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12 CAPS THE CHEAT SHEET THE CHEAT SHEET: GR. 12 LIFE SCIENCES TST EDITION PUBLISHED 2022 WRITTEN AND COMPOSED BY MISS ANGLER (©) COPYRIGHT RESERVED. PLEASE NOTE: YOUR PURCHASE ENTITLES YOU TO ONE COPY OF THIS STUDY GUIDE. Each study guide has an invisible tracking number that, if found to be shared, will result in the original person who purchased the guide facing legal action. DISCLAIMER: AIL rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any Information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SERVIER MEDICAL ART(Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License (,14,16-20,23-24,26,35,37-40,45-49,50-52,55-63,73 and 77. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS ART (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unporter License): pg: 22,27,31,69-70,77,78-79,80-81 and 84 South African Education Department: pa.67. Scanned with CamScanner TOPIC reproduction in vertebrates human reproduction sex-linked disorders a) a & SI endocrine glands [rennin fe aE ot 70 geotropism ee PSS ape and human skeletal anatomy 79 fossil evidence for human evolution hominid evolution oe | @ PLEASE REMEMBER: This study guide does not replace your textbook or the instruction of your teacher. Its purpose is to make learning and revision EASY! * Ho ANY head 1. The headings are hyperlinks ieee arin Ss “ 4 click it. This will take you to one of my YouTube videos that match what you are learning OR Exam questions to practice. * Use these pro-tips for exam success! * These tips are often the reason why my students get 80%+ in their ‘exams and finals. * They also point out common mistakes you should be careful of when answering questions. Click any of the SHORT,LONG or TRICKY questions sub-headings and be taken to an EXAM PRACTICE These pages are dedicated to answering QUESTION video on my questions correctly. YouTube. Insight into how to get FULL MARKS every time. Points out what you should expect to see asa © REMEMBER: ALWAYS USE question in a test or exam. YOUR EXAM GUIDLINE WHEN BONUS: | have also included the trickiest PREPARING FOR AN EXAM questions you may come across. OR TEST! QUESTION WORDS IN LIFE SCIENCE oC ten you wi redto | fatal ip pina ly watcha yr ETE) tac ste pore) smderean intrest vd vet by mong ‘he owh he nage, You ere oun gona toa po P . smoovie INL yetageneal enter ce La needed. of measurement In your ] (tn wwe ako aa | bia Aan ‘based on a diagram, 10 ae sakwamccnle Gvpthngrbued |, wiutvoreen ee op hing ba me ai et tig Serwtinenyoratoat | How dowe day sncommon Seenbeodeloiees |) pant | 7 ttocrev you ed ter nee Seat cs anceen (oni 6 tycue enon rans [ eruion wou 10 sue [ cunnco ‘Often this wil bea table answer but when writing the Show ether smtarties or Compare animal cells with cOnPARE. Thelen Verge ‘comparton your answers ares Describe the function of oestrogen inthe uterine cycle, wen: during day to M4 peak owen “where: made bythe Graaf foicte ‘more “why prepares endometom for pregnancy “how: Gaahanflicle secretes cntrogen, at FSH decreaed dve to the Increased oestrogen levels Explain the negative feedback that occurs during the menstrual cycle. here you wil need o mention the rlationsip between FSH and LH which Gesrogen and progesterone, how they hibit each ether when to high, cause the apposite pai to merease we the other par of hormones decrest, Based off the evidence In the graph/dlagram, has pregnancy occurred? = bated ofthe graph or agram you wil need to Look for ether the hormone progesterone saying contant ‘ter ovation stead of decreating, o,f a agra, look fr the corp tem not degenerating and miss ANGLER “avi the sme ane er omsation, fora) tro Scanned with CamScanner “uw TEST CROSS Pk BLACK FUR x WHITEFUR 8B bb J MEIOSIS GAMETES B Bo b bv FERTILISATION A: Note: ‘mark for Pl and F1 1 mark for melons and fertisation COMPLETE DOMINANCE Rough x Smooth RR x rr Rr = Rough PHENOTYPE: 100 % BLACK GENOTYPE: 100% Bb CO- DOMINANCE Gem eX" . SB enarae INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE c®c¥/Black with White or Black-White RR x WW Red x White RW = Pink Scanned with CamScanner trait. = this can be done by looking at the frequency of the trait occurring: - more frequent = dominant - less frequent = recessive TRICKY QUESTIONS « Using a genetic cross, show the type of dominance (this genetic cross is an ‘example of an unseen question where you are unfamiliar with the organism and ts traits, however, It uses the same principles of an example you have done before). = EG: blood groups are co-dominant and complete dominance (A, B, AB and ©). = now apply this with another trait like colour of snail shells (black, white, black-white and yellow. = the principle of inheritance is the same as blood groups. All that has changed Is the \ phenotype. \ re know enough about blood groups you would be able *~ the question with se. <—3E | } \ A, y \ MISS ANLGER (PTY) LTD Scanned with CamScanner SEX LINKED DISORDERS WHEN: Working with disorders found on the X chromosome. WHY: We use these crosses to show us the inheritance of sex-linked disorders as well as showing how common they are in each sex. WHAT: The genotype of females XX allows them to carry the disorder but feel no symptoms. Males XY only have one X so if its affected they will experience symptoms. How: Haemophilia EG: an unaffected man has a child with a woman that Is a carrier for Haemophilia. Show all the possible offspring in a genetic cross. Recessive and sex- linked Pl: unaffected male x unaffected female (carrier) Key: 4 XH. dominant, not xty x pax haemophiliac xX". recessive, meiosis haemophiliac gametes en, Xaexe fertilisation Fl: + a CARRIER is not a phenotype so DO NOT Include tin the phenotype ofthe female, keep Itin brackets so you don' forget. + group ALL the normal and carrier females = together when wating your Fl phenotype as Phenotype: 50% unaffected female Teafias Coe lctaoer Tefen acon tice 25% unaffected male genotypes are different. 25% haemophiliac male + ALWAYS waite that its a male or female in all your answers and in crosses. GENE BLOOD TYPE COMBINATION REASON (Genotype) _| (Phenotype) rer AB Pand Mare co- iH dominant Ary A TF is dominant overt FD 38 Tis dominant over i) 0 Two recessive alleles It present Scanned with CamScanner 32 HOW WILL THEY ASK THIS? Pedigree Ae X-linked recessive Inheritance unatected corer ‘other moter xY xXx xxi § f y « ‘The mort common way to aik a sexclinked disorder Ty question is to use a pedigree diagram. Ti | = Always remember to give everyone an X or Y. wotecied wateciedcorl\. aca __-® Remember that the word "carrier" is not accepted as a fon daughter dougie aon phenotype, those females are still called "unaffected females". srotected ae ‘Mected + If you want to use the word "carrier" so you remember they are heterozygous, then write it in brackets. e LONG QUESTIONS + Explain why males are more susceptible (more common) to sex-linked disorders. + here you will need to mention that males are XY and females are XX. = because the X chromosome cartes the recessive disorder. = males only need ONE recessive allele to have the disorder. = they don't have another X chromosome to MASK it, + State the percentage of the MALES vs how many of the OFFSPRING have the disorder. = this is a VERY TRICKY QUESTIONIIIIL = the frst question wants to know the percentage of just the MALES, so If there are 4 males in a family and 2 have the disorder then 50% have the disorder - HOWEVER, if they ask the percent must include girls too. ~s0 if the family has 8 children, 4 boys and 4 girls, with 2 of the males having the disorder, then only 25% have the disorder ¢ of the OFFSPRING, they are talking about ALL the children and therefore you Wis images a work fhe National tits of Heath, pt of tha Usted States Depart f Hath and Human Services, taken or made as part of an — MISS ANLGER Mala sseamurar aes ras et (PTY) LTD Scanned with CamScanner 33 na DIHYBRID CROSS TEST CROSS Seed colour : Green (G) Yellow (9) Seed texture: Rough (R) Smooth (°) Ph Green rough se x Yellow smooth seed 7 GGRR gor 7 MEIOSIS GAMETES, GR GR GR GR or gr gr or FERTILISATION Fi: GENOTYPE: 100% Gghr 7 PHENOTYPE: Note: v 100 % Green and rough seeds mark for Pl and FL imams, |__| com | com | com | com | fertilisation MISS ANLGER (PTY) LTD a Scanned with CamScanner 34 ‘CROSSING TWO OFFSPRING FROM THE Fl GENERATION i: Green rough seed Green rough seed GgRr x GgRr MEIOSIS GAMETES GR Gr gR gr GR Gr gR gr FERTILISATION F2: ie 9 green and rough seeds 3 green and smooth seeds 3 yellow and rough seeds lyetlow and smooth seed Ratio - 9:3:3:1 MISS ANLGER Scanned with CamScanner HOW WILL THEY ASK = THIS? @) @) Drv) SHORT QUESTIONS a | Hea. 1.State why the above example represents a dihybrid. = It contains 4 alleles with 2 genes (height and OOOO? colour). 2.Write down the phenotype/genotype. - simply provide the missing info from the punnett square. 3.Give the gametes produced by parent A. - here you show all the possible gamete formations * Aman and a woman can only produce a certain type of offspring, State thelr only possible genotypes. ~ In this question they will provide you with one parent's genotype and the offspring’s and you will have to work backwards to calculate the missing parent. - to do this you will remove one allele set from the parent provided and the remaining alleles will be the missing parent. © © (ss) () \ LONG QUESTIONS + Identify the dominant trait for each of the two genes pictured above. = looking at the cat dihybrid cross above we see two traits: fur colour and tail length. = the first cross shows us that brown and short tail length Is dominant as this is the only visible trait In the phenotype when crossing two pure-bred parents. Scanned with CamScanner GENETIC MODIEICATION) MOLECULAR CLONING Bacterial cell contains plasmid Restriction enzyme removes section of DNA Plasmid is removed a Recombinant plasmid placed Homan insulin gene back into bacteria. es \ cut out of DNA It res insulin a \ Enzymes attached insulin gene into plasmid REPRODUCTIVE CLONING Egg cell Somatic cell 99, Siwee'd. Sheep B Nucleus removed, Nucleus removed nes ened ak Y Nucleus inserted into Sheep B \ gutted cell and © —. Mitosis begins } y Scanned with CamScanner 37 HOW WILL THEY ASK THIS? LONG QUESTIONS \ Describe the process of reproductive cloning. = REMEMBER to use the basics of describing: how, when, why and where + you can use the template answer as seen above BUT always make sure to use the animal they have provided in your answer. 2. Explain which organism will be cloned: the nuclear (somatic) donor or the egg donor. = REMEMBER to make a statement then give a reason. = STATEMENT: the nuclear donor will be the clone. = REASON: the somatic cells contain the full genetic code/all the chromosomes needed. 3, Name TWO benefits of cloning/GMOs. lgeeaas aeaeeme coer bk INVESTIGATION QUESTIONS long term) and lower use of pesticides. Scanned with CamScanner NERVOUS SYSTEM STRUCTURES - ncio¥ SraveTURE oncrioy + Plamater.oster ntuisces * Aeschncld- mide + protection + Duramater outer + Compu elton eee + comection between hempheres ee «filed with cerebral pina Md “+ lncreats sulace ares white mater 2egrey mater tober: ieee memory intligence ks skin semtatior, temperate, ae hearing taste, sme = sight co-ordinate voluntary movement rmucte tone + posture and balance ISS ANGLER COPS SEL 7 39 Atco staverun uwcrion + pathway to and kom bain + media oblangets e amen magnum) |) 7 brevbhing, hentbeat (ower section betore exiting the foramen mageim) [> Tene raters Ute sneezing o coughing + Splat card ‘+ NOTE: the white and grey matter swap locations ‘when compared othe cerebrum/cerebelam ‘pathway for impulses «+ Intergrative reflexes + primitive rallenes Iss ANGLER Cowyyuro Scanned with CamScanner HOW WILL THEY ASK "i THIS? LONG QUESTIONS || Youmay ao be expected to mention te spect races ofthe spa ord | sen bis arse se ma alloca a» de or ett). $e branch —rmontic no SHORT QUESTIONS | ; miss anten Cory) uTD PATHWAY OF REFLEX “ 1 stimulus ~> 2 sensory neuron ~> 3 dorsal root -> 4. grey matter ~> 5 interneuron ~> 6 ventral root ~> 7 motor neuron ~> 8 effector Scanned with CamScanner ‘Where: nen athe the pie moves rong treet rotor eon daly acto ‘You may aso be expected ta meston the specte suc of tes Nervous system ‘cova i we ot mar seston aw defor deta). 2. Kuplay/desrbe the response undertaken by the eye when & Central nervous Peripheral nervous ditercnmecnntrin ” seen aan. “ent ort ocr, MOWEWER yc sole ooo a Brain ‘7st ocr shontnting bene veting ee row yo Spina nerves Tn you wl sae to erpton he noma ster prey you wal be Sera cora, Contacting the maces oe tad tpl ey Kono: agus ‘Somatic nervous Autonomic nervous . system system pein cima Mailing homecstats | Skeletal muscles Involuntary movement Parasympathetic nervous Sympathetic nervous system system Rest and digest Fight and fight miss austen (ery) ure CTs P POE 9 ati 14 CYE Sclera protects ~ clear membrane + maintains shape of eye Ciliary body ~ contains ellary muscle? Retina responsible for changing + contains rods and cone shape of lens = converts ight Int Impulse Suspensory ligaments ‘ovea (yellow spot) + highest point of visual acuity “attached to lens = controls thickness of Pupit = hole that allows Ught to ‘Blind spot enter eve 90 rods or cone prea ten where optic nerve leaves Cornea — + transparent ‘Optic Nerve caves converging of rel = transfers impulse to {ight bending) cerebrum = contin pin receptors Choroid ets flexible structure filled with blood vessels = contract and relaxes to form pup transparent “provides nutrient to eye rissagceen “sorte for how much ight enters eye crac (bends) ight “absorbs excessive ight (oryyure -i 45 t 7 AON ASTIGMATISM SHORT QUESTIONS Causes: hereditary but can be caused by injury {identity part 00. Irregularly shapes lens or cornea = simply provide the name ofthe structure. Treatment: corrective lenses = you may also need to follow up withthe correct function. CATARACTS 2, Name the visual defect observable In the diagram. = you need to look forthe POINT of FOCUS in the diagram this wuse: old age where proteins in the eye clump together the lve to identify the correct visual detect. (see above diagrams) results in clouding of the eye where Less light enters the eye “reatment: surgery to remove hardened cloudy layer above lens / 3: Where Is tight stimulus converted to an Impulse? = here you will need to know the functions ofthe varous stucturet Inthe eye, =the retin isthe site of conversion. / al LONG QUESTIONS { ‘Describe the consequence of he Vital defect observed inthe dlagram) here open you MUST inow what von deecs ook Ike cro econ, DESCRIBE esos eeteyouto prone many deta ke what flac th detect on ther on + how one aspect of the defect influences the next EG. - how myopia doet net allow you to see far away images therefore the the image i bleed. 2. Explain the consequences If light rays landed on the blind spot. “REMEMBER thi is a statement and then a reaton (sometimes more than one) miss aucun, ~ there are RECEPTORS ln the blind spot Scanned with CamScanner 46 PUPILLARY MECHANISM Radial muscles Circular muscles DIM LIGHT @RIGHT LIGHT * Radial muscles contract * Radial muscles relax * Circular muscles relax * Circular muscles contract * Pupils dilate * Pupils reduces * More light Let into the eye * Less light let into the eye (15S ANGLER (ory) 1, ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYE Near vision <ém + eltary muscle contracts Sespensory Ly + suspensory ligaments slacken ligament + tens becomes more convex (bulges) + ‘election nereases + clear image formed on retina Lens, Distance vision >+6m + ciliary muscle relaxes + suspensory ligaments pull taught * Lens becomes flatter + refraction decreases + clear image formed on retina (Cross section of eye (ble to see the muscles and ligaments that control the lens shape) Scanned with CamScanner LONG QUESTIONS Describe the pathway taken by light when forming an image on the retina, ~ REMEMBER this answer requires detail so you will need to mention: How- speak about light moving through all the structures the light passes through. When- view an object in ight. Where- image forms on the retina and an electrical Impulse fs created and sent via the optic. ‘nerve to the occipital Lobe in the cerebrum. 2. Explain/describe the response undertaken by the eye when a bright object Is thrown at your face. = NOTE: this is referencing the pupillary mechanism so you will need your eye content for this answer, HOWEVER they can also include the reflex from the eye from blinking when something, 's suddenly thrown at you. here you will need to explain the normal reflex pathway as you will be contracting the muscles of the body to pull away from the dangerous stimulus. 3, Describe the changes that occur In the eye when looking at the board In class and then looking back down at your school book. = here you will need to describe accommodation of the eye looking close-up or Less than 6m away. = mention ALL the points above regarding changes to the structures and the final product. pina traps sound waves into the ear canal this causes the tympanic membrane (A) to vibrate vibration is transmitted to the ossicles (B) ‘+ the ossicles amplify the vibration ‘+ and transmit it to the oval window (C) + the oval window vibrates, creating waves + in the endotymph/fluid of the cochtea (0) ‘+ which stimulates the organ of Corti (E) + to-convert the wave into an impulse ‘+ the impulse travels along the auditory nerve (F) + tothe cerebrum, where i is interpreted as sound Scanned with CamScanner HOW TO EXPLAIN AMPLIFICATION * the sound vibrations are transmitted from Cc the large tympanic membrane (A) + tothe smaller oval window (8) * through the ossicles (C) + which are arranged from largest to al smallest —_—_— * this concentrates the vibrations, amplifying them Surface area moving from a LARGE surface area to a SMALL surface area, THEREFORE amplifying the sound HOW TO EXPLAIN POSTURE a change in the position of the head in space stimulates the maculae (A) in the utriculus (Bl) and sacculus (82) the stimulus Is converted into an impulse the impulse is transmitted to the cerebrum Via the auditory nerve the cerebellum sends impulse to the muscles to restore balance Scanned with CamScanner 52 - HOW TO EXPLAIN BALANCE * achange in speed/direction of movement + stimulates the cristae (A) * in the semi-circular canals (B) * the stimulus is converted to an impulse * the impulse is transmitted to the cerebellum * via the auditory canal | * the cerebellum sends an impulse to the muscles to restore balance 53 LONG QUESTIONS ae |.Explain/deseribe how the ear maintains balance. ~ olten these questions require application as they buld a story round i - for example, you are playing a game of soccer, describe how the ear maintains your balance, bees arti Tecrone ven coon poe o1 8906 lan Yl ons Rat kc at apt th ot det [BEFORE you can say what woud happen ft doesnt work. 3. Explain how the ear: Pressure, = this Is a. common question they like to ask, where you need to have knowledge about the Eustachian tube and how It ‘maintains presiure by equalising it on the middle ear to that ‘of the external environments. Scanned with CamScanner ENDOCRINE SYSTEM STRUCTURES + Osmoraceptors detect Low water levels ‘+ Responds and releares ADH ‘TSH-—> thyroid gland —> thyroxin FSH—> ovary —> own Testes—> sperm UM —> ovary —> ovation + Prolactin —> mammary land—> breast milk ‘+ ACTH —> adrenal gland —> cortisone & aldosterone ICSH-> testes —> testosterone GH —> skeleton & muscles —> growth Hyper secretions * In cldren = overdevelopment ‘of skeleton (glantism) Inadults« acromegaly Hypo-ecretlon underdevelopment of skeleton * pituitary dwarfism Secretes thyroxin Hypothyroidism Inerentesbatl metabotc rate ‘Adults « myxedema + Normal lnetioning of heat ‘Charen = eretinam *+ Normal functioning ef neuron, Increases Hyperthyroidism nwareness High metabolic rate or ath endocrve and exoctine gland + Instn dependent ndocrine = sets f Langerhans ‘autoimmune dense noctine = pancreatic dct + oeent make enough tun ‘nets of Langerhans Diabetes 2. + beta cell nun glucose decrease) * starts chtchood + negative feedback affect on each other + noninsn dependent * produces less/ret abe to vse les (n0 response to hormone) *+ Causes reabsorption of sodium lons + Vital for osmoregulation + Cott nereases boys' resistance to stress, Algo anthinflammatory ‘Adrenaline. Fight or fight + Prepares body to deal with emergency Scanned with CamScanner REGION STRUCTURE FUNCTION oo Lower abdomen Attached touterut . estes + Rapid physical growth + Secondary sex characterises NA + Maturation of reproductive organs + Sox dive miss ance (Pry) ero TEMPLATE ANSWER FOR ALL) ~* ENDOCRINE/HOMEOSTASIS PROCESSES Result Stimulus | ———> Receptor \ Return to Control norm centre N Response Effectors Corrective Vy to stimulus measure russ ancten, Scanned with CamScanner SHORT QUESTIONS “LONG QUESTIONS the negative feedback mechanism associated with, ‘glucose after eating a meal (this question coutd also be about other egalive feedback Loops like FSH and oestrogen, ADH, aldosterone and thyroxin). “REMEMBER ths answer equres deta s0 you wl need to mention: Hows ui the template answer provided below and subsite nthe relevant hormones, stretures and electors. 2Explain how the hormone °X" affects the *Y* systemysubstance ate. here you wil need knowledge ofthe elects hormones have on vais body systers IMPORTANT: Ths question een overlaps withthe nervous system! You need to show how the two systems werk together, INVESTIGATION QUESTIONS 1. Identity the independent and dependent variable. take this rom the aim of the experiment which lk presenti the Introduction paragraph they give you. = normally I starts with to determin” oto lnvestigate’. 2. Explain why you used so many participants. = Increase reliability (other ways to increase reliability are: repeat, calculate an average and randomise sample) 3. Describe the effect of the hormone. ‘Again you will provide: WHERE the hormene Is made. WHAT the effect of that gland/musele/organ on the body is. WHEN this hormone is used. WHY we need this hormone. TRICKY QUESTION! COlten they wil ask WHAT would happen If you lnereased or decreased the hormone. You need to know its functions, but also the diesels associated witht =f you have too latte or too much, They can alto ask WHY you did something during the experiment. This s a hard one to ‘answer because you will need to know enough about the gland and it function to know, for EXAMPLE, what alfect the thyroid gland would have on the body fit were removed, 9 Geplan how the bran coorinstes movement whi the pancres regulates sige duing exercise. Scanned with CamScanner 59 PRO-TIPS More blood + ALWAYS weton ereeper Isdverted Receptors in finde welt yo ewe to subcutaneous the sin + Yeumon SHOW be comcton ; to less sweating, ares . Shunt vessels Stil sent to relax hypothalamus ~~ Limits blood flow Dermat tosutace | Rosas Circular muscles contact sniss ancien (eryyero 60 PRO-TIPS tes bod + ALWAYS meton reer Shenedto Receptors in site eo yor ee 4 subcutaneous layer the skin Shunt vessels contract Stimulvs sent to hypothalamus More blood flow Dermat tosurace | arterioles {Circular muscles relax miss ancuen (ery) Scanned with CamScanner (nISs ANGLER (oryyarD set | sei Pituttary distal and r ’ 4 i esc at SN | ; vine Secrotes less ADH iss anoten Coryur Scanned with CamScanner miss anctee (pry) aro ISS ANGLER. (eryyur Scanned with CamScanner ISS ANGLER (ery) ero ISS ANGLER (eryyerD Scanned with CamScanner 61 PRO-TIPS 1+ MOTE wen Pyro tea hah THlevets rece Tevlre ‘heya ays ANTAGONISTIC 1+ REHEWEER the utc he ‘ceptor ad ceten T ‘tenor chled be pod RESULT (SS ANGLER (ery) i10 (SS ANGLER, femur Scanned with CamScanner Auxins cause cell elongation ‘« Auxins are light sensitive On the dark side cells and move away from the light elongate + They collect on the dark + On the light side cells remain side of the stem small (short) Causes the stem to bend towards the light MISS ANLGER (PTY) LTD Scanned with CamScanner GEOTROPISM + When describing geotropism, ALWAYS speak about what's happening to the cells with auxin and without. + REMEMBER auxins have different effects in shoots and roots, * If you cut the tip off of a root or shoot, it will REMOVE the auxins and no more bending towards the light or gravity will occur. Shoots are negatively geotropic and grow away from gravity Roots are positively geotropic and grow towards gravity. Auxins in roots are attracted to gravity Auxins in roots INHIBIT cell elongation ans enue therefore the cells DO NOT elongate ‘on the underside of the root. MISS ANLGER (pty) LTD 4 HOW WILL THEY ASK THIS? Petri dish ‘Seedlings Fiter paper with 40 mm x 10 mm grid Beaker ‘Auxin solution ut tip | : Group ¢ yedlings that have had thelr shoot tip removed. This topping It from bending towards the light as you have removed the auxins. This set up often tests for PHOTOTROPISM. MISS ANLGER (pty) LTD Scanned with CamScanner ‘CAUSES OF EVOLUTION AND EVIDENCE” OTHER MECHANISMS | 1.Gene flow. EVIDENCE - migration/ washed onto an island - physical b: preventing gene flow oo {from one population to the next ee a ee ye intermediate fossils re = 2 Modification with descent FS reece Laser CarPC = start with same structure, modify A. Genetic drift ‘ee - random changes in frequency of gene > EvOLuTI Beles set environment. population 3, Blogeography_ a = distribution = results of natural disaster eas + occurs in small populations Rca. sources OF VARIATION ~ common ancestors CON. VS DIS. Within game species In particular all have DNA/RNA omsay sete oo habitat more sequences shared, more ‘+ range of phenotypes * different allele cea MEIOSIS CHANCE FERTILISATION MUTATIONS |) 1Lefoxting over MiSs ANGLER —2.random arrangement CHANCE MATING | (eryyuro B DARWIN VS LAMARCK NATURAL SELECTION | INHERITANCE OF acquineD cHaRACTERISTICS | Gradual changes Rapid changes Common ancestors ‘Organism chootesto.change itsell Natural selection to select favourable trait How does It occur? How does it occur? |1.Use and disuse principle 1. Mote offspring than needed are | Sevtereeetsnaet pee 5 produced ~aetvely responds and adopts, {more vie/dive wil ebance/ shrink strate 2. lnhertance of acquired characteristics 2. Natural variation in population = Phenotypie changes ‘sequired by parents and passed onto offspring . 3. Change In environment leads to selection ‘of favourable characteristic. “4, Must be inhertable trait Scanned with CamScanner HOW WILL THEY ASK SHORT QUESTIONS |. Name tne common ancestor. = eve you wil need 0 Look at the cagram and fallow back to the point wher al th ine jo together 2, Name the genus most closely related. “looking a the phylogenetic tree, you wil need to count beck ad find the at branch ef he species you ave ‘ 3. When did specles X become extinct. = ooking at the timetae on the sde of the cgram, count ‘backwards from present. REMEMBER to include the vit of measurement &G: MYA (millions of years age). 4, Provide the blotogleal term for (2). re you wil need to brow many ofthe terms associated With evolution, some common ones ae: natural and artist Seanned with CamScanner

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