Picture Grammar For Children

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Macmillan Educa tion
Between Towns Road. Odord OX4 3PP. U K
A division of Macmillan Publ ishers Limited

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ISBN 0 333 75256 2

Text © David Vale 1999

Design and illustration @ Macmi llan Publishers Limiled 1999

First published 1999

All ri ghts reserved; no part of thi s publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system.
transmined in any form. or by any means. electronic. mechanical. photocopying. recording. or
otherwise. wit hout the prior wrinen permi ssion of the publi shers.

Designed by Sue Vaudin

Cover illustratio n by Colin Robson

Illustratio ns by Tony Kenyon. Frances Lloyd. Debbie Lush. David Peel. Liz Pichon.
Tessa Richardson-Jo nes. Nick Sharratt. Jan Smith.

The autho r would like to thank Karen Gray and all the slaff at Hei nemann ELT who have been
involved in this project. Thanks also 10 Ana. Si mone and Manhew for the ir creative input and
constant support. Alex for his inspirational art at the beginning. Bill and Nick for their com-
ments and advice early on. Steve Mullaney for many practical ideas on vocabulary.

The publi shers would like to thank the followin g teachers and advisers fo r thei r helpful
comme nts: Mary Nicalexi s. Greece. Teli Kalambahcti. Thailand . Carol yn Barraclough. UK

Primed and bound in Spain by Edelvivcs. Zaragoza

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*.. Picture Grammar.*

for Children Starter

C QnteP1t ~
Title Grammor Page

I Games and toys The alphabet 2

2 Rainbow restaurant Singular/plural nouns; a/an

3 At the circus What's your name/ I'm ...

4 My body What is it/are they? It's/they're .. .

5 My home Where is/are?; prepositions

Review I 22

6 Animals Can /can't

7 Round the garden This/that is; these/those are

8 Family Possessives

9 Up and down Imperatives

10 Nelly's (arm There is/are

Review 2 44

Grammar summary 46

Words and phrases 48

Words you need
1 Tick (11') your favourite toys and games. ~

2 Cover the picture. How many word s can you remember? 9

Word check

1 Write a, e, i, 0 or u. ~ 2 Tick (v' ) the ones

you have. ~
PJd pp!<t
teddy 0 tra in 0
f_rm d_1 1
car 0 puppet 0
J_9S_W k_t_
robot 0 ball 0

c a J
d r 0 J r
0 t 9 a £!3
e t 5 k
n c a n
r 0 b 0 t w

Join the letters. Colour and write. ~ t1fP ,.. s •

11' 5a _ __ _
'I-. .u
d J . v
• • •e •



(. .

:f ;3• 0, .


2 Circle the vowels. Underline the consonants. ~

b@.o £l @ k @! ~
I. t r a I n 3. r 0 b 0 t

2. P u P p e t 4. 9 5 a w

3 Write. ~

My favo urite toy car

In A-B-C o rde r a c r

4 Match. ,JifP

5 Write in capitals and draw. ft'P dfP

car CAR
-- ---
- - - - ---
I. doll 3. ba ll
[: -~ [ 1
2. train 4. teddy

6 Look at page 2. Complete and read. ftft'P 9

r is for robot b is for ball
I . c is for _ _ __ _ _ __ 3. j is for _ _ _ __ _ __
2. d is for _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. p is fo r _ _ __ _ __ _

Ext ra Make an alphabet book for your name. ~ dfP

IS [ is f or
J . JO Y-
'3 S G\(u
Rainbow restaurant
Words you need
Circle your favourite food. fi!P
Underline your favourite colour. fi!P

orange pink

, "\

'/.. '

Word check

r is for red
o is for o ronge
y is for yellow
g is for green
b is for blue
p is for pu

Complete. ~

Colour and match. tifP~


• Write a or an. ~
___ pea _ __ Ice cream _ _ apple _ _ _ grape

• Complete. ~
fe6 a pink blue an

I. a cake 3. orange carrot

~ ~
yel low banana 4. a
~ Ice cream

One carrot I pea I gra pe

Two 2 carrots 2 2 ap ples 2 2 cakes

• Write. ~

- +•• = 3 apples.

I. = carrots.
2. (!)
ID (!)
iii iii
+ "

Spot the differences. Wr ite. ft ~
Picture I Picture 2

I red apple I e reen apple

2 yellow bananas yellow banana
I _ _____cake _ _ orange _ _ __ _

3 gropes _ _ purple _ _ _ __

pink ice creams Ice cream

Make a zig -zag book. ~ t1fP

At the circus
:; - ~.- "'. . . . .;;;,j
Words you need
Circle your favourite circus person. ~

Mime what they do. ~


Write. ~
des sad
hnit t -- -
lito t - - -
yohpp h - - - -

2 Complete. ~

W ~
str_ngm _ n i_ggl_r

3 Complete the faces. 6fP

4 Match.~

~ strong


.....Complete. ~

My name's Bill .

f. My name's

~. ~~S-G-fU-m-. - )

c. My name's 4. My _ __
Mr jolly

Write. ~

What's your name? My name's _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

Ask a partner. 9

~ True (v ) or false (It )? ~

• ro


C ~
~ '" 0

I'm a ringmaster. V I'm a clown . It

Ll~ ) (~
I . I'm a magician. 3. I'm not a ringmaster 5. I'm a strongman.

2. I'm a clown.
4. I'm a juggler
. "
6. I'm not a clown.
...-Write I'm or I'm not. ~

I. [. m toll . _ ___ sad.

2. _ ___ short. _ _ _ happy.

Are you happy?

I. Are you strong? Yes, I am.! N o. I'm not.

2. Are you thin? Yes, I am.! No, I'm not.

3. Are you short? Yes, I om.!N o. I'm not.

6 Ask a friend. Complete with V' or)C. 9 ~

Nome Are you happy? toll? strong?


7 Complete for you. ~ ~

My name's _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __
_ __ a girl/boy.
- - - -- - - ---
I'm not
Words you need
Circle the words you know, ftJIf'
- ,,,", Sing ' Head, body, legs and toes', /J

Word check

Count, then move the parts of your body, ftJIf' f§.'f;f;>

~ ___ ~
( ) one jj 6

Complete, label and colour. ~tJffP Make a class display. + tJffP

Draw round 0 fr iend and label.
Measure how tall your friend is.

~))IJ ./.: :;. . .~


Look at a partner. Draw. ft t1fP

i I
It's an eye. I. It's an ear 2. It's a mouth.

3. They're teeth.
4. They're hands.

_ ,0 0 Complete. ~

What is it? It's a ~.

I. What is it) It's a _ __ _ _ __ _ __

2. What is it? It's a _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _

3. What a re they? They're _ _ __ _ __ _ _

4. What are they? They're _ _ _ __ __ _ _

_ .''}' Complete with i6/are. Match. ~

What is it? It's a nase .

•~ ~~
They're ears.
They're fingers.
What they? It's a head.
What they? They're teeth.
Make a puzzle page. dfP~
WI'I",t i s H; ?

Is it "
hco 1'1d. ?
~ Are +'he~
<'''Irs 7

n: 7\

N o, 'I t is ,.)t; .
It's co .foot .
Yes, are .

Work with 4 friends. Join your pages t o make a book.

Cover a picture. A s k a friend . dfP 9

Is it a hand?

CYes, it is. )
Words you need
Circfe the things you have in your bedroom. ftIP
Count the spiders. 9

II ~
- lomp
II --
II .::::-
"- 1/

cooker .
Word chec k

Write. ~

living room


/I Write and match. ~


Circle the odd one out. Draw it. ~

living room kitchen bedroom

fridge sofa bed desk
G ooker: cooker lamp
picture table fridge

~ I

Write in, on or under. ~

~ In

v - - \,

1. _ _ _ _ __ 2. _ __ __ 3. _ _ _ __

Look at pages 18/ 19. Complete. ft ~

Where's the table? It's in the kitch e n .

I, Where's the bed? It's the

2. W here's t he sofa? It's the
3. Where's the lamp? It's the

Look at pages 18/19. Complete. ft ~

is are is in on under

I. Where is the red spider? It' s - - - - the table.

2. Where ___ the green spider? It' s _ _ _ _ _ the desk.

3. Where _ _ _the blue spiders? They're _ _ __ _ the sofa.

Ask a friend. Complete. 9.foP
Is the red spider in the kitch en? Yes, i t is. (No, it isn't.)

I. Is the green spider in the bedroom? Yes, _ is.

2. Is it under the television? No, isn't.
3. Is it on t he bed? , it _ _ _ __
4. Is it in the desk? , it _ _ _ __

Read, draw and colour. .foP tifP

The cooker is in the kitchen.

The lamp is in the living room. It is under the picture.
The television is in the bedroom. It is on the desk.

- . •

1 - - -- --1

Gu~ssing game tifP 9

Draw a spider in the house above.
Ask questions to find your friend's spider
fs it in the bedroom?) eN' . , ~0, It Isn t

L}s it under the sofa?)

( Yes, it is.?
Review 1
Unit 1 Game5 and tOY5
Complete and list. ft!? (10 points)
Consonants Vowels
A is for Afohabet
, b. h. f. ,o. t
F is for Farm
D is for D, _ _ __
T is for T _ _ __ _

Unit 2 Rainbow re5taurant

Write . ft!? (4 points)

0 _ _ _ __ an _ _ _ __ _ __ Ice cream _ _ banana

2 Count and write. (6 points)

2 green peas + 5 green peas - 7 green peas

Unit:3 At the circu5

Complete. ft!? (10 points)

I, What's your _ _ _ _ I My name's _ _ _ _ __
2, Are you happy? Yes, I _ _ __
J Are you I N o. I'm _ _ _ __ _

Unit 4 My body

Complete with is/ore and answer. ~ (10 points)

What ;s it? j Jlt's an arm. What are they? ~ ~ They're ears.

I. What it? ~ It a

2. What _ they? ~ They _ _ _ _ _ __ __

3. What it? ~ It - -

Unit 5 My home

Draw and colour the spiders, ttfP (6 points)

The blue spider is on the lamp.
The red spider is in the fridge.
..,c• • •
The green spider is under the table.

2 Look then cover the picture. ft (4 points)

True (v) or false (lC). ~

The lamp is on the desk. V
I. The television is on the desk.
2. The bed is under the picture.
3. The spider is in the bed.
4. The television is on the table.

Your score 150
\d 40·50
very good
\c:;J 0-24
h(Ne another try
I con c/Jmb.
Circle your favourite animal. ~

Mime what it can do. ~

I con hop.
I can hide.

ka nga roc

I I con run.

Match and write in A-B-C order. ft1P
Help! ante rich antelore
I can't nV
ele '\ key

ost lope
mon garoo
kan phant os trich

Imagine and draw a 'mongaroo' or an ' ostphant '.

. Write a or an. ft1P
a n ante lope _ __ kangaroo _ __ elephant

_ __ lion ___ monkey ___ ostrich

• Tick (If") if you can or cross (x) if you can't. ft1P

\ .. ~ " ._. "~ . "~ ,~

I " ~r ~:
/ and read to a friend. ft1P 9


. Compfete with ..... (can) or )( (can't). flIP

run fly hop climb


• Write can or can't. flIP

A lion can run . It ca n 't fly.

I. A monkey climb. It fiy.

2. An elephant run. It hop.
3. An antelope climb. It run.

Antelopes ki'!fl run. They c g n 't fly.

I . Elephants run . They climb.

2 Ostriches fiy. They run.
1 Kangaroos hap. They fiy.


Can an elephant run? Yes , it can .
Can a monkey fly? No , it can ' t .

I. Can an ostrich hide? , it _ _ __ _

2. Can a lion fl y? , it _ _ __ _
3. Can an elephont swim? . it _ _ _ __

Circle. ~

Can elephants run! E; they ~/NO, they can't.

I. Can kangaroos climb? Yes. they can.lNo, they can't.
2. Can lions run? Yes, they can.lNo, they can't.
3. Can ostriches fl y? Yes, they con.lNo, they can't.

Complete for you and a friend (v or K). Write. 9 ~

run swim
my friend

I con _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ but I can't _ _ _ _ _ _ __

My friend can , but ca n't _ _ _ _ __ _ __

= •
Rourul the gllrtJen
Words you need
. .
Circle the creatures. ~

Underline the plants. ~

bird butterfly

'1 I

Complete and write. flIP


Complete the crossword. flIP

~\\ .\
., ~l1H-....J

\<0' /J /
Practice (

Read and colour. ft 6fP

I. This is a red 2. That is a 3. This is 4. That is a

ladybird. blue butterfly. a yel low fiowe~ green bird.

Tick (v') the correct picture. ftI"

~~ Th is is a fiawe~

fLJQl~ I. This is
a bee.
3. That is
a cat.

c=:Ql Dn
iSo 2. That is
a tree.
4. This is a

Point, ask and answer. ft 9

, 1 I .

No, it isn't.
Complete with th858 or tho58 . .#'
These are flowe rs. ~
. ,<Zl
r'l~ 1.
•. e. .---r;-:-0 ·.:
'''' ...

I. _ _ _ are trees. 2 _ _ _ a re birds. 3. _ _ _ are leaves.

Complete and circle. .#'

Are those ladybirds? Yes, they are .~, they are~

I. Are _ __ flowers? Yes, t hey are .lNo, they aren't.

2. Are frogs? Yes, they are.lNo, they aren't.

3. Are cots? ~ Yes, they are .lNo, t hey aren't.

Make finger puppets. Say and act. ~ 9 ~

What's that? What's that?

family you have. ~

Choose names for the pets. ~

Word check
Write their names. ~
Spell and write. 9~ My famil y
mum _________________________
mmu mum
dod _________________________
odd d
brother(s) _____________________
oct c
sister(s) _______________________
ogd d grondmo( s) _____________________
yobb b grondod(s) ___________________
pet(s) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

32 •
3 Draw your family. t1fP

me IY1Ij brother 1Y1'j roWYl ro~ da~


Write the names. p!fP

My name is Sally. My dad's name is Frank.
My mum's name is Rose. My brother's name is Sam.
My sister's name is Barbara. My dog's name is Tandy.

Read and complete. Colour the photo. ftp!fPt1fP

sister brother dog mum and dad
hair blonde brown black I black
e es blue reen brown brown

my his ftef its our their

Sister Her hoir is blonde. (He r eyes ore blue.)
I. Brother _ __ hair is brown.
2. Dog _ __ eyes are brown.
J Mum and dad _ _ _ hair is black.
4. You _ _ _ hair is _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. You and a friend _ _ _ eyes are _ _ _ _ __ _ __

Circle. ~

I. This is his/her baby. 3. This is his/her brother

2. This is their/its dog. 4. This is your/our cot.

Ask a friend. 9
Yes, Is this his book?
it is .


Make a family page. tifP4fo

This is my mum
Her eyes are blue. This is our cot.
Its hair is block.

This is my brother and sister

Their names are Peter and Lisa.
Up and down
Words you need
1 Circle the instructions your teacher uses. flIIP

close your book

Word check

Match. Do the action. fill' Y.§:@

Open ~ your pencil.

Point to \... your book.

Pick up the door.

Close your hand.

Knock on the board.

Put up your book.

Circle. fill'
shout eat stand put sit pick

s P c k
s t a n d
h P « J>
a u e s a
u t a 0 k
t t a e

Complet e. fill'
up down In eR to
knock Q.11
come _ _ _ stand _ __
sit _ __ point _ __

Match . ftJP
Put up your hand. - -

I . Knock on t he door.
2. Come in.
3. Pick up your penci l.
4. Point t o t he boo rd.

Play 'S imon Says'. ~

Simon soys open your book. Simon soys close your DOO'K.

Simon soys sit down .

Write. ftJP

class/don't/in/run Don't run in class.

I . up/stand
2. eatlclass/don'tlin
3. your/book/open
4. in/shoutlclass/don't
Complete. ft'P

Please, come in. Don't come in .

Please. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Don't stand up.

Please. _ __ _ ______ Don't open your book.

Please , _______ _ _ __ D on't sit dow n.

Please, _ _ _ _______ Don't clase the door.

Make a sign for your classroom. &P ~

Write rules for your classroom. ft'P

Pu t UQ your ha nd . Do n't s ho ut.

Count the animals. 9
Say the animal sounds in English . 9

Word check . . . Ma t ch the tails. fo'P

Write and say. fo'P9
cwo co w phese ,
sheet:> hen
gdo sheep
Baa! T'
I ,
I 'I>



. .'
,' ,!to:.' "
. - .. ' ~

Draw your favourite farm animal. t£fP


. . . Complete with 'slare and the number..#'

There~ horse. There are 3 sheep.

I. There dog.
2. There cat.
3. There hens.
4. There ducks .

. . . Circle the correct answer. .#'

Is there a dog on the form? ~ s , there]§:i No, there isn't.

I. Is there one cow? Yes, there is.lNo, there isn't.

2. Is there a donkey? Yes, there is. /No, there isn't.
3. Is there a wh ite cat? Yes, there is.lNo, there isn't.

. . . Write the questions. Ask a friend . .#' 9

cows/2/there/Are Are there 2 cows? (Yes, there are~

I. there/ducks/5/Are -----------------------------------?
2. 3/Are/henslthere -----------------------------------

3. Are/21sheep/there --------------------------------------)
. . . Circle the differences. Complete. ftiP

Picture I Picture 2

In picture 2 ... There isn't a white cow. There's a bro wn cow.

I. There _ __ _ _ _ a black cat. There's 0 _ _ _ __ _ cat .
2. There a brown dog. There's a _ _ _ _ _ _ dog.
3. There 4 hens. There a re _ _ _ _ _ _ hens.
4. There 2 goats. There a re _ _ _ _ _ _ goats .

. . . Make farm puppets. Sing and act with your class. t1fP-=!fo fJ

Nelly MacDonald has a fo rm. E- I-E-J-0. ~

On her form there is a cot. E-J-E-I-0.

And the cot says' miaow miaow miaow' .

Nelly MacDonald has a form. E-J-E-J-0.

On her form there are 2 cows. E-J-E-J-0.

The cows soy ' moo moo moo',

And the cot says ' miaow miaow miaow' ...

Review 2
Unit 6 Animale;
I Complete and answer. ft!P (10 points)

Can an elephant swim? Yes , it can. (No , it ca n't. )

I. a monkey climb? , it
2. a lion fiy? , it
3. an elephant hop? , it
4. an antelope run? , it
5. a lian hide? , it

Unit 7 Round the garden

Complete with this, that, these or those. Answer. ft!P (I 0 points)

I. What's )

2. What's _ _ _ _ ? It's _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. What are _ _ __ They're _ _ _ _ __

4. What are _ _ _ _ ? They're _ _ _ _ __

Unit 8 Family

Complete . .#' (10 points)

ffl. your her our its their

'-''-L~Q H i s nome is Tom. 00 3. _ _ _ hair is black.

1. _ _ _ name' is Laura. @e 4. _ _ _ ha ir is grey.

~~1l2 ___ name is Bill. ~ 5. _ _ _ name is Jet.

Unit 9 Up and down

I Complete and do . .#' ~ (10 points)

Knock Q11 the door. Come _ __ Sit _ _ _

Point _ _ _ the board. Put _ _ _ your hand.
Don't stand Soy goodbye.

Unit 10 Nelly's farm

Complete. (10 points)

I s there a cow on the form? Yes, there is . (No. there isn't. )

I. _ _ _ there a dog? No, _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 _ _ _ t here 3 sheep? Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1 _ _ there 2 horses? No, ________ . There's horse.

Your score
150 \:::::::.)
very good
\d 0-24
have another try

The alphabet

obcdefghi; k lmnopqrs t u v w xyz

ABC D E F G H IJ K L M N 0 P Q R 5 T U V W X Y Z

Singular and plural nouns

I a pple carrot I ca ke grape I pea

2 apples 3 carrots 4 ca kes 5 grapes 6 pea s


a carrot. a banana. a coke

an apple. an ice cream, an orange

What's your name? I'm . . .

What's you r na me? I'm Sa m Smal l.

I'm a juggle r. I'm sho rt.
I'm no t a magician.
I'm not call.
Are yo u hap py? Yes, I am.
Are yo u sad ? No, I'm not.

What is it!/are they? It's1They're ...

What is it ? It's a mouth.

Is it a nose? Yes, it is. No, it is n't.
What a re they? They're ears.
Are they eyes? Yes, they a re. No, they aren 't.

Where is/ore?; prepositions

Whe re's the spider! It's on the bed.

It's in the bed.
Is it in the bedroom? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
W here a re the spiders? They're under the bed .


You You you you yo u

He He he he she
She con run. She can't fiy. Can she hop? Yes, she can. No, she can't
It It it it it
We We we we we
They They they they t hey

this, that, these, those

- . ... .>O'~)....

What's this? This is a frog . What's that? That's a cot.

What a re these? Th ese are frogs. What are those? Those are cots.


my grandma, your gra ndad, his sister, her brother, its mum, our dog, their cot


• Sit down. Sta nd up. Open your book. Put up yo ur hand.

Don't sit down. Do n't stand up. Do n't o pe n your book. Do n't put up your hand.

there is/there are

There is one cow. Is there a cow? Yes, the re is.lNo, there isn't.
There a re two sheep. Are t he re three sheep? Yes, the re are.lNo, t here a re n't.

This wordlist contains all the vocabulary items illustrated
in the Words you need pages of each unit.
Unit 1 Unit 3 Unit 5 Unit 7 Unit 9
ball clown bed bee close
bicycle happy bedroom bird come In
car juggler cooker butterfly don 't eat
doll magician desk cat don 't shout
farm ringmaster fridge fish don't run
Ilgsaw sad kitchen flower knock on
kite short . lamp frog open
puppet strong living room grass pick up
robot strongman picture ladybird point to
teddy tall sofa leaf put up
train thin spider pond sit down
table tree stand up
Unit 2 Unit 4 television
apple arm Unit 8 Unit 10
banana body Unit 6 baby cat
blue ear antelope brother cow
cake eye climb cat dog
carrot finger elephant dad donkey
grape foot fly dog duck
green hand hide grandad farmer
Ice cream head hop grandma goat
orange leg kangaroo mum hen
pea mouth lion rabbit horse
pink neck monkey sister sheep
purple nose ostrich
red toe run
yellow tooth sWim


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