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Price: R4 260
Dates: 5 October 2023
Venue: TWIMS Campus
Course Overview Course Highlights
In an era of worldwide economic instability, the survival ŸŸ Which industries, markets and segments should
and competitiveness of manufacturing companies I enter or exit?
depend on their practices and capabilities to adapt to ŸŸ Which advantage should I develop or build on?
external environments, which are attributed to changes
ŸŸ How can I create value for customers in a better
in customer preferences, government regulations, tech-
way than competitors?
nology and competitors. This strategic alignment of
internal resources and external market requirements ŸŸ How can we align sustainability demands and
enables not only survival, but also competitiveness. opportunities with our competitive strategy?
Manufacturing strategies determine the deployment ŸŸ How can I assess the challenges and seize the
of resources to build capabilities for creating and opportunities of digital disruption?
sustaining costs and product advantages in order to
ŸŸ Should I change our supply chain or ecosystem
maintain a high level of profitability and strong market
strategy, and how?
position. This reflects the ability to successfully define
their scope, to manage and coordinate the core ŸŸ How will my strategic decisions impact share-
functions and operations within the enterprise as well holder value and demands from other stake-
as relationships with suppliers and customers, and to
respond to market demand.

All too often, in the daily pressure of achieving short-

term financial results, managers lose sight of long-term
goals. This TWIMS Masterclass is key to ensuring that
Learning Outcomes
companies remain on track to reach these goals is the ŸŸ Improve strategic thinking with state-of-the-art
existence of a clear and focused business strategy. models and tools.

ŸŸ Sharpen competitive insight and skills to

In today’s world, where nothing is predictable and
achieve sustainable and profitable growth for
unfamiliar competitors emerge from unexpected
your manufacturing business.
directions at the worst possible time, a company should
think of itself as a collection of evolving capabilities, The course participants will receive a TWIMS
not just as a collection of products and businesses, Competitive Strategies for Manufacturers
which provide the flexibility needed to embark in new Masterclass Attendance certificate.
directions. Corporate strategy must provide a framework
for guiding the selection, development, and exploitation
of these capabilities. Since many of the capabilities with
the greatest competitive value reside in a company’s
manufacturing organisation, corporate strategy must
Who Should Attend
become much more explicit about, and reliant on, Senior manufacturing managers and executives
manufacturing considerations than in the past. and public-sector executives with manufacturing
portfolios. The Masterclass will be taught at a
post-graduate level.
Course Facilitator

Theuns Pelser
The masterclass is facilitated by the strategist Professor Theuns Pelser. With a
career spanning more than thirty years in academia and corporate South Africa,
Theuns is the Executive Director at the Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing
Studies (TWIMS). He is the managing director of Teleios Advisory Services (TAS) a
consulting firm and director at Super-Cube, a leadership development provider.
He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), a BCom Honours, a Masters of
Commerce (MCom) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Strategic Management
from Potchefstroom University. He is the author of more than 100 academic peer-
reviewed research publications and supervisor of over 50 masters and doctoral
students. As an editorial member of the Global Innovative Forefront Talent
Management (GIFT) and the South African Journal of Business Management
(SAJBM), he has a deep desire for the educational upliftment and betterment of
the manufacturing society.

Course Cost
The Masterclass costs R4 260 per participant. This is fully inclusive of all refreshments, teas and includes lunch
over one day, as well as stationery. The cost excludes accommodation.

Venue and Accommodation

The Masterclass is run at the TWIMS campus, 74 Everton Road, Kloof. The day starts at 8:30 and concludes at 16:30.
Accommodation is available on-site at an additional cost. Please visit the TWIMS website (
for further details.

Participation is limited to 25 executives. Application for participation can be made online at
Masterclass enquiries can be directed to TWIMS reserves the right to accept
only those applicants who are likely to benefit from the course and who can make a full contribution to group

Apply Now

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