Ten Gerdy 1991

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Vitamin E adjuvant formulations in

R.P. Tengerdy* and N.G. Lacetera t
Water-in-oil-type adjuvants prepared with natural or synthetic vitamin E as the oil phase,
Arlacel A or Montanide 103 as emulsifier and 1.0% aqueous solution o f bovine serum
albumin ( B S A ) as antigen were tested in mice. An emulsion o f 0.42 ml vitamin E, 0.42 ml
special mineral oil, O.15 ml Arlacel A and 1.0 ml BSA 9ave maximal humoral response, but
0.85 ml special mineral oil, 0.15 ml Arlacel A and 1.0 ml BSA (standard Freund's
incomplete adjuvant formulation) 9ave the 9reatest delayed-type hypersensitivity response.

Keywords:Vitamin E; adjuvants; humoral and cell-mediated immunity

INTRODUCTION vitamin E adjuvants did not cause abscesses in sheep and

Water-in-oil (w/o)-type adjuvants may enhance the
The purpose of the present study was to optimize
immunogenicity of antigens, may result in lasting
vitamin E adjuvant formulations by the following criteria:
immunity and may modulate humoral and cell-mediated
maximum stimulation of immune responses, maximum
immune responses ~. The classic w/o adjuvant is the stability, storability and ease of delivery of emulsions
Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA), but recently there without side effects in the animal. The physical properties
has been a renewed interest in novel-type w/o adjuvants I .
of the emulsion were changed systematically by mixing
Among these novel-type w/o adjuvants are fat-soluble natural or synthetic vitamin E with mineral oil and by
vitamin E and vitamin A, replacing the mineral oil in FIA
using different emulsifiers. The inflammatory stimulation
formulations2'3. These antioxidant vitamins by them- was modified by using different grades of mineral oil and
selves are good immunopotentiators4'5, because they dimethylsulphoxide. Bovine serum albumin was selected
protect the sensitive, rapidly proliferating cells of the as antigen, because of the well-known humoral and
immune system from oxidation damage and increase cellular responses of this antigen to adjuvant immuniz-
cell cell interaction by membrane alteration. In the w/o ation. The study was performed in mice to allow a large
emulsion the vitamins are present in a high local number of variations in adjuvant formulation.
concentration, trapped in a droplet together with antigen,
normally deposited in a subcutaneous tissue. The
adjuvant emulsion amplifies local inflammatory reac- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tions, attracting polymorphonucleocytes, dendritic cells,
macrophages and lymphocytes to the site of injection, Adjuvant formulations
allowing optimal interaction between antigen, antigen- The following ingredients were used: bovine serum
processing cells and the vitamin 6. The vitamin acts as a albumin (BSA), Cohn fraction 5 (Sigma) prepared as
physical constituent of the emulsion as well as a potent 1.0% (w/v) solution in PBS; synthetic vitamin E,
immunoenhancer. DL-~-tocopheryl acetate (Roche Chem., Nutley, NJ);
Vitamin E adjuvant vaccines have been tested earlier in natural vitamin E, RRR-D-~-tocopherol (Henkel Corp.,
this laboratory against enterotoxaemia of sheep v, ram La Grange, IL); regular mineral oil (USP grade), used in
epididymitiss'9, and E. coli infection of chickens 3. The FIA; special mineral oil (Exxon, NJ) light fraction,
vitamin E adjuvant was more effective than FIA or purified; Arlacel A (mannide monoleate) (Sigma); emulsi-
alum-precipitated aqueous antigen suspensions. Interest- fier; Montanide-103 (anhydro-mannitol-oleic esters),
ingly, in contrast to FIA, which causes a strong (Seppic Corp., Paris, France): emulsifier: dimethyl
inflammatory reaction manifested by abscesses at the site sulphoxide (DMSO) (Sigma).
of injection that prevents its widespread use in veterinary Emulsions were prepared with a high-speed (20 000 rev
medicine and prohibits its use in human medicine, the rain -1) homogenizer (Virtis Co., Gardiner, NJ, USA),
first mixing the oil phase with the emulsifier, then adding
dropwise the aqueous phase with continuous stirring.
Department of Microbiology, Colorado State University, Fort Arlacel A was used in most experiments, as this is the
Collins, CO 80523, USA. tPresent address: Istituto di
emulsifier in FIA, but Montanide-103 gave less viscous
Produzioni Animali, Universita di Perugia, Via San Costanzo
4, 061100, Perugia, Italy. *To whom correspondence should be emulsions, easier to inject. Because of the high viscosity of
addressed. (Received 2 February 1990; accepted 4 September tocopherol and its esters, this may be a practical
1990) consideration in field applications.
0264~410X/91 j/ 030204-03
:~: 1991 Butterworth°Heinernann Ltd
204 Vaccine, Vol. 9, March 1991
Vitamin E adjuvant formulations: R.P. Tengerdy and N.G. Lacetera

Immunization (DTH) was measured 24 and 48h after antigen

sensitization. The amount of swelling was measured with
Swiss outbred mice, 3 months old, male and female,
a dial gauge caliper reading to 0.01 mm (Oditest, HC
obtained from the Communicable Disease Center (Fort
Kropin, Hessen, Germany). Blood was collected 7 days
Collins, CO, USA) colony were distributed randomly,
after challenge by intracardiac puncture and serum
five per cage, four replicates per group, into treatment
antibody level was measured as described above.
groups. The mice were fed and watered ad libitum. The
Statistical evaluation was performed by one-way analysis
mice in each group were vaccinated with 0.2 ml each of the
of variance.
respective adjuvant formulations or physiological buf-
fered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 for the control, subcutaneously.
In the preliminary experiment, the mice were bled at
21 days postvaccination by intracardiac puncture and RESULTS A N D D I S C U S S I O N
serum antibody level was measured by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using goat anti-mouse In a preliminary experiment, Freund's incomplete
IgG peroxidase conjugate (Sigma Chem. Co., St Louis, adjuvant (FIA) was compared with vitamin E by
MO, USA) in U-bottomed polyvinyl microtitre plates replacing the mineral oil with vitamin E in the FIA
(Dynatec Labs, Alexandria, VA, USA) at 1/200 serum formulation (Table 1). The relative antibody level to BSA
dilution in PBS, in triplicate 1°. After addition of was significantly higher at 21 days with vitamin E-BSA
substrate, 2,2'-azino di-(3-ethyl benzthiazolin sulphonic than with FIA BSA, or BSA in PBS. These results
acid) (Sigma), the absorbance (A4os/45Onm) of the represent a primary response to adjuvant immunization.
coloured reaction product was read in a dual beam Similar results were obtained in guinea-pigs earlier 2.
Dynatec reader. The absorbancy values are useful for In the main experiment, FIA was compared with a
comparing relative antibody levels in different sera at a variety of adjuvant formulations, comparing the
single dilution. effectiveness of synthetic versus natural vitamin E, special
In the main experiment, 21 days postvaccination, the versus regular mineral oil, Arlacel A versus Montanide-
mice were challenged each with 250/~g BSA in 0.02 ml 103, and DMSO. The adjuvant formulations shown in
PBS in the left hind footpad, and 0.02 ml PBS (sham Table 2 were used in primary immunization. The
injection for control) in the right hind footpad. Footpad secondary humoral and cell-mediated immune response
thickness as a measure of delayed-type hypersensitivity (delayed-type hypersensitivity) was observed after
challenge with BSA. All adjuvant formulations gave
significantly higher levels of antibody and more
Table I Primary humoral immune response to BSA in mice immunized pronounced delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions than
with vitamin E adjuvant aqueous BSA. An equal mixture of special mineral oil and
vitamin E gave the best adjuvant formulation for humoral
Adjuvant~ Relative antibody level ~
immune response (Table 3). This corroborated our earlier
PBS control 0.05_+ 0.01ac findings in chicken with a vitamin E-E. coli adjuvant 3,
BSA control 0.23 + 0.02b and also that of Franchini and others in chicken with
E placebo 0.10_0.01a a vitamin E-Newcastle disease virus adjuvant 11. The
Vitamin E 0.70_+ 0.10c mineral oil apparently increases the inflammatory
FIA 0.51 _+0.10d
reaction, attracting cells to the site of injection, and the
aPBS, physiological buffered saline; BSA, 1.0% bovine serum albumin in vitamin E enhances cell-cell interaction and lymphocyte
PBS; E, nL-c(-tocopheryl acetate; FIA, Freund's incomplete adjuvant. proliferation. There was no significant difference between
Adjuvants were prepared by emulsifying 0.85 ml E (or mineral oil in FIA), special and regular mineral oil in these experiments,
0.15 ml Arlacel A and 1.0 ml BSA. The E placebo contained PBS without
BSA. bMean OD40e~0~,,values in ELISA at 1/200 serum dilution, 21 days
although in other experiments the lighter special oil gave
postimmunization, n = 2 0 in four replicates of five mice each, triplicate better results 3. The strongest delayed-type hypersensitiv-
tests for each serum. CDifferent letters indicate significant differences ity reaction was observed with FIA, probably because
(p ~<0.05) mineral oil caused a stronger inflammatory reaction.

Table 2 Adjuvant formulations

Amount (ml)

Adjuvant Oil phase Aqueous phase Emulsifier

PBS control -- 1.0 PBS --

BSA control -- 1.0 BSA --
E placebo 0.85 E 1.0 PBS 0.15 A
RRR placebo 0.85 RRR 1.0 PBS 0.15 A
EA 0.85 E 1.0 BSA 0.15 A
EM 0.85 E 1.0 BSA 0.15 M
RRR 0.85 RRR 1.0 BSA 0.15 A
MO (FIA) 0.85 MO 1.0 BSA 0.15 A
SO 0.85 SO 1.0 BSA 0.15 A
E/MO 0.425 E+0.425 MO 1.0 BSA 0.15 A
E/SO 0.425 E+0.425 SO 1.0 BSA 0.15 A
E/SO, DMSO 0.425 E+0.425 SO 1.0 BSA with 25% DMSO 0.15 A

PBS, physiologic buffered saline, pH 7.4; BSA, 1.0% bovine serum albumin in PBS; E, synthetic OL-C~-tocopherylacetate; EA, E adjuvant prepared with Arlacel
A; EM, E adjuvant prepared with Montanide 103; RRR, natural c--~-tocopherol; MO, regular mineral oil in Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA);
SO: special mineral oil; DMSO: dimethyl sulphoxide; A: Arlacel A; M: Montanide-103

Vaccine, Vol. 9, M a r c h 1991 205

V i t a m i n E a d j u v a n t f o r m u l a t i o n s : R.P. T e n g e r d y a n d N.G. L a c e t e r a

Table 3 Humoral and cell-mediated immune response to BSA in gave a stable, easily injectable formulation, and
adjuvant-immunized and BSA--challenged mice
stimulated both humoral and cell-mediated immune
Relative Skin test (mm) ~ responses in mice.
Adjuvant level a 24 h 48 h
PBS control 0.05i0.01a 0.0±0.1a 0.0_+ 0.1a
BSA control 0.48_+ 0.02c 2.0 ± 0.5b 2.0 ± 0.5b This research was supported by a grant from F. Hoffmann
E placebo 0.25±0.02b 1.1 ±0.3b 1.2_+0.3b LaRoche & Co. AG, Basel, Switzerland. N.G.L. was
RRR placebo 0.20_+ 0.02b 1.1 +,0.2b 1.1 ±0.2b supported by a fellowship from the Consiglio Nacionale
EA 0.80 ± 0.05e 12.3 ±0.7c 13.1 +, 0.9c delle Ricerche, Italy.
EM 0.85 ± 0.06e 11.8 ± 0.8c 12.6 _+0.9c
RRR 0.85±0.07e 12.0±0.7c 12.8±0.9c
MO (FIA) 0.65 +_0.03d 21.0& 1.0e 22.3_+ 1.3e REFERENCES
SO 0.70 ± 0.05d 19.0__+1.2e 20.1 ± 1.2e
E/MO 1.10 ± 0.10f 16.3 ± 0.7d 18.1 _+1.1d 1 McKercher, P.D. Oil adjuvants: their use in veterinary biologics. In:
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E/SO, DMSO 1.40+, 0.15f 15.3 +, 0.6d 16.3 +- 0.9d Nervig, R.M. et al.) Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa, 1986,
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206 Vaccine, Vol. 9, M a r c h 1991

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