New Concept English 1 Lesson51-52

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Lesson51 A pleasant climate

Lesson50 What nationality are they?

Where do they come from?

1. Warm up & Lead in

T: Hello, boys and girls. Are you ready for the class?
T: Great! First, let’s sing a song together. After singing, please try to answer this
question: What is the song about?
Ss: ...
T: Have you got the answer? What is the song about?
S: It’s about weather.
T: That’s right.

2. Happy theater(开心小剧场)
T: Today we will read a story about the weather . Please watch the cartoon and try to
answer the question.
Does it ever snow in Greece?
Yes, it sometimes snows in winter.

3. Word club (单词俱乐部)

T: This story is interesting. Now let’s see the new words in the story. (呈现单词、音
1)Listen and repeat
<1> Greece [griːs] n. 希腊
She's off to Greece for a month ─ lucky devil!

<2> climate [ˈklaɪmɪt] n. 气候

You'll soon get used to the climate here. 你会很快习惯这儿的气候的。
climate change 气候变化
wet climate 潮湿的气候
warm climate 温暖的气候
political climate 政治气候
economic climate 经济气候

<3> country [ˈkʌntri] n. 国家

It's a free country, I'll say what I like!
country 也可以表示“乡下”。如:
We had a day out in the country. 我们在乡下玩了一天。

<4> pleasant [ˈplezənt] adj. 宜人的

It’s so lucky to have such a pleasant house.
pleasant 还可以表示“友好的;和善的”。如:
Please try to be pleasant to our guests. 请对我们的客人尽量客气点。
pleasant 的反义词是 unpleasant adj. 不愉快的; 不舒服的;不客气的
He was very unpleasant to me. 他对我很凶。

<5> weather [ˈweðə] n. 天气

Did you have good weather on your trip? 你旅途中天气好吗?
a weather map 气象图
a weather report 气象报告
bad weather 恶劣的天气
hot/cold weather 炎热/ 寒冷的天气
in all weathers 不论天气好坏;风雨无阻
She goes out jogging in all weathers. 无论天气好坏,她都出去慢跑锻炼。

<6> spring [sprɪŋ] n. 春季

In spring the countryside bursts into life. 乡村在春天生机盎然。
spring 还有“弹簧;泉(水)”的意思。如:
The bed springs twanged. 这床的弹簧嘣嘣响。
The spring water is so clear. 泉水清如许。

<7> windy [ˈwɪndi] adj. 有风的

It is a windy day today. 今天风很大。
windy 的反义词为 windless adj. 无风的;平静的
It's windless and warm in the morning. 早晨,几乎无风,很暖。

<8> warm [wɔːm] adj. 温暖的

It's warm enough to eat outside. 天气暖和了,可以在露天吃饭了。
warm 常用来表示“温情的;热心的;友好的”。如:
His smile is warm and friendly. 他的微笑热情而友好。
Thank you for your warm welcome. 感谢你们的热情接待。

<9> rain [reɪn] v. 下雨

It's going to rain today by the look of it. 看样子今天要下雨了。
rain 作名词时,表示“ 雨;雨水”。如:
Don't go out in the rain. 下雨呢,别出去了。
rain +y →rainy adj. 阴雨的;多雨的
The rainy season is over. 雨季已过。

<10> sometimes [ˈsʌmtaɪmz] adv. 有时

Sometimes I go by car. 有时我坐车去。
易混词:sometime adv. 在某时(不确切或尚未确定)
We must get together sometime. 我们一定要找个时间聚一下。

<11> summer [ˈsʌmə] n. 夏天

It's very hot here in summer . 这里夏天很热。
early summer 初夏
late summer 夏末
high summer 盛夏
the summer holidays/vacation 暑假

<12> autumn [ˈɔːtəm] n. 秋天

Leaves change colour in autumn. 树叶在秋天改变颜色。
in early autumn 初 / 晚秋
in late autumn 晚秋
the autumn term 秋季学期
autumn colours/leaves 秋色 / 叶

<13> winter [ˈwɪntə] n. 冬天

Our house can be very cold in winter. 我们的房子到了冬天可能会非常冷。
a severe/hard winter 严 / 寒冬
the winter months 冬季的月份
a winter coat 过冬的大衣

<14> snow [snəʊ] v. 下雪

Look! It's snowing. Winter is here at last. 瞧,下雪了。终于是冬天了。
snow 作名词时表示“雪;雪花;积雪”。如:
The road is closed because of the snow. 这条路因积雪而封闭。
Her skin was as white as snow. 她的皮肤雪白。

<15> January [ˈdʒænjuəri] n. 1 月

January is my least favourite month. 一月是我最不喜欢的月份。

<16> February [ˈfebruəri] n. 2 月

These trees come into leaf in February. 这些树二月里长叶子。

<17> March [mɑːtʃ] n. 3 月

My birthday is in March. 我的生日在三月。

<18> April [ˈeɪprəl] n. 4 月

We went to Japan last April. 去年四月我们去了日本。
<19> May [meɪ] n. 5 月
There are 31 days in May. 五月份有 31 天。

<20> June [dʒuːn] n. 6 月

They are to be married in June. 他们计划于六月份结婚。

<21> July [dʒuˈlaɪ] n. 7 月

The new hospital opens on July 1st. 这家新医院七月一日开诊。

<22> August [ˈɔːɡəst] n. 8 月

You need to enrol before the end of August. 你必须在八月底前注册。

<23> September [sepˈtembə] n. 9 月

The rains come in September. 雨季九月份开始。

<24> October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] n. 10 月

The film festival takes place in October. 电影节将于十月举行。

<25> November [nəʊˈvembə] n. 11 月

The mocks are in November. 模拟考试在 11 月进行。

<26> December [dɪˈsembə] n. 12 月

It's cold and snowy in December. 十二月是寒冷多雪的。

2)Game time

4. Reading adventure (阅读奇遇记)

T: Now let’s read the story together. And get to know more about it.
1)Read and learn
<1> Where do you come from? 你是哪国人?
(1) come from 表示“来自;出生于”,常用于表达或询问某人是什么地方的人。
如:She comes from London. 她是伦敦人。
Which part of Japan do you come from? 你是日本哪个地区的人?
(2) be from 与 come from 同义, 其中 be 动词需要与主语相匹配。如:
I am from Shandong. 我老家在山东。
They are from America. 他们是美国人。
(3) 询问对方国籍时,还可以用句型:What nationality +be+主语?如:
What nationality are you? 你是哪国人?
I’m French. 我是法国人。

<2> What’s the climate like in your country? 你们国家的气候怎么样?

(1) climate 除了表示“气候”外,还可以表示“气候区;风气;环境气氛”等。如:
They want to move to a warmer climate.他们想迁移到气候较温暖的地区。
(2) climate 与 weather 的区别:
① climate 指某一地区总的气候情况,如干旱、湿润、温暖、凉爽等。如:
The area is famous for its very mild winter climate.
② weather 指某地某天的具体天气情况,如阴晴、降水、气温、风力、风向等。如:
Let's hope we have good weather tomorrow. 希望明天是个好天。

<3> What’s the weather like in Spring? 春季的天气怎么样?

(1) 句型“What’s the weather like...?”用于询问天气情况。回答为“It’s...”,其中
it 代指天气。如:
What's the weather like there in winter? 那里冬天的天气怎么样?
It’s very cold and it snows sometimes. 天气很冷,有时会下雪。
(2) 句型“How’s the weather?”也可用来对天气情况进行提问。如:
How’s the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?
It’s sunny. 晴天。

<4> It’s often windy in March. 3 月里常常刮风。

It’s always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes.
4 月和 5 月的天气总是暖洋洋的,但有时下雨。
(1) always(总是), often(经常), sometimes(有时)都是表示频率的副词,常
She always arrives at 7.30. 她每次都是 7:30 到。
I often go running before work. 我常常在上班前跑步。
We sometimes go to the cinema at weekends. 有时我们周末去看电影。
(2) sometimes 在句中的位置比较灵活,修饰整个句子时,一般放在句首或句末 ;
Sometimes he has lunch at school. 有时候,他在学校吃午餐。
He sometimes writes to me. 他偶尔给我写封信。

<5> Is it cold or warm in autumn? 秋季的天气是冷还是暖?

(1) 这是个选择疑问句。其句式为“一般疑问句+ A or B?”A 读升调,B 读降调。
选择疑问句不能用 Yes 或 No 来回答,而应根据问句的实际问题进行回答。如:
Are you Japanese or Korean? 你是日本人还是韩国人?
I am Korean. 我是韩国人。

<6> It’s often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes.
12 月、1 月和 2 月常常很冷,有时还下雪。
(1) 表示在某个月份通常用介词 in, 具体到某月某日时则用介词 on。如:
Her birthday is in May. 她的生日在五月。
Her birthday is on May 6th. 她的生日在五月六号。
(2) 本句中的 snow 为动词,意为“下雪”。因为所用的是一般现在时,并且主语
it 是第三人称单数,snow 用第三人称单数形式 snows。
(3) snow +y→snowy 为形容词,表示“下雪的;雪白的;被雪覆盖的”。如:
It is snowy. 下雪了。
2)Listen and imitate
T: Let’s listen and read the story. Please try to read it vividly.

3)Read and dub

T: Would you like to dub for the story? Please prepare with your partners. ( 建议教师

4)Read and retell

T: Please try to retell the story with the help of the pictures and words. (课文图片的
Where do you come from?
I come from Greece.
What’s the climate like in your country?
It’s very pleasant.
What’s the weather like in Spring?
It’s often windy in March. It’s always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes.
What’s it like in summer?
It’s always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.
Is it cold or warm in autumn?
It’s always warm in September and October. It’s often cold in November and it rains
Is it very cold in winter?
It’s often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes.

5. Skill camp (技能训练营)

1)Let’s read
T: Please look at the pictures and read the new words in Lesson52. Follow me,please.
the U.S. 美国
Brazil [brəˈzɪl] n. 巴西
Holland ['hɒlənd]n. 荷兰
England [ˈɪŋɡlənd] n. 英国
France [ˈfrɑːns] n. 法国
Germany [ˈdʒɜːməni] n. 德国
Italy ['ɪtəlɪ] n. 意大利
Norway [ˈnɔːweɪ] n. 挪威
Russia ['rʌʃə] n. 俄罗斯
Spain [speɪn] n. 西班牙
Sweden [ˈswiːdən] n. 瑞典

2)Let’s play
T: Now let’s play a game with the new words. (根据本课情境,设计一个单词小游

3)Let’s listen
T: Please listen to the audio and answer the questions according to the pictures.
(Lesson52 20th-25th)
句型:Do / Does...come from...?
No, ... don’t/ doesn’t. ... come/ comes from...

4)Let’s speak
T: Look at these pictures. (Lesson52 26th-32nd.) Please make dialogues for them with
your partners.
句型:Where do/ does ... come from?
... come/ comes from... ... am/ is/ are ...

5)Let’s write
T:假设你是 Tom, 你刚认识了一个新朋友,名叫 Lucy。她来自海南的三亚。三亚
提示词:come from, Sanya(三亚),climate, pleasant, weather, warm,rain
Tom: ________________________________
Tom: _______________________________
Tom: _______________________________

Tom: Where do you come from?
Lucy: I come from Sanya.
Tom: What’s the climate like there ?
Lucy: It’s very pleasant.
Tom: What’s the weather like in winter.
Lucy: It’s always warm in winter, but it rains sometimes.

6. Grammar class (语法微课堂)

What ... like ...? 句型
① 询问事物的状况,如:天气、气候等。
What’s the weather like today in Beijing? 今天北京天气怎么样?
It’s very hot. 非常热。
What’s the climate like in France? 法国的气候怎么样?
It’s pleasant. 气候宜人。
② 询问人、事物的外貌或特征。
What’s your sister like? 你姐姐长什么样?
She’s thin and tall. 她又高又瘦。
What’s your new house like? 你的新房子是什么样的?
It’s small but quite bright. 很小,但很明亮。

7.Big challenge (智慧大挑战)

<1> 选词填空。
1. Emily is _________(come/ from) Germany.
2. He often ________(take/ takes) the bus to go to work.
3. My brother _________(doesn’t/ don’t) like sweets.
4. What’s the weather _________(like/ look) in July?
5. Does your mother ________ (likes/ like) black tea?
6. ______(How’s/ What’s) the climate like in England?

答案:1. from 2. takes 3. doesn’t 4. like 5. like 6. What’s

<2> 根据中文提示,完成句子。
1. 悉尼的冬天是冷还是热?
Is it _______ _______ _______ in winter in Sydney?
2. 你喜欢哪个季节,春天还是夏天?
_______ season do you like, _______ or _______?
3. 你女儿长什么样?
_______ _______ your daughter _______?
4. 你家乡的气候怎么样?
_______ the _______ like in your hometown?
5. 她是哪国人?
_______ _______ she _______ _______?
答案:1.cold or hot 2. Which, spring, summer 3.What is , like
4. What’s, climate 5. Where does ,come from

8.Amazing world (世界真奇妙)

希腊--- Greece
希腊位于欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛南端,由 1500 多个岛屿组成。其约面积
131957 平方公里,与我国安徽省面积大略相同。希腊是西方文明的发祥地,创造
下面就请跟我去希腊的蓝白童话世界 Santorini(圣托里尼)一饱眼福吧!

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