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Exam Excel:

Lesson 1:

Software Orientation:

1. Freeze and Split

As we scroll down, we want to keep an eye on some of the first rows. In other words, how to
freeze some rows?

Click on the preferred cell and then click on “VIEW” and then either one of the “FREEZE
PANES” or “SPLIT”. Split will make it appear twice.
Lesson 2:

1. Save in OneDrive
Click on “File”, then “Save as” and then you have the “OneDrive” option, then “Save”. By do-
ing this, you can access your file on your OneDrive in any excel in any computer.

2. Check Compatibility/Save as Previous Version of Excel

Click on “File”, then “Info”, then “Check for Issues” and then “Check Compatibility”.

If you want to erase the table style do the following: Click on any cell of the table, then click
on “Table Tools Design”. All the styles will be on the right. Open them and select the first one
– light, also called none.

Then, if some cells are still not compatible – click on “Check compatibility when saving this
workbook” (after you will have checked the “Check Compatibility”).

Click “ok”; then “file”, “save as” – anywhere you want.

If you want to do it more easily; in other words, if you want to change the things that are not
compatible you click “File”, “Export”, “Change File Type”, and then “Excel 97-2003 Work-

 by doing it this way, excel will check the compatibility with that specific version.

3. Fill a Series with Autofill

If you drag one cell to the side (for numbers), il will copy the number. But if you drag a
month if will continue with the following months (see picture bellow).
4. Copy and Paste the Format of a cell
But if you don’t want to copy the number an only the format (eg: $ sign) you should do the
Click on the bottom right corner of the cell and then drag down. Excel will copy the content
of the cell but on the bottom right corner there is a little icon. Click on it and select “Fill for-
matting only”. Then, excel will only copy the format.

5. Flash Fill
On the excel you have a list of names. You want to separate them, first and last names. To
do this, write “Alice” and then drag down. It will copy Alice everywhere. Then, click on the
bottom right in the icon and select “Flash Fill”.

6. Cut, Copy, Paste

Cut – command X
Copy – command C
Paste – command V
Undo – control/command Z

7. Move Pointer
If you want to move the cells you selected to another place you can either do the “cut” op-
tion or the move pointer. When you select a few cells, on the corner it’s black. Click on it and
drag it around.
8. Change workbook properties – Keywords
Click on the “File”, which is the backstage of excel. Click on “Info” and you have the proper-
ties on the right. You can only change the size if you compress the file. But you can change
the title, the tags, and the categories and so forth. If you click on the arrow next to “Proper-
ties” you can also select “Advanced Properties” and see what else, you can change.

Lesson 3:

1. Set the print area

Imagine that the excel file has information on column A, B and C but you only want to print A
and B, how do you do?

Select the info you want to print then click on “Page Layout”, then “Print Area” and then
“Set Print Area”. Now the selection is the print area. You can therefore go to “File”, “Print”
and on the preview on the right you will see that only the selected area appears.
How to back to how it was before?
Go back to “Page Layout”, then “Print Area” and then click on “Clear Print Area”.

2. Print Selected Worksheets

You can see the several worksheets on the bottom of the excel.

If for instance, you only want to print the HR worksheet you click on “File”, “Print”, and then
on the settings it says “Print Active Sheets” – only print the active sheet

3. Print entire Workbook

In order to print the entire workbook, you do exactly the same as before, but instead of se -
lecting only print the active sheet, you click “Print Entire Workbook”

Then, if you want to select 2 out of the 3 worksheets you select two of them (with the com-
mand) and the click on “File”, “Print”, and “Print Active Sheet”.

4. Apply Customer Print Options

When you click on “File”, “Print” and in the settings you can change the margins or the scal-
ing. For the scaling you can even select “Custom Scaling Options”. And then you can change
whatever you want.

5. Customize Quick Access Toolbar

Click on “File”, “Options”, “Quick Access Toolbar” and then you can select which commands
from the left we pass to the right.

 You can do the same for the Ribbon

6. Show templates
When you open excel you have the option to either open a blank workbook, a previous file,
or other templates – formats that people already created.

Lesson 4:

1. References for Formulas (e.g.: Sum formula)

For an addition of several cells, you just have to do =SUM and then click on the cells. Then if
you drag the bottom right corner down the values change  because we have a relative ref-
erence (no $ signs)
Then, instead of putting =SUM(D4:D6) you write =SUM($D$4:$D$6) and then you obtain an
absolute reference. And then, if you scroll down, we just obtain the number 7.

Absolute – $D$4
Mixed – $D4 or D$4
Relative – D4

2. Refer to Data in another Workbook

You click on one cell, and you write =VIEW and the “Switch Windows” and select the other
workbook (see picture).

Once you have clicked you will be redirected to the other workbook. You then just click on
one cell and then enter.

3. Naming cell ranges, and using them in formulas

How do we see if they are already named? Near to the formula bar on the left there is the
name box.

When you click on the little arrow, and it’s empty it means no cells are named (see picture).
You can therefore decide to add a name for one cell or multiple cells.

Why is it useful? Because now you can use them in formulas.

For instance, if you want to do an addition, instead of doing =SUM(C8:C14) you can do:

 You can just not use spaces in the names.

Lesson 5:

1. Use formulas
2. SUM

Count is the number of selected cells (with numbers)

So, if it C7 we right the word “text” it won’t change the value of “4” for count. However, it
will impact the counta

4. COUNTA – counts cell with content

CountA counts all the cells with content (being numbers or text).

5. COUNTBLANK – counts blank cells

Countblank gives the number of cells that are empty.

7. MIN For a selection
8. MAX
Lesson 6:

1. Align and Indent Cell Contents

2. Merge Cells
3. Wrap Text
Already know how to do it.

4. Insert, Delete, Format specific Cell Rows and Columns

Click on “Insert” and then “Insert cells” and then one of the following (see picture)

If you want to create a space between two lines for instance at two different places do: click
on row 6, then command (control) row 12, then “Insert” “Insert cells”. It will look as follows:

5. Font Formats and Colors

Like on Word.

6. Format Painter
If you want to copy the format in another cell do as follows: Select the cell, click on the little
brush above Clipboard. It will copy the format and then you apply it where you want by just
clicking on another cell.

7. Number Formats

If you click on a cell with a number, then click on “number”

and you can change one of the following (see picture.

You can also increase and decrease decimal places or change

the currency.

8. Paste Special
How to copy past only the output (number) of one cell and not the input (formula)? Instead
of doing control (command) V, where we will put everything, we do control (command) Alt

You can also click on “Paste”, then select “Paste Special” and click on “Values”.
9. Copy value without the formula
See above!

10. Multiply values

Another useful thing we can do with the paste special is to multiply values.

You write 3 on a cell. Then you select the cell and copy it. Then you do control (command)
Alt V on the cell you want to multiply by three. And then, you select “Multiply”.

11. Transpose
Selecting multiple cells that are in a column and transposing them means putting them in a
row. Just as before you select the cells, you copy them, then you select the cell in which you
want to row to start and do control (command) Alt V. And then you select “Transpose”.
12. Cell styles
Just select a cell and then click on “Cell Styles” and choose your preferred one.

13. Hyperlink
The HYPERLINK function creates a shortcut that jumps to another location in the current
workbook, or opens a document stored on a network server, an intranet, or the Internet.
When you click a cell that contains a HYPERLINK function, Excel jumps to the location listed,
or opens the document you specified.

To do so, select a cell and do a right click. Click on “Link” or “Hyperlink” (depends on the

Then, write the link in the address. The link will then appear, and you will be able to click on

In addition, instead of putting a link to a website you can also link the cell to a specific place
in the document. So, select “Place in This Document” and then choose your location. For in-
stance, you select sheet one and then as soon as you will click on the cell (which is in sheet
2) you will be redirected to sheet 1.

You can also easily remove the hyperlink by doing a right click and then selecting delete.
14. Apply Conditional Formatting
Select your cells and then click on “Conditional Formatting”. And then you have many possi-
bilities. For instance, “Highlight Cells Rules” and “Greater than” for which you choose num-
ber, and all the number above will have a certain color, and the number below another one.
(You can also clear the rules whenever you want).

There are many other things you can do, such as highlighting the top 10% values (see pic -

You can also put data bars and so on and so on.

Lesson 7:

1. Modify row height and column width

You can manually make a row larger. But, if you want a specific larger: select the rows, go on
the home tab, and click on “Format” and click on “Row Height” and then write whatever you
want. Same goes for the columns just by clicking on “Column Width”.

And, if you want the column to have the same size as what’s in the cells  just double click
between column B and column C and it will make column B perfect.

2. Hide/Unhide
If you click on the letter or the number on the gridlines (you select the entire column or row)
and then you do a right click. Then you can select “Hide”. It disappeared but it is still there.
For instance, if you hid the column B then you will see A and then C on the columns. Then, to
make it reappear, select columns A to C and click on “Unhide”.

3. Themes/Colours/Fonts – Page Layout

 By changing these things, they will affect the entire workbook.
To exemplify, as soon as you have selected one team, the colours and fonts and everything
will automatically change.

 If they ask you to change the entire workbook you have to do it through the Page Layout

4. Gridlines
If you go on the View tab, there is a little check mark on Gridlines. If you click (to uncheck it)
you will see that the matrix that is usually present on excel files (all the lines that make a ta -
ble) will disappear.

You can also do it when printing by clicking on “Page Setup” and then “Gridlines”.

5. Headers and Footers

If you go on the View tab and then click on “Page Layout”. Then you will see that you are
now able to add a header and a footer.

6. Repeat Column and Row Print Titles

When you have a lot of data when you print your document they will appear on several
pages. Therefore, what we want to make it easier to understand is to have the header in
each page. To do that, go on Page Layout and then click “Print Titles”.

Then, you enter in the print area the entire table meaning for instance A1:I54 (there is 54
rows and 9 columns). Then, in the rows to repeat at top you put how many of rows you want
to see reappear in each page. For instance, if you want the first four rows you write 1:4.
Then click ok. To check if it worked, just go on file, and print to see if the titles are on every

7. Add and Move a Page Break

When there is more information on one page than the other one (see picture), it might not
look good.

To change that, go on View tab and select “Page Break Preview” and you will see this (see
picture). You can easily that it does not stop in the middle.

Then, if you grab the dashed line you can move it up so to make the page break wherever
you want.

Then, if you want to get back to normal (not meaning the previous cut, but the usual sheet)
you just click on View tab and then “Normal”.
Lesson 8:

1. Move or Copy a Worksheet

You just need to go on the home tab and click on “Format” and then “Move or Copy Sheet”.
You can also right click directly on the sheet in the bottom of the screen and then you’ll see
the option move or copy sheet.
Otherwise, and the most known method is just to grab it and move it around (I know that

And to copy it you do again right click and then click on create a copy and you put it wher-
ever you prefer.

2. Rename worksheet
Just double click on it (in the bottom of the page) and rename.

3. Change tab colour

You do a right click and select “Tap Colour” and then choose.

4. Hide and Unhide Sheets

You do a right click and select “Hide”. And then to make it reappear you just must right click
any other sheet and click on “Unhide” and then choose which sheet you want to unhide.

5. Insert new Worksheet

You just click on the + little sign.

6. Work with Multiple Worksheets (so that the changes made affect all worksheets)
For instance, if you want to make changes in the font of all worksheets then you must select
the first sheet, press control, and select the others one(s). And every change you will make
will appear on the other sheets selected. Also, if you want to select all the sheets you can
right click on one sheet and click “Select All Sheets”. But, if you only do a change in some
cells then it will not be applied to all the sheets, only changes in the page layout. But if you
select a column, then it will appear in all the other worksheets as well.

7. View side-by-side
Go on view tab and then select “View side by side”. You can also click on “Switch Windows”
and go to the other excel file open.

8. Find and replace data

Can be useful if you have the same mistakes or any words that is repeated in a workbook.
For instance, the word ‘vehicle’ is written in a few cells, and you want to replace it by ‘car’
but you don’t want to do it manually in every cells. Hence, you first select where to apply
(which column). If you don’t select any area excel will apply to the entire workbook. Then, on
the home tab click on “Find and Select” and then “Find”. Then you put find the word ‘vehi-
cle’ and click “Find all” (see picture). Then you click on “Replace” and put the word ‘car’ then
click on “Replace all”.

Lesson 9: Part 1
1. Get External data – Text
Select a random cell and to get external data click on the data tab then on the left click “Get
data”, then “From File”, and then “From text”. And then you just select it wherever it is in
your computer. And then you click on “Import”.

Then for the delimiter you must select “Comma” and then click on “Transform Data” if
needed and then click “Load”. And the data will appear.

In addition, if you want to add headers you can do it by using the “Transform Data” option
and clicking on “Use First Row as Headers” and then click “Close and Load”. And the table
will appear with the first row as headers.

2. Get External data – Access

Once again, we go on the data tab; click “Get Data”, “From Database”, and then “From
Microsoft Access Database”. You select your doc and “Import”. And, if it is a file there will be
several tables (see picture). You then must select the one you want and click “Load”.

3. Data Validation
Can be very useful if you want to run service. For instance, if you run a service for cat and
dogs, it is better if people, when filling answers can only choose cat or dog and not write
whatever they want. And then if people write something else excel will show you.

You must then do control shift down to select all the cells with content (you’re interested in).
You can also select it manually. Then go on the data lab, and then click on “Data Validation”
(see picture).

then you select whatever you want for the value. It can be a number, a text etc. In this case
we need a list. And then you put “Cat; Dog” for the sources. You can also decide to put an in-
put message such as Alert (title) only cat or dog (input message). Or/and you can put an er-
ror alert. Click “Ok” and then only these two options can be selected on the doc.
4. Remove Duplicates
For instance, if you have two similar rows. First you need to select the entire table, go on the
data tab, and click on “Remove Duplicates” (see picture).

Then you need to uncheck the client check box. And then just click “ok” and if you have two
similar rows one will be deleted.

5. Sort data
Select a cell (e.g., E5) then go on home tab, click on “Sort and Filter” than “Sort A to Z” for in -
stance. Then, Excel will sort column E from A to Z.

6. Sort on Multiple Criteria

Select the entire table, go on the home tab, click on “Sort and Filter” then “Customer Sort”.
Then for instance, if you want to sort it by last names you just put last names in the sort by
section (or the column letter). However, if some last names are the same but then different
first names you need to add another level which tells that after last names, we sort by first
names (see picture). Then you click “ok”.

7. Filter
You can also add filters. By clicking again on “Sort and Filter” and then “Filter”. Little arrows
will pop up. And then click on the arrow and you’ll see things you can select. For instance, on
the city column when clicking on the arrow you’ll see the cities you can select. And, if you
uncheck all of them except two, only these two will remain in the doc. And if you want to
keep them back you click again on the arrow and select “Clear Filter From ‘City’”.

8. Group and Ungroup Data

If for instance, you want to group rows 5, 6, 7, you select them all and go on the data tab,
click on “Outline” and then “Group”. Then, a little + and – sign will pop up on the left of the
rows (near to the gridline). By clicking on the + sign they open, and you can see them again.
To ungroup them just select them again, go back to data tab, “Outline” and “Ungroup”.

Useful if you want to organize data for a presentation.

9. Auto-Grouping

When you have this, you know that the white cell will be the total of ‘totals’ and
‘total expenses per day’. Hence, to complete it you can simply go on home tab and
click on auto sum (see picture).

Then, to do an auto-grouping, select the table, go to data tab, and click “Outline” and then
the arrow under “Group” and click “Auto Outline”.

10. Subtotal Data in Outlines

Select your table, go on the home tab click “Sort & Filter” then “Customer Sort” then select
‘Date’ and put ‘Oldest to Newest’. Click “ok” and there you go. Then, reselect the table, go
on data tap, select “Outline” and “Subtotal” and select the box that you want then to check
“Replace Current Subtotals” and “Summary below Data” and “ok”.

11. Format a range as a Table

Select the table, go on the home tab then “Format as Table”.

12. Naming a Table

After having done the previous thing, you will see “Design” on the top, then go on Table
Name on the left and you just change the name (for example, ‘example’). (Just click on one
random cell for creating the name).
By having a name, it is easier to use it in a formula. For instance, if you want to know the
maximum of the average bandwidth you do =MAX(example[bandwidth])

13. Insert a Slicer to a Table

If you go on design tab and click on “Insert Slicer”. That’s basically a filter. For instance, if you
put date then a filter will appear on which you will be able to click on any date and then only
the data from the selected date will remain.

To clear the filter, click on the top right icon of the filter and click on “Clear Filter”.

14. Convert a Table to a normal range

Select any cell, then click on “Convert to Range”. And any tools do not appear anymore.
Lesson 9: Part 2

1. Build a Macro
A macro is an action or a set of actions that you can run as many times as you want. When
you create a macro, you are recording your mouse clicks and keystrokes.

2. Getting the tab Developer

Go on “File”, “Options”, “Customize Ribbon”, put the check mark in the “Developer” and
click “ok”.

3. Record a Macro
Select a cell for instance, D21 then in the developer tab click on
“Use Relative References”. Then click on “Record Macro”, give it
a name and a shortcut key. Click “ok”. From now one it is
recorded. Then do whatever you want.

For example. Create a sum of all the rows above and the max.

Then click on “Stop the Macro”. And use the shortcut key to use it whenever you want.

4. Saving as an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook

Go to “File”, “Save as”, “Browse”. Now, if we save the file as an Excel Workbook next, we’ll
open the file if we click developer and macros the macro will not be there anymore. Hence,
to keep it you need to save is as type: “Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook”. Then save, and
next it will have the macro.

5. Manage Macro Security

Go on the developer tap, click on “Macro Security” and you will be asked to choose one of
these options (see picture).
Lesson 10:

1. Formulas:

VLOOKUP – same as expert =vlookup(B5,Bonus,2,True)

The vlookup is basically a formula for one specific action in a column that you can drag down

Can be used in the following situation to find the individual rate and back-office bonus rate
using the table underneath

You have to do =VLOOKUP(B5;Table;n;true)

B5: the thing you have in common in both tables; years for instance
Table: What you are looking for: should select the entire table
N: which column are you interested in (in the second table) – can be any number
True: if you want approximate data; otherwise, it’s false but the exam will mention what it

Once this is done, you drag it down.

HLOOKUP – (E11,A1:D7,D11+1,false)
Can be used in the following situation to find the intersection of the two (see picture):

You have to do =HLOOKUP(E11;Table;n;true)

Table: What you are looking for: should select the entire table – A1 toD7
N: which row are you interested in – here row 3
True: if you want approximate data; otherwise, it’s false but the exam will mention what it

For E11: instead of just writing “feet” it’s great to select the cell as if after you want to know
for exists you just need to write “exists” in cell E11 and enter and then the result will auto-
matically change.

We want to know if the goal is achieved. Well, it is if the actual sales are higher than the
sales goal. To check that, please look at the picture below.


D5: first actual sales – here 3.200.000

C5: first sales goal – here 3.375.000
“Yes”;”No” : if the value is true and if the value is false these text will appear.

Then you drag it.


If we have more than one condition, we must use the IF formula but add also one of the fol-
lowing: and / or.

For instance, the person must have actual sales higher than sales goals and must worked for
at least 10 years for the company.

Then you should do: =IF(AND(D5>C5;B5>10);"Yes";"No")

 We use ‘and’ here as both conditions must be met.

Would like this if we use ‘or’ meaning only one condition needs to be met:

Basically the sum but with a condition.

In the example below we show how to obtain the sum of actual sales obtain from people
who worked 12 years in the company).

 criteria needs to be in “ ”

For instance if we want to know how many people work for the company for more than 6
years we would use the following formula: =COUNTIF(B5:B11;">6")


For instance, if you want to average the actual sales of people who worked for exactly 12
years in the company you must use the following formula:

If you want a formula that rooms the content of two cells together in the same cell  use
concatenate formula.

You should therefore use the following formula: =CONCATENATE(E15;" ";F15) (don’t forget
the space between the two”). There is a little shortcut for the formula which is: =CONCATE-
NATE(E15&" "&F15)
They change the size of the font in our words.
Upper – will put all the letters in majuscule / Lower – the inverse.
Proper – will put the first letter in majuscule and the others not.

See example bellow.

TRIM removes all spaces from text except fir single spaces between words. Use TRIM on text
that you have received from another application that may have irregular spacing.

 removed all the spaces!


It brings characters from a little text to the right, the left and the middle.
 By putting 4 as the num_chars it means we want only the four letters on the right – so
LIST (the end of specialist)
 can do the same for left

For the mid you need to give the text (so the cell), where to start and how many numbers
you want (see picture below).

2. Convert text to columns

For instance, if you have this (all the information in column A) but you want to create an-
other column after each comma. How?

Select the cells you want (A2 to A8), go on data tab, click “Text to Columns”. Check the “De-
limited”. Then, click “Next” and click “Comma”, then “Next” and “Finish”. And there you go.
Lesson 11:

1. Protect worksheet
For instance, I’m sending an excel file to a co-worker, but I want him to be able only to edit
one column (let’s say for example column F) of the worksheet. How do I do this?

You first must select the column you want the

person to be able to write in (see picture).

Then, right click and select “Format Cells” and go on “Protec-

tion”. Then, unlock the locked box (see picture).

Then, go on the review tab, click on “Protect Sheet”. Give a password (whatever you decide).
Now your co-worker can only edit the column you selected previously.

2. Protect Workbook
However, your co-worker is still able to delete the sheet on the bottom of the page. How to
fix this? Therefore, just go back on review tab and click on “Protect Workbook”. Give a pass-
word and it’s done.

3. Hide formulas
Select the cell in which you want to hide the formula, right click select “Format Cells”. Then
go on protection and check the bow ‘hidden’. The box ‘locked’ is already checked and should
remain (see picture). And then protect the worksheet.
4. Share Workbook, Track Changes
I want a little flag, a little mark on every change my co-worker does so that after I can easily
see them.

Btw once you’ve shared the workbook you cannot protect it anymore.

So, protect the file and then share it. Then, click on “Track Changes” on the review tab. And
then click “Highlight Changes”. Then, check “track changes while editing”. And check
“when”, and “who”. Then click “ok”. (See pictures).

Btw, by clicking on track

changes it automatically
shares the workbook, so you
don’t even have to do it be-

Once this is done, every time your co-worker is making changes, a little mark will appear on
the cell.

Once your co-worker sends you the workbook back and you can therefore now see the
changes, but you wish you had a list of changes to make it clearer. To do that, click on “Track
Changes”, “Highlight Changes” and click the last box which is now active “List changes on a
new sheet” (see picture).

Then another worksheet called History will be automatically

created explaining the changes.

5. Accept/Reject Changes
Click on “Track Changes”, “Accept/Reject Changes”. Then, check “when” box and “who” box
– should already be done. Then, the changes will appear (one at the time) and you can either
accept or reject it (see picture). If you reject, it disappears. Then, you un-share the work-
6. Inspect the Document

First you need to unprotect the sheet again. Then, click on

“File”, then “Info”, “Inspect Workbook, “Inspect Document”.
Then it sends you to the document properties and information.
You can decide to remove them by clicking on “Remove All”
(see picture).

7. Mark as Final

We finished all the work and therefore we want to mark it as final. Click
on “File”, “Info”, “Protect Workbook” and then “Mark as Final”. Hence,
no changes can be made anymore. If you try a message will appear saying
‘read only’. However, you can click the box “Edit Anyway” and we are
back in a regular excel file.

8. Comment a cell
Go on the review tab, select a cell, and click on “New Comment”. Then, a flag will appear on
the corner of the cell. Then click on it and all the comments will appear on the right of your

Lesson 12:

1. Combo Chart
Select the cells of the table you want to create the chart from. Then go on the insert tab,
you’ll see the chart groups. Click on the bottom right corner, something will pop up; click on
“All Charts” (you can also see the recommended charts). Then, we you have more than
three variables, go on “Combo box”.

What you can see now is that because you did not select the headers you only see ‘Series’
and so on. But this is okay we’ll change it after. Excel is smart enough to put the variables
with text on the x axis and numbers on the y axis.

Then, you can just decide which chart type you want – the
one that makes more sense. And, you can add a secondary
axis if needed. For instance, in this case we should add it for
the years with Fabrikam. And series 2 and 3 should have the
same chart type in order to be more easily compared (see pic-
ture below). Just click “ok” and the chart will be generated.

2. Show Recommended Charts

 See above

3. Show Chart Elements – Format and Content

Right click on the chart and select “Change Chart Type”. And then, we’re back to what we
had before (see point 1).
Then, for the content: if for instance, you want to
change the names ‘series1’ and so on with the real
headers in the table do as follows: right click the chart,
click “Select Data”. Then, you can add more variables,
more columns, and you can change the names. So, se-
lect ‘series1’, click on “Edit” and just add the name.
And then it will come out as the picture on the left

4. Add another variable to the chart (3:50???)

For instance, if you want to add another column of the table to the chart. You right click the
chart and click on “Select Data”. Then on the legend entries click “Add”. Put the name of the
series (column) and the series values – select the column. Click “ok”. It’s added to the chart.
If it’s not well represented, you can right click and change chart type.

5. Move Chart
To move the chart to a new worksheet – right click then “Move Chart”; select to a new

6. Show Add Chart Elements

When you double click on the chart you can add chart elements (corner left of the screen).
Both the design and the format.

7. Sparklines
A sparkline is a tiny chart in a worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data.
Use sparklines to show trends in a series of values, such as seasonal increases or decreases,
economic cycles, or to highlight maximum and minimum values.

Select the table, then click on “Sparklines” in the icon that pops up in the corner right.

Drag the sparkline down to get it for other rows.

8. Pivot Table
Select an array of cells, being that the first row you select is the name of variables. Then go
on the insert tab and on the left click on “Pivot Table”. Now a new worksheet is created.

Then you need to drag and

drop the field names in the
categories below (see picture).

On the design tab you can change the format of what you are seeing.

9. Slicer
On the analyse tab, you can add stuff such as a slicer. Click on “Slicer”.

10. Pivot Chart

Select any cell from the pivot table, click “Analyse” and “Pivot Chart” on the right. You can
select combo if you want.

If then you use the slicer or anything else, it will appear on both the pivot table and chart.
Lesson 13:

1. Insert Picture
Click on the insert tab, “Illustration” and “Pictures” and then find your picture on the com-
If you want the picture to get dropped exactly on the cells you want do as follows: click alt,
grab the picture and it will fit exactly the perfect size of the cells.

2. Show Picture Tools and Properties

if you click on “Picture Format” tab or “Format” tab (depends on computer) and then “Cor-
rections” you can adapt the lightning and other things. You can also change, the colours, the
transparency of the pictures etc.

3. Insert a shape
Go on insert tab, click on “Illustrations”, “Shapes”. Select one and put it on the doc (choose
the size).

4. ring picture to front

Then, if you want to put the picture in the front: go on format tab and click
“Bring forward”. Or you can do with right click.

5. Insert Text Box

6. Insert SmartArt Graphics

Go on insert tab, click on “Illustrations” and “Smart Art”. You’ll have several ones you can se-
lect from. Then where it says text, you just click and add whatever you want.

7. Accessibility Checker

Go on file tab, click on “Info”, “Check for Issues”, “Check Accessibility”.

Then, the errors will appear and how to solve them.

Project 1:

1) Import list from the comma delimited source file

X located in Y folders in a specific cell.
Click on the specific cell; go to data tab, click on “Get
External Data” and select from “text”. Then just find
the file in the computer. Check that is it checked ‘De-
limited’. Then un-check tab et check comma (see be-
low). Then next and finish. Then it’s just verifying
where we want to place it. Select “ok” if it’s the right
cell, otherwise adjust and click “ok”.
2) Change the worksheet tab colour of Sheet 1 to Blue, Accent 2,
Darker 25%
Super easy, you just click right on the sheet, select “Tab Color”
and select the right one (see picture).

3) Copy the content of the X worksheet and put it in a table on the Y worksheet beginning in cell x.
Select the content in X and just copy paste it in the right place it’s easy.

4) Reorder the worksheets so that X is first.

Just click on the sheet and drag it in the first place – super easy.

5) Hide the X worksheet.

Just click right on the worksheet and select “Hide”

Project 2:

1) Join cells A1:E1 of the X worksheet.

Do not change the alignment of the
Go to home tab, and under merge click
on “Merge Across”.
2) On the X worksheet, link the content in cells A10, A11 and A12
to cell A4 on the Y worksheet.
Just go on X worksheet, select the three cells, and go on the insert
tab, click on “Hyperlink”, then “Place in this document” and then se-
lect the worksheet in which you want to link the cells with. Then,
change the cell reference. It will automatically put A1, but we want
to link it with A4.

3) On X worksheet apply the 3 flags Icon Set to the content in the x column.
Select the entire column, go on home tab, “Conditional Formatting”, “Icon
Set”, and then select the flags.

4) On the X worksheet expand the chart data range to in-

clude the rest of the rows in the table.
Click on the chart and go to chart design tab, “Select Data”
and then just manually select all the data on the excel table.

5) Copy only the X worksheet into a new workbook. Save it in the x folder as ‘name’. Close the new
workbook before proceeding.
Right click on the worksheet X, select “Move or Copy”. Check the box “create a copy” and “new book”
under ‘To book:’. A new workbook will open, save it as explained and then close it.

1) Simultaneously replace all occurrences of the word ‘choco’ with ‘chocolate’ in the workbook.
As it is in the workbook do not select cells on the sheet. Instead, go directly on home tab, “Find &
Select”, “Replace” – fill in the ‘find what’ and ‘replace with’. Click also on option and select “Work -
book”. Then click “Replace all”.

Project 3:
2) On the X worksheet, repeat the rows containing the com-
pany logo and column headings so that they appear on all
printed pages.
Select the rows and go on page layout tab, click “Page Setup”,
“Sheet”. Select the ‘rows to repeat at the top’ section and se-
lect the rows.

3) In cell x on the X worksheet, insert a formula that displays the number of Sales > than 250.
Go on cell x on that worksheet, do: =COUNTIF and then for the range we select the column of sales
and for the criteria we put >250. Then a number will appear – representing the number of sales >

4) Modify the chart on the X worksheet so the flavours are displayed as horizontal axis labels and
expenses and incomes are legend series (basically the opposite as the actual chart).
Click on the chart and go to chart design tab, “Switch Rows/Columns” and then it’s done

5) Modify the chart on the X worksheet so that the legend appears at the
Click on the chart and go to chart design tab, “Add Chart Elements”, “Leg-
end”, “Top”.
Project 4:

1) Add a new worksheet named x

Just click on the + icon next to the existing worksheet(s). then double click and type the name.

2) Simultaneously remove all duplicate

records in the x table.
Select the table including headers, go in data
lab, click “Remove Duplicates”. Verify that ‘my
data has headers’ is checked and all columns
as well.

3) In worksheet X, beginning at cell B1 import the picture that is in y (computer).

Select the cell, go to insert tab, “Pictures” and then find it on computer.

4) On the X worksheet, rotate the text ‘wired net-

works’ and ‘wireless networks’ to Angle Clockwise
Select the first text, keep the control touch, and select
the other one. Then, on home tab, select “Angle Clock-

5) Sort the data in the x table. Sort by produc-

tid, smallest to largest.
Select the column productid, go on the data tab,
select “Sort”, then enter productid and ‘smallest
to largest’.
Project 5:

1) Configure worksheet X so rows 1 trough 3 remain visible

as you scroll vertically.
Select row 4, go on the view tab and click “Freeze Panes”.
Then, you’ll still see row 1-3 when scrolling.

2) Add the subject x to the document properties.

Go on “File”, “Properties” and then simply write down the Subject.

3) Configure Excel to always print cell range A1:F17 on the X worksheet.

Select the range, go on the page layout tab, click on “Print Area” then “Set Print Area” and done.

4) On the X worksheet insert a function in cell B19 that calculates all sales from the Total column.
Select cell B19 and put the formula: =SUM then select the entire column of total.

5) In cell B4 on the X worksheet insert a function

that joins the catalogue Description to the Style
separated by a hyphen. Include a space on both
side of the hyphen. (E.g., cross country – hardtail).

If you want a formula that rooms the content of

two cells together in the same cell  use concate-
nate formula.

Therefore, go on cell B4 in the X worksheet and in-

sert the formula: =CONCATENATE. Then, for text 1:
click on the first cell of the description column in the
catalogue sheet. Then, for text 2: write a space then
the hyphen and then a space again (“ – “). Then, for
text 3, click on the first cell of the style column in
Project 6: the catalogue sheet.
1) Enable the Total Row for the table located on worksheet X
Just click on the table and then go to the design tab and check the box “Total Row” that is
usually not checked (see picture). Then, a total row will appear at the bottom of the table.
2) On the worksheet X, in the ‘maximum’ row, insert a formula in column B that returns the greatest number of
successful attempts for the month of January.
Click on the cell in row maximum column B and add the formula: =MAX and then select the column for January.

3) On the worksheet X, use the data con-

tained only in the Trail, Jan, Feb and Mar
columns to create a 3D Clustered Column
chart. Do not include Total data. Position
the new chart on the right of the table.
Select the table according to indications
(also select the headers), go to insert tab,
go on “3D Column” and then click on “3D
Clustered Column”. Then put it on the
right of the table.

4) On the worksheet X, create a table from cell range A9:E14 by applying the
Table Style Medium 18. Use the data in row 9 as headers.
Select the data range, go on the home tab, click on “Format as Table” (or go
directly on the table tab and you will see them). Then choose the right one
(see picture)

5) Apply Style 3 to the pie chart

on the worksheet X
Click on the pie chart, on the de-
sign tab you see the chart styles.
Select the right one.
Project 7:
1) Use autofill to copy the for-
mula in cell H4 to calculate the
Total Compensation for each
employee in the table x.
Just click on the cell and drag

2) Insert a formula into cell G4 that evaluates whether the

amount in Parts, Accessories or Services exceed the quarterly
goal. For each column that exceeds the goal, apply the quantity
bonus rate.

For that we must use the SUMIF formula which is basically the
sum but with a condition. So put the formula and the range must
include the row from parts to services. Same for the Sum_range.
Then, the criteria is >100000 as the quarterly goal is 100000. Once
this is done, the formula is not done yet. Then, we need to multi-
ply the formula (*) by the quantity bonus rate.

3) On the worksheet X remove the row containing the salesperson named Allen.
Just right click on the row and select “Delete”.

4) On the worksheet X disable the headings on the Rates table.

Just click on the table, go to design tab and un-check the header row.

5) In cell F4 on the worksheet X insert a line that graphs the trend of sales from Jan through Mar
Click on the cell, go to insert tab, click on “Sparkline” then “Line” and select a range – here from Jan to Mar
Project 1: 1) On the worksheet X navigate
to the cell range NewestTitles
and delete the content. Retain
all other cells on the work-
Go on the upper corner left of
the screen, click on the triangle,
and select NewestTitles. Then
right click and delete de rows.

2) On the worksheet X adjust the height of row 2 to 34.5

Right click on row 2 and select “Row height” and enter the number.

3) In cell I7 of the worksheet X use a function to calculate the average of the review score col -
umn where the system type is YCube 720.

Click on I7 and use the formula: AVERAGEIF (we use that as we want the average of review score
only for YCube 720). Then, use the range of the System column, enter the criteria ‘YCube 720’ and
use the average_range of the Review Score Colum.

4) Remove the table functionality from worksheet X. Retain the

font and cell formatting.
Click inside the table, then go on design tab and click on “Convert
to Range”.

5) It’s only adding a sheet, naming it, and giving it a colour.

Project 2:

1) Import a text in a specific cell as a tab-delimited file without head-

Click on the cell, go to data tab, select “Get Data”, “From Text/CSV”.
Find the file. Then, be sure the delimiter here is Tab as required by the
task. Then, click on “Load”, “Load to” and select “Existing Worksheet”
for where to put the data.

We then get this – a table. But as we do not want a ta-

ble, we go on the design tab and click on “Convert to
Range”. However, not over yet as we don’t want head-
ers. So just need to right click on row 9 and select

2) Just need to remove a hyperlink in one cell.

Click on the cell, go to insert tab, click on “Link” and then “Remove link” – can also do right click.

3) Show the existing worksheet X located after worksheet Y.

This means the worksheet X is hidden. Hence, right click on another sheet and click “Unhide”. Then,
make sure you put it after worksheet Y – you might need to drag it and move it around.

4) On the worksheet X, format the data range A3:E11 as a table

that has headers. Apply any style format.
Select the data range, go on the insert tab, click on “Table” and
5) On the worksheet X resize the format of the chart so that it covers only cells H3 through O19.
Do it manually.
Project 3:

1) Display worksheet X in Page Layout View. Then insert a

page break between raw 20 and 21.
Click on the view tab, click “Page Layout”. Then go on row
21 and click on “Breaks” and “Insert Page Break”. Done

2) Replacing a word by another.

Home tab, “Find & Select” and then putting the right info.

3) Do an average formula.

4) Include an additional column into an existing chart.

Click on the chart, go to design tab, click on “Select data” and then just checked the box with the re -
quired column to add.

5) Locate Table 1 and change its name to Costs.

Click on the top corner left of the screen and search for Table 1. Once
found, click on the table, go to design tab and change the name on the
top corner left “Table Name:”

Project 4:

1) Rename a worksheet.

2) Add a title property to a document.

4) Save the worksheet X as a web-
page named ‘Rent Prices.htm to
the Y folder.
5) On the worksheet X, configure the heading
row in the tableGo (row 4) so “Save
on “File”, that entries wider
As”, click on
than the column thewrap to multiple
Y folder, type lines.
the file name
‘Rent heading,
For now in the table Prices’ (noweneed to put
cannot seehtm
some is
of the info – that’s means
we askit’susa to
website). Then,
do this. Then,
change the file type and
click on row 4, go to home tab and click “Wrap save it as
Text”. And thenatheWeb page.
entire Then,will
heading click on “Pub-
lish”. Then, select “All contents of
Computer Rooms” and again “Pub-

Project 5:

1) Insert a column.
Right click on the column and click on “Insert”

2) On the worksheet X, configure rows 14 through 17 so that they are present but not visi-
This means we must hide them. To do so, select them, right click, and select “Hide”.
3) On the worksheet X, add subtotals to the Price column that
display the combined price for each Type with a page break
between each style.
Click on the table, go to data tab, click on “Subtotal”. Then en-
ter “Type” for ‘At each change in’. Select Price for the ‘add
subtotal’. And then, for this specific case, be sure to check the
box ‘Page break between groups’.

4) On the worksheet X, format the table so that every other row is

shaded. Use a technique that automatically updates the formatting if
you insert a new row.
So basically, it looks like the picture below and you want to make it like
the picture below below. Click on the table, go to design tab and click
on “Banded Rows”

5) On the worksheet X, in the column

B cell B4, create a formula that re-
turns the two leftmost letters of the
word in D4.
Click on B4, add the formula:
Project 6:

1) Make a copy of worksheet X to the right of worksheet X.

Right click on worksheet X; click “Move or Copy”. Select “Cre-
ate a copy”. Put it in the same workbook under ‘To book’ and
on the right of worksheet X under ‘Before sheet’.

2) On the worksheet X, display the formulas that are in the cells.

Go on the formulas tab, click “Show Formulas”.

3) On the worksheet X, apply a number format to display the

numbers in columns B through E to two decimal places with
the US Dollar symbol ($) left-aligned and the decimal points
Select columns B to E and go to home tab and click on the “$
4) On the worksheet X, displays the month on the x-axis and the revenue
on the y-axis of the chart.
Basically, when they ask this, they want us to change the x and y. So, click
on the chart, go to design tab, and click on “Switch Rows/Columns”.

5) Without using the New Sheet button, move

the pie chart of worksheet X to its own chart
sheet named ‘name’.
So basically, we need to create a new worksheet
for the pie chart without using the button new
sheet. To do so, click on the pie chart and on the
design, tab click on “Move Chart”. Or right click
on the pie chart and select “Move Chart”. Then,
Project 7:
select “New Sheet” and give it the right name.
1) On worksheet X use an Excel feature to copy the sparkline into all the vacant cells of the m column.
Just select the first one and drag down.

2) On worksheet X add a row to the table that automatically calculates the total hours worked by employees
Click on the table and in the design tab, check the box ‘Total Row’.

3) On worksheet X on cell B4 add a function that

will display the word ‘yes’ if J4>40 and ‘no’ oth-
Click on B4 and add the following formula:
=IF(J4>40; “Yes”; “No”)

4) On worksheet X in the cell I4 add a function to copy the name from B4 and formats the name so that the first
letter is upper case and the remaining letters lower case.
Click on I4 and use: =PROPER(B4)

5) On worksheet X create a 3D Clustered Column charts that shows only the call time for Friday by each sales -
person. Position the new chart to the right of the table and change the colours of the chart to Colourful Palette
Select the column with the call time for Friday. Then go to insert tab, click on “3D Column”, “3D Clustered Col -
umn”. The chart will then look as on the picture bellow. However, we want it by each salesperson. Therefore, click

To remove duplicates: select the table, go to data tab, click “Remove Duplicates”.

To create a function that counts the number of food items: go on the required cell and enter: =COUNTA
(select the column with food items).
 We do not use COUNT as it is only for numbers, and we do not use COUNTBLANK as we’re not interested
in counting blanks; but only word text so - COUNTA

To removeTo all
apply the properties
hidden Title style to
anda personal
cell in a work-
information from the workbook: go to “File”, “Info”, “Inspect Work-
sheet: click
book”, “Inspect on the cell
Document”. andthat
Verify on the
thehome, tab
box ‘document properties and personal information’ is checked. Click on
Styles” and select
“Remove” ‘Title’.
next to ‘Document properties and personal information’.

To modify a table style to remove the shading that appears on every other row: click on the table and on the
design tab un-check the ‘Banded Rows’ box.

To sort a table column from A to Z: select the entire table and on the data tab, click on sort and fill the box.
To modify the scaling of a worksheet so that it fits on
one page when printing: go to “File”, “Print”, “No Scal-
ing” and “Fit Sheet on One Page”.

To change the margins of a worksheet: go on page layout tab, click on “Margins” and “Custom Mar-
gins” and adjust. You can also centre the worksheet horizontally or vertically

To save only one worksheet into a folder as a PDF file with a certain name: select the worksheet, go
to “File”, “Export”, “Create PDF/XPS Document”, put it in the right folder, be sure the type is a PDF
and name it. Then publish.

To outline both the columns and rows of a table: click on the table, go to
data tab, click on “Group” and select “Auto Outline”.
To sort a worksheet alphabetically from A to Z first by lo-
cation, product and then season (Spring, Summer, Fall):
select the entire table, go on the data tab, click on “Sort”.
First sort by ‘location’ then ‘product’ from A to Z. Then,
sort by ‘season’ and select “Custom List”. In the customer
list write Spring, Summer, Fall then click on “Add” and
“ok”. Then, you’ll be redirected to the previous thing, and
select custom list and now ‘Spring, Summer, Fall’ appears
in the list; click on it and click on “ok”. Done.

To display a worksheet’s formulas: go on the worksheet, go on formula tab, and click on “Show Formu-

To apply a fill colour, a font colour and bold to a cell: select the cell, go on the home tab, click on the
paint, and select the fill colour; click on the A and select the background (meaning colour of the text) and
then click on bold.
To insert ‘Page 1 of ?’ page numbering in the header of a
worksheet: go on the worksheet, go to insert tab, click on
“Header & Footer”, then click on “Header” on the top cor-
ner left and select “Page 1 of ?”

To copy and transpose a cell range to another work-

sheet on A8: copy the cell range on the 1 st worksheet
(command C), go on the 2nd worksheet and click on A8
then instead of doing command V do a right click and
select in the paste options “Transpose”.

To remove a table formatting but keep the cell formatting: click on the table, go to design tab, and click “Con-
vert to Range”.

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