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First Year ST engineer

University of Skikda
Jobs in Science and Technology
I. Introduction to jobs in Science and Technology

A job is any legal activity that allows an individual to perform a service and in
return earn credits she/he can use to buy things.
A job can also mean: work that a person does to earn money.

Science : Technology :

Refers to the systematic study of Can be described as the application of

structure and behavior of the physical scientific findings to invent or develop
and natural world through observation, new materials, machines..
investigation, research and experiment..

Dr Benzaid L Page1
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda

Science focuses on general knowledge by investigating natural phenomena.

Technology draws on science and contributes to its progress.
Technology is applied science.

What is engineering?
There are many definitions of “engineering” but the broadest is that engineering seeks to
apply the principles of math, science to solve challenges that face humanity. These solutions
may take the form of structures, machines, processes, or networks, or they could also be
computer applications or the optimization of complex systems.
Definition of Engineer: A person who is qualified or professionally engaged in any branch
of engineering.
An engineer is a professional individual who applies the principles of
mathematics and science to design, develop, or maintain structures,
systems, processes, or machinery. Engineers use their technical
knowledge and problem-solving skills to address various practical
challenges, often in the areas of construction, technology,
manufacturing, electronics, or environment.

Dr Benzaid L Page2
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
Engineer’s degree :
Universities specializing in technical fields have traditionally awarded their students an
engineer's degree after five years.
All engineering students must complete a minimum of 28 weeks of internship in companies.
The study of engineering school curricula highlights 3 poles:
 The “basic sciences” composed in particular of physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
 “Engineering sciences” (industrial design, electrical machines, combinatorial logic...)
 Languages: An acceptable level, especially in English.
The profession of the engineer
The engineer Among the professions that require university training in the field of science and
technology, the engineer profession remains the most appropriate because it is found in
almost all sectors of activity and covers a large number of specialties such as mechanics,
hydraulics, agronomy, electronics, electrical engineering, telecommunications, civil
engineering, architecture, and so on.
 The engineer can perform several functions such as:
 Design,
 realization,
 Operation,
 maintenance,
 distribution,
 Optimization,
 The technical sale or after-sale service of equipment, products, processes, logical
systems …
 The engineer participates in research relating to science and technology
 The engineer is employed by industrial or service companies, public, semi-public,
private organizations, communities or the State.
 Also, he can start his own business
 After experience, he can also occupy a manager position, in all areas of activity.
 While respecting the minimum standards set for him, the engineer aims to optimize
the results of his mission, in the areas of safety, environmental protection, quality,
economic and financial cost, and maintenance.

Dr Benzaid L Page3
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
Electrical engineering

Electrical engineering

Electrical engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the study, design, and
application of equipment, devices, and systems which use electricity, electronics, and
electromagnetism. It emerged as an identifiable
occupation in the latter half of the 19th century
after the commercialization of the electric
telegraph, the telephone, and electrical power
generation, distribution, and use.

Electrical engineering professions

The professional fields which represent the electrical engineering professions are found in the
following areas:

 Electrical machines (electric motors, generators, alternators, converter….)

 Electrical voltage transformers.

 Electrical networks (LT, MT, HT).

Dr Benzaid L Page4
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda

 Storage (battery, capacitors)

 Electrical installation and safety.

 Production and transport of electrical energy

The Origin of Electric Energy:

Electrical energy is a secondary energy which is produced from primary energies contained

 Uranium (fission energy exploited in nuclear power plants),

 Water (potential energy in hydroelectric dams),

Dr Benzaid L Page5
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
 Coal and oil (combustion energy),
 The wind (kinetic energy of the air transformed by wind turbines),
 The sun (solar radiation transformed by photovoltaic cells ).

In almost all cases, primary energy is transformed, in power plants, into mechanical energy
using turbines.

The turbines are directly coupled to alternators which produce electrical.

Solar photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into electricity.

 Electrical circuit
An electrical circuit is a set of connected components that
an electric current can flow through. It has a generator,
receptors, control and protection components and
conductors that allow the electricity to flow.
 Voltage or tension
Voltage or tension is the difference between the electrical
energy at two points in a circuit. The charge always moves
from the points where the energy is higher to the points where
it’s lower. We represent voltage with the letter V. We measure
voltage in volts (V).
To measure voltage, we use a voltmeter, which we connect in
parallel with the component or generator whose voltage we
want to measure.

Dr Benzaid L Page6
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda

 Current
Current is the amount of electric charge passing
through a specific point in a circuit in one second
(the flow of electrons at that point). We represent
current with the letter I. We measure current in
amperes or amps (A). To measure current, we use
an ammeter. We connect the ammeter in series to
the receptor or receptors whose current we want to

Dr Benzaid L Page7
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda

Electronics is an engineering discipline that studies and applies the principles of physics to
design, create, and operate devices that manipulate electrons and other electrically charged
particles. Electronics is a subfield of electrical engineering.

Today, electronics engineering is the key force driving the growth of information technology,
and many of the devices we use every day are the work of electronics engineers, such as smart
phones, personal computers and so on.

Traditionally, electrical engineering is associated with "strong currents" and electronic is

associated with "weak currents".

What do electronics engineers do?

 Electronics engineers design, develop and oversee the production of electronic

systems and products.

 Planning electronics projects

 Manufacturing electronic products: Electronics engineers not only develop plans but
also follow them to manufacture electronic products and systems. Most electronics
engineers work as part of a team, creating individual electronic components and then
assembling them with others to make larger works

 Testing and evaluating electrical products: After assembly, electronics engineers

conduct final tests before the release of the product, assessing whether it operates as
intended and adheres to specifications

 Writing usage recommendations: Electronics engineers write usage recommendations

to ensure consumers use their products correctly.

 Performing maintenance and repairs: Some electronic products, such as industrial

machinery with electronics components, require regular maintenance from electronics

Electronics professions

Dr Benzaid L Page8
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
The professional fields which represent electronics professions are found in the following

• Audiovisual-multimedia equipment

• IT equipment (Information Technology equipment)

• Detection systems: Radar, sonar, remote sensing

• Home comfort equipment (Household appliances)

• Alarm and security equipment

Dr Benzaid L Page9
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda

• Observation, analysis, measurement and instrumentation equipment.

Telecommunications engineering

Telecommunications engineering is a discipline founded around the

exchange of information across channels via wired or wireless
means. It brings together all of the elements of electrical engineering,
including computer engineering and system engineering, to create
and improve telecommunication systems.

What do telecommunication engineers do?

Telecommunications engineers or telecom engineers are expert in managing data such as
voice, video, calls, and text over different modes of communication. They are responsible for
the designing and installation of the telecommunications equipment
and ensure the data transmitted over wired or wireless
communication is of high-quality. The telecom engineering field
varies from radio and television to Satellite; computer networks the
internet, and optical fiber.
Communication systems:
A communication system has the function to ensure the transport of information between a
transmitter and one (or more) receiver(s) connected through a communication channel or
medium. This information is transported in the form of a signal.

Dr Benzaid L Page10
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda

Biomedical engineering (BME)

BME is the application of engineering principles to solve biological and medical problems for
the purpose of improving health care

What do biomedical engineers do?

Biomedical engineers use their knowledge of engineering to create

medical devices, equipment, and processes to heal, treat, or
improve health conditions. While the exact duties a biomedical
engineer performs day to day vary from project to project, some of
the most common responsibilities include:
 Design medical devices, such as pacemakers or artificial
 Repair and install medical devices and equipment
 Conduct original research into existing biomedical devices and biological processes
 Train medical professionals in the use of new medical equipment
Here are some examples of biomedical devices and equipment of treatment and diagnosis:
Artificial respirators, heart monitors

Dr Benzaid L Page11
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
Ultrasonography, scanners, MRI

Pacemakers, prosthetics

Microsurgery devices and computer-assisted surgery

Electromechanical engineering
Electromechanical engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the integration of
electrical and mechanical systems. It combines principles from both disciplines to design,
develop and maintain devices and systems that involve the interaction between electrical
components and mechanical components. Electromechanical engineers apply their knowledge
of electrical circuits, motors, sensors and actuators to create efficient and functional,
electromechanical systems.
What is an electromechanical engineer?
An electromechanical engineer is an engineering
specialist who focuses on the design,
development and maintenance of
electromechanical systems, they often work on
projects that require the integration of electrical
and mechanical systems, and these engineers have diverse skill set that encompasses both

Dr Benzaid L Page12
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
electrical and mechanical engineering principles. They apply their expertise to create and
optimize electromechanical systems. They often work as part of a larger team of other
specialized engineers.
Automation is the set of scientific methods and technological means used for the design of
systems that can operate without human intervention during their normal operating phase.
Today, automation makes it possible to replace humans, both in operational and informational
tasks, because automated systems make it possible to improve:
 Safety: they carry out operations that are too complex or too dangerous which
cannot be entrusted to humans (for example: the control of nuclear power
 Comfort: they replace humans to carry out repetitive or difficult operations at
work, or in their daily life (household appliances, automatic gearboxes, etc.),
 Quality: they increase precision and limit errors (electronic management of
thermal engines, ABS, military applications, etc.),
 Productivity: they make it possible to increase production rates (assembly line,
automated workshop, etc.).
What Does an Automation Engineer Do?

The automation engineer must understand the

process and its needs to select the appropriate
instruments to monitor and control all the
necessary variables. This work includes:
 Working with process control engineers to
develop an automation system to control
the process.
 Choosing and programming a controller and establishing communication between the
sensors (inputs), actuators (outputs), and controller.
 Simulating, installing, testing, and managing electrical or mechanical automation.
 Monitoring automation processes on a continuous basis.

Dr Benzaid L Page13
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda

Industrial engineering
Industrial engineering is the branch of engineering that focuses on planning and managing
industrial process systems. These engineers are in charge of administering these systems after
analyzing the production problems.
The field of industrial engineering also monitors the efficiency of companies’ production
systems. In general, industrial engineering is highly useful in many spheres, both inside the
field of engineering itself as well as outside it.
What do industrial engineers do?
Industrial engineers have managerial roles in
companies their tasks are
 Assure the end product’s quality
 Manage the processes that take place in the
 Supervise production and manage both the
human and financial resources of a company.
During their first years of work, they typically carry out tasks in product quality control, as
well as in manufacturing processes. Throughout their career, they can carry out other tasks,
such as financial resource management. They can even end up managing a company, as they
are perfectly prepared to do so.
In general, we can say that the tasks that an industrial engineer does focus on optimizing
resources, organizing teams, and improving resource efficiency.
The skills of industrial engineers include:
Quantitative modeling, statistical analysis, computing, work systems improvement, economic
reasoning, management and communications.

Dr Benzaid L Page14
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
Process engineering

Process engineering is the understanding and application of the basic principles and laws of
nature that enable humans to transform raw materials and energy into products useful to
society on an industrial scale.
Process engineering is a type of engineering that focuses on the industrial processes of
chemical substances.
What do Process engineers do?
Process engineers are charged with designing, developing
and implementing the chemical and biochemical processes
that are necessary to produce various goods. With a
background in chemical engineering, process engineers
may also evaluate existing chemical and biochemical
manufacturing processes to identify ways to improve or
enhance them.
By designing, controlling and operating the chemical or biochemical processes and equipment
that are used to turn raw materials into valuable products, process engineers play a vital role
in many industries.

Process Engineering Jobs

Process engineers are required in various industries. They usually got an opportunity to work
in permanent or contract jobs. Some of the industries where process engineers get jobs are:
 Oil and Gas Industries.

 Chemical and para-chemical industry (plastic, synthetic textile, synthetic rubber , detergent,
adhesive, fertilizer)

 Petrochemical industries

 Nuclear plants

 Companies that inspect chemical refineries

 Water treatment facilities

 Steel Industries

 Pharmaceutical companies

 Biochemical and biopharmaceutical Industries

Dr Benzaid L Page15
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
 Process Licensing

 Mining Industries

 Food and beverage manufacturers

 Environment-friendly and recycling groups

 Offshore Industries

 Dairy industries

 Cosmetics Industry

 Environment: water, air and waste treatment

 Quality and safety in processes

 Management of industrial processes

Hygiene Safety Environment

Definition: the different aspects of HSE
According to the HSE definition, this methodology covers three main aspects:
 Hygiene
 Safety
 Environment
 Hygiene
Hygiene refers to the employer obligations to provide employees with a healthy
working environment (sanitary facilities, toilets, locker rooms, etc.). They differ from
one sector to another.
 Safety
The employer is also obliged to protect employees by making their workspace safer.
This requires implementing measures to prevent occupational risks, in accordance
with HSE rules.
 Environment
The environmental aspect cannot be overlooked within companies. Most of the actions
of professionals have an important ecological impact. The role of HSE is to provide
them with a framework to act in an environmentally friendly manner.

Laws and regulations to be respected

Hygiene and safety are governed by the international standard ISO 45001. As for the
environment, it is framed by the ISO 14001 standard.
The reference texts ISO 45001 and ISO 14 001 were established by the International
Organization for Standardization in 2018.

Different axes of the HSE sector

 Preservation of man.
 Preservation of the production tool.
 Preservation of the environment.
 Reduce production costs.

Dr Benzaid L Page16
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
What do HSE engineers do?

An HSE engineer is responsible for ensuring the health, safety, and environmental compliance
of an organization. HSE engineers develop and implement strategies and procedures to
minimize risks and hazards, and ensure that employees are properly trained and equipped to
work safely. They also review the impact an industry has on the environment and create plans
to minimize or eliminate any impact on a company's surroundings.
HSE engineers must have a strong understanding of health, safety, and environmental
regulations, and be able to effectively communicate with employees at all levels of an
These engineers can work in the oil and gas industry or for waste management plants,
construction companies, utility companies …
Role of the HSE specialist:
 Ensure security
The health, safety, environment (HSE) engineer reduces and controls professional
risks within the company or community for which he works. It analyzes these risks
(work accidents, occupational illnesses, pollution, etc.), evaluates them and
recommends appropriate solutions.
 Train staff
In order to reduce the number of incidents, the HSE manager designs and runs
prevention plans within the company. It raises staff awareness of safety by organizing
fire alarm drills or training in intervention techniques in the event of an accident, for
 Enforce instructions
The HSE manager ensures the reliability of the installations (alarm systems, fire doors,
etc.) and ensures the application of all new standards in force. He writes safety
instructions, from the ban on smoking in offices to the wearing of regulatory clothing
(such as a helmet on a construction site). He monitors staff working conditions and
intervenes if he observes a specific risk.

Hydrocarbons and Petrochemical Engineering



Hydrocarbons are organic compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms. They
have a Cn Hm type crude formula. They can be classified according to the shape of their
structure (linear, cyclic) and their degree of saturation.


Petroleum, also called crude oil, is a fossil fuel. Like coal and natural gas, petroleum was
formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms, such as plants, algae, and bacteria.
Over millions of years of intense heat and pressure, these organic remains (fossils)

Dr Benzaid L Page17
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
transformed into carbon-rich substances we rely on as raw materials for fuel and a wide
variety of products.

Crude Oil Refining

Crude oil first needs to be refined into other products before it can be used by consumers and
industry. The process involves separating the large number of hydrocarbon molecules present
in the oil into various components. Some of the molecules are very light and are in gas form,
while others are very heavy. Refining converts oil into a broad range of marketable products,
including gases (butane and propane); fuels (gasoline, diesel and kerosene); naphtha (a
petrochemical feedstock); heating oil; base oils and asphalt for paving roads.

Refining Operations

Crude oil is converted into petroleum products in a number of steps in refineries. The first is
atmospheric distillation at 350 to 400°C. The crude oil vapors rise inside the column, while
the heaviest molecules remain at the bottom. The heavy residues are distilled again in another

After separation, the next step is conversion at a temperature of 500°C. Processes include
catalytic cracking and hydro cracking which “crack” the molecules that are still too heavy,
producing gas, gasoline and diesel. Then molecules that are corrosive or cause air pollution,
such as sulfur, are removed.

Petrochemical Engineering

Dr Benzaid L Page18
First Year ST engineer
University of Skikda
Petrochemical Engineering is a
multidimensional field with domains including
geophysics, chemical engineering, oil
extraction, petroleum manufacturing,
geochemistry, and more.

Petrochemical engineering is a specialty

profession within the field of chemical
engineering. It deals with the chemical
processes involved in turning the raw materials of crude oil and petroleum into useful
products such as lubricating oils, fertilizers and plastics.

What do petrochemical engineer’s do?

 Design and development of petrochemical processes: A petrochemical engineer is
involved in the design and development of processes used to convert crude oil
and natural gas into various petrochemical products, such as plastics, fertilizers,
and chemicals.
 Process optimization: The petrochemical engineer is responsible for continuously
optimizing the production processes to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and
improve product quality.
 Equipment selection and maintenance: The petrochemical engineer is involved in
the selection and maintenance of the equipment used in the production of
petrochemicals, such as reactors, distillation columns, and heat exchangers.
 Safety and environmental compliance: The petrochemical engineer is responsible
for ensuring that the production processes comply with safety and environmental
 Technical troubleshooting: The petrochemical engineer is often called upon to
solve technical problems that arise during the production process, such as
equipment malfunctions, process upsets...
 Cost estimation and budget management: The petrochemical engineer is involved
in the cost estimation and budget management of petrochemical projects.
 Project management: The petrochemical engineer may also be involved in the
management of petrochemical projects, including project planning, scheduling,
and coordination with other departments.

Dr Benzaid L Page19

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