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Performance Task: "ICT in Professional Tracks Brochure"

Task Overview:

 Grade 11 students will create an informative and visually appealing brochure that showcases the integration of ICT (Information and Communication
Technology) within specific professional tracks (Arts, TechVoc, Sports, Academic).
 The brochure will include a front page, a reflection page (importance of social media in discriminating information about the offered course on college),
and four different college course/tracks that the students wants to offer to their target audience with original ICT content, text, graphics, and images
manipulated for online presentation, all designed using advanced productivity tools and design principles.

Brochure Topic: "Social Media's Impact on Different Professional Tracks"

Scoring Rubrics: Attach the scoring rubrics to be used for every quarter unit.

Analytic Scoring Rubric

Performance Task Tile: “Brochure Making: Social Media's Impact on Different Professional Tracks”
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs Improvement (1)
Reflective Introduction Insightful introduction that Clear overview of the topic Limited reflection and Unclear introduction
(15 points) sets context effectively. with some reflection. context. lacking reflection.

Professional Track Comprehensive analysis Good understanding, Limited depth, examples, Superficial analysis
Analysis (25 points) with examples, challenges, some examples, challenges, ethics without examples,
ethics. challenges, ethics. discussed. challenges, ethics.
Original ICT Content (30 Highly creative, relevant Creative, relevant content Somewhat creative, Lacks creativity, relevance,
points) content demonstrating showing integration. relevant content with originality in integration.
integration. minor depth.
Online Presentation Skillful adaptation for Good adaptation, Satisfactory adaptation, Ineffective adaptation,
Elements (15 points) online presentation, enhancing online improvements needed for lacking visual appeal.
engaging design. engagement. engagement.
Design Principles and Expert application of Well-applied design Some application of design Inadequate application of
Techniques (15 points) design principles, cohesive principles, visually pleasing principles, cohesion needs design principles,
layout. layout. improvement. disjointed layout.
Overall Presentation Well-organized with Somewhat organized,
and Organization (10 Exceptionally organized, minor areas for clarity and structure need Disorganized, difficult to
points) clear presentation. improvement. improvement. follow.
Total Points:

Deadline: October 27,2023

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