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Good morning respected teachers, and my esteemed peers, we, the

students of class IX-A, stand before you today to engage in a

thoughtful debate on the topic, "Math and English are the most
important school subjects." Education is the cornerstone of personal
and societal development, and the significance of certain subjects in
shaping a well-rounded individual is a matter of extensive discussion.
While some argue that Math and English hold the utmost importance,
others contend that a broader range of subjects contributes to a
comprehensive education.


Ladies and gentlemen, we present the argument against the motion.

While acknowledging the importance of Math and English, it's crucial
to emphasize that the idea of "most important" is subjective and
varies based on individual aptitudes and career aspirations.

Firstly, not every student aspires to pursue a career heavily reliant on

mathematical or linguistic skills. Fields such as arts, music, and
vocational studies are equally valuable and contribute significantly to
societal progress.

Secondly, an excessive focus on Math and English may lead to neglect

of other essential subjects like science, history, and social studies. A
holistic education, encompassing a diverse range of subjects, fosters
critical thinking and a well-rounded worldview.

Lastly, in our technologically advancing world, digital literacy is

becoming increasingly crucial. Subjects like computer science, coding,
and information technology are integral to preparing students for the
demands of the future.


Respected audience, now let us shed light on why Math and English
are deemed the most important subjects in schools.

To begin, Mathematics is the language of science and logic. It is the

foundation of problem-solving skills and analytical thinking.
Proficiency in Math equips students with the ability to tackle real-
world challenges, whether in engineering, economics, or technology.

Furthermore, English is the global lingua franca. Proficiency in English

not only facilitates effective communication but also opens doors to a
vast pool of knowledge through literature, science, and the arts. A
strong command of English is indispensable in a world where
international collaboration is the key to progress.

In addition, Math and English contribute significantly to cognitive

development. They enhance memory, reasoning, and creativity,
fostering a well-rounded intellect that can adapt to various challenges
in an ever-evolving society.

In conclusion, while acknowledging the value of a comprehensive

education, the affirmative team contends that Math and English, with
their universal applications and cognitive benefits, stand as the most
important school subjects. The skills acquired in these subjects are not
only essential for academic success but also lay the groundwork for a
dynamic and adaptable future generation.

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