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Section 151 Basis of Explict Dynamics 571 Section [5.1 Basics of Explicit Dynamics 15.1.1 Implicit Integration Methods TITAS menonederansene dynamic simulations involve solving the equation [m]{0}+[cHO}+[k}{o}={F} Cory of 12.141) page 426 Consider a typical time step att,. Let D,D,,and b, be the displacement, velocity and acceleration att,,andD,,.D,,yand Ba, Alsolet At = ¢,, ~¢,.'We temporarily assume that the acceleration i linear over the time step (Le. 1B, =, = 0),then,by Taylor series expansions att, at ab, +90 1 6,20, +08, +8, at 5 , ae +a06,+ £6, +5, , + AWD, + 5B, +B, @ ‘The quantity 5, can be approximated by @) Substitution of Eg (2) into Eqs. (I) and (2) respectively yields 6,4=0,+$(6,,+6,) Cy ‘5 4! - (Lo +t 6) Di, =, +A10, +40 ({6..+48,) 6 Eqs. (4) and (5) can be regarded as a special case of Newmark methods, 5,428, + At[76,,, 10-706, ] © Lag 0, =D, + ib, +480 [296,, +(1~20)6,] ” If you substitute = /2 and fi =1/6 into Eqs. (6) and (7) respectively, you will come up with Eqs. (4) and (5). Eqs. (6) and (7) are used in Transient Structural analysis system. The parameters and B are chosen to ‘control characteristics ofthe algorithm such as accuracy, numerical stability, etc. les called an implicit method because the calculation of B,,, and ,,, requires knowledge of B,,. Thats, the response atthe current time step depends on not ‘only the historical information but also the current information therefore, solving Eqs. (6) and (7) involves iterative process. | S72 Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics [2] Calculation of the response at time fis depicted in (3-8). In the begining [3] che displacement D,, velocity D,,and acceleration 6, ‘of the last step are already known (For n= 0, we may assume, = 0). Since 6, is needed in Eqs. (6) and (7), we use, a8 an inal guess of 5, Knowing D,,.D,,and B., the quantities 5, , [B] Given the response of the| and, can be calculated according to Eqs. (6) [4] Calculate Bando, and (7) [4]. The next step [5] is to substitute according to Eqs. (6) and (7). 5, D,,.and D,, nto Eq. 12.1.4(1). EQ. IZ1.A{I) is sadisfied [6], then the calculation of T the response at time, is complete [7] 5) Substiue 5, ,6,,,and0,, | cotherwise,6,,, is updated and another iteration ate. verwises d,s updates oe £8] Update. # into Eq. 12.1.4(1). is initiated [8]. Update of 6, [8] is similar to. the Newton-Raphson method described in 13.14, page 472, ‘With implicit methods, integration ime step is typically about miliseconds:a typical No simulation time is about 0.1 to 10 seconds, which requires hundreds to ten-thousands of integration ime steps. Implicit methods can be used for most ‘transient structural simulations. However, for (6) Eq. i141) satisfied? highly nonlinear problems, it often falls due to 7] Response of the “current” ‘convergence issues; for high-speed impact step becomes that of the "las| problems, the integration time is so small that step.” ‘the computing time becomes intolerable. In ‘such cases, explicit methods are more applicable. / 15.1.2 Explicit Integration Methods [1] The explicit method used in Explicit Dynamies analysis system is based on half-step central differences 0 o, Pes orb at ” Es. (I) and (2) are called ext methods because the calculation of B,_, and D,, requires knowledge of historical information oly. Tat is the response atthe curren ime can be calculated explicit iterations within atime step are needed, Therefore,itis very effcient ro complete a timestep aso caled a cycle. One of the distinc characteristics ofthe explicit method is that it integration time step needs tobe very small to achieve a sable solution. _ =, +B, .At @ Section 151 Basics of Explicit Dynamics 573 [2] The procedure used inthe Explicit Dynamies analysis system is illustrated in [3-11]. In the beginning ofa cycle [B-4) che displacement D, and velocity , of the last cycle are already known. With ths information, we can calculate the strain and strain rate for each element [5] using the relations such as Eq. |.32(2) (page 36) and I.2.7(I) (page 31)- ‘The volume change for each element is then calculated, according to the equations of state, and the mass density is Updated [6]. The volumetric information is needed for the calculation of stresses. With this information the element stresses can be calculated [7] according toa relation between stresses and strainsstrain rates, such as Eq, |.2.8(!), page 31. The stresses are integrated over the elements, and the external loads are added to form the nodal forces, [8]. “The nodal accelerations are then calculated (9] using b= @) mp where b is the body force (Eq, |.2.6(2), page 30),m is the nodal mass,and p is the mass density. The nodal velocities at 1,,, are calculated [10] using Eq (I) and the nodal displacements att, , are calculated [11] using Eq, (2). * With explicit methods,a typical integration time step is about nanoseconds to microseconds; typical simulation ‘time is about I millisecond to | second, which will need many thousands or millions of cycles. Explicit methods are useful for high-speed impact problems and highly nonlinear problems. For low-speed problems, where the durations are usually long, using explicit methods becomes impractical due to an enormous ‘computing time, since it requires very small integration time steps. | [B] Given the initial ‘conditions,D,and By. Sern =0. I [4] Dand B, are Known, [11] Calculate nodal displacements, ,- jel Caletace This completes a cycle. cae Sees Setn=n+l.# t L [6] Calculate [10] Cateulace clement volume nodal velocity B,.. Jchanges and update 3 their mass density T I [9] Calculate nodal (7) Caleulate accelerations B, clement stresses [8] Calculate nodal forces. STA. Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics 15.1.3 Solution Accuracy [1] In Transient Structural, in which an implicit method is used, convergence criteria are used to control the Solution accuracy, similar to the Newton-Raphson method described in 13.1.4, page 472. Equlbrium iterations imply that force balance must be satisfied. In Explicit Dynamics, since no equilibrium iterations are involved, solution accuracy is not controlled with convergence criteria. Instead, it uses the principle of conservation of energy to monitor the solution accuracy. It calculates overall energy at each cycle. Ifthe energy error (to be defined) reaches a threshold, the solution is regarded as unstable and stops. The default threshold is 10% of a reference energy [2]. Energy statistics ‘can be viewed by selecting Energy Conservation in Solution Output [3-4]. ‘Ac any time, Current Energy of the system can be calculated, including its kinetic energy and strain energy. The principle of work and energy, form of the principle of conservation of energy, states (Reference Energy) + (Work Done = (Current Energy) w ‘Where Reference Energy isthe total energy ofa reference time, default to the initial time. Energy Error is defined by Energy Err = eer tmax||curent Era], Reference Energy, [Kinetic Enea) Q TB] Maximum Energy Error reaches a threshold che slur rogarded ae = maxes] usable and sope The defi treshold is | > At ste 11 (10% ofa reference energy). | Sep ton telrmator Jp coosctti Se i Use Defines Rest =o SS earns — ar aia [B] Energy statistics can be viewed by selecting Energy ‘Conservation in Solution Output. | ——_— tesey a, this case, the energy error begins to ‘accumulate and is approaching the | | a | [4] The red curve i the energy error. In | | threshold, 10% of the reference energy. # Section 151 Basics of Explicit Dynamics 575, 15.1.4 Integration Time Steps [1] With explicit methods, the integration time step needs to be small enough to ensure stability and accuracy of the solution, How small should the time step be? The German mathematicians, Courant, Fiedrichs, and Lewy 2, suggested that ina single time step At,a wave should not travel further than che smallest element size: atsh 0 ‘where h isthe smallest element size, is the wave speed in the element. Eq. (I) i called the CFL condition, In Explicit Dynamics, a safety factor fis used to further ensure the solution stability [2-3]; ast @ ‘When generating meshes for Explicit Dynamics, you should make sure that a few very small elements do not control the time step, which is calculated according to the CFL condition. In general,a uniform mesh size is desirable in Explicit Dynamics simulations. \. [3] Workbench uses time step according to Eq. (2). # =e x _| 2) Time Step Safety Factor is Used to further ensure the solution stability, Ie defaults t0 0.9. | 15.1.5 Automatic Mass Scaling [I] The wave speed ina materialise = Jp. where Eis the Young's modulus and p is the mass density of the material. Further, p = m/V. were m is the mass and Vis the volume ofan element. Substitution of hese inco Eq. 15.1402) yields asm] 0} ‘The idea of mass scaling isto artificially increase the mass of small ‘elements, so that the stability ime step can be increased. Mass scaling is applied only to those elements which have a calculated stability ime step less than a specified value, defaule to 1e-20 sec [2], which is to ‘ensure that no mass scaling takes place. Ifa mesh contains very few ‘small elements, tis idea can be useful. Note that mass scaling changes the inertial properties of the model. Be careful to ensure that the model remains valid for the physical problem. — [2] Automatic Mass ‘Scaling can be turned on. # 576 Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics 15.1.6 Static Damping [1] Explicit Dynamics is designed for solving transient dynamic problems. To solve a static problem, we may perform a ‘transient dynamic analysis and find the steady-state solution. ‘Static Damping option [2] isto facilitate the finding of the steady-state solution. The idea is to introduce a damping force, +0 critically damp the lowest mode of oscillation. ‘The value of Static Damping for critical damping of the lowest mode of vibration is 2fae 0 Ty anf where fis the lowest frequency of the system. Using the critical damping may minimize simulation run time. If Static Damping is larger than the critical damping, the solution would take unnecessarily longer time (than critical damping) to reach a steady state. On the other hand, if State Damping is smaller than the critical damping, the solution ‘would oscillate unnecessarily many times to reach a steady state For some highly-nonlinear static problems that fil with ‘Static Structural analysis system, you may want to try this idea. + [2] Static Damping ‘option can be used to solve ‘a static problem. # References |. Wikipedia>Courant-riedrichs-Lewy condition. (An English translation ofthe orignal paper can be downloaded from the webpage.) 2. Cook, B.D, Milkus, D.S., Plesha, M., and Witt, RJ, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Fourth Econ, John Wiley & Sons, In., 2002. Section 152 High-Speed Impact 577 Section 15.2 High-Speed Impact 15.2.1 About the High-Speed Impact Simulation [1] Imagine that, during an explosion, an aluminum pipe blasts away under the explosive pressure, hits a solid steel column, deforms, and is finally torn to fragments due to excessive strain (see snapshots below). In this section, we will simulate this scenario, We will use the default settings as much as possible to demonstrate that a complicated simulation like this can be done in Explicit Dynamic analysis system with just a few input data Both the aluminum pipe and the steel solid column have a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 200 mm. The steel column is modeled as a rigid body fixed in space. The aluminum pipe has a thickness of | mm and, right before hitting the pipe, has a speed of 300 mis, about the speed of sound in the ai. The aluminum is modeled as a bilinear isotropic plasticity material (Section 14.) using the material parameters stored in Engineering Data with a modification that the tangent modulus is set to zero;i.e. the aluminum is modeled as a perfectly elastic-plastic material. Its assumed ‘hat the aluminum will be torn apart when the plastic strain is larger than 75%, Millimeter wil be used to create the geometry and the SI unit systems willbe used in the simulation, # Time = 0.0003 s Time = 0,0005 s 578 Chapter 1S Explce Dynamics 15.2.2 Start Up [1] Launch Workbench, Create an Explicit Dynamics analysis system by [2] Double-click fouble-clickng it in Engineering Data to double-clicking it in Toolbox. Save the eal project as Impact. > ar I] Click to switch to Engineering Data Sources. | | col sennet se ae rte a t eet oes rina ni mews neta aarti 4] Click Engineer Frceecne sumone tne nanages tm (Qearees qintoregnts, nce [2] Clek General Non-linear vow nrssooos Engineering Data.) wrs: Materials: ro chr anna 1B] Click this pus sign to ade ‘Aluminum Alloy NL co Engineering Data. | Le [8] Expand Failure and double-click Plastic Strain Failure to include this failure criterion, > [10] Highlight Bilinear Isotropic Hardening. | [1] The seress-strain curve for ‘Aluminum Alloy NL. + ‘Strain (mma —<$£ i$. [5.7] Highlight | Aluminum Alloy NL. cea trweiin PS [9] Expand Plastie Strain Maximum Equivalent Plastic Strain EPS. — Section 152 High-Speed Impact 579 | ceetmtrarnnwernt | Soetsemnsin ner [6] Expand Bilinear Isotropic Hardening and type 0 for Tangent Modulus. Note that the default unit system (Metric) is used here. 1 Failure and type 0.75 for [12] Return to Project. ‘Schematic. # 580. Chapter 15 Explicit Dyramics 15.2.4 Create Geometry [1] Stare up (owe?) ‘ice ) 2 @ trgrewra bas 2 5 @ seu 7 ~j £ Gee Fa Selece ittimeter asthe | 7 @ Resits ? length unit. In ZXPlane, draw ] ote Dyaoni a circle of diameter 50 mm. | [A] This isthe steel column. / A Se = a Se co _ [er exte ee 00m Pee symmetrically both sides. 7 i, Dh ihn os] -———, leis? — [Mo ew Tay? Yo Geom Belson 1 ie see —————e $ Genes {5] In xYPtane, draw a Cirle of lameter 80 mm like this. Remember to specify a horizontal distance of 50 mm. | Sa bere e th 9 ; create a surface body. | \ \ [7) This is the alurninum ‘ pipe. Close DesignModeler. # 15.2.5 Set Up for Simulation [1] Start up Mechanical. Select the m-Kg-Nes unit system, + Beet ames [4] Highlight [6] Selece Aluminum ‘Alloy NL. 7 Section 152. High-Speed Impact 581 2] Highighe Solid. | ret 41 em Lace ence Hee emmon * Bisa eset eantee [3] Select Rigid for Stiffness Behavior. — [7] Right-click Contact Region and select, 582. Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics "Brean eet cor ———. ——— skewness [8] Highlight Body [9] Highlight Body age Interactions (che Interaction (che [See 0- ‘one with an "s") to ‘one without ans") EEO ew the details nd to view the details ~~ a leave all settings their and leave all settings prec defaults. their default. | eee ~ ‘ “ Ta Sseonan ‘Contacts vs. Body Interactions? [10] Body Interactions is to specify contacts between bodies while Contacts isto specify contacts between surfaces. You can choose either way to specify the contact relations. Body Interactions is simpler, but Contacts may be more computationally efficient. By default, Frictionless body interactions are established among all bodes. ‘A feature of Body Interactions is that two bodies can be specified as both Bonded and Frictionless (or Frictional). In that case, two bodies are bonded inital. After the bond breaks during the simulation, the frictionless (or frictional) contact will take place. 7 (T11] Highlight Mesh and type 10 (degrees) for Curvature Normal Angle. This divides a Circle into 36 elements. (Generate mesh. | [12] In explicit dynamics, a uniform mesh is desirable (15.1-4{I]-page 575). ro Gd PAL we AeBely Height ue | wast, (anamn) L gue : || conditions. 1 ome jaa [13] Slee he = a theee body — | ater pipe). ‘reso troonnest None lie using body filter. 7 Section 152. High-Speed Impact 583 [16] Highlight Analysis Settings. Type 0.0005 (3) for End Time. | an et Pome = | Sanat \ 1 inant [17] Tum on On Material Failure (see (18). | Erosion Controls! !] [8] Erosion Controls in Analysis Settings determines the conditions under which an element will be removed. “The default condition is that an element is removed when its geometric strain or effective strain", exceeds a limit of 150%. This value is large enough to assure that no elements are removed by default. In this case, we add another failure condition:an element is removed when its plastic strain exceeds 75% (see [|7] and 15.2.3{9], page $79). | . 9 sere Fixed Behe o— iopore SUPP cietcamant struc —_—— [20] Select the solid body (the steel column). _) 584. Chapter 1S Explicit Dynamics © 1 sotton (xs) Sele 1] ser result objects ai 2 oaetran lke tis: Note tha the ast, ssoseiines | Obectis a User Defined Risse Resul€ ([22} also see 3.3.10[]-2}, page 148). | ete [22] Highlight User — a Defined Result and type ss en ed lomo a geometric strain or effective = nes —- [23] Highlight Solution Information. | —— = Ai Solution (ns) Touloefomason [tonortire $e eanlerttontestan erent ent sete Opt Sas Ot ed ase Day Pans Oo Dey Fe Deg ab or i d9se-o4s, Tine ‘943t-048, Tine 4.9498-048, Tine 3356-078, 1358-078, 3386-078, 1358-078, 1388-078, 1346-078, 1346-078, 3346-078, 1348-078, 1346-078, ee xe yen care: 3346-078, [25] Ie takes about 1000 cycles to ‘complete the simulation. # Est. Ese, Ee, ee. Ese. ee. Eee. Eee. Eee, Est. Ee, Check Clock Clock Check Check Check Check Clock Check check Section 152. High-Speed Impact 585 15.2.6 Animate the Deformation [1] Highlight Total Deformation. [2] Select Contours/ ‘Solid Fill. | [5] Click Play. # —) [4] Select Result Sets. — | |[3] Select 10 Sec. — 586 Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics 15.2.7 View Numerical Results [I] Select Contours/ ‘Smooth Contours and examine the results. t ree contours] a) — Oe Wrap Up [2] Save the project and exe Workbench. # Reference |. All Help>Mechanical Application>Explicit Dynamics Analysis Guide>Explict Dynamics Theory Guide>Analysis Settings>Erosion Controls Section 153 DropTest 587 Section 15.3 Drop Test | lly | ———_—as 15.3.1 About the Drop Test Simulation [1] Drop test simulation is a special case of impact simulation, in which one of the impacting objects i a stationary floor, typically made of concrete, steel,or stone. In this section, we consider a scenario that a mobile phone falls out of your pocket and drops on a concrete floor. This kin of simulation typically takes hours of computing time. We learned from Section 15:2 that atypical integration time step in Explicit Dynamies is|0” tol0° seconds. It would take about 100,000 to 1,000,000 cycles to complete a 0.01 seconds drop test. In this section, we wil simplify the ‘model to minimize the run time. A more realistic model willbe suggested and left as an exercise (15.4.2, page 600). ‘The phone body isa shell of thickness 0.5 mm and made of an aluminum alloy [2]. The concrete floor is modeled as an 160 mm x 80 mm x 10 mm block [3]. When the phone hits the floor, its velocity is 5 mis, which is equivalent to a freefall from a height of |.25 m. We will assume that the phone body forms an angle of 20° with the horizon when it hits the floor. ‘We will use mamn-Kg-N-s unit system in the simulation, | R20 [2] The phone body is made of an aluminum alloy. | 120 Unit: mm, 588. Chapter 1S Explicit Dynamics 15.3.2 Start Up {1 Launch Workbench. Crests an Explile Dynamics ara rem by doble-dcking it in Toolbox. Save the project as Drop. | [2] Double-click Engineering ‘Data to prepare material 2G comery Pa Properties. | 4 @ rose 7, 5 @ sao 7. ©@ sum Fa reo + lick to switch to je Ss Engineering Data Sources. | [5] Click to add Aluminum Al to Engineering Data. <] [61 Click to add Concrete NL to Z Engineering Data. — [7] Return to ° = Project . cocaine! ‘Schematic, # . ry )i Section 153 DropTest 589 15.3.3 Create Geometry [1] Saare up DesignModeler. | 2 @ engnesiegoata [2] Select Millimeter as the length Tes ‘unit, On XYPlane, draw a sketch like this. The sketch is Symmetric 6G seinen Pa about the Y-axis and the bottom 7 @ rense ?. edge is Coincident with the X- ct Oye axis (To make al the edges blue, add 2 Coincident between the bottom ———— fedge and the X-axis) | |S Details of Etat >) = — [Seon _ [See O==— sketch to create the = te == as E== ) 590 Chapter 1S Explicit Dynamics [4] In YZPtane, draw a rectangle sing Rectangle by 3 Points tool. Specify dimensions, including the angle. Note that the rectangle is not blue-colored yet. | [5] Impose a constraint so that the origin is Coincident with an edge of the rectangle as shown. When you select the origin, you may need to tur off the edge filter and leave the point filter (on. Also specify the dimension (20 mm) using the Length/Distance tool. | leone favo 3 [peas sf a | [sBarude te = = sketch 40 mm both —— a Steg 4 rm bs a acolo 1 | conerewe oc oy jon A. Section 153 DropTest 591 BMinsutes “Dice Bad =e] : (ceonety aly =< co Di, Tisbes =O [Ow FIR Res Oat = [Om [9] Select the phone Famre Babel (No body. [7] Click Thin/Surface. > Yoemnie -_— [10] Atercicking Generate, you dont sn ay charge ape, the phone body has Become a ee © {GM Beet Dymamie Fh KVP ye Sek oh Zire 3 Up YP yc Sheth 3 AG Beret 3 AG Berle Lene 3 Lp 2a 2 Bots Se Sata Bay Sout © Bi A: Bott Dynes yah XYPlane 2 Shen oh Ditane ook The Seta @ AB Bartel 1] Rename the bodies. lose DesignModeler. # 592 Chapter 1S Explicit Dyramice 15.3.4 Set Up for Simulation , {ty sare Mechanica 1 ee acemestarns Utter We uni system. = a | 7 @ Results Si Modan) — || ict Dynamics hor —_— —_ [4] Highhighe Floor. | \f stems ok Gore ne © i comes fap nen a Ep Oya (5) oon PR orctane Sieeiaoe E a a —e [5] Select Rigie and assign ‘Cocmtinate Syst [Data Cobinat Stan ‘the material. ‘ane rpm 3 [3] Type 05 (nm) for Tier oben "Thickness and Tish N/M "| assien the material. 7 ate i EE nr 0 sioner 7 Sean ava "Bieter JE 2K Coordinate System 4 j [6]With Coordinate ‘Systems in the project tree highlighted, click Coordinate System. -> is created, This coordinate system will be used to specify the earth gravity and the inital velocity. _ bash Sena one | I71A Coordinate System PA Gaba CorarateSyaten A = Section 153 Drop Test 593 [8] Choose any edge parallel to the thickness direction of the concrete block (as shown in [9-10]) to define the Z-axis. | [11] Choose any edge parallel to the longest direction of the concrete block (as shown in [12-13]) to define the Y-axis, | [14] Make sure the newly ‘reaved coordinate _—<— > system se this \ Sere ete ——— [9] Choose this edge to define the Z-axis. Make sure the arrow points upward. — [12] Choose this edge ‘to define the Yaxis. Make sure the arrow points rightward. <— [10, 13] You may need to click this button so that the arrow points tc the correct direction. 77 [15) This is the global coordinate system, = Det of Mesh 3 = Deplay ply Sle [Us Geometry Seting = Det 7 Phys Preference |p { [16] See the clement size to 2 mm (the default is Element Sse |20mm 68 mm) and Sizing i" Bement Order | Linear generate the | Quay mesh. lation Advanced = Statics ‘Nodes od ‘ements /20872 ——<$—§£———— 594. Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics [18] Select the concrete body (using the body fier). / {17} Wich Expicte Dynamics ned O——)highlghted, insert a Fi BS > ‘Support. wT Suppo ceedacament Structural ai y Beara Gn Bin ower | Bair ico Seat ie : = @ = Velocity Angular ‘Dro Coe Hes conto (O erdard earch [23] Click Velocity. \ aed [22] Highlight Initial Conditions. = at [24] A Velocity is inserted. | [20] Select Coordinate ‘System, which was created in steps [6-14] (pages 592-593). | [25] Select the phone body. | a a - —— Titan hae se Component re ‘Define By ‘Components fect, ee ie ie Coordinate a Tomaer (rar system the same 35 ve ‘rat used in (20). | = aoe I —_———_ B21) -Z Direction ste 27} pe 5000 (mms ule drecuon (02 Componsne. Section 153 DropTest 595 “1B Project a FSi Mesd own te aa ad Pre = se ————— ieee “cure Sep Number + “yaks Gobsl Coordinate System ae) (pawn anna: omer eee! aan | keto —— Cay a ¥ —— = sole 2 oapwcomr [30] Highighe Solution alana belineaat Information and solve ——$@— the model. | [29] Insert a Total Deformation and an Equivalent Stress. — chock S Clock Check Cheek Clock check S Clock check 5S cleck Tine cleck se.set, sas, 100.008, 100.008, 996-048, 9978-0 0008-038, [BI] Each cycle increases about 0.125 microseconds. | Integration Time Steps [32] In this case, the integration time step is about 0.125 microseconds. This number, proportional tothe size of the smallest element, controls the overall run time (15.14 page 575). In Explicit Dynamics, a mesh of uniform clement sie is the most efficent mesh. Perform Simulation Incrementally ‘A drop test simulation typically takes hours of computing time. If you make a mistake, it will waste a significant amount of time. As a good practice, always perform the simulation incrementally. In this case, we perform a 0.001 seconds simulation first to see if anything goes wrong. If everything is okay, then we can continue the simulation starting from the last cycle. This feature is called the Restart of the simulation. # 596 Chapter 1S Explicit Dyramics 15.3.5 View the Results ane = = > ale a) oe se lore | i F¥Ox “aleee Sys eaee weak eeee er mae: [I] Highlight Total Deformation and animate the results. The results ook reasonable. Let's extend the simulation time. | ‘ey cos SS. S| | come —, = = my Type 0.01 (s) for End Time. (2]With Analysis Settings highlighted, select the last cycle for Resume From Cycle. Ee, Seedion 153 DropTest 597 [4] Highlight Solution Information and solve again. z “l Teeakes a while. | = = = re ae 3, Progress! ‘Atak Dynamics Total etormation Type Total Detormaton Une mre Time te-002| Gyelenimbereore> Tabular Data -tox Tie) _|fF Minimum | 0 [5] Highlight Total Deformation and animate the results. _ a 598. Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics cae rE | [6]With Solution ee Information highlighted, select Energy Conservation in the details view. | =| —o— total energy — 9 — Reference Energy —9— work Done oe treray ter 20, 0 zg ae 100. 50. ser ° ised 2Sed ASS Se} Se TSe3 | aTSes | somes =e \ [7) The energy error (6.1387 m)) is about 2 of the total energy (295.15 mb), far less than the threshold. The default threshold is 10% (15.1.3[2), page 574). | Wrap Up. [8] Save the project and exit Workbench. # Section 154 Review 599 Section 15.4 Review 15.4.1 Keywords Choose a letter for each keyword, from the list of descriptions 1 () Automatic Mass Scaling 2 (—) CFL Condition 3. (+) Energy Error 4. (—) Explicit Method 5. (_) Implicit Method 6 ( _ ) Principle of Work and Energy 7. (_) Static Damping Answers: (FF) 2(E) 3 (D0) 4(B) 5 (A) &(C) 7(G) List of Descriptions (A) Atime integration method used in Transient Structural analysis system. It is so named because the method calculates the response in the present time using implicit information. It thus requires iterations fora time step, implying an expensive runtime for a time step. It,however allows relatively large time steps. Overall tis suitable for most transient simulations except high-speed or highly-nonlinear simulations (.B.) Atime integration method used in Explicit Dynamies analysis system. It is so named because the method calculates the response in the present time using explicit information. It thus doesn’t require iterations for a time step, implying an efficient runtime for a time step. It, however, requires very small time steps. Overall its suitable for high- speed or highly-noniinear simulations. (C) The principle of work and energy states that the energy at a reference time plus the work done from the reference time to a specific time is equal to the energy at that specific time, 600 Chapter 15 Explicit Dyramics (.D) Explicit Dynamics uses this value to monitor the solution stabiliy. If the energy error reaches a threshold, the solution is regarded as unstable and the computation stops. According to the principle of work and energy, the ‘energy at a reference time plus the work done from the reference time to the present time is equal to the energy at the current time. If not equal, the difference is called an energy error. The energy error is further transformed into a dimensionless value by dividing using the maximum energy. (CE ) Ina single time step, a wave should not travel further than the smallest element size. This condition is used by Explicit Dynamics to determine the integration time step. (F ) The idea of mass scaling isto artificially increase the mass of some small elements so that the stability time step is increased, to reduce the overall runtime. (G) Explicit Dynamics is primarily for solving transient dynamic problems. However, a steady-state solution may also be obtained by introducing a damping force to critically damp the lowest mode of oscillation. 15.4.2 Additional Workbench Exercises Performing a More Realistic Drop Test ‘As mentioned in 15.3.I[1] (page 587),t0 reduce the runtime, the model is oversimplified, In realty the housing ofa mobile phone may inclide a battery compartment. Include a slde-n battery in the model and perform a drop test to see if the batery wl all off upon impact withthe floor.

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