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Ques. 1 Identify your game/a game, how do you play with Formula
G, name it and elaborately discuss how to handle it.


Primary Purpose: To genuinely make a positive impact on others’

lives, leaving a lasting impression of kindness and support; fostering
meaningful connections.

Secondary Purpose: To establish deep and authentic relationships

based on trust, empathy, and mutual respect; building a network of
genuine friendships.

(Sarah = friend , wherever you is there is referring to me in the scenario)

Scenario: Welcoming a New Friend to my city.

Con: friend, Sarah, has recently moved to the city, and genuinely want
to make her transition as smooth and pleasant as possible. Decides to be
a supportive and caring friend without any ulterior motives.
Gimmick: reaches out to Sarah and offer to help her settle in. And,
shares positive recommendations for local restaurants, show her around
the city, and introduce her to social circle.

Response: Sarah is grateful for the warm welcome and the assistance
provided. She feels genuinely cared for and appreciates the effort put
into making her feel at home in the new city.

Switch: the focus remains on ensuring that Sarah feels comfortable and
has a positive experience in her new city, without any hidden agenda.

Cross up: Over time, you build a strong and genuine friendship with
Sarah, rooted in trust and mutual support.

Pay off: As a result of your welcoming and caring nature, you not only
help Sarah in her transition but also strengthen your own bond of
friendship. Your reputation as a caring and supportive friend grows,
leading to a more fulfilling and supportive social circle.

Background of the Game: “They’ll be glad they knew me” can be

played with genuine care and selflessness, where individuals aim to
create positive experiences for others, making them feel valued and
supported. In this scenario, the game is about building authentic
connections and friendships by offering a warm welcome and assistance
to newcomers in the city.

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