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Questions for the team in favor of the motion:


While we recognize the importance of Mathematics and English, how

do you justify categorizing them as the "most important" school
subjects when students have varied interests and career aspirations?


While acknowledging varied interests, it's crucial to recognize that

Mathematics and English provide foundational skills applicable across
diverse fields. These subjects enhance cognitive abilities and are
indispensable for success in numerous professions.


Are you not concerned that an exclusive emphasis on Mathematics

and English might undermine the significance of other subjects that
contribute to a well-rounded education, such as the arts, social
sciences, and vocational studies?


We emphasize the importance of a balanced education, but

Mathematics and English act as pillars that support the entire
academic structure. They provide essential skills such as critical
thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, which are
universally applicable.

Given the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing

importance of digital literacy, do you not think subjects like computer
science and information technology deserve equal or even greater
importance in today's educational landscape?


Our focus on Mathematics and English aims to provide a strong

foundation for all students, enabling them to excel in various areas.
Specialization can occur at higher education levels, but a solid base in
these subjects is essential for a well-rounded education.

Questions for the Team Against:


Considering the foundational role Mathematics plays in developing

critical thinking and problem-solving skills, how can any subject be
deemed more important in shaping a student's intellectual capacity?


The categorization as "most important" is based on the universal

applicability of Mathematics in developing critical thinking and
problem-solving skills, essential in various fields and daily life.

English is considered a global language and is vital for communication.

How can other subjects surpass the importance of English in preparing
students for a globalized and interconnected world?


English is undoubtedly important, but other subjects contribute

equally to effective communication. Overemphasizing English neglects
the vital skills developed in languages, arts, and social sciences that
contribute to a well-rounded education.


Given that Mathematics and English are fundamental skills applicable

across various professions; can you elaborate on how other subjects
provide the same level of universally applicable skills?


While Mathematics and English provide foundational skills, other

subjects offer specialized knowledge and practical applications crucial
for specific professions. A balanced curriculum ensures a diverse skill
set for students.

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