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FIELD STUDY 2 Course Description and Course Learning Outcomes: This course is a
continuation of Field Study 1 that adheres to the philosophy which will be formulated by the
students on the premise of participation and teaching assistantship. It is school based and allows
a pre-service student to observe demonstrated knowledge of learning environments that motivate
21st century learners to work productively, assume responsibility for their own learning,
participate, and assist in limited actual teaching learning activities that relate to learning
assessment, understanding the role of assessment data as feedback in teaching and learning
practices and programs, selection, development and use of a variety of teaching and learning
resources including ICT (4.5.1) in preparation of the bulletin boards and instructional materials.
Further, exhibits skill in planning classroom routines concerning learners’ safety and security
(2.1). in the classroom; A portfolio which will contain sample lesson of learning plans and
demonstration teaching of at least one subject content using differentiated teaching to suit the
learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences (3.1.1) will be required; an action
research shall be encouraged to start in this course to seek advice concerning strategies that
build relationship with parents/guardians and the wider community (6.2.1) which will be
concluded and critiqued during the internship.


EPISODE 3-Participating and assisting in limited actual teaching learning activities that
relate to learning assessment, understanding the role of assessment data as feedback in
teaching and learning practices and programs,

Educational Theory: Assessment refers to the measurement how effectively the students learned,
usually against stated learning outcomes (Reece and Walker 2003). In addition, DepEd Order
No. 55, series of 2016, defined assessment as the process of measuring learners’ progress in the
attainment of learning standardsand 21st century skills. The results of the various forms of
assessment shall be used to quantify judgments on the learner’s academic performance.

There are several purposes why teachers assess their student’s performance based on
Oxford Brookes University. It might be for motivating, creating learning opportunities ,
providing grades and feedback, or ensuring quality assurance. The assessment data will be
utilized to reach educational decisions.

Educational Testing Service (2003)noutlined three basic but essential questions in

developing and using assessment:

1. What am I trying to find out about my student’s learning?

2. What kind of evidence do I need to show that my students have achieved the goals that I am
trying to measure?
3. What kind of assessment will give me that evidence?

Furthermore, assessment according to Gutierrez (2007) is guided with six principles that
are worth considering:
1. Address learning targets or curriculum goals
2. Provide efficient feedback on instructions
3. Use a variety of assessment procedures
4. Ensure that assessment is valid, reliable and fair
5. Keep record of assessment
6. Interpret and communicate results of assessment meaningfully.
There are two basic approaches in interpreting assessment results, the norm and criterion
-referenced assessment.

The first approach is the norm-referenced assessment which measures the student’s
performance compared with the rest rest of the students who were given a specific task or test. It
gives the student’s relative status among other students. For example, Sean Xavier is the top 1 of
the class. This example shows Sean Xavier’s standing compared to other students in the class.

On the other hand, the second approach is the criterion -referenced assessment which
measures the student’s condition based on a certain criteria or related task. It depicts what a
student can and cannot do. For exmaple, Sean Xavier can perform the given task without
comparing his performance to the performance of other students.

Guided Practice:

A. Direction: Observe a class where your cooperating teacher is giving an assessment. Interview
your cooperating teacher about the purpose of assessment. List 5 purposes why he/she is
assessing his/her students.

Assessment Purpose 1: Understanding Student Progress:

Assessment Purpose 2: Assessing Learning Results

Assessment Purpose 3: Making Informed Decisions About Instruction

Assessment Purpose 4: Finding the Learning Gaps

Assessment Purpose 5: Assessing the Effectiveness of Teaching

Direction: Explain the importance of each assessment principle briefly.

1. Address learning targets or curriculum goals.

In order to ensure curriculum coherence, measure student progress, facilitate
individualized learning, enhance student engagement, enable constructive feedback, support
accountability and transparency, ensure learning targets and goals, prepare students for future
learning, and motivate learners by emphasizing the purpose and relevance of their educational
journey, it is imperative that educators address these important aspects of education.

2. Provide efficient feedback on instructions

In order to ensure clarity, encourage error correction, support continuous improvement,
align with objectives, increase engagement, prevent miscommunication, optimize time and
resource management, improve team collaboration, establish accountability, and improve
customer satisfaction, it is imperative that instructions receive effective feedback.

3. Use a variety of assessment procedures

The importance of using a variety of assessment procedures lies in obtaining a
comprehensive and unbiased understanding of individuals' abilities, accommodating diverse
learning styles, providing accurate measurements, offering comprehensive feedback, fostering
the development of critical thinking, and ensuring engagement and motivation, ultimately
contributing to continuous improvement in the assessment process.
4. Ensure that assessment is valid, reliable, and fair
Ensuring that assessments are valid, reliable, and fair is crucial because validity ensures
accurate measurement of what is intended, reliability guarantees consistent and stable results,
and fairness promotes equal opportunities, collectively contributing to informed decision-making
and ethical assessment practices.

5. Keep a record of assessment

Keeping documentation of evaluations is essential for monitoring advancements, offering
helpful criticism, formulating judgments, establishing objectives, and guaranteeing responsibility
in learning, commerce, and individual growth.

6. Interpret and communicate results of assessment meaningfully

Interpreting and communicating assessment results is essential for making well-informed
decisions, developing individualized learning or treatment plans, providing constructive
criticism, holding stakeholders accountable, evaluating performance, allocating resources
strategically, taking ethical and legal ramifications into account, and promoting a continuous
improvement culture.

B. Directions: Evaluate using the scale below if your cooperating teacher is practicing the
assessment principles. Check the appropriate column of your answer.

5- Always Observed 2- Rarely Observed

4-Often Observed 1- Never Observed
3- Sometimes Observed

Assessment Principles 5 4 3 2 1
1 Address learning targets or curriculum goals

2 Provide efficient feedback on instructions

3 Use a variety of assessment procedure

4 Ensure that assessment is valid, reliable, and fair

5 Keep a record of assessment

6 Interpret and communicate results of assessment


C. Directions: Compare norm-referenced assessment and criterion-referenced assessment. Write

your answer on the Venn diagram below

Norm -referenced
A norm-referenced
evaluation indicates
evaluation provides relative
absolute skill levels without
standing by comparing an
comparing to others by
individual's performance to
concentrating on particular
that of a norming group.
criteria or standards.
Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. Based on the five (5) purposes of assessing students given by your cooperating teacher,
which is the most important?
I think the most important is the Assessing the learning results because it gives students
insightful feedback, informs customized teaching strategies, measures the efficacy of education,
establishes clear learning goals, assures accountability, informs educational policies, recognizes
learning trends, promotes stakeholder communication, and increases student motivation.

2. Which among the six assessment principles is the most important for you? Explain your
For me, among the six assessment principles, the most important is to ensure that
assessment is valid, reliable, and fair because it ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the
evaluation process, to enable meaningful and reliable interpretations of student performance, and
to provide equal opportunities for all individuals experiencing assessment.

3. Which approach is more applicable in a 21 st century classroom, norm-referenced assessment

or criterion -referenced assessment? Why?
Because of its emphasis on individualized learning objectives, mastery-focused
evaluation, curriculum alignment, and the provision of feedback for improvement, the criterion-
referenced assessment approach is considered more appropriate in a 21st-century classroom. This
is because it aligns with the current educational focus on personalized learning and skill


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

1. I realized that:
I realized that well-executed assessment in education fulfills a number of crucial
functions, such as guiding curriculum creation, guaranteeing accountability, assessing learning
outcomes, providing feedback to students, inspiring learning, and informing instruction. To
properly achieve these goals, assessments must be fair, valid, and dependable. Criterion-
referenced exams are becoming more and more important in 21st-century classrooms because
they support mastery-focused evaluation, individualized learning, and the growth of student
skills and competencies. This method better meets the varied demands of pupils in a fast-
changing educational environment.

2. I believe it is essential to:

Prioritizing valid, dependable, and fair assessments is crucial for guaranteeing accurate
assessments, insightful performance interpretations, and fair opportunities for all those
experiencing review. Furthermore, it is imperative in the educational setting of the twenty-first
century to prioritize criterion-referenced assessments that are in line with customized learning
objectives, mastery-focused, and offer helpful feedback to facilitate personal development and
skill enhancement.
3. From now on, I am determined to:
I'm resolved to give tailored learning, competency-based education, and personalized
assessment approaches top priority in a 21st-century educational setting as I immerse myself in
the teaching profession in the near future. This could entail adopting educational practices that
are in line with the changing needs of students in a world that is changing quickly, encouraging a
growth attitude, and emphasizing criterion-referenced evaluations.

Preparing for an Assessment

Educational Theory

Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Preparation is a vital element for any success. Nowadays, many people become successful with
whatever endeavor they are in because they are prepared.

Assessment is not just simply judging, grading, and reporting of student performance.
Assessing student learning and achievement is more than that. To make every assessment a huge
success, there are several preparations that should be done ahead of time.

Before the teacher writes the test items, he/she should anticipate the number of test items
that will be included to measure and evaluate student performance. In doing this, a table of
specifications must be prepared.

A table of specifications, sometimes called test blueprint, is a table or chart that helps the
teachers align objectives, instruction, and assessment (Notar et al., 2004). This tool is commonly
used in constructing summative tests. This can also be done in one-way or two-way depending
on the purpose. It includes the learning outcomes to be tested, number of recitation days, number
of items for each learning outcome to be tested, percentage of items and item placement.

Below is an example of a one-way table of specifications.

Objective Number of Number of Percentage Item

Recitation Items of Items Placement
1. Define noun 2 3 6% 1-3
2. Differentiate proper and 3 5 10% 4-8
common nouns
3. Write sentences using proper 4 7 14% 9-15
and common nouns
4. Determine collective nouns 3 5 10% 16-20
5. Compare abstract for concrete 4 7 14% 21-27
6. Define pronouns 2 3 6% 28-30
7. Enumerate the different kinds 7 12 24% 31-42
of pronouns
8. Use the different kinds of 5 8 16% 43-50
pronouns in a sentence
TOTAL 30 50 100%
Guided Practice
A. Directions: Ask for a copy of a sample table of specifications from your cooperating teacher.
Paste it below

First Quarter –English 2

TOPIC Learnin Code No ntage No Reme Unders App Anal Evalu Cre To Place
g . . mberin tanding lyin yzing ating atin tal ment
Compet of of g g g Ite
encies Da Ite
ys ms
.Classify 1.Classi EN2P 3 7% 2 2 2 1- 2
ing/ fy/ A-Ia-
Categor Categor c-1.1
izing ize
sounds sounds
heard heard
Recogni 2.Recog EN2B 3 7% 2 2 2 3- 4
zing the nize the PK-
commo commo Ib-C-
n terms n terms 4
in in
English English
relating relating
to parts to parts
of a of a
book book
Recogni 3.Recog EN2G 3 7% 2 2 2 5- 6
zing nize -Ib-c-
sentenc sentenc 1.4
es and es and
non non
sentenc sentenc
es es
Talking 4.Talk EN2 6 13% 4 1 2 1 4 7- 10
about about OL_I
one’s one’s h-j-
environ environ 1.3.2
ment ment
(e.g. (e.g.
persons persons
, ,
animals animals
, , places,
places, things,
things, events)
5. EN2P 3 7% 2 1 1 2 11-
Discrimi Discrimi A-id- 12
nating nate e-1.2
sounds sounds
from a from a
backgro backgro
und of und of
other other
sounds sounds

Recogni 6. EN2G 3 7% 2 2 2 13-

Recogni -Id-e- 14
ze 1.3
t kinds
t kinds
7. EN2P 3 7% 2 2 2 15-
Recogni A-Ig- 16
ze 2.3
Supplyi 8. EN2P 3 7% 2 2 2 17-
ng Supply A- Ih- 18
words words 2.4
that that
rhyme rhyme
with with
given given
words word
Identify 9. EN2A 3 7% 2 2 2 19-
ing Identify K-Ih- 20
letters letters j-2
in in
English English
that are that are
not not
present present
in in
Mother Mother
Tongue Tongue
, ,
Filipino Filipino
and and
. 10. EN2G 1 2% 1 1 1 21
Recogni Recogni -Ih-
zing ze 2.4
nouns nouns
in in
simple simple
English English
sentenc sentenc
es es

11. EN2G 3 6% 2 2 2 22-

Recog -Ii- 23
nize 9.2
ze the
use of the
a/ an + use of
noun a/ an +

Predicti 12. EN2L 3 6% 2 2 2 24-

ng Predict C-Ia- 25
possibl possibl J-1.1
e e
ending ending
of a of a
story story
read. read.
Identify 13.Iden EN2L 5 11% 3 3 3 26-
ing tify C-Ia- 28
cause cause J-1.1
and/ or and/ or
effect effect
of of
events events

a .Notin 14. EN2L 3 6% 2 2 2 29-

g a .Note C-Ia- 30
importa importa J-1.1
nt nt
details details
pertaini pertaini
ng to ng to
charact charact
er, er,
settings settings
, events , events
b. the
Identify proble
ing the m and
proble solutio
m and n

45 100% 30 10 9 4 2 3 2 30 1- 30

B. Direction: Create a one-way table of specifications for a quarterly examination

Objective Number of Number of Percentage Item
Recitation Items of Items Placement
1. Compare and contrast the
characteristics of different 4 5 10% 1-5
types of soil.
2. Explain the use of water
from different sources in
5 6 12.5% 6-11
the context of daily
3. Infer the importance of the water
3 4 7.5% 12-15
4. Describe the importance of the water
2 3 5% 16-18
5. Use weather instruments to measure
5 6 12.5% 19-24
the different weather components
6. Record in a chart the weather
3 4 7.5% 25-28
7. Make simple interpretations about the
2 3 5% 29-31
weather as recorded in the weather chart
8. Identify safety precautions during
5 6 12.5% 32-37
different weather conditions
9. Describe the changes in the position
and length of shadows in the
4 5 10% 38-42
surroundings as the position of the sun
10. Describes the role of the sun in the
3 3 7.5% 43-45
water cycle
11. Describe the effects of the sun 4 5 10% 46-50
TOTAL 40 50 100%

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. Why is it important to prepare the plan before you assess?
In order to ensure that assessments are in line with learning objectives, promote fairness
and consistency, increase validity and reliability, enable efficient assessment, provide
meaningful feedback, allow for the use of a variety of assessment methods, reduce bias, and
encourage reflective practice improvement, it is imperative that plans be prepared prior to

2. What are the different features of the table of specifications of your cooperating teacher? State
each feature.

3. What is the most difficult part in creating a table of specifications? Why?

The most difficult part of creating a Table of Specifications is striking the delicate
balance between assessment and learning objectives. This balance involves taking into account a
number of factors, including item difficulty, cognitive levels, resource constraints, objective
hierarchy, and fairness. All of these considerations call for a sophisticated understanding of both
the content and assessment principles.

4. What will happen to the test if the teacher does not prepare a table of specifications?
Lack of alignment with learning objectives, uneven content coverage, uneven difficulty
levels, restricted variety in question types, difficulties providing constructive feedback,
compromised test reliability and validity, possible student perceptions of unfairness, and
challenges in future assessment analysis and improvement could result from not having a Table
of Specifications when preparing for an exam.

Source, Greg Tabios Pawilen, (2019). Rex Printing Company, Inc.Quezon City.
Signature of the FS Student: _________________________________

Date Accomplished: ________________________________________

Name and signature of the Resource Teacher: _____________________________________

Date signed: ____________________________

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