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In the m d WISDOM


A matter of opinion
Harriet Minter finds herself in the business of other people’s business

Is it just me, or has word to say about the cost of living Most of all, a little judgemental
the world gone a crisis. Everywhere I look, it seems voice has started playing in my
little mad recently? as though old-fashioned common brain, picking up on other people’s
I started to feel it sense has been abandoned in decisions and dissecting them.
as lockdown eased favour of… what? What are we all I am about two more world crises
at the beginning of the year. People gaining from this collective mania? away from becoming ‘Disgusted
who had spent two years feeling I don’t know the answer, but I do of Tunbridge Wells’.
as though they had been stopped know the impact that it’s having I’ve done enough therapy to
in their tracks suddenly hit on me. I’m becoming increasingly know what’s going on here. I’m
warp-speed on their lives. There timid in my behaviour. I’ve started feeling destabilised and, rather
were breakups and divorces, new imitating my grandparents and than just sitting with that feeling,
relationships and babies, jobs ending every day with a turn I’m finding all sorts of other things
lost, and new businesses started. around my flat, where I switch off to focus on instead. I’m sticking my
Things which might have taken each electrical item at the source. nose into other people’s business
years of considered thought and When my kettle exploded the other so I don’t have to look too closely
planning previously happened in day I took two weeks to replace it at my own. Mainly, I’m deciding
moments. But these huge life because ‘surely I can just boil water that everyone else is mad, because
decisions aren’t the madness on the hob?’ A routine trip to a I don’t want to have to ask myself
I’m referring to. No, it’s the little friend’s house outside of London if, in fact, I might be a little less sane
moments of madness that worry saw me checking the train times than is normal, too. And this is why
me, and they seem to be all around. obsessively right up until departure, going to therapy can ruin your life.
It’s the woman who leant on her and then tutting loudly at the lack Right now, I’d love to just proclaim
horn for a full minute when I stalled of air conditioning in my carriage. that the whole world is mad and
my car at the traffic lights. It’s a leave it there – but I can’t. Instead, I
friend who maxed out a credit card have to sit down and work out what
for her dream holiday, even though I need to feel secure in a world that
she was struggling to pay her rent. feels anything but. And then I need
It’s my ex-boyfriend, who needs to put my opinions on other people’s
a job but can’t bring himself to lives down and let them get on with
actually apply for any. It’s every it. Oh God, this is going to hurt.
single politician opining on Follow Harriet’s writing journey by signing
trans-rights but not having a single up for her newsletter at


Harriett/SEPT.indd 62 19/07/2022 13:20

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