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11/20/2023 Complex Engineering Problem

Introduction to Finite Element Analysis


Submitted By Received By
Name: Syed Ali Ibraheem Name: Engr. M. Rizwan

Reg #: 917-FET/BSME/F20

Name: Syed Suleman Haider Signature: ________________

Reg #: 937-FET/BSME/F20

Name: Muhammad Abdullah

Reg #: 938-FET/BSME/F20 Date: ____________________


The main objective of this complex Engineering Problem is to design and analyze the
frame for a Quad Bike. A Quad bike is a four wheeled all-terrain vehicle. As stated by
ANSI, a quad bike is a vehicle that travels on low pressure tires, with a seat that is
straddled by the operator, along with handle bar for steering control. As it is an ATV, it
must be designed to handle a wide variety of terrain than most other vehicles. Thus the
frame of the quad bike is designed so that it is rigid, safe and comfortable for the driver.

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Fully functional and movable unit except the body consisting of all the systems mounted
on it is called as a chassis. And the most important component of the chassis is the frame.
The frame is the structure which is rigid in bending and torsion. The main purpose of the
frame is to make all the other subsystems constraint and fixed to work properly. It must
be capable of supporting all the components and occupants and should absorb all kinds
of loads fed into it without deflecting unduly. Also it should absorb the aerodynamic wind
forces and road shocks through suspensions.


The main objective of the final frame design is to provide the desired strength and
increase the performance, safety and reliability of the vehicle. The idea of the frame
design is taken by understanding popular and commercial quad bikes. Keeping the frame
as light as possible is the key parameter in determining the vehicle performance and
making sure that its performance is optimum in the endurance test. Design methodology
consist of minimizing compromising the rigidity of the frame. I initiated with designing a
basic CAD model on SOLIDWORKS software and later analyzed the design on ANSYS
software. The Finite Elemental Analysis (FEA) aided the material selection decision
process. FEA helped to study whether a member was under high or low stresses in
different conditions taken into consideration simultaneously. Based on the results
obtained by the analysis I modified the design various times so as to arrive at the final
design which is light weight, rigid and safe under all the conditions. The main, side two
structures of the frame is being made by one complete bent pipe. The weld joints are
avoided in the main supportive structure. The position of the mounting points are
specifically adjusted so that they are welded at the nodes of the frame. Due to this the
forces on the mounting points is distributed and intense pressures on a single member is
avoided. Only the A-arm Mountings are not situated at the nodes.

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Step No.1: Open the SolidWorks and Design the Quad Bike frame.

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3D Model View

Step No.2: Open the Workbench ANSYS SOFTWARE

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Step No.3: Select the Model option and drag it to project schematic

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Step No.4: Double Click on Engineering Data and set as per your Quad bike material

Step No.5: Right Click on Geometry and import it from where you save it

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Step No.6: Right click on Geometry and Eidt the Geometry in Design Modeler

Step No.7: Click on Line body and select Yes.

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Step No.8: Now Click on Generate

Step No.9: Now Click on Create option and Select the Boolean.

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Step No.10: Select all the parts and Click on Apply Button.

Step No.11: Now Close the Design Modeler.

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Step No.12: Double-Click on Model

Step No.13: Click on Mesh and select the element size 10mm

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Step No.14: Right click on mesh and generate the mesh.

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Step No.15: Now Select the fixed support.

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Step No. 16: Press the Ctrl button and select the front & rear area or line of the frame.

Step No.17: Now click on APPLY button

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Step No.18: Click on the Analysis option and select the Max modes = 10

Step No.19: Right click on solution and select the total deformation.

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Step No.20: Right click on solution and solve it

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Step No.2: Run the animation then click on stop Right click and select all

Step No.22: Right click again and select the Create Modes Shape Results

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Step No.23: Right click on solution and click on Evaluate All Results

Step No.24: Results are now here lets visit

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Step No.25: Now Close this window

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Step No.26: Now Select the Static Structural open and drag it while selecting the data as
shown in fig

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Step No.27: Double click on Model

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Step No.28: Click on Mesh and select element type 10mm

Step No.29: Now click on Solve option

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Step No.30: Right click on Static structural → Insert → Force

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Step No.30: Select Components option

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Step No.31: Now put -18300 in axis

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Step No.32: Now click on Static Structural → Insert → Fixed Support

Step No.33: Now select the fixed support

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Step No.34: Now right click on Solution → insert → Deformation → Total

Step No.35: Now right click on Solution → insert → Normal Stress, Max & Min Principal

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Step No.36: Now right click on Solution → Solve

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Step No.37: Now right click on Solution → insert → Stress Tool → Max Equivalent Stress

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Step No.38: Now right click on Solution → Evaluate All Results

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Step No.39: Now Close this window

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Step No.40: Now Repeat Step 26→39 but the fixed supports is change

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