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Course Material

Loco Pilots (Refresher)

Electric Traction Training Centre

South Central Railway






RNG 204 34-42
RNG 205 43-59
RNG 206 60-105



Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays



Contactor is a device, which is used to close or open the high tension circuit and
remotely operated from Loco Pilots desk. No contactor should be operated manually, without
taking necessary precautions.


A. Electro Magnetic Contactor:

1) 3 Ø contactors: C101, C102, C103, C105, C106, C107, C108.
2) 1 Ø contactor: C118 (Only in non-modified locos)

B. Electro Pneumatic Contactor:

Line contactors L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6 & shunting contactors, C 145 contactor for RB
and C118 (In modified locos only).

C. Cam Contactors:
CGR-1, CGR-2 & CGR-3.

D. Drum Contactors:
J1, J2, CTF1, CTF2 & CTF3.


General Instructions
1. Try to clear the block section by coasting or with lower notches or stop the train at
convenient place.
2. Build up maximum air pressure in
MR & RS, if possible.
3. Trip DJ, lower pantograph, keep
HBA on ‘0’.
4. Check flexibility of contactor and
ensure that the flexible shunts are
intact and fixed properly.
5. Check the surface of the fixed and
mobile contacts for any pit or
burnt mark or globules or welding
mark. If necessary, remove the arc
chutes for checking.
6. If any abnormality mentioned
above is noticed, try to clean the
contacts with a cloth or smooth
emery sheet.
7. Wedge the contactor with suitable wedge.
8. After wedging ensure all three contacts closed fully.

Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays

Note: Do not wedge more than two contactors at a time. Inform to TLC and enter in loco

Problems encountered when EM contactor is not closed:

➢ If C 101 is not closed– MCP1will not work-MR pressure will not build
➢ C 102 – MCP2 will not work -MR pressure will not build
➢ C 103 – MCP3 will not work -MR pressure will not build
➢ C 105 – MVMT1 will not start and operation 2 tripping failure.
➢ C 106 – MVMT2 will not start - operation 2 tripping failure.
➢ C 107 – MVRH will not start - operation 2 tripping failure
➢ C118 – for giving starting phase to ARNO, if not closed ICDJ tripping failure.

A. After wedging C101, C102 or C103:
1) Energise the loco. Check and ensure proper working of SS2.
2) After reaching pressure to 9.5 kg/cm2 in MR, create sufficient leakage by opening
CDC drain cock to maintain between 8 to 9.5 kg/cm2.

B. After wedging C107, C105 or C106:

1) After wedging, keep concerned isolating switch (HVRH or HVMT1 or HVMT2) in
'3' position, to maintain path for Q118.
2) Check the working of concerned blower for every 15 minutes.

Note: If isolating switch is not placed in '3' position, operate Q118 manually for every
closing of DJ.


These are operated by 110v DC and pneumatic supply. Problems encountered when EP
contactor is not closed
➢ When all line contactors are not closed –TLTE With GR progression.
➢ L1 not closed-PLTE.
➢ L2 not closed- Auto regression with LSP.
➢ L3 not closed- Auto regression with LSP.
➢ L4 not closed- Auto regression with LSP.
➢ L5 not closed- Auto regression with LSP.
➢ L6 not closed- PLTE.


Cam contactors are remotely operated by MP/EEC from loco pilot’s desk
1. If MP is failed, they can be operated by EEC operation with the help of BPP & BPR
2. If both MP & EEC are failed, clear the section by manual operation of GR with the
help of ZSMGR handle.
3. During routine examination of loco, these contactors are to be checked for intactness
of arc-chutes.

Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays


Extinguishing of LSB lamp will ensure proper setting of drum contactors.
1. If LSB is not extinguished when MPJ is kept in ‘F’ or ‘R’, Loco Pilot should check
the contactors physically, duly taking necessary precautions.
2. If J1 or J2 not set properly, set the same by pressing concerned electro valve
3. If J1 or J2 not operated with manual pressing of electro valve, operate the manual
operating handle to required direction.
4. When MP kept in 'P' position, continuous glowing of LSB indicates improper setting
of CTF 1, CTF2 & CTF3 to braking side. In such case, do not use RB.
5. After RB, when MP kept in traction side, continuous glowing of LSB indicates not
setting of CTF 1, CTF2 & CTF3 to traction side. In such case, stop the train at
convenient place, operate CTFs to traction side manually with necessary precautions
and tie with rope. Further, do not use RB.
6. During QOP relay acting, Reverser bits may flash and weld. During such time, open
the welded bit and reset QOP.
Ex: J1, J2
Symptom: When any drum contactor is not in proper direction, TLTE with LSB is

Relay is a device, which conveys the information regarding proper working of apparatus
to the operator or may cut off the supply if any abnormality in power circuit.

Relays are of two types. They are:

I. Electrical relays,
II. Mechanical relays.


The relay, which gives information about any abnormality in the concerned device in a
closed circuit, is called electrical relay. It checks the intensity / tension in the circuit.

These are classified as;

a) Current Relays,
b) Voltage Relays,
c) Signaling Relays,
d) Control Relays,
e) Special type of relays
A. Current Relays:
These relays are connected in series to the circuit and during the normal working of the
circuit, remains in de-energised condition. In case of any abnormality in the circuit, this

Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays

relay will energises and initiates protective action. In Electric Traction locomotive there
are two types of current relays. They are:
i. Over current relays
ii. Differential current relays

i. Over Current Relays:

When the current flow is normal in the circuit, this relay remains de-energised and
keeps its normally closed interlock in closed position along with the circuit. If the
current flow is increased beyond the safe working limit, the relay will energise and
opens its N/C I/L in the control circuit, so the receiver stops working duly tripping DJ
or causes auto regression. After initiation of protective measure these will
automatically de-energise and makes their interlock to close in the circuit thus making
the normal operation without resetting the relay target. To avoid this, QLM provided
mechanical locking between Relay target and interlock. Unless target is reset,
interlock will not close in the circuit. This is called Mechanical locking of Relay.

In our locomotive, over current relays are: QLM, QLA, QRSI 1, QRSI 2, QE, QF1 &

QLM: It is an over current relay to protect Feeding power circuit from over current.
If over current flows in Feeding Power Circuit, QLM energises and trips DJ.

Note: Setting of QLM: WAG 7 & WAP 4 – 450 Amps. and WAG 5 & WAM 4 - 325 amps.
When QLM is energized, check the following items for any smell/ smoke / fire / oil
1. TFILM 1. Oil splashes in HT compartment
2. Roof bushing bar / HT cable 2. GR Safety valves
3. Transformer oil level 3. AO, A33 terminals
4. Transformer explosion door 4. CGR contactors / arc chutes
5. Transformer Silica gel 5. RGR & RPGR
6. GR oil level 6. Oil splashes at under frame
7. GR breather & silica gel valves 7. Transformer oil trap indicator

If there is any abnormality, should not re-set the relay, ask for relief loco. If there
is no abnormality, reset the relay; keep Asst. Loco pilot in the corridor to observe for
abnormality while closing DJ. If there is any abnormality while closing DJ, Asst. Loco
pilot should shout to trip the DJ by Loco pilot. If no abnormality is found, work the
train further duly checking the Feeding Power Circuit equipment for every 15 minutes.
If QLM is energized second time, contact TLC though there is no abnormality and ask
for relief loco.
If QLM energised along with other relays, check the items belonging to
other relay also. If QLM energised along with other relays second time, contact TLC
and ask for relief loco. Note down the readings of meters, time, place etc. Make clear
remarks in logbook and rough journal.

QLA: It is an over current relay to protect Auxiliary power circuit from over current. If
over current flows in Auxiliary Power Circuit, this relay energises and trips DJ. Setting
of QLA in WAG7 & WAP4 is 2000 Amps and in WAG5 & WAM4 is 1400 Amps.

Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays

QRSI1/QRSI2: These are over current relays to protect RSI Blocks 1 & 2 respectively
from over current. If over current comes because of short circuit in Traction Power
Circuit, this relay energises and trips DJ. Setting of QRSI in WAG 7 & WAP 4 is 4000
Amps and in WAG 5 & WAM 4 is 3600 Amps.

QE: It is an over current relay to ATFEX. During RB, if excitation current exceeds
900Amps to ATFEX, this relay energises and causes auto regression of GR.

QF 1&2: These are over current relays for RFs. During RB, if TM output current
exceeds 700Amps, relay QF energises and causes auto regression of GR.


QD1 connected across TMs 2&3 and QD2 connected across TMs 4&5. Whenever the
difference of current between these two traction motors exceeds 160/125 Amps
Goods/Coaching Locos respectively, this relay will energise and causes auto regression
of GR, auto sanding and glowing of LSP. When QD is energised, Loco pilot should
ascertain the cause and trouble shoot accordingly.
Operating range - Goods Locos: Picks up >160 A and drops at 130 A.
Coaching loco: Picks up at>125 A and drops at 80 A.


Q30: If Q 30 is defective i.e., not energised even if the supply is more than 17.5 KV, it
causes tripping as OPERATION –B part II.Whenever the wires are not found or unable
to loop, wedge Q45 relay in energise position. When wires are looped, loco Pilot has to
watch the UA meter and trip the DJ, when OHE supply drops below 17.5 KV. If Q45 is
wedged, take necessary precautions.

Q20: It is an over voltage relay provided in TPC1. Q20 will energise when the TPC-1
voltage exceeds 865V and Auto regression of GR, Sounding of SON and LSOV lamp
(If provided). If Q 20 is energising at less voltage, work the train by using MPS. If still
losing time, inform to TLC.

Note: Q20 setting is 865v but TM voltage is limited to 750 volts.

Operating range: Picks up at 790 V and drops at 700 V.


QOP 1 & 2: These are earth fault protection relays for Traction power circuits 1 and 2,
respectively. Whenever there is any earth fault, this relay will energise and causes
tripping of DJ. Whenever this relay energised, check the concerned circuit thoroughly
and act accordingly.
QOA: It is an earth fault protection relay for Auxiliary power circuit. Whenever there
is any earth fault in Auxiliary power circuit, this relay will energise and causes tripping
of DJ. Whenever this relay energised, check the circuit thoroughly and act accordingly.

Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays


A. Pressure Relays:
QPH: It is a pressure relay provided on the delivery pipeline of MPH. When the oil
pressure is sufficient in the system this relay will be in energised position. Due to any
reason if this relay is not energised, it causes tripping of DJ in operation-B part 1.

QPDJ: It is a pressure relay provided in pneumatic pipeline of DJ. In ABCB type DJ

provided locos, it’s cut in is at 5.5 kg/cm2 and cut out is at 4.5 kg/cm2. In VCB type DJ
provided locos QPDJ cut in is at 4.65 kg/cm2 and cuts out at 4.0 kg/cm2. If this relay is
not energised Loco Pilot will experience ICDJ. In such a case, raise RS pressure to
maximum by MCPA, tap QPDJ. If still unsuccessful contact TLC.

B. Circulation Relays:
QVSI1, QVSI2, QVSL1, QVSL2, QVRH, QVMT1, QVMT2 & QVRF: These are air
circulation relays provided to concerned motor air circulation system. If air circulation
is sufficient, concerned relay energises. Otherwise, Loco pilot will experience tripping
failure according to the relay.


1. Stop the train at convenient place.
2. Secure the train as per procedure to avoid roll back.
3. Break the seal and open the relay cover.
4. Keep BLDJ & BLVMT in closed condition.
5. Ensure C118 opened fully.
6. Ensure Battery voltage is above 90 volts
7. Ensure MR or RS pressure is above 6.5 kg/cm2.
8. Keep ZPT on ‘1’ and ensure panto raised and touching to contact wire.
9. Press Q118 pallet first then press BP2DJ.
10. Release BP2DJ after extinguishing of LSCHBA and release Q118 after 30 seconds.

1. Ensure BLDJ closed, ZPT on 1 and GR on ‘0’.
2. Ensure Battery voltage is above 90 volts.
3. Ensure MR or RS pressure is above 6.5 kg/cm2.
4. Press Q45 pallet manually.
5. Release Q45 after extinguishing of LSCHBA.

1. Ensure C118 open fully, BLDJ closed ZPT-1, GR-0 battery voltage and MR/RS
pressure is sufficient.
2. Ensure Q118 energised.
3. Depute Asst. loco pilot to watch RGR from corridor.
4. Press BP2DJ and then press Q44 pallet manually.

Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays

5. Release Q44 after extinguishing of LSDJ & BP2DJ after extinguishing of

Note: Relay Q44 should not be pressed for more than one second.


General Precautions:
1. Stop the train at convenient place.
2. Secure the train as per procedure.
3. Build up maximum air pressure in MR & RS if possible.
4. Trip DJ, lower panto and open HBA.
5. Break the seal and remove the cover.
6. Examine the relay for any abnormality and check the flexibility.

Procedure of Wedging:

Energise wedging: press the both stems and insert the wooden wedge in rear of the
outer bracket. Ensure interlocks are closed / opened properly then release the stems.
De-energise wedging: Ensure that both stems have come out, fully. Insert the wooden
wedge in front of the outer bracket. Ensure interlocks are closed / opened properly then
release the stems.

Energise wedging: Insert the wooden wedge, in front of the pallet.
De-energise wedging: Insert the wooden wedge, in rear of the pallet.

To wedge the relay in energise condition. Press the pallet towards the coil and insert
suitable wooden wedge in the other side. In few locos, a latch provided for this
purpose. Few locos are having miniature toggle switch for Q51 relay for wedging in
de-energise position.(Toggle switch in wedge side will make the relay in de-energise


Release the lock and rotate the lever provided for wedging the relay.

Note: Time lag/Time delay relays are provided with Red and green Lamps. Glowing
of Red Lamp indicates Relay in De-energise position. Glowing of GREEN LAMP
indicates relay in energise position.
Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays

Precautions for various relays wedging:

1. Before closing DJ, ensure BLCP & BLVMT opened.
2. After closing DJ close BLCP & BLVMT with 5 seconds gap to avoid over
loading of ARNO.

QRS 2:
1. Ensure BP pressure is 5 kg/cm2.
2. When BP pressure reduced, keep MP on ‘0’ and ascertain the cause.

Before Wedging After Wedging
1. Ensure J1, J2 are in proper direction 1. Do not operate MPJ.
according to MPJ. 2. Do not perform shunting. If it is required to
2. Ensure CTF 1, 2 & 3 are in Traction perform shunting, operate MPJ ensure J1 &
side. J2 set properly for every movement.
3. Ensure C145 opened fully. 3. Bring MP to ‘0’ when DJ tripped on
4. Do not use RB.
1. Obtain permission from TLC.
2. GR will not regress through Q20/Q48/QRS2/PR2. Hence, ensure correct current rating,
observe LSP and observe BP.
3. Check the relay frequently. If becomes over heat, remove the wedge and contact TLC.

Before Wedging After Wedging
1. Ensure C118 opened fully. 1. Ensure C118 open fully.
2. Ensure C107, C105 & C106 opened 2. Ensure proper working of MVRH, MVMT1,
fully. MVMT2, MPH, MVSL1, MVSL2 & ARNO
3. Ensure HVRH, HVMT1, HVMT2, frequently.
HPH, HVSL1, HVSL2, and HQCVAR 3. Ensure transformer oil level is normal.
in ‘1’ position. 4. Avoid quick regression of GR.
5. Observe restricted current rating of 920/500
Before Wedging After Closing DJ
1. Obtain permission from TLC. 1. Ensure C118 is opened fully and no
2. Conduct GR efficiency test and ensure abnormality in RGR.
GR is moving in 11 to 13 seconds for 2. Ensure OHE supply is above 17.5 KV and
progression 0-32 notches and avoid manual operation of GR.
regression 32-0 notches. 3. Ensure proper working of auxiliaries
3. Ensure GR drum is on ‘0’. provided on Q118 & Q44 branches.
4. Ensure Q118 is normal. 4. Ensure Q118 in energised position and
5. Ensure C118 open fully. avoid quick regression of GR.
6. Ensure HVSI 1 & 2 are in ‘1’ position.
7. Note down transformer oil level.

Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays

Before Wedging After Closing DJ
1. Whenever loco is having ‘A’ ending 1. Ensure OHE supply is more than 17.5KV
trouble should not wedge Q45. and proper working of VSI1 & VSI2.
2. Ensure BLDJ open, GR is on ‘0’, ZPT 2. If DJ required to be open for a longer
on ‘1’ and pantograph raised. period remove wedge of Q45 or keep HBA
3. Ensure Q118 & Q44 working normal. on ‘o’ to avoid chattering of Q44 & Q118.
4. Close BLDJ for closing of DJ. 3. If DJ tripped with any reason, open BLDJ
immediately to avoid DJ chattering.
Note: After wedging Q45, relays Q118 & Q44 will chatter until such time DJ is closed.
So, close DJ without any delay.

201.12 The following relays may be wedged in energized condition and work with
Q44, Q100, Q118, Q45, QRS2, Q50, QTD101, QTD105, QTD106, QSVM, QCON.
201.13 The following relays may be wedged in de-energized condition and work with
precautions : Q52.

Pantograph is collapsible equipment mounted on loco roof to receive the OHE supply
smoothly and spark less at all speeds. Pantograph electrical control circuit is protected by CCPT
(16 AMPS) fuse. Pantograph is raised by ZPT key. ZPT key is having three positions (0,1&2).
When ZPT is operated, concerned pantograph raise/lowers in three stages with the throttle valve
201.14.1 Trouble shooting for pantograph not rising Electrical:
1. Ensure HBA is on ‘1’ position..
2. Battery voltage is above 90 Volts
3. Ensure CCBA & CCPT are in good condition.
4. Ensure ZPT is in ‘1’ or ’2’ position and ZPT wires are intact.
5. Ensure electrical terminals of VEPT are intact and VEPT is energised.
6. Ensure BPEMS Switch is not in pressed condition.

1. Ensure MR / RS pressure is above 6.5 Kg/cm2 and RAL is in open position.
2. Ensure PT 1 & 2 cocks are opened.
3. Tap Throttle valve gently.
4. Ensure there is no pneumatic leakages in the pipe lines and VEPT’S.
No mechanical irregularities in panto mechanism.

Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays

201.14.2Trouble shooting for RS pressure is not building up:

1. Ensure MCPA is working.
2. Ensure RAL cock is open.
3. Ensure SS1 is not in stuck up position (if mal functioning, close SS1 cock if
provided or dummy the same).
4. Ensure RS pressure gauge is working.
5. Ensure CPA drain cock, RS drain cock, RDJ drain cock, panto pipe line drain cock
and DJ oil separator drain cocks are in close position.
6. Check for any air leakages in pipeline leading to panto and DJ and arrest if found.
7. Check CPA intake strainer for any blockage, clean if blocked.
8. Tap NRV work MCPA for 10 minutes and observe SS1.If still pressure is not
creating, close RAL cock and create pressure in panto and DJ pipelines until SS1
blows. If pressure is created, raise panto, close DJ and close BLCP. After creating
pressure in MR then only switch OFF MCPA. If pressure is not creating after closing
RAL cock, open RAL cock.
9. If still pressure is not creates, close R1 and try. If pressure is creates, raise panto,
close DJ and close BLCP. After creating pressure in MR up to 8 kg/cm2 then open
R1 COC without fail.
10. If still pressure is not creating, place ZPT in HOM at 5’O clock and turn to 7’o clock
position and start MCPA. If successful raise panto close DJ immediately start MCP.
Stop MCPA only after MR pressure is raised to 8 kg/cm2.
11. If RS pressure is created in abnormal condition make a remark in loco log book.

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Course Material for Loco Pilot refresher 201.Contactors and Relays

 If still unsuccessful contact TLC and ask for relief loco.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 202. DJ Control Circuit


DJ control circuit is provided

1. To give starting phase to ARNO.
2. To protect the loco if any of eight auxiliary motors is not working.
3. To protect the loco if ARNO is not working.
4. To protect RGR.
5. To ensure that GR is on ‘0’ while closing DJ.
6. To protect feeding power circuit from over current and short circuit.
7. To protect auxiliary power circuit from over current and earth fault.
8. To protect traction power circuit from over current and earth fault.
9. It trips DJ if GR is struck up on full notches while doing quick regression with MP.


Whenever DJ is tripped on line prepare the loco as following to pick up correct

abnormal sign.
1. Keep MP on zero.
2. Open all top row BL switches.
3. Ensure LSGR is glowing.
4. Ensure Safety relays are normal.
5. Ensure C107, C105 & C106 open fully.
6. MR / RS pressure above 6.5 Kg/cm2.
7. Battery voltage is above 90 volts.
8. Ensure pantograph is raised fully and touches to OHE.

➢ Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ and observe the LSDJ, UA needle, Auxiliaries sound
➢ After extinguishing of LSCHBA, release BLRDJ. If LSCHBA not extinguishes,
release after re glowing of LSDJ.
➢ Pick up the correct abnormal sign as following manner.

On closing BLDJ and ICDJ a. Less air pressure in MR or RS
pressing BLRDJ, LSDJ b. Less battery voltage below 90 V
1 remains glowing c. Q118/ Q45/ Q44/ C118/ EFDJ may not be
d. Check A conk for any slackness.
Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. NO TENSION a. Derailment/ Accident (reducing of BP level
LSDJ extinguished, UA in loco)
needle not deviated, no b. Defect in Feeding Power Circuit.
auxiliaries sound, LSCHBA c. Defect in OHE/ track/ formation
not extinguished and after d. Cut in Feeding Power circuit.
5.6 seconds LSDJ re-glows e. Foreign body on loco roof.
then release BLRDJ. f. No supply on OHE
g. Panto not touching to contact wire.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 202. DJ Control Circuit

Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ , ‘A’ BEGINNING a. Less air pressure or QPDJ defective
LSDJ lamp extinguished and b. Check QOA/ QLA/ QLM for
3 re- glows immediately, then energisation.
release BLRDJ. (ie. LSDJ c. Cut in MTDJ branch or defective MTDJ
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. ‘A’ ENDING a. Defective ARNO
LSDJ extinguished, UA b. Defective QCVAR
needle deviated, auxiliary
sound may heard LSCHBA
not extinguished after 5.6
seconds LSDJ re glows.
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. OPERATION ‘B’ Defect in
LSDJ extinguished, UA PART-I a. MVSL1/VSL1/ QVSL1
needle deviated, Auxiliary b. MVSL2/VSL2/ QVSL2
5 sound heard, LSCHBA also c. MPH/PH/QPH
extinguished, after releasing d. QCVAR N/O I/L on Q118 branch.
BLRDJ, while counting
15seconds LSDJ re-glows.
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. OPERATION ‘B’ Defective Q30
LSDJ extinguished, UA PART-II
needle deviated, auxiliary
6 sound heard, LSCHBA also
extinguished, on releasing
BLRDJ, LSDJ re glows
Close DJ, close BLVMT, OPERATION ‘O’ Defect in
while counting 30 seconds a. MVRH/VRH/QVRH.
LSDJ re-glows. b. MVMT1/VMT1/QVMT1
Close DJ, close BLVMT and OPERATION ‘I’ Defect in
take one traction notch LSDJ a. MVSI1/VSI1/QVSI1
re-glows IMMEDIATELY. b. MVSI2/VSI2/QVSI2 or
c. Sluggish operation of GR.
Close DJ, close BLVMT and OPERATION ‘II’ a. All contactors not closed
take six traction notches. b. Any one of C107 / C105 /C106 not
9 While counting 15 seconds closed
LSDJ re-glows. c. C107, C105 & C106 closed but N/O I/Ls
DJ trips in various occasions TWAC a. Defective QPDJ
other than above b. Slackness of CCDJ /CCPT/CCA
indications. c. Moisture in system
10 d. Defective SMGR
e. Defective ZPT I/L
f. Momentary defect of any I/L in the DJ
control circuit.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 202. DJ Control Circuit


1. Keep MP on zero.
2. Open all top row BL switches.
3. Ensure LSGR is glowing.
4. Safety relays are normal.
5. Ensure C107,C105,C106 open fully.
6. MR / RS pressure above 6.5 Kg/cm2.
7. Battery voltage is above 90 volts.
8. Ensure pantograph is raised fully and touches to OHE.

➢ Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ and observe the LSDJ, UA needle, Auxiliaries sound &
➢ After extinguishing of LSCHBA, release BLRDJ. If LSCHBA not extinguishes, release
after re glowing of LSDJ.
➢ Pick up the correct abnormal sign in the following manner.

SL Abnormal
Indication/Operation Probable Reasons
No Sign
1 On closing BLDJ and ICDJ a. Less air pressure in RS or MR
pressing BLRDJ, LSDJ b. Less battery voltage below 90
remains glowing V
c. Less air pressure in VCB unit
d. Q118/ Q45/ Q44/ C118/ MTDJ
not energised.
e. Defective C118 N/O I/L on
MTDJ branch.
f. Check for any slackness of A
2 Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. NO TENSION a. Derailment/ Accident
LSDJ extinguished, UA (reducing of Vacuum / BP
needle not deviated, no levels in loco)
auxiliaries sound, LSCHBA b. Cut/defect in Feeding
not extinguished and after 5.6 Power Circuit.
seconds LSDJ re-glows then c. Cut/Defect in Auxiliary
release BLRDJ. power circuit.
d. Defect in OHE/ track/
e. Foreign body on loco roof.
f. No supply on OHE.
3 Close BLDJ and press ‘A’ a. Less air pressure or QPDJ
extinguished and re- glows b. Check QOA/ QLA/ QLM for
immediately, and then energisation.
release BLRDJ.
4 Close BLDJ and press ‘A’ ENDING a. Defective ARNO
BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, b. Defective QCVAR
UA needle deviated,

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 202. DJ Control Circuit

auxiliary sound may hear

LSCHBA not extinguished
after 5.6 seconds LSDJ re
5 Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. ‘A’ENDING Defective DJ N/O I/L on MTDJ
LSDJ extinguished, UA PART II branch.
needle deviated, auxiliary
sound heard LSCHBA also
extinguished just before
releasing BLRDJ, LSDJ re-
glows (LSCHBA flickering)
5 Close BLDJ and press OPERATION Defect in
BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, ‘B’ a. MVSL1/VSL1/ QVSL1
UA needle deviated, PART-I b. MVSL2/VSL2/ QVSL2
Auxiliary sound heard, c. MPH/PH/QPH
LSCHBA also extinguished, d. QCVAR N/O I/L
after releasing BLRDJ, while
counting 15seconds LSDJ re-
6 Close BLDJ and press OPERATION Defective Q30
BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, ‘B’
UA needle deviated, PART-II
auxiliary sound heard,
LSCHBA also extinguished,
on releasing BLRDJ, LSDJ
re glows immediately
7 Close DJ, close BLVMT, OPERATION Defect in
while counting 30 seconds ‘O’ a. MVRH/VRH/QVRH.
LSDJ re-glows. b. MVMT1/VMT1/QVMT1
8 Close DJ, close BLVMT and OPERATION Defect in
take one traction notch LSDJ ‘I’ a. MVSI1/VSI1/QVSI1
re-glows IMMEDIATELY. b. MVSI2/VS2/QVSI2 or
c. Sluggish operation of GR.

9 Close DJ, close BLVMT and OPERATION a. All contactors not clo
take six traction notches. ‘II’ b. Any one of C107 / C105 /C106
While counting 15 seconds not closed
LSDJ re-glows. c. C107,C105&C106 closed but
N/O I/Ls defective.
d. If CCA melts or Q100
10 DJ trips in various occasions TWAC a. Defective QPDJ
other than above indications. b. Slackness of CCDJ
c. Moisture in system
d. Defective SMGR
e. Defective ZPT I/L
f. Momentary defect of any
I/L in the DJ control circuit.

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1. Ensure C118 fully open and operate it for few times.
2. Ensure C107, C105 & C106 are fully open and operate them for few times
3. Clean the I/Ls of Q44 & Q46(Q44&Q46relays should be in de energise).
4. Operate GR manually for few notches and bring back to ‘0’
5. If still unsuccessful, operate Q118 manually
6. If manual operation of Q118 is failed, wedge Q118 in energise position and work further
with necessary precautions


1. Ensure CCDJ is in good condition, if fused keep HOBA in OFF, renew the fuse and
work further.
2. Ensure BP1DJ is not in pressed condition and its wires are intact.
3. Operate BLDJ for few times
4. Keep ZPT in ‘2’ and try
5. Try with BP2DJ
6. Operate GR manually for few notches and bring back to ‘0’
7. Try from rear cab
8. If still unsuccessful, operate Q45, manually


1. Clean the I/Ls of Q45 and try
2. Clean the I/Ls of Q118 and try
3. Operate GR for few notches and bring back to ‘0’
4. If still unsuccessful, operate Q44, manually
5. If still unsuccessful, wedge Q44 in energise position and work further with necessary

1. TLC permission is compulsory.
2. GR efficiency test shall be conducted.
3. Check working of MVSI1&2,MVSL1&2,MVMT1&2,MVRH.
4. Ensure OHE voltage is above 17.5KV.


1. Clean the I/Ls of Q44 and try
2. Clean the I/Ls of Q45 and try
3. Clean the I/Ls of QCVAR and try
4. If C118 is of EP type, ensure MR/RS pressure is above 6.5 kg/cm2 and EP C118 COC is
in open position
5. If still unsuccessful, take precautions, operate C118 for few times and ensure flexibility,
coil connections are intact.
6. If still unsuccessful, ask for relief loco


1. Tap the safety relays gently and try
2. Operate re-setting knobs of safety relays
3. Operate C 118 manually for few times
4. Create maximum pressure in RS and try
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5. Keep HQOP1/HQOP 2 in ‘OFF’, HQOA in ‘0’ one by one and try

6. In VCB locos, try by lopping 733 –739 with precautions
7. In VCB locos, check VCB unit air pressure is 5 kg/cm2
 If still unsuccessful, ask for relief engine.

1. Ensure BP level is intact, if dropped, put on FL stop the train and check the formation.
2. Check track, formation, OHE for any abnormality
3. If everything is normal, try once again
4. Change ZPT and try
5. If still unsuccessful, lower both pantographs, contact TPC, act accordingly
6. If could not contact with TPC and meanwhile if supply is restored, work the train further
with speed restriction of 60/30 Kmph up to next station, inform to SM and act

1. Check for dropping of QOA/QLA/QLM, if any relay energised, act accordingly.
2. Create maximum pressure in RS and try.
3. Tap QOA, QLA&QLM, operate re-setting knobs and try.
4. Keep HQOA in ‘0’ and try
 If still unsuccessful, ask for relief engine.

1. Check ARNO, any abnormality is noticed, ask for relief engine
2. If ARNO is good, keep HQCVAR in ‘0’, work further with necessary precautions

Note: While closing DJ, after deviation of UA needle count 4 seconds and then release BLRDJ
(LSCHBA will not extinguish).

Loop wire Nos. 733 – 739 with necessary precautions and work further.
1. Check in LT and ensure C 118 is opening and closing properly
2. After closing DJ ensure C 118 opened.

1. Keep HVSL1& HVSL 2 IN ‘3’, HPH & HQCVAR IN ‘0’, duly checking motors
working clear the section find out where the trouble is by normalising the switches. If
relay is defective, Keep concerned switch in ‘3’, position and work further with
precautions. If any motor is not working, isolate the motor and work with precaution.

1. Wedge Q45 in energised position and work with precautions,i.e. check working of
MVSI1,MVSI2 and ensure OHE voltage is above 17.5KV.

1. Keep HVRH, HVMT 1 & HVMT 2 IN ‘3’, duly checking motor’s working clear the
section and find out where the trouble is by normalising the switches. If relay is
defective, Keep concerned switch in ‘3’, and work further with precautions. If any motor
is not working, isolate the motor and work with precautions.

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1. Keep HVSI 1, HVSI 2 IN ‘3’ and close DJ. If still trouble is existing, trouble shoot for
sluggish operation of GR
2. If DJ not tripped, clear the section by duly checking motor’s working and find out where
the trouble is by normalising the switches one by one. If relay is defective, Keep
concerned switch in ‘3’ and work further with precautions. If motor not working, isolate
motor and work with precaution.
3. For sluggish operation of GR, increase SMGR pressure or clear section with manual
operation of GR.

1. All contactors not closed
2. Any one of the contactors of C107/ C105/ C106 not closed
3. C107, C105 & C106 closed but their I/Ls defective.

If NO EM CONTACTOR is closed:
a. Check CCA fuse.
b. Check for energisation of Q100.
c. Ensure C118 chronometric I/L is good otherwise, loop wire Nos. 089 –100
d. If still Q100 not energised, wedge it in energise condition and work with precaution.

If Any one of the contactors of C107/ C105/ C106 not closed

a. Keep concerned switch in ‘3’ and try.
b. Check QTD 105 AND QTD 106 for energisation.
c. If still not closing, check the condition of contactor coil wire connections and
flexibility of contactor.
d. If still unsuccessful, wedge contactor and work with precautions.
e. When C107/ C105/ C106 wedged, keep concerned switch on ‘3’
f. position to give initial path to Q 118.

if any I/L not closed

a. Keep HVMT 1 & HVMT 2 switches in ‘3’ and close DJ. If still trouble is existing,
conclude C107 N/O I/L is defective, work by wedging Q118 in energise position
with precautions.
b. After keeping HVMT 1 & HVMT 2 switches in ‘3’, if DJ not tripped, clear the
section, normalise one by one switches and find out where the trouble is, keep
concerned switch in ‘3’ and work further with precautions.

1. Renew CCPT, CCDJ, CCA and try
2. Work the train with maximum pressure, always
3. Change ZPT position and try
4. Keep HQOP 1 & HQOP 2 in ‘OFF’ and HQOA in ‘0’ and try.
5. Increase SMGR pressure for 0.5Kg/cm2 and try
6. Wedge Q118 in energise position and try
7. Wedge Q44 in energise position and try
8. Change the cab and try
9. Operate GR manually and try
 If still unsuccessful, contact TLC

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 203. Traction Power Circuit



The tap changer is directly built on to the Transformer. There are two rows of contact
segments, which are arranged on outer and inner circles of the contact plate, which are called as
bus bars. "SMGR" drives the centre shaft. The design of the air servomotor is such that once the
selector arm begins its movement, it can be stopped only at the required tap (not in between two
taps). The connection between the inner or outer and to the transformer is being established by
means of CGR contactors.
The primary of the Traction Transformer is energised through bus bars and CGR
contactors. The tap changer is connected to the working tap and the supply is drawn through the
bus bars and CGR contactors to primary coil and then circuit completes through
Autotransformer A'0' terminal.
TFP1 & TFP2:
These are two secondary transformers having equal number of turns. TFP1 gives supply
to RSI 1 and TFP 2 gives supply to RSI 2. These two secondaries are gets energised
automatically whenever the tap changer energises the TFP.
a6, a5, a4 & a3: a6, a5 are terminals of TFP1 to RSI1 block. a4, a3 are terminals of TFP2 to RSI
2 blocks. These terminals are located in HT2 compartment.
1. In WAG7 and WAP4 a3,a4 terminals are for TFP1 and a5,a6 terminals are for TFP2.
2. During RB, TFP2 supply is given to TM fields for excitation and hence RB equipment
is connected to TFP2.
3. TFP1 equipment is normally located in HT1 and TFP2 equipment is normally located in
It is having CAPTFPs, RCAPTFPs and ETTFP to protect Traction Power circuit from switching
surges. It is located in HT 3 compartment.

It is an over excitation current relay to ATFEX. During RB, if current exceeds 900Amps to
ATFEX, this relay energises and causes auto regression of GR by deenergising Q50.
QF 1&2:
These are over current relays for RFs. During RB, if TM Armature output current exceeds 700
Amps, relay QF energises and causes auto regression of GR by deenergising Q50.
It is an Autotransformer for field excitation. It will come in to the service during RB. It is
located in HT 1 compartment (WAG 7: HT 3- BA 4) it is connected to TPC 1 in WAG 5 and
TPC 2 in WAG 7 locos.

These are over current relays to protect RSI Blocks 1 & 2 respectively from over current. If over
current flows in Traction Power Circuit, this relay energises and trips DJ. Setting of QRSI in
WAG 7 & WAP 4 is 4000 Amps and in WAG 5 & WAM 4 is 3600 Amps.

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RSI 1 & RSI 2: These are rectifier blocks, used to convert AC to DC through diodes. If diode is
punctured, LSRSI will glow on Loco Pilots desk.
RSI1 supplies DC current to TMs 1,2,3 through SL1 and L1,L2,L3. RSI2 supplies DC
current to TMs 4,5,6 through SL2 and L4,L5,L6. MVSI1 & MVSI 2 are provided to cool the
RSI 1 & 2 blocks, respectively

SL1 & SL2:

SL1 will have two coils as SL1/1 & SL1/2. These smoothening reactor purifies the pulsated DC
into pure DC, which are cooled by MVSL1 or MVSL2.

There are six line contactors L1 to L6 to give supply for TMs 1 to 6 respectively. These Line
Contactors are controlled by switches HMCS1, HMCS2, HVSI1, HVSI 2, HVMT1 & HVMT2.
It is a permanent resistance connected across magnetic field to absorb left over AC pulses in
the supply Current of TMs. These are located in cowl box and cooled by MVRH.

J1 & J2:
These are Drum Contactors operated by MPJ. J1 controls direction of flow of current in TMs
1,2&3 field coils. J2 controls direction of flow of current in TMs 4,5&6 field coils. If cab-1 is
leading, both J1 & J2 operating handles should be in UP direction and for cab-2 leading DOWN

It is an over voltage relay in traction power circuit. Due to any reason if circuit fed more than
865 volts, this relay will energise and causes auto regression of GR. This is connected across
+ve and -ve levels of RSI 1 output. When Q 20 energises, causes auto regression of GR and
sounding of SON in both cabs. (In some Locos LSOV also will glow).
If Q 20 is energising at less voltage, work the train by using MPS. If still losing time,
inform to TLC.
Note: Q20 setting is 865 volts. However, TM voltage is limited to 750 volts.
Modified setting: 790 V -700 V.

QD1 connected across TMs 2&3 and QD2 connected across TMs 4&5. Whenever there is
difference of current between these two traction motors exceeds 160 Amps, this relay will
energise and causes auto regression of GR, auto sanding and glowing of LSP. When QD
energised, Locopilot should ascertain the cause and trouble shoot accordingly.

1. Revised setting of QD relay. MS No: RDSO/2008/EL/MS/0361 dt:28-04-2008

Energises 160 Amps 125 Amps
De-Energises 130 amps 80 Amps

Reasons for energising of QD:

1. Greasy or wet rails
2. Excess load
3. Raising gradient
4. Brake binding
5. Locked axle
6. Slipped pinion
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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 203. Traction Power Circuit

7. Defective shunting contactor on QD connected

8. Defective line contactor on QD connected
9. Defective Traction Motor on QD connected
10. Defective track

When QD energised, Loco pilot should ascertain the reason of the above and take necessary
Note: when Traction Motor is isolated, Loco pilot should ensure that correct Traction Motor
only isolated by observing Ammeters & Voltmeters.


Ammeters and voltmeters provided to indicate the current/ voltage going to Traction Motors.

Meter connections
Cab1 Cab2
U1 U2 A3 A4 U5 U6
1 5

203.2: Traction motor current ratings:

Starting Current Cont. Max.

Type Type Of
LOCO 2min 10min 60min Current Voltage
Amps Amps Amps Amps Volts
WAG 5 1200 1100 840 750 750
3900 15250A
WAG 7 1300 1100 960 900 750
5400 15250A
WAP4 1250 1150 960 900 750
5400 15250A
WAP 1 1100 1000 840 750 750
3900 659



1 HMCS 1 IN 2 J1–8
WAM 4 2 HMCS 1 IN 3 J 1 –10
WAG 5 3 HMCS 1 IN 4 J 1 –12
WAG 7 4 HMCS 2 IN 2 J2–8
5 HMCS 2 IN 3 J 2 –10
(With RB)
6 HMCS 2 IN 4 J 2 –12


WAP 4 1 HMCS 1 IN 2 J1– 8
(Without RB) 2 HMCS 1 IN 3 J 1 - 10

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3 HMCS 1 IN 4 J1–6
4 HMCS 2 IN 2 J2–6
5 HMCS 2 IN 3 J 2 –10
6 HMCS 2 IN 4 J2–8



QRSI-1 drops on run, action to be taken

a. Check for any smoke, burning smell, fire or any abnormality in TFR terminals (a5, a6
for 3900 KVA transformer locos, a3, a4 for 5400 KVA transformer locos) , RSI-1, J1,
CTF-1, 2, 3, SL-1, L1, L2, L3, traction motors 1, 2, 3, RU1, RU2 & AM3 shunt , Q20,
RQ20, QD1, , SJ 1,2,3 . If everything is normal reset the relay target and accelerate
gradually, duly watching ammeters (if anything is found abnormal use fire
extinguishers, try to isolate the same, otherwise contact TLC for further instructions).
b. If QRSI-1 is dropping after long interval, check the equipment mentioned above, if
everything is normal, reset the target and resume traction.
c. if QRSI-1 dropping frequently, check the equipments mentioned above. If there is no
abnormality, change HMCS-1 to 2,3 &4 positions one by one and try. if QRSI-1 is not
dropping in a particular position of HMCS-1, isolate that traction motor work with
5/6th of maximum permissible load
d. If QRSI-1 is dropping in all position of HMCS-1, isolate truck no.1 by placing HVSI-1
HVMT-1 and HVSL-1 on ‘0’. Resume traction if road and load permits otherwise work
with 50% of the maximum permissible load.
e. If load and road does not permit ask for assisting loco.

QRSI-2 drops on run, action to be taken

a. Check for any smoke, burning smell or any abnormality in TFR terminals (a3, a4 for
3900 KVA transformer locos, a5, a6 for 5400 KVA transformer locos) , RSI-2 , J2 ,
CTF-1, 2, 3, SL 2, L4 , L5, L6, traction motors 4, 5, 6, AM4 shunt, RU5, RU6 , QD-2
and SJs 4,5,6 .If everything is normal, reset the relay target and accelerate gradually
duly watching ammeters (If anything is found abnormal, use fire extinguishers, try to
isolate the same. Otherwise contact TLC for further instructions).
b. If QRSI-2 is dropping after long interval, check the equipments mentioned above, if
everything is normal, reset the target and resume traction.
c. If QRSI-2 dropping frequently, check the equipments mentioned above. If there is no
abnormality, change HMCS-2 to 2, 3 & 4 positions one by one and try. If QRSI-2 not
dropping in a particular position of HMCS-2, isolate that traction motor and work with
5/6th of maximum permissible load.
d. If QRSI-2 is dropping in all positions of HMCS-2, isolate truck no.2 by placing HVSI-2,
HVMT-2, and HVSL-2 on ‘0’. Resume traction if road and load permits otherwise work
with 50% of the maximum permissible load.
e. If load and road does not permit as for assisting loco.

QOP1 DROPS, target can be reset, action to be taken

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a. Check for any abnormality in a5, a6 (in WAG5A & WAM4) a3, a4 (in WAG7 &
WAP4), RSI-1, SL-1, L1, L2, L3, traction motors 1, 2,3, J1, Q20, RQ20 QD-1, RC
damping panel, CTF-1, 2, 3, ATFEX, C145, shunting contactors and their resistances,
RU1, RU2 & AM3 shunt , SJ 1,2,3 , RB equipment & MVRF.
b. If anything is found abnormal use fire extinguishers, isolate the concerned equipment or
circuit and resume traction if possible.
c. If everything is normal, try to reset the relay target and resume traction.
d. If QOP-1 drops further after a long interval, every time check the equipment mentioned
above. If no abnormality, reset the target and resume traction.
e. If QOP-1 drops frequently, isolate TMs one by one +ve side, -ve side and try. If QOP-1
not dropping after isolating particular TM, work if the load is less than 5/6th of
maximum permissible load.
f. If QOP-1 drops in all the positions of HMCS-1, check the equipments mentioned above
thoroughly and if no abnormality is noticed, after confirming that there is no BANDING
FAILURE, place HQOP-1 in OFF position. Reset the relay target and clear section duly
watching the power circuit equipments for any abnormality and contact TLC.

QOP2 drops, target can be reset, action to be taken

a. Check for any abnormality in a3, a4 (in WAG5A & WAM4) a5, a6 (in WAG7 &
WAP4), RSI-2, SL-2, L4, L5, L6, traction motors 4, 5, 6, J2, QD-2, RC damping panel,
CTF-1, 2, 3, shunting contactors and their resistances, AM 4 shunt, RU5, RU6 and SJ 4,
5, 6, RB equipment and MVRF.
b. If anything is found abnormal use fire extinguishers, isolate the concerned equipment if
possible resume traction.
c. If everything is normal, try to reset the relay target and resume traction.
d. If QOP-2 drops further after a long interval, every time check the equipments mentioned
above. If no abnormality, reset the target and resume traction.
e. If QOP-2 drops frequently, change HMCS-2 to 2, 3 & 4 positions one by one and try. If
QOP-2 not dropping in any one of the HMCS-2 positions isolate that particular traction
motor and work if the load is less than 5/6th of maximum permissible load.
f. If QOP-2 drops in all the positions of HMCS-2, check the equipments mentioned above
thoroughly and if no abnormality is noticed, after confirming that there is no BANDING
FAILURE, place HQOP-2 in OFF position. Reset the relay target and clear section duly
watching the power circuit equipment for any abnormality and contact TLC.

1. If relay QOP-1 or QOP-2 dropping even after keeping HQOP-1 or HQOP-2 in

OFF. Place HOBA in OFF position along with HQOP-1 or HQOP-2.
2. Do not use RB if QOP-1/QOP-2 acting during RB.
3. In some WAP-4 locos and WAP-1 locos RB equipments are not provided.

QOP-1 drops, target cannot be reset, action to be taken

a. Stop the train at the convenient place and check the traction power circuit no.1 for any
smoke, burning smell, fire or any abnormality and check for any poly glass material
venting out through traction motor vent mesh (i.e. banding failure).
b. If any poly glass material projecting out through TM vent mesh, isolate that traction
motor, both positive and negative side. Then clear the block section with speed not
exceeding 15 Kmph and contact TLC for advice.
c. If there is any abnormality in the traction power circuit, isolate the defective equipment
and try to reset the relay if target is reset, close DJ and resume traction.

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d. If the relay target does not reset, keep HQOP-1 in OFF position and clear section with
precautions. After clearing section trip DJ, keep MPJ in Neutral. Take safety measures,
and enter into the HT compartment.
e. Normalize HQOP-1 to ON and keep reverser J1 in neutral position.
f. Try to reset the relay target.
g. If the target does not reset (the fault is not with the traction motor), contact TLC for
h. If the target is reset, conclude the fault is with the traction motors (1, 2, 3).
i. Keep the reverser J1 in the appropriate direction. Find out the defective traction motor
by packing the reverser bit as follows.

For WAG5, WAG7, WAP4 with RB & WAM4(6P) Locos

1. Pack J1 - 8th Bit. Try to reset QOP-1. If QOP-1 resets, place HMCS-1 in ‘2’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load. If QOP-1 does not reset, remove the Bit
2. Pack J1 - 10th Bit. Try to reset QOP-1. If QOP-1 resets, place HMCS-1 in ‘3’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load. If QOP-1 does not reset, remove the Bit
3. Pack J1 - 12th Bit. Try to reset QOP-1. If QOP-1 resets, place HMCS-1 in ‘4’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load.

For WAP4 locos without RB

1. Pack J1 - 8th Bit. Try to reset QOP-1. If QOP-1 resets, place HMCS-1 in ‘2’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load. If QOP-1 does not reset, remove the Bit
2. Pack J1 - 10th Bit. Try to reset QOP-1. If QOP-1 resets, place HMCS-1 in ‘3’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load. If QOP-1 does not reset, remove the Bit
3. Pack J1 - 6th Bit. Try to reset QOP-1. If QOP-1 resets, place HMCS-1 in ‘4’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load.
4. If unsuccessful, contact TLC for advice.
a. If relay QOP-1 not resetting even with HQOP-1 in OFF, place HOBA OFF along
with HQOP-1 in OFF and try.
b. Whenever manually operating the reverser or packing the reverser bit, take
c. Ensure HBA in ON position before resetting the relays QOP1, QOP2 and QOA.
QOP-2 drops, target cannot be reset, action to be taken
a. Stop the train at the convenient place and check the traction power circuit no.2 for any
smoke, burning smell, fire or any abnormality and check for any poly glass material
venting out through traction motor vent mesh (i.e. banding failure).
b. If any poly glass material projecting out through TM vent mesh, isolate that traction
motor, both positive and negative side. Then clear the block section with speed not
exceeding 15 Kmph and contact TLC for advice.
c. If there is any abnormality in the traction power circuit, isolate the defective equipment
and try to reset the relay if target is reset, close DJ and resume traction.
d. If the relay target does not reset, keep HQOP-2 in OFF position and clear section with
precautions. After clearing section trip DJ, keep MPJ in Neutral. Take safety measures,
and enter into the HT compartment.
e. Normalize HQOP-2 to ON and keep reverser J2 in neutral position.
f. Try to reset the relay target.
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g. If the target does not reset (the fault is not with the traction motor), contact TLC for
h. If the target is reset, conclude the fault is with the traction motors (4, 5, 6).
i. Keep the reverser J2 in the appropriate direction. Find out the defective traction motor
by packing the reverser bit as follows.

For WAG5, WAG7, WAP4 WITH RB & WAM4 (6P) Locos

1. Pack J2 - 8th Bit. Try to reset QOP-2. If QOP-2 resets, place HMCS-2 in ‘2’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load. If QOP2 does not reset, remove the Bit
2. Pack J2 - 10th Bit. Try to reset QOP-2. If QOP-2 resets, place HMCS-2 in ‘3’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load. If QOP2 does not reset, remove the Bit
3. Pack J2 - 12th Bit. Try to reset QOP-2. If QOP-2 resets, place HMCS-2 in ‘4’ position,
work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load.

For WAP4 Locos without RB

1. Pack J2 - 6th Bit. Try to reset QOP-2. If QOP-2 resets, place HMCS-2 in ‘2’
position, work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load. If QOP2 does not reset,
remove the Bit packing.
2. Pack J2 - 10th Bit. Try to reset QOP-2. If QOP-2 resets, place HMCS-2 in ‘3’
position, work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load. If QOP-2 does not reset,
remove the Bit packing.
3. Pack J2 - 8th Bit. Try to reset QOP-2. If QOP-2 resets, place HMCS-2 in ‘4’
position, work with 5/6th of maximum permissible load.
4. If unsuccessful, contact TLC for advice.
a. If relay QOP-2 not resetting even with HQOP-2 in OFF, place HOBA in
OFF along with HQOP-2 in OFF and try.
b. Whenever manually operating the reverser or packing the reverser bit,
take precautions.
c. Ensure HBA in ON position before resetting the relays QOP-1, QOP-2
& QOA.


Projection of poly-glass material from traction motor vent mesh is treated as ‘banding
failure’. when it occurs, isolate particular tm both +ve and –ve sides and clear the section with
speed restriction of 15 kmph, contact TLC. If banding failure is noticed at station then
immediately inform to TLC.
Note: Ignoring of banding failure leads to locked axle.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 203. Traction Power Circuit


1. Should not bring MP to ‘0’.
2. Note down the readings of Ammeters, Voltmeters, Line voltage, Notch position,
MPS position, Speed and Gradient.
3. Now, bring MP to ‘0’.
4. Take necessary precautions and check the projection of tell-tale fuses.
5. If two fuses are projected in same RSI block, isolate concerned block and work
6. If one fuse is projected in a block (or in each block), remove the same with
precautions so as to get the again glowing of LSRSI if another fuse melts and work
further duly not reaching the earlier current ratings.
7. In modified locos RED LED’S are provided. If one red LED glows in any one RSI
block (change the miniature toggle switch position if provided so as to get the again
glowing of another fuse melts ) not to exceed the previous current ratings work the
train further duly informing to TLC.
8. If two red LEDS are glowing in any RSI block then isolate concerned RSI block by
keeping HVSI,HVMT,HVSL on 0 position and work the train with 50% tractive
effort if load and road permits otherwise inform to TLC and ask for assistance or
banker loco.
 Make entry in loco logbook and inform to TLC if necessary.

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203.7.1 Total Loss of Tractive Effort with LSB glowing:

Abnormal Sign
When MP is moved from ‘O’ to ‘N’ then to ‘+’ LSB is glowing, LSGR not extinguished, NR
not deviated,

Ammeters not deviated and loco not moving.

Reason: Q50 is not energized

Trouble shooting :
Then check the following:
1. Operate MPJ handle for 2 to 3 times. Forward and Reverse finally keep it in required
2. Take necessary precautions and check the proper setting of J1 & J2 according to the cab
leading i.e., both J1 & J2 manual operating handles should be in upwards for cab1
leading and downwards for cab 2. Gently tap the handles.
3. Ensure CTF1,2,3 manual operating handles are in upwards (traction side) and tap the
4. Ensure C145 is opened fully and LSC145 is extinguished.
5. Clean the interlocks of Q50 and operate BL 2 or 3 times and try.
6. If still un-successful, wedge Q50 in energised position.

a. MPJ should not be operated up to destination.
b. Shunting is prohibited. If required in emergency personally ensure proper setting of
reversers for every operation of MPJ.
c. Don’t use RB.
d. When DJ is tripped on notches, keep MP on ‘O’ to bring GR to ‘O’.
 Write remarks in loco log-book & Inform to TLC at first opportunity.

203.7.2. Total Loss of Tractive Effort With Out LSB Glowing:

Abnormal Sign :
When MP is moved from ‘O’ to ‘N’ then to ‘+’ LSGR not extinguished, Ammeters & NR not
deviated, loco not moving and LSB extinguished.
Reason : VE1 Progression coil is not energized.

Trouble Shooting :
Check the following.
1. Try by EEC operation.
2. Operate ZSMS for 2 or 3 times and try
3. Check Q52. It should be in de-energise position. If Q52 is in energised position, wedge
in de-energised position. Don’t keep MP in ‘+’ for longer period, otherwise quick
progression of GR will takes place.
4. Check Q51. It should be in de-energise position. If it is energised,

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a. Check QRS2. If it is de-energised, Check CCLS fuse. If it is fused renew the

same Observe BP level rectify the same if reduced. If BP pressure is found
normal, open RGEB2 COC and try. If still QRS2 is not energised, wedge QRS2
in energised position and work the train with precautions. If QRS2 is already
energised, clean the I/Ls.
b. Clean the I/Ls of Q48.
c. Check PR2 and wedge in de-energised condition after ensuring BP level.
d. If still Q51 not de-energised, work the train with manual operation of GR,
Contact TLC at next station.
e. If still Q51 is energised, wedge Q51 in deenergised condition and work.
1. Clean the I/Ls of Q50.
2. Ensure ZSMGR handle in 6o clock position and Pacco switch is in lifted condition.
3. Ensure SMGR pressure is between 2.5 to 3.5 Kg/cm2 and no leakage in the SMGR pipe
4. If still unsuccessful, clear the section by manual operation of GR.
 Write remarks in loco log-book and contact TLC.
203.7.3. Total Loss of Tractive Effort with GR Progression:
Abnormal Sign: When MP is moved from ‘O’ to ‘N’ then to ‘+’ LSGR extinguished, NR
deviated but ammeters not deviated and loco also not moving.
Reason: Defect with all LINE CONTACTORS are not closing.

Trouble Shooting :
Operate BL for 2 / 3 times.
1. Clean the interlocks of Q50 and try.
2. Ensure CTF 1,2&3 are in traction side, tap the handles gently duly taking necessary
3. Ensure HVSI1&2,HVMT1&2 are on 1 position.
4. Keep HVSI1, HVMT1, HVSI2, HVMT2 switches in ‘3’ and try.
5. Ensure MR pressure is above 5 Kg/cm2.
6. Ensure EP 1&2 COC(s) are open and no leakage. And also ensure EP drain cock is in
close position.
7. Operate GR manually for few notches and try.
8. Change cab and try.
• If still unsuccessful, contact TLC for advice.

203.7.4. Auto Regression with LSP glowing:

Abnormal Sign : When MP is moved from ‘0’ to ‘N’ then to ‘+’ LSGR extinguished, , GR
came to ‘0’ with LSP glowing.
Reason : Due to QD action

Trouble shooting :
1. Isolate TM 2 or 3 or TM 4 or TM 5 basing on the Volt and ammeters deviation.
2. Work the train with 5/6 of maximum sectional load.
3. Check and ensure for correct isolation of TM by observing Ammeters & Voltmeters.
4. Check BP, brake binding & abnormality on train.
5. Apply sand and press ZQWC and try.

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6. Trouble shoot for slipped pinion or locked axle.

7. Press BPQD in microprocessor loco.
 Write remarks in loco logbook and Inform to TLC.

203.7.5. Partial Loss of Tractive Effort:

Abnormal Sign : When MP is moved from ‘0’ to ‘N and then to ‘+’ GR is moving but
haulage is affected.
Reason : 1.Defect in QD not connected TM ( ie. TM1 or TM6)

Trouble Shooting :
1. Isolate TM 1 or TM 6 duly observing concerned voltmeters.
2. Work the train with 5/6 of maximum sectional load.
3. Check and ensure for correct isolation of TM by observing Ammeters & Voltmeters.
 Write remarks in loco log-book and inform to TLC.
4. PLTE with half traction: Ensure HVSI1&2,HVMT1&2 are on 1 position and EP1 And
EP2 coc’s are in open position.
5. One truck may be in isolated without remark.

Trouble Shooting :
1. Check HVSI 1 or HVSI 2 may be in 0/2 and HVMT1 or HVMT 2 may be in 0/2
2. Change the switch position if no trouble in Motors.


Abnormal Sign : When MP is moved from ‘0’ to ‘N’ then to ‘+’ LSGR extinguished, NR
deviated to ‘1’, GR come to ‘O’, without glowing of LSP.
1. Due to rear CAB NOT LOCKED properly.
2. Due to defective QVCD or QVCD N/OI/L on VE2 coil branch.
3. Due to defective Q50 N/C I/L
4. Due to defective Q51 N/O I/L

Trouble shooting :
1. Operate rear cab BL for 2 / 3 times and try.
2. Clean the I/Ls of Q50 and try.
3. If still unsuccessful pack Q46 in de-energise position and work with EEC operation to
avoid DJ tripping through rear cab BL,MP ‘0’ I/L while on notches.
4. If ZSMS is modified work from rear cab or by manual operation of GR (EEC operation
is not possible from leading cab).
5. In VCD provided locos check QVCD, if it energized wedge in de- energized condition
and also keep HVCD on 0 position and remove the cables connected to VCD main unit.
6. Write remarks in loco log-book.
 Inform to TLC at first opportunity.

203.7.7 Banding failure:

1. Projection of poly-glass material from Traction Motor vent mesh is treated as ‘Banding
2. When it occurs, isolate particular Traction Motor in positive and negative sides.
3. Clear the block section with speed restriction of 15 Kmph.
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4. Contact TLC.
 Note: Ignoring of banding failure leads to locked axle.

203.7.8.: LOCKED AXLE:

1. Detach the loco from the formation.
2. Assistant loco pilot to be available by the side of the loco, to observe moving of wheels.
3. On taking two traction notches by Loco pilot, observe the wheels and find out which
wheel is not rotating.
 Contact TLC for arranging of loco in rear side for clearing the load breakdown
staff for floating the wheel.

203.7.9. Slipped Pinion:

It causes 1st notch auto regression with LSP QD action, in case of QD connected
Traction Motor, otherwise PLTE.
1. Apply SA 9 and ensure application of loco brakes physically.
2. Assistant Locopilot to stand near the truck to observe spinning noise or rotation of
Traction Motor pinion.
3. On taking two traction notches by Locopilot, find out for slipped pinion (Spinning noise
can be heard from the Pinion, which is slipped).
4. Isolate concerned Traction Motor and work further.
5. Work the train with 5/6 of maximum sectional load.
6. Make remarks in logbook.
 Inform to TLC at next stopping station


1. Assistant Locopilot to stand near the truck to observe for any abnormal sound from the
Traction Motor, while moving the loco.
2. After taking few notches by Locopilot, observe from which Traction Motor the unusual
sound is coming.
3. If unusual sound is due to hanging part, remove or secure the same and work further.
4. If unusual sound is from Traction Motor, isolate the same and work further, with 5/6 of
maximum sectional load.
5. Bogie frame also to be observed for any abnormality like crack or weld failure.
 If still unsuccessful, contact TLC.

203.7.11. Smell / Smoke / Fire from TM:

1. If any smell, smoke or fire is noticed from any Traction Motor, put out the fire.
2. Isolate concerned Traction Motor, clear the block section and contact TLC.
 Write remarks in loco log-book and inform to TLC at first opportunity.
 Inform to TLC at first opportunity.

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203.8: CCPT melting frequently:

1. While operating HBA ‘0’ to ‘1’
a. Earth fault in Q-118 relay
b. Earth fault in IP (E) valve
2. While raising pantograph
a. Earth fault in VEPT-1 or VEPT-2
3. While closing DJ
a. Earth fault in Q-44 relay
b. After starting ARNO
c. Earth fault in QCVAR DC coil
4. After operating MPJ
a. Earth fault in J1/J2 forward or reverse coils
b. Earth fault in CTF1/CTF2/CTF3 traction coils
c. Earth fault in Q-50 relay coil
5. After moving MP from ‘0’ to ‘N’
a. Earth fault in line contactor electro valves(L1 or L2 or L3 or L4 or L5 or L6)
6. While moving MP from ‘N’ to ‘+’
a. Earth fault in VE-1 coil
b. Earth fault in Q-52 relay coil
7. While moving MP from ‘N’ to ‘-‘
a. Earth fault in VE-2 coil
b. Earth fault in Q-52 relay coil
8. While doing quick regression (moving MP from ‘N’ to ‘0’)
a. Earth fault in VE-2 coil
b. Earth fault in Q-46 relay
9. While operating ZQWC
a. Earth fault in QWC relay coil
b. Earth fault in shunting contactor coils
10. While taking 6th notch
a. Earth fault in EVPHGR
11. 11.) While operating MPS
a. Earth fault in shunting contactor coils
12. While operating MP from N to P
a. Earth fault in C-145 coil
b. Earth fault in CTF1/CTF2/CTF3 braking coils
13. During auto regression
a. Earth fault in Q-51 relay coil
14. While pressing BPSW
a. Earth fault in MV-4 coil
15. While pressing PVEF
a. Earth fault in VEF (E) coil

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A. QOA drops, target can be reset:

Action to be taken:
a. Check the auxiliary power circuit a0, a1 terminals, ARNO and its capacitor bank ,
RCC panel , QCVAR , C118, R118,Q30,RQ30, UA1, UA2, CHBA, , cab heaters,
cab fans, TFVT, MVSI-1, MVSI-2, MVSL-1, MVSL-2, MPH , HVSI-1, HVSI-2,
AC MVRF, C101, C102, C103, C105, C106, C107, C108 (AC MVRF), MCPs
capacitor bank for any smoke, burning smell, fire, high temperature or any
abnormality. If anything found abnormal, use fire extinguishers try to isolate that
equipment and resume traction.
b. Ensure all EM contactors are open. If any one of EM contactors welded, take safety
precaution to remove the welding and isolate the concerned equipment and work
c. If everything is normal, reset the relay target and resume traction.
d. If QOA drops further after long interval, check the auxiliary power circuit every time
for any abnormality and if everything is normal, reset the relay target and resume
e. If QOA drops very frequently, place HQOA on ‘0’ position clear the section with
precautions and contact TLC.

i. If QOA drops while closing DJ, check ARNO, MVSI-1, MVSI-2, MVSL-
1, MVSL-2, MPH, CHBA, a0, a1 terminals, cab heaters, cab fans, capacitor
bank of ARNO , TFVT, C118, R118, Q30,RQ30, UA1, UA2, HVSI-1, HVSI-
2, HPH, HVSL-1, HVSL-2 for any abnormality.
ii. If QOA drops while closing BLCP, check MCPs and C101, C102, C103 for
any abnormality.
iii. If QOA drops while closing BLVMT, check MVRH MVMT-1, MVMT-2 and
contactors C105, C106, C107 for any abnormality.
Note: If any abnormality is noticed in the above equipment, try to isolate the
defective equipment and resume traction. Otherwise contact TLC for advice.

B. QOA drops target cannot be reset:

Action to be take:
a. Check the auxiliary power circuit for any smoke, burning smell, fire or any
abnormality. If there is any abnormality, use fire extinguishers, try to isolate that
equipment and resume traction.
b. Check all EM contactors in EM contactor panel, if any EM contactor is
noticed in welded condition release it and reset the relay. If QOA relay is reset,
isolate that particular auxiliary motor which contactor is welded and work onwards
c. If all the EM contactors are normal, keep HQOA on ‘0’, clear section with
precautions, trip VCB normalise HQOA, and then QOA acts again. Place BLRA
‘OFF’, remove CCRA 1 & 2, CCVT & CCSPM and keep the isolating switches
HPH, HVSL-1, HVSL-2, HVSI-1, HVSI-2 and HCHBA in ‘0’one by one and try to
reset the relay target.
d. If the target is reset after isolating the particular equipment, work accordingly.
e. If still the target does not reset, contact TLC and accordingly.

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i. If QOA relay dropping or not resetting even when HQOA on O, place

HOBA also in OFF position and try.
ii. If any independent starting auxiliary motor is burnt, place concerned
isolating switch on ‘0’ and ensure its contactor is opened fully.
iii. After isolating any equipment, inform TLC.
iv. If MVMT1/2 or MVSI1/2 or MVSL1/2 isolated, concerned truck to be
isolated by keeping HVMT1/2 , HVSI1/2 & HVSL1/2 on ‘0’.
v. Work further if road and load permits, otherwise work with 50% of maximum
permissible load.
vi. Inform to TLC for assisting locomotive.

C. Protection against over current i.e QLA energised:

Action to be taken:
a. Check the auxiliary power circuit equipments for any smoke, burning smell or
fire in a0, a1 terminals, ARNO and its capacitor bank , RCC panel , QCVAR ,
C118, R118,Q30,RQ30, UA1, UA2, CHBA, , cab heaters, cab fans, TFVT, MVSI-
1, MVSI-2, MVSL-1, MVSL-2, MPH , HVSI-1, HVSI-2, HPH, HVSL-1, HVSL-2,
MVMT-1, MVMT-2, MVRH, MCP-1, MCP-2, MCP-3, AC MVRF, C101, C102,
C103, C105, C106, C107, C108 (AC MVRF), MCPs capacitor bank.
b. If any abnormality is noticed in any equipment, use fire extinguishers, isolate the
same and try to resume traction.
c. If no abnormality is noticed in any equipment, reset QLA and resume traction.
d. If QLA acts second time, check the auxiliary power circuit equipment for any
abnormality. If there is any abnormality or not, do not reset the relay target, contact
TLC for further instructions.
Note: QLA may also drop along with QOA or QLM.

D. Auxiliary Power Circuit Equipment-Isolation-Precautions:

MPH: If MPH is failed, keep HPH on ‘0’. Ensure MVRH is in working order. Ensure TFP
oil level is not increasing abnormally. Clear the section with restricted current rating of

MVSL: When MVSL is defective isolate concerned RSI block by keeping respective
switches HVSI, HVMT & HVSL in ‘0’ and work the train with normal current ratings and
50% of the maximum permissible sectional load.
1. When MVSL is not working-operation B part-I is experienced.
2. Earth fault in MVSL-QOA energises.
3. Short circuit in MVSL-QLA energises.

MVSI: When MVSI is defective isolate concerned RSI block by keeping respective
switches HVSI, HVMT & HVSL in ‘0’ and work the train with normal current ratings and
50% of the max permissible sectional load.
1. When MVSI is not working-operation -I is experienced.
2. Earth fault in MVSI-QOA energises.
3. Short circuit in MVSI-QLA energises.

MCP: If any one CP failed, isolate the same by HCP and work the train by the help of
other CPs. Earth fault in any MCP causes tripping of DJ through QOA. Over current to any
MCP causes tripping of DJ through QLA. In both cases, isolate the defective MCP with
HCP and ensure concerned contactor is opened, otherwise disconnect terminals at terminal
box of Compressor.

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MVRH: Isolate MVRH by keeping HVRH in '0' and ensure C107 opened, otherwise
disconnect terminals at terminal box of MVRH. If MVRH is isolated maintain the restricted
current rating of 920/500 Amps and check Transformer oil level frequently for any
abnormal raise. Wedge Q 118 in energise position or work with in 5 notches if load and
road permits.
1. When MVRH is not working-operation -O is experienced.
2. Earth fault in MVRH-QOA energises.
3. Short circuit in MVRH-QLA energises.

MVMT: If MVMT is failed, it leads to OPERATION ‘O’. Earth fault in MVMT1 causes
tripping of DJ through QOA. Over current in MVMT1 causes tripping of DJ through QLA.
In both cases, isolate MVMT1 by keeping HVMT1 in '0' and ensure C105 opened,
otherwise disconnect terminals at terminal box of MVMT1. If MVMT1/MVMT2 is isolated,
isolate concerned RSI block and work the train with 50% of the maximum permissible
sectional load.
1. When MVMT is not working-operation -O is experienced.
2. Earth fault in MVMT-QOA energises.
3. Short circuit in MVMT-QLA energises.

E. HEAD LIGHT NOT WORKING (In twin beam Head light):

Close BLPRR, to check the rear headlight.
If rear head light is working………….
1. Check the bulbs in front side, if blown out, renew the same with spare one.
2. If still it is not glowing, check the bulb holder for any defect or slack terminals
3. If still unsuccessful, ensure marker lights in ON and work the train with 40kmph of
speed restriction duly informing to SCOR/TLC.
If rear head light also not working………….
1. Ensure ZRT/ZPR is closed.
2. If rotating switch is provided on converter unit, change it to other position.
3. Change the position of bipolar switch on DC-DC converter unit duly switching of
ZPR/ZRT (Dc-Dc converter consists either rotating switch or bi-polar switch, to
select the converter).
4. If still headlight is not working, check the iin put and out put lights on DC-DC
convertor. If both lights are not glowing or out put light is not glowing check the
fuses provided on converter unit. If any fuse melts, replace with proper fuse.
5. In both converter & RTPR provided locos, change HRTPR position to keep RTPR in
6. If still headlight is not working, keep marker lights in ON and work the train with
40kmph of speed restriction duly informing to SCOR/TLC.
Note: Whenever both head light bulbs are fused, before renewing the bulbs change
the Bi-polar/ Rotating Switch position.

1. Open the back cover from inside the cab, identify the defective bulb.
2. Pull out the wire loom by holding 3way nylon connector.
3. Press the bulb holder a little inwards and rotate in anti clockwise direction.
4. The spring loaded holder will come out. Remove the defective bulb.
5. Take the new bulb from the box fitted on the back cover of headlight unit.
6. The new bulb is to be placed properly in the reflector, matching the notch & small
raised portion on the bulb.

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7. Fix the spring loaded holder and connect back the wire loom.
Caution: The glass portion of the Halogen lamp should not be touched by hand, which may
cause for cracking during operation. The Bulb to be handled from metallic portion only.
Make an entry in loco logbook.

F. LSCHBA glowing on run in ARNO provided locos:

Causes: CHBA failed or QV61 is defective.
Trouble shooting:
Check whether CHBA is working or not;
For checking of CHBA working, Keep HBA on ‘O’ without tripping DJ. If DJ is tripped
means CHBA is not working. If DJ is not tripped means CHBA is working normally.
a) If CHBA is working normally, ignore the LSCHBA lamps and work further duly
taking the precautions.
1. While closing DJ release BLRDJ promptly in 4 sec. after extinguishing of LSDJ.
2. Check CHBA ammeter and battery volt meter frequently.

b) If CHBA is failed,
1. Check MCBs on CHBA whether tripped. If tripped reset same. If fuses are
provided check the fuses. If fused renew them with 16 A spare fuse.
2. Still CHBA not working, work the train as follows.
3. Give information to TLC
4. Keep HCHBA on ‘O’.
5. Minimize the use of cab lights, corridor lights, MP, MPJ,MPS, PSA and PVEF etc.
6. With BA voltage day time can work 6 hours and night time can work 4 hours duly
watching BA voltage which should not drop below 90 V.
7. Make a remark in log book.

TFVT: If TFVT defective, cab fans will not work. Then check CCVT. Earth fault in TFVT
causes tripping of DJ through QOA. If so, isolate TFVT by removing fuse CCVT, if still
QOA not resetting, disconnect the cables at TFVT. In modified locos (SIV Locos), put off
defective cab fans by keeping HRAVT in 3 position to isolate CAB Fans.

RA1&2: If cab heaters are not working, check fuses CCRA1&2, according to cab. Earth
fault in cab heaters leads to tripping of DJ through QOA. At that time isolate cab heaters by
removing fuses CCRA1&2. In modified locos (SIV Locos), put off defective heaters by
keeping HRAVT in 2 position according to the cab. If still QOA not re-setting, disconnect
cables at Heaters.

204.2 Auxiliaries Control Circuit

Q100: It is auxiliaries controlling relay. Unless this relay is energises, compressors,
exhausters and blowers will not work. Q100 will energise through fuse CCA, DJ N/O I/L,
and C118 chronometric I/L.
If EP C118 provided (S118), C118 chronometric I/L will not be available. A new relay
QTDX/ QTD 100 provided with time delay of 5 seconds for the purpose of chronometric I/L.

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G. Defects Normally Expected:

Compressor not working:
If compressors are not working, change the HCP position, close BLCP(D) even if not
working ensure other contactors are closing. If they are not closing, check Q100, CCA, and
C118 Ch I/L, ‘B’ conk, tap RGCP and try with BLCPD.

When only blower contactors are not closing:

1. Ensure other contactors are closed
2. Try by taking one traction notch

C107 only not closes:

1. Keep HVRH in ‘3’ and try
2. Check flexibility of contactor
3. Ensure wires at coil are intact
4. If still not closing, wedge C107, keep HVRH in '3' and work the train with
necessary precautions.

C105 only not closes:

1. Keep HVMT 1 in ‘3’ and try
2. Check flexibility of contactor
3. Ensure wires at coil are intact
4. If still not closing, wedge C105, keep HVMT1 in '3' and work the train with
necessary precautions.

C105 only not closes:

1. Keep HVMT 2 in ‘3’ and try
2. Check flexibility of contactor
3. Ensure wires at coil are intact
4. If still not closing, wedge C106, keep HVMT2 in '3' and work the train with
necessary precautions.

204.3 CCA Melting – Duties of Loco Pilot

Earth fault in the control circuit causes melting of CCA, which in turn causes OPERATION 2.
1. Keep HOBA in OFF, renew the fuse and work the train further.
2. If CCA fuses even HOBA in OFF, work the train by wedging of minimum contactors, in
the following manner.


a) Wedge any two of the contactors of C101/C102/C103 with necessary precautions and
create slight air leakage.


a) Work the train with 5 notches only.
b) If load/road does not permits, wedge Q118 in energise position and work further with
lower notches not exceeding 500Amps of current rating..

III. After clearing the section:

a) Trip DJ, Normalise HOBA, open all BL switches.
b) Now close DJ. If CCA melts, remove CCLSA and try.

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c) If CCA melts, trouble may be in Q100 /Q119/ VEULs. Find out the defective one and
disconnect the concerned positive cable.
d) f CCA does not melt, close BLCP. If CCA melts defect may be in
BLCP/RGCP/VEAD/HCP/C101/C102/C103. Wedge concerned contactor and do not
close BLCP & BLCPD.
e) If CCA does not melt, close BLVMT. If CCA melts defect may be in
BLVMT/HVRH/C107/ QTD105/HVMT1/C105/QTD106/ HVMT2 /C106. Find out the
defective one and disconnect the positive cable.
1. If Q100 wire disconnected, work the train by wedging Q100 in energise
2. If any Contactor coil wire is disconnected, wedge the same.
3. If BLCP defective, work with BLCPD. If BLVMT is defective, take one traction
notch, ensure starting of blowers.
4. If HCP is defective, change the position.
5. If HVRH/HVMT1/HVMT2 is defective change to ‘3’ position.

Note: If QTD 105/QTD 106 wire is disconnected, wedge the same.

IV. Working of train without pilot lamps:

If Signaling lamps are not working, check the following items.
a) Ensure Additional CCBA is in good condition
b) Ensure CCLS is in good condition
c) Ensure ‘A’ conk is intact
d) Ensure ZLS is in ‘ON’ position
e) Operate BL for few times and lock it properly.

If still pilot lams are not working, work the train by observing audible & visible indications
as follows.
LSDJ: while closing DJ, close BLDJ, press BLRDJ, and release it after 4 seconds. Observe
UA needle. While on run, observe UA needle frequently, if UA needle drops to ‘0’, conclude
DJ is tripped, open BLDJ.
LSCHBA: while closing DJ, close BLDJ, press BLRDJ, and release it after 4 seconds of
deviating UA needle. While on run: Ensure CHBA is working properly, observe auxiliaries
sound frequently, if sound reduced, trip the DJ immediately
LSGR: Before closing DJ ensure GR is on ‘0’ by observing at GR drum. While on run:
observe Ammeters and Notch Repeater.
LSRSI: While on run: observe trigger fuses of RSI blocks, frequently. If any fuse is
projected, take precautions as if LSRSI glowing on run.
LSB: When initially MPJ operated, ensure proper setting of J1 & J2 according to cab, CTFs
are in Traction side and C145 opened fully. While on run do not disturb the position of MPJ,
do not perform shunting. If emergency, for every movement ensure proper setting of J1 & J2.
Do not use RB.
LSP: While on run, do not allow for wheel slipping, observe ammeters, NR, Speedometer
and also listen for wheel slipping (spinning) noise from wheels.

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204.4Pilot Lamp Failures and Defects:

All pilot lamps are not glowing:

1. Ensure HBA is closed, Battery voltage is above 90 volts and BL is unlocked. Lock and
unlock BL for two or three and check the pilot lamps. If they are glowing than resume
normal functions.
2. Ensure ZLS is in ‘1’position (if provided).
3. If pilot lamps are not glowing, press BPT and check whether LSP and LSRSI are
glowing. If they are glowing, the other bulbs might have fused out, resume normal
4. If both LSP and LSRSI not glowing, check the pilot lamps in rear cab, if they are
glowing leading cab bulbs might have fused, and resume traction.
5. If the rear cab pilot lamps are not glowing, check CCLS. If it is melted replace the same
as per standard instruction and resume normal function.
6. If all are in good condition, check the ‘A’ conk connection, below the switch panel for
any disconnections or slack, if any abnormality, affix it and resume traction.
7. If ‘A’ conk position is normal and fuse CCLS is repeatedly melting even after placing
HOBA in “OFF” position, place HOBA in “ON” positions and work without pilot lamps
duly assuming the other visible and audible sign’s and contact TLC after clearing the
Note: If LSAF not glowing check CCLSA fuse, if not successful work with other

Working without pilot lamps while on run:

1. While closing DJ, release BLRDJ after 4 seconds of UA needle deviation.
2. Keep a good watch on UA needle and notice the auxiliaries to pick up correct indication
of tripping in case of any failure.
3. The deflection of UA needle and notice of auxiliary will only be the check indication for
closing DJ and trouble shooting.
4. Keep a watch on BA voltage, CHBA tension and ammeter of CHBA.
5. Frequently check the tell-tale fuses on the RSI blocks, if any abnormality, any fuse
projects out, take action as required when LSRSI lamps glows.
6. Continue to work up to next locomotive relief point.
7. Whenever MP is placed on ‘O’, observe NR to come to ‘O’ and both ammeter needle
and traction motor voltmeter needles have come to ‘O’.
8. Inform TLC at the first normal stop.
9. Make an entry in the log book.

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205.1 MR Pressure not building up:

a) Ensure MCP is working.

b) Close BLCPD and try.
c) Close VEAD COC and close VEUL COCs and try.
d) Increase No. of CPs by HCP and try.
e) Ensure all drain cocks are closed.
f) Tap safety valves gently and ensure no safety valve is struck up in lifted position, if so,
tap/close COC/dummy concern safety valve and try.
g) Tap NRV and try.
h) Close air intake COC and try.
i) Ensure no leakage of air from sanders, wipers, horns & auto drain valves. If so, close
concerned COCs.
j) Ensure MR equalising, BC equalising COCs on both sides for single loco, are in closed
k) Ensure no leakage in the system if found try to arrest them.
l) Ensure no leakage of BP / FP in formation. If twin pipe formation, work with single
pipe and try.
m) Isolate air drier and try.
n) If still unsuccessful, de energizes the loco, drain out all the pressure from the system,
again energise the loco and try.
o) If still unsuccessful contact TLC.

205.2 BP Pressure not creating in Loco:

a) Check the MR pressure between 8.0kg/cm2 to 9.5kg/cm2 and also ensure MR4COC is
b) Check and ensure MU2B in LEAD position, A9 handle is in release in both cabs. L &
T cock (A8) is open, A9 inlet and out let Cocks are opened in working cab and closed
in non-working cab. Check BP angle COCs are closed properly on either side of the
loco, ALP emergency valves in closed condition in both cabs. If anything is found
abnormal, normalize the same, charge the BP pressure and resume traction.
c) If everything is normal, check for any air leakage from BP pipeline and IP valve. If any
leakage is found, rectify and resume traction.
d) If there is no air leakage, operate MU2B from 'LEAD' to 'TRAIL' and back to 'LEAD'
2 or 3 times and try.
e) If unsuccessful, tap the C2A relay valve (BP charging) gently and try.
f) Ensure, additional BP COCs on both sides open condition.
g) g) If unsuccessful, build up MR pressure above 9.5 kg/cm2 and keep A9 handle in
release position. Adjust the A9 feed valve; raise the BP pressure to 5kg/cm2 and
resume traction.
h) If unsuccessful, try to work from rear cab, otherwise contact TLC and act as per his
i) Still not success, de energise the loco, drain out complete MR and energise the loco
and try.


Piston outside:
1. Ensure Hand brake is in release position
2. Ensure no leakage of BP pressure at DV/Palm ends
3. Operate QRV of DV

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4. Isolate DV and operate QRV

5. Slacken the vent plug of Brake Cylinder carefully.
Piston inside:
1. Slacken the SAB and try
2. Disconnect the brake pull rod pin of brake rigging.
3. Ensure no part is hanging. If required secure the hanging part with rope/wire


1. Operate QRV of DV.
2. Isolate DV and operate QRV.
3. Close Brake Cylinder COC of each truck.
4. Ensure exhausting of pressure through vent hole of isolation COC.
5. Discount/ puncture the flexible pipe of the truck
6. Now pressure will come out and piston will release. If still unsuccessful, release the
safety sling by pulling the latch and rotate the miniature SAB in anti clockwise
direction to release brakes.
Note: Ensure brake blocks are away from the wheel tier.


1. Try to stop the train with single application.
2. Apply A9 to emergency and release.
3. Drain out the moisture and try.
4. Gently tap C2A relay valve and try.
5. If unsuccessful, clear the section from rear cab.
6. After clearing the section, try from leading cab.
7. With several applications and release of A9, if satisfied inform TLC act accordingly.
8. If unsuccessful, contact TLC.


CP Efficiency test:
1. Keep A9 handle in Emergency position
2. Create MR pressure to 9.5Kg/cm2
3. Couple 7.5mm leak hole test kit to BP pipe palm end
4. Keep A9 to release position, ensure BP pressure is charged to 5 Kg/cm2
5. Open BP angle cock
6. When BPSW is pressed, BP pressure should not drop below 4.4 Kg/cm2 and when
BPSW is not pressed, the BP droppage should be between 2.5 Kg/cm2 to 3.5 Kg/cm2
Note: Keep number of CPs in service according to trailing load.

BP Leakage test:
1. Ensure MR pressure is 9.5 Kg/cm2
2. Ensure BP pressure is 5 Kg/cm2
3. Apply A9 to bring BP pressure to 4.0Kg/cm2
4. Close A8 and wait for 30 seconds to settle the gauge needle and note the reading.
5. Wait for another five minutes and note down the BP pressure reading
6. Difference of pressure should not be more than
For loco: 0.7Kg/cm2 within 5 minutes (0.2Kg/cm2 for one minute)
For formation : 1.25Kg/cm2 for 5 min (0.25Kg/cm2 for 1 minute)

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FP Leakage test
1. Ensure MR pressure is 9.5 Kg/cm2
2. FP pressure is 6 Kg/cm2
3. Open FP angle cock slightly to reach FP pressure to 5 Kg/cm2
4. Close feed valve COC, FP angular cock and wait for one minute to note down the FP
pressure reading.
5. Wait for another 5 minutes, note down the reading
6. Difference of pressure should not be more than
For loco: 0.7Kg/cm2 within 5 minutes (0.2Kg/cm2 for one minute)
For formation: 1.25Kg/cm2 for 5 minutes (0.25Kg/cm2 for 1 minute)

Proportional working test

1. Ensure C3W valve isolation cock handle is in service position.
2. Place SA9 in release position.
3. Place A9 in release position and build up 5kg/cm² of BP pressure.
4. Place A9 in application position and observe brake cylinder gauge needle rising
according to BP pressure gauge drop.
5. Now press PVEF, brake cylinder gauge needle should come to '0'.
6. Place A9 in emergency position.
7. Brake cylinder gauge needles will shoot up to 1.8 Kg/cm².
8. Now press PVEF, brake cylinder gauge needles should not drop.
9. During RB, VEF (E) energizes automatically through CTF 1, 2 & 3 Br interlocks
continuously and will not de-energise with BP Pressure drop in any passion. Hence,
During RB at the time of A9/RS application even to emergency, proportional working
is isolated. While running Light engines, LP should not use RB just before stopping at
signals etc., so to ensure RS effectiveness when operated by ALP.

205.5 Loco Brake Power Test:

1. Apply full brakes using SA9. The brake cylinder gauge should indicate a reading of
3.5 kg/cm2 under such condition. Get down and ensure that all brake cylinders (8 nos.
in WAG5, WAG7 & WAM4 and 12 nos. in WAP4 locos) are operated and brake
shoes are held tight with wheel tyres.
2. Ensure no signals, no cut points nearby.
3. Whistle, ensure no locomotive is nearby and nobody is working on the locomotive and
on the same line.
4. Take notches through MP and record the observations current in ammeter as per the
table given below.
TM current at TM current at
S No Gear ratio which loco should which loco
not move up to should move.
Low speed gear ratio
1 locos. 15:62,16:65, 600A 800A
18:64, 17:77
High speed gear ratio
2 800A 1000A
locos. 21:58, 23:58.

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205.6 CHANGING OF CAB (In single loco):

1. Stop the train

2. Apply loco brakes by SA9, ensure BC gauge showing 3.5kg/cm2 and personally
ensure that brake blocks are touching wheels and brakes are in applied condition.
3. Buildup Maximum air pressure in MR by closing BLCPD.
4. Keep MP on ‘0’ and ensure GR is in ‘0’.
5. Keep ‘MPJ’ in ‘Neutral’ and ensure LSB lamp is glowing and abstract the MPJ from
neutral position.
6. Open DJ and ensure LSDJ is glowing.
7. Open all BL switches and lower the Pantograph by keeping ZPT in ‘0’ and abstract
the ZPT key from ‘0’ position.
8. Close A9 inlet & out let COCs and SA9 supply & apply COCs in that CAB.
9. Lock the BL box and remove BL key.
10. Close the doors, shutters, lock them and proceed to other CAB with 3 operating (MPJ,
ZPT & BL) keys with Loco log book.
11. Unlock the BL. Ensure LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSB and LSGR lamps are glowing.
12. Close DJ as per procedure.
13. Close BLCP to buildup pneumatic pressure.
14. Keep SA9 in application position and open its supply and apply COCs.
15. Keep A9 in release position and open its inlet and outlet COCs
16. Release SA9 and again Apply SA9 –ensure BG gauge needle moving towards zero
and again to 3.5 Kg/em2 ensure BC gauge drops to ‘O’ and again over shoots to 3.5
17. Before moving loco conduct loco brake power test and loco brake feel test.


A. Air continuity test for goods trains

1. Before going to sign fresh BPC.
2. While clearing any stabled load from way side station.
3. After completing of power interception.
4. After completing of shunting.
5. After reversing the loco.
6. After attaching dead loco on to the formation.
7. During GLP check.
8. If train parted, after recoupling the formation.
9. Locomotive or additional locomotive attached to the rear to fully fitted train.
10. Whenever Brake integrity changes on the formation.
11. After completing of power changing. (i.e Traction to Diesel and vice – versa)
12. After bypassing the BP pressure in formation.

Occasions where BP continuity test is not required:

a) When locomotive other than train locomotive is detached from extreme front of the
b) When locomotive is used for complete brake test of the whole train and is not
thereafter detached before starting
c) When locomotive or vehicle is detached from the extreme rear of the train.

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1. This test to be conducted with the cooperation of Guard.
2. Create 9.5 kg/cm2 of MR pressure and 5.0 kg/cm2 of BP in the locomotive.
3. Ensure 4.8 / 4.7 kg/cm2 of BP pressure in the BV according to the no of wagons.
4. Apply A9 automatic brake valve and reduce BP pressure by 1. kg/cm2 without
5. Confirm from the guard for corresponding reduction of BP should be in between 3.6
to 4.0 kg/cm2in the BV .
6. Physically ensure brake application in formation.
7. Loco pilot has to close A8 Cock ( E70 Cock/Mode switch TEST In case of 3 phase
locos and ignore fault message).
8. Now immediately Guard shall open the BV emergency valve and the Guard shall
observe the drop of BP pressure to zero and close.
9. If the BV is not the last vehicle, Guard shall open the BP angle cock in the rear side
of last vehicle and close after complete exhaust.
10. Loco pilot to ensure dropping of BP pressure completely to “0” and should not
11. Guard has to close the BV emergency valve.
12. Now the Loco pilot release A-9 ,open A8 coc and Ensure recreation of 5.0 kg/cm2
of BP in the locomotive and4.8 / 4.7 kg/cm2 of BP pressure in the BV.
13. For originating trains after turn around examination (where SSE/SE- C&W is
posted): continuity test will be done by the loco-pilot and guard in the presence of
SSE/SE-C&W who shall make endorsement on the reverse of the original BPC.
14. Where SSE/SE-C&W is not posted: loco-pilot and guard will check the continuity
and make endorsement on the reverse of original BPC.

B. Brake Continuity Test (Coaching Trains)

1. The Loco Pilot must charge the BP to 5 Kg/Cm2 and FP to 6Kg/Cm2 must confirm
from the Guard that minimum BP 4.8 Kg/Cm2 and FP 5.8 Kg/Cm2 in BV
2. The LP must move the A9 automatic brake valve to reduce BP pressure to 4.0
Kg/Cm2 and must confirm from the Guard that BP pressure in brake van is reduced
by 1.0 Kg/Cm2 (in the range of 3.6 to 4.0). In this condition, train brakes must also
3. If BP pressure in BV does not show reduction in BP pressure in the range of 3.6 to
4.0 Kg/Cm2, it indicates discontinuity in brake pipe, which must be looked into be
TXR staff.
4. After that, the LP must move A9 automatic brake valve to ‘running’ position and
check that 5 Kg/Cm2 BP pressure is registered in BP gauge in loco and must confirm
from the Guard that minimum 4.8 Kg/Cm2 in BV.
5. After the BP pressure has stabilized in the locomotive, air supply for the BP should
be cut off by closing A-8 COC or E-70 COC OR Mode switch to TEST (Ignore the
message appeared in 3-φ locos).
6. Then, the Guard shall immediately open the Emergency brake valve to vent out the
BP drop up to3.6 Kg/Cm2 and close. LP should observe that the pressure in the BP
gauge in the locomotive is within in the range of 3.6 to 4.0 Kg/Cm2, otherwise it
indicates discontinuity in brake pipe, which must be looked into by TXR staff for
7. After confirmation of continuity, open the A-8 COC/E-70 COC/MODE switch to
lead and restore the BP pressure in the loco/SLR.

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205.8 Bogie Mounted Brake System for Freight Stock

1. Graduated application/ release single/twin pipe system.
2. Two nos. of 10 inch diameter cylinders provided on brake beam. One with hand
brake cables another without hand brake cables.
3. High friction K-type brake blocks are used.
4. In place of of Load-empty box APM (Automatic Pressure modifier/Maintainer) is
provided to regulate the air pressure entering into the cylinder in load and empty
condition. In loaded condition BC receives a pressure of 3.8 kg/ and in empty
2.2 kg/ APM is fitted to body underframe above the bogie side frame.
5. Piston stroke indicator is provided on BC for easy identification of BC in applied
6. 2 Nos. Isolating cocks with vent feature are provided between APM and BC to
isolate the BC in case of brake binding.
7. Hand brake wheel is connected through cables to one cylinder.

Attention of brake binding:

1. Identify the wagon on which brake binding occurred by seeing projected piston
stroke indicator or operated APM piston or smoke or heat from the Bogie/Bogies.
2. Isolate the DV by lifting the DV handle to horizontal position.
3. Pull the manual release valve of DV.
4. Ensure that piston stroke indicator has fully gone inside of cylinder and brake blocks
are loose.
5. Isolate the isolating cocks provided between APM and both the brake cylinders and
work the train.

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Automatic Pressure Maintainer

205.9 Procedure to By pass BP

pressure of a coach in case of
Brake pipe failure at en-
route stations (for
Locopilots & Guards.)

1. Collect BP-FP BYPASS

Coupling from Pantry
Car/AC II or Guard cab.
2. Close the FP-BP cut off
angle cock of adjacent to affected coach at locomotive end.
3. Wait till both air hose pressure releases from rear-end.
4. Uncouple BP-FP air hoses.
5. Couple BP-FP BYPASS coupling as shown in figure No. 1
6. Similarly uncouple BP-FP air hoses of rear end of affected coach and couple FP-
BPBYPASS coupling as shown in figure No. 2
7. Close FP angle cock of adjacent to affected coach at rear end.
8. Put spare hanging air hoses on hooks.
9. Open BP angle cock of adjacent to affected coach at locomotive end.
10. Manually release and isolate the affected coach.
11. Close rear FP angle cock of locomotive to work the train with single pipe.
12. Conduct air pressure continuity test.
Provision of spare BP and FP air hose at each ends of coaches of Duronto Exp.
a. Angle cocks of one BP/FP air hose are kept in working position and spare BP/FP
hoses are in closed position.
b. In case of BP or FP air hose failure, close the angle cock of affected air hose and
also close the angle cock opposite to the affected hose coupled to it .
c. Open the angle cocks of spare air hose.
d. Conduct air pressure continuity test.

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Working of Duronto Exp. In case of BP/FP failure FP failure:

a. Bring the flexible coupling pipe of coach length, kept in guard compartment.
b. Lay across the flexible coupling pipe from one end to other end from
c. outside of the affected coach. Secure/clamp the coupling pipe from falling.
d. Couple palm ends of flexible pipe to the FP air hose of adjacent to affected
e. Isolate/dummy the brake system of affected coach. (Ensure brake release).
f. Conduct air pressure continuity test and work the train with restricted speed of
BP failure:
1. Bring the flexible coupling pipe of coach length, kept in guard compartment.
2. Lay across the flexible coupling pipe from one end to other end from outside of the
affected coach. Secure/clamp the coupling pipe from falling.
3. Couple palm ends of flexible pipe to the BP air hose of adjacent to affected coach.
4. Manually release and isolate the affected coach.
5. Conduct air pressure continuity test and work the train with prescribed speed.

Trouble shooting in case of BP-FP angle failure on the last Coach (LHB coach FIAT
1. Loosen the check nut fitted on ‘T’ joint and affected angle cock pipe.
2. Disconnect the affected pipe from ‘T’ joint by loosening holding clips.
3. Tighten the Dummy plug to that end.

Trouble shooting in case of BP-FP angle failure on the last coach (Hybrid coach).
MS Dummy Plate (98x65x2 mm)
1. Loosen and remove the both bolts.
2. Make gap between block and affected angle cock pipe.
3. Insert Dummy plate between block and affected pipe flange.
4. Insert and tighten both bolts. Dummy Plug Bore

Procedure for checking capability of locomotives for Charging/releasing of train brakes

N.B. This test should be carried out on single locomotive if only one locomotive is used
for hauling the train or on foremost loco of consist of locomotives unless otherwise stated.

1. Place the loco pilot’s automatic brake valve handle in emergency position.
2. In case of WAG5 electric locomotive start the compressors for building up of main
reservoir pressure.
3. Allow the main reservoir pressure to build up of the maximum stipulated limit.
4. Close the angle cock for the brake pipe. Couple 7.5 mm diameter leak hole special test
coupling fabricated to RDSO design SKDP 2691 with the brake pipe coupling of the
locomotive. In case of MU consist test coupling should be fitted on the rear most
locomotive of consist.
5. Move the loco pilot’s automatic brake valve handle from emergency position to release
position to charge the brake pipe to 5 Kg/cm2.
6. Open the angle cock for the brake pipe. The brake pipe pressure should fall from
7. Check the brake pipe pressure with help of gauge fitted in the locomotive which should
not fall below 4 Kg/cm2 within 60 seconds.
8. The test shall be carried out with the number of compressor s considered adequate by the
loco pilot for operating the train.

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Procedure for checking leakage in the train:

1. Attach the locomotive to the train and couple bake pipes and feed pipes. Ensure correct
coupling with brake and feed pipe in a manner that there is no leakage of the air from
coupled joints.
2. The coupling should be done with angle cocks in closed position.
3. Open angle cocks of loco after feed pipe and brake pipe.
4. Open the angle cocks of the brake pipes and feed on all the coaches. Check for
continuity of brake pipe and feed pipe by reducing and rebuilding brake pipe pressure
and feed pipe pressure. The verification should invariably be carried out through the
pressure gauge provided in Guard’s compartment.
5. After the brake pipe pressure. Has stabilized in the locomotive an rear most vehicle
move the loco pilot’s automatic brake valve handle towards application position to
reduce the brake pipe pressure from 5 Kg/cm2 to 4 Kg/cm2.
6. After the brake pipe pressure has stabilized, close the A8 COCK/E70/TEST brake pipe
isolating cocks provided between C2A relay valve and brake pipe of the locomotive.
7. Wait for 30 seconds for temperature and gauge settlement and then note the drop in
pressure in the brake pipe gauge in the locomotive for five minutes.
8. The drop in brake pipe pressure gauge shall not be more than 0.25 kg/cm2/min.

Procedure for checking leakage in feed pipe

1. Couple the locomotive feed pipe with the first vehicle of the train.
2. Open all the angle cocks of the feed pipe at the couple end of the locomotive as well as
in all the coaches.
3. Check for continuity of the feed pipe by checking the feed pipe pressure in Guard’s
4. After the feed pipe pressure gauge needle has stabilized in the locomotive a rear-most
vehicle close the isolation cock in the locomotive provided between feed valve and the
feed pipe.
5. Wait for 60 seconds and note the drop in pressure in feed pipe for 5 minutes.
6. The drop in feed pipe pressure should not be more that 0.25 kg/cm2/minute as indicated
by feed pipe pressure gauge in the locomotive.


For MU operation, 3 electrical jumpers (One set) are connected between two Locos
besides connecting the pneumatic hosepipes. Due to connection of electrical jumpers, the
control circuit feed of one Loco reaches to another Loco therefore same control circuit operation
takes place in both the Locos, though operation is done from leading Loco. In MU operation,
almost all the feed of control circuits of the leading Loco reaches to the trailing Loco but Q118,
Q44 and Q100 get the control supply from its own Loco. Therefore for closing DJ, HBA should
be on '1' position in both Locos. A switch BLSN is provided on the BL box, which controls the
feed to VEPT and MTDJ of trailing Loco. Its normal position is 'up' (close). On pressing it
down, the supply to trailing Loco VEPT and MTDJ cuts off and the DJ of trailing Loco gets
opened and Panto also lowers. It is important to know that from leading Loco closing of DJ can
be done for both Locos together or separately. Similarly tripping of DJ can be done for both
Locos together or of the rear Loco only. However, DJ of the leading Loco alone cannot be
tripped from leading Loco. It should be kept in mind that if required, DJ can be closed of
trailing Loco by pressing BP2DJ of trailing Loco, but cannot be opened by BP1DJ of the

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trailing Loco. In case of emergency the DJ of trailing Loco can be opened by removing CCPT
of trailing Loco, but normally it is to be avoided.

Preparing of MU Locos:
Checking of Locos
1. Examine the Locos separately and prepare them individually.
2. After complete checking de-energise the Locos. Attach them one to the other,
preferably with cab 2 on either ends with CBC & pin.
3. Keep HBA of both Locos in '0' position.
4. On one side attach B C D couplers of one Loco to other. On other Loco side Loco B C
D couplers will be kept as spare.
5. Couple up MR and BC equalising hose pipes and open their angular cocks.
6. Couple BP &FP air hoses and open their angle cocks. If necessary connect vacuum
hose pipe also.
7. Keep A9 I/L & O/L cocks of working cab open condition and remaining cabs should
be in closed position.
8. Keep SA9 supply & apply cocks of working cab open condition and remaining cabs
should be in closed position.
9. Keep A8 COC Open in leading Loco Close in Trailing Loco.
10. MU2B of leading Loco in LEAD position and in Trailing Loco should be kept in
TRAIL/DEAD position.
11. Keep ZPT, MPJ & BL keys of trailing Loco in the side locker.
12. HBA should be kept on '1' in both the Locos.
13. Start MCPA of both the Locos and ensure RS pressure raises up to 6.5 kg/cm2.
Note: If CPA of any Loco is defective, then first energise the MU Locos from the Loco
in which CPA is working.

Energising Of MU Locos
1. Unlock the BL in working cab of leading Loco and ensure four pilot lamps LSDJ,
LSCHBA, LSGR, & LSB glowing.
2. Place ZPT ON '1' and ensure rear pantos of both the Locos are raised and touched to
3. Place BLSN switch at 'ON' position and ensure trailing Loco panto is lowered.
4. Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. After UA needle is deviated release BLRDJ exactly
after 4 seconds. LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR & LSB will not extinguish.
5. Normalize the switch BLSN (i.e., 'OFF' position) and ensure trailing Loco rear panto is
raised and touching to OHE.
6. Now press BLRDJ again and release it after LSDJ & LSCHBA lamps extinguishes.
7. Close BLCP and ensure CPs working according to HCP switch position of each Loco.
8. Close BLVMT and ensure three blower motors are working in both Locos.
9. Keep MPJ on 'F' or 'R' as required and ensure LSB is extinguished.
10. Move MP from 'N' to '+' and ensure LSGR is extinguished. NR shows one notch and
ammeters are deviating. Then bring back mp to '0'.
Now MU Locos are ready to work a train

Procedure to locate defective Loco:

While working in MU operation, when DJ trips in 'Leading' or 'Trailing' Loco or certain
faults occurs, it can be detected by LSGROUP lamp provided on cab roof and LSOL on the
locopilot's desk as given below.
 In defective Loco - LSGROUP glows and LSOL remains extinguished.
 In healthy Loco - LSOL glows and LSGROUP remains extinguishes.

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The concerned pilot lamp indicating the fault will also glow in both the Locos along
with LSGROUP/LSOL. Until the fault is rectified, the pilot lamp will continue to glow in both
the Locos.

Therefore, on seeing LSGROUP (along with pilot lamps), we can locate the defective
Loco. If LSGROUP is glowing in leading Loco, then leading Loco is defective and if LSOL
glows in leading Loco then it means that defect is in trailing Loco (ensure LSGROUP is in
working order).

LSGROUP glows under following 4 circumstances in the Locomotive.

 When DJ trips.
 CHBA is defective.
 Q50 de-energised.
 When tell tale fuse melted in RSI block.
The above defects can be rectified/trouble shooted in concerned Loco.
Note: In case of Loco trouble in leading or trailing Loco, the locopilot should first try to clear
the section & then do the trouble shooting of defective Loco. Switch ZLS is provided in switch
panel. When ZLS is switched OFF, signaling lamps will not glow. This switch should be kept in
OFF position in healthy Loco while trouble shooting in defective Loco.

Signaling lamp indications in MU Locos


Leading Loco energised LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR,
1 and trailing Loco de- LSB & LSGROUP
LSB & LSOL glows.
energised. glows.
Leading Loco de-
2 energised and trailing
LSB & LSGROUP glows. LSB & LSOL glows.
Loco energised.
3 Both Locos de-energised LSB & LSGROUP
LSB & LSGROUP glows.
Loco glows. glows.
CHBA failed in trailing LSCHBA & LSGROUP
5 LSCHBA & LSOL glows.
Loco glows.
Reversers not correctly
6 LSB & LSGROUP glows. LSB & LSOL glows.
set in leading Loco
Reversers not correctly LSB & LSGROUP
7 LSB & LSOL glows.
set in trailing Loco glows.
Tell tale fuse projected in
8 LSRSI & LSGROUP glows LSRSI & LSOL glows
leading Loco
Tell tale fuse projected in LSRSI & LSGROUP
9 LSRSI & LSOL glows
trailing Loco glows

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At 500 mts. Board:
1. Check pressure in MR Gauge, if less, close BLCPD and build up maximum pressure.
2. Try to accelerate the train speed before reaching Neutral Section, keeping in view
the caution order in force and maximum speed of the train.

At 250 mts. Board:

1. Bring MP to '0' and Ensure GR has come to '0' by seeing LSGR glowing.
2. Close (down) BLSN switch. Observe LSDJ, LSCHBA& LSB lamp glows in leading
Loco but UA meter needle will not come to '0' and Panto of trailing Loco lowers.
Signaling lamp LSOL glows on locopilot's desk.
At DJ open board:
1. Open BLDJ one mast before of DJ open board and ensure DJ of leading Loco is
tripped by watching UA needle comes to '0'. If not come to '0', lower Panto by
keeping ZPT on '0'.
2. After tripping DJ ensure LSGROUP lamp glows and LSOL lamp extinguishes in
At DJ close board:
1. At DJ close board locopilot shall close DJ through BLDJ & BLRDJ. Release BLRDJ
after Waiting 4 seconds after UA needle deviation or after glowing of LSOL.
2. After passing one mast distance, place BLSN in 'ON' (UP) position and wait for 10
3. Press BLRDJ again and when LSDJ, LSCHBA& LSB have extinguished release.
4. Observe signaling lamp LSOL also extinguishes.
Note: While passing Neutral Section Assistant Loco pilot should check the leading Loco as per
2. In case DJ not tripped on opening BLDJ, lower Pantograph.
After passing Neutral section:
1. Incase of ARNO loco, close BLDJ, Press BLRDJ and raise Pantograph so as to ensure
starting phase before supply comes to ARNO.
2. In SIV Loco raise Pantograph work the train.


Driving cab (Which was leading Loco and to be made as trailing loco).
1. Stop the locos at convenient place.
2. Keep A9 in release and SA9 in application position.
3. Ensure Brake Cylinder pressure is showing 3.5kg/cm2 and pistons are projected out.
4. Close BLCPD and create MR up to max.
5. Do not change any pneumatic cut out cock positions.
6. Trip DJ, Open all BL switches, lower pantograph, put MPJ to '0', lock BL and remove
all the keys.
7. Proceed to another Loco.

In other Loco (which shall become leading loco now)

1. Keep SA9 handle in application position and keep A9 in release position.
2. Energize the loco as per the procedure.
3. Open A9 & SA9 inlet and outlet COCs.
4. Keep MU2B in lead position.
5. Open A8 COC.
6. Now proceed to rear loco cab, change MU2B to TRAIL position, close A8 COC and
close A9 & SA9 I/L & O/L COCs.

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7. Close cab doors and windows.

8. Then return to the leading Loco and conduct loco brake power test before moving the
1. Do not wedge any EM contactor or relay (except Q100 and QRS) in trailing Loco. If
necessary, make the trailing Loco dead. Wedging of Q50, Q44 & Q118 is strictly not
permitted in trailing Loco.
2. If HOBA is required to be kept in 'OFF', keep HOBA in OFF position in both the Locos.
3. In case of EEC working, both ZSMS switches should be kept on '0' position.
4. If HQCVAR of the front Loco is on '0', never close DJ separately. In such a case, first
open DJ of leading Loco and then press BLRDJ to close DJ together.
5. If CCPT melts in leading Loco, both Locos DJ trips and both Loco pantos lowers.
6. If CCPT melts in trailing Loco, only trailing Loco DJ trips but trailing panto will not
7. If CCDJ melts in leading Loco, both Locos DJ trips.
8. If CCDJ melts in trailing Loco, DJ will not trip in any Loco thereby no indication.
9. Feed loco pilot's data in both Locos SPM(R) and ensure availability of chart.
10. Keep MP on '0' while coasting.
11. Before starting the train, ensure both Loco brakes are released.
12. If Additional CCBA or CCBA melts in any one Loco trouble shoot as single Loco.
13. Maximum four Locos only permitted to make as MU Consist.




Procedure for working MU locos incase leading loco failed.

1. Keep HBA is on ‘1’ in both locos.
2. Ensure BA voltage more than 90 V in leading loco.
3. Ensure ZLS is ON(if provided)
4. Disturb pneumatic system in both locos.
5. Close VEPT Cock of leading loco(As per ZPT Position).
6. Buid up RS pressure in trailing loco.
7. Place ZPT in leading in required position.
8. Close DJ, Lamp LSDJ will extinguish no sound from the Auxiliaries and re-glows
after 5.6 sec/On releasing BLRDJ which indicates that leading and trailing loco DJs are
closed and leading loco DJ alone tripped.
9. Close BLCP buildup MR pressure, create BP pressure, Conduct Air continuity if
10. Operate MPJ, close BLVMT start the train by operating MP.

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11. Now trailing loco will respond to the operations done in leading Loco.
12. Clear the section duly watching the BA voltage.

Working the train from trailing loco when leading loco fails:
1. In case leading loco (other than CCPT) fuse melting, do not change any COC position
and work from leading loco (Close panto COCs and observe BA voltage is above 90 v)
carefully to clear section.
2. If not possible, make the leading loco dead and work from the trailing loco.
3. Resume traction from trailing loco and clear section without exceeding the speed limit
of 15 KMPH and contact TLC.
4. If the load and road permits, request TLC for re-marshalling of the loco (changing
trailing loco as leading loco) and work onwards with single loco.
5. If load and road does not permit, contact TLC.

Working the train from leading loco when trailing loco fails:
1. Put BLSN ‘DOWN’ to de-energize the rear loco and work with the leading loco. If
trouble persists remove the electrical jumpers between the locos and secure them on
clamps. Keep HBA on ‘0’, close IP COC of rear loco and work the train from leading
2. Put ZLS on ‘0’ in trailing loco and ensure GR on ‘0’.
3. Don’t change any COC position.
4. Clear section and contact TLC.
5. If the load and road permits, work onwards with single loco. Otherwise contact TLC for
Procedure to charge the loco Batteries in case of Run down or less BA voltage in MU

1. Stop the train and secure as per the procedure.
2. Get the extra ZPT key and insert in defect loco and keep in any PT raise position.
3. Enersige the Good loco.

1. Get extra BL key and unlock in defective loco BL box.
2. Energise Good loco.

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206.1 BPEMS (Push Button switch for Emergency):

In case of Emergency Loco pilot has to press BPEMS.
If BPEMS is pressed the following indications will takes place.
1. BP drops through IP valve (de energizes).
2. DJ trips and Panto graph lowers.
3. GR comes to '0'
4. AFL starts functioning.
For energizing Loco
1. Put ZPT-on '0', MP '0'.
2. Keep A9 in emergency position to avoid MR dropping.
3. Rotate BPEMS knob to clock wise direction to release. (In some locos push Button
switch is provided. No need to reset after operation).
4. Energize Loco as per regular procedure.
a. Ensure IP coc (A-15) in open position during running of Loco.
b. BPEMS functions in working Cab only
c. In some locos LSEMS lamp provided for LP indication. Starts glowing when
BPEMS is operated.

206.2 Vigilance control Device

Loco pilot/Asst Loco pilot have to do the following operations for every 60 sec
1. Progression by MP or EEC.
2. Regression by MP or EEC.
3. Application of Sanders.
4. Operation of foot pedal switch.
5. Operation of MPS (1st notch)

VCD in sleeping/Suppress mode:

1. When SA9 applied.
2. When A9 applied.
3. During manual operation.
4. In MU rear loco.
5. When speed is less than 2 KMPH (if speed sensor cable connected to VCD unit).

If VCD is not acknowledged within 60 sec, VCD warning yellow lamp flickers for next 8
sec, if still not acknowledge, VCD warning yellow lamp and buzzer will come for next 8 sec. If
still not acknowledge VCD action takes place. BP drops and GR comes to ‘0’.

Resetting of VCD:
1. Keep MP on ‘0’.
2. Apply SA-9
3. Keep A9 on emergency to avoid MR dropping.
4. Wait for 32 sec, then press VCD reset button.
5. Keep A9 on release for charging of BP.

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If VCD malfunction:
1. A bypass switch is provided in the main unit, in case of any mal functioning of VCD,
Loco Pilot has to isolate the unit by keeping the bypass switch in OFF position duly
entering in the log book.
2. If still not success, HBA off and try.
3. If still not success, disconnect VCD main unit four cables and try.
206.3 Provision of 16th regression on SMGR in locos provided with roof mounted DBR:
To improve the effectiveness of dynamic braking QF setting and auto regression of GR have
revised as:
✓ QF setting-850 amps & Auto regression-16th notch
The above changes are to be applied in WAP1 and WAP4 locos provided with naturally cooled
roof mounted DBR.

206.4 Reduction of brake cylinder pressure on diesel and electrical conventional locos from
1.8 kg/cm2 to 1.4 kg/cm2 in proportional working for the locos provided with
composite brake blocks.
Direct Brake cylinder pressure: Reduced to 3.0 Kg/Cm2 from 3.5 Kg/Cm2.


In some Modified Locos HCHBA is having 4 positions. i.e 0, 1, 2 & 3. If ICDJ is
experienced after passing neutral section or after opening of DJ for any other reason with BA
voltage availability, the crew shall try to close DJ after putting HCHBA switch On position ‘3’,
the position should be restored back to its previous position after Loco getting energized.

206.6 Provision of LS C145:

In some locos it is provided near Q50 relay, LS C145 is glowing that indicates that C145 is in
closed condition. If it extinguishes it indicates that C-145 is open condition. Hence Q50 relay
should not be wedged when LS C145 is glowing in Traction side.

206.7 Quick Examination during Short Stoppage En-route:

1. Stop the train and apply SA9 and keep the blowers working.
2. Drain out moisture from main reservoirs, centrifugal dirt collector, DJ oil separator
control reservoir, EP and Graduator Control board.
3. Check the temperature of axle boxes.
4. Check the condition of helical springs, equalisers, tie-rods, stay plates, sand pipes,
brake riggings, speedometer gear case fittings, resillent block pads, vertical /
horizontal bolts for each TM. For WAG-7 loco examine, W-BRACKET, LINKS,
BULBs and its cotters pins, equalising beams, helical springs (inner and outer),
dampers (horizontal , vertical), ‘D’ shackle , side stoppers, side bearers to be checked
additionally. For WAP-4 loco examine H-TYPE BOLSTER, helical springs (inner
and outer), friction dampers, to be checked additionally.
5. Check for any oil or cardium compound leakage and also check the condition of
traction motor inspection covers.
6. Check the air flow from SL blowers and for any oil leakage from transformer oil tank
and drain plug.
7. Check the condition of air bellows for any leakage.
8. Check the condition of battery boxes and SL covers.
9. Check the cattle guards, rail guards & buffers for any abnormality.
10. Ensure front coupling is secured in the hook and rear coupling is tight and safety pin is
11. In case of Exp./Pass trains ensure U clamp is intact.

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Loco Examination on Run

This examination is to be conducted by Assistant Loco pilot every one hour and make entry in
the logbook. Assistant Loco pilot shall not carry out this examination when the train is
approaching gate or station or any stop signal in absolute block system and while approaching
manual or semi automatic stop signals in case of automatic block system.
1. Check the working of VMT-1, VMT-2, VRH, VSI-1, VSI-2, VSL-1, VSL-2, CP1,
CP2, CP3, (if working), and ARNO.
2. Check the temperature of Arno, MVMT-1, MVMT-2, MCP-1, MCP2, MCP3.
3. Check the transformer and GR oil levels.
4. Check for any abnormality in Arno, motor chests and HT compartments.
5. Check the working of PHGR, drain out moisture from RDJ.
6. Check the working of CHBA and Ammeter charging rate.
7. Give signal through BPT to the Loco pilot and note the readings in ammeters,
voltmeter, notch repeater, speedometer, BP and MR gauges.
8. Look for any abnormality in the rear cab.
9. Check UBA reading.
10. Compare the rear cab readings with leading cab and make necessary remarks in the
log book as per standard instructions.
11. In case any abnormality is noticed and if it requires attention at crew changing
points/trip shed enroute, inform at the first opportunity to the TLC.

Stabling of the Loco in Station Yard

1. Berth the loco at a convenient place (ensure OHE while moving towards sidings).
2. Build up air pressure up to 8 kg/cm2 in RS and close RAL cock.
3. Apply SA9 and hand brake. Place wooden wedges. Release SA9 and ensure loco not
moving with only hand brake applied and wooden wedges placed. Then destroy BP to
4. Ensure MP is on ‘0’ and open BLDJ, check the glowing of LSDJ.
5. Lower the panto and ensure it is fully lowered.
6. Remove ZPT, MPJ and BL keys from the sockets.
7. Check the battery voltage and make necessary remarks in loco logbook.
8. Close window shutters, cab and corridor doors.
9. Switch OFF all the light and fans and open HBA.
10. Drain out moisture and air pressure duly securing the loco with skids in non-platform
11. Hand over all keys to the on duty CC or SM or any authorised person.
12. Ensure providing of LV board/lamps.

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This is provided for switching on Flasher light automatically during any emergency
situation such as ACP, Bp pressure dropping or during derailment, etc,. It does not take any
responsibility of Loco pilot in abnormal situation like train parting, etc,. as given in G&SR.
Loco pilot should keep the manual push button switch BPSW 1/2 pressed during brake release/
initial charging.

When BP pressure drops below 4.4 kg/cm2, automatically P2 I/L will close and Buzzer
and Flasher light will work through P2, PR1, SW & QFL I/Ls. same time LED indication will
also come in the cab. By energising PR2 relay, circuit will maintain through PR2 I/L and it's I/L
will close on Q51 branch and auto regression of GR will takes place. Loco pilot can isolate
Flasher light and Buzzer by pressing SW1/2 provided in the cab, if required. LEDs will
extinguish only after BP pressure recharged to 4.7 kg/cm2.
Relay PR1 is provided for avoiding AFL when loco pilot applying brake through A9.
When control pressure drops through A9, P1 will actuate at 4.5 kg/cm2 and PR1 Relay will
energise and it's I/L will open on AFL branch and action of P2 will nullify. When Loco pilot
again keeping A9 in release position, control pipeline pressure will create immediately and PR1
will de energise after 60 seconds. Due time lag I/L of PR1, flasher light will not work even
though BP pressure is not creating up to 4.7 kg/cm2 within 60 seconds.

1. Keep SA 9 in application position.
2. Ensure BC gauge reads 3.5 Kg/cm2
3. Personally ensure that all brake cylinders are applied and brake blocks are touching to
the wheels.
4. Keep HVSI 1&2 and HVMT 1&2 on '0'
5. Keep MPJ in required direction.
6. Power MODE switch on FL unit must be in Auto/OFF side.
a. Take few notches.
b. By pressing TSAFL, Flasher light will glow, GR will come to ‘0’, Buzzer
will sound, LSAFL & LEDs will glow.
a. Take few notches.
b. Apply A9 to full service, there will not be any actions of AFL except
dropping of BP pressure.
c. When A9 brought to emergency, only GR will come to ‘0’.
a. Take few notches.
b. Open RS. On dropping of BP pressure below 4.4 Kg/CM2 Flasher light
will glow, GR will come to ‘0’, Buzzer will sound, LSAFL & LEDs will
glow (On opening of BP angle COC also same actions will come).

206.9 BOGIES
Bogies in locomotive are provided to permit long length of locomotive body to negotiate
the curves. A small length of bogie is desirable. The length of bogies is decided by the distance
between the centre of extreme wheels of bogie is known as bogie wheelbase. Bogie wheelbase
shall be well proportioned to permit the bogie negotiating the curve and jerking. The bogie has
two a more bogies on which the body is mounted. The distance between the centers of extreme
wheels is known as the total wheelbase.
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Bogies Classification: Bogies are classified on

1) No of axles
2) Type of axle drive
The type of axle drive and no of axles in the bogie is also called the wheel arrangement.
Wheel arrangements are classified as B, Bo and CO.
BO: Two axles, axles are independently driven
CO: Three axles, axles are independently driven

Bogies Components:
The bogie of a locomotive is an assembly of following components.
Bogies Frame
Axle Boxes
Supports For Traction Motors
Supports For Brake Rigging & Brake Cylinder
Friction Dampers / Snubbers.


7. WAM 4 & WAG 5 locos are provided with Co-Co tri mount bogie.
8. Equalising beams are provided between axle boxes. These equalising beams are
directly mounted on centre axle box and through roller pins on end axle boxes.
9. Spring saddle is provided on equalising beams on with one pair of helical springs with
inner springs.
10. Spacer bolt (Tie rod) is provided between two equalising beams.
11. On these helical springs bogie frame is mounted.
12. Bogie frame have horns to hold axle boxes.
13. Below the axle box, stay plate is provided to the horns to avoid escaping of axle box
from the horns.
14. On bogie frame one centre pivot and two side bearers are provided on which loco
body is mounted. Centre pivot will carry 60% of load and side bearers will carry 40%
(20+20) of load.
15. Between two side beams of bogie frame, four cross beams are provided and called as
16. Middle transoms are used for holding the traction motors and end transoms are used
for holding the loco brake rigging.
17. Each bogie is equipped with 4 brake cylinders. Each cylinder will control one and half
wheel (3 brake blocks).
18. “Clasp” type brake rigging provided in this bogie.
19. Traction motors arrangement is “Axle hung and nose suspended”. Nose portion is
suspended on transom by the help of resilient pads.
20. Traction motors arrangement in this bogie is LLR and LRR.
21. Hand brake is connected to brake cylinder No.2. So, both brake blocks of wheel No.2
and one brake block of wheel No. 4 will apply when hand brake is applied.
22. ‘TAO 659’ or ‘Hitachi’ type traction motors are provided in this bogie. In TAO type,
axle and suspension bearing are lubricated by oil and driven by suspension bearing oil
pump. In Hitachi both are lubricated by grease only. But in modified locos, TAO 659
type traction motor axle cap is provided with Hitachi cap, in which axle and
suspension bearing are lubricated by grease.

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1. WAG 7 loco is provided with Co-Co tetra mount high adhesion bogie.
2. ‘W’ bracket (compensating beam) is provided to the centre axle box.
3. Single equalising beam is provided from W bracket to end axle boxes. These
equalising beam is connected to W bracket by the help of ‘Link’ and ‘Bulbs’.
4. Spring saddle is provided on equalising beam on which one pair of helical springs are
provided with inners. (Stay plates are not provided)
5. On these helical springs bogie frame is mounted.
6. Between bogie frame and equalising beam one vertical shock absorber is provided and
also called as hydraulic damper. Total two horizontal and four vertical hydraulic
dampers are provided for each bogie.
7. On bogie frame four load bearers and centre pivot are provided.
8. Entire load is carried by load bearers. Centre pivot is floating and will not carry any
9. It is used for to and fro movement of loco body and bogie vice-versa.
10. Load bearers nearer to centre pivot will carry 60% of load and Load bearers farer to
centre pivot will carry 40% of load (20+20).
11. Between bogie frame and loco body horizontal shock absorbers are provided one in
each side of bogie.
12. ‘D’ link is provided between bogie frame and loco body.
13. Side stopper one in each side of bogie frame is provided.
14. Between two side beams of bogie frame, four cross beams are provided and called as
15. Middle transoms are used for holding the traction motors and end transoms are used
for holding the loco brake rigging.
16. Each bogie is equipped with 4 brake cylinders. Each cylinder will control one and half
wheel (3 brake blocks).
17. “Clasp” type brake rigging provided in this bogie.
18. Traction motors arrangement in this bogie is unidirectional (LLL RRR).
19. Traction motors arrangement is “Axle hung and nose suspended”. Nose portion is
suspended on transoom by the help of resilient block.
20. Hand brake is connected to brake cylinder No.2. So, both brake blocks of wheel No.2
and one brake block of wheel No. 4 will apply when hand brake is applied.
21. Only ‘Hitachi’ type traction motors are provided in this bogie. Axle and suspension
bearing both are lubricated by grease.


1. WAP 4 and WAP 1 locos are provided with Co-Co flexi coil bogie.
2. This bogie has two types of suspensions.
3. Primary suspension : Axle box to bogie frame.
4. Secondary suspension: Bogie frame to loco body.
5. On each axle box one pair of helical springs are provided and called as primary
6. On these primary springs bogie frame is mounted.
7. Bogie frame have horns to hold axle boxes.
8. Stay plate is provided below the axle box. The specialty of stay plate in this loco is it
will see that axle box is not escaping from the horns and also it holds the loco brake
9. Bogie frame have four spring pockets, two in each side. On each pocket one pair of
helical springs are provided and called as secondary springs.

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10. On these secondary springs ‘H’ shape ‘Bolster’ is provided.

11. On the centre of the bolster loco body is mounted by the help of centre pivot.
12. Entire load is carried by bolster but not centre pivot.
13. Rear side of bolster is provided with ‘Friction motors’.
14. All four ends of bolster is provided with side stoppers.
15. Between two side beams of bogie frame, four cross beams are provided and called as
16. Middle transoms are used for holding the traction motors and end transoms are used
for holding the loco brake rigging.
17. Each bogie is equipped with 6 brake cylinders. Each cylinder will control one wheel.
18. “Clasp” type brake rigging provided in this bogie.
19. Traction motors arrangement in this bogie is unidirectional (LLR RRL).
20. Traction motors arrangement is “Axle hung and nose suspended”. Nose portion is
suspended on transom by the help of resilient block.
21. Hand brake is connected to brake cylinder No.2. So, both brake blocks of wheel No.2
will apply when hand brake is applied.
22. Only ‘Hitachi’ type traction motors are provided in this bogie. Axle and suspension
bearing both are lubricated by grease.


1. This loco is provided with Co-Co flexi coil bogie.
2. This bogie has two types of suspensions.
3. Primary suspension: Axle box to bogie frame.
4. Secondary suspension: Bogie frame to loco body.
5. Axle box is provided in ‘Wheel set’
6. On each wheel set, one pair of helical springs are provided and called as primary
7. The springs provided in middle wheel set are provided with inner springs.(WAG 9H is
having inner and outer springs at primary and secondary suspension)
8. Wheel set is connected to bogie frame by the help of wheel set guide (guide rod).
9. Every axle cap is provided with side stopper.
10. On these primary springs bogie frame is mounted
11. Between end axle box and bogie frame vertical dampers are provided and called as
primary suspension vertical dampers.
12. On bogie frame one pair of helical springs are provided in each side of bogie and
called as secondary springs.
13. On these secondary springs loco body is mounted
14. Near middle axle box and loco body vertical damper one in each side is provided and
called as secondary suspension vertical dampers.
15. Between bogie frame and loco body ‘Yaw dampers’ are provided one in each side of
16. Between bogie frame and loco body horizontal dampers are provided one in each side
of bogie.
17. Between two side beams of bogie frame, four cross beams are provided and called as
18. Middle transoms are used for holding the traction motors. The transoom towards the
centre of the loco is provided with ‘Traction link’. This traction link other end is
connected to the loco body by the help of ‘Traction frame’.
19. The traction motors are suspended in the bogie frame and on the individual axles. The
motors transmit their energy to the driving axles through a gearbox mounted on the
driving axle.

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20. Safety chain is provided between bogie frame and loco body and provided at centre

206.10 Static Converter

Static Converter is provided in place of ARNO to give constant 415 Volts ±5%, 50 Hz, 3Ø AC
supply to all auxiliary motors, to charge the batteries and to give 415 volts 1Ø AC to non-motor
loads (static devices). At present static converters are designed by SIEMENS, AAL, MEDHA,
HIRECT, Stesalite and ABB companies. Nowadays most of the locos are provided with Static

Advantages of static converter:

➢ To give 415 V±5%, 50 Hz, 3Ø AC supply to all Aux. motors.
➢ To detect single phasing.
➢ To detect earth fault.
➢ Minimum Maintenance.
➢ To avoid failure of Auxiliary motors.
➢ High Efficiency.
➢ To give the 3 Ø AC supply to MVRF.
➢ Life of 3Ø E.M. contactors increases since operated on ‘OFF’ load.
➢ More reliable.
➢ In-built fault management system having storage of faults.
➢ Noise less smooth operation.

Equipment removed:
&QTD 106.

New equipment provided:

a) Static converter (Rectifier, Inverter, BA charger and Sine Filter are the parts of SIV)
b) a7, a8 bushings
c) QTD 101 time delay relay of 5 sec (cab-2 back panel)
d) Contactor C-108 (in contactor panel) for 3 Ø AC supply to MVRF.
e) QCON (in relay panel) for checking the functioning of static converter.
f) QSIT (in relay panel) for tripping of DJ whenever static converter trips.
g) CCINV fuse 6 amps (in switch panel) for inverter electronics.
h) LSSIT (on Loco Pilots desk) indication lamp for static converter tripping.
i) QSVM (2 seconds time delay) relay for soft starting of blowers.
j) HRAVT switch (in switch panel) related to cab heaters, cab fans, NR and walkie talkie
k) HSIV switch (in switch panel) for bypassing of earth fault during permanent earth fault.
Note: In some locos QSIT is target type relay.

Indications on SIV panel: Most of the SIV inverters having following indications
a) OHE out of range lamp (red colour).
b) Internal fault lamp (red colour).
c) External fault lamp (red colour).
d) SIV ON lamp (green colour).
e) Battery charger ON lamp (green colour).
f) ELD bypass switch.
g) ELD by pass LEDs.

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h) SIV Reset push button switch

Procedure for energisation:

1. After examination of the locomotive, keep ‘HBA’ on ‘1’ position.
2. 110V DC supply given to static converter.
3. Start MCPA to build up RS pressure to 8 kg/cm2. Unlock BL key. Keep ZPT in 1 or 2
positions to raise pantograph.
4. Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. After closing DJ, LSDJ extinguishes. OHE voltage
indicates in UA meter. Release BLRDJ after UA meter deviation (don’t wait for
extinguishing of LSCHBA and auxiliaries sound).
5. SIV starts functioning approximately 6 to 10 sec after closing of DJ.
6. Converter ON sensor will close on QCON branch after static converter starts
functioning. When QCON energized, LSCHBA lamp extinguishes.
7. Static converter takes 760/830 V 1 Ø AC supply from TFWA to convert in to 415 V 3
Ø AC supply and gives to all auxiliary motors.
8. Close BLCP to build up pneumatic pressure.

Starting and stopping of Blowers:

1. For starting of blowers, close BLVMT, SIV stops working and all blower contactors
closes in OFF load. Relay QSVM (2 seconds time delay) energises and after 2 seconds
SIV restarts again.
2. For stopping of blowers, after stopping train at station, open BLVMT, SIV stops
working and all blower contactors opens in OFF load. Relay QSVM (2 seconds time
delay) de-energises and SIV restarts through QSVM N/C I/L.

Description of power circuit:

1. On switching HBA, 110 V DC will be supplied to static converter for energizing
control system.
2. Close DJ as per given procedure. UA meter deviates and LSCHBA remains glowing.
3. 760 / 830 v 1-Ø, AC is being supplied to SIV and converts into 415V, 3Ø AC to
supply all aux. motors.
4. The static converter is made using a half controlled single phase bridge rectifier at the
input, a DC link filter and a three phase IGBT based PWM inverter with output sine
filter and chopper for saving from DC link over voltage.
5. SIV takes 6-10 sec. to ramp up fully and then QCON relay picks up through sensor of
SIV and LSCHBA will extinguish (CHBA & all auxiliaries start working).
6. In some makes sine filter and battery chargers are provided out side the SIV unit and
in new locos these are provided in SIV unit itself.
Static converter control circuit:
1. After closing DJ, Inverter electronics gets battery supply through….
a. CCINV 6A fuse.
b. Working cab BL I/L
d. QV60 N/C I/L.
2. After closing BLVMT, Inverter electronics BA supply is disconnected then SIV stops
3. After closing BLVMT, relay QSVM energises in blowers control circuit.
4. QSVM N/O I/L closes parallel to QSVM N/C I/L after 2 seconds.
5. Again SIV starts after 2 seconds through QSVM 2 seconds time delay I/L.

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 DJ tripped along with LSSIT lamps immediately go to SIV panel and see
external/internal fault lamp is glowing on SIV and trouble shoot accordingly.
 DJ tripped and LSSIT not glowing, pick up correct abnormal sign.
Before closing DJ, ensure the following:
1. Keep MP on “0”.
2. Open all top row BL switches.
3. Ensure GR is on zero (LSGR is glowing).
4. Ensure ZPT on “1” or on “2” position and panto is raised and touching to contact wire.
5. Ensure MR / RS pressure is above 6.5 Kg/cm2. Start MCPA, if pressure is less.
6. Ensure all safety relays are normal.
7. Ensure C107, C105 & C106 contactors are opened fully.
8. Battery voltage is above 90 volts.
 Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ and observe LSDJ and UA meter needle. Release BLRDJ
after the deviation of UA meter needle. LSCHBA will extinguish after 6-10 seconds.
 Pick up the correct abnormal sign in the following manner.

Indication / operation Ab. sign Probable reasons
1 On closing BLDJ and pressing ICDJ a. Less air pressure in RS or MR.
BLRDJ, LSDJ remains glowing b. Less BA voltage.
c. Q118/ Q45/ Q44/MTDJ not
d. Less VCB unit pressure.
e. A conk defective.
f. QSIT may energised
2 Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. No a. Derailment/ Accident(
LSDJ extinguished, UA needle Tension reduction of BP levels in loco)
not deviated, no auxiliaries b. Defect in Feeding Power
sound, DJ trips immediately Circuit.
after releasing BLRDJ. c. Defect in OHE/ track/
d. Defect in A0 / A33.
e. Cut in TFWA.
f. Insufficient rising of panto.
g. Foreign body on loco roof.
h. Cut in roof bars towards raised
panto or touching to loco roof.
3 Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ ‘A’ a. QSIT may be defective
LSDJ extinguishes and comes Beginning b. QPDJ may be defective
back immediately. c. Leakage in VCB unit
d. MTDJ coil may be defective
4 Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. ‘A’ Ending
LSDJ extinguished, UA meter SIV not picking up
needle deviated, Release
continuously and DJ maintains
till MR/RS pressure available.

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5 Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. Operation B’ Defect in

LSDJ extinguishes, UA meter part-I a. MVSL1 or QVSL1
needle deviated, release b. MVSL2 or QVSL2
BLRDJ. After extinguishing of c. MPH or QPH
LSCHBA and while counting
15 seconds, LSDJ re-glows.
6 Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. Operation ‘B’ Defective Q30 or DJ interlock on
LSDJ extinguished, UA meter part-II or MTDJ branch
needle deviated and LSDJ re Operation
glows immediately after A ending
releasing BLRDJ. part-II
7 Close DJ, after extinguishing of Operation ‘O’ Defect in
LSCHBA, close BLVMT, after a. MVRH or QVRH.
extinguishing of LSCHBA, b. MVMT1 or QVMT1
while counting 15 seconds c. MVMT2 or QVMT2
LSDJ re-glows.
8 Close DJ, After extinguishing Operation ‘I’ Defect in
of LSCHBA Take 1 notch. a. MVSI1 or QVSI1
LSDJ re-glows immediately. b. MVSI2 or QVSI2 or
c. Sluggish operation of GR.
9 After taking 6stnotch, while Operation ‘II’ a. C-`105, C-106 and C-107 not
counting 15 seconds LSDJ re- closed.
glows. b. Any one of C107 or C105 or
C106 contactors are not
c. C107 or C105 or C106 N/O
I/Ls defective.
10 DJ trips in various occasions TWAC a. Defective QPDJ
other than above indications. b. Slackness of CCDJ or CCPT
or CCA
c. Moisture in system
d. Defective SMGR
e. Defective ZPT I/L
f. Momentary defect of any I/L
in the DJ control circuit.

Tripping Failures-SIV LOCO

A. ICDJ (On closing BLDJ and pressing BLRDJ, LSDJ remains glowing):
Trouble shooting:
➢ If Q118, Q45, Q44 are not energized, trouble shooting is same like
conventional loco.For Q118 clean QCON N/C I/Ls also.
➢ If unsuccessful, place HOBA in OFF and try,
➢ Switch OFF & ON battery, and try.
Note: If QSIT is energized, troubleshoot for SIV tripping and other troubleshooting for EFDJ is
same as conventional loco.
 If unsuccessful contact TLC for advice.

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B. NO TENSION: (While closing DJ, LSDJ extinguishes, UA meter does not deviate, and
DJ trips immediately on releasing BLRDJ).
Trouble shoot for “NO TENSION” is same as conventional loco.

C. ‘A’ beginning: (Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ LSDJ extinguishes and comes back
Trouble shooting: If QLM is energized trouble shoot as conventional loco for QLM
energisation. Raise RS pressure and try and operate relay targets once and try.

D. ‘A’ Ending:
(Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA meter needle deviated, Release
BLRDJ. LSCHBA glowing continuously and DJ maintains till MR/RS pressure
Trouble shooting: Trouble shoot as follows for SIV not picking up
➢ Check CCINV, If melts renew. Still melting keep HOBA in ‘OFF’.
➢ If CCINV good condition, Close BLVMT and try.
➢ Still SIV not starting, Check whether QSVM is energised
➢ If QSVM is not energized, Check CCA
➢ If CCA melts renew, still melting keep HOBA in ‘OFF’ & Try.
➢ If CCA good, Wedge QSVM.
➢ Still SIV not starting, clean QV60 N/C I/L,
➢ Still SIV not starting
➢ Keep HBA “OFF” & try
Precaution: If QSVM is wedged close BLVMT before closing DJ to ensure soft start.

E. OPERATION B –I: (After extinguishing of LSCHBA, DJ trips within 15 seconds):

Trouble shooting:
a. Place HVSL-1 & HVSL-2 on ‘3' and HPH on ‘O’. Now close DJ, clear the
section duly ensuring the working of MVSL1, MVSL2 &TFP oil level. If any
one of MVSL1 & MVSL2 is not working, isolate MVSL by keeping concerned
HVSL on ‘O’ (Keep concerned HVMT & HVSI also on ‘O’) and work onwards
with 50% of the maximum load permitted.
b. If motors are working, after clearing section, trip DJ, place HVSL-1 on '1', close
DJ and after extinguishing of LSCHBA wait for 15 seconds. If DJ trips conclude
QVSL-1 is defective place HVSL-1 on '3', normalize the other switches
(i.e.HVSL2 & HPH) and work onwards duly ensuring the working of VSL-1.

➢ Similarly troubleshoot for other MVSL and MPH.

F. OPERATION B – PART- II and Operation ‘A’ Ending part-II: (DJ trips

immediately on releasing BLRDJ):
Trouble shooting:
Wedge Q45 and work with precautions (Close BLDJ, BLCP and BLVMT)

G. OPERATION ‘O’: (After closing BLVMT LSCHBA glows and extinguishes.

While counting 15 seconds LSDJ glows)
Trouble shooting:

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➢ Put HVMT 1 & 2 and HVRH on 3 and close BLVMT and close DJ.
➢ Ensure the working MVMT-1, MVMT-2 and MVRH. If any one of the blowers
are not working isolate the same and work with precautions.
➢ If all the 3 blowers are working normally with HVRH, HVMT-1 and HVMT-2
on 3 position , clear the block section, trip DJ, place HVRH on '1' close BLVMT
and close DJ, and wait for 15 seconds after extinguishing of LSCHBA. If DJ
trips, QVRH is defective, place HVRH on '3' and other two switches on '1', work
further duly watching MVRH blower working.
➢ If DJ holds with HVRH on '1', trip DJ, place HVMT-1 on '1', close BLVMT and
close DJ, and wait for 15 seconds after extinguishing of LSCHBA. If DJ trips,
QVMT-1 is defective, place HVMT-1 on '3' and HVMT-2 on '1' and work
further duly watching working of MVMT1 frequently.
➢ If DJ holds with HVMT-1 on '1', it indicates QVMT-2 is defective, so keep
HVMT-2 on '3' and work further duly watching working of MVMT-2 frequently.

H. OPERATION ‘1’:(DJ trips immediately on taking 1st notch.)

Trouble shoot same as conventional loco.

I. OPERATION ‘2’: (DJ trips after taking 6th notch, after 5.6 seconds)
Same as conventional loco for any Contactor not closing.
➢ If C107 alone is not closing, tap CTF 1.
➢ If contactors closed and N/O I/Ls are defective, trouble shoot same as
conventional loco.
Note: Wedging of contactors are not permitted.

Trouble Shooting For SIV

➢ If any internal or external fault occurs SIV stops and restarts for 2 to 3 times
➢ If trouble is not rectified, DJ trips through relay QSIT and LSSIT lamp glows on
Loco Pilot’s desk.
➢ Check fault lamp (External/Internal) on SIV panel and trouble shoot accordingly.

Internal fault lamp glowing:

Check for any smell, smoke or fire in SIV and Auxiliary power circuit equipment, if any
abnormality is noticed use fire extinguishers. Isolate effected load, work accordingly further
with precautions. If no abnormality is noticed, see the message displayed on SIV screen.
1. If fan fault is displayed, reset MCB if available on SIV unit ( in BOMBADIER make
there are Two Fans MCBs provided), reset SIV, try to close VCB & work further, if not
succeeded or MCB is not available outside, contact TLC for assistance.
2. If over temperature fault is displayed, inform to TLC, wait for 10 minutes, reset SIV, try
to close VCB & work further, if not succeeded, contact TLC for assistance.
3. If other message is displayed, press SIV reset button till LSSIT lamp extinguishes & try
to close VCB, if not succeeded, close IP COC, keep HBA in off position, wait for three
minutes & switch on HBA and try.
4. If still not succeeded, isolate loads one by one & try
5. If still not succeeded, contact TLC for assistance.

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External fault lamp glowing:

Check for any smell, smoke or fire in SIV and Auxiliary power circuit equipment, if any
abnormality is noticed, use fire extinguishers. Isolate effected load, work accordingly further
with precautions. If no abnormality is noticed, see the message displayed on SIV screen.

1. If earth fault message is displayed on screen,

a. Keep HSIV on ‘0’ (a resistance 1500Ω will be added).
b. Reset SIV.
c. Press earth fault bypass button on the SIV panel & clear section within 45
minutes.(In BOMBADIER make SIVs ENTER button to be used in place of
d. After clearing section, contact TLC and find out defective auxiliary load by
isolating one by one. After isolating a particular load, if trouble is overcome,
work further according to isolation. If trouble is not overcome or load and road
do not permit after isolating a load, contact TLC for assistance.
2. If other than earth fault message is displayed on SIV.
a. Keep HRAVT is on ‘0’
b. Reset SIV, Close VCB
c. If trouble is overcome, work the train further and when time permits we can
detect/isolate the defective static load (Cab heaters/AC, Cab fan, NR and Walkie
talkie charger)
d. If fault is not overcome, switch off BLCP & BLVMT, reset SIV, close VCB.
e. If still trouble is not overcome, isolate the direct motors one by one and try. After
isolating a particular load if trouble is overcome, work further according to
isolation, if load and road do not permit, contact TLC for assistance. If still
trouble is not overcome, permanent earth fault is there. Contact TLC for
f. After closing VCB without closing BLCP&BLVMT, if external fault lamp is not
glowing, it is confirmed that there no trouble with direct motors and static loads.

Now close BLCP, if external fault lamp glows, trouble with one of MCPs. Find out
defective one, isolate and work normal.

After closing BLCP, if lamp is not glowing, close BLVMT, if lamp glows, trouble with
one of MVMT 1, MVMT2 and MVRH. Find out defective one, isolate and work
accordingly. If load and road do not permit, contact TLC.


Normal position is Extinguished condition when SIV is working.
Glows: When OHE below 16.5 Kv and above 31 Kv.(DJ trips through Q30 when OHE
drops below 17.5 Kv)

Other indications: DJ closed condition,

LSCHBA glowing,
UA meter also deviates and SIV not picking up.

Action to be taken:
1. Press Reset button, if lamp extinguishes work further.
2. If lamp is not extinguishing, contact TPC/TLC and confirm whether OHE is within

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3. If OHE is normal, trip DJ & keep HBA in OFF and ON & try.
4. Still not successful ask for relief engine.
Note: If there is no information and OHE is restored after 5 min. observe G&SR rules.
Note: Normally for faults related to OHE voltage (under voltage or over voltage), static
converter does not lock but restarts as soon as voltage resumes within permissible range.

QCON De-energised on run:

➢ LSCHBA glows on LP’s desk
➢ On SIV inverter ‘SIV OK’ lamp also extinguishes (SIV will function)
➢ Compressors will stop functioning.
Trouble shooting:
If SIV working normally wedge QCON & Q118 and work with precautions.

BATTERY CHARGER ‘OK’ lamp extinguishes:

(LSCHBA GLOWS, SIV works, DJ doesn’t trip)
➢ When SIV is working and this lamp extinguishes means CHBA is not working.
➢ Open DJ.
➢ Press reset button on SIV / Keep HBA on ‘O’ to reset SIV. (In BOMBADIER make on
SIV Panel CHBA MCB is provided. Check for its tripping).
➢ Still it is not glowing check whether CHBA is working.
➢ If not working, inform to TLC
➢ Work as ARNO provided loco
Note: Battery charger has a feature to make restart attempts on it’s own before locking. Under
this condition, to restart the battery charger again, it is necessary to switch off the static
converter and reset the same.

Important Instructions to Loco Pilots:

While Static convertor is functioning,
➢ Do not operate any auxiliary programmable switches.
➢ Except compressors no other loads should be DOL started.
➢ The loco batteries should not be isolated from battery charger, unless necessary.(do not
keep HBA in ‘O’)

Other instructions:
➢ Avoid simultaneous closing of BLCP and BLVMT when QTD101 is wedged.
➢ Close BLVMT before closing DJ whenever QSVM is wedged.
➢ DJ trips with LSSIT lamp glowing/QSIT target dropping, troubleshoot for SIV.
➢ DJ trips and LSSIT lamp not glown/QSIT target not dropped, troubleshoot for tripping
➢ BA on load test is not possible in SIV locos since HCHBA is not provided.

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Different SIV make panels

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Q20 Q30 Q44 Q45 Q46 Q48
Q49 Q50 Q51 Q52 Q100 Q118
Q119 QV60 QV61 QV62 QV63 QV64
PR2 QCON (in Static converter provided locos)
Relays available:
Fuses removed: CCDJ, CCA, CCLS & CCLSA
Messages displayed during various operations (ADC Make)
HBA “ON” Attempting Synchronization
For few seconds and disappears.
WAITING for command will appears
Closing BLRDJ DJ CLOSURE ATTEMPTED for few seconds and
REVERSER ON ‘0’ will appear (After closing DJ)
Moving MPJ to ‘F’ MP ON ‘0’
or ‘R’
Moving MP to ‘N’ MP on Traction
Moving MP to ‘P’ Br MP on Braking
Taking notches POSITION OF NOTCH (0-32)
Indicated by Digital Notch indicator & NR

Messages displayed in the display unit OF MEDHA MAKE MPCS


1 There is NO OHE at the No Tension, Wait for OHE Voltage Retry to close DJ
time of DJ closing If OHE present SC Unit or its connection may be bad.
(BLRDJ is ON) Inform TLC
OHE Power fail while Running, Apply Emergency
2 OHE Low/No Tension And Conform really OHE there or not
If OHE present SC Unit or its connection may be bad.
Inform TLC

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3 DJ Tripping due to QOP1 Reset QOP1, Isolate faulty TM by HMCS1

(Earth Fault) Follow TSD, Inform TLC
4 DJ Tripping due to QOP2 Reset QOP2, Isolate faulty TM by HMCS2
(Earth Fault) Follow TSD, Inform TLC
5 DJ Tripping due to QOA Put HQOA at 0
(Earth Fault) Check all Auxiliaries / Heater, Follow TSD
6 DJ Tripping due to QRSI 1 Reset QRSI1, Isolate faulty TM by HMCS1
(Over Current in RSI 1) Follow TSD, Inform TLC
7 DJ Tripping due to QRSI 2 Reset QRSI2, Isolate faulty TM by HMCS2
(Over Current in RSI 2) Follow TSD, Inform TLC
8 DJ Tripping due to QLM Check Transformer / GR Oil splashing
(TFWR Over Current) Follow TSD and Inform TLC
9 DJ Tripping due to QVSL1 Check MVSL1, If normal put HVSL1 on 3 Resume
(SL1 Blower) Traction
10 DJ Tripping due to QVSL2 Check MVSL2, If normal put HVSL2 on 3
(SL2 Blower) Resume Traction
11 DJ Tripping due to Check MVMT1, If normal put HVMT1 on 3 Resume
QVMT1 (MT1 Blower) Traction
12 DJ Tripping due to Check MVMT2, If normal put HVMT2 on 3
QVMT2 (MT2 Blower) Resume Traction
13 DJ Tripping due to QVRH Check MVRH, If normal put HVRH on 3
(RH Blower) Resume Traction
14 DJ Tripping due to QVSI1 Check MVSI1, If normal put HVSI1 on 3
(RSI 1 Blower) Resume Traction
15 DJ Tripping due to QVSI2 Check MVSI2, If normal put HVSI2 on 3
(RSI 2 Blower) Resume Traction
16 DJ Tripping due to QPH Put HPH on 0 & clear block section
Check TFP OIL level Frequently
17 DJ Tripping due to GR Bring GR to 0 manually
Stuck up on notches Clear the block section manually if necessary
18 DJ Tripping due to QLA Isolate faulty auxiliary machine,
(Over current in Auxiliary If Fault exists make loco dead inform TLC.
19 DJ Tripping due to QPDJ Check RS pressure, if less air pressure, start CPA, to
build up pressure
20 QVRF not working Insufficient air flow for DBR
Do not use Dynamic Braking
21 Unable to close DJ due to Put HQOP1 OFF
QOP1 On running condition watch HTC
22 Unable to close DJ due to Put HQOP2 OFF
QOP2 On running condition watch HTC
23 Unable to close DJ due to Check HT Compartment for Oil splashing, Inform
24 Unable to close DJ due to Watch HTC, Inform TLC

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25 Unable to close DJ due to Watch HTC, Inform TLC

26 Unable to close DJ due to Check ARNO, Inform TLC
27 Unable to close DJ due to Check RS pressure, if less air pressure
QPDJ Start CPA to build up pressure
28 Reversers are neither in Set the Reversers manually
"F" nor "R" Resume Traction
29 CTFs are neither in "Tr" Set the CTFs manually on "Tr" side only
nor "Br" Resume Traction
30 GR not in Zero Put GR to 0 manually, close DJ
31 Brake applied through IP IP coil deenergises during Dynamic Braking
Do not use DBR
32 Auto Regression via If not brake applied check for leakage
33 Auto Regression via QD Press BPQD / Resume Traction

34 Auto Regression via TM Check TM voltage, Bring notch down if Auto

over voltage regression not come
35 Braking Fault SWC Braking fault SWC operated
operated Do not use loco brake during DBR
36 Working with one CPU One CPU failure. Note in log book and resume
traction & inform to TLC
37 EEPROM failure working No action by the locopilot
with Default parameters
38 Display Communication No action by the locopilot
fail with other CAB
39 BLRDJ closed but DJ Press BLDJ, Select panto, Press BLRDJ
could not close
40 HVMT1 is in position 0 L1 L2 L3 Cut off, Half power available
Clear the section and inform TLC
41 HVMT2 is in position 0 L4 L5 L6 cut off, Half power available

Clear the section and inform TLC

42 HVSI1 is in position 0 L1 L2 L3 Cut off, Half power available
Clear the section and inform TLC
43 HVSI2 is in position 0 L4 L5 L6 cut off, Half power available
Clear the section and inform TLC
44 C145 Open HMCS 1/2 not C145 open in DB mode due to HMCS 1/2 not in 1
in 1 Do not use DBR
45 DBR overheated or C145 open in DB mode DBR Overheated
QF/ QE Operated Do not use DBR

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46 DJ Tripped via DJ Feed Check if DJ is getting closed,

back Fail If not Inform TLC
47 Battery Charger Output If not Inform TLC
If not Check CHBA, note down in log book

Clear the section and inform TLC

48 ICDJ through C106 Unable to close DJ due toC106 Feedback Fail

Feedback Fail
Put HVMT2 on 0
Clear the section and inform TLC
49 ICDJ through C105 Unable to close DJ due toC105 Feedback Fail
Feedback Fail
Put HVMT1 on 0
Clear the section and inform TLC
50 GR stuck on Notches GR stuck up on notches. Put GR on 0 manually
51 V965 Channel Fail 965-966 Voltage Measurement channel Failed
De energise the loco & Inform TLC,
52 Auto - Regression via ACP Auto regression via ACP (Alarm Chain pulling /
Train parting)
53 BPAR put in bypass BPAR put in bypass mode
54 BPAR restored BPAR restored
55 ICDJ through QSIT Unable to close DJ due to QSIT high,
Dropped Follow SI Display
56 OHE Voltage out of Range OHE Voltage out of range, SI unit shut down.
PUT OFF HBA for 10sec. and try again


1. If there is any fault in loco, the fault message will come on display unit along with
buzzer sound. Based on the fault message, troubleshoot according to TSD. After
troubleshooting, press ACK/CLR FLT button provided on display unit. Message will
clear from the screen and it will be recorded in memory, buzzer sound stops.
➢ If message not cleared keep HOBA in OFF and try.
➢ If still unsuccessful, keep HBA on ‘0’, wait for 3 min., again energise the loco
and try.
➢ If there is a message working with one ‘CPU’ Then press ‘ACK’ button and
work the train and inform TLC at appropriate place.
2. BPQD is provided on locopilot desk of each cab. This switch should be pressed (up to
10th notch only) if locopilot experiences auto regression via wheel slipping. After
releasing BPQD, If still auto-regression experiences, it may be due to any Traction
Motor defect, troubleshoot according to TSD.
3. In case of any safety relay acted, troubleshoot according to TSD.

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4. In case of any E.M contactor not closing, troubleshoot according to TSD, If unsuccessful
keep HOBA in OFF and try. Still unsuccessful in case of ARNO provided locos wedge
the contactor and work onwards.
5. In case of tripping through Airflow relays, locopilot can isolate relay/Blower through
Programme switch like conventional loco.
6. It is not necessary change the position of ZSMS, during EEC operation.
7. Do not change the position of any switch while the loco is in energised condition.
8. If anyone display unit not working:
By observing other cab display unit messages work onwards duly making necessary
remarks in logbook.
9. If both display units not working
Keep HBA on `O' and keep in `1' after 10 sec. If still not displays.
If Loco is in energised condition work up to destination, duly informing to TLC and
make necessary remarks in log book.
If any fault occurs, identify the same with the help of pilot lamps and troubleshoot as per
10. If main unit is not working, pilot lamps will not work and no message will be displayed.
Ensure battery voltage is above 90 V.
Check Add. CCBA, CCBA, CCPT and CCCPU. If any fuse melted, renew the same. If
again melts keep HOBA in OFF and renew the fuse.
If still unsuccessful, keep HBA on ‘0’ and wait for 3 minutes and again try to close DJ.

If still unsuccessful, contact TLC

Note: - While attending any trouble, before checking any equipment ensure BLDJ is in
open condition

Impossible to close DJ (ICDJ):

1. Ensure the battery voltage is above 90V.
2. Check the relay target, if any target is dropped trouble shoot as per TSD.
3. Check CCBA, CCPT, CCCPU (If provided). Change the fuse if melted. If again
melted, put HOBA in OFF and renew the fuse.
4. Check the air pressure in MR and RS and ensure it should be above 8 kg/cm2.
5. Ensure C118, C105, C106, and C107 are fully opened before closing DJ.
6. Operate GR 0-5-0, Ensure LSGR is glowing.
7. Operate BP1DJ, 2 or 3 times.
8. Change ZPT position and try.
9. Try to close DJ by pressing BP2DJ
10. Keep HQOA ’0’ and try.
11. Keep HQOP 1&2 in OFF position and try.
12. Try from rear cab.
13. Ensure C118 is closing, for ARNO base locos while closing DJ.
14. Build up maximum pressure and try.
15. Tap QPDJ and try.
16. Switch off HBA, wait for three minutes and try to close DJ.
17. If not succeeded keep HOBA off and try.
18. Still not success, contact TLC, make a remark on log book.

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When TLTE experienced LP has to check, whether TLTE is Through LSB / without LSB / with
GR progression. If

A. TLTE With LSB Experienced:

a. Operate BL, 2 or 3 times and try.
b. Operate MPJ, 2 or 3 times and try.
c. Check J-1 and J-2 are in proper direction or not, CTF s is in proper direction or not, if
not set properly, set them in proper direction, even in proper direction tap them gently in
correct direction with precautions.
d. Check C-145 in opened condition, if it is in closed condition, manually open it with
e. Ensure LSC145 is in extinguished condition if provided.

B. TLTE Without LSB Experienced:

a. Try with EEC operation.
b. Ensure ZSMGR position in 60 clock position.
c. Ensure pacco switch in lifted condition.
d. Ensure SMGR pressure 2.5kg/cm2 to 3.5 kg/cm2; if necessary increase the pressure up
to 0.5 kg/cm2 and try.
e. Ensure RGEB2 coc in open condition.
f. Change HPAR and try.
g. Try from rear cab (MP interlocks may be defective, concern to VE-1 coil).
h. Still not success, try to clear with manual operation of GR.

C. TLTE with GR progression:

a. Tap CTF handles in proper direction gently.
b. Ensure HVSI-1, HVSI-2, HVMT-1, HVMT-2 in “1” position, try by changing to 3.
c. Ensure EP-1 and EP-2 coc’s are in open condition.
d. Ensure EP drain coc is in close position.
e. Ensure control reservoir/MR pressure is above 8.0kg/cm2.
f. If still not success, try from rear cab. (MP interlocks may be defective, concern to line

Main unit not working

Pilot lamp will not glow, no message on display unit and loco will not energize. Take the
following actions.
1. If BA is '0' and CPA not working replace Addl. CCBA with HOBA in ' OFF ' position.
2. If battery voltage is above 90V.
3. Check CCBA, CCPT and CCCPU (if provided), if blown out renew the fuse if again
melts put HOBA in OFF and renew the fuse.
4. If unsuccessful, keep HBA on '0' and wait for 3 minutes and & then try.
5. Keep HOBA off and try.
6. If still not energised, contact TLC.

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1. Ensure requisite amount of BP pressure is created and maintaining properly & train
brakes are released.
2. For air brake train, conduct BP continuity test and set the airflow indicator.
3. Before starting the train, ensure relevant train documents are available(BPC, caution
order, etc.)
4. During foggy/ rainy weather, operate sanders to avoid wheel slip.
5. While starting heavy loaded rakes from loop lines operate ZQWC to avoid wheel
6. Move MP to take one notch, then releases SA9 to start the train smoothly without
7. After applying normal current, if train is not moving check for brake binding/excess
load/derailment on the train.
8. Always notch up gradually i.e., notch by notch duly observing Ammeters without
exceeding current ratings.
9. As soon as the train started moving, allow it to go like that for a few meters to take
away the slackness on train.
10. Increase the notches to attain required speed, maintain the speed with minimum
application of voltage.
11. Conduct brake feel test and brake power test as per procedure.
12. If the required speed is not attained in spite of applying maximum allowable voltage
to TMs, operate MPS step by step with a time interval of 30sec. for increasing the
13. Observe all speed restrictions at cautious drive spots and while negotiating loop lines.
14. Keep a watch on all meters/gauges, track & OHE.
15. Whistle freely whenever required.
16. Follow 'Power' & 'Coasting' warning boards & avail down gradients for proper
coasting to save energy.
17. If Rheostat/Regenerative brakes available, use it to the maximum extent.
18. Before using Rheostatic/Regenerative brake, load should be bunched on buffers by A9
application and then releasing.
19. Before every braking coasting to be done for some distance.
20. While applying train brakes press PVEF to avoid wheel skidding.
21. Don’t apply emergency brake to stop the train except in emergency.
22. Judicial application of brakes should be done for smooth stopping of train.
23. Do not operate SA9 to stop the train.
24. Do not apply brakes when loco is on notches.
25. Ensure proper releasing of brakes before notching up.
26. Never anticipate stop signals / banner flag will be removed on approach. Keep the
train well under control.
27. Never disregard signal aspects & never be lethargic while on run.
28. Always keep in mind the incoming gradients and accelerate accordingly to negotiate
29. Whenever it becomes necessary to stop train on a gradient apply sand for few meters
before stopping the train to increase the coefficient of adhesion while restarting.
30. Systematic sequence operation of switches of loco, before and after neutral section can
avoid loco troubles on line.
31. While negotiating neutral sections, maintain proper speed to avoid stuck up in the
neutral section.
32. For coaching trains, run the trains at the maximum permissible speed duly observing
all speed restrictions.

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33. All Loco Pilots should have good road knowledge and self confidence to
operate/handle loco & train.
34. Switch on flasher light when BP is dropped other than A9.
35. Do not pack luggage or box while approaching signals at ON.
36. Do not talk on VHF sets while approaching signals at ON.
37. Do not write memo book or log book while approaching signals at ON.


1. Maximum coasting to be done whenever possible.

2. Accelerate the speed quickly to MPS and maintain the same speed.
3. Apply the brakes judiciously.
4. Observe P and C boards while notching up or regression.
5. Try to maintain the good speed with least application of power depending upon the
load / road.
6. If the train stops for more than 15 minutes, switch OFF blowers.
7. If the train is expected to stop for more than 30 minutes, lower the panto, duly
informing to TLC.
8. When working with MU locos, make trailing loco dead if having less load.
9. Before notching up, ensure full releasing of brakes.
10. Ensure no brake binding on formation.
11. Don’t allow any air leakages in formation / Loco.
12. Don’t allow safety valves to blow.


1. Loco Pilot should report to duty, in time.
2. Loco Pilot should start the train and accelerate it to maximum speed quickly and
maintain the balance speed.
3. Arrival / Departure of stations punctually ensures the customers satisfaction and the
reputation of Railways among the public.
4. Always run the train at advertised timings.
5. Make up the time though the time lost by other departments.
6. To overcome unforeseen detentions, run the train at MPS.
7. While reaching terminal stations, don’t go much before time.
8. Train should not leave before time from the station.
9. Observe speed restrictions at engineering spots and in loop lines.
10. Test the brake power of the train at first opportunity and make judgment.
11. Judicial application of brakes is an important factor, where Loco Pilot can improve the
punctuality of the train.
12. While stopping the train at stations don’t overshoot the platform.
13. Sight the signals from sighting distance and act accordingly.
14. Attend the loco in least possible time, if gives any trouble. Give message if unable to
attend with in the time.
15. Give message clearly if loco is required to attend by mechanics at destination/ enroute.
16. If stopped with any problem such as ACP etc., attend it quickly.
17. For any out of course stop, ensure proper authority.
18. At destination, hand over loco / documents to concerned, properly.

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1. While taken over charge of loco, check the loco wheels for any skid marks.
2. Ensure all brake blocks are intact.
3. Ensure loco brake power is intact.
4. Before starting the train, release loco brakes.
5. After starting the train if wheel skidding is noticed, try to stop the train before the
signal (Starter) and inform to TLC.
6. Check the brake power of the train at first opportunity and make judgment.
7. Advise the Assistant Loco Pilot to check the wheels of rear truck for any wheel
skidding sound. This should be done before reaching next block station. If wheel
skidding observed, stop at station and inform to TLC.
8. Do not apply SA9 for stopping the formation.
9. Apply SA9 only after complete stopping of the train.
10. While performing shunting, connect BP /VAC pipes to the formation and make use of
formation brakes.
11. When dead loco is attached, isolate C3W valve in dead loco.
12. Check the wheels of dead loco also during stopping of the train.
13. After applying of brakes give sufficient time to release.
14. Before notching up ensure brakes are fully released. Ensure Airflow indicator needle
reads '0' in case of air brake stock.
15. If wheel skidding is experienced on run, work with restricted speed up to the next
station and inform to TLC.
16. During RB don't use loco brakes.
17. When the train is stalled on the gradient, do not try to restart repeatedly to safe guard
wheels as well as rails also.
18. Do not pack Q51 to negotiate the gradient when stalled.
206.16 Three phase locos (WAG9, WAP5 &WAP7)

Loco Preparation and inspection

A. In front Of Cab:
1. Ensure that loco is standing on the rail and under the OHE
2. Ensure that both side MRE, BCE BP , FP hoses are connected properly and their angle
COCs are as per requirement. Also ensure that hoses are not hanging.
3. Ensure that rail guard, cattle guard, has not any damages
4. Ensure that CBC having no abnormalities and locking pin is available and provided
with operating handle.
5. Ensure that UIC connector sockets are covered.
6. Ensure that Flasher light, marker lights, headlights are glowing properly and their
glasses are clean.
7. Ensure that both look out glasses are clean and wipers are wiping properly.

B. Below Machine Room No. 1(Cab 1 To Cab 2)

1. Ensure that all sand boxes are filled with dry fine sand and sanders are working
2. Ensure that additional angle COC of MRE & BCE are opened.
3. Ensure that Air dryer unit is in service that (D-in open, D- out open & D-off closed)
4. Ensure that all suspension dampers, helical springs having no abnormalities like, crack
5. Guide rod is fitted properly and its bolts are tightened.

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6. All brake rigging; brake block, brake shoe, sleeve rod, assembly hanger arrangement
are OK.
7. Wheels are not skidded.
8. Return current bush are connected properly.
9. Parking brakes cylinders are provided with manual releaser hook.
10. Traction link is fitted properly and their all 6+6 bolts are tightened with safety slings.
11. Oil level in CP is above min mark; also ensure that CP foundation bolts are tightened.
12. Bogie brake -1 COC is in open condition.
13. Battery box cover is locked.
14. Safety chain is intact.
15. BP and FP additional COC are in open condition.
16. Ensure MCP’s, traction links and traction motors are properly secured with safety

C. Below Machine Room No. 2

1. Ensure that all sand boxes are filled with dry fine sand and sanders are working
2. Ensure that additional angle COC of MRE & BCE are opened.
3. Ensure the all suspension dampers, helical springs having no abnormalities like, crack
4. Guide rod are fitted properly and its bolts are tightened.
5. All brake rigging; brake block, brake shoe, sleeve rod, assembly hanger arrangement
are OK.
6. Wheels are no skidded.
7. Return current bush are connected properly.
8. Parking brakes cylinders are provided with manual releaser hook.
9. Traction link is fitted properly and their all 6+6 bolts are tightened.
10. Oil level in CP is above min mark; also ensure that CP foundation bolts are tightened.
11. Bogie brake -2 COC is in open condition.
12. Battery box No.2 and MCB 112 box covers are locked.
13. Unloader Valve delivery pipe cocks in open position.
14. Safety chains are intact.
15. BP and FP additional COC are in open condition.

D. In Cab
1. Cab and look out glasses are clean.
2. All switches are normal, ZBAN-OFF, BLCP-AUTO
3. Emergency exhaust Cocks are normal.
4. Water is filled up in windshield washer unit.
5. Spare hoses, wooden wedges are provided in side locker.
6. Fixed and handy both fire extinguisher are in good condition and filled with gas.
7. Ensure that emergency push button is released.

E. In Machine Room
1. Control and power Circuit breakers in cubicle SB-1 / SB-2 , HB-1 and HB-2 are
2. Switches provided in SB-1 are at normal position.
3. Oil level of conv-1/2 and transformer-1/2 are above min mark.
4. All fittings and connections are normal.
5. Outer cover of any power equipment is not opened.

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F. Pneumatic Panel.(E.70 Panel)

1. Panto selector switch is at “auto” position.
2. COC 70,74,136 are in open condition and COC 47 is in close position.
3. COC of panto 1, panto 2, VCB and sanders are in open condition.
4. Distributor valve is in service.
5. IG 38 Key is inserted and kept ‘ON’.
6. CPA drain Cock is in close condition.
7. Parking brake apply/release plungers are not in locked condition.
8. SR-1,SR-2,FB COCs are in open and WFL COC in closed position.

Energisation Of Loco
1. Check the machine room and cubicle HB1/2,SB1/2 and pneumatic panel and ensure
that all Circuit breakers, rotating switches and Cock at Pneumatic Panel are at Normal
position and ensure that key ‘IG-38’ is provided on pneumatic panel. Also ensure that
panto selector switch is at normal position.
2. Switch ON compartment light, it ensures closing of main circuitry breaker 112 of
3. Put battery additional circuit breaker No.112.1 to ‘ON’ position in cubicle SB-2.
Ensure that CHBA circuit breaker No. 110 (SB-2) is at ON position and also CHBA
input MCB 100(HB-2) is at ON position.
4. Go in operating cab.
5. Insert A-9 handles at ‘Neutral’ position and keep it in ’RUN’ position by lifting lock.
6. Insert ‘BL’ key at ‘OFF’ position and turn it to ‘D’ position
a. Light of screen (panel-C) and Memotel will get ON.
b. MCPA will start (if pressure is less).
c. UBA will deviate to 110 volts.
d. LSDJ will glow.
All above indications indicates that Control Electronics is get ‘ON’.
7. The message “Loco is in configuration, please wait” will appear on the screen and self
testing is done for 10 seconds.
8. During testing, all pilot lamps will glow and extinguish, Bogies-1 & 2 meter will
deviate both in TE/BE mode and come to -0
9. After testing FLG No. 504, will be displayed on the screen, Now press ‘ZPT’ in ‘UP’
mode for raising of pantograph and confirm the touching of panto with contact wire
by seeing physically also U-meter will deviate and indicate the value of OHE voltage.
10. No.550 will display on the screen- now press BLDJ for closing VCB and check
‘LSDJ’ is extinguished.
11. Now DJ will close, loco will energize and all the auxiliary motors will start
12. Ensure that BLCP is at AUTO position.
13. No.570 will appear on the screen.
14. After building of MR pressure to 6.4 kg/cm2, set Reverser to F/R as per requirement.
(FLG 590 will show on the screen.)
15. Note: If the reverser is set without confirming the MR pressure above 6.4
kg/cm2, P 1 message will be there on screen- indicating wrong operation.
16. Apply loco brakes, now release the parking brakes, ensure BP pressure is 5 kg/cm2,
ensure AFI is at Zero.
17. Now operate throttle in TE direction.
18. TE /BE meter will deviate in TE side indicating that traction is available. No. “596”
will appear on the screen.
19. Check the loco brake power. Release loco brake.

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20. Now Loco is ready to work.

Priority -1 message will appear on the screen if: -
1. If Reverser is put on position F or R when MR pressure is below 6.4
2. If throttle is operated without releasing parking brakes.
3. If throttle is operated without recharging BP to 5 kg/cm2.

Information message will appear on the screen:-

1. If throttle is operated before node information No. 590.

Switching Off - Control Electronics

Loco pilot has to switch off control electronics in many cases like;
1. While moving/making loco as dead.
2. During troubleshooting.
3. For taking the isolated sub system in to service.
4. Before resetting circuit breakers provided in SB-1 and SB-2 panels.
5. Before going to cooling mode operation.
6. While operating 154 switch 2nd time.
7. While operating VCD cut-off switch 237.1 provided in SB-1panel.

1. Stop the train and secure the loco by applying SA-9.
2. Open the VCB and lower the pantograph
3. (Ensure FLG-504 on the screen).
4. Operate BL-key from ‘D’ to ‘Off’ (wait for 2 sec.) ensure LSDJ off, UBA indicates
‘0’ and parking brake gauge needle ‘0’.
5. Operate BL-key from ‘Off’ to ‘C’ ,LSDJ,UBA indication comes back and wait (wait
for 6 to 10 sec) until display screen, SPM display screen, LSDJ, and UBA goes off.
6. It indicates that CE goes’ OFF’ and now rotate it from ‘C’ to ‘OFF’ for removing the
BL Key or Going to other Mode. Ensure BP pressure drops to ‘0’.
a. CE gets automatically ‘off’ after 10 minutes if BL-key is rotate from ’D’
to‘OFF’ (as explained in self hold mode).
b. C.E. will get ‘off’ automatically after 10 minutes in driving mode also, if panto is
remained in lowered position for more than 10 minutes.
c. If the key switch is moved from “D” to “Off” without opening VCB and
lowering panto graph, results in automatic shutdown of the loco.
d. Loco will go into shut down mode if more than one cab activated for more than
10 minutes.

Cooling Of Control Electronics

Whenever temperature of control electronics is increases above 700 then lamp LSCE glows
on Panel ‘A’ and throttle will not respond (F0101P2 message appears).
1. Ensure for tripping of MCBs in HB1&2 or SB1&2.
2. Try to coast in to station if TE/BE throttle fail or clear the section if TE/BE throttle
responds or stop the train at suitable place.
3. Inform TLC/SCOR regarding cooling.
4. Keep the throttle on ‘0’.
5. Keep SA9- in applied condition and A-9 to emergency.
6. Open VCB and lower the pantograph.

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7. Switch off CE as per procedure.

8. Put ‘BL’ key from ‘C’ to OFF.
9. Again put ‘BL key’ from ‘Off’ to ‘C’ and ensure that UBA shows battery voltage and
LSDJ glows, Screen is Off - no node information. (Note CE is OFF)
10. Now raise the panto, close the VCB- LSDJ will extinguish and loco will energize in
cooling mode.
11. Machine room blowers & scavenge blowers will start automatically to cool the
machine Room. Ensure working of machine room blowers.
12. When the machine room temperature goes below 70OC then LSCE will extinguish.
13. Now Open the VCB, lower the pantograph.
14. Put BL from ‘C’ to ‘Off’ and ‘off’ to ‘D’ and energize loco & resume traction.

a. After 10/15 min if LSCE lamp does not extinguished then normalize and energise
loco as per procedure and in Driving mode check for availability of TE, if TE is
available then ignore LSCE lamp work further duly informing TLC and make a
remark in the loco log book.
b. During Cooling Mode observe UBA meter frequently. If battery voltage drops to
92V, stop cooling mode and energise the loco in driving mode to charge the batteries
(CHBA will not work in cooling mode).
c. During cooling mode ,if VCB trips ensure no OCR action.
d. If CE is switch off it may not possible to reenergize the control electronics if LSCE
glowing continuously. Now press 126 and 218 Contactors in SB-1 for CE to get ON.

Loco Brake Power Testing:

1. Stop the train at convenient place and apply loco brakes by SA-9.
2. Ensure that brake cylinders showing 3.5 kg / cm2.
3. Release parking brakes and release A-9.
4. Keep the screen on SIMULATION MODE.
5. Operate reverser to forward.
6. Move throttle in traction and loco should not move up to 150KN (WAG9/WAP7) and
100KN (WAP5).
7. If the loco is moving with in the KN it indicates that loco brake power is poor.
8. Inform to TLC, make a remark in loco LOG BOOK.

Cab Changing: Single Unit

1. Stop the loco at convenient place.
2. Secure the loco by applying SA-9 fully and ensure BC guage both needles shows 3.5
3. Open ‘VCB’ by pressing BLDJ to ‘OFF’
4. Lower the panto by pressing ZPT to ‘DN’
5. Set automatic brake controller to position ‘Neutral’ and then remove handle
6. Operate BL key from ‘D’ to ‘off’ and remove it. (CE will remain ON for 10”).
7. Set automatic brake controller to position ‘Neutral’ and then remove handle
8. Release direct brake handle(SA-9) before going to other cab.
9. Go in another cab and keep SA-9 in application position.
10. Insert A-9 at NEUTRAL position and BL key at ‘OFF’ position.
11. Now move A-9 to RUN position and operate BL off to D position.
12. As per NODE NO. energise the loco.
13. Before moving the loco conduct loco brake power& feel test without fail.

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a. If BL key is taken ‘OFF’ without opening DJ and lowering panto, loco will be
shutdown as emergency shutdown will initiate on loco.
b. During normal driving if BL key is kept ‘OFF’, emergency brakes will get applied as
emergency shutdown will initiate on loco.
c. After moving the key switch ‘BL’ to position ‘O’, the MCE remains active for 10
minutes. The cab changing should take place during this time.
d. Apply Loco brakes when BL key is in Driving mode only since SA9 and A9
becomes deactivates in BL key in OFF position.

Multiple unit
1. Move key switch ‘BL’ on master locomotive into position ‘Off’ and remove the key.
2. Set automatic brake controller to position ‘Neutral’
3. Release direct brake .
4. Close 136 Cock.
5. Insert key in Loco pilot’s cab of previous slave loco.
6. Open 136 cock.
7. Move key switch “BL” into position “D”
Note: The change of Loco pilot’s cab has to take place within this 10 minutes
period otherwise the MCE has to be restarted.
Banking Mode
When it is required to use loco as a banker i.e use of TE / BE without charging BP, at that time
loco should be operate in banking mode.
1. Couple the loco with formation. Do not open the BP and FP angle cocks.
2. Trip the VCB and Set switch “ZBAN” “to position “ON” (Panel A).
3. BP pressure will be drop to ‘0’.
4. In E-70 Loco: Close 70 & 136 cocks provided on pneumatic panel.
5. In CCB locos: Close 136 cock and keep Mode switch in HLPR.
6. Set up the loco in the normal manner.A-9 will not active except emergency position.
7. Loco pilot receives a priority-2 message F1001 P2 that banking mode is active.
8. Open BP and FP angle cocks, BP and FP pressures will rush into this loco which will
be seen in the gauges.
9. Loco is ready for banking operation.
10. On completion of banking mode operation, switch off ZBAN, Open the cocks/change
mode switch to lead for Normal working.

Emergency Stop Push Button

One red colored arrow push button is provided on panel ‘A’ in such a place that Loco pilot as
well as Asst. Loco pilot can operate it. In normal condition it remains projected out. In case of
an emergency if Loco pilots/Asst. push this button, button go inside and remain pressed and
following actions initiated.
1. VCB get opened
2. TE/BE comes to ‘0’
3. Panto lowered.
4. BP drops to 0 and Train/Loco brakes applied.
5. LSFI/BPFA glow with message F1008 P1.
6. AFL will glow.
7. “Emergency shutdown on the loco” appears on screen and train will stop with
emergency brakes.

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1. Bring TE/BE throttle to ‘0’.

2. Press “Emergency stop push button” slightly and rotate it clockwise as per arrow
indication on it, the button will comes out from pressed condition.
3. Press BPFA and acknowledge the fault and node information will appear.
4. Flasher light will lit.
5. Energise the loco and work the train as per procedure given.

Resetting Of VCD Penalty Brakes:

1. Bring throttle to ‘0’
2. Apply A-9 to full service to save MR pressure
3. Apply SA-9.
4. Wait for 160 seconds in WAG-9/WAP-7 and 120 seconds in WAP 5 without switching
ON/OFF of the electronics
5. Press “BP-VR” to reset VCD, LSVW will extinguish and buzzer will stop.
6. Press and release VCD “Foot switch”.
7. Press ‘BPFA’ for acknowledging fault message.
8. MR/BP pressure would come back to normal.
9. Release A-9 and create BP Pressure.
10. Resume ‘Normal” traction.
Note: On getting VCD warning lamp and Buzzor press only LP Foot switch to ack.

Loco Grounding
Loco should be grounded only while climbing loco roof to attend any trouble on loco body like
removing foreign body, securing damaged pantograph etc.
1. Stop the train at convenient place and secure the train.
2. Open VCB and lower pantograph.
3. Rotate IG-38 in anti clockwise direction and extract key.
4. Insert the key in empty socket of HOM box and rotate in clock wise direction.
5. Operate HOM handle by 180 degrees by taking it out from latch.
6. Rotate yellow KABA key in clock wise direction and extract the key and keep in
personal custody.
DO’s and DON’Ts for Loco Pilots
1. Acknowledge VCD always within every 60 sec.
2. Do maximum use of regenerative braking, it not only control the train but participate
in generating the power.
3. In case of any trouble, as a last step, switch off the CE for 5 minutes.
4. In panto down condition and in CE off condition, to switch on the flasher, use cooling
5. In case of heavy airflow, instead of attending the screen, do the protection of train and
adjacent track.
6. In case of emergency use emergency stop push button.
7. While deactiving the CSC , check the position of throttle , it should not be opposite to
the force.
8. Use throttle gradually.
9. Before regenerative braking, bunch the load.
10. While working dead loco, ensure conjunction working in dead loco.
11. While working dead loco ensure releasing of parking brakes and pneumatic brakes in
dead loco.

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12. First note down the fault message and then acknowledge the fault.
13. During failure mode operation, use throttle carefully.
14. Before resetting MCB, first rotate the knob provided on it.
15. Keep the SA-9 handle of rear loco at release.
16. Apply parking brakes when stationary.
17. 17.Instead of continuous operation of sanders, use frequently.

1. Don’t operate BL when loco is in motion.
2. Don’t believe on U-meter, ensure the panto physically.
3. Don’t press PSA continuously.
4. Don’t allow any unauthorized person in rear cab, as some functions are remains active
in rear cab.
5. Don’t declare the loco FAIL, without switching OFF and ON the control electronics.
6. Don’t lower the panto for more than 10 minutes otherwise CE will switch off.
7. Don’t forget to acknowledge the fault message.
8. Don’t use CSC in undulating area.
9. Don’t isolate VCD unnecessarily.
10. Don’t switch off CE in running train.
11. Don’t smoke in the loco.
12. Don’t use quick release position of A-9 frequently and unnecessarily.
13. If MR pressure is less than 6.4 kg/cm2, don’t operate MPJ.
When loco can’t be worked further due to trouble, make the loco dead. Following
procedure to be followed for making dead.

1.Move the loco to a particular line where it is going to make dead.

2.Keep TE / BE handle on ‘0’ and keep reverser in ‘0’ position.
3.Keep direct brake in application position.
4.Apply parking brake and ensure parking brake gauge is showing ‘0’.
5.Open VCB and lower the pantograph and ensure both pantos are in lowered position.
Isolate the pantograph through panel isolating cock on pneumatic panel.
6. Switch OFF the control electronics as per procedure.
7. Take out BL key from ‘OFF’ position.
8. Keep auto brake handle (A9) from ‘Neutral’ position and take out handle. Keep the
auto brake handle (A9), BL key & loco log book in safe custody.
9. Switch OFF the MCB No.112.1 and 110 in SB2 panel. Switch OFF all corridor and
cab lights.
10. Close the cut cout cocks 70,74 & 136 and open 47 cut out cock.
11. Keep all four wooden wedges.
12. Drain out the moisture from MR-1&, MR-2.
13. Write clear remark in loco log book for which reason loco is made dead.
14. Close all shutters, corridor doors and cab doors.
15. Keep the loco keys and log book in safe custody.
16. Give clear information to TLC.
A. Moving WAP5 / WAG-9 / WAP7 locomotive with WAP5 / WAG-9 / WAP7 fitted
with E 70 brake system when attached next to leading working locomotive (3Ø loco
dead next to 3Ø working loco) :

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1. Open VCB and lower the pantograph of the loco to be sent as dead. Isolate the
pantograph through panel isolating cock on pneumatic panel.
2. Switch off the control electronics as per procedure.
3. Take out BL key from ‘OFF’ position.
4. Keep auto brake handle (A9) in ‘Neutral’ position in both the cabs of dead loco and
take out handle. Keep the auto brake handle (A9), BL key & loco log book in safe
5. Switch OFF the MCB No.112.1 and 110 in SB2 panel. Switch OFF all corridor and
cab lights.
6. Couple the dead loco in rear of the working loco and lock the CBC coupling with lock
pins of both locos.
7. In the dead locomotive, ensure isolating cocks position in the pneumatic panel is as
follows. (Towed dead):

47 74 70
Cock (Dead (Emergency/ (E-70 Brake
(Feed Pipe)
Loco) Vigilance) Pipe)
Position Open Closed Closed Closed
1. Connect BP pipe of the dead loco to the BP pipe of working loco and open BP angle
cocks of both the locos. Check the BP pressure gauge in the cab of dead loco. It
should show the same pressure as that of the live locomotive
2. In case of locos are to be attached on a train having twin pipe i.e., both BP and FP of
both the locos should also be connected and its angle cocks should be opened.
3. Connect MR equalising and DB equalising pipes in between locos and open their
angle cocks (if possible). When MR equalising pipe is connected, auxiliary reservoir
of dead loco is charged with leading loco MR pressure. If MR equalising & BC
equalising are coupled, direct loco brake application is possible by direct brake (SA-9)
in leading and dead loco.
4. When MR equalising pipe is not connected, the auxiliary reservoir of dead locomotive
will get charged from BP supply of the working locomotive through cut out cock No.
47. The auxiliary reservoir pressure is used for proportional and parking brake. Direct
loco brake application is not possible in dead loco by leading loco direct brake (SA-9)
if MR equalising & BC equalising are not coupled.
5. Keep the direct brake handle (SA9) in ‘release’ position in both cabs of dead
6. Drain out complete pressure from MR-1 & MR-2 of dead locomotive. After draining
out, close the drain cocks of MR-1 & MR-2.
7. If dead loco brakes are not released, pull the QRV of distributor valve. If still not
releasing, close both bogies isolating cocks and after releasing of the BC pressure
normalize the both bogie isolating cocks.
8. Lock the parking brakes in applied condition. This procedure is safe to avoid brake
binding and condensation of moisture in the parking brake cylinder. It is as under
a) Apply the parking brakes of dead loco by apply push button (left plunger) of
solenoid vale and lock the parking brakes in applied condition.
b) Release the parking brake of the dead loco by manual releasing of individual
parking brake cylinders. For manual releasing, first turn the release handles
slightly clockwise and then pull till a sound of locking mechanism is heard. As
parking brakes are locked in applied condition PB gauge will show 0 Kg/Cm2.
c) The parking brake units are fitted to the following wheels.
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WAP 5 1 4 5 8
WAP 7 & WAG 9 2 6 7 11
d) If parking brake handles are defective and if it is not possible to release manually,
then release the parking brake by ‘release’ Push button (right plunger) of the
latched solenoid valve No.30/22 in the pneumatic panel of the dead locomotive.
9. Double check the release of parking brakes of dead loco by moving the parking brake
unit by hand.
10. Apply auto brakes (A9) in the working locomotive and check that loco brakes on both
the locomotives are getting applied. Then release the auto brake in the working loco
and check that loco brakes are getting released on both the locomotives. Rear
locomotive (WAG-9 / WAP-5 / WAP7 dead) takes about 60 seconds to release.
11. As a final check, run the train for about 500 meters and feel for any abnormal rise in
temperature of wheels of dead loco and ensure no brake binding in dead loco. Also
check it for every stop during journey.
12. Remember that in the dead locomotive, the loco brakes takes about 60 seconds to
release after releasing of auto brake from the leading loco. Hence after every auto
brake application and release wait for adequate time (minimum 1 minute) for release
of loco brakes in dead locomotive before resuming traction.
13. Escorts accompanied dead locomotive should never put BL key in position ‘D’ and
also strictly avoid to energise the dead locomotive.
14. After reaching the destination, before detaching the working loco and dead loco,
a) Unlock the application plunger (left plunger No.23) of parking brake solenoid
valve No. 30.
b) Press the release button of parking brake solenoid valve No. 30(right plunger
No.22). This will charge parking brake cylinders by 6 kg/cm2 when MR
equalising is connected and when 5kg/cm2 MR equalising is not connected.
c) Apply parking brakes on dead locomotive by application plunger of parking brake
solenoid valve No. 30(left plunger No.23). Now parking brake gauge shows ‘0’.

B. Moving WAP5 / WAG-9 / WAP7 locomotive as dead with conventional

loco(WAP1, WAP4, WAG5, WAG7 & WAM4-6P/D): (3Ø loco dead next to
conventional loco):
1. Open VCB and lower the pantograph of the loco to be sent as dead. Isolate the
pantograph through panel isolating cock on pneumatic panel.
2. Switch off the control electronics as per procedure.
3. Take out BL key from ‘OFF’ position.
4. Keep auto brake handle (A9) in ‘Neutral’ position in both the cabs of dead loco and
take out handle. Keep the auto brake handle (A9), BL key & loco log book in safe
5. Switch OFF the MCB No.112.1 and 110 in SB2 panel. Switch OFF all corridor and
cab lights.
6. Couple the dead loco in rear of the working loco and lock the CBC coupling with lock
pins of both locos.
7. In the dead locomotive, ensure isolating cocks position in the pneumatic panel is as
follows. (Towed dead):
74 70
47 136
Cock (Emergency/Vigi (E-70Brake
(Dead Loco) (Feed Pipe)
lance) Pipe)
Position Open Closed Closed Closed
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8. Connect BP pipe of the dead loco to the BP pipe of working loco and open BP angle
cocks of both the locos. Check the BP pressure gauge in the cab of dead loco. It
should show the same pressure as that of the live locomotive
9. In case of locos are to be attached on a train having twin pipe i.e., both BP and FP of
both the locos should also be connected and its angle cocks should be opened.
10. The auxiliary reservoir of dead locomotive will get charged from BP supply of the
working locomotive through cut out cock No. 47. The auxiliary reservoir pressure is
used for proportional and parking brake.
11. Keep the direct brake handle (SA9) in ‘release’ position in both cabs of dead
12. Drain out complete pressure from MR-1 & MR-2 of dead locomotive. After draining
out, close the drain cocks of MR-1 & MR-2.
13. If dead loco brakes are not released, pull the QRV of distributor valve. If still not
releasing, close both bogies isolating cocks and after releasing of the BC pressure
normalize the both bogie isolating cocks.
14. Lock the parking brakes in applied condition. This procedure is safe to avoid brake
binding and condensation of moisture in the parking brake cylinder. It is as under
a. Apply the parking brakes of dead loco by apply push button (left plunger) of
solenoid vale and lock the parking brakes in applied condition.
b. Release the parking brake of the dead loco by manual releasing of individual
parking brake cylinders. For manual releasing, first turn the release handles
slightly clockwise and then pull till a sound of locking mechanism is heard. As
parking brakes are locked in applied condition PB gauge will show 0 Kg/Cm2.
c. The parking brake units are fitted to the following wheels.
WAP 5 1 4 5 8
WAP 7 &
2 6 7 11
d. If parking brake handles are defective and if it is not possible to release
manually, then release the parking brake by ‘release’ Push button (right
plunger) of the latched solenoid valve No.30/22 in the pneumatic panel of the
dead locomotive.
15. Double check the release of parking brakes of dead loco by moving the parking brake
unit by hand.
16. Apply auto brakes (A9) in the working locomotive and check that loco brakes on both
the locomotives are getting applied. Then release the auto brake in the working loco
and check that loco brakes are getting released on both the locomotives. Rear
locomotive (WAG-9 / WAP-5 / WAP7 dead) takes about 60 seconds to release.
17. As a final check, run the train for about 500 meters and feel for any abnormal rise in
temperature of wheels of dead loco and ensure no brake binding in dead loco. Also
check it for every stop during journey.
18. Remember that in the dead locomotive, the loco brakes takes about 60 seconds to
release after releasing of auto brake from the leading loco. Hence after every auto
brake application and release wait for adequate time (minimum 1 minute) for release
of loco brakes in dead locomotive before resuming traction.
19. Escorts accompanied dead locomotive should never put BL key in position ‘D’ and
also strictly avoid to energise the dead locomotive.
20. After reaching the destination, before detaching the working loco and dead loco,
a) Unlock the application plunger (left plunger No.23) of parking brake solenoid
valve No. 30.

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b) Press the release button of parking brake solenoid valve No. 30(right plunger
No.22). This will charge parking brake cylinders by 5 kg/cm2 from auxiliary
c) Apply parking brakes on dead locomotive by application plunger of parking brake
solenoid valve No. 30(left plunger No.23). Now parking brake gauge shows ‘0’.


Parking brakes are provided for Wheel No.2, 6, 7 & 11 (WAG 9 / WAP 7) and for wheel No. 1,
4, 5 & 8 for WAP 5 loco. Parking brakes are in release position when 6 kg/cm2 pressure is
available in parking cylinders. Parking brakes are in application position when pressure
removed from parking cylinders. Brake blocks are common for direct brake (SA9) and for
parking brakes.
Applying parking brake (by any one of the following means)
1. When loco is energized and pressure is available in auxiliary reservoir, we can apply
parking brakes by pressing BPPB (illuminated red push button switch) once in ‘A’
panel in working cab. Red illuminated lamp glows inside BPPB. Hence 6kg/cm2 air
from parking cylinders gets exhausted and the PB gauge show ‘0’ kg/cm2 in both cabs
which indicates the application of parking brake (this is possible only when CE is ON)
2. Press ‘Apply’ push plunger on parking brake solenoid valve 30/23(left side plunger).
PB gauge shows ‘0’ kg/cm2 in both cabs and parking brake gets applied. Application
of PB is possible with solenoid valve, when AR pressure is available in the loco.
Lamp in side BPPB will glow in working cab when CE is ON.
3. When ‘BL’ key is moved from ‘D’ to ‘OFF ‘, parking brake gets automatically
applied through control electronics. BPPB will not glow since BL is in OFF position
and parking Brake Gauge will show “0” kg/cm2.

Releasing parking brake: (by any one of the following means)

1. Press Glowing BPPB (illuminated red push button switch) once, red lamp
extinguishes inside BPPB. 6 kg/cm2 pressure enters in to parking cylinders. PB gauge
shows 6kg/cm2 in both cabs.
2. Press ‘Release’ push button on parking brake solenoid valve 30/22(right side plunger).
6 kg/cm2 air will be admitted in parking cylinders and parking brake gets released. PB
gauge will show 6 kg/cm2 in both cabs and lamp BPPB will extinguish if Cab active.
3. Pull individual ‘parking brake release spindle’ provided on parking brake cylinder on
wheel No.2, 6, 7 & 11. (For WAP-7/WAG-9) and on wheel No. 1, 4, 5 & 8 (for WAP-
5 locos).The lock of PB will open and piston returns to release position due to re-
setting spring. Release sound can be heard. Like this parking brakes should be
released for all parking brake cylinders individually.
a. If PB are released through manual lever, BPPB will not extinguished in Energized
loco working cab and Loco pilot may get indication of application of PB and throttle
will not respond with message F1006 P1, in such case press BPPB to release PB even
though PB are released manually.
b. Ensure releasing of Parking Brakes by physically shaking the brake block.
c. In dead loco even though there is no air pressure the PB will remain in applied
condition, but once the brakes get released manually, then PB cannot be applied again
until the pressure is available in auxiliary reservoir. So, while shunting the dead loco
and stabling there after, this should be kept in mind and loco should be secured
properly by wooden wedges as local hand brakes are not provided in the loco.

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In 3-phase Locos, some of locos 31393 onwards provided with KNORR CCB-2 brake system,
with minor modifications in equipment and working system with existing knorr-brake system.

Equipment provided in CAB:

Automatic train brake handle can be locked or unlocked in FS (Full service) position by a
locking spindle provided in both cabs and coupled with a chain. Non driving cab Auto train
brake handle is to be kept in FS and locked condition where as in working cab to be kept in
RUN position. While clearing loco as dead both cab handles are to be kept on FS and locked
condition. This handle has following 5 positions.
1. REL (Release):In this position BP pressure is over charged to 5.5 kg/cm 2 for preset
time, for quick charging of BP.
2. RUN: This is the normal position on which BP is charged to 5.0 kg/cm2. In this
position BP is overcharged by 0.2 kg/cm2 for preset time.
3. Minimum Reduction: BP pressure drops to 4.5 kg/cm2.
4. FS (Full Service): BP pressure drops to 3.0 kg/cm2. The handle can be locked or
unlocked in this position.
5. Emergency: BP drops to 0 kg/cm2 on this position


It has two positions, Apply and Release. One spring loaded clip called “bail Ring” is provided
below the handle for Quick release of proportional brake in loco , either can be performed by
lifting Bail-ring provided on Direct Brake/SA9 handle or by pressing PVEF foot pedal switch.

Mode Switch:

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One rotating switch called mode switch is provided in each cab below direct brake valve. This
spring loaded switch can be operated by pressing downward. This switch has following 4

1. HLPR: While using loco as banker, this switch should be kept at Help position on this
mode in addition to ZBAN at ON.
2. TRL (TRAIL): In non working cab (SU/MU), this switch should be kept on TRL
3. LEAD: In working cab (SU / MU), this switch should be kept on LEAD position then
only BP will charge.
4. TEST: In this position BP leakage / brake continuity tests to be conducted. When this
switch is kept on TEST position , Loco brakes also get applied.
It will show messages like
1. “Okay to Run” : Auto handle to RUN from FS position, BP will charge to 5 kg/cm2
and BC will reduce to zero.
2. “Safety Penalty – Keep Handle in FS” :To recover this penalty brake, move Auto/A9
handle to FS and then back to run.
3. “Train-line Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER” : To recover Emergency penalty,
Auto/A9 handle should be moved to Emergency and then back to FS and then to
4. Operator Emergency- Keep Handle in EMER- To recover Emergency penalty,
Auto/A9 handle should be moved to Emergency and then back to FS and then to

It is having 3 positions ( STABLED POSITIONS) Used when train clearing in PTDC mode,
when brake electrons failed.
1. Apply,
2. Neutral,
3. Release.


with application spindle (left side) and
Release spindle (right side) in red colour for
application & releasing of parking brakes.
2. COC NO 74 : working position open (
vertical) , while moving dead loco Close
3. C3W/DV HANDLE: Normal position
vertical, Isolation Position horizontal.

4. GOODS/PASSEGER MODE SWITCH: As per the train working (goods/chg) in

addition the passenger/ goods handle position.
5. PANTO SELECTOR SWITCH: with 3 positions AUTO, I, II positions.
Auto : Rear panto will raise.
I position : Pant I will raise.

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II position : Panto II will raise.

6. COC-136 (FEED PIPE COC): Normal position open (horizontal), while moving
dead loco close (vertical).
7. COC- 47 : Normal position close, in dead loco open.
8. PER-COC: Normal position horizontal ,while moving loco in PTDC mode vertical.
9. 20TP & 16 TP POINTS: If loco brakes not release, remove the safety caps, press and
release test points.
10. SANDER 1&2 COCs: Normal position working (vertical), sanders to be isolated keep
in horizontal position.
11. UNLOADER-COC: Normal position open( horizontal ) , in case of air leaking from
auto drain valve or un-loader valves, we can close this COC (to vertical).
12. VCB COC: Normal position open (horizontal) for closing of VCB , for VCB isolation
close ( vertical).
13. IG-38 key : Normal position open (vertical) for raising of pantos , for grounding keep
it in horizontal.
14. PAN-1 COC: Normal position open (horizontal), in case of panto-1 isolation close this
coc (vertical).
15. PAN-2 COC: Normal position open (horizontal), in case of panto-2 isolation close this
coc (vertical).
16. SR-1, SR-2 COCs: Normal position open, for closing electro pneumatic contactor of
SR-1 & SR-2 (in GTO locos). For IGBT locos close (for IGBT locos electromagnetic
contactors are used for SR-1 & SR-2).
17. HARMONIC FILTER CONTACT COC: Normal position open, for closing electro
pneumatic contactor of harmonic filter.


To charge the BP, energize the Loco as normal 3 phase loco, Keep Auto/A9 handle in FS, wait
to see the massage on LCD display of Controller as “Okay to Run”. Move the Auto handle to
RUN from FS position, BP will charge to 5 kg/cm2 and BC will reduce to zero.

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To overcharge the BP to 5.50 Kg/cm2, Keep Auto/A9 handle in REL (Release) position
for 3 seconds. Once BP starts overcharging, leave Auto/A9 handle. BP will charge to 5.50 +/-
0.1 Kg/cm2.

Quick release of proportional brake in loco either can be performed by lifting Bail-ring
provided on Direct Brake/SA9 handle or by pressing PVEF Foot Switch.


In currently operating cab:
Apply SA-9, Put A9 Handle in Full Service position & Lock it using Locking Pin ( fixed),
Change the position of Mode selection switch from LEAD to TRAIL & Switch the BL Key to
Self Hold Mode as usually done with E-70 Brake system , release SA-9 handle.

Go to another cab:
Apply SA-9, Change the position of Mode selection switch from TRAIL to LEAD,
Switch ON Loco Electronics &Un-lock the A9 Handle, Bring A9 Handle from FULL Service
position to RUN position after LCD display OK-TO RUN, Résumé traction after conducting
loco brake power test.


Penalty service brake would result into dropping of BP to 3 Kg/cm2 & crew message
will appear as “Safety Penalty – Keep Handle in FS”. To recover this penalty brake, move
Auto/A9 handle to FS and then back to RUN (Follow message on LCD of Brake Controller).
BP would charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.
This penalty will apply during Wrong operation of MODE switch and while changing cab.


Emergency penalty brake can also get applied by over speed relay or Emergency stop
button, RS open, Train patting and also at the time of connection of Load with Locomotive &
crew message will appear as “Train-line Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER”. To recover
Emergency penalty, Auto/A9 handle should be moved to EMER and then back to FS and then
to RUN followed by attending the trouble in formation (Follow crew message on Display of
Brake Controller).Then BP will charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.


Vigilance penalty would result into dropping BP to ‘0’ kg/cm2 and application of full
BC pressure & crew massage will appear as “Train-line Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER”.

To recover vigilance penalty, bring throttle handle (TE/BE) to ‘0’, wait for 32 seconds.
After that, move Auto/A9 handle to EMER and press BPVR on locopilot's desk. To charge
“BP” move Auto/A9 handle to RUN. BP will charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2. Acknowledge the fault by
pressing BPFA. Resume normal operation.

1. Parking brakes can apply in three ways by BPPB, solenoid valve left spindle (red
colour) and by moving BL key D to OFF.
2. Parking brakes can release in three ways by BPPB, solenoid valve right spindle (red
colour) and by manual releasing.

PTDC (Pneumatic Time Dependent Controller) SET UP &OPERATION:

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This feature has been provided in case of brake electrons failure (CCB System), by keeping
brake system in this mode, locomotive / train can move at a restricted speed of Max. 10 Kmph
to clear the block section.


1. Bring throttle to ‘0’
2. Open the VCB, Lower the panto and switch off CE.
3. Trip the MCB 127.7 (SB 2) and ensure that MCB 127.15 (SB 2) is in ON position.
4. On Pneumatic panel, keep PER-COS (Pneumatic Equalizing Reservoir Cut out
Switch) in active position from horizontal to vertical position.
5. Keep automatic train brake handle of working cab on RUN, non working cab FS and
locked with pin.
6. Switch ON CE, raise Panto and close VCB as per procedure Acknowledge the fault by
pressing BPFA repeatedly until the message of F1001 P1 “Brake electronics failed”
7. Keep PTDC on release position and ensure that BP is 5.0 kg/cm2 and BC is ‘0’
8. If BC is not reducing to zero then give brief pulls to quick release lever provided at
bottom of distributor valve. Ensure BC reduces to zero. (Note: If Loco Brake remains
applied, press 20TP/16TP (Test Point nipple) of 20CP & 16CP on Pneumatic Panel to
Release BC to Zero.
9. A-9 (Except emergency), SA-9 and PVEF are de-active. Regenerative brake also not
in service.
10. Further Loco brakes operation is as per PTDC handle’s position.
11. Release parking brake BPPB, take traction.
12. To apply / release auto brakes keep PTDC handle to apply or release as per
requirement for sufficient time by observing the BP pressure gauge and clear the block
section by 10 KMPH.
Note : While working in PTDC mode ensure rear cab PTDC handle is in neutral
position for proper BP charging.


1. Keep the throttle at ‘0’, Open VCB, lower the panto, and remove BL key by switching
OFF of CE.
2. Keep the Automatic train brake handle of both cabs in FS, Insert Pin to lock the A-9
3. Keep both Direct brakes handle at release and keep both cabs MODE switches in
4. Close 74(SIFA cock) on Auxiliary panel (keep in horizontal to close).
5. Keep 47 COC in Dead loco position by rotating in anti clock wise and close 136 COC
(FP) to vertical position.
6. Keep PAN 1 & 2 COCs on vertical position.
7. Switch OFF MCBs 112.1, 110 & 310.4 (in SB 2).
8. Couple the energised loco with dead loco and couple BP/FP pipes and open their angle
Cocks, after charging of BP pressure to normal level, ensure Brakes are fully
released and BC pressure is zero in the gauge. If BC is not reducing to zero then
give brief pulls to quick release lever at bottom of distributor valve. Ensure BC
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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 206. Modifications to Locos

reduces to zero. (Note: If loco Brake remains applied, press 20TP (Test point) of
20CP on Pneumatic Panel to Release BC to Zero.
9. Ensure parking brake released condition, (apply parking brake by application spindle,
it will latch automatically and Release Parking Brake by Pulling Manual Release Pins
of Parking Brake Cylinders).
10. After moving, stop the train at a distance of 500m, ensure no brake binding.
11. At stopping, ensure there is no brake binding.
12. At destination, before detaching dead loco, apply parking brakes and put wooden
1. Ensure MR pressure 8 to 10 kg/cm2.
2. Ensure both side angle COCs in closed position.
3. Ensure both side additional BP COCs open.
4. Ensure lead cab A-9 in run position, rear cab A-9 in FS and locked by pin.
5. Ensure both side RS COCs closed position.
6. Ensure MODE switch in leading cab LEAD position, in trailing cab in TRAIL
7. Ensure Z-BAN switches in off position in both cabs.
8. Ensure both side PTDC handles in neutral position.
9. Initially To charge the BP, energize the Loco as normal 3 phase loco, Keep Auto/A9
handle in FS, wait to see the massage on LCD display of Controller as “Okay to
Run”.Move the Auto handle to RUN from FS position, BP would charge to 5 kg/cm2
and BC would reduce to zero.
10. Ensure there is VCD action.
11. If message will appear as “Safety Penalty – Keep Handle in FS” and BP not charging
more than 3 kg/cm2, To recover this penalty brake, move Auto/A9 handle to FS and
then back to RUN (Follow massage on LCD of Brake Controller), BP would charge to
5.0 Kg/cm2.
12. If message will appear as “Train-line Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER. To recover
Emergency penalty, Auto/A9 handle should be moved to EMER & then back to FS
and then to RUN (Follow crew message on Display of Brake Controller). BP would
charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.
13. If message will appear as “Operator Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER. To recover
Emergency penalty, Auto/A9 handle should be moved to EMER & then back to FS
and then to RUN (Follow crew message on Display of Brake Controller). BP would
charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.
14. If still BP is not charging switch of CE and switch on CE and try.
15. Still BP is not changing contact TLC.
16. Note : At the time of connection of Load with Locomotive, crew message will
appear as “Train-line Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER”. To recover Emergency
penalty, Auto/A9 handle should be moved to EMER & then back to FS and then to
RUN (Follow crew message on Display of Brake Controller). BP would charge to 5.0

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To avoid this message, keep mode switch in TEST position before opening the BP angle
cocks. On opening of BP angle cocks BP pressure drops to ‘0’,then change the Mode switch to
Lead position. BP pressure would charge.

Loco with CCB-2 Brake system(knorr). Cocks position

Loco working type 74 47 136
COS Cab-1 Cab-2
Single Loco Open Close Open Close Lead Trail
MU Leading Loco Open Close Open Close Lead Trail
MU Trailing
Close Close Close Close Trail Trail
Loco -Working
MU Trailing
Close Close Close Close Trail Trail
Loco -Dead
Double head Open Close Close Close Trail Trail
Banker Loco Open Close Close Close HLPR Trail
Dead Loco Close Open Close Close Trail Trail
PTDC Mode Open Close Open Open LEAD Trail

Loco with CCB-1 Brake system (knorr). Cocks position

working 74 47 136
COS Cab- Cab-
1 2
Single Loco Open Close Open Close Lead Trail Open Open Open
Open Open Open
MU Leading
Open Close Open Close Lead Trail

MU trailing
Loco - Close Close Close Close Trail Trail
MU Trailing
Close Close Close Close Trail Trail
Loco -Dead
Open Close Close Close Trail Trail
Banker HLP
Open Close Close Close Trail
Loco R
Dead Loco Close Open Close Close Trail Trail
Open Open Close
PTDC Mode Open Close Open Open Trail Trail

Loco with E-70 Brake system. Cocks position

Loco working type 74 47 136 70
Single Loco Open Close Open Open
MU- Leading Loco Open Close Open Open
MU-Trailing Loco -
Open Close Close Open
MU Trailing Loco-
Close Close Close Close
Double head/Banker Open Close Close Close
Dead Loco Close Open Close Close
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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 206. Modifications to Locos

Ref: RDSO TC No.0133 dtd.01.02.2016.

Pantograph not raising: F0103 P1

Acknowledge the fault by BPFA.
1. Press “ZPT” to ‘ DN’ Command and ensure FLG-504
2. Check the Panto reservoir pressure (more than 5.2 Kg/cm2) in the gauge provided on
pneumatic panel.
3. If pressure is low, ensure that auxiliary compressor is working & its Drain Cock
(Parallel to pipe) is closed.
4. Check the MCB 48.1 “ON” (in SB2).If tripped reset the same.
5. Check the 48.2 is closed, if not tap the pressure switch 26, (5th from left on Pn. panel).
6. Ensure that (IG-38) Blue Kaba key & Panto isolating cocks are in horizontal position
in pneumatic panel.
7. Change the position of panto selector Switch (85) on pneumatic panel and try to raise
other pantograph.
8. Gently tap the pressure switch no.7th & 8th from left (130.4/1 & 130.4/2 available in
pneumatic panel).
9. MCB 127.12 in ON position(SB-2).
10. If the above pressure switch is not picking up within 35 Sec causes to disable VCB or
if VCB closes it will open after 2 seconds. If still unsuccessful Press 130.1 Auxiliary
contactor in SB-2 manually and try.
11. Try by changing the cab / changing panto and record in Log book.
12. Switch OFF& ON MCE and try.
a. If FLG-1 processor isolated. PT-2 will not rise.
b. In WAP-7/GZB locos a toggle switch is provided for switching on MCPA.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course 207. Traction Distribution



25KV,50 HZ 1 phase supply for electric traction is derived from grid system of state Govt.
through traction substations located along the route of electrified sections normally at a distance
of 35 to 50 kms.
The supply authority supplies power at 220/132/110/66 KV extra high voltage at each
TSS, which is owned , installed, operated and maintained by Railways and feeders are
controlled by TPC.
To ensure continuity of power supply under all conditions the high voltage fed to the
TSS is invariably arranged either from two sources of power supply or by a double circuit
transmission line so that even if one source fails, the other remains in service. Suitable
protective equipment is installed at TSS.
At each TSS two single phase transformers are installed one of which is 8in service and
other is 100% standby.
Feeding post: It supplies power to OHE and is provided with four interrupters.
Sectioning and paralleling post: These posts are situated approximately midway between
Feeding posts marking and demarking point of two zones fed from two different phases from
adjacent TSS. At this post a neutral section is provided.
Sub Sectioning and paralleling post: One or more SSPs can be provided between each FP and
adjacent SP depending upon the distance between them.


Auto tensioning device is provided to supply spark less current and to maintain tension in
contact wire due to temperature variations.
Regulated OHE: If both ends of OHE is provided with ATD, it is called regulated OHE. This
type of OHE is provided block sections and main lines on station sections. In these sections
trains can run with MPS.
Semi regulated OHE: One end of OHE is provided with ATD, it is called Semi- regulated
OHE. This type of OHE is provided in loop lines and yard lines. In this trains can run with
restricted speed.
Un regulated OHE: Both ends of OHE is not provided with ATD’S, it is called unregulated
OHE. This type of OHE is provided in sidings or dead ends. In this train or loco run with
cautious speed.


It is a portion of wire without any power supply to bifurcate two supplies fed by two adjacent
Poly tetra flouro ethylene (PTFE): Its length is 4.8 meters.
Conventional neutral section: Its length is 41 meters.
Section insulator type: Normally 45 meters
At neutral section, Loco Pilot shall switch ‘off’ the power supply of loco and coast the train.
Only mechanical continuity is available in OHE.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course


The following are the various caution boards available on OHE mast / area.
1. Neutral section warning boards
2. Panto lowering / raising boards
3. 25KV public safety warning boards
4. Power block working limit boards
5. Caution unwired turnouts boards
6. Electric engines stop boards
7. MRL (Maximum rail level marking)
8. Mast number / kilometer number
9. Telephone tap direction
10. Distance between mast and center of the track(Implantation)
11. 25KV danger board
12. P/C (Power / Coasting) boards

Duties of Loco Pilot, at neutral section warning boards is as follows.

1. 500m – Ensure MR pressure in sufficient otherwise close BLCPD.
2. 250m – Bring GR to ‘O’ be ready for opening of DJ.
3. DJ OPEN – Open DJ by BLDJ, ensure DJ is opened otherwise lower panto
4. DJ CLOSE – Close DJ, resume traction.
207.5 use of flasher light at sp/ssp:
1. Whenever emergency feed extended, Flasher light will glow.
2. If loco pilot noticed glowing of flasher light, immediately keep MP in ‘0’, trip DJ and
lower panto and coast the train.
3. After passing SP/SSP keep ZPT in 1, close DJ and resume traction.
4. Assistant Loco pilot should examine the locomotive as if at neutral section.
5. Panto Lower and Raise boards also may be provided.
6. If the Loco pilot did not lowered, the pantograph will cause to bridging of two phases.
207.6 panto entanglement-CAUSES:
1. OHE defects
2. Pantograph defects
3. Track defective
4. Improper alignment of track with OHE
5. Miscellaneous
1. When Loco Pilot came to know about panto entanglement, immediately he has to keep
ZPT in ‘0’
2. If panto lowered, coast the train and stop at convenient place.
3. If panto is still damaging to OHE, stop the train immediately.
4. Inform to TPC for arranging of OHE breakdown staff.
207.7 Duties during OHE break down:
1. During OHE breakdown, immediately press BPEMS and keep ZPT in ‘0’, stop the train
immediately and contact TPC for arranging of OHE break down staff.
2. Mean while see that nobody is entering into the dangerous zone.
3. Secure the Loco and formation by applying brakes and keeping of sprags and wedges
according to the rules.
4. If any abnormality is noticed in OHE of the adjacent line put on Flasher light to alert the
opposite line train Locopilot and also inform to the SS of next station.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course

207.8 Cantilever-Parts:

1. Mast fitting for hook insulator.

2. Stay tube insulator
3. Stay tube arm
4. Stay tube sleeve
5. Tube cap
6. Mast bracket fitting
7. Bracket tube insulator
8. Register arm hook
9. Bracket tube
10. Register arm dropper
11. Tube cap
12. Anti wind clamp
13. Register eye piece
14. Drop bracket assembly
15. Steady arm hook
16. Steady arm swivel
17. Steady arm
18. Contact wire
19. Contact wire swivel clip
20. Catenary wire.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course


Quick trouble a) Close BLDJ press BP2DJ observe C118 closing or not if
shooting for C118 closing problem in EFDJ/MTDJ check VCB unit
ICDJ (DJ not pressure gauge should be 5.Kg/cm2 ,Keep HQOA
closing) ‘0’,HQOP1,HQOP2 HOBA OFF position and tap DJ and try.
b)If C118 not closing check Q118/Q45/Q44/C118 as per
Check CCBA ,CCPT , Addl CCBA ,ensure C105,C106,C107
ICDJ due to
fully opened, ensureQ44/Q46 in de energised condition,
2 Q118 not
operate GR manually, operate Q118 Manually If un success
wedge Q118 and try.
Press BP2DJ and try if unsuccessful check CCDJ ,ensure
ICDJ due to Q45
3 LSGR glowing ,Operate GR manually Change ZPT position,
not energised
Operate Q45 manually and try from rear cab.
Ensure Q118,Q45 are energised and clean the I/Ls of
ICDJ due to Q44 Q118,Q45, ensure LSGR glowing/GR drum on ‘’0” if
not energised unsuccessful , Operate Q44 manually if DJ not Holding
wedge Q44.
Check the flexibility of C118, check wire nos 740,B315 near
ICDJ due to C118, clean I/Ls of Q45,Q44 &QCVAR and try from rear cab
5 C118 not if unsuccessful conduct LT test in LT test DJ closing but not
energised closing in HT then take advise from TLC and loop wire nos
726 &731 near HOM.
a)Check the HT-2 compartment for any smell ,smoke ,fire and
QLM alone
6. oil splashes, if any abnormality do not rest target and ask for
relief engine , If no abnormality reset once.
QLM acted
Check the concerned circuits if any abnormality, isolate the
7 along with other
same and reset the target once.
Check traction power Ckt 1 RSI-1,SL1, TM1, TM2,
QRSI-1 TM3,L1,L2,L3,J1 for any abnormality.
energised. If repeatedly acts isolate TM one by one and try, if
unsuccessful isolate truck 1.
Check traction power Ckt-2 RSI-2,SL2,TM4, TM5,
9 QRSI-2 TM6,L4,L5,L6,J2 for any abnormality.
energised. If repeatedly acts isolate TM one by one and try, if
unsuccessful isolate truck 2.
QOP-1 acted Check traction power Ckt-1 ,RSI-1,SL1,TM1, TM2,
10 target TM3,L1,L2,L3,J1 if any abnormality isolate the concern
(able to reset) equipment and clear the section.
a)Check traction power Ckt-1 RSI-1,SL1,TM1, TM2,
TM3,L1,L2,L3,J1 if any abnormality isolate the concern
equipment if no abnormality is noticed ,if there is No
QOP-1 acted
BANDING FAILURE, place HQOP-1,HOBA in off position
11 target (cannot
if necessary and clear the section.
be reset)
b)If there is banding failure isolate concern TM +ve and –ve
sides, clear the block section with speed not exceeding

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course

QOP-2 acted Check traction power Ckt-1 RSI-2,SL2,TM4, TM5,

12 target TM6,L4,L5,L6,J2 if any abnormality isolate the concern
(able to reset) equipment and clear the section.
a)Check traction power Ckt -2 RSI-2 SL2,TM4, TM5,
TM6,L4,L5,L6,J2 if any abnormality isolate the concern
equipment, if no abnormality is noticed, if there is no
QOP-2 acted
13 target (cannot
if necessary and clear the block section.
be reset)
b) If there is banding failure isolate concern TM +ve and –ve
sides, clear the block section with speed not exceeding
Check AUX power Ckt ARNO,C118,R118 auxiliary motors
QOA acted
and its capacitor banks, contactor panel,, heaters, fans,
14 target
TFVT,CHBA,Q30,RQ30 ,QCVAR,UA1 &UA2,if any
(can be reset).
abnormality isolate the concern equipment and work the train.
Check ARNO,C118,R118 auxiliary motors and capacitor
QOA acted banks, contactor panel, ,heaters ,fans ,TFVT,CHBA,Q30 RQ30
15 target (cannot QCVAR ,UA1/2,if any abnormality isolate the concern
be reset) equipment if QOA not resetting keep HQOA “0”,HOBA OFF
if necessary and clear the section.
DJ closes UA
meter not
deviates DJ trips Switch on FL if BP drops, Check OHE ,Pantograph ,roof
16 before releasing equipments .train formation and HT compartment try with
BLRDJ other pantograph.
(No Tension)

DJ closes but
Check whether QOA/QLA targets dropped.tap the safety
relays and QPDJ ensure RS pressure above 6.5kg/cm2 if
17 immediately
unsuccessful keep HQOA “0”,HQOP1 ,HQOP2 ,HOBA in
(Operation A
“Off” position and try.
DJ closes, UA
meter deviates Check ARNO and QCVAR for any smell & smoke if no
LSCHBA not abnormality keep HQCVAR on “0” and close DJ . Release
extinguish BLRDJ after 4 seconds.
before releasing
BLRDJ DJ trips
(Operation A
DJ closes
extinguish while
Problem with DJ N/O I/L on MTDJ branch after taking
19 permission from TLC loop 733- 739 wires near C118
BLRDJ DJ trips
(In VCB locos)
(Operation A

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course

After releasing Check for any smell ,smoke, fire from MVSL1&2,MPH if no
BLRDJ DJ trips abnormality place HVSL-1 & HVSL-2 on “3” HQCVAR
20 after 5.6sec &HPH on “0’ close DJ and clear the block section by
(Operation B observing TFP oil level.
part 1)

Problem with Q30 relay /less OHE ,Wedge Q45 work onwards
After releasing
with precautions.
Note: Do not wedge Q45 if loco having Operation A ending
21 tripsimmediately
problem, for ARNO locos
(Operation B
part II)
After closing
Check for any smell, smoke ,fire from
MVRH,MVMT1,MVMT2 if no abnormality place
22 trips within
HVRH,HVMT1,HVMT2 on 3 and clear the block section.
(Operation O)
Check for any smell ,smoke ,fire from MVSI-1,MVSI-2 if no
After taking 1st
abnormality place HVSI-1, HVSI-2 On 3 if unsuccessful clear
23 notch DJ trips .
the block section with manual operation of GR with SR
(Operation 1)
a)If C107,C105,C106 contactors closed place
HVRH,HVMT1,HVMT2 on 3 if unsuccessful Wedge Q118
After taking 6th
clear the section.
notch DJ trips
24 b)If all contactors not closing check CCA&Q100.
in 5.6 seconds.
c)If any one contactor not closes wedge the contactor and
(Operation 2)
place concern switch in 3 position.

Tighten CCPT, CCDJ, CCA. Check SMGR pressure , Wedge

DJ tripping
Q118/Q44 and try. Place HQOA on ‘0’ HQOP1&2 HOBA
25 without apparent
OFFand try. , Try from rear Cab if unsuccessful clear section
by manual operation GR.
Total loss of
Check Q50 branch. Operate BL,MPJ 2 to 3 times ensure
Tractive effort
J1,J2,CTF1,2,3 in proper direction,LSC145 lamp extinguished
26 (TLTE) with
condition ,operate Q50 manually if If unsuccessful wedge Q50
LSB lamp
work the train by taking precautions.
Problem may be in VE1 (progression coil) branch ,Try with
Total loss of
EEC, ensure ZSMGR in 6 clock position, paco switch is in
Tractive effort
lifted Condition SMGR pressure 2.5 to 3.5 kg/cm2 , if
27 (TLTE) with
unsuccessful clear the block section with manual operation of
out LSB lamp
Total loss of
Problem in Line contactors ckt, keep HVMT1,2 HVSI1,2 on 3
Tractive effort
28 and try ensure EP1,EP2,EP3 COCs open EP drain coc in closed
(TLTE) with
GR progression

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course

1 st notch auto Press, PSA, ZQWC and start, Check for brake binding, Slipped
regression with pinion, Locked axle, Ammeters A3/A4 not deviating isolate
LSP glowing . TM3/TM4,if volt meters U2/U5 not deviating isolate
TM2/TM5 and try.
MPH not
HPH on ‘0’ and
clear section
with 920/500A
current. Place HPH on ‘0’ and clear section with 920/500A current.
30 MVRH not Place HVRH on ‘0’, ensure C-107 is open ,and clear the
working section with 920/500A current.
HVRH on ‘0’
and clear section
with 920/500A

MVSI-1 or
Isolate the RSI-1 block by keeping HVSI-1, HVSL-1 &
31 HVMT-1 in ‘0’ position, if load and and road permits work
MVMT-1 Not
further . If not inform to TLC and ask for banker loco.
MVSI-2 or
MVSL-2or Isolate the RSI-2 block by keeping HVSI-2, HVSL-2 &
32 MVMT-2 Not HVMT-2 in ‘0’ position, if load and and road permits work
working further . If not inform to TLC and ask for banker loco.

Check CHBA ammeter, if CHBA not working isolate CHBA.

33 Work further day time 6hrs, Night time 4hrs duly observing
glowing on run.
battery voltage.
Check Tell-tale fuse. One fuse melted, remove the same, Two
LSRSI glowing fuse melted in same RSI block isolate concern truck by
on run placing HVSI,HVSL,HVMT on 0 and work with 50%
maximum permissible load.
Change DC-DC Convertor bipolar switch if un successful
Head light not Check head light bulb, ensure ZRT/ZPR in on position check
working fuse on DC-Dc convertor if unsuccessful, ensure marker lights
on and work the train not exceeding 40KmPH.
Battery voltage
Ensure HBA is ‘ON’ position. Check Additional CCBA is
36 showing ‘0’
good condition. If unsuccessful check the defective battery.
Flasher light not Switch on stand by supply switch, if unsuccessful check FL
working bulb, CCFL fuse.
Check RS pressure ,Battery voltage, Addl
38 Panto not raising CCBA,CCBA,CCPT,VEPT coil connections, PT COCs,
BPEMS not in pressed condition.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course

Check MCPA working, Keep ZPT on '0', tap SS1,NRV,

RAL/COC open, ensure Panto RS, RDJ, CPA, Oil separator
RS pressure not
39 drain cocks are closed. If unsuccessful ,Close R1 coc and try
building up
,if successful open R1 coc, if unsuccessful Ground the loco,
create pressure if successful energise the loco.
Ensure MCPs working or not, close BLCPD, change HCP
MR pressure not position ,close VEAD,VEUL cocs and try ensure all drain
maintaining COCs closed if twin pipe formation work with single pipe if
unsuccessful isolate Air dryer and try.
Ensure MR pressure above 8kg/cm2,both cabs A9 in release
position,A8 open position Working cab A9 I/C & O/G COCs
BP pressure not
41 in open position and rear cab closed ,both Addl BP COCS in
charging in loco
open ,RS in closed Position ,ensure MU2B in lead. If
unsuccessful try from rear Cab.
Ensure loco rear side Addl BP COC is in open condition, no
BP pressure not leakages Near BP hose pipes, palm ends, angle cocs, C3W
42 charging on the valves & AR drain cocs In coaching trains ensure no ACP
formation acted and SLR/BV guards emergency brake valve handle
release position .
Put on FL stop the train ,do not trip DJ in the section check
Cattle runover in under gear ,ensure that cattle guard is intact, note Km No, If
section(CRO) leading BP angle COC broken close Addl BP COC after
clearing section stop the train and check the battery voltage.
Bring MP to’0’ apply A9,find ACP coach and reason ,reset
Alarm Chain clappet valve if not possible
Pulling(ACP) close ACP isolation coc ,advise passengers pull the chain from
adjacent coach
Stop the train by applying A9 to emergency Ensure working
Loco brakes not
cab SA9 inlet/out let cocs open, in non working cab Closed
45 applying through
position, ensure BC1&BC2 are in open position tap C2B
,DCV and try.
Loco brakes not
Ensure BP 5kg/cm2,press PVEF, release C3W valve QRV,,
releasing after
46 operate MU2B 2to 3times if unsuccessful isolate C3W and
placing A9/SA9
operate QRV, close BC1,BC2 cocs ,tap DCV,C2B and try.
in release
Pilot lamps will not glow, notches will not takes place and
sanders not operates. Replace new fuse by keeping HOBA in
47 CCLS melting OFF and try, if again melts work further w/o pilot lamps with
audio visual indications, wedge QRS-2 in energise condition to
get notches, and observing current while taking notches.
Sanders not Ensure sanders cocs in open position, check CCLS fuse,
working ensure QRS2 in energised Condition keep HOBA off and try.
Ensure Horns COCs in open position, if rear cab horns working
Horns not
49 depute ALP whenever necessary, if unsuccessful reduce speed
and proceed very cautiously and clear the section.
Ensure the pulse generator cable is intact and reset the
Speedo meter
50 resetting knob provided in the panel If SPM is not working
not working
work with 10% less than the permissible speed.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course

Resetting of Keep ZPT on’0’, MP 0’’,A9 emergency to avoid MR dropping

BPEMS , rotate BPEMS knob clock wise direction and enegise the loco.
Keep MP on ‘0’’,A9 full service, Waite for 32sec then press
52 Restting of VCD
VCD reset button.
a)Check for any smell ,smoke, fire in aux power equipment if
any abnormality isolate the same. if no abnormality earth fault
DJ trips with
message on screen, keep HSIV ‘0 reset SIV ,press ELD bypass
53 button clear section within 45 minutes.
external fault
b)Other than earth fault message keep HRAVT on ‘0’,reset
lamp glowing.
SIV close VCB and try
If not successful isolate auxiliaries and try.
Check for any smell ,smoke, fire in aux power equipment if
any abnormality ,isolate the same and close the DJ
DJ trips with a)If fan fault on display reset MCB on SIV if not provided ask
LSSIT and for RE
internal fault b)If over temp message wait for 10minutes and reset SIV and
lamp glowing. try
c)If other message press SIV reset button unsuccessful close
IP coc keep, HBA ‘0’ wait 3min &switch on and try.
Check CCINV ,close BLVMT and try, clean QV60/QSVM
SIV not picking I/Ls ,wedge QSVM and try ,keep HBA off for 3min and try
up keep HOBA off and try if unsuccessful isolate direct and static
loads one by one and try.
In SIV locos 1st Troubleshoot for SIV not picking up remaining trouble
notch tripping shooting same as ARNO loco (S.NO 23).
a) Cheack Q118,Q44,Q45 energised or not ,Q118 not energised
clean I/L of QCON.Q46 and operate GR and try.
57 b)Q44,Q45 not energised trouble shoot as conventional loco.
c)If QSIT is energised troubleshoot for SIV tripping if
unsuccessful keep HOBA off and try switch off HBA and try.
Close BLCPD, change HCP position and try ,wedge QTD 101,
In SIV loco CPs
58 if unsuccessful try from rear Cab, if SIV working QCON not
not working
energised wedge QCON after closing VCB and try.
Ensure battery voltage 90V,check CCBA,CCPT,CCCPU, keep
loco main unit
59 HOBA in off and try, If unsuccessful keep HBA on ‘0’ for 3
not working no
min and try .
Check RS pressure, BA voltage above 90V, CCBA, CCPT,
CCCPU, change ZPT 1or 2, Ensure C118, C105, C106, C107
open, GR on 0. Ensure closing of C118, Clean I/L of QCVAR,
60 loco
Place HQOA in 0, HQOP1&2 in OFF and try. Press BP2DJ
and try from rear cab if unsuccessful Switch OFF battery for 3
minutes and try.

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TLTE with LSB If LSB glowing ensure position of J-1, J-2 operate MPJ ,check
61 glowing(MPFD CTF 123, and C145, for correct position ensure LSC145
S) extinguished . Switch OFF battery for three minutes and try.
TLTE without Try with EEC ,Ensure SMGR in 6clock position, paco switch
LSB lifted condition,, ensure SMGR pressure 2.5 to 3.5 kg/cm2,
glowing(MPFD RGEB1COC open position ,change HPAR ,try from rear cab
S) ,if unsuccessful clear with manual operation of GR.
Ensure HVSI-1,HVSI-2,HVMT-1,HVMT-2 in ‘1’ ,try by
TLTE with GR
changing on ‘3’ Ensure EP1,EP-2 cocs in open condition, EP
63 progression(MP
drain coc closed position ,ensure MR above 8kg.cm2 if un
successful try from rear cab.
a)In a defective loco LSGRPT or LS group lamp will glows, but
Find out the
LSOL is extinguished Condition.
defective loco
64 b)In a healthy loco LSOL will glows, but LSGRPT or LS group
and healthy loco
is extinguish condition.
in MU
Trouble shoot as a single loco ,during trouble shooting keep ZLS
IN MU DJ trips
65 on ‘0’ in trailing loco ,if unsuccessful clear the block section
in leading loco
with trailing loco.
Put BLSN ‘DOWN’ clear section if load permits, after clearing
the section check defective loco trouble shoot as single loco
In MU DJ trips during trouble shooting keep ZLS on ‘0’ in leading loco. Rear
in trailing loco loco DJ can be closed by pressing BP2DJ in rear loco provided
BLSN normal and BLDJ closed in leading.
Train Brakes not Ensure BP 5kg/cm2 in loco Pull QRV, isolate DV and pull
releasing in QRV,close BC1,BC2 cocs if unsuccessful Puncture the flexible
conventional hose pipe and try, If BC piston is inside slack SAB , disconnect
bogies brake pull rod cotter pin and secure it.
Train Brakes not
Pull QRV, close BP,FP cocs and drain out AR then isolate DV
releasing in
68 and pull QRV If unsuccessful close BC1, BC2 cocs if still
unsuccessful remove the truss bar pin and secure it.
Train Brakes not Pull QRV, isolate DV and pull QRV, ensure piston stroke
releasing in indicator is inside or APM actuating plunger is lifted condition
BMBC still unsuccessful close the COC between APM and both BCs
bogies(Goods) .Finally shake the brake rigging assembly slightly.
Indentify the coach if indicator shows red colour it indicates
Train Brakes not brake binding. If it is releases indicator will turns in to green
70 releasing in colour. Pull the QRV of DV and try, close the BC1 & BC2 cocks
LHB coaches and try ,if unsuccessful remove Flexible hose pipes (two) of the
trolley and try.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course Quick bits and Instructions in 3phase Locos


1. Manual isolation of bogie can be done using switch no 154 without switching of CE.
However, to bring back isolated bogie in to service, CE off &CE on duly normalizing
the switch no 154 position.
The modified procedure of bogie isolation:
o If the loco is running: Bring the throttle to ‘0’ position, Open the VCB.
▪ Ensure Node No. 550, Keep switch No. 154 in required position, Required
▪ bogie will be isolated after 10 seconds.

If the loco is stand still: Bring the throttle to ‘0’ position, Ensure Node
▪ No.590, Keep switch No. 154 in required position, required bogie will
be isolated after 10 seconds.

2. To change the position off switch: 160, ensure Throttle on 0, loco/train is Dead stopped
and Reverser on 0.
3. To change the position off switch: 152, before operating this switch, TE/BE handle
should keep in ‘0’ position.
4. For resetting of MCBs in HB-1& HB-2, trip VCB, reset MCB and close VCB.
5. For resetting of MCBs in SB-1& SB-2 (Except 127.92 for Speedo Meter, 310.1/1 &
310.1/2 for head lights, 310.7/1 for marker lights.) switch off CE reset MCB and switch
on CE.
6. For MCBs 127.92 for Speedo Meter, 310.1/1 & 310.1/2 for head lights, 310.7/1 for
marker lights, trip VCB reset MCB and close VCB.
7. In case of angle transmitter going defective, immediately switch over to failure mode
using switch 152 in running condition, there is no need to stop.
8. In case of Harmonic filter isolation, speed restricted to 40kmph, in case of light load,
isolate bogie -1 by 154, to bring harmonic filter in to service CE off and CE on required.
If harmonic filter came in to service can work with normal speed.
9. While on run, if bogie meter suddenly not respond, LP should trip VCB and reclose
10. While on run, if reduction in traction effort with LSP without any proper reason, isolate
bogie-2, work up to convent place, switch off CE and switch on CE ,to bring isolated
bogie in to service.
11. While on run, if bogie isolated without any message, at convent place, switch off CE and
switch on CE, to bring isolated bogie in to service.
12. While on run, after two or three attempts of reclosing of VCB while attending any fault,
bogie may get isolated, at convent place, switch off CE and switch on CE, to bring
isolated bogie in to service.
13. While working with MU, if leading loco fails ,with TRAILING MODE operation we
can clear section with leading loco only.( by keeping 154 switch of leading loco in I+II
position , VCB of rear loco can be closed from front loco itself to clear section but
leading loco CHBA will not work)
14. In IGBT locos, TM can isolate individually by the system, in case of Short circuit in
TM, Single phasing in TM etc instead of truck Isolation.
15. In IGBT locos, Due to space consistent the message for isolation of TM will be display
in F04 & F05 subsystem fault messages.
16. In IGBT locos, for traction converters (SRs) Electromagnetic Contactors are provided in
Place of electro pneumatic contactors. Position in Pneumatic panel.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course Quick bits and Instructions in 3phase Locos

17. In IGBT locos, SRs are cooled by water coolant Instead of oil, Water level Sensors are
provided in some locos, if water level decrease below Sensor level concern SR will
isolate with message numbers as F0206P1/ F0306P1.
18. In IGBT locos, ensure 3 way coc in proper position if provided for SR.
19. In some of the IGBT locos, water coolant pump provided in side SR.
20. In TPWS loco, ensure Battery control switch should in OFF position , TPWS Isolation
switch should be in ON position in on TPWS unit , Pneumatic isolation cocs in closed
condition in both Cabs, provided under the locopilot brake controller (A-9) on the FITL
interface unit (one window is provided for opening and closing of this coc ).
21. In Doppler Radar provided locos, if any sudden dropping of TE/BE, on bridges
experienced, isolate concern Doppler Radar breaker.
22. In case of any transformer pump not working, work with 70% of maximum TE/BE.
23. Automatic switching of corridor lights after 10Min of loco shut down to avoid battery
discharge , if corridor light are required ,BL key to be kept in “C” mode.
24. In case of “OHE failure” for short time, in loco un manned condition leads to battery
discharge through continuous working of MCPA.
25. Any fault message should not be acknowledge without read and note down.
26. MCB 127.7 in SB2, to be checked first during brake electrons failure.
27. Timely action to P2 message, avoid failure of loco with P1 message.
28. Continuous using of sanders leads to MR pressure dropping.
29. Pressure drop in MR, May due to VCD activation, ensure no VCD action.
30. Pressure drop in MR, May due to AIR DRIER defective, isolate AIR DRIER and try.
31. Pressure drop In MR, may due to ULs or ADVs air leaking, in such case:
➢ Close VEUL and ADV coc near battery box-2 if provided.
➢ Disconnect cable no 26 near C3W valve in pneumatic panel.
➢ In case KNORR ccb-2, close VEUL coc in pneumatic panel.

32. Pressure drop In MR, ensure there is no leakage in AFI indicator glass.
33. Ensure “ZBAN” switch is in normal position while changing CAB. Whenever BP drops
with fault message ”F1004 P1”, check the ZBAN switch also.
34. Check “ZTEL” if TE is not getting more than 300KN( WAG-9)
35. For switching of CE, Keep A-9 to emergency, to avoid MR dropping.
36. For resetting of VCD, keep A-9 to full service, to avoid MR dropping.
37. In case of speed not increasing, more than 1kmph/creeping, isolate bogie-1 or bogie -2
as per DDS message. (In IGBT locos the system can isolate defective TM).
38. In case of speed not increasing, more than 10kmph, tap 269.6/1& 269.6/2 pressure
switches near pneumatic panel.
39. In case of speed not increasing, more than 15 kmph, ensure 160 switch in proper
40. If loco brakes not releasing, close and open 94 coc and try, in knorr-ccb2 brake locos
press and release test switches 16 and 20 in pneumatic panel.
41. In case of VCB not close, try to trouble shoot by isolating bogie one by one.
42. In case of voltage out of limit message, check PT fuse or by isolating one bogie as per
DDS message.
43. For changing of PT fuse, lower panto and change the PT fuse.
44. In case BL key giving trouble, try by pulling key up slightly.
45. BPCS switch should not be pressed for more than 5Sec. It shall give switch struck up
message and became non functional.
46. VCUs modified locos, in case of messages like F1301P1, F1302P1,
47. F1401P1, F1402P1, cab will not isolate, with precautions can work from Same cab.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course Quick bits and Instructions in 3phase Locos

48. Isolate SR-1 and SR-2, by 127.1/1 or 127.1/2, in case of faults like F0104P1, F0107P1,
and F0107P2.
49. If regenerative brake fail on run, press PVEF and apply A-9 .FOR application of brakes
and to avoid wheel skidding.
50. In cooling mode if VCB trip, check OCR and TFP OIL flashes.
51. If OCR acts second time CE OFF automatically.
52. OCR is provided with Mechanical Locking Type.
53. In case fault message with F020101 P1, F0301P2, if need CE off, switch on CE after 5
minutes only.
54. For resetting VCD, keep throttle-0, press BPVR after 160 sec for WAG-9/WAP-7,
120sec for WAP-5, 120sec for KNORR locos, 32sec for KNORR CCB-2 locos.
55. If any repeated tripping of MCB in HB-1 or HB-2, like both OCB breaker trip, try by
isolating concern auxiliary converter.
56. Before moving the loco (Dead/Working) ensure loco brakes and parking brakes are fully
57. If CE not getting on, CE can on by pressing 126 and 218 contactors knobs in SB1 panel.
58. If MCPA not getting on, MCPA can start by pressing 48.2 contactor knob in SB2 panel.
59. If PANTO not gets raised, PANTO can raise by pressing 130.1 contactor in SB2 panel.
60. If VCB not getting close, VCB can close by pressing 136.4 contactor in SB1 panel.
61. If HEAD LIGHT not working, ensure 310.1/1 or 310.1/2, not in tripped condition.
62. If HEAD LIGHT not getting on , H/L can on by pressing 338.1 or 338.2 contactors knob
in SB1or SB2 panel respectively.
63. If CE not getting OFF, open 112.1 breaker.
64. If any trouble un able to rectified, before asking relief loco, try from rear cab, try by
changing panto, try by isolating one bogie, try by switching off CE and switch on CE if
not success then ask for relief engine.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course HQ Instructions


A. Prevention of SPAD(HQRS INSTRUCTION NO.05&6/2015 OF 24.03.2015)

1. Do not use rheostatic or regenerative braking while working light engines.
2. Do not keep MP on braking side while controlling light engines by SA9/A9.
3. Before moving light engine(s) conduct loco brake power test as per procedure and
ensure application of loco brakes by SA9 and A9.
4. To be more careful while controlling light engines as loco brake power may not be as
much as good that of train brakes.
5. Crew shall conduct brake continuity, brake feel & brake power test.
6. In case coaches/wagons are attached enroute, LP to conduct BP continuity test again.
7. Crew to be counseled to avail complete and quality rest at home & in running rooms
before coming for duty.
8. ALPs to be counseled for applying emergency brakes by opening RS valve quickly in
case they find lack of alertness on the part of Loco Pilot while approaching danger
9. Calling out of signals by LP/ALP clearly & loudly with station and signal name and
hand gesture towards the signal.
10. Crew shall not pack personal belongings while approaching terminating stations
11. Crew shall not isolate VCD.
12. Running staff to be counseled not to use Mobile/personal phones during foot plate.
B. HQRS INSTRUCTION NO.7/2015 (OF 31.03.2015):
To draw ahead the train upto the foot of the Starter Signal/Stop Board while stopping the
train at the station. However, passenger carrying trains shall ensure that the platform is
not overshoot in the front.

C. 4.41. Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot to look back (HQRS INSTRUCTION
NO.8/2015 OF 31.03.2015)
The Loco Pilot and the Assistant Loco Pilot shall look back frequently during the journey
to see whether the train is following in a safe and proper manner.

S.R.4.41.1. At night, the Loco Pilot and the Assistant Loco Pilot shall frequently look
back on the run and verify that the side lights are burning in terms of G.R. 4.15. If the side
lights are not visible, the Loco Pilot shall call the attention of the Guard by giving two short
sharp whistles. If the train is complete and if only the side lights are not burning or not
provided, the Guard shall acknowledge by showing a green hand signal.

The Loco Pilots/Assistant Loco Pilots have to pay special attention after passing
permanent way gangs on line or a manned level crossing gate to see whether any danger
signal is being exhibited by them, warning the Loco Pilot /Assistant Loco Pilot of a danger
of an accident.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course HQ Instructions


i. Crew experienced TLTE without GR progression due to Q52 permanently
ii. LP could not clear the section with manual operation of GR since failed to keep MP
on ‘N’ position.

Where Loco Pilot failed:

a. Crew failed to wedge Q52 in de-energized condition properly.
b. LP kept MP on ‘0’ position and tried to operate GR manually.

How to prevent:
➢ In case of TLTE due to Q52 permanently energized, LP has to wedge Q52 in de-
energized condition and work further. MP should not be kept in ‘+’ position for longer
period, to avoid quick progression of GR.
➢ For operating GR manually, crew has to keep MP on ‘N’ position and follow the other
conditions for operating manual operation of GR as given below.

Manual operation of GR
Whenever GR cannot be operated electrically with MP or EEC, it should be operated
manually by ZSMGR handle.

For operating GR manually,

1. MP should be kept on ’N’ position to close the line contactors.
2. Q44 should not be in wedged condition.
3. Rotate ZSMGR handle from 60 clock to 30 clock position in anticlockwise direction.
Now, the pacco switch will be pressed, electrical and pneumatic connections to
SMGR will be cut off and also the existing pressure in the SMGR will be exhausted.
4. Remove the ZSMGR handle from 30 clock position.
5. Insert the ZSMGR handle to SMGR shaft at 60 clock position.
6. Rotate the ZSMR handle from 60 clock to 60 clock position in clockwise direction
within 0.5 second for one notch progression.
7. Rotate the ZSMR handle from 60 clock to 60 clock position in anticlockwise direction
within 0.5 second for one notch regression.
8. Communication to be established between the Loco Pilot and Asst. Loco Pilot
9. Asst. Loco Pilot is responsible for doing the manual operation of GR.
Precautions during the manual operation of GR
1. Rotate the ZSMGR handle within 0.5 second otherwise DJ will trip
2. Asst. Loco Pilot has to observe the RGR carefully from corridor for any
3. During the manual operation of GR, speed should not exceed 30 kmph.
4. In emergency, Loco pilot has to trip DJ for controlling/stopping the train.
5. To reclose DJ, Asst. Loco Pilot has to bring GR to ‘0’ manually.

E. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.10/2015 OF 21.04.2015:

After ensuring full creation of BP/FP, crew should ensure that formation brakes are
released and if any brake blocks are not released same to be released manually to avoid
brake binding problems enroute.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course HQ Instructions

F. Causes for air leakage from A9:

(HQ INSRUCTION NO.14/2015 OF 13.05.2015) may be due to
(a) A9 valve not seated properly (inside seating) due to entry of dust particles.
(b) Defective A9 due to damaged seating/valve stuck up
(c) C2 relay valve (BP) stuck up.
Action to be taken
a. Try to clear the block section in momentum and try to stop the train at station after
clearing fouling mark.
b. Close BP angle cock of loco on formation side and rapidly move A9 to emergency
and release for 2 to 3 times,
c. If not successful, gently tap C2 relay valve (BP) and try,
d. If not successful, drain out moisture and try,
e. If still unsuccessful and train stopped in the section, try from rear cab.
To avoid entering of dust particles into A9 valve, BP & FP pipe of leading cab of loco should be
placed in palm resting clamp. LIs to check this aspect during their monitoring & counsel LPs

G. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.16/2015 OF 12.05.2015:

Assistant locopilots, during run shall examine the working of CHBA and Ammeter
charging rate. At neutral sections, shall check the battery voltage and same should
be recorded in the loco log book.

H. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.17/2015 OF 12.05.2015:

When QOP1 & QOP2 acts follow the trouble shooting procedure as per TSD.
To minimize detention on this account if load permits isolate the concerned
bogie/truck and work further, duly observing any abnormality

I. Hq.Instructions:19/2015 dtd:25.05.2015.
In case of HBB-2 processor failed(F.1401 P2).To avoid midsection failure
Isolate VCD,Release Parking brake manually,keep BLCP in MAN mode for CPs working.

J. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.20/2015 OF 25.05.2015:

When equipment temperature is high in three phase loco.
i. LP should ensure OCB 1 MCB 59.1/1 & OCB 2 MCB 59.1/2 are not tripped.
ii. Work the train by manual operation of TE/BE & not to make use of BPCS.
iii. Coasting to be done to the maximum extent possible.
iv. Use slightly less tractive effort, but to avoid stalling.
v. Not to use regenerative braking. Control the train with A-9.
K. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.21/2015 OF 22.06.2015:
Whenever BP pressure drops on run first check loco for any leakages from VEAD,
unloader valves, drain cocks, safety valves IP valve ,before sending ALP on
L. HQ INSRUCTION NO.23/2015 OF 19.08.2015:
Crew shall follow territorial TLC instructions.
M. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.24/2015 OF 03.09.2015:
LP shall not back the train before starting and shall observe AFI,BP and TM

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course HQ Instructions


1. Stop the train after clearing section.
2. Trip DJ, lower panto and switch off MCE of leading loco and take out BL key.
3. Proceed to trailing loco and switch off MCE.
4. Close COC 70,74,136.
5. Release SA9 of both cabs.
6. Release parking brakes of trailing loco manually.
7. Close DB equalizing COC between two locos.
8. Energize leading loco and work with single loco if load permits.
9. Operate A9 to ensure application and release of brakes in both locos.
10. Apply SA9 and ensure only leading loco brakes are getting applied.

O. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.31/2015 OF 05.11.2015:

P. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.33/2015 OF 11.01.2016:
When DJ is mechanically locked LP shall close BLRDJ before raising panto in
ARNO fitted locos to enable to close C118 for ensuring starting phase to ARNO.

Q. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.1/2016 OF 18.01.2016:

Action by crew during crack/breakage of traction link:

1. If noticed during stoppage in section the concerned bogie shall be isolated by 154 and
clear the section provided load and road permits, otherwise relief loco shall be asked.
2. If crack/ break is noticed in station, the loco has to be failed and moved to shed as
R. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.2/2016 OF 01.03.2016: Check RS Before Starting Train.
S. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.3/2016 OF 03.03.2016:
In AAL SIV locos in case of SIV tripping through fan fault MPCB(MOTOR
PROTECTION CIRCUIT BREAKER) can be reset once. If it trips again, crew shall
contact TLC.
T. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.4/2016 OF 16.03.2016:
VCD acknowledgement from ALP side is deactivated both in conventional and 3
phase locos.
U. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.5/2016 OF 04.04.2016:
BPFA has to be repeatedly pressed till BPFA lamp gets extinguished.
V. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.6/2016 OF 07.04.2016:
During short stoppage ALP shall check axle box temperature of loco by touching
axle box by hand. If the temperature of any axle box is abnormal, they should
inform to TLC.
W. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.09/2016 OF 03.10.2016:
Instructions while working with MU.
1. Try to clear section by coasting or with trailing loco, if load and road permits and
trouble shoot after clearing section.
2. If unable to clear section keep MP on O, then apply brake suitably and ask for relief
X. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.10/2016 OF 06.10.2016:
Loco pilot shall personally ensure that the coupling and hose pipe connections
between the engine and the train are properly connected up.

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Course Material for LP Refresher Course HQ Instructions

Y. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.12/2016 OF 26.10.2016:

Do not pack Q51.

Z. HQ INSTRUCTION NO.13/2016 OF 16.11.2016:

Earth return cables in three phase loco are connected from loco body to axle box
no.1,6,7,&12 and ALP shall check while TOC.
HQ INSTRUCTION NO.14/2016 OF 06.12.2016:
Under no circumstances loco shall be worked with HQOP in OFF other than
clearing section.
HQ INSTRUCTION NO.1/2017 OF 19.01.2017:
Procedure to reset ABB/SHNIDER make MCB.
1. For ABB make MCB, ensure screw below all the three phases is in vertical position
before resetting MCB.
2. For MG or Shnider make MCB, pull the handle of MCB downwards first towards off
side then pull the handle in upwards towards ON side.

HQ INSTRUCTION NO.2/2017 OF 25.01.2017:

While working with MU, keep MP on O before application of train brakes.

Action plan to reduce SPAD cases

1. ALPs should apply emergency brakes by opening RS valve quickly in case they find
lack of alertness of LP while approaching signals.
2. Proper rest should be taken before coming to duty. Avoid stress/strain bound activities
during the rest period.
3. Proper learning of road and signals in the section to be taken. Staff should demand for
booking on all directions so as to avoid lapse of LR in a particular direction.
4. ALPs should call out signals/caution boards loudly and LP should acknowledge the
5. Crew should be more cautious especially during the VEE hours.
6. Crew should follow JPO/SOB regarding usage of mobile phones.
7. Crew should avoid consumption of alcohol/drugs which are hazardous to health.
8. Running staff should scrupulously follow the SOBs/JPOs/Safety circulars/Caution
orders and seek help of LIs in understanding the contents.
9. Safety items of loco should be checked for proper fitment/working.
10. Running staff should be confident, but not over confident.
11. Never assume the signals, always ensure the signals.
12. Brake continuity, brake feel test and brake power test should be carried out by the crew
at the first opportunity.
13. Crew should not engage in arguments on board which leads to anxiety.
14. Crew should always ensure for proper authorities/documents related to train working.
15. Crew should not allow unauthorized persons to travel in the loco.
16. Crew should control the train well in advance while approaching the stop signals.

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