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Part I


Sizing and checking equal-percent control valves 4

How water/wastewater operations are transforming with process instrumentation 8

3 experts’ advice on compressor surge protection 12

Biggest Valve Sizing Mistake 16

Krohne • 3
SICK Sensor Intelligence • 11
Endress+Hauser • 15

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 2

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Sizing and checking equal-

percent control valves
Why key data is needed to firm up performance answers

Béla Lipták

The control valve’s actual actual characteristics are wrong? Based
operating conditions are on the current actual operating scenarios,
compared with the design does this mean the control valve will no
values. It’s a 10-year-old equal-percent longer be controllable in the future when
control valve. Installation and testing data the plant is operated at 70% of maximum
is included in the accompanying graphics. control valve flow rate, i.e., the expected
The control valve outlet piping is around control valve could be 100% open? I sus-
2.0 m vertically upward, connecting to the pect that the control valve might not be
nozzle entering the distillation column. correct, and I have no clue what went
The check valve is functioning and the wrong. Nevertheless, it seems that it
gate valve is fully open. There’s also no could not be that all four control valves,
pipe clogging issue. As the operating which had been there for 10 years, are
flow rate is only 60% of the control valve operating and not meeting the original
maximum flow rate, it’s expected that the valve design specifications:
actual control valve percentage opening • A linear inherent curve will in general
will be lower than the reading from DCS. resemble a quick opening character-
As there’s no high dP expected at the istic, and
control valve outlet piping, where does • An equal percentage curve will in general
the excess dP go? Could there be a high resemble a linear curve.
chance that the control valve’s design or • Are these valid in real process applications?

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 4

Seer Ping Question 1: Let me start with a brief

BTech, Chemical Engineering description of the nature of = % valves. In my experience = % valves are the wrong
selection flow control application. I use =
A1: This long question illustrates how not % valves only for heat transfer control and
to ask a question because it says a lot, but use linear valves for regular flow control
leaves out the key data. It involves the and quick opening for square root type
operation of an equal percentage (= %) feed flow control.
flow control valve on a vacuum distillation
column which is operating at -0.98 kg/ With an = % valve, as the lift rises, each
cm2g vacuum (Figure 1). percentage of lift results in a different
amount of flow increase. This increase
Also tabulated are the conditions the valve amounts to a fixed percentage of the flow
was sized for 10 years ago, including the at that point. This increase is 3% in your
actual flow and inlet pressure that exists case. Therefore, if this percentage also
today (Figure 2). The questions are: can this applies at 50% flow, lift is about 80%. In
= % valve handle a 10% increase in flow and other words, if today you operate at 50%
why did the inlet pressure increase three- of maximum flow, then your lift today
fold over the years? should be about 80% and you would
double the flow when the lift is 100%.

FIGURE 1: Installation of control valve FV001 (1in. = % value, Cv = 8.84)

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 5

FIGURE 2: The expected performance under conditions in the original specifications

Naturally, this is only true, if ΔP is con- by the frictional resistance of the rest of
stant. At the time of sizing, ΔP was 1.43 kg/ the system. In such cases (which is yours),
cm2g, and you didn’t state its value today. if your pump is constant speed, the valve
Therefore, if over the years ΔP remained characteristics can be distorted towards
constant, the = % valve would be OK when linear or even quick opening. If your pump
the flow increases by only 10% (from 50% is variable speed, the distortion will be less.
to 55%). On the other hand, if the valve ΔP Regarding the somewhat complicated cal-
changed over the years, the valve char- culation of the distortion coefficient, refer
acteristics also changed. I don’t know if it to Chapter 6.7 in my handbook.
did or not because in the long list of that
data, you didn’t provide this key informa- Therefore, the answer to your first question
tion. When the valve is installed in piping, is that, if the valve ΔP didn’t change over
the valve characteristic is no longer inde- the years, it can operate at a 10% increase
pendent because it will also be affected in load.

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 6

Question 2: The three-fold rise in pres- Béla Lipták

sure at the valve inlet (Pi) is strange, but
because you didn’t give the present outlet
pressure (Po), I don’t know if the valve A2: On Aug. 9, 2003, I checked the deriva-
characteristics changed or not. What I do tion given by Smith and Corripio, Automatic
know is that the system drop will rise if any Process Control, pp. 147-154, and found it to
of the following three condition exist: be correct. On one occasion, a field test with
1. If the fluid viscosity increased (and measurements was done by an independent
therefore the Reynolds number was instrument engineer on an online control
reduced), the flow profile could have valve, and it proved that the information in
shifted from turbulent towards laminar. the mentioned text was valid. The information
2. If material built up on the inside sur- was then shared with my former company.
faces of the system and this restriction
reduced the area open to flow, the Yes, a linear valve will approach
resulting resistance could also have quick-opening characteristics and an equal
increased the inlet pressure (Pi). percentage curve will in general resemble a
3. Pi could have also risen if the fluid linear curve, as the lift increases. However,
temperature (T) increased above the a control valve with a strong, stiff, well-built
boiling point (Tb) of the fluid, because and well-packaged actuator can produce
when liquid is turned into vapor by an observed flow characteristic matching
flashing, the volume can increase exactly with the designed flow character-
hundred-fold. istic of the engineered control valve. The
latter information wasn’t captured or men-
So, the conclusion is you can provide a lot tioned in the text by Smith and Corripio.
of text and data, but if it doesn’t contain the
key information (in this case outlet pressure Gerald Liu,
and boiling temperature), then you can’t Consultant, Voting Member, ISA 75
get a firm answer.

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 7

How water/wastewater
operations are transforming
with process instrumentation
Control caught up with Nick Hanson, national industry marketing manager
for the water/wastewater industry at Endress+Hauser in the United States.


ith all the attention being To discuss this ongoing transformation of
given to the climate change our water/wastewater infrastructure, Con-
aspects of sustainabil- trol caught up with Nick Hanson, national
ity, it’s sometimes easy to overlook the industry marketing manager for the water/
growing importance of sustainability wastewater industry at Endress+Hauser in
when it comes to conserving the world’s the United States.
increasingly constrained supplies of fresh
water. Indeed, industry is among the larg- Q: As a leader in the process instrumen-
est consumer of fresh water, and many tation marketplace, what opportunities
global manufacturers have identified is Endress+Hauser seeing in the water/
water scarcity as a significant risk factor wastewater industry?
to continuing operations. To answer the
challenge, operators of both municipal A: While there’s certainly growth hap-
and industrial water and wastewater treat- pening, change in the water/wastewater
ments systems are in the midst of their industry is evolutionary, not revolutionary.
own transformations—from often vulner- Among the largest opportunities right now
able, run-to-fail operations to smarter, is a concerted shift from large, centralized
optimized systems driven by the effective water treatment operations to more mod-
integration and analysis of data from the ular, resilient approaches. That way, the
field on up. community is less susceptible to a flood

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 8

or other natural disaster compromising Q: As a response to the COVID pandemic, it

the water supply to thousands upon thou- seems like all industry sectors are focused
sands of residents. And, while modular on improving the remote accessibility of
approaches have really taken off, central- data and systems. Has it been any different
ized facilities are being updated as well. for the water/wastewater sector?

Q: Beyond measuring and controlling flow A: I think the water/wastewater sector has
rates and tank levels, the use of analytical been equally impacted by the pandemic. It’s
instrumentation to verify water quality is really changed the landscape of our work-
an important function of water/wastewater force. Organizations were forced to make do
instrumentation that seems to be constantly with minimal onsite staff in order to minimize
evolving. Are more analytical techniques contact among employees. More automation,
moving online (vs. sampling) and are better data and the ability to troubleshoot
there additional analytical methods being remotely have been common themes. When
required by new regulations? the individual with the necessary expertise
can’t be onsite or travel to a remote lift sta-
A: There’s a saying that you can’t control tion, the ability to remotely troubleshoot and
what you don’t measure, which I think diagnose problems is needed.
really hits home. Not just because it makes
sense, but because it refocuses the conver- The move to more modular water/waste-
sation on the importance of data accuracy water treatment system designs already
and availability. So, yes, more liquid anal- had us traveling this path; the pandemic just
ysis measurements are going online. As accelerated that transformation.
more regional and national regulations get
handed out, our customers need those Q: How is Endress+Hauser making it easier
measurements to be timely and accurate, for its water/wastewater customers to
and they want to “own” that measurement access, understand and make better deci-
directly, rather than outsourcing to a third- sions based on the data in its instruments?
party lab. Online measurement not only
improves reporting accuracy and consis- A: Diagnostic information from field-level
tency, but also lets operators react more devices has been there a long time, but it
quickly to any upsets in the processes and has often gone unutilized. From a practical
make corrective adjustments on the fly. perspective, that data had to be piped up
Making sure that our customers have the through the local control system, and that
best instrumentation and the best data pos- put a heavy burden on the programma-
sible goes a long way. ble logical controller (PLC) or distributed

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 9

control system (DCS). And, once that data Q: What other areas of sustainability
made it up through the control system, you improvement are available to industrial
needed a proper historian to store it, plus users of water, and how is Endress+Hauser
the application to turn that raw data into driving innovation in this area?
useful information.
A: The topics of water, wastewater and
More recently, however, a combination sustainability go hand in hand. For local
of diagnostic tools and communications producers of water, having an efficient,
capability such as those embodied in optimized process impacts sustainability
Endress+Hauser’s Heartbeat Technology as well their bottom line. On the flip side,
began to liberate that data and put it to good industrial consumers of water need to be
use. With our Netilion IIoT ecosystem, for mindful of the source of their water. Many
example, we bring all that secondary instru- Western States are in the midst of historic
mentation data directly into our system, droughts, with multiple reservoirs and
where we crunch all those diagnostics in real bodies of water at historically low levels.
time, producing predictive maintenance alerts In other parts of the country, flooding has
and real-time alarms if a problem is detected. taken out more than one municipal treat-
It can provide a global view of all devices at ment facility. And, while that’s technically
a site or plant level. Interest in Netilion has a surplus of water, such events disrupt the
really taken off; the pandemic really opened whole infrastructure of clean drinking water
everyone’s eyes to the possibilities of lever- production. So, on the topic of sustainabil-
aging a remote, secondary environment to ity, not only do we have to be mindful of
complement our current systems. our own businesses, we also need to be
mindful of the environment.
Q: Is Netilion purely cloud-based, or can it
be implemented as a local solution as well? At Endress+Hauser, we impact that equation
through reliable and accurate measurements.
A: We have customers using Netilion both We provide the information that allows
ways. Data from our instruments and users and OEMs to make their processes as
from those of other manufacturers can be efficient as possible. When processes don’t
extracted from field-level networks, and shut down unexpectedly and when opera-
sent to the cloud via a secure cellular gate- tors can quickly respond to upsets, they tend
way in a local switch, or routed to a local to be more efficient, too. We’re not directly
server for on-premises analysis. In both sce- responsible for producing large quantities of
narios, we adhere to all the latest standards water in nature, but we like to say that we’re
related to cybersecurity. pretty good at conserving them.

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 10



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3 experts’ advice on
compressor surge protection
By Béla Lipták

Venturi flowmeters are good A1: Most compressors use Venturi meters
for volumetric flow rate on the discharge because they have a low
measurement. If we need sustained pressure loss and are accurate.
mass flow rate, we generally multiply the Coriolis meters aren’t used because when
volumetric reading by density. But when a compressor approaches surge conditions
density changes as a function of volu- it’s rendered inaccurate; it reads high when
metric flow rate (pressure drop across vibrations increase.
the Venturi), the measurement becomes
more complicated. For many compressor applications, gas
purity or gas density is measured separately
Is there a way to use a Venturi to measure on the inlet, and this value is updated (after
mass instead of volumetric flow? Also, would validation) to the anti-surge controls.
variation in the molecular weight of the gas
play into compressor surge calculations? Venturi differential pressure, discharge
pressure, discharge temperature and den-
Kindly help me out. sity inputs are brought into a PLC or other
fast controller to calculate the volumetric
Abhishek flow, polytropic head, surge line and output to an anti-surge valve.

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 12

FIGURE 01: The key to effective surge protection is high-speed, linear, double-bypass and
direct-acting valves (1- to 3-second response) and a flow controller that keep the flow within
maximum and minimum limits. Violent surge can cause oscillation, flow seat damage and even
flow reversal.

If the gas composition is changing, there isn’t With regards to the compressibility factor
any easy way to get around the requirement (z), it includes calculators that can be used
for a gas density or composition measurement. to estimate mass flow.

Ralph J. McCloskey Simon Pate

Chief Engineer – Process Control Center
of Excellence
Honeywell Process Solutions A3: While we’re on the topic of compressor surge control, it’s worth noting the emerg-
ing importance of high-pressure hydrogen.
A2: I’d suggest using a reference from the Future energy projections agree that in the
American Gas Association (AGA) for flow long term mankind will convert its energy
calculations of natural gas via orifice plates. economy to solar-hydrogen and that the
It’s in AGA Report No. 3, Part 2: Orifice first step in this conversion process will be a
Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related switch from coal to natural gas (NG). Actu-
Hydrocarbon Fluids - Concentric, Square- ally, some lobbyists are already (falsely)
edged Orifice Meters, Specifications and calling natural gas a “temporary green” fuel.
Installation Requirements. But no matter which side of the climate

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 13

change debate one might be on, all can (from 250 psig to 1,500 psig for NG). And
agree we’re leaving the fossil energy age with a transition to hydrogen, supply pres-
and entering the a higher-pressure, hydro- sures in our interstate and international
gen-based energy economy of the future. pipelines will be raised to 10,000 psig.
To successfully complete this conversion,
we must be able to seal the emptying wells Hydrogen centrifugal compressors must
and provide all compressors with optimized operate at top speeds that are three
surge controls. times faster than natural gas compressors
to achieve the same compression ratio
Our NG compressor-based distribution because of the low molecular weight of
networks consist of thousands of piping hydrogen. So, coming back to your basic
systems up to 42-in in diameter and their question, I would stick with using the Ven-
associated controls, often unprotected from turi on the suction side of the compressor,
cyber-terrorism. While these systems require and combine that reading with a separate
sophisticated controls, they’ve been in oper- densitometer reading. I don’t use Coriolis in
ation for decades, and are well proven and such applications because they depend on
understood. (In the fourth edition of my an induced oscillation and therefore tend to
industrial controls handbook, I devoted a full read high under vibrating conditions.
chapter to a detailed description of these
control algorithms.) Such compressor sys- Béla Lipták
tems already operate at fairly high pressures

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 14

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Biggest Valve Sizing Mistake

The intentions that lead to this mistake may be good but the results are
insidiously bad.

Greg McMillan

here is a common mistake made in valves are cheaper than sliding stem
the sizing of most control valves. The valves and the actuators often included
intentions that lead to this mistake are designed for a rotary stem and can
may be good but the results are insidiously handle greater shutoff pressures. The
bad. While you would think that the prolif- resulting ball and butterfly valves have
eration of improvements in technology and piston actuators designed more for on-off
communications would lead to better aware- action. These valves are usually already
ness, the problem appears to getting worse in the piping specification extensively for
because of pervasive persistent miscon- automated sequential actions and shut-
ceptions fostered by missing fields on valve down. While rangeability may not be on
specification forms. the valve specification, it is thought to
be extraordinarily great for these valves
Presently, valve specification forms have due to a prevalent definition of range-
fields for maximum flow, available pres- ability being a maximum flow divided by
sure drop and leakage. Most people filling a minimum flow whose Cv is within the
out the form would think that a valve specified inherent flow characteristic.
that can easily handle a greater flow with Gosh, you don’t even need to be con-
a lower pressure drop and less leakage cerned with piping reducers. What seals
would be better. This leads often to rotary the deal is the very attractive price. Not
valves with tight shutoff seals. These understood is that these on-off valves

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 16

posing as throttling valves are a disas- flow characteristic valve gain (e.g., 0.5
ter. A low valve pressure drop to system to 2.0 % flow per % signal) requirement
pressure drop ratio causes distortion of at 10%, 50% and 90% positions for step
the installed flow characteristic making changes of 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, and 2%
the characteristic much more nonlinear. for all valves plus 50% step change for
The backlash of the actuator linkages and surge valves and gas pressure valves. To
the keylock actuator shaft to stem to ball achieve these specification requirements,
or disk connections is excessive, the stic- use splined shaft connections, integrally
tion from the ball or disk seal and shaft cast stem and ball or disk, v-notch balls
packing is terrible, and the resolution of and contoured disks, and low friction
the piston actuator poor. The result is limit seals for rotary valves and a valve pres-
cycles and a real rangeability that is lousy sure drop that is at least 25% of the
to the point of being a disaster for any system pressure drop for maximum flow,
loop where control better than within 5% low friction packing (e.g., ultra low fric-
of setpoint is desired. Often the oscilla- tion (ULF) packing), sensitive diaphragm
tions are blamed on other sources due to actuators (now available for much higher
lack of understanding. The real rangeabil- actuator pressures) and digital position-
ity is drastically reduced to perhaps 10% ers tuned with maximum gain and no
of the stated rangeability due to distortion integral action for all valves. The installed
of the nonlinear installed flow character- flow characteristic should be plotted with
istic and the backlash and stiction that the help of process and piping engineers
gets worse near the closed position. Oper- for the worst case. When asked why the
ating valve positions are much less than valve cost is higher, tell them the cheaper
expected due to conservative factors valve will cause sloppy control putting
built into pump sizing and maximum flow the plant safety seriously at risk.
specified. Most valve suppliers will not
do response testing and if requested, the Remember bigger is not better and cheaper
testing will not be done below 10% valve is not really cheaper in the long run.
position because of the deterioration in
response. The user is setup for a terrible For much more than you have ever wanted
scenario of limit cycling. on valve response checkout the Control
article “How to specify valves and position-
So what can we do? Please, add in a ers that don’t compromise control” and the
backlash and resolution (e.g., 0.5%) and associated white paper “Valve Response -
response time (e.g., 2 sec) and installed Truth or Consequences”.

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 17

For much more on valve specification see the You can also get a comprehensive
ISA Mentor Program Q&A post “Basic Guide- resource focused on what you really
lines for Control Valve Selection and Sizing” need to know for a successful automaton
project including nearly a thousand best
If you want more information on opportuni- practices in the 98% new 2019 Process/
ties to learn what is really important, please Industrial Instruments and Controls Hand-
join the ISA Mentor Program and ask the book Sixth Edition capturing the expertise
questions whose answers can be shared via of 50 leaders in industry.
Mentor Q&A Posts.

eHANDBOOK: Flow Measurement, Part I 18

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