Agni and Paka

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“अंगति व्माप्नोति इति अग्न् “

Which is Spread in each and every cell of the


अग्नये व शयीये पऩत्िान्िगगि् कुपऩिाकुपऩि

ु ाशब ु ातन कयोति । (च.स.ू १२/११)

सभदोष सभाग्नश्च....॥ (स.ु सू.१५/४१)


Pachaka Pitta

Dehaagni Koshtagni

Agni- 13

Jatharagni- 1 Bhutagni- 5 Dhatwagni- 7

Bhaumya, Aapya, Rasa, Rakta,

Taijasa, Vayavya Mamsa, Medo,
and Asthi, Majja,
Akasheeya Agni Shukra Dhatwagni
अ्न्मधधष्ठानभन्नस्म ग्रहणाद्ग्ग्रहणी भिा।
नाबेरुऩमगह्मग्नफरे नोऩष्टब्धोऩफंहहिा ॥
Grahani, site of Agni, is so called because of its
power to restrain (Grahana) food. It is located
above the umbilical region (Nabhi), and is
supported and nourished by the strength of
षष्ठी पऩत्िधया नाभ मा करा ऩरयकीतिगिा ।
ऩक्वाभाशमभध्मस्था ग्रहणी सा प्रकीतिगिा ॥
(सु.उ. ४०/१६९)
The sixth membrane sustaining pitta and
situated between Pakvaashaya (intestines)
and Aamaashaya (stomach) is known as
Functions of Agni
आमव ु ण
ग ो फरं स्वास््मभुत्साहोऩचमौ प्रबा ।
ओजस्िेजोऽ्नम् प्राणास्चोक्िा दे हाग्नहे िक ु ा् ।।
शान्िोऽ्नौ म्रिमिे मक् ु िे धचयञ्जीवत्मनाभम् ।
योगी स्वाद्ग्पवकिह्म भर ू भग्नस्िस्भागन्नरुच्मिे ॥
(च.धच. १५/३,४)
• Aayu (life), Varna (colour), Bala (strength),
Swasthya (health), Utsaaha (enthusiasm),
Upachaya (growth and development), Prabha
(lustre), Ojas, Tejas (Agni) and Prana (vitae) of
the body depend upon Agni.
• Cessation of Agni and the disorders of Agni
causes death and diseases respectively. Thus
Agni is considered as the root cause of the
Functions Of Jatharagni

• ऩक्वाभाशमभध्मस्थं पऩत्िं चिुपवगधभन्नऩानं

ऩचति, पववेचमति च दोषयसभत्र ू ऩयु ीषाणण;
ित्रस्थभेव चात्भशक्त्मा शेषाणां पऩत्िस्थानानां
शयीयस्मचाग्नकभगणानुग्रहं कयोति, िगस्भन ्
पऩत्िे ऩाचकोऽग्नरयति संज्ञा;...
• Pitta situated between Pakvaashaya and
Aamaashaya by invisible mechanism, digests
four types of food and drinks (Ashitam
(Wholesome eatables), Peetam, Leedham –
Linctus; Khaditam- Masticable); separates
(Vivechana) Dosha, Rasa, Mutra and Pureesha;
and seated there itself supports, by its innate
power, remaining seats of Pitta and also body
with functions of Agni; the name “Pachakagni
(digestive fire)” is given to this.


(Aahaara Rasa)
Functions Of Bhutagni
बौभाप्मा्नेमवामव्मा् ऩञ्चोष्भाण् सनाबसा् ।
ऩञ्चाहाय गुणान्स्वान्स्वान्ऩाधथगवादीन्ऩचगन्ि ॥
(च.धच. १५/१३)
Five Agnis brings about the transformation of
five categories of food ingredients.
मथास्वं स्वं च ऩष्ु णगन्ि दे हे द्रव्मगुणा् ऩथक् ।
ऩाधथगवा् ऩाधथगवानेव शेषा् शेषांश्च कत्स्नश् ॥
The five Mahabhutas as well as their attributes
in the tissue elements in the body are
nourished by the five Mahabhutas and their
attributes in the food respectively.
Functions Of Dhatwagni
सप्िम्रबदे हधािायो धािवो द्ग्पवपवधं ऩुन् ।
मथा खभग्नम्रब् ऩाकं मागन्ि ककट्टप्रसादवि ् ॥
By virtue of their respective seven categories of
Agni, Dhatu undergo metabolic
transformation in two different ways, viz.
Kitta-Paaka and Prasaada-Paaka.
Process of Dhatwagni-Paaka
रसाद्रक्तं ततो मांसं मांसान्मेदः प्रजायते |
मेदसोऽस्थि ततो मज्जा मज्ञः शक्र ु ं तु जायते ||


Aharapaka (Process of digestion)
Description of Annavaha Srotas and
their Mula
• अन्नवहानां स्रोिसां आभाशमो भर ू ं वाभं च
ऩाश्वगभ ् । (च.पव.५/७)
Moola of Annavaha Srotas- Amashaya and
Vaama Parshwa (Left side of Abdomen).

• िमोभर
ूग भाभाशमोऽन्नवाहहन्मश्च धभन्म् ।
Aamaashaya and Annavaahini Dhamanees
Role of Grahani
अ्न्मधधष्ठानभन्नस्म ग्रहणाद्ग्ग्रहणी भिा।
नाबेरुऩमगह्मग्नफरे नोऩष्टब्धोऩफंहहिा ॥
अऩक्वं धायमत्मन्नं ऩक्वं सजति ऩाश्वगि् ।
Grahani, site of Agni, is so called because of its
power to restrain (Grahana) food. It is located
above the umbilical region (Nabhi), and is
supported and nourished by the strength of Agni.
Partially digested food is retained and fully
digested food is propelled ahead.
Role of Pittadhara Kala
• षष्टी पऩत्िधया नाभ, ऩक्वाभाशमभध्मस्था सा
ह्मन्िया्नेयधधष्ठानिमाऽऽभाशमात्ऩक्वाशमोन्भख ु भन्नं
फरेन पवधामग पऩत्ििेजसा शोषमन्िी ऩचति ऩक्वं च
पवभञ्ु चति । (अ.सं.शा.५/४०)
• Sixth Kalaa is named as Pittadhara Kalaa.
• Between Pakwaashaya and Aamaashaya.
• Site of Antaraagni.
• Food is propelled from Aamaashaya to Pakwaashaya.
• Because of Ushna Guna of Pitta, dries, digests and
absorbs the food.
Aahaara Pachana

• Prapaka/

• Nishtapaka
Prapaka/ Avasthapaka
• प्रऩाकि इति प्रथभऩाकि् ।
(च.चच.१५/९, चक्रपाणि)
Types of Avasthapaka

Madhura Katu
Avasthapaka Avasthapaka

Description of Madhura Avasthapaka/
• आदौ षड्रसभप्मन्नं भधयु ीबि
ू भीयमेि ् ।
(अ.हृ.सू. १/८, अरुणदत्ि)
• Even though food contains 6 Rasa, the first stage
is Madhurapaka

• अन्नस्म बुक्िभात्रस्म षड्रसस्म प्रऩाकि् |

भधयु ाद्ग्माि ् कपो बावाि ् पेनबूि उदीमगिे ||
Description of Amla Avasthapaka/
• ऩयं िु ऩच्मभानस्म पवद्धस्माम्रबावि् ।
आशमाच्च्मवभानस्म पऩत्िभच्छभुदीमगिे ॥
• Second Phase of Aahaara Pachana
• Vidagdha Aahaara is Produced as outcome of
this Phase not fit for Dhatwagni Paka
Description of Katu Avasthapaka/
• ऩक्वाशमं िु प्राप्िस्म शोष्मभाणस्म वगह्नना|
ऩरयपऩगडडिऩक्वस्म वामु् स्माि ् कटुबावि्||
Dried up by Agni Semisolidified Attaining
Katu Bhava (pungent nature) because of Vayu
Description of Nishthapaka (Vipaka)
• Vishesha Paaka

• जाठये णाग्नना मोगाद्ग्मदद

ु े ति यसान्ियभ|्
यसानां ऩरयणाभान्िे स पवऩाक इति स्भि्||
• Final Rasa produced by the Jatharagni on a
substance at the end of digestion.
Rasa & Types of Vipaka
Lavana Rasa •Madhura Vipaka
Amla Rasa •Amla Vipaka
Katu, Tikta,
Kashaya Rasa •Katu Vipaka

Prapaka- Stages of digestion of food with six Rasa

Vipaka- Specific to individual drugs and dietary articles
Genesis of Vata-Pitta-Kapha during
Aharapaka process
3 Dosha- 3 Avasthapaka
1. Madhura AvasthapakaDisintegration of
Pruthvi and Jala Amsha Madhura Rasa
Kapha Dosha Production
2. Amla Avasthapaka Disintegration of Teja and
Jala Amsha Amla Rasa Pitta Dosha
3. Katu Avasthapaka Disintegration of Akasha
and Vayu Amsha Katu Rasa Vata Dosha
• Definition of the term Koshta
• Classification of Koshta
• Characteristics of each type of Koshta
Definition of Koshta
• स्थानान्माभाग्नऩक्वानां भत्रू स्म रुधधयस्म च ||
हृदडु डुक् पुप्पुसश्च कोष्ठ इत्मम्रबधीमिे |
(स.ु धच.२/१२-१३)
• Koshta (Cavity) is the place where Amashaya,
Agni, Pakwashaya, Mutrashaya, Rakta,
Hrudaya, Unduka and Phuphhusa are located.
• Agni residing in Koshta is Koshtagni
Classification of Koshta
• कोष्ठ् क्रूयो भदभ
ु ध्
ग मो भध्म् स्मात्ित् सभतयपऩ|

Characteristics of each type of Koshta
• फहुपऩत्िो भद्ु कोष्ठो फहुश्रेष्भा च भध्मभ् ।
फहुवाि् क्रूयकोष्ठो दपु वगयेच्म् स क्मिे ॥
Dosha Predominance Koshta
More Pitta Mrudu Koshta
More Sleshma Madhyama Koshta
More Vata Krura Koshta

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