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I. Choose the correct item:

1. John is __________ organised than Peter. 2. Mary works __________ a nurse at Pillby
a. more b. such
c. most d. like
e. least f. as
3. I’d rather go out for dinner tonight than 4. John is soaking wet because he __________ in
__________dinner at home. the rain.
a. have b. has been walking
c. having d. had been walking
e. to have f. will be walking
5. __________ is that car parked outside? 6. If you had studied harder, you __________ the
entrance exams.
a. Who’s b. will have passed
c. What d. would have passed
e. Whose f. will be passing
7. My cousin __________ his holidays with us next 8. I wish I __________ at Mike; he’s not talking to
summer. me now.
a. spends b. hadn’t shouted
c. is spending d. haven’t shouted
e. was spending f. wasn’t shouting
9. By this time next year, Jane __________ Spanish 10. I don’t think there is __________ bread left.
for two years.
a. will have been studying b. some
c. will be studying d. any
e. is going to study f. no
11. Let’s go shopping, __________? 12. __________ he’s rich, he never spends any
a. will we b. Despite
c. shall we d. Although
e. do we f. In spite of
13. Alice won’t be able to buy that car __________ 14. Do you remember __________ that film?
she saves some money.
a. unless b. see
c. if d. to see
e. as long as f. seeing
II. For the questions below, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Who wrote this book? WAS

Who ______________________________________________________ by?

2. “Don’t touch the exhibits!” the museum guide said to them. WARNED

The museum guide ______________________________________________________ the exhibits.

3. “Why didn’t he tell us before?” Susan asked me. HAD

Susan asked me ______________________________________________________ us before.

4. John is going to repair my car. BE

My car ______________________________________________________ by John.

5. This dress is too expensive for me to buy. ENOUGH

This dress ______________________________________________________ for me to buy.

6. The new Italian restaurant is more expensive than the old one. AS

The old Italian restaurant ______________________________________________________ the new one.

7. It’s the first time I’ve been abroad. NEVER

I ______________________________________________________ before.

8. Tim would rather go to the rock concert than watch it on TV. RATHER

Tim would prefer to go to the ______________________________________________________ it on TV.

9. Perhaps they were listening to loud music and they didn’t hear the phone. BEEN

They ______________________________________________________ to loud music and they didn’t hear

the phone.

10. Jane is not as good as Jill at Maths. THAN

Jill ______________________________________________________ at Maths.

III. Fill each blank with a word derived from the one written in capitals at the end of the sentence.

1. The cost of ______________________________ has risen considerably LIVE

2. It was a ______________________________ day, so we decided to go to the beach. SUN

3. Everybody was extremely ______________________________ by his rude behaviour. ANNOY

4. I looked up at the ______________________________ sky and saw the moon and the stars. CLOUD
5. He was ______________________________ looking for a place to spend the night. DESPERATE

6. The journalist interviewed the ______________________________ writer. FAME

7. The trip to Jamaica was really ______________________________ . AMAZE

8. Tim was very ______________________________ when Lisa said she wouldn’t come to the party.


9. If you want to make a good detective, you need to develop your powers of

______________________________ OBSERVE

10. Most young people have ______________________________ with their parents about the time they have to be

home. ARGUE

IV. Cross out the unnecessary words in the following sentences:

1. Does she love play tennis often?

2. It was such a so peaceful island that we left completely relaxed.

3. She has been travelled through Europe before she got married.

4. Pauline is works as a hotel receptionist.

5. I was riding my bike when a car has appeared.

V. Write a story ending with the sentence:

When we got out into the fresh air, we felt relieved. We were safe, at last. (180 words)


I. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals:

1. His rude comments are not likely to go _________________________. NOTICE

2. They paid less for the house because it was in an _________________________ part of the town. FASHION

3. Everyone speaks _________________________of him within the company. HIGH

4. Their house is _________________________decorated for Christmas. BEAUTY

5. The family have a history of mental _________________________. ORDER

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence written before it, using

the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between 2 and 5 words, including the word given.

1. You are not old enough to drive a car. TOO

You are _________________________________ drive a car.

2. It was raining all evening. STOP

It _________________________________ all evening.

3. I moved here a couple of months ago. LIVING

I _________________________________ two months.

4. Can you advise me on the legal aspect of this matter? ADVICE

Please _________________________________ on the legal aspect of this matter.

5. John has stopped being scared of spiders. NO

John is _________________________________ scared of spiders.

6. The carpenter says he can’t do any better. THE

The carpenter says it’s _________________________________ do.

7. He had the unpleasant habit of calling me late at night. ALWAYS

He _________________________________ me late at night.

8. The last time it rained here was months ago. ANY

There _________________________________ here for months.

9. You must use black olives to make this dish. WITHOUT

You can’t _________________________________ black olives.

10. The most I can carry is 50 kilograms. THAN

I cannot carry _________________________________.

III. Put the verbs in the following sentences into the right tense:

1. Roderick _________________________________ on June 12th and nobody has seen him ever since.


2. Peter _________________________________ in Barcelona for three years and then moved to Paris to study

law. LIVE

3. That helicopter _________________________________ round the house for the last half hour. Do you think

it’s taking photographs? FLY

4. As I _________________________________ the road, I stepped on a banana skin and fell heavily. CROSS

5. I _________________________________ on the road when I heard a lorry coming. STILL LIE

IV. Write a story beginning with the words:

“When I looked out of the window that night, something strange caught my eye. It looked like a huge

metal sphere hanging in the sky.”

Give your story a title. Use between 180-200 words.


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. “ _________________________________ that man over there?” YOU / KNOW

“Actually, I do. He is Mary’s husband.”

2. “I went to the gym and I _________________________________ home when Michael called me.” JUST


3. “What were the children doing when you _________________________________ home?” ARRIVE

“They _________________________________ the furniture.” DUST

4. “Linda is very good at her job, isn’t she?”

“Yes. She _________________________________ the same job for thirty years.” DO

5. “Did Alan arrive on time?”

“No, I _________________________________ for an hour before he arrived.” WAIT

6. “Where is Jack?”

“He _________________________________ on the phone when I saw him.” TALK

7. Many children with they _________________________________ HAVE an exotic pet. But the fact is that if

they were given one, they probably _________________________________ NOT KNOW how to look after it

properly. Take my little brother, for example: “If only I _________________________________ CAN have a

chimpanzee”, he says, “all my friends _________________________________ BE so jealous. I wish Mum and

Dad _________________________________ BUY me one for my birthday last month. If they had, I

_________________________________ TAKE it to school to show everyone.”

II. Turn the following sentences into reported speech:

1. I found this note under the sofa, said Sue.


2. Have you met many other famous people? asked the reporter.


3. What did you make for dinner yesterday? Bob asked me.

4. Can you ride a motorcycle? John asked Mary.


5. Where is your jacket, Susan? Jane asked.


III. Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice:

1. They make a new film each year in this studio.


2. The local people are renovating the castle at the moment.


3. He didn’t introduce me to his mother.


4. They will add new subjects into the syllabus this year.


5. They don’t admit children under 16 at this film.


IV. Use the word in capital letters to fill in the sentence in a meaningful and suitable way:

1. She gave me an interesting _________________________________ of friendship DEFINE

2. Her faith in the power of God is _________________________________. QUESTION

3. The results of the test were quite different from our _________________________________. EXPECT

4. All of us burst into _________________________________ at his joke. LAUGH

5. You’ll have to do a lot of exercise to _________________________________ your muscles. STRONG

6. They have to _________________________________ this street to ease the traffic. WIDE

7. Telling the truth is _________________________________ in this case. ADVISE

8. She looked like the very _________________________________ of his dreams. EMBODY

9. The owl is the symbol of _________________________________. WISE

V. Rephrase the following sentences, so that the meaning is the same:

1. She hasn’t got any coffee left. RUN

She _________________________________ coffee.

2. She didn’t intend to tell us her secret. HAD

She _________________________________ us her secret.

3. We managed to get tickets for the concert. IN

We _________________________________ tickets for the concert.

4. It is thought that James has left the country. HAVE

James _________________________________ the country.

5. I have two brothers. Neither of them is married. WHOM

I have two brothers, _________________________________ is married.

6. I found the school play very entertaining. WAS

I _________________________________ school play.

7. Jane would rather not go to the seminar on Saturday. FEEL

Jane _________________________________ to the seminar on Saturday.

8. They took a map with them because they didn’t want to get lost. AVOID

They took a map with them _________________________________.

9. Let’s postpone the meeting until tomorrow. PUT

Let’s _________________________________ until tomorrow.

10. Why travel so far to go shopping? WORTH

It _________________________________ so far to go shopping.

VI. Complete each sentence with ONE suitable word:

Hannah had been waiting _________________________________ a colleague of

_________________________________ father’s to collect her from the bus station for more than an hour, and she

was tired _________________________________ waiting. There was _________________________________

else there, and it had _________________________________ raining. A friend of

_________________________________ had lent her umbrella to take on her trip, but she

_________________________________ to be getting wet. Perhaps her father was angry

_________________________________ her, she thought, or had simply _________________________________

to collect her. Her mobile phone wasn’t working and there weren’t _________________________________ phone

boxes in the bus stop.

VII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Environmental Concerns

Earth is the only 0 _________________________________ we know of in the universe that can support human

life. 1 _________________________________ human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the

western world 2 _________________________________ on consuming two-thirds of the world’s resources while

half of the world’s population do so 3 _________________________________ stay alive, we are rapidly

destroying the very resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is 4

_________________________________ built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so

much that they will never be able to recover completely. We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any

thought of the consequences. As a 5 _________________________________ the planet’s ability to support people

is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are 6

_________________________________ increasingly heavy demands on it. The Earth’s neutral resources are there

for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to 7

_________________________________ us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use

the resources they will 8 _________________________________ indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and

excessively, they will soon sun out and everyone will suffer.

0 A planet B place C moon D satellite

1 A Although B Still C Yet D Despite

2 A continues B repeats C carries D follows

3 A already B just C for D entirely

4 A sooner B neither C either D rather

5 A development B result C reaction D product

6 A doing B having C taking D making

7 A hold B maintain C stay D keep

8 A last B stand C go D remain

VIII. Write a 150–200-word composition starting with the following words. Give it a title

Sam sat on the bench looking out to the horizon. A tear escaped and slid down his cheek. It just wasn’t fair!


I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses (present perfect and past, simple / continuous):

Dear Eileen,

I hope things are OK with you. The doctor _________________________________ (come) yesterday. He

_________________________________ (not like) my cough. I _________________________________ (lie) in

bed looking at the ceiling since Tuesday, and I can tell you, I’m fed up with it. I

_________________________________ (never be) ill like this before. I don’t know what’s happening to me. And

the weather’s terrible. It _________________________________ (rain) all day and I can’t even have a cup of tea

in the morning to cheer myself up, because the milkman _________________________________ (not come) this

morning. Don’t know why – I’m sure I _________________________________ (get) married last week, so now

all Mary’s kids _________________________________ (leave) home. She won’t know what to do with herself,

will she?

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence written before it, using

the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between 2 and 5 words, including the word given.

1. “I advise drivers not to travel”, said the weatherman. WAS

The weatherman’s _________________________________ not to travel.

2. Tom admitted stealing the money. HAD

Tom said that _________________________________ the money.

3. The maximum survival period without water is four days. MORE

You cannot survive _________________________________ than four days.

4. Kevin started playing golf when he was twelve. SINCE

Kevin _________________________________ the age of twelve.

5. I couldn’t drink the coffee as it was very hot. TOO

The coffee _________________________________ me to drink.

6. Jane is the same age as me. AS

Jane _________________________________ me.

7. John has stopped being scared of spiders. NO

John _________________________________ scared of spiders.

8. What did she have on at the party? WAS

What _________________________________ at the party?

9. The movie only finished a minute ago. JUST

The movie _________________________________ finished.

10. A loud noise coming from outside interrupted my story. TELLING

I _________________________________ there was a loud noise coming from outside.

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals.

1. It’s _________________________________ to carry some foreign currency when you travel abroad. ADVICE

2. We spent an _________________________________ evening at the cinema. ENJOY

3. The village is so _________________________________ that many people would like to move there.


4. This product is _________________________________ in our shop, but you can buy it at the pharmacy.


5. It was a _________________________________ terrifying experience. TRUE

6. We were all impressed by the _________________________________ of the scene. BEAUTIFUL

7. I was _________________________________ to hear of his death. HORRIFY

8. His name was _________________________________ to me; I had never heard of him before. FAMILY

9. It was an _________________________________ movie which kept him on the edge of his seat. EXCITE

IV. Fill in each gap with one word:

Sally Brown, mother __________________ three, is a mountain climber. If __________________ talk to her

about why she went climbing on the Eiger when she was pregnant with her first child, she’ll tell you why she

climbed this mountain and not __________________. She doesn’t seem to believe that __________________

she did was at all unusual. “The conditions were perfect, and __________________ I was a bit worried about a

fall. On this mountain, it is not as likely __________________ if you were climbing __________________ it’s

very rocky”. But __________________ did her doctor think? “He supported me and said I was better off

__________________ just sitting at home with my feet up”. Five years __________________ that climb, Sally

has three young children to look after, but she still climbs when she can.

V. Write a story which ends with the words:

“That’s the last time I go on a fishing holiday”, Tom said and threw his fishing rod away.

Give your story a title. Use between 180-200 words.


I. Put each verb in brackets into the suitable tense and form:

Last month, a friend of mine _________________________________ (return) after he

_________________________________ (work) for two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in South-East Asia. He

_________________________________ (buy) himself a small cabin in the mountains and not long after he

_________________________________ (move in), one of his old friends from school

_________________________________ (come) down to visit.

As his schoolmate _________________________________ (drive) up to the cabin, my friends

_________________________________ (see) the car from the kitchen window and

_________________________________ (think) for a moment it _________________________________ (be

better) to pretend he was out as he _________________________________ (know) his friend

_________________________________ (try) to borrow some money from him. Even though the cabin was not

very comfortable, any friend’s schoolmate _________________________________ (stay) for two or three days.

As they _________________________________ (sit) by the fire after dinner, and my friend

_________________________________ (tell) his guest about some of his exciting adventures, there was a

tremendous crash upstairs. They both _________________________________ (rush) up to the bedroom. A strange

sight _________________________________ (meet) their eyes: part of the ceiling

_________________________________ (collapse), falling right onto the bed where the guest

_________________________________ (be suppose) to sleep. After that, the visitor

_________________________________ (leave) without even saying good-bye.

II. Choose the right answer from the table below:

It was 5.30 on Thursday afternoon and it was raining heavily. Donald Bailey was driving (1) ____ a quiet country

road on his way home from work. It was his daughter’s birthday and Donald (2) ____ to get home in time to see

her (3) ____ out the candles on her cake. The party (4) ____ to start at 6 o’clock, so Donald started to drive a little

faster. The road was wet and (5) ____. Suddenly, he saw a man on a bicycle in front of him. He turned the wheel

quickly to (6) ____ him. Seconds later, he crashed into a tree hitting his head on the (7) ____. Everything went

black. Later, Donald woke up in the hospital. His family were there, by his bed. There was a cake on a small table

(8) ____ his bed and some colourful balloons (9) ____ on the floor. “We decided to have the party here, Dad,” said

his daughter. He smiles happily. Everyone was relieved that Donald (10) ____ a lucky escape.

1 A by B along C in D on

2 A wanted B was wanting C want D wants

3 A blue B blew C blow D blown

4 A is going B goes C go D was going

5 A slippery B slinky C sliding D slightly

6 A await B avert C avow D avoid

7 A windmill B windpipe C windscree D windbreak


8 A in B by C next D of

9 A schedule B scented C scolded D scattered


10 A had had B had C has D was having

III. Fill in with the correct form of the words in capitals:

1. Please, pay _________________________________, Rita, when I’m explaining what your homework is.


2. I don’t know the _________________________________ to this problem. SOLVE

3. This food is really _________________________________! DISGUST

4. Did you know Australia has the highest number of _________________________________ species of snake?


5. I am _________________________________ to peanuts, so I have to be very careful what I eat. ALLERGY

6. His decisions showed a lot of _________________________________. WISE

7. I paid my parents my _________________________________ visit on Saturday. WEEK

8. The _________________________________ was saved by a brave man. KING

9. This rich woman is famous for her _________________________________. GENEROUS

10. This pop singer has gained huge _________________________________ in Europe lately. POPULAR

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given.

Do not change the word given.

1. Peter hasn’t seen his aunt Lucy for years. SAW

It’s _________________________________ his aunt Lucy.

2. The police said John had stolen the money. ACCUSED

The police _________________________________ the money.

3. There is no more petrol left in the car. RUN

The car _________________________________ petrol.

4. People say that the famous couple are about to get married. SAID

The famous couple _________________________________ about to get married.

5. You can borrow my camera, but you must be careful with it. LONG

You can borrow my camera _________________________________ careful with it.

6. “Do you want to come out or not?”, Jane asked Peter. WHETHER

Jane asked _________________________________ to come out or not.

7. The burglar wore gloves so as to avid leaving any fingerprints. ORDER

The burglar wore gloves _________________________________ any fingerprints.

8. They have never been outside Britain before. FIRST

It’s the _________________________________ outside Britain.

9. Going on a diet is pointless to me. POINT

There is _________________________________ on a diet as far as I am concerned.

10. It’s possible that I left my wallet at home. COULD

I _________________________________ my wallet at home.

V. Write a composition between 150-200 words, starting with the following words and give it a title.

It had definitely been a horrifying experience and I was lucky to be alive.


I. Circle the correct answer:

1. When you rang, I ____ my bike. a. cleaned b. was c. used to clean d clean
cleaning .

2. At my last basketball club, we ____ a. were b. training c. trained d have been

training . training

3. “Is that Jane and Mary’s house?” a. hers b. her’s c. theirs d their’s
“No, ____ is the one across the .

4. We ____ to the beach every day when a. went b. were c. go d used to

we were on holiday. going . going

5. “How long have you been working a. Since 6 b. For 6 c. From 6 d 6 months
here?” months months months . last year

6. Leon never ____ about it, but he was a. talks b. is talking c. was talking d talk
once a world champion skier. .

7. “Have you ever been to China?” a. have gone b. went c. was going d have been
Yes, I ____ there in 2010.” . going

8. I can’t unlock the door because I ____ a. lost b. am losing c. have lost d had lost
my key. .

9. They ____ the baby a name yet. a. haven’t b. didn’t c. haven’t been d don’t give
given give giving .

10. If you are polite ____ people, of a. tow b. with c. over d about
course they will like you. .

II. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:

1. Daniel is a good basketball player.

Daniel plays basketball_________________________________.

2. Do you think English is interesting?

Are you _________________________________?

3. What is the meaning of this word?

What does _________________________________?

4. She hasn’t as much money as you have.

You have _________________________________.

5. He tried to help us as best as he could.

He did _________________________________.

6. How about seeing this movie?

Let’s _________________________________.

7. He will try to remember her address.

He will try not _________________________________.

8. She doesn’t often visit us.

She seldom _________________________________.

9. Jane admitted telling a lie.

Jane said that she _________________________________.

10. I am one the 5th page of the letter I’m writing.

So far, I _________________________________.

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals.

1. It’s rather _________________________________ today. WIND

2. I don’t have the _________________________________ to do the job properly. ABLE

3. People like him cannot be trusted; they are _________________________________. LIE

4. She showed great _________________________________ when she worked here as a nurse. PATIENT

5. She will never forget your _________________________________; she is grateful to you. KIND

6. The subject was _________________________________ to me; I never heard of it before. FAMILY

7. He was _________________________________ polite that day. USUAL

8. Could you please speak more _________________________________? I don’t understand what you are

saying. SLOW

9. You want me to buy you a new car – do you think I’m a _________________________________ or

something? MILLION

10. Many people in Britain are fond of _________________________________. GARDEN

IV. Fill in each gap with one word:

Football became the _________________________________ we know today during the reign of Queen Victoria

_________________________________ the nineteenth century. So many different forms of the game were being

played in Britain _________________________________ that time, that in 1863, the Football Association was

formed to draw up and agree on the rules _________________________________ the game.

Throughout the country new football grounds were built and the development of the railways meant that football

teams and their fans _________________________________ travel to the matches. In 1888, he Football League

was set up with 12 clubs, and football became a national _________________________________, preferred to

rugby by many people as the more popular game of the _________________________________.

Sometimes, people _________________________________ the game in just a field. In one town, Burnley, the

field had a river running along the side of it in _________________________________ players took baths after

matches. People stood on banks _________________________________ from earth and it was not until the early

1900s that proper stands were built.

V. Write a story about a day in your life when everything seemed to go wrong, but, in the end, it turned

out to be for the best. Give your story a suitable title. Use between 120 and 150 words.


I. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense:

I _________________________________ (learn) English for seven years now. But last year I

_________________________________ (not work) hard enough for English, that’s why my marks

_________________________________ (not be) really that good then. As I want to pass my English exams

successfully next year, I _________________________________ (study) harder this term. During my last summer

holidays, my parents _________________________________ (send) me on a language course to London. It

_________________________________ (be) great and I _________________________________ (think) I

_________________________________ (learn) a lot. Before I _________________________________ (go) to

London, I _________________________________ (not enjoy) learning English. But while I

_________________________________ (do) the language course, I _________________________________

(meet) lots of young people from all over the world. There, I _________________________________ (notice) how

important it _________________________________ (be) to speak foreign languages. Now, I

______________________________ (have) much more fun learning English than I

_________________________________ (have) before the course. At the moment, I

_________________________________ (revise) English grammar. And I _______________________________

(begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again. I _________________________________ (think)

I _________________________________ (do) one unit every week.

II. For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one

word in each space.

When the day comes, give yourself plenty of time to do everything; have breakfast but don’t drink

_________________________________ much, go to the toilet, arrive on time, but not too early or you will find

yourself getting more and more nervous while you wait to start. Try not to talk

_________________________________ the exam before you go in. In the exam, calm

_________________________________ down by breathing deeply and thinking positively. Read

_________________________________ exam questions carefully and underline all of the key instruction words

_________________________________ indicate how the questions should

_________________________________ answered. If possible, start with the ones

_________________________________ can do easily to give you confidence. Remember what you’ve learnt from
practising questions and doing mock exams previously and plan your use of time. Don’t panic

_________________________________ everyone around you seems to start writing furiously straight away and

don’t be tempted to follow their example. Finally, after the exam, don’t join in a discussion about

_________________________________ everyone did, _________________________________ you want to

frighten yourself, and drain your self-confidence for the next exam. Above

_________________________________, remember that exams are not designed to catch you out,

_________________________________ to find out what you know, what you understand and what you can do.

III. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

1. The dentist promised that the whole procedure would be completely ___________________________. PAIN

2. Make yourself clear so that you can avoid any _________________________________. UNDERSTAND

3. All _________________________________ of the company are entitled to four-week paid holiday. EMPLOY

4. The party was quite _________________________________ and I met a lot of interesting people. ENJOY

5. Her daughter is very _________________________________; she is always telling lies. HONEST

6. He says he would rather be _________________________________ than live in a dirty flat. HOME

7. The boy was so _________________________________ that he broke almost everything he touched. CARE

8. Whenever I smell freshly baked bread, it reminds me of my early _____________________________. CHILD

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given.

Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. What a pity we didn’t see the match. WISH

I _________________________________ the match.

2. The police inspector said I had killed Mrs White. OF

The police inspector _________________________________ killing Mrs White.

3. We won’t go out if the weather is bad. WON’T

We _________________________________ the weather if good.

4. They enjoyed the walk even though it rained. DESPITE

They enjoyed the walk _________________________________ the rain.

5. Excuse me, is somebody serving you, sir? BEING

Excuse me, _________________________________, sir?

6. This is my first visit to China. TIME

This is the first _________________________________ to China.

7. Steve started learning the violin a month ago. LEARNING

Steve _________________________________ the violin for a month.

8. I haven’t spoken to Paul for four weeks. SINCE

It’s _________________________________ to Paul.

9. The firefighters extinguished the fire quickly. OUT

The firefighters _________________________________ quickly.

10. You can borrow my bicycle but you must bring it back before 5 pm. LONG

You can borrow my bicycle _________________________________ it back before 5 pm.

V. Write a composition between 150-200 words, starting with the following words and give it a title:

It was a sunny afternoon. Mark and his friends were sailing along the coast.


I. Think of the word which best fits in each sentence. Use only one word in each space:

Exam Tips - When the day comes, give yourself plenty of time _________________________________ do

everything; have breakfast but don’t drink _________________________________ much; go to the toilet; arrive

on time, but not too early or you will find yourself getting more and more nervous while you wait to start. Try not

to talk _________________________________ the exam before you go in.

In the exam, calm _________________________________ down by breathing deeply and thinking positively.

Read _________________________________ exam questions carefully and underline all of the key instruction

words _________________________________ indicate how the questions should

_________________________________ answered. If possible, start with the ones

_________________________________ can do easily to give you confidence. Remember what you’ve learnt from

practising questions and doing mock exams previously and plan your use of time. Don’t panic

_________________________________ everyone around you seems to start writing furiously straight away and

don’t be tempted to follow their example. Finally, after the exam, don’t join in a discussion about

_________________________________ everyone else did, _________________________________ you want to

frighten yourself, and drain your self-confidence for the next exam.

II. Choose the best answer:

1. Ann ___ that she ___ the visitor a. thought / b. thinks / sees c. have thought / d. thought / had
before. saw had seen seen

2. As it ___ dark, we ___ to go a. gets / b. was c. got / have d. is getting /

home. decided getting / decided decided
3. ___ the weather good when you a. Was / were b. Is / will be c. Has been / d. Is / played
___ tennis? playing playing will play

4. I ___ my homework by 6 o’clock a. was doing / b. did / have c. have done / d. has done /
yesterday and when my mother had had was having
came home, I ___ supper.
5. When he ___ to the station, the a. comes / left b. came / were c. had come / d. came / had
train ___ already. leaving left left

6. Have you read that Mike’s firm a. exported b. is exporting c. will export d. has been
___ wool since 1935? exporting

7. Payphones ___ from fewer than a. increased b. have c. has increased d. were
1,000 to nearly 9,000 covering increased increasing
virtually all urban, rural and
market centres for the last three

8. I feel so exhausted. I ___ the a. was b. have c. have been d. will weed /
garden for two hours and I ___ for weeding / weeded / weeding / haven’t
single moment. didn’t rest had rested haven’t rested rested

9. Life in villages of China ___ a. revolves / b. has c. revolved / d. were

around temples when people ___ go revolved / were going revolving /
to ask for things. has gone went

10. How can you imagine I will forget a. was making b. would make c. made d. have made
the first time I ___ a speech in
front of so many people? My
heartbeats were really fast!
III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word

given. Do not change the word given. You must use between to and five words, including the word


1. No one understood me when I tried to explain the problem. MYSELF

I couldn’t _________________________________ when I tried to explain the problem.

2. Karen couldn’t decide whether to apply for the membership or not. UP

Karen couldn’t _________________________________ whether to apply for the membership or not.

3. He said the accident was my fault. BLAMED

He _________________________________ the accident.

4. I haven’t seen Erika for two months. LAST

It is two months _________________________________ Erika.

5. Young children like Disneyland. POPULAR

Disneyland _________________________________ young children.

6. John participated in a swimming competition last week. PART

John _________________________________ a swimming competition last week.

7. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. CRAZY

Jack _________________________________ football and never misses a match.

8. Do you want to watch TV? FEEL

Do you _________________________________ TV?

9. I’m afraid I don’t know him. HEARD

I’m afraid _________________________________ him.

10. A friend is looking after the baby while I’m away. CARE

A friend is _________________________________ while I’m away.

IV. Use each word in capitals at the end of the sentence to make a word that best fits each sentence:

1. The __________________________ to become a vegetarian is a difficult one. DECIDE

2. The long journey in an old bus with hard seats was very __________________________. COMFORT

3. Most __________________________ agree that the sea level will continue to rise in the coming years.


4. The huge waterfall was so __________________________ that I couldn’t hear a word anyone said. NOISE

5. Our situation on the island seemed __________________________ as we had no food or water left. HOPE

6. Mr Hyde was having dinner when his meal was __________________________ interrupted by a phone call.


7. He was a rude, __________________________ man. AGREEABLE

8. A __________________________ is a small electronic machine that can add, multiply, divide, etc.


9. __________________________ to sleep, I got up and made myself a drink. ABLE

10. Mr. Tate was one of the best guitar __________________________ I had ever met. PLAY

V. Write a story ending like this:

It was only then that I really understood the meaning of the saying “A friend in need is a friend


Give your story a suitable title. (150 words)


I. Think of the best word which fits each space. Use only one word in each space:

What _________________________________ happened to holidays in recent years? In the past, people

_________________________________ to enjoy two weeks _________________________________ the seaside

in July and August. They would stay on the beach and relax eery day. Every time I ask certain friends “Where

_________________________________ you going on holiday this year?”, it

_________________________________ then half an hour to explain. “This year we thought we would

_________________________________ trekking in Petu or driving in Mauritius. Of course, it depends

_________________________________ the children. If they don’t go to camp in the USA, they

_________________________________ be able to come too!”

I am forced to reply: “I am staying in a caravan _________________________________ the south coast of

England. I don’t believe _________________________________ going abroad every year.

II. Choose the best answer

1. When I ____ home, mother a. have b. got / already c. have got / had d. got / had
____ dinner. got / made already made already made

2. It ____ such a long time since a. was / b. was met / met c. had been / met d. has been / meet
we ____. met

3. By the time she ____ home, we a. will get b. got / will have c. gets / will have d. will get / will
____ painting the hall. / will finished finished have finished

4. I ____ a shower when the a. had / b. had / was c. was having / d. was having /
telephone ____. rang ringing rang was ringing

5. This time last week, I ____ a a. was b. will be having c. had d. had had
hot chocolate on a terrace in having

6. The witness claimed he ____ a. b. c. d.

the criminal before.

7. I ____ to find a decent job for a. have b. try c. have been d. tried
months now. tried trying

8. We ____ to London this a. will b. are going to c. will go / am d. are going to

summer, I really ____ so. go / go / am hoping hoping go / hope

9. As it ____, we ____ to go back a. was b. rained / decided c. was raining / d. was raining /
home. raining was deciding had decided

10. She ____ home and ____ a. came / b. came / had c. had come / had d. was coming /
dinner with her family. had had

III. Rewrite the following sentences using the word given, so that the meaning stays the same. Do not

change the word given. You must use two to five words including the word given.

1. There isn’t any bread left. RUN

We _________________________________ bread.

2. You haven’t visited Mum and Dad for weeks. SINCE

It’s weeks _________________________________ Mum and Dad.

3. It wouldn’t be a good idea to make him angry. BETTER

You _________________________________ him angry.

4. “Whose is that fantastic car?”, she asked. BELONG

“Who _________________________________ ?”, she asked.

5. Shane isn’t as tall as Bill. THAN

Bill _________________________________ Shane.

6. My mother forced me to stay in my room. MADE

My mother _________________________________ my room.

7. I left quietly so I wouldn’t wake the baby. ORDER

I left quickly _________________________________ wake the baby.

8. Do you want to go out for a pizza? ABOUT

How _________________________________ a pizza?

9. When did you have a haircut? SINCE

How long _________________________________ a haircut?

10. People say she cannot keep a secret. UNABLE

People say _________________________________ a secret.

IV. Use each word in capitals at the end of the sentence to make a word that best fits:

1. There is no _________________________________ between these two paintings. DIFFER

2. Our school theatre is giving a public _________________________________ of Romeo and Juliet.


3. Deborah spent all her _________________________________ in the countryside. CHILD

4. You don’t need those old brushes, they’re _________________________________. USE

5. I think my car is much safer in _________________________________ with your car. COMPARE

6. I want to take my skiing _________________________________ to the mountains. EQUIP

7. Randolph Fiery was a _________________________________ lion tamer.

8. Junk food is very _________________________________ for you. HEALTH

9. The Browns had a happy _________________________________ for 10 years.

10. You should be _________________________________ of yourself! Look what you’ve done! SHAME

V. Write a story ending like this:

It was getting dark when Jim finally got home and all he could think was that he had had the experience

of a lifetime.

Give your story a suitable title.


I. Choose the right answer:

1. I ____ to finish this composition for the last a am b tried c. have tried d. have been
half-hour I wish you’d leave me alone. . trying . trying

2. He was very polite. Whenever his wife a was b stood up c. had stood d. has stood
entered the room, he ____. . standing . up up

3. Would you mind ____ EUR 50? I’ve left my a to lend b to c. borrowing d. lending
wallet at the office. . . borrow

4. Whose turn is I ____ the cleaning? a to do b to make c. making d. doing

. .

5. His German is not very ____ but his French is a well b good c. highly d. fluently
excellent. . .

6. Don’t put ____ till tomorrow what you can do a away b aside c. off d. up
today. . .

7. I want to let you know ____ my mind to go to a I made b I’ve c. I made up d. I’ve made
university. . . made up

8. She was ____ nice girl that everybody liked a so a b that c. such d. such a
her. . .

9. It was the worst movie I had ever seen, much a worse b badder c. more d. more worst
____ than Rocky IV. . . worse

10. The money he gave me ____ not enough to a are b were c. is d. have not
pay the bill. . . been

II. Use the word given in capitals to for a word that fits the gap:

1. She felt ___________________________ because she couldn’t do anything for those people. HELP

2. I can see the ___________________________ between you and your sister; you look very much alike.


3. A man was being questioned by the police in connection with her ___________________________. APPEAR

4. He looked back ___________________________ to see if anyone was following him. CARE

5. It was a ___________________________ night and the wind was cutting like a knife. RAIN

6. I go fishing for ___________________________. RELAX

7. Have you seen Kent’s new girlfriend? She’s a real ___________________________. LOOK???

8. Those children are well ___________________________. DISCIPLINE

9. As they were hiking in the wood, they made a ___________________________ discovery. SHOCK

10. The team managed to remain ___________________________ in the final weeks of the season. DEFEAT

III. Fill in each gap with one word:

People ___________________________ been diving without medical aids ___________________________

ancient times. In those days, divers mainly went underwater to look ___________________________ pearls or

sponges. Various ___________________________ of supplying divers with air, and so permitting them to

___________________________ underwater for long periods of time, have been tried

___________________________ over two thousand years. Alexander the Great ___________________________

said to have gone underwater in an early ___________________________of diving machine, and Aristotle talked

about apparatus ___________________________ permitted divers to breathe underwater.

It was not ___________________________ the beginning of the 18th century that more advanced equipment was

developed. In 1717, the first practical diving machine, or “diving bell” ___________________________ it was

called, was invented. This was a small wooden room with an open bottom, glass windows at the top to

___________________________ in light, and a supply of air coming through leather tubes. Something similar,

___________________________ of steel, is in use today for underwater work, ___________________________

as building the foundations of bridges. However, ___________________________ divers want to more freely

underwater, they need a suit.

IV. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:

1. Do you think history is interesting?

Are you _____________________________________________________________?

2. A bumpy road led to the hotel.

The road _____________________________________________________________.

3. I had only just arrived home when the phone rang.

Hardly _____________________________________________________________.

4. We moved into his house thirty years ago.

It’s _____________________________________________________________.

5. I really don’t know where we are.

I have _____________________________________________________________.

6. Maybe he was driving too fast and that’s why he lost control of his car.

He may _____________________________________________________________.

7. You should ask for a second opinion if you are not sure.

If you are not sure, you’d _____________________________________________________________.

8. It is not necessary for you to go shopping if you don’t want to.

You _____________________________________________________________.

9. I will never forget lying on the beach in Mykonos.

I will always _____________________________________________________________.

10. It is clear that he was away when it happened.

He must _____________________________________________________________.

III. Write a story ending like this:

“When I finally got home safe, I promised myself I’d always tell my parents about my whereabouts.”

Give your story a suitable title. (200 words)


I. Think of the word which best fits in each space. Use only one word in each space:

Motorbike Stunt Rider - I work ______________________________ a motorbike stunt rider – that is, I do tricks

on my motorbike at shows. The Le Mans racetrack in France was ______________________________ I first saw

some guys doing motorbike stunts. I’d never seen anyone riding a motorbike using just the back wheel before and I

was ______________________________ impressed I went straight home and taught

______________________________ to do the same. It wasn’t very long before I began to earn my living at shows

performing my own motorbike stunts. I have a degree ______________________________ mechanical

engineering; this helps me to look at physics ______________________________ lies behind each stunt. In

addition to being responsible for design changes to the motorbike, I have to work

______________________________ every stunt I do. People often think that my work is very dangerous, but,

apart ______________________________ some minor mechanical problem happening occasionally during a stunt,

nothing ever goes wrong. I never feel in ______________________________ kind of danger because I am very


II. Use the word in CAPITALS to form another word that matches the text:

An Incredible Vegetable - Garlic, a member of the Liliaceae family, which also includes onions, is commonly used

in ______________________________ COOK all around the world. China is currently the largest

______________________________ PRODUCT of garlic, which is particularly associated with the dishes of

northern Africa and southern Europe. It is native to central Asia and has long had a history as a health-giving food,

used both to prevent and cure ______________________________ ILL. In Ancient Egypt, workers building the

pyramids were given garlic to keep them strong, while Olympic athletes in Greece ate it to increase their

______________________________ RESIST to infection. The forefather of antibiotic medicine, Louis Pasteur,

claimed garlic was as ______________________________ EFFECT as penicillin in treating infections. Modern-

day ______________________________ SCIENCE have proven that garlic can indeed kill bacteria and even some

viruses, so it can be very useful for people who have coughs and colds. In ______________________________

ADD, some doctors believe that garlic can reduce blood ______________________________ PRESS. The only

______________________________ ADVANTAGE to this truly amazing food is that the strong and rather

______________________________ SPICE smell of garlic is not the most pleasant!

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given.

Use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. We’ve never been on an airplane before. FIRST

It’s the ______________________________ on an airplane.

2. He wasn’t tall enough to be a policeman. TOO

He was ______________________________ to be a policeman.

3. Sarah didn’t permit me to drive her car. LET

Sarah ______________________________ her car.

4. When did you last go to London? TIME

When ______________________________ went to London?

5. Joan was in favour of visiting the museum. IDEA

Joan thought it would ______________________________ to the museum.

6. Arthur has the talent to become a concert pianist. THAT

Arthur is so ______________________________ could become a concert pianist.

7. Kate hasn’t been to the dentist’s for two years. LAST

The ______________________________ to the dentist was two years ago.

8. I’m afraid I don’t know him. HEARD

I’m afraid I ______________________________ him.

9. Deana really likes The Crows and never misses any of their concerts. CRAZY

Deana ______________________________ The Crows and never misses any of their concerts.

10. Cynthia is a better typist than Betty. WELL

Betty ______________________________ as Cynthia can.

11. If you don’t work harder at school, you’ll never get a good job. UNLESS

You’ll never get a good job ______________________________ harder at school.

12. Would you like to join our drama group? INTERESTED

Are you ______________________________ our drama group?

13. She sings so well that everyone buys her CDs. SINGER

She is ______________________________ that everyone buys her CDs.

14. Please, see that you post all the letters. TO

Please, don’t ______________________________ all the letters.

15. During dinner, the phone rang. I

While ______________________________, the phone rang.

IV. Choose the right answer:

1. Please, help yourselves _____ you like. a. whoever b. nothing c. everywhere d. anything

2. Don’t bite your _____! It’s such an a. fingers b. toes c. nails d. teeth
annoying habit!

3. Don’t interrupt me _____ I’m talking. a. while b. after c. by the time d. until

4. He usually _____ the train to work. a. rides b. takes c. is riding d. is


5. He _____ laughs last, thinks slowest. a. which b. who c. what d. whom

6. He only goes skiing one in a blue _____. a. sky b. world c. moon d. sea

7. We have run _____ milk. We’ll have to a. into b. across c. out of d. without
go to the shop.

8. In order to prove Smith is guilty, we a. informatio b. knowledge c. evidence d. means

have to find some _____. n

9. Breakfast is one of those _____ that a. times b. meals c. foods d. plates

varies from person to person.

10. We thought we would be _____ the a. happy b. safe from c. depended d. cared for
storm if we sheltered under a tree. about on

V. Write a story ending like this:

Dan was terrified to see the same man standing in front of the old house. He said to himself: “So, it wasn’t a

dream! It was real!”

Give your story a title (about 200 words)


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word

given. Use between 3-5 words, including the word given.

1. I’m sorry I didn’t phone him. WISH

I _____________________________________________him.

2. I expect you were very tired after going to bed so late. MUST

You _____________________________________________ after going to bed so late.

3. Travelling by bus is not as convenient as travelling by car. LESS

Travelling by bus _____________________________________________ travelling by car.

4. “Is the museum open tomorrow?” asked the tourist. ASKED

The tourist _____________________________________________ open the following day.

5. It is possible that he is Spanish. BE

He _____________________________________________ Spanish.

6. Micael solved that problem last week. BY

That problem _____________________________________________ last week.

7. Claudia isn’t as thin as Kate. THAN

Kate is _____________________________________________.

8. I think Mary should look for a better job. WOULD

If _____________________________________________ look for a better job.

9. That’s the church. We got married there. WHERE

That’s the church _____________________________________________.

10. Brian started learning German five months ago. HAS

Brian _____________________________________________ for five months.

II. Fill in the correct form derived from the word in capitals:

1. It’s not a very _____________________________________________ job. DANGER

2. You should take her proposal into _____________________________________________. CONSIDER

3. _____________________________________________, nobody was killed in the accident. FORTUNE

4. Her _____________________________________________ to work under pressure is amazing. ABLE

5. That was the best period of my _____________________________________________. CHILD

6. There is a big _____________________________________________ between the two sisters. DIFFER

7. This shop offers a big _____________________________________________ of products. VARY

8. They have plans to _____________________________________________ the office. MODERN

9. The manager gave his _____________________________________________ for the project to begin.


10. He has two locks on his door for extra _____________________________________________. SECURE

III. Put the verbs into the correct tense:

1. If you _____________________________________________ BE happy, your immune system

_____________________________________________ WORK well.

2. Look at that car! It _____________________________________________ RUN into the corner shop!

3. We _____________________________________________ GO on holiday to Italy tomorrow.

4. I _____________________________________________ TYPE for two hours, but I

_____________________________________________ NOT FINISH the report yet.

5. By the time we reached the station, the train _____________________________________________


6. It _____________________________________________ PAINT by a famous Italian artist in the 18th century.

7. I _____________________________________________ START reading this book an hour ago and I

_____________________________________________ READ 50 pages so far.

IV. Write a story beginning like this:

It was raining heavily and I was exhausted. However, I decided to go for a walk.

Choose an appropriate title. 200 words


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given.

1. Everyone knows that he has been in prison. KNOWN

He ________________________________________________________.

2. John’s father made him pay for the damage. WAS

He ________________________________________________________.

3. It is too hot to work in the garden. ENOUGH

It isn’t ________________________________________________________.

4. I have never heard such a bad singer. EVER

He is ________________________________________________________.

5. You can’t leave without answering me first. ANSEWER

Unless ________________________________________________________.

6. “Stop complaining and go back to work!” his boss said to him.

His boss ________________________________________________________.

7. Although he was exhausted, he managed to finish the race. SUCCEDED

Although he was exhausted, he ________________________________________________________.

8. “I’ll call you later, Pete”, he said.

He told Pete ________________________________________________________.

9. “Did you buy this coat in the sales?” she asked her friend. BOUGHT

She asked her friend ________________________________________________________.

10. It wasn’t necessary for you to run. We could have waited. HAVE

You ________________________________________________________.

II. Use the word in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits:

1. It can be a huge temptation to apply for a credit card, _________________________ if you are having

problems with money. PARTICULAR

2. I find their _________________________ of home rather unusual. CHOOSE

3. James was really _________________________ about the idea of spending our holiday abroad.


4. She suffers from depression and a number of other _________________________ problems.

5. To my _________________________, I couldn’t remember his name. EMBARRASS

III. Fill in with one word:

Follow Your Nose

Of the five senses, smell is probably the _________________________ that you value the least. Yet, your sense of

smell if the most direct link _________________________ the brain and the outside world. It

_________________________ two seconds for a smell to _________________________ the nose and travel to the

part of the brain _________________________ controls emotions and memories. Exactly

_________________________ your sense of smell influences your emotions, however, is

_________________________ fully understood. Nevertheless, a sense of smell can even influence your

relationship _________________________ other people. Apparently, you _________________________ in love

through your nose, not your eyes. _________________________.

IV. Complete each sentence with one word:

1. Hardly had I entered the office, _________________________ the phone rang.

2. She must _________________________ had a good time in Italy.

3. If you look more time over your work, _________________________ wouldn’t be so many mistakes in it.

4. If you want my advice, I’d think twice about buying a car _________________________ that.

5. They said they would _________________________ Diana didn’t listen to music at work.

V. Write a story beginning like this:

When my parents entered the house, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Choose an appropriate title. 200 words.


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use 2-5 words,

including the word given:

1. My parents last spoke to me a month ago. HEARD

I _______________________________________________________ my parents for a month.

2. They are inaugurating the new theatre next Monday. BE

The new theatre is _______________________________________________________ next Monday.

3. We haven’t talked openly for ages. LAST

It is ages _______________________________________________________ openly.

4. She cannot help us because she is too busy. TO

She is _______________________________________________________ us.

5. Because of what you advised me, I did the right thing. ADVICE.

Thanks _______________________________________________________ me, I did the right thing.

6. A year ago, we hadn’t even met. LAST

This _______________________________________________________ hadn’t even met.

7. David went home before we arrived. HAD

When we _______________________________________________________ home.

8. “I can’t understand German as well as I used to”, said Lucy. BETTER

“I used to understand _______________________________________________________ do now”, said Lucy.

9. Kevin started playing golf when he was twelve. TOOK

Kevin _______________________________________________________ the age of twelve.

10. There is no bread left. RUN

We _______________________________________________________ of bread.

II. Fill in each gap with a word derived from the word in capitals:

1. How __________________________ of her to behave like that! HORROR

2. What is the __________________________ of this pool? DEEP

3. He looked with __________________________ at his pretty daughter. PROUD

4. Do try to stop behaving __________________________. RESPONSIBLE

5. It was sheer __________________________ that they were born on the same day. COINCIDE

6. Only a __________________________ of those present agreed to our proposal. MINOR

7. Will you take this __________________________ to the chemist’s? PRESCRIBE

8. The doctors say that her recovery is __________________________. MIRACLE

9. The lower tax rate is particularly __________________________ to poorer families. ADVANTAGE

10. He works as a __________________________ for a firm of public relations. CONSULT

III. Put the verb into the right tense:

It’s remarkable to think that since 1950, influenza __________________________ CLAIM more than 50,000 lives

in this country, and in 1957 alone, around 6,000 people __________________________ DIE. But over the last 20

years, we at the Centre __________________________ MAKE considerable progress on understanding the illness.

We __________________________ PRODUCE over a hundred books and article reporting the results of our

research and in 1995, they __________________________ AWARD the Nobel Prize for medicine to one of my

colleagues. In our more recent work, we __________________________ LOOK into the effects of influenza on

heart disease and we __________________________ ALSO EXPLORE a possible link between climate change

and the recent increase in the number of cases of influenza. It is a tragedy that the government

__________________________ MAKE this decision now. We __________________________ BELIEVE that in

the next decade a large number of people __________________________ CATCH the disease.

IV. Fill in the blanks with one word:

A Man of Many Parts - Life on a remote Scottish island is wonderfully peaceful. But for one local, Hamish

McAlpine, life is __________________________ from relaxing. This is because Hamish has fourteen jobs. When

he meets me off the ferry, harbour master Hamish is the one and __________________________ person in sight.

Luckily, he is __________________________ the island’s taxi driver, so he takes me to the hotel,

__________________________ he owns. He can even be found serving behind the counter at the local shop. It all

started not __________________________ after Hamish married his wife Donna in 1964. The couple were asked

if they __________________________ like to run the post office. Then, Hamish found himself agreeing to become

fire chief, policeman and coastguard. Now, __________________________ given 35 years of devoted service,

Hamish is __________________________ to retire. But who will take over __________________________ jobs?

Can one person do it all or will the jobs __________________________ to be split up?

V. Write a story beginning like this:

And there he was naked and barefoot, waiting for a miracle to spare his life.

Choose an appropriate title. 200 words


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