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Englisch, Klasse 11: Bericht zum Thema „Report: My

Place of work“ (Zwischenreflexion)


Habsburgering 53A,

32427 Minden


Kindertagesstätte Minden e.V. Tausendfüßler

Robin Schwabe Name: Dolowan Darouich

FO3S01 School year: 2023/24

English-Mr. Schwabe Department: Social and Health

Submission date:

Address of the institution: 32427 Minden, Bismarckstraße 53A,

Phone: 0571-8518

Table of contents
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………3/4

2. A short description of my workplace…………………………………………………………4

3. A description of a typical working day.………………………………………………………3/4

4. A personal evaluation of my work experience……………………………………………5/6

5. English – German List of technical terms……………………………………………………7


1. Introduction
My name is Dolowan Darouich and I’m 17 years old. Since August 7, 2023, I have been
attending the technical college for social and health care at the Leo-Sympher vocational
college. The qualification for this course of study includes an internship in the
educational or pedagogical field. I have been doing this internship since August 7, 2023
at the Kita Tausendfüßler, Bismarckstraße 53A. As part of my training, I am writing this
report about my internship in English and the exact submission date is 17 January 2024.

The topic and goal of the report is to present and reflect on the introductory phase into
the internship. At the beginning of the report I would like to introduce my institution
and then I present the activities the first few weeks, my daily routine, my daily tasks and
my working hours. I will then give a personal assessment of my previous professional
experience. Finally, I will make an English- German list of relevant technical terms.

2. A short description of my workplace

The Kita Tausendfüßler in Minden is a technologically advanced and well-regarded
daycare center that specializes in the care and education of preschool. The Kita was
opened in March 1991. The Kita is an educationally oriented daycare center that is
dedicated to the comprehensive development of children. The Kita is a parents' initiative
and has four small mixed-age groups. It provides a safe and encourages environment for
children aged four months to six years to develop their social, emotional, mental and
movement skills. In each group there are four or five educators plus internships and a
total of eighteen to twenty children are in a group. A total of twenty pedagogical
educators, three housekeeping volunteers, a cleaner. The director is Petra Rammelberg
and the deputy director is Annette Meyer and Karin Nellißen is also responsible for the
content of the website with Petra Rammelberg. There is one group leader per group.
The sponsorship of the daycare center is that the daycare center is a private and a
parents' initiative association. The institution offers modern rooms that are specially
designed for children. These include separate areas for playing, group rooms with
connecting rooms, washrooms, bedrooms for resting, a large garden, reading corners,
the bibliotic, hallway house and the sports hall. The Kita has its own kitchen of the
kitchen staff, where fresh and healthy food is served daily. The activities in the nursing
field is that the kindergarten teachers combing hair and tie the children, clean the butt,
wrap the children and wash hands with the children They attach great importance to
providing children with a wide range of materials for learning and play to support their
curiosity and creativity. All employees in the Kita regularly participate in further training
as well as irregularly in supervision or coaching processes and performing the knowledge
gained in their everyday work. Furthermore, concept days are held twice a year, during
which the Kita remains closed and the employees further develop and evaluate the
existing concept. The pedagogical approach focuses on promoting the children's
independence and personal responsibility. The Kita offers an extensive range of
activities and programmes, such as painting, group games, singing, handicrafts,
celebrations, lantern festival, carnival and summer party, trips, parent-child afternoon,
parents' evening, school beginners meeting and forest days for pre-school beginners,
early childhood education (knowledge of letters and numbers) and forest walks, so that
the development of the children is promoted and creates an inspiring environment.

Outdoor area:

In the outdoor area there are two swings one for the very young children and a big one
for the older children, a slide, a climbing frame, a boat, two wooden horses, a tree house,
three sandpits, a cellar where whole children's vehicles and sand toys, balls are in it, three
banks to sit on.

3. A description of a typical working day

Working hours:

Weekdays: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Hours: 7:45-16:15 7:45-16:15 SCHOOL 7:45-16:15 SCHOOL

Clock Clock Clock

I work Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, with my breaks being from 12:30 p.m. to
1:30 p.m. daily. On Wednesdays and Fridays, I have classes from 7:55 a.m. to 12:55
p.m. In the first week in the Kita I got to know the institution, daily routines, colleagues,
children and my group. I have tried to build a trusting connection with the children so
that they feel comfortable and safe. I prepared breakfast and lunch and played with the
kids until their parents have picked them up. Outside and inside I played with the
children, painted and we also played games. The children brought me books from time
to time and we read together. My daily routine begins at 7:45 clock. We start our day
very simply so that we have a good working day, so the children come to the daycare
center in the morning and say goodbye to their parents, but it is sometimes very difficult
for them to separate from their parents. The daycare center has a voluntary breakfast,
so if the children want to have breakfast, then they can have breakfast and after breakfast
we make a morning circle and the children then tell for example what they did in the
holiday or weekend. Sometimes we play a few games or we sing together in the morning
circle and after the morning circle the children can play freely and go out from time to
time until lunch is ready. Me or a educators prepare the wagon for lunch so that we can
prepare the table until the lunch starts. After lunch, I clear the table and clean the tables
and then sweep the floor. The educators are put the toddlers to bed and the preschool
students then go to the midday care and I then go for an hour break. After an hour break
I prepare fruit for the children and the children get up one after the other and then tie
the hair of the children and I play or read with the children until they are picked up by
their parents. I finish work at 4:15 p.m. On Tuesday we always have a walking day, so
we go to the park with the kids and then play until lunch. And the towels are always
changed on Tuesday. So on Tuesday we have a beginner's meeting in the sports hall and
on Fridays we always have gymnastics. And just like my colleagues, I also had to do
things like set and clear the table, clean the group, gardening, prepare fruit and prepare
the wagon for lunch. The colleagues have already confided in me a lot, because I was
able to get along very well with the children and they supported me a lot, for example,
if I did something wrong or said, they showed me what I should do or say.

4. A personal evaluation of my work experience

A few weeks before the start of my intership, my fears were that I didn't get along with
the children and colleagues and that I didn't meet their expectations again. And that they
couldn't be happy with me. I was afraid that I would make the same mistake over and
over again and that I wouldn’t not improve. At first I was scared, but then slowly I found
myself very well and I had overcome my worries and fears and felt good.I tried to find a
connection with the children, for example by offering the children whether I read a book
to them, listen to music with them, play games, paint something or do handicrafts. My
colleagues have already confided in me a lot, because I get along very well with the
children, for example, I was able to wake up the children from sleeping, clean their butt,
do something with the children like do handicrafts or listen to music. The cooperation
with my colleagues is very good, because I get along very well with the parents and they
support me a lot. For example, when I do or say something fasciously, they explain to
me what I should do and say right. I have gained a lot of experience, for example how
to get along better with the children and how to behave in challenging situations. A
challenging stuition would be if you give instructions to the children and they don't follow
it. I was able to gain experience in language development by helping children learn new
words and language development collect by helping children learn new words and
language skills.

5. English – German List of technical terms
Englisch Deutsch Englisch Deutsch
educational or Pädagogischer early childhood Frühkindliche
pedagogical field Bereich education Bildung
technologically Technologisch midday care Mittagsbetreuung
advanced fortschrittlich
educationally Pädagogisch social, emotional, Soziale, emotionale,
oriented daycare orientierte mental and mentale und
center Kindertagesstätte movement skills bewegungsbezogene
parents' initiative Elterninitiative sponsorship Trägerschaft
educators Pädagogen
pedagogical Pädagogischer
approach Ansatz

Sources: Concept of Kita Tausendfüßler. Some of my rehere comes from this link The rest of the content I wrote on my own and
some content that I didn't understand, I asked my colleagues. I also found the pictures
on the internet but some pictures I didn't find that's why I asked my colleague if I
could take some pictures where you can't take the children.

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