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The Reality of Homeless People

In today's society, homeless individuals are often victims of prejudices. This is due to a
lack of understanding and empathy that suffer humanity, increasing the marginalization
of those who find themselves in that situation. It seems to me that it is important to
understand that homelessness does not define a person's value or their ability to
contribute to society.

To begin with, the circumstances leading to homelessness are numerous and complex,
such as job loss, mental health issues, a lack of adequate resources or bad luck. We can
all find ourselves in such a situation, not necessarily caused by bad decisions. Ours is a
society that tends to criticize everything without going further. We rarely think to ask a
homeless person why they ended up there; instead, we assume reasons without
considering the painful, diverse, and challenging stories they may have.

In addition to this, prejudices also contribute to perpetuate homelessness, making it

difficult for these individuals to access employment, housing, and social services. This
creates barriers to their escape from the situation. Society needs to recognize that these
individuals deserve compassion and support instead of being condemned for
circumstances that often are out of their control.

To sum up, it is necessary to overcome prejudices about homeless people. By

understanding the complexity of their lives and recognizing homelessness as a social
problem, we can work to find more compassionate and effective solutions. I would say
that empathy and solidarity would be powerful tools to break down stigmas and build a
fairer and more inclusive society.

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