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For this rotation, our clinical instructor, gave us an activity for our community duty. During
this week, our CI provided us the activities we needed to accomplish by the end of our
community duty. One of our groupmates assigned taskings throughout. After the tasking
was given, we then had a group meeting to divide all the given tasks. Luckily all the group
members agreed and did their part with no hesitations.

Now, that I'm still a nursing student, our experience in the community is a big opportunity
for us, we prefer more to do a lot so that we can learn more. And because we are at the
community to do our duty, we expected a lot to do and at the same time a lot to learn, this
kind of experience we are very thankful that we learned a lot.

FAITH: Acts 20:35

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak
and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give
than to receive.’” Helping others is a natural way to share God’s love. No matter how busy
we are or how little we must give, give all the shots that you can because helping or being
caring to others are the way we show the love they deserve to give, the love without asking
for anything in return. I believe we all deserve that kind of love so let's start doing that to

I'll make sure to use my knowledge and abilities in the near future to aid others, I’ll make
sure to provide the care with love they deserve or what are they needs especially to my
patients, whoever they may be. I'll also make sure to use my knowledge and abilities in the
near future to assist others, and to help others to the best I can especially my patients,
whoever they may be. Additionally, I want to impart my knowledge to motivate my
patients to actively participate in their own care because effective care and support can lead
to better outcomes, increase system efficiency through more individualized commissioning,
and help patients maintain their health and better manage their conditions.

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