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No. I-218/2013 dated 07.10.2013 PS: Chandkheda, Ahmedabad,

Gujarat (hereinafter referred to as ‘Ahmedabad Trial’).

On 22.10.2021, Bapuji’s Ahmedabad Regular Bail (Cr.M.A.

19052/2021) was filed before the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court in
which Adv. Uday Sanghani was fully active in finalizing the
application. On 06.12.2021, Additional Grounds were filed on
merits to prove Bapuji’s innocence and that this is an Alibi case
(Bapuji was not present in Ahmedabad at the time of the alleged
incident). Surprisingly, even though Additional Grounds were filed,
in Bapuji’s Ahmedabad Regular Bail hearing before the Hon’ble
Gujarat High Court (Cr.M.A. 19052/2021), the Senior Counsel was
instructed not to argue the Regular Bail on merits at any cost. This
was absurd and suicidal legal advise which I could not digest.
Bapuji’s Ahmedabad Regular Bail was rejected on 10.12.2021 by
the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court on the grounds that it has not been
argued on merits. On inquiry, Amit Shah’s name crept up, that on
his instructions somebody in the Motera Ashram Legal Cell got such
instructions executed at the hands of the Senior Counsel. In short,
there seemed be an intruder/traitor and the Motera Ashram Legal
Cell is compromised.

On 26.07.2022, at the time of registering Bapuji’s Regular Bail SLP

(Crl.) 6872/2022 in the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the Ahmedabad
Trial was still at the stage of Prosecution Witnesses. Around
27.08.2022, the Prosecution Witnesses stage was concluded. On
04.08.2022 the 313 statements of Bapuji were recorded and I was
verbally told by Nishant (from the Motera Ashram Legal Cell) that
a list of around 10 Defense Witnesses have been submitted.

On 10.08.2022, Notice was issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in

Bapuji’s Regular Bail SLP (Crl.) 6872/2022. On the night of
10.08.2022, I received the Defense Witness list that has been
submitted in the Ahmedabad Trial. Surprisingly critical Defense
Witnesses to prove the Alibi defense (that Bapuji was not present at
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Ahmedabad at the time of the alleged incident) and material

witnesses whose names are taken in the FIR and 161 statements
recorded, were not made Defense Witnesses. 2 years ago, Adv. Uday
Sanghani had himself declared that our Alibi case will be proved
through Defense Witnesses, which clearly, he was not doing.

On 14.08.2022, I tried to talk to Nishant (from the Motera Ashram

Legal Cell) on phone, but there looked to be some communication
gap. I got the Ahmedabad Trial papers verified from Trial Experts
and they too confirmed the issue in the Defense Witness List that has
been submitted.

Around 20.08.2022 I met one of the Ahmedabad Trial advocates,

Adv. Nitin Gandhi, at his office near Lal Darwaaja, Ahmedabad to
discuss the abovementioned issue in the Ahmedabad Trial, where
Adv. Uday Sanghani also reached out of nowhere. I had a light
discussion in the meeting with Adv. Nitin Gandhi and exchanged
legal papers and were to meet at a later date to discuss the issue.
There Adv. Uday Sanghani was looking perturbed, but to passify me
he told me that they were open to discussion regarding the
Ahmedabad Trial Defense Witness list.

On 14.09.2022, I had a discussion with Adv. Nitin Gandhi at his

office beside ‘Farki’ Lassi Shop near Lal Darwaaja in Ahmedabad
regarding some serious issues that I have observed in the Defense
Witness List submitted which need to be immediately urgently
addressed for ensuring Bapuji’s acquittal in the false fabricated rape
case (FIR I-218/2013) where He is being falsely implicated.

On 15.09.2022 at around 8pm I had gone to Sant Shri Asharam Bapu

Ashram, Motera (hereinafter referred to as ‘Motera Ashram’) to
talk to Nishant (from the Motera Ashram Legal Cell) regarding this
discussion I had with Adv. Nitin Gandhi where this Adv. Uday
Sanghani was also present. During the discussion, Adv. Uday
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Sanghani did not want any discussion to happen and started

instigating against me and called some Ashramites residing in the
Ashram and made them drag me 2 floors over the stairs to the
Ground Floor of the Sadhak Nivas Building inside the Motera
Ashram. On the Ground Floor of the the Sadhak Nivas Building,
when I informed the Ashramites regarding the issue in discussion,
things calmed down, but in the meantime this Adv. Uday Sanghani
ran away out of the Ashram as per an Ashramite even though
Ashramites also felt that the discussion was important since the
Ahmedabad Trial was at a very critical stage of Defense Witnesses.

On 16.09.2022, I had gone to meet Nishant (from the Motera Ashram

Legal Cell) at the Motera Ashram late in the evening. Nishant went
into the room of Ashish (Ashramite) in the Sadhak Nivas Building.
I too followed Nishant into the room where I wanted to have a
discussion on critical issues that were discussed with Adv. Nitin
Gandhi on 14.09.2022 and 16.09.2022. After some time, Adv. Uday
Sanghani entered the room we were siting in. He started shouting
that I am not an authorized person and neither has Adv. Nitin Gandhi
met me on 14.09.2022, nor has he given any opinion on the
Ahmedabad Trial that is going on. Ashish (Ashramite) got
influenced by Uday Sanghani, though I challenged Uday to prove
his contention. At the heat of the moment Ashish shouted ‘Nepali’
and called a few Ashramites inside the room, dragged me over the
ground and threw me outside the main gate of the Motera Ashram.
While dragging me over the ground I was hit with a lot of power on
my right ear. I was also continuously punched on the face with fist
and legs, and particularly the eyes were targeted.

When I came next day (on 17.09.2022) to the Motera Ashram, many
Ashramites like Rajkumar STD, Bhati etc observed that my left eye
was particularly fully red. Fortunately, the eye recovered from the
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After 4 days of extreme pain in my right ear with 24x7 puss oozing
out of my ear, on 21.09.2022 I was in Delhi NCR and got my ear
checked at Prakash Hospital, Greater Noida. There Dr. Hitendra,
ENT Specialist informed me that there has been a ‘Traumatic
Perforation’ in my ear drum, the gravity of which could not be told
because there was swelling on the eardrum with puss because of
bacterial infection (Pg. 12-13). He said after around 3 days of
antibiotics when the swelling subsides, only then they would be able
to find out how small or big the ‘Traumatic Perforation’ is.

I then came back to Ahmedabad on 22.09.2022. On 23.09.2022, the

pain in the right ear was unbearable and I showed my ear to Akshar
ENT Hospital in Navarangpura, Ahmedabad. They cleaned my ear
of the Puss and provided me the photo of the perforated eardrum (Pg.
7). They also have advised the same thing that after about 4-5 days
of antibiotics, they will have to have a look at the eardrum to
understand how big the perforation is (Pg. 10).

The pain in the ear has subsided a little after which I have been able
to think about what had happened with me on the night of
16.09.2022. The person behind this attempt on my life with intent to
impair me is clearly Adv. Uday Sanghani for which he used the
Ashramites by instigating them by telling lies. Also, there are CCTV
cameras in and around the Sadhak Nivas Building in the Motera
Ashram as well. On 25.09.2022, I had asked the Manging Trustee of
the Ashram, Bharati Kaka (Pg. 16), for the relevant CCTV footages
of 15.09.2022 and 16.09.2022 when Adv. Uday Sanghani enters the
Sadhak Nivas Building of the Motera Ashram, until he leaves the
Motera Ashram, but I have not received the CCTV footages yet. I
want Criminal action against Adv. Uday Sanghani because from his
lies which he used to instigate the Ashramites, it has become clear
that he has malifide intention.

On 28.09.2022, I had bouts of extreme pain in my right ear so I

visited Akshar ENT Hospital. They have diagnosed that I have a
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“large central perforation (cp)” on the eardrum of my right ear (Pg.


A Senior BJP Leader, Subramanyam Swami has tweeted the

following on twitter on 06.08.2022 and 17.08.2022:
“No question of turning our backs. But Asharam Bapu is
in jail within a jail. Forces outside (Modi and Shah) want
him inside and insiders of the Ashram don’t want him
outside. It is called Catch 22”
(06.08.2022 tweet on Twitter by Shri Subramanyam
61?t=RyMyWgmmoygfPZSr2yhzjg&s=08 Pg. 14)

“This was a non existent rape for framing Asharam Bapu.

Guess who were behind the frameup? Christian
missionaries opposing re-conversion to Hindus, ashram
traitors and two very prominent political leaders in office”
(17.08.2022 tweet on Twitter by Shri Subramanyam
84?t=Yvsu6Z9bEbKIB15iczUYQw&s=08 Pg. 15)

From the tweets on Twitter dated 06.08.2022 and 17.08.2022 by

Senior BJP Leader Shri Subramanyam Swami, there are
intruders/traitors in the Ashram setup which needs to be urgently
enquired into and urgently addressed.

I want Police action against Adv. Uday Sanghani for an attempt on

my life with an intent to impair me by instigating some Ashramites
of Sant Shri Asharam Bapu Ashram, Motera, Ahmedabad by lying
to them.
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