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This House Believes That (THBT) the government should be liable to
provide basic amenities (food, water, electricity, and housing) free of cost to
people living below the poverty line.

The above motion is one which debates on one of the most controversial
issues in present day India. In recent elections, parties such as the AAP
(Aam Aadmi Party) have promised the free supplies of various commodities
such as electricity to gain popularity and win elections. This practice is
becoming a popular way to garner votes from the lower echelons of the

The discussion in the motion is simple. Here is a brief of what the side
proposition and opposition need to debate upon:

Side Proposition:
Side Proposition is the side which is in favor of the motion. Essentially, this
side of the house believes that the government should provide free basic
living amenities (food, water, electricity, and housing) to all the people
below the poverty line. The side proposition will argue in favor of providing
free amenities to people below the poverty line.

The team should argue and debate on how beneficial providing free services
will be. It should also take into consideration the plight of the people living
below the poverty line, and how they believe the government should help

Side Opposition:
Side Proposition is the side which is against the motion. Essentially, this
side of the house believes that the government should not provide free basic
living amenities (food, water, electricity, and housing) to all the people
below the poverty line. The side proposition will argue against providing
free amenities to people below the poverty line.
The team should argue and debate on how providing free services are not
the roles of the government. It should also take into consideration the
problem of determining who the people living below the poverty line are, as
corruption in government offices makes the scheme ineffective, and how
they believe the government is harming the economy by helping them.

Points to keep in mind:

 The debate should revolve around whether the government in India
can afford to give free amenities to the people below the poverty line.
 Both sides should also reflect on how it is actually difficult to get an
accurate data on how many people live below the poverty line.
 Official data should be considered regarding the benefits of the
schemes given to the free people.
 The side proposition should take into consideration the grave
situation of the people who have meager incomes and how it is in
human nature and interest to support the struggling people.
 The side opposition should take into consideration the fact that India
is not a communist state, but a democratic country, which means free
and fair access to all commodities.
 Both sides of the house should also take into consideration the
statistics available on various schemes launched by the government.

This House believes that (TBHT) all politicians should have
educational qualifications to stand for elections.
Side Proposition:
Side Proposition is the side which is in favor of the motion. Essentially, this
side of the house believes that all the politicians should have an educational
qualification in order to stand for elections. The side proposition will argue
in favor of setting a basic educational benchmark which all politicians have
to fulfill in order to stand for any elections.

The team should argue and debate on how beneficial an educational

qualification for politicians will be. It should also take into consideration
the advantage of education in the shaping of a well qualified politician who
can meet the needs of the people.

Side Opposition:
Side Opposition is the side which is against the motion. Essentially, this
side of the house believes that all the politicians should not have an
educational qualification in order to stand for elections. The side opposition
will argue against the setting of a basic educational benchmark which all
politicians have to fulfill in order to stand for any elections.

The team should argue and debate on how an educational qualification

should not be necessary for politicians. It should also take into
consideration the glorious roles played by uneducated prime ministers in
their respective tenures. An educational qualification should not be a
hurdle to all the social activists who wish to play a positive role in the
serving of a nation.

Points to keep in mind:

 The debate from both sides of the house should involve a proper and
detailed research on the role of education in the shaping of an
understanding mindset and sympathetic approach towards the needs
of the citizens.
 Both the proposition and the opposition should also understand and
put forward their stance on the relevance of an educational degree
and if a degree is effective in forming of welfare policies for the public
at large.
 The side proposition can take inspiration from the successful and
inspirational roles played by highly educated leaders such as Dr. S.
Jaishankar, APJ Abdul Kalam, etc.
 The side opposition can base their arguments on how commanding
and fierce the less educated political leaders have played, such as
Narendra Modi, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Atal Bihari Vajpyee, etc.
 Educational degrees can also be forged and faked by talented people.
The debate should also take into consideration this fundamental
 Last, but not the least, the debate should also encompass points
regarding the awareness and feasibility of education.

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