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1. Discuss sentence based on its two broad varieties?

Answer: For a proper meaning and understanding during communication in

English language, sentence are employed.

These sentence could be broadly classified into two

1. Clause/Phase or group word

2. Morpheme

This is the smallest meaningful unit of grammar of language which cannot be
broken-down further into any meaningful unit: Most often people could confuse
syllable to be morpheme. Whereas syllable is the smallest pronounceable unit
of a language. However, morpheme may be realized in a syllable.

Classification of Morpheme
It can be classified based on:
(1). Meaning
(2). Structure

Meaning: Are classified into two:

(1). Free morphemes: Free morphemes which can easily stand on their own
in a sentence without being joined to other morphemes e.g => Boy, girl,
church, right, fast etc.

(2). Bound or Additive Morphemes: They need free morphemes to stand

and cannot stand alone, eg include hoods, ness, re, action, ies etc.

Bound Morphemes are classified into:

1. Derivational Morphemes and
2. Inflectional Morphemes

1. Derivational Morphemes change the class of words. They could be a prefix,

infix or suffix (Affixes)
a. Prefixes are attached to the root or base of the word such as im-possible, il-
legal, un-happy, a-political, mis-understand, dis-loyal encode, co-worker etc
b. Suffixes are added to words (a) the end eg teach-er, faith-ful, harm-less, new-
ness, induce-ment, fam-ous etc.

2. Inflectional (Bound) Morphemes

This could be father divided into:
(a) Plural markers
(b) Tense markers
(a) Example of plural markes are as follows: Boy-s, tomatoes, liv-es,
lorr-ies, etc
(b) Example of tense markers are: Do-ing, love-s, want-ed, bake-d. etc

We also have:
1. Replasive Morphemes and
2. Zero morphemes.

Both are related to inflectional morphemes

1. Replasive morphemes: Occur when one- or two letters of words are
replaced with others when marking plurality or tenses. Eg. Tooth-teeth,
weep,-wept, sing-sang.
2. Zero Morphemes: Occurs when tense and plurality are marked in words
but their morphemes cannot show physically eg. hit, sheep, hurt, deer,
cast. etc

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