Spring 2023 CS411 2

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Total marks = 20

Visual Programming (CS411)

Deadline Date:
Assignment # 02 (GRADED)

Please read all the instructions carefully before attempting the assignment.


It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:

 The assignment is submitted after the due date.

 The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
 You have not used your own student ID in code files and GIF file.
 Student ID is not visible in GIF file.
 Strict action will be taken if submitted solution is copied from any other student or from the


 Lectures 12 to 30 are covered in this assignment


No assignment will be accepted after the due date via email in any case (whether it is the case of
load shedding or internet malfunctioning etc.). Hence refrain from uploading assignment in the last
hour of deadline. It is recommended to upload solution file at least two days before its closing date.

If you people find any mistake or confusion in assignment (Question statement), please consult
with your instructor before the deadline. After the deadline no queries will be entertained in this

For any query, feel free to email at: cs411@vu.edu.pk

Output.GIF has been attached with this Assignment file. Please observe this file carefully. Your
program’s output must be like this output file.
Submission details:
Following files must be submitted in a single zip or rar file.
 Code files (Mainwindow.xaml and Mainwindow.xaml.cs)
 A .GIF file which shows the execution of your Application. (For Recording .gif, a
software named Screentogif has been uploaded on VULMS in the download section of
this course , or you can use any other gif recording tool as well)
 You are not required to submit the complete project, only copy these two files from
project folder + your recorded .GIF file. Please note if you submit Microsoft Word
(.doc) file then you will be awarded 0 marks.

Problem Statement:

People travel from one country to another for many purposes. Many Pakistani people also
travel abroad to other countries such as Saudi Arabia, UK, US and Kuwait etc. for various
reasons and sometime they have to stay there for some time period. During their stay, when
these people want to buy any of the necessary things or products from the foreign countries,
they need to know the product’s equivalent amount in Pakistani rupees of the foreign
currencies such as US Dollar, UK Pounds, Saudi Riyal and Kuwaiti Dinar. This application will
help those people to quickly calculate the equivalent amounts in Pakistani rupees of those
foreign country products before buying them. You are required to develop a Currency
Converter application for such Pakistani citizens who travel abroad.

You have to develop your application in C# (WPF) using Visual Studio that performs the
Currency Conversion with the following functional requirements:

Application Interface:
 When the application starts, the following screen should be displayed as shown in
sample output below:
 There should be two labels of “Amount” and “To Convert in PKr from” along with one
“text box” visible at the center of the screen similar to as shown in the sample output.
 There should be a combo box button below the textbox of Amount and it should contain
four combo box items, “US Dollar”, “UK Pound”, “Saudi Riyal” and “Kuwaiti Dinar” as
shown in the sample output in .GIF file.
 After the combo box, there should be a button labeled as “Convert to Pkr” and another
button labeled as “Clear”, similar to as shown in the sample output.
 Below “Convert to Pkr” button, there should be one label, “Result” and in the horizontal
space after this label, there should be one hidden label which will only be visible if the
button “Convert to Pkr” is clicked as shown in the sample output in .GIF file.
 There should be a text block having “your OWN VUID” as text in RED color rotated with
an angle of 8 degrees at the righter space after the text box and combo box of amount
and currency type, similar to as shown in the sample output.
 The whole background should be colored of your own choice as shown in sample
output. The buttons ”Convert to Pkr” and “Clear” should have a background color of
your own choice.
 You have to use the all the appropriate properties like margin, padding, font sizes,
colors, font weights etc to make a similar application as shown in the sample output.
Execution Requirements:
 Firstly, without entering any values in any text box, you have to click on the combo box
to show all the four types of currencies and then click on the “Convert to Pkr” button.
So, on clicking the ”Convert to Pkr” button, a message should be displayed having the
text “Please Enter the Amount”.

 Then you will enter the last three digits of your own VUID as amount and select US
dollar as currency from combo box and click “Convert to Pkr” button. After clicking the
button, the hidden labels should be visible with correct values. (No other input values
will be considered in any case, so be careful and use only the last 3 digits of your own
VUID as input)
 The Converted Amount value should be rounded-off to only two fractional digits after
the decimal.
 The Converted Amount should be visible in Bold text with font size 18.
 For the values of currencies, you have to use the only the below mentioned respective
value of currency as per the following table:
 No other currency values will be considered in any case, so be careful.

Currencies Equivalent

US Dollar 1 US Dollar = 285.43 Pkr

UK Pounds 1 UK Pound = 350.61 Pkr

Saudi Riyal 1 Saudi Riyal = 76.29 Pkr

Kuwaiti Dinar 1 Kuwaiti Dinar = 900.12 Pkr

 Then you will click the “Clear” button. On clicking it, all the text boxes should be
emptied and Converted Amount value should be cleared and should be made hidden,
same like they were hidden at the start of the application.
Important Note Regarding GIF:
Note: When you run your project, start your .GIF recording only when your output window
becomes visible (Do not include any unnecessary part in .GIF file as it wastes time). Moreover,
make sure that your .GIF file should not be more than 10 to 15 seconds at maximum.

Best of Luck!

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