litter deposited
pictures every few seconds in order to record the entire perimeter of the along the coast by the sea and litter recorded further inland within the
surveyed area. coastal region and having a terrestrial region (i.e. through human
Moreover, using Google Earth to geo-reference spotted Coastal visitors to the area). This can tentatively be achieved through a direct
Litter further saves on photo analysis time and allows further manip- examination in the field of litter to assess parameters such as degree of
ulation of the plotted items for further statistical analyses. This study degradation, since sea-borne litter is presumably subjected to higher
covered three coastal areas and it has been concluded in a couple of rates of weathering.
months; therefore, if a more comprehensive drone-mediated monitoring
protocol were to be implemented all over the Maltese Islands, it would Acknowledgements
necessitate the deployment of a number of drones which would cut
down greatly on operating costs of the monitoring (no boats and less The authors are grateful to the Research Committee of the
man hours needed). In this way, the protocol could prove useful to University of Malta for supporting financially the study reported herein
coastal managers by identifying coastal litter accumulation areas, even through a grant allocated in February 2017.
along stretches which are not easily accessible from land or by boat,
thus prioritising clean-up efforts. In particular, this approach appears Conflicts of interest
well suited to the monitoring needs of Marine Protected Area (MPA)
managers, enabling the regular and exhaustive monitoring of long None.
stretches of coastline within the confines of the same MPAs.
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