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Robustified Distributed Model Predictive Control for Coherence and Energy

Efficiency-Aware Platooning

Conference Paper · July 2019

DOI: 10.23919/ACC.2019.8814866


10 187

2 authors:

Massimo Zambelli Antonella Ferrara

University of Pavia University of Pavia


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Robustified Distributed Model Predictive
Control for Coherence and Energy Efficiency-Aware Platooning
Massimo Zambelli and Antonella Ferrara∗

Abstract— Platooning has become one of the most appealing

formations for intelligent vehicles safety enhancement and
traffic regulation. Besides the traditional control algorithms,
which are required to enforce at least local and string stability,
Fig. 1. Basic idea of a platoon.
more complex control schemes can be designed to cope with
advanced requirements. In this paper, a suitable Distributed
Model Predictive Control (DMPC) scheme, robustified with a During cruising, when vehicles proceed instead at constant
second-order Integral Sliding Mode (ISM) correction term, is relative distance, e.g. on highways, coherence becomes a
proposed to enforce and maintain coherence during cruising, valuable feature. It can be informally defined as the ability
while considering energy efficiency during acceleration/deceler- of the formation to behave like a rigid body, which implies
ation phases. While the former aspect has a complex impact on that the distance between the two extremal vehicles (the
traffic regulation, especially when a large number of vehicles is
considered, the latter is of primary importance in an increas- leader and the last follower) remains constant and equal
ingly eco-friendly transportation systems design. The proposed to a prespecified one [9]. It is especially important in a
approach is well suited for real-world implementation, and can context characterized by traffic regulation, in particular if
constitute a valid basis for more advanced control architectures. a large number of vehicles is considered [10]. Despite the
Simulation results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed enforcement of local and string stability, as highlighted for
architecture in maintaining the formation while guaranteeing
a robust achievement of the required performance. instance in [11], coherence cannot be in principle guaranteed
in the presence of unknown perturbations of the acceleration,
I. INTRODUCTION which in a practical framework can be due to uncertainties
in the vehicle dynamics modelling and evolution.
In the last decades the increase in complexity and availabil-
ity of intelligent vehicles has moved the research focus onto In this paper, a non-iterative non-cooperative Distributed
advanced formation control problems. Among many possibili- Model Predictive Control (DMPC) scheme is proposed for the
ties, platooning (schematized in Figure 1) has attracted a lot of control of an arbitrary number of vehicles in platoon config-
interest for its simplicity and effectiveness in improving safety, uration. Besides safety, coherence is regarded as the primary
comfort and fuel consumption, while allowing for improve- objective, while energy efficiency is pursued as a valuable
ments in traffic regulation [1]. Many studies have been carried feature. In contrast with the works already present in the
out from both control and network architecture perspectives literature, which usually achieve robustness through complex
(see, e.g., [2], [3] and references therein), in order to improve control schemes, the present work proposes the introduction
the effectiveness and realizability of the proposals in a real- of an additional second-order Integral Sliding Mode (ISM)
world scenario. In particular, robustness remains one of the controller [12], which works at a higher rate than the MPC,
major issues [4]. Two fundamental requirements, namely local with the aim of compensating matched disturbances. The
and string stability, are crucial in a platoon control system and resulting system is enabled to follow the nominal predicted
must be guaranteed despite uncertainties which, in practice, behaviour during each control step. As a matter of fact, it can
always affect the considered dynamics. Basing on (distributed) be evidenced that the closed-loop control scheme becomes
optimal control concepts, additional requirements can be ad- far less sensitive to the MPC sampling time, so that lower op-
dressed, with the aim of further enhancing the effectiveness of timization frequencies can be employed without affecting the
the platoon formations [5]–[7]. Energy efficiency appears to be quality of the results. This, in turn, enables for less computa-
a natural objective in an evolved formation management sys- tional power and packet transmission rates requirements, with
tem [8], due to the obvious environmental and economic bene- obvious benefits both from a local and a networked standpoint.
fits that follow. While electric (EVs) and hybrid (HEVs) vehi- In order to allow the description of a more general situation
cles have become a valuable resource in lowering the pollution in which, for instance, an higher-level controller is employed
emissions and increasing efficiency via regenerative braking to that end (e.g. a traffic regulation system, which controls
systems, a more intelligent management of the energy stored the steady-state platoon speed [13]), the leader is kept
in the vehicle battery packs can be achieved through predictive uncontrolled. EVs are considered in the discussion, so that
control during acceleration and deceleration maneuvers. also an electric model is proposed in order to take into account
regenerative braking. In different cases, such description
∗ Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione, can simply be neglected. The resulting platoon regulation
University of Pavia, via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy, system is well suited for practical implementation due to the very limited resources requirements (a noticeable property is

This is the final version of the paper, accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, July 2019.
by means of model (1), and includes for instance parameters
mismatch and unaccounted time-varying effects. As an
example, aerodynamic and rolling resistance coefficients are
often nominal values obtained via experiments in specific
conditions, and the vehicle mass can change due to the
presence of a different number of passengers.
As for the input force Fin (t), let us introduce the following
Assumption 1: The vehicle is equipped with a low-level
fast enough slip controller, able to maintain the desired slip
ratio while keeping the tire-road friction characteristic in
the linear region (see e.g. [17]). Then, being ωl (t) the l-th
wheel rotational speed, one has

ω̇l (t) ' 0 ∀t (3)

Fig. 2. Schematic of the multirate control system. The brighter gray box
indicates a slower rate (sampling time Ts ), while the darker box refers to i.e. a steady state condition is considered, so that at each
the higher one (sampling time ts ). time instant the forces exerted at the wheels level can
be considered as coincident with that in output from the
that global position information is not required). Simplicity
powertrain. Therefore,
and flexibility make the proposed approach a good basis on
which more complex control architectures could be designed. X Tin (t)
= Fin (t) (4)
It is worth noticing that sliding mode control has already Rel
been successfully utilized in vehicle control (see [14]) and,
in particular, in vehicle platooning [15], [16]. where DW is the set of driving wheels, Tinl is the net
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II the vehicles torque applied to the l-th wheel (supposed equal for the two
model is described, both from a kinematic (Subsection II-A) wheels on the same axle) and Rel its effective radius.
and electric (II-B) point of view. The main results of this From Assumption 1, two consequences can be drawn:
• The scope of validity of model (1) coincides with a
work are then presented in Section III, where the MPC
problem is formulated (III-A) and the ISM robustification limited range of input forces Fin (t), corresponding to the
scheme is presented (III-B). Simulation results, in Section linear region of the tire-road friction characteristic curve.
IV, highlight the effectiveness of the proposed approach and, This implies a non-negligible saturation in the range
finally, section V concludes the paper.
Fin (t) ∈ [Fmin (t);Fmax (t)] (5)
II. VEHICLES MODEL with bounds dependent on the specific properties of the
In this section a kinematic description of the single vehicles tires and the condition of the road.
involved in the platoon is proposed. The differences between • Having neglected the major effects of a transient in the
such a model and the real vehicle dynamics are explicitly generation of the tire-road forces, it appears reasonable
described by means of uncertainty terms, in order to formally to assume that the actually exerted force Fin (t) follows
prove the robustness of the proposed control approach in a first-order dynamics with respect to the one requested,
the following. An electric power flow representation is also namely
introduced for the case in which vehicles are EVs or HEVs
able to exploit regenerative braking. τ Ḟin (t) = Fe (t)+Fb (t)−Fin (t)+γ(t) (6)
where τ is the (possibly unknown) time constant, Fe (t)
A. Kinematic Model is the requested electric force, which can be positive (dur-
The (one-dimensional) absolute position p(t) along the pla- ing acceleration) or negative (during regenerative brak-
toon path and velocity v(t) of each vehicle can be modelled as ing) and Fb (t) is the requested mechanical braking force,
( obviously only negative. The term γ(t), analogously to
ṗ(t) = v(t) δ(t) in (1), describes the uncertainty in the representation
mv̇(t) = Fin (t)−Floss (v(t))+δ(t) of the real behaviour of Fin (t) by means of (6).
Remark 1: Note that possible residual mismatch due to
where m is the vehicle mass, while Floss (v(t)) encompasses
nominal effective radius imprecision and real slip control
the aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance forces such that
actuation, neglected by virtue of Assumption 1, can be
1 suitably lumped into the matched uncertainty terms δ(t) and
Floss (v(t)) = ρCa Sv 2 (t)+Cr mgv(t) (2)
2 γ(t) as well.
with ρ the air density, Ca the aerodynamic coefficient, S Remark 2: Although the distance between the vehicles
the equivalent vehicle surface, Cr the rolling resistance has an obvious impact on the aerodynamic drag, in this work
coefficient and g the gravitational acceleration. The term δ(t) such an effect is neglected. Being cars, and not trucks, the
is the uncertainty in the description of a real vehicle plant main object of interest, only little savings can be achieved
in maintaining a tight formation. Moreover, since for safety (except for the first element) to vehicle i, which at the suc-
reasons a Constant Time Headway (CTH) spacing policy cessive iteration computes an updated prediction of the future
is established, at high velocities (when such a gain would distances from its predecessor. On the contrary, the local ISM
be significant) the vehicles are too far apart to actually correction term, as will be thoroughly explained in the follow-
experiment drag reduction. ing, is computed independently for each of the vehicles, with
no interaction required among the neighbours. If all of the ve-
B. Electric Model
hicles are equipped with the same proposed controller, this is
An electric model of the powertrain is also required in sufficient to guarantee an ideal control of the entire formation,
order to optimize energy consumption and recovery through as shown both in theory and in simulation in the following.
regenerative braking (see, e.g., [18]). The power flow is
described here, so that during an MPC optimization horizon A. Distributed MPC
a net energy cost/gain will be in fact obtained. The total
For the i-th vehicle on-board controller, the following
power utilized by the motors is
nominal model (not comprising uncertainty) is considered
basing on (1)
Pm (t) = Tinµ (t)ωµ (t)ηµ (Tinµ (t),ωµ (t))−sign(Tinµ (t))

di (t) = v̄i−1 (t)−v̄i (t)

(7) 1
v̄˙ i−1 (t) = mi−1 F̄ini−1 (t)−Flossi−1 (v̄i−1 (t))

v̄i (t) = 1 F̄in (t)−Floss (v̄i (t)) = f¯v (vi (t),ui (t))

mi i i
where M is the set of electrical motors driving the vehicle
wheels. The efficiency function ηµ (Tinµ (t),ωµ (t)) is specific
of the particular motor µ, and is usually obtained via (10)
experiments (for a rough approximation, it could usually
be assumed constant in the working region). The wheels
rotational speeds in (7) can be approximated as The term d¯i (t) is the relative distance, which corresponds to
ωl (t) = l v(t) (8) d¯i (t) = p̄i−1 (t)− p̄i (t) (11)
and is available for measurement (supposedly with ideal
where the gear ratio grl is supposed here constant for the
precision) through the range sensors mounted at the front
sake of simplicity, since the description is mainly referred
of the i-th vehicle. The velocity vi (t) can be measured by
to EVs. Nevertheless, a variable ratio can be considered for
assumption, and hence vi−1 (t) can be made available by
different vehicle configurations, with a possible additional
vehicle i − 1 through short-range communication. Notice
degree of freedom in the control. Please note that the
that the second equation in (10) is based on the nominal
sign(.) function at the exponent in expression (7) allows to
parameters received by i from i−1 at connection time.
describe also regenerative braking, in which the power flows
For a generic r = {i−1,i}, the control input signal is
“backwards”, from the wheels to the engine. The total power
entering (or exiting) the battery pack is then ur (t) = u1r (t)+u2r (t) = Fer (t)+Fbr (t) (12)
−sign(Fin (t))
Pb (t) = Pm (t)ηb (9) As for the latter, two cases can be identified in practice
with ηb the efficiency of the conversion from mechanical to with reference to Equation (6), which give rise to different
chemical energy, supposed here constant for simplicity. control schemes.
Case 1: The actuators dynamics can be neglected, i.e.
In the proposed approach, each of the vehicles in the τr = 0 ⇒ F̄inr (t) = ur (t) (13)
platoon is supposed to embed an independent controller and so that the final model is of order two as per (10).
a short-distance Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication Case 2: The actuators dynamics cannot be neglected, i.e.
device. The instantaneous velocity measurement is required,
τr 6= 0 ⇒ F̄˙inr (t) =

as well as the distance from the preceding vehicle (e.g. via a ur (t)− F̄inr (t) (14)
range sensor in the front bumper). Since the communication τr
frequency is assumed comparable with that of control so that additional dynamics must be added to (10), and the
optimizations, the resulting architecture is designed basing on final model becomes of order three. Notice that in this case,
a distributed non-iterative MPC scheme. Considered a platoon in the case of a state-feedback MPC formulation, also F̄inr
composed of n vehicles, let us map them on indices such that must be available.
1 is associated to the leader, while the following vehicles are At each discrete time instant k, sampled with period
indexed in ascending order, for i = 2,···,n. After the connec- Ts corresponding to the selected MPC routine time
tion of a new vehicle i to the network, the preceding one, i−1, step, vehicle i computes an optimal control sequence
sends to it its nominal physical parameters. Then, at each iter- uoi,k = {uoi,k ,··· ,uoi,(k+N ) }, uoi,k = [uo1i ,k ,uo2i ,k ]T solving a
ation, the latter sends the computed optimal control sequence constrained optimization problem minimizing a cost function
Ji,k over the N future steps (i.e. the prediction horizon). tire-road friction possibilities, the maximum torque exertable
Then, following the receding horizon approach, only the by the electric motors and the limit braking force. For safety
first computed input uoi,k is applied for the entire subsequent and road speed limit purposes, (20b) and (20c) are also
interval Ts . The rest of the control sequence is sent to vehicle enforced with vmax and dmax possibly varying parameters.
i+1, which in the successive optimization, at time instant
k + 1, predicts v̄i,(k+1) = {v̄i,(k+1) , ··· , v̄i,(k+1+N ) } and B. ISM robustification
d¯i,(k+1) = {d¯i,(k+1) ,··· , d¯i,(k+1+N ) } applying the received Given that the optimal control input uoi,k computed by the i-
sequence to the stored nominal model of vehicle i (the last th vehicle at the time instant k is obtained relying on imprecise
term is duplicated, in order to match the required length). (nominal) models, optimality and even convergence cannot in
Remark 3: Even if the leader is considered independently principle be guaranteed for the real plant. In order to overcome
controlled as a generalization, it is nevertheless required that this issue, the fundamental idea is that of having a trivial
it sends to the following vehicle the future N − 1 control controller able to run at a higher rate which, in practice, com-
inputs, sampled at an according rate so that its nominal pensates for the matched uncertainty so that the real system
evolution can be computed by vehicle 2. behaves as the nominal one. In this paper, a second-order Sub-
A CTH policy is used in this work, which has been proven Optimal Sliding Mode [20] is enforced, so that the resulting
to be suitable for locally communicating vehicles [19]. Such law is sufficiently smooth when it directly affects the acceler-
an approach aims at keeping constant the time tCT H required ation (Case 1) but also suitable for Case 2, when the relative
by a vehicle to cover the distance from the preceding one. In degree of the system is 2. In a practical implementation, the
formulae, the required distance di (t) at any time instant is action of the ISM correction must of course be exerted at
discrete time instants. In particular, having defined ts as the
(t) = dmin +tCT H vi (t) (15) ISM sampling time, the computation of the corrective control
where dmin is a designed minimum distance, kept for safety term is performed at discrete steps h of length ts . At the
when the vehicles are still. same time instants velocity measurements are to be acquired
In the algorithm proposed in the present paper, the i-th and the total control ui,h is to be applied and held for the
vehicle should minimize the following cost successive ts seconds. A schematic of the complete resulting
multirate scheme is reported for convenience in Figure 2.
Ji,k = αd cd,k +αe ce,k +αb cb,k (16) For each vehicle i, let us now introduce the following
Assumption 2: With ∆i , ∆ ˆ i and Γi being known positive
where constants,
ˆ i , |γi (t)| ≤ Γi (t) ∀t
cd,k = (d¯i,j − d¯CT
H 2
) (17) |δi (t)| ≤ ∆i , |δ̇i (t)| ≤ ∆ (21)
j=k+1 The following so-called sliding variable can then be defined as
is the cost associated with the distances sequence predicted σi,h = vi,h −v̄i,h (22)
by means of (10),
where v̄i,h is the nominal velocity of vehicle i, computed
X relying on model (10) starting from the most recent previous
ce,k = Pmi ,j (18)
MPC sampling time instant, i.e.
Z kT s+hts
is the net energy outcome from usage and regeneration v̄i,h = vi (kTs )+ f¯v (v̄i (t),uoi,k ) dt (23)
during the prediction horizon and kTs
X k+N
X Then, for the two considered cases, the total control input
cb,k = Fb2i ,j = u22i ,j (19) to be used in the h-th time step is
j=k+1 j=k+1
ui,h = (uo1i ,k +uismi ,h )+uo2i ,k = ūi,h +uismi ,h (24)
is the cost associated with the mechanical braking force. As
a general rule, αb should always be kept so large that the while (10) is left evolving under the nominal
use of mechanical brake is discouraged unless inevitable. In
fact, as already pointed out, regenerative braking is to be ūi,h = uo1i ,k +uo2i ,k , ∀h : kTs ≤ hts < (k+1)Ts (25)
privileged in view of a reduction of wasted energy.
The next propositions, stated for simplicity in continuous
As for the constraints, the following appear fundamental time hold, respectively, for the two considered cases.
for the practical effectiveness of the proposed algorithm Proposition 1: In Case 1, for the generic vehicle i and for
Fmini ,k +κ ≤ u1i ,k +u2i ,k ≤ Fmaxi ,k −κ (20a) a proper choice of Ki , if the corrective term is selected as
0 ≤v̄i,k ≤ vmax,k (20b) Z kT s+hts
uismi ,h = uismi (kTs )− Ki sign σi (t)− dt
dmin ≤ d¯i,k ≤ dmax,k (20c) kTs 2
where κ will be introduced in the following. In particular,
(20a) accounts for the saturations (5) given by the physical

m [Kg] Ca ×S [m2 ] Cr gr ρ [kg/m3 ]

1200 0.8 0.008 10 1.22
ηm ηt ηb τ ηµ ∀µ
0.75 0.85 0.95 0.05 ηm ηt


N Ts [s] ts tCT H [s] K [N]

10 2 0.01 3 350 Fig. 3. Case 1: Velocity and acceleration profiles for the vehicles in the
platoon, optimal control only.
Fmin [N] Fmax [N] dmin [m] dmax [m] vmax [m/s]
-6500 6500 4 100 50

the real velocity evolution tracks in finite time the nominal

where σi∗ is the value of σi (t) at the last time instant when one, predicted relying on model (10).
Proof: Similar argumentations as the ones given above
σ̇i (t) = 0, the real velocity evolution tracks in finite time the
can be used also in this case, where
nominal one, predicted relying on model (10).
Proof: The formal proof of the finite-time convergence 1   
σ̈i (t) = F̄ini (t)−Fini (t)+γi (t)+τi δ̇i (t)− Ḟi∗
for the Sub-Optimal Sliding Mode Control algorithm is mi τi
given in [20]. Therefore, it suffices to verify that in the 1
+ uismi (t) (33)
present case the needed hypothesis hold. Let us derive the mi τi
expression of the derivatives of σi (t), namely with |F̄ini (t)−Fini (t)| locally bounded by a certain known
σ̇i (t) = v̇i (t)− v̄˙ i (t) positive constant ∆Fini , since F̄ini (t) can never grow
1 (27) unbounded in practice. In order to enforce finite-time
= (uismi (t)−Fi∗ (t)+δ(t)) convergence, in this case
with Fi∗ (t) = Flossi (vi (t)) − Flossi (v̄i (t)) a time-dependent ˆ i + F̂i∗ )]
Ki > 2[(∆Fini +Γi +τi (∆ (34)
component, locally bounded by F̄i∗ ≥ 0 and with first
must be ensured.
time-derivative locally bounded by F̂i∗ ≥ 0, since in practice
The κ term of Equation (20a) can be simply chosen such
velocities and accelerations can only assume values in a
that κi > Ki . Notice how, in (34), the required control effort
closed set. Therefore,
decreases with τi , i.e. with more “responsive” actuators,
1 1 according with intuition.
σ̈i (t) = u̇ismi (t)+ (δ̇i (t)− Ḟi∗ ) (28)
mi mi
Introducing also Assumption 2, one has that
This section is devoted to present simulation results
1 1 ˆ 
δ̇i (t)− Ḟi∗ ≤ ∆i + F̂i∗ (29) which validate the proposals of the present paper. In this
mi mi scenario, the platoon is composed of 6 vehicles, considered
so that (26) enforces a sliding motion provided that here as having all the same nominal physical parameters
(summarized in Table I) and settings of the control scheme
ˆ i + F̂i∗ )
Ki > 2(∆ (30) reported in Table II. Random uncertainty is injected in the
Once attained σi (t) = 0, at time instant tf , vehicle dynamics with the aim of simulating the previously
v̄i (t) = vi (t) ∀t ≥ tf , which concludes the proof. mentioned mismatches between the models and the real
During the sliding mode, since v̄i (t) = vi (t), also systems, as well as possible external forces arising from
Fi∗ (t) = 0 ∀t ≥ tf holds. Relying on the concept of equivalent actuation lags, unaccounted nonlinearities, etc. In particular,
control [21], one can then infer that the following shifted low-frequency sinusoid, on which
random uniform noise is superimposed, is used as uncertainty
uismi (t) = Fi∗ (t)−δi (t) = −δi (t) ≤ ∆i (31)    
βi1 +βi2 ∗ sin t+βi4 +ri (t) (35)
holds in Filippov’s sense and therefore in (20a) ρ must be βi3
chosen sufficiently larger than ∆i to ensure feasibility also
both for δ(t) and γ(t), where all the parameters βi are
during the reaching phase.
constants randomly picked for each of the vehicles, while ri (t)
Proposition 2: In Case 2, for the generic vehicle i and for
is a uniform random variable. In particular, βi1 ∈ [−150;450],
a proper choice of Ki , if the corrective term is selected as
βi2 ∈ [0;450], βi3 ∈ [1;11], βi4 ∈ [0;5], ri (t) ∈ [0;0.25].
As one can see in Figure 3, the maneuver considered here
uismi ,h = −Ki sign σi,h − i (32)
2 is such that the leader initially follows a sinusoidal velocity,
where a clever prediction of the future situations is of crucial
importance. During cruising coherence is kept in spite of
uncertainty. Theoretical and simulation results show that the
resulting system, if all of the vehicles involved are equipped
with the presented control scheme, is robust against unknown
perturbations in the velocity dynamics.
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