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Parenthood Vs. Profession: The Lived Experiences of Teachers of

Burauen Comprehensive National High School in Balancing Work and
Parenting Responsibilities

APRIL 2023
Aron Sant Ezekiel Alisa
Dan Jeff P. Gabriente
Marianne A. Posion
Jelian C. Araña
Jonathan Moriz Dyve M. Renomeron
Jhon Rey S. Inso
Jennyvie C. Bioc
Mary Kim C. Gerona
Raphael T. Villaflores
Emie Jay T. Masayon
Ronico C. Renomeron Jr.

Mrs. Marie Charisse B. Geniston


Teachers are among the busiest professionals who have to balance

multiple responsibilities in their lives. On the one hand, they are responsible
for shaping the minds of the next generation and ensuring that their
students receive the best education possible. On the other hand, they also
have personal lives and responsibilities outside of their work, including
The demands of teaching can be challenging, particularly for those
who are also parents. Balancing work and family responsibilities can be an
ongoing struggle for teachers, affecting their job satisfaction, well-being, and
ability to perform their professional duties. Despite the prevalence of work-
life conflict among teachers, there is a lack of research that explores the
lived experiences of teachers who are also parents in balancing their
In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on work-life
balance, especially for those who have children. Teachers are no exception,
and many struggle to balance their demanding teaching schedules with the
demands of being a parent. Balancing work and parenting can be
challenging and stressful, and it can take a toll on a teacher's physical and
emotional well-being.
This study aims to fill this gap by using a phenomenological approach
to investigate the experiences of teachers at Burauen Comprehensive
National High School in Leyte, Philippines, who are also parents. By
exploring the subjective experiences of teachers, this study seeks to gain a
deeper understanding of the challenges they face in balancing their personal
and professional lives, and to identify the strategies they use to manage
these challenges.
The researchers need to conduct this research because the
intersection of parenting and professional life can have profound impacts on
individuals, families, and society as a whole. Specifically, for teachers who
are parents, managing the competing demands of their work and family
responsibilities can be particularly challenging, leading to burnout, stress,
and reduced job satisfaction. This not only affects the well-being of teachers
but also has consequences for the quality of education for learners.
Existential phenomenology provides a suitable framework for
understanding the subjective experiences of individuals as they grapple with
the challenges of work and family life. This research will utilize an existential
phenomenological approach to explore the lived experiences of teachers as
they attempt to balance their work demands with their parenting
responsibilities (Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau-Ponty, 1944).

Statement of the Problem

This research will focus on teachers who are currently employed in

Burauen Comprehensive National High School and have at least one (1)
child under the age of 18 years. This study will be guided by the following
research questions:

1. What strategies do you use to manage your time effectively and ensure
you have enough time for both your job and your family?
2. How do you prioritize your time between work and family obligations,
and how do you make sure neither one suffers?
3. What kind of support do you receive from your school or district in
terms of work-life balance, such as flexible schedules or family leave
policies? How do you maintain your own self-care and

Significance of the Study

The demands of parenting and teaching can be overwhelming, leaving

little time for self-care and personal growth. However, for teachers who are
also parents, balancing work and family responsibilities is not just a matter
of personal well-being but also a crucial factor that affects the quality of
education for learners. In light of this, our study titled "Parenthood Vs.
Profession: The Lived Experiences of Teachers of Burauen Comprehensive
National High School, Burauen, Leyte in Balancing Work" aims to explore
the challenges that teachers face in managing their work and parenting
responsibilities, as well as the strategies that they use to maintain their
The findings of our study have significant implications for both
teachers and learners:

1. Teachers
a. For teachers, the study can provide insights into the factors that
affect their job satisfaction and retention, as well as inform the
development of policies and programs that support their work-life
balance. For learners, the study can contribute to a more positive
and productive classroom environment by improving the well-being
and effectiveness of teachers.
b. Teachers portrays major roles in molding students' characters and
disciplines through their passionately remarkable tutelage. Their
dedication to their profession is truly evident, without objections
nor biases, they selflessly showed their eagerness in teaching. But,
technically, teachers weighing their priorities, duties, and
responsibilities are definitely an uncommon and unfamiliar issue.
Teachers with children are highly susceptible to stress and other
mental health issues that can triggered their capabilities and
performances in teaching due to unmanageable responsibilities,
both as a teacher and a parent. Students with parents in the
teaching profession are greatly affected by this scenarios.
Subsequently, it's not new to other students with the same
situation to reflect. The communities which are included in our
locale will be given the chance to express their unsaid feelings,
experiences, and thoughts.
c. Given the critical role that teachers play in society and the
challenges they face in balancing their work and parenting
responsibilities, it is essential to understand how they manage this
delicate balancing act. This research aims to explore how teachers
balance their work and parenting responsibilities, the challenges
they face, and the strategies they use to cope with these
d. The findings of this study will contribute to the existing body of
knowledge on the experiences of teachers as they balance their
work and parenting responsibilities. It will also provide insights
into the challenges and opportunities that teachers face in this
balancing act, and the strategies that they use to cope with these
challenges. Furthermore, the study will provide a platform for
policy makers to develop policies and programs that can support
teachers in balancing their work and parenting responsibilities.
e. The findings of this research will be valuable to teachers, school
administrators, policy makers, and anyone interested in improving
the work-life balance of teachers. The research can help identify
best practices and policies that can support teachers in managing
their work and parenting responsibilities effectively, ultimately
benefiting both teachers and their students.

2. Learners
a. Our study has broader implications for the education system as a
whole. By exploring the experiences of teachers in a specific
context, our study can contribute to the development of more
effective policies and programs that address work-life balance
issues for teachers nationwide. This, in turn, can help to address
teacher shortages and improve the quality of education for learners
across the country.
b. The significance of this study on the learners cannot be
understated. First and foremost, learners are the primary
beneficiaries of a positive and productive classroom environment.
When teachers are able to effectively balance their work and
parenting responsibilities, they are more likely to create a
welcoming and engaging learning environment for their students.
This, in turn, can lead to improved academic performance, higher
levels of student engagement, and increased learner well-being.
c. Furthermore, the study could have implications for learners
beyond the classroom. Teachers who are able to balance their work
and parenting responsibilities may be more present and attentive
during parent-teacher conferences and other interactions with
parents. This could lead to improved communication and
collaboration between teachers and parents, ultimately benefiting
learners. Additionally, if the study identifies ways to support
teachers in managing their work-life balance, this could lead to
increased teacher retention rates, which is important for
maintaining continuity and stability in the education system.
Overall, the study's focus on the lived experiences of teachers who
are also parents has the potential to provide valuable insights into
how to better support learners in the education system.

Overall, our study represents an important step towards understanding the

experiences of teachers who are also parents in managing their work and
parenting responsibilities. By shedding light on the challenges they face and
the strategies they use, our study can help to promote a more positive and
supportive environment for both teachers and learners, ultimately
contributing to the development of a more resilient and effective education.

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