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Topic: How do living organisms Reproduce?

Q1.In The list of organisms given below those that reproduce by a sexual method are:

i. Banana ii. Dog iii.Yeast iv.Amoeba

a. i and iv b. i, ii and iii

c. ii and iv d. i ,iii and iv

Q2. In Rhizopus, tubular thread like structures bearing sporangia at their tips are called:

a. Filaments b. Hyphae c. Rhizoids d. Roots

Q3. In human females an event that reflects on set of reproductive faith is:

a. Growth of body b.Changes in hair pattern c.Change in voice d.Menstruation

Q4. Which of the following is not a function of ovaries? a.They produce and release eggs b.They produce
estrogen and Progesterone c.They stimulate and start of labor contractions. d.They store eggs

Q5. A population of thermophilic archaebacteria are generally found in Hot springs. Any change of the
temperature of the water affects the survival of archae bacteria if the temperature of hot springs gets
reduced. Change in which component can allow survival of few members of these archaebacteria:

a. cell Wall b.Cytoplasm

c. DNA d. Ribosomes

Q6. Can you consider cell division as a type of reproduction in unicellular organisms? Give reason.

Q7. Why is fertilization not possible without pollination?

Q8. In tobacco plant, the male gamete have 24 chromosomes. What is the number of chromosomes in
the female gamete? What is the number of chromosomes in the zygote?

Q9. List two bacterial diseases which are transmitted sexually.

Q10. Why does bread mould grow profusely on a moist slice of bread rather than on a dry slice of

Q11. Give 2 reasons for the appearance of variations among the progeny formed by sexual
Q12. What are the benefits of using mechanical barriers during sexual act?

Q13. Write one main difference between asexual and sexual mode of reproduction. Which species is
likely to have comparatively better chance of survival-The one reproducing asexually or the one
reproducing sexually? Justify your answer.

Q14. What are chromosomes?Explain how in sexuality reproducing organisms the number of
chromosomes in the progeny is maintained?

Q15. Name the reproductive parts of an angiosperms. Where are these parts located? Explain in brief
the structure of its female reproductive parts.

Q16. What is vegetative propagation? State two advantages and twodisadvantages of this method.

Q17.i.) What provides nutrition to human sperms ? State the genetic constitution of a sperm.

ii.)Mention the chromosome pair present in zygote, which determines the sex of a female child and of a
male child.

Q18. What happens when :

a.A planaria gets cut into 2 pieces?

b. A mature spirogyra filament attains considerable length

c. On maturation, sporangia burst.

Q19. What is placenta? Mention its role during pregnancy.

Q20.a. List three different categories of contraception methods.

b. Why has Government of India prohibited prenatal sex determination by law? State it's benefits in the
long run.

c. Unsafe sexual act can lead to various infections. Name two bacterial and two viral infections caused
due to unsafe sex.

Q21. Assertion(4) : Asexual reproduction is a primitive type of reproduction.

Reason (R) : Asexual reproduction involves only mitotic cell division

Q22. Assertion(A) : Spores are unicellular bodies.

Reason:The parent body simply breaks up into smaller pieces on maturation.

Q23. Assertion (A) : Clones are offspring of an organism formed by asexual reproduction.

Reason (R) : Clones have exact copies of DNA as their parent.

Q24. Assertion(A) : Colonies of yeast multiply in sugar solution

Reason (R) : Sugar is made of sucrose which provides energy for sustaining all life activities.

Q25. Assertion(A) : Pollen grains from the carpel stick to the stigma of stamen.

Reason (R) : The fertilised egg cells grow inside the ovules and become seeds.

Q26. Assertion(A):Testes lie in penis outside the body.

Reason (R) : Sperms require temperature lower than the body temperature for development.

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