Town Using Both Conventional and

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Design of Power Grid for a

Town Using Both Conventional and

Renewable Sources.

Ahmad Abujazar & Monther Wahbeh

Supervised by

Dr. Ayman Faza

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Electrical Engineering



Amman, Jordan

Fall 2014/2015
This is to certify that I have examined

this copy of an engineering documentation by

Ahmad Abujazar &Monther Wahbeh

And have found that it is complete and satisfactory in all respect,

And that any and all revisions required by the final Examining Committee
have been made

Dr. Ayman Faza


This project would not have been complete without the collaboration and cooperative
support of many people who have been an incredible help throughout the process of our work;
thanks goes to Dr. Ayman Faza, the supervisor of this project for his constant support and
empowerment, and Engineer Mageda Mubarak, Saddam Ratrout, Mohammad Salameh, for their
help and motivation,

We are also thankful for all the opportunities Princess Sumaya University for Technology
for providing us with the software tool PSCAD. We are also very grateful to our families’
guidance and encouragement, and to our friend’s support and help.




The electric power system has evolved through large, central power plants
interconnected via grids of transmission lines and distribution networks that feed power to
customers. The system is beginning to change – rapidly in some areas – with the rise of
distributed energy resources (DER) such as small natural gas-fueled generators, combined heat
and power plants, electricity storage, and solar photovoltaic (PV) on rooftops and in larger
arrays connected to the distribution system. In many settings DER already have an impact on
the operation of the electric power grid. Through a combination of technological improvements,
policy incentives, and consumer choices in technology and service, the role of DER is likely to
become more important in the future. Many governments as a way of handling energy
independence promote such a modern electricity network.

Because of that, and as a requirement to graduate from the engineering department at

Princess Sumaya University for technology (PSUT), we submitted a senior project based on the
knowledge that we obtained from the university. This project focuses on the design and
implementation of a power grid for a town using both conventional and renewable energy
sources. Different methods and techniques were studied to improve the overall performance of
power systems in general and to increase the power factor of generator.

The idea of the project is to evaluate the effect of adding PV generation on the
distribution system and its influence on transmission line, how it can decrease the losses and
increase the efficiency of the power generation by using new technology called distributed
generation. For the simulations, we used a specialized simulation tool; PSCAD, which is one of
the best available tools for simulating power systems and renewable energy resources.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................... II
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... III
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. V
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... VI
CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2 .......................................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................................................................4
2.1) POWER SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1) Power Plant Generation ............................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2) Transmission.............................................................................................................................. 7
2.1.3) Distribution................................................................................................................................ 7
2.2) PSCAD ............................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3) RENEWABLE ENERGY ............................................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER 3 .....................................................................................................................................10
DETAILED SYSTEM DESIGN...............................................................................................................10
3.1) LOAD ................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2) TRANSMISSION LINE ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.3) PV MODULE ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4) SUNNY DESIGN ................................................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 4 .....................................................................................................................................25
FINAL DESIGN .................................................................................................................................25
4.1) INTRODUCTION TO PSCAD................................................................................................................... 26
4.2) RATING VALUES AND MEASUREMENTS .................................................................................................... 29
4.3) CASE 1: NORMALLY OPERATING GRID .................................................................................................... 31
4.4) CASE 2: NORMALLY OPERATING GRID WITH POWER SHUNT COMPENSATOR ................................................ 34
4.5) CASE 3: GRID WITH 2 PVS ON THE FIRST LOAD FEEDER ............................................................................. 36
4.6) CASE 4: GRID WITH 4PVS ON FIRST LOAD FEEDER.................................................................................... 38
4.7) CASE 5: GRID WITH 2 PVS ON EACH LOAD FEEDER. .................................................................................. 40
CHAPTER 5 .....................................................................................................................................51

Table of Contents

CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................51
APPENDICIES ..................................................................................................................................53
APPENDIX A: REAL PICTURE ......................................................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX B: TRANSMISSION LINE TABLE........................................................................................................ 55
APPENDIX C: TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS .............................................................................................. 56
APPENDIX D: SUNNY DESIGN FULL REPORT. .................................................................................................... 59
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................60

List of Tables

List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Real Power system connection. ................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3-1: PSCAD transmission line ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3-2: Real picture of transmission line............................................................................................. 13
Figure 3-3: A schematic PV used in PSCAD................................................................................................ 15
Figure 3-4: Real PV panels connected to grid ........................................................................................... 15
Figure 3-5: Maximum power point tracking model in PSCAD ................................................................... 18
Figure 3-6: Input (Vpv) and filtered output voltage (Vpv F) of the low pass filter. .................................. 18
Figure 3-7: Input (Ipv) and filtered output current (Ipv F) of the low pass filter. ..................................... 18
Figure 3-8: Characteristic PV array power curve at STC. PV array power output in kWatt (y-axis) and PV
array voltage in kV (x-axis) ........................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 3-9: DC-DC Converter Control model in PSCAD. ............................................................................ 20
Figure 3-10: Simple P and Q regulation model in PSCAD .......................................................................... 21
Figure 3-11: Firing pulse generation model in PSCAD............................................................................... 22
Figure 3-12: Inverter output line-neutral voltage ..................................................................................... 23
Figure 3-13: AC filter output line-neutral voltage. .................................................................................... 23
Figure 4-1: Measurement of system ......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 4-2: Simulated power grid .............................................................................................................. 31
Figure 4-3: Real shunt compensator ......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-4: Shunt compensator added to the grid .................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-5: Final design. ............................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 4-6: PV output graphs from PSCAD. ............................................................................................... 42
Figure 4-7: Generator output graphs from PSCAD.................................................................................... 43
Figure 4-8: Output graphs between generator bus and before the first transformer.............................. 44
Figure 4-9: Output graphs between the first transformer and before transmission line. ........................ 45
Figure 4-10: Output graphs after transmission line and before the second transformer. ....................... 46
Figure 4-11: Output values on the load. ................................................................................................... 47

List of Tables

List of Tables
Table 3-1: load rated value........................................................................................................................ 11
Table 3-2: clearances of transmission line ................................................................................................ 12
Table 4-1: PSCAD symbols ......................................................................................................................... 26
Table 4-2: Generator output values for case 1. ........................................................................................ 32
Table 4-3: Losses values for case 1............................................................................................................ 32
Table 4-4: Generated output values for case 2. ........................................................................................ 34
Table 4-5: Losses values for case 2............................................................................................................ 35
Table 4-6: Generated output values for case 3. ........................................................................................ 36
Table 4-7: PV output values for case 3. ..................................................................................................... 36
Table 4-8: Losses values for case 3............................................................................................................ 36
Table 4-9: Generated output values for case 4. ........................................................................................ 38
Table 4-10: PV output values for case 4. ................................................................................................... 38
Table 4-11: Losses values for case 4.......................................................................................................... 38
Table 4-12: Generated output values for case 5. ...................................................................................... 41
Table 4-13: PV output values for case 5. ................................................................................................... 41
Table 4-14: Losses values for case 5.......................................................................................................... 41
Table 4-15: Real power measured values in MW. .................................................................................... 48
Table 4-16: current values measured in kA............................................................................................... 49
Table 4-17: Reactive power measured values in MVAR. .......................................................................... 50

Chapter 1
In the last few years, the cost of electric power generation in Jordan has risen
dramatically as a result of the strikes and events in the world and the region in particular; this
has led to higher world prices for oil and its derivatives. The energy sector and electricity in
Jordan have been most affected because the shipping of Egyptian gas to Jordan has been
disrupted. This negatively impacts the cost of power generation and electricity because heavy
fuel oil is now being used as an alternative to natural gas imported from Egypt.

These problems; the constant interruption in the supply of Egyptian gas and the large
financial losses that have increased Jordan’s debt, have caused Jordan’s power and energy
supply to be inconsistent. Thus, it was necessary to start thinking about investing in the
renewable energy sector.

For this reason, the Jordanian government adopted a comprehensive national strategy for
the energy sector, which aims to increase the reliance on domestic and renewable energy
sources from (4%) in 2013 to (13%) in 2016, and to (39%) in 2020.[1]

Jordan has many renewable energy resources and future potential in this sector,
especially in terms of solar and wind energy. Jordan is located within the Sunbelt; that is, the
solar radiation intensity is 5-7 kWh per meter square, and wind speed in certain regions is
between 7-9 m/s. These figures are promising for exploiting renewable energy for electricity
generation in Jordan.[2]

In line with investment requirements and in order to open the door for the private sector
to effectively participate in the implementation of renewable energy projects, the Renewable
Energy and Energy Efficiency Law was enacted as a permanent law under no. 13 in 2012. This
law provides the legal, regulatory, and legislative framework for investments in renewable

With all that in mine, we started to think about the design and implementation of a power grid
for a small city using both conventional and renewable sources.

Our project will cover some areas in Amman, Jordan, and we will study the effect of
bringing renewable energy sources closer to customers, in addition to how the conventional
energy that we take from the grid will affect the voltage drop and the frequency of the power.
The second part of the project will study all possible solutions for the construction of
solar cells in the city, and how they will affect the transmission lines. For each possible
solution, we will have a full data set for these effects. Furthermore, improvements will occur
such as decreasing the cost of power generation as well as it effect on the power factor of the

The organization of this documentation is as follows. In Chapter two, a literature review

will be presented, to discuss the history of power systems, their types, and a brief introduction
about the simulation used in the project. Overall system review will be discussed in chapter
three, followed with a detailed description of the final design included in the project in chapter
four, in addition to the best design. The final chapter, Chapter five, will offer a conclusion and
what can be done with the system to enhance it in future work.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
Literature Review

In order to design and construct a new project, you should have an idea beforehand; how
it works and to know your system. Now we will start to talk about our design, in addition to
that, we will introduce briefly about the power system and the program that we use to simulate
our project.

2.1) Power System

Power system is a mixture of electrical components made up of the electrical network,
what we call a grid. We use the grid to generate and transmit the energy from power stations to
the consumer; either industrial or residential.

The electric power system can be divided into three major parts:

1) Generation

2) Transmission

3) Distribution

The main components of the electrical system are illustrated in the Figure (2.1)

Figure 2-1: Real Power system connection.[3]

Literature Review

2.1.1) Power Plant Generation

A power generating station is an industrial location that is used for the generation and
distribution of electric power in mass scale, usually in the order of several hundred Mega Watts.
These are generally located at the sub-urban regions or several kilometers away from the cities
or the load centers. This is because it requires huge land and water demand, along with several
operating constraints such as the waste disposal. For this reason, a power generating station has
to, not only take care of efficient generation, but also the fact that the power is transmitted
efficiently over the entire distance. Moreover, that is why the transformer switchyard, which
regulates transmission voltage, also becomes an integral part of the power plant.

At the center of it, however, nearly all power generation stations have an AC generator
or an alternator. This rotating machine is equipped to convert energy from the mechanical
domain (rotating turbine) into electrical domain by creating relative motion between a magnetic
field and the conductors. The energy source harnessed to turn the generator shaft varies widely,
and is manly dependent on the type of fuel used.

As mentioned above there are four types of generation:

a) Thermal power generation
b) Nuclear power generation
c) Hydro power generation
d) Renewable energy

Literature Review

2.1.2) Transmission
Electrical power is generated at different stations in various locations. These generating
stations are not necessarily placed at the load center. During the construction of the generating
station there is a number of factors to be considered from the economical point of view. Not all
of these are factors that may be easily available at the load center. Hence, generating stations are
not normally situated very near to the load center. The Load center is the place where maximum
power is consumed. So, there must be some means by which the generated power must be
transmitted to the load center. In summary, electrical transmission system is a means of
transmitting power from generating stations to different load centers.

There are two systems by which electrical energy can be transmitted:

(1) High voltage DC electrical transmission system.

(2) High voltage AC electrical transmission system.

2.1.3) Distribution
Distribution is the system of lines that connect the individual customer to the electric
power system. In this system, we have the highest losses but shorter distance and lower power
per line involved in distribution. This allows the design emphasis to shift from the maximum
efficiency to accessibility, safety, and continuity of service.

Literature Review

2.2) PSCAD
PSCAD (Power Systems Computer Aided Design) is a powerful and flexible graphical
user interface to the world-renowned, EMTDC electromagnetic transient simulation engine.
PSCAD enables users to schematically construct a circuit, run a simulation, analyze the results,
and manage the data in a completely integrated, graphical environment. Online plotting
functions, controls and meters are also included, enabling the user to alter system parameters
during a simulation run, and thereby view the effects while the simulation is in progress.
PSCAD comes complete with a library of pre-programmed and tested simulation models,
ranging from simple passive elements and control functions, to more complex models, such as
electric machines, full-on FACTS devices, transmission lines and cables.

If a required model does not exist, PSCAD provides avenues for building custom models. For
example, custom models may be constructed by piecing together existing models to form a
module, or by constructing rudimentary models from scratch in a flexible design environment.
The following are some common models found in the PSCAD master library:

• Resistors, inductors, capacitors

• Mutually coupled windings, such as transformers
• Frequency dependent transmission lines and cables (including the most accurate time
domain line model in the world!)
• Current and voltage sources
• Switches and breakers
• Protection and relaying
• Diodes, thyristors and GTOs
• Analog and digital control functions
• AC and DC machines, exciters, governors, stabilizers and inertial models
• Meters and measuring functions
• Generic DC and AC controls
• HVDC, SVC, and other FACTS controllers
• Wind source, turbines and governors

Literature Review

PSCAD, and its simulation engine EMTDC, have enjoyed close to 30years of development,
inspired by ideas and suggestions by its ever strengthening, worldwide user base. This
development philosophy has helped to establish PSCAD as one of the most powerful and
intuitive CAD software packages available.[4]

2.3) Renewable energy

Renewable energy (RE) resources have some special features and attributes that differ
from conventional energy resources. However, they put some constraints on their application or
usage. Such limitations include site specificity, small size of power output, and current marginal
feasibility. On the other hand, environmental benefits of these sources favor them over
conventional resources

The concept of renewability is based upon the scale of human events and if the source
can be replaced during that period. For instance, wood is a renewable biomass energy source as
long as adequate conditions are kept for reserves to be replenished. Rates of exploitation /
deforestation in a number of areas are so high that biomass may be considered as a non-
renewable source in those circumstances.

2.3.1) PV

A solar cell or photovoltaic cell (PV) is a device that converts light directly into
electricity by the photovoltaic effect. Sometimes the term solar cell is reserved for devices
intended specifically to capture energy from sunlight, while the term photovoltaic cell is used
when the light source is unspecified. Assemblies of cells are used to make solar panels, solar
modules, or photovoltaic arrays. Photovoltaic is the field of technology and research related to
the application of solar cells in producing electricity for practical use. The energy generated this
way is an example of solar energy (also called solar power).

Chapter 3
Detailed System Design
Detailed System Design

In this chapter, the overall design will be discussed; including the load, transmission line,
PV system [5] and real software using sunny design.

3.1) Load
In this section, we present a major part in this project, which will cover the load of the
geographical area as mentioned in the introduction earlier. A real picture of the area is presented
in appendix (A).

All the values used in this project come from the Jordanian Electrical Power Company
(JEPCO). We were able to get rated values of transformers and rated operating percentages,
which is equal to 70% of its rated kVA. The calculations of the transformers are shown in table

In addition, power factor data were not given to us by the company due to privacy concerns
so power factor value that were used in this project was only assumed realistic by our supervisor
which equals to 0.95.

Table 3-1:load rated value.

Apparent Power 70% of Apparent Real Power (kW) Reactive Power Number of
(kVA) Power (kVAR) Substations

250 175 166.25 54.63 3

300 210 199.5 65.56 1

500 350 332.5 109.26 17

630 441 418.95 137.67 4

800 560 532 174.81 1

1000 700 665 218.52 19

1500 1050 997.5 327.78 3

Total 24186.05 7947.58

Detailed System Design

3.2) Transmission Line

The transmission line, which has been used in this project, has a lot of parameters such
as transferred power, rated voltage, length of transmission line, type of circuit, mechanical
design of the tower, transmission losses, line conductor, and clearance. These parameters must
be taken into account in order to get the best design.

After discussing with the supervisor, the project will consist of a transmission line with
length equal to 100 km, single circuit, horizontal conductor, and 345kV base voltage. To apply
real values, these values were taken from Asset Standards Authority (ASA) and chose a city
oakdale-raser, New York because it has a transmission line near to our bases {} full table shown
in appendix (B), some data of the transmission line were applied in the design will be shown

Type of structure:
3H4, average number of tower per mile 7, average weight 17000 lb

The Clearances of conductor:

Table 3-2: clearances of transmission line

Clearance In ft In meter
Phase to tower. 6.17 1.88
Phase to ground. 33 10.5
Phase to phase. 26 7.9
Phase to earth. 51 15.5
Sag. 22 6.7

After the data were introduced, they were entered into the PSCAD software as shown in
the Figure (3.1) and Figure (3.2) below. The following parameters of the transmission line,
which are impedance and the capacitance and inductance of the transmission line were
calculated, and were included and are shown in appendix (C).

Detailed System Design

Figure 3-1:PSCAD transmission line

Figure 3-2: Real picture of transmission line

Detailed System Design

The matrices below show the impedance matrix of the transmission line and the
admittance matrix in all length of transmission line. These values came from the effect of the
conductor each other and the value of the conductor itself.

Long-line corrected series impedance matrix [ohms]:

0.156 ∗ 102 + j0.766 ∗ 102 0.121 ∗ 102 + j0.283 ∗ 102 0.121 ∗ 102 + j0.283 ∗ 102
�0.121 ∗ 102 + j0.283 ∗ 102 0.156 ∗ 102 + j0.766 ∗ 102 0.121 ∗ 102 + j0.283 ∗ 102 �
0.121 ∗ 102 + j0.283 ∗ 102 0.121 ∗ 102 + j0.283 ∗ 102 0.156 ∗ 102 + j0.766 ∗ 102

Long-line corrected shunt admittance matrix [mhos]:

0.111 ∗ 10−5 + j0.323 ∗ 10−3 0.73 ∗ 10−7 − j0.248 ∗ 10−4 0.73 ∗ 10−7 − j0.248 ∗ 10−4
� 0.73 ∗ 10−7 − j0.248 ∗ 10−4 0.111 ∗ 10−5 + j0.323 ∗ 10−3 0.73 ∗ 10−7 − j0.248 ∗ 10−4 �
0.73 ∗ 10−7 − j0.248 ∗ 10−4 0.73 ∗ 10−7 − j0.248 ∗ 10−4 0.111 ∗ 10−5 + j0.323 ∗ 10−3

Detailed System Design

3.3) PV Module
In this section, we present the PV module we used for our system, which is developed
using the PSCAD software.

The PV system consists of PV array model, DC link capacitor, DC-DC converter, three
phase inverter, AC filter and transformer connected to the utility grid, as shown in Figure (3.3).
In this section, the function of each component will be discussed. Moreover, the function of
additional circuits, which are used to control some components in the model, will also
discussed. Figure(3.4) shows a real PV connected to a grid.

Figure 3-3: A schematic PV used in PSCAD

Figure 3-4: Real PV panels connected to grid.

Detailed System Design

PV Array
Photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor device that converts the energy of irradiation
directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect when exposed to radiant energy such as
sunlight. The default parameters, which were used to define the PV module in PSCAD, are
shown in Table (3.3) and will be discussed briefly next. By changing the number of cells
connected in series per module form 108 to 1080 and remaining the other values as default
values, the final output of the total 400 modules is 1 mega-watt.

Input temperature and irradiation have an effect on short circuit current and open circuit
voltage. As the irradiation increased, the short circuit current increased. While the temperature
is increased, the open circuit voltage is decreased. The total number of cells per models
connected in series determines the total voltage of the module per array. Also, the total number
of cells per models connected in parallel determines the total current of the module per array.

Standard Test Conditions (STC) are conditions that are used to test the module in
laboratory with irradiance intensity of 1000 W/𝑚𝑚2 , AM1.5 solar reference spectrum and cell per
module temperature of 25 ± 2 °𝐶𝐶. Ideality factor, which ranges from 1 to 2, measures how
closely the diode follows the ideal diode equation. Band gap energy of the solar cell is the
minimum energy necessary for the electrons to free themselves from the valence band, and
move to the conduction band. In general, the bigger band-gap, the higher DC voltage created in
the cell when exposed to sunlight. However, the higher band gap, the fewer electrons are
generated (smaller current). Series resistance is needed to be as low as possible in the order of
few milliohms per cm-2 (from 0 to 1600 mΩ.cm-2). As the series resistance increased, the
maximum power point decreased without changing the open circuit voltage. Shunt resistance is
needed to be as high as possible in order of several hundred ohms. As the shunt resistance
decreased, the maximum power point decreased without changing the short circuit current.

Detailed System Design

Table 3-3: Parameters of the PV module in PSCAD model

PV array name (optional) PVarray1

No. of modules connected in series / array 20
PV array No. of module strings in parallel / array 20
parameters No. of cells connected in series / module 1080
No. of cell strings in parallel / module 4
Reference irradiation (W/𝑚𝑚2 ) 1000
Reference cell temperature(𝑜𝑜 𝐶𝐶) 25
Effective area / cell (𝑚𝑚2 ) 0.01
Series resistance / cell (Ω) 0.02
Shunt resistance / cell (Ω) 1000
PV cell Diode ideality factor 1.5
parameters Band gap energy (eV) 1.103
Saturation current at reference conditions / cell (A) 1𝑒𝑒 −9
Short circuit current at reference conditions / cell (A) 2.5
Temperature coefficient of photo current (A/K) 0.001
Photo current / module (A) -
Internal diode current / module (A) -
Internal diode voltage / module (V) -
Monitoring Internal power loss / module (W) -
Output power / module (W) -
PV array output current (A) Iarray
PV array output voltage (V) Varray

DC Link Capacitor
The DC link capacitor is used to minimize the ripple of the PV source current and to get
output current without ripple by using a large capacitor. The DC-DC converter as will discuss
next controls the voltage across the DC link capacitor.

DC-DC Converter for MPPT

The value of voltage and current, for which maximum power is delivered to the load, is
called maximum power point. Maximum Power Point Tracking controls the voltage across the
DC link capacitor and the PV array. This is done by setting a reference voltage that will be
supplied to a PI controller and then the PI controller create switching signal to force the voltage
across the PV array to follow the reference voltage.

Detailed System Design

These two stages will be discussed next.

Maximum Power Point Tracking:

Reference voltage is created by using the model shown in Figure (3.5). PV output
current (𝐼𝐼𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 ) and output voltage (𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 ) are filtered using a first order low pass filter, with a
magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of 𝜏𝜏 = 0.01 seconds in order to get rid of the high
frequency components or harmonics from these signals as shown in Figure (3.6) and Figure
(3.7). The filtered current and voltage signals (𝐼𝐼𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝−𝐹𝐹 and 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝−𝐹𝐹 ) are then supplied to the MPPT
control block that uses the Incremental Conductance Tracking Algorithm. This algorithm is
based on the fact the slope of the PV array power curve shown in Figure (3.8) is zero at the
Maximum Power Point (MPP), positive on the left of the MPP, and negative on the right. The
MPP can be tracked by comparing the instantaneous conductance (I/V) to the incremental
conductance (∆I/∆V) as in (1).

Figure 3-5: Maximum power point tracking model in PSCAD

Figure 3-6: Input (Vpv) and filtered Figure 3-7:Input (Ipv) and filtered output current
outputvoltage (Vpv F) of the low pass filter. (Ipv F) of the low pass filter.

Detailed System Design


∆𝐼𝐼/∆𝑉𝑉 > −𝐼𝐼/𝑉𝑉,Leftof MPP (1)

∆𝐼𝐼/∆𝑉𝑉 < −𝐼𝐼/𝑉𝑉,Rightof MPP

MPPT Control creates a reference voltage (𝑉𝑉𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ) at which the PV array is going to operate
based on the previous three cases. This reference voltage (𝑉𝑉𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ) is used as an input to the DC-
DC Converter Control model.

Figure 3-8: Characteristic PV array power curve at STC. PV array power

output in kWatt (y-axis) and PV array voltage in kV (x-axis)

DC-DC Converter Control

Buck, boost and buck-boost are the three types of DC-DC converters. Buck is used to
step down the input voltage. Boost is used to step up the input voltage. Finally, buck-boost is
used to step up or step down the input voltage based on duty cycle, with an output of opposite
polarity than the input. Buck converter was used in this design model and consists of a Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) circuit, shown in Figure (3.9), Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
(IGBT) switch, inductor, capacitor and free-wheel diode are used, as shown in Figure (3.3).

Detailed System Design

Figure 3-9:DC-DC Converter Control model in PSCAD.

Proportional-Integral (PI) controller input is the difference between the solar panel
output voltage (Vpv) and the reference voltage (Vmppt), shown in Figure (3.9). Depending on
this difference, PI controller controls the duty cycle of the PWM pulse. Duty cycle ranges from
0 to 1 and defined as the percentage of the period during which the switch is on. A comparator,
which has two ports A and B, generates a PWM signal. Port A has a duty cycle signal and port
B has a saw-tooth wave which range from 0 to 1. If input at port A is greater than input at port
B, the comparator output is set to be 1, otherwise it is 0.

The IGBT switch is supplied by PWM signal (T1). If T1=1, the converter switch is on
and off if T1=0. When the IGBT switch is on, the free-wheel diode is open circuited and the
current passes through the inductor and the capacitor. Because of that, the inductor and the
capacitor are charged. When the IGBT switch is off, the free-wheel diode is short-circuited. The
capacitor and the inductor are discharged.

Three-Phase Inverter

To connect the PV system with the utility grid, it is important to convert the DC output
power into three-phase AC power by using a three phase inverter. This PSCAD model includes
simple P and Q regulation circuit, a firing pulse generator and a three-phase inverter bridge.

Detailed System Design

Simple P and Q Regulation

It is important to keep a constant DC bus voltage (dcVltg) between the DC-DC

converter and the inverter. To do that, PI controller, shown in Figure (3.10) set a constant
voltage of 0.5 kV and the output of the controller angle (Ang) will be used as an input to the
firing pulse generator.

The second PI controller is used to make the reactive power (Q) of grid zero and the
inverter is operated at unity power factor so that, the inverter generates sinusoidal voltage and
current in phase. In addition, The output of this controller's magnitude (Mag) will be used as an
input to the firing pulse generator.

Figure 3-10:Simple P and Q regulation model in PSCAD

Detailed System Design

Firing Pulse Generator:

The switching signals of the 6 IGBT switches were produced using a Sinusoidal Pulse
Width Modulation (SPWM) technique shown in Figure (3.11). At the beginning, three
sinusoidal modulating waves were generated with a frequency of 60 Hz and a phase shift equal
to the output of the previous PI controller (Ang) with additional shifting of -120 and 120
degrees. The magnitude of the modulating waves is equal to (Mag) from the previous PI
controller. After that, the three sinusoidal modulating waves were matched with a triangular
carrier wave with magnitude ranging between -1 and 1. If the modulating wave is greater than
the carrier wave, the comparator output would be 1 and switching signals gt1, gt3 and gt5
wouldbe generated. The other three switching signals gt4, gt6 and gt2 were generated by
inverting the switching signals gt1, gt3 and gt5.

Figure 3-11: Firing pulse generation model in PSCAD

Detailed System Design

Three Phase Inverter Bridge

By providing the 6 IGBT switches with generated switching signals (gt1 to gt6), the
inverter kept its input DC voltage (dcVltg) at a constant value of 0.5 kV. In addition, it
converted the constant DC voltage (dcVltg) to an AC voltage as shown in Figure (3.12), but not
a perfect sinusoidal.

Figure 3-12: Inverter output line-neutral voltage

AC Filter:
In order to make the inverter output more smooth and to get rid of distortion involved,
an AC filtering stage is required and implemented using inductor shown in Figure (3.3). In
addition, the inductor improved the shape of the inverter output to an almost sinusoidal wave as
shown in Figure (3.13).

Figure 3-13: AC filter output line-neutral voltage.

Detailed System Design

3.4) Sunny Design

Sunny Design is software for planning and designing PV systems and PV hybrid
systems. Sunny Design provides us with a design recommendation for our planned PV system
or our planned PV hybrid system. Sunny Design also proposes a combination of PV array(s)
and inverter(s), which meet, as closely as possible, our requirements regarding power class,
energy yield and efficiency. In addition, you have the option of determining and optimizing
your potential self-consumption, sizing the cables, evaluating efficiency and, in PV hybrid
systems, configuring gensets.[6]

As a result of that and to complete our task in the project as design and implementation
of small city using both conventional and renewable energy, we used this program to get some
real values of the PV cells, inverter, and monitoring system of it. Summarized data is shown in
Figure (3.14) and for the full report see appendix (D).

Figure 3-14: System overview.

Chapter 4
Final Design
Final Design

In this chapter, after the detailed system design was introduced in the previous chapter,
the design of the city will be discussed; also more than one case will be displayed, and will
demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of each design.

4.1) Introduction to PSCAD

At first, a small introduction of the symbols that were used in PSCAD is shown below,
before getting into details shown in Table (4.1).

Table 4-1: PSCAD symbols

Symbol Name
Three phase generator

Three phase transformer

Transmission line

Data label

Three phase load


Photovoltaic model

Shunt compensator

Final Design


Sun radiation

Circuit breaker

Logical time breaker

Output channel

Phase difference

Summer and differentiator

Two signal comparator

Triangular (sin, cos)

Final Design

Control unit

PI Controller



Power electronic switch

Maximum power point tracker

In addition, there are some useful information that should be known:

1) The value of the real power in output graph is in MW and it single-phase power.
2) The value of the voltage in output graph is in kV, also its peak voltage.
3) The value of the current in output graph is in kA.
4) The value of angle of power factor is in degree.
5) The value of the reactive power in output graph is in MVAR and it is single-phase

Final Design

4.2) Rating values and measurements

Below is a list of the items used in our simulation, and the ratings information for each item:

• Generator
Voltage = 15 kV, base power = 100 MVA, frequency = 60 Hz.
• Transformer
We use 6 transformer in our design 3 for step up voltage near to generator side and 3 for
step down after the transmission line near to the load,
o The step up transformer rating value: wye-delta, 15/345 kV,base power =
o The step down transformer rating value: delta-wye 345/38 KV, base power =
• Transmission line base voltage 345KV, frequency 60 Hz, base power 25MVA
• Load base voltage 38 KV, frequency 60 HZ, base power 24.186 MVA all the data were
discussed before in chapter (3).

Measuring devices were added (multimeters) in the first feeder to get some readings, so
a multimeter will be seen at first at the generator side and its measures real power, reactive
power, peak voltage, rms voltage, and power factor angle.

The second multimeter was installed at the first point of the feeder before the
transformer and a third one after the transformer before the transmission line, so loses on the
first transformer can be calculated.

In addition, another multimeter was added after the transmission line so that the loses in
transmission line can be calculated as well. At last the final multimeter was installed at the
receiver end of the feeder line after the transformer but before the feeder bus so the power flow
from the conventional source can be measured.

Furthermore, a multimeteris placed near the PV side; the output of the PV parameters that are
measured are real, reactive power, current and voltage. The measurement system is illustrated in
Figure (4.1).

Final Design

Figure 4-1: Measurement of system

The following scenarios will be simulated in PSCAD to evaluate the best design for this system,
such that we have the least amount of losses in the system.

a) Normally operating grid

b) Normally operating grid with power shunt compensator
c) Grid with 2 PVs on the first load feeder
d) Grid with 4PVs on first load feeder
e) Grid with 2 PVs on each load feeder

Final Design

4.3) Case 1: Normally Operating Grid

The first step of this project starts from here. The design and implementation of power grid
for a town using conventional sources, adding transmission line and transformer was
simulated in PSCAD. As shown before, we have a 3 feeders load each one has a base real
power equal to 24186.05 kW, and each feeder has a transmission line from the generator bus.
See Figure (4.2).

Figure 4-2: Simulated power grid

Final Design

The measured values at the generator are as follows:

Table 4-2: Generator output values for case 1.

Signal name Measurement

Real power 76 MW

Current 5.75 KA

Voltage rms 15 KV

Reactive power -75.4 MVAR

Power factor angle Lead by 45◦

Power factor 70.7%

Another objective in this project is to reduce the losses in transmission line and transformers.

The measurements of losses are:

Table 4-3: Losses values for case 1.

Losses Value (MW)

First transformer 0.025
Transmission line 0.02
Second transformer 0.03

Refer to Table (4.15), Table (4.16) and Table (4.17) to see full-tabulated values.

Important Notes:

1) Ideally, the load needs 72.54 MW for the three feeders. Losses in generation
2) Loses in the grid are 3.46 MW. They mainly occur in transformers and transmission
lines, and there is around 3 MW goes in load side
3) Power factor value is 70.7%, which is not acceptable for power engineering.
4) There is high capacitance at transmission line so it affects on the power factor
5) High current also comes from the capacitance of transmission line.

Final Design

After getting these values, our task was to figure out ways to increase the power factor and
decrease the losses. The solution is adding a reactance (shunt compensator) with value equal to
30 MVAR, so the value of the reactive power is increased, as shown in Figure (4.3). The results
of adding the Var compensation are presented in the following section.

Figure 4-3: Real shunt compensator[7]

Final Design

4.4) Case 2: Normally Operating Grid with Power Shunt

In this case, the shunt compensator shown in figure (4.4) is added to the power grid on
the generator bus, so the reactive power value increase, the power generated decrease from
the source and the current decrease from generator.

Figure 4-4: Shunt compensator added to the grid

Following are the measurements taken after adding the shunt compensator.

Table 4-4: Generated output values for case 2.

Signal name Measurement

Real power. 75.5 MW

Current 4.9 KA

Voltage rms 15 KV

Reactive power -39 MVAR

Power factor angle Lead by 27.5◦

Power factor. 88.7%

Final Design

The measurements of losses are:

Table 4-5: Losses values for case 2.

Losses Value (MW)

First transformer 0.025
Transmission line 0.02
Second transformer 0.01

Refer to Table (4.15), Table (4.16) and Table (4.17) to see full-tabulated values.

Important notes:

1) Losses in the grid are 2.96 MW, which occur in the transformers and transmission
lines. Note that the losses are less than the ones in case 1.
2) Power factor value is 88%, which is a desired value.
3) There is a high capacitance at transmission line, which affects the current as well.

Final Design

4.5) Case 3: Grid with 2 PVs on the First Load Feeder

In this case, the second part of the project is continued by integrating the power grid of the
city with renewable energy; specifically photovoltaic (PV) model. In the first case, we add a 2
MW PV model in the first feeder.

The measured values at the generator are as follows:

Table 4-6: Generated output values for case 3.

Signal name Measurement

Real power. 73 MW

Current 4.3 KA

Voltage rms 15 KV

Reactive power -30 MVAR

Power factor angle Lead by 23◦

Power factor. 92%

The output measurements of the PV:

Table 4-7: PV output values for case 3.

Signal name Measurement

Real power 2 MW
Current 0.195 kA

The measurements of losses are:

Table 4-8: Losses values for case 3.

Losses Value (MW)

First transformer 0.011
Transmission line 0.005
Second transformer 0.005
Refer to Table (4.15), Table (4.16) and Table (4.17) to see full-tabulated values.

Final Design

Important notes:

1) Losses in the grid are 2.46 MW occurring in the transformer and transmission lines.
The losses are less than the first and second cases.
2) Power factor value is 92%.
3) Losses in transmission lines decrease.
4) Losses in transformers decrease.

Final Design

4.6) Case 4: Grid with 4PVs on First Load Feeder

In this part, we add a 4MW PV model in one feeder, and analyze its effect on the system

The output measurements at the generator are shown in the table below:

Table 4-9: Generated output values for case 4.

Signal name Measurement

Real power. 70 MW

Current 3.9 KA

Voltage rms 15 KV

Reactive power -21.5 MVAR

Power factor angle Lead by 17◦

Power factor. 95.6%

The output measurements of the PV:

Table 4-10: PV output values for case 4.

Signal name Measurement

Real power 4 MW
Current 0.38 kA

The measurements of losses are:

Table 4-11: Losses values for case 4.

Losses Value (MW)

First transformer 0.02
Transmission line 0.07
Second transformer 0.04
Refer to Table (4.15), Table (4.16) and Table (4.17) to see full-tabulated values.

Final Design

Important notes

1) Losses in the grid are 1.46 MW, which occur in transformer and transmission line.
The losses are less than in the first and second cases
2) Power factor value is 95.6%.
3) Losses in transmission line increase more than case 3
4) Losses in transformer increase more than case 3

Studying the data that were measured, we found that installing 2MW PV model will decrease
the losses in the transmission line and transformer, but installing a 4MW PV will decrease the
losses in real power generator.

Final Design

4.7) Case 5: Grid with 2 PVs on Each Load Feeder.

As in cases 3 and 4, installing more than 4MW will decrease the real power generation
losses but will increase the losses in transmission line and transformer. To fix this problem we
decided to install the PV model on each feeder. The value of each one of which is equal to
2MW; therefore, in total the amount of power added will equal 6MW. Figure (4.5) shows the
whole design of the grid with the PV system.

Figure 4-5: Final design.

Final Design

The measurements at the generator were recorded in the table below:

Table 4-12: Generated output values for case 5.

Signal name Measurement

Real power. 67 MW

Current 3.8 KA

Voltage rms 15 KV

Reactive power -11.5 MVAR

Power factor angle Lead by 11◦

Power factor. 97.4%

The output measurements of the PV:

Table 4-13: PV output values for case 5.

Signal name Measurement

Real power 6 MW
Current 0.57 kA

The measurements of losses are:

Table 4-14: Losses values for case 5.

Losses Value (MW)

First transformer 0.01
Transmission line 0.005
Second transformer 0.005
Refer to Table (4.15), Table (4.16) and Table (4.17) to see full-tabulated values.

Important notes:

1) Losses in the grid are 0.46 MW, which occur in the transformer and transmission and
it’s the best value that we get in design.
2) Power factor value is 97.4%.
3) Losses in transmission line decrease less than case 4.
4) Losses inn transformer decrease less than case 3.

Final Design

Data output will be shown as follows:

a) Figure (4.6) PV output

b) Figure (4.7) generator output
c) Figure (4.8) before transformer
d) Figure (4.9) before transmission line
e) Figure (4.10) after transmission line
f) Figure (4.11) before load

Figure 4-6: PV output graphs from PSCAD.

The data shown in figure above are the values that expected to get from the PV as design with
refer to irradiation of the sun and the tempreture of the cell. The output values of the PV (real
power, reactive power, voltage and instantanous current) with respect to time are shown.

Final Design

Figure 4-7: Generator output graphs from PSCAD.

The data shown in figure above are the values that expected to get from the generator as design
with refer to required load. The output values of the generator (real power, reactive power,
instantanous voltage, rms voltage, phase angle in degree and instantanous current) with respect
to time are shown.

Final Design

Figure 4-8: Output graphs between generator bus and before the first transformer.

The data shown in figure above are the values that expected to see between generator bus and
before the first transformer as design with refer to required load. The output values (real power,
reactive power, instantanous voltage, and instantanous current) with respect to time are shown.

Final Design

Figure 4-9: Output graphs between the first transformer and before transmission line.

The data shown in figure above are the values that expected to see between the first transformer
and before the transmission line. The usage of these values are to measure the losses in the first
transformer by subtract the real power values before and after the transformer. The output
values (real power, reactive power, instantanous voltage, and instantanous current) with respect
to time are shown.

Final Design

Figure 4-10: Output graphs after transmission line and before the second transformer.

The data shown in figure above are the values that expected to see between the transmission line
and before the second transformer. The usage of these values are to measure the losses in the
transmission lines by subtract the real power values before and after the transmission line. The
output values (real power, reactive power, instantanous voltage, and instantanous current) with
respect to time are shown.

Final Design

Figure 4-11: Output values on the load.

The data shown in figure above are the values that expected to see between the secound
transformer and load bus. The usage of these values are to measure the losses in the second
transformer by subtract the real power values before and after the second transformer, and to
figure out how much the load get real power from the generator. The output values (real power,
reactive power, instantanous voltage, and instantanous current) with respect to time are shown.

Final Design

a) Real power (P) in (MW)

Table 4-15: Real power measured values in MW.

Type Power Power Angle Power Power Power Loses in Power after Loses in Power Loses at
from generator factor before before transformer transmission transmission at load second
PV Transformer transmission line transformer
Grid 0 76 -45 0.707 25.273 25.25 0.023 25.23 0.02 25.22 0.03

Grid with 0 75.5 -27.5 0.887 25.275 25.25 0.025 25.23 0.02 25.22 0.01
Grid with 2 2 73 -23 0.920 22.171 22.16 0.011 22.155 0.005 22.15 0.005
Grid with 4 4 70 -17 0.956 19.17 19.15 .02 19.08 0.07 19.04 0.04
Grid with 2 2 67 -13 0.974 22.17 22.16 0.01 22.155 0.005 22.15 0.005
PV at each

Final Design

b) Current in (KA)
Table 4-16: current values measured in kA.

Type From PV From generator Before transformer Before transmission After transmission At the load
line line
Grid 0 5.75 1.92 0.0842 0.061 0.551

Grid with 0 4.5 1.924 0.084 0.0611 0.555

Grid with 2 PV’s 0.195 4.3 1.48 0.0655 0.0662 0.608

Grid with 4 PV’s 0.38 3.9 1.15 0.049 0.077 0.695

Grid with 2 PV’s at 0.195 3.8 1.48 0.0655 0.0662 0.608

each feeder

Final Design

c) Reactive power in (MVAR)

Table 4-17: Reactive power measured values in MVAR.

Type From PV From generator Before transformer Before transmission After transmission At the load
line line
Grid 0 -75.4 -25 -26.9 9.42 8.31

Grid with 0 -39 -25.1 -29.7 9.48 8.3

Grid with 2 PV’s -9.1 -30 -16.09 -17.92 18.3 17.04

Grid with 4 PV’s -17.5 -21.5 -7.5 -8.3 26.58 25

Grid with 2 PV’s at -9.1 -11.5 -16.09 -17.29 18.7 17.06

each feeder


Chapter 5


In conclusion, we have successfully achieved a power grid that derives energy from
conventional and renewable sources, efficient in terms of reliability and energy consumption
through the correct choice of the final design. In addition, a major feature we have added is the
way that we distributed the PV models in each feeder, which is an effective idea that gave us
best values.

The goals we have put were completely and effectively met. As a result of the data that was
shown in the final design at chapter four, the power generation losses of the grid decreases. On
the other hand the power factor increases at the generator side. Furthermore, other objectives in
our project are to decrease the power losses in the transmission line and transformer by adding a
renewable energy.

Future work
1) A real study will be done to locate the best location of installing a PV system in real life
in Amman, Jordan.
2) Make a feasibility study for the previous possible cases and choosing the best
economically taking into consideration the enhancement of power factor and losses.
3) Publish an IEEE paper about the effect on the transmission line by adding PV on the
power grid.


Appendix A: Real picture



Appendix B: Transmission line table.


Appendix C: Transmission line parameters


NOTE: This file is auto-generated. Any manualchanges will be lost once the Line Constants
Program is re-run.

Display Format: M,N denotes a complex number M + jN



0.158471208E-03,0.770082501E-03 0.122638863E-03,0.285658143E-03 0.122638863E-03,0.285658143E-03

0.122638863E-03,0.285658143E-03 0.158471208E-03,0.770082501E-03 0.122638863E-03,0.285658143E-03
0.122638863E-03,0.285658143E-03 0.122638863E-03,0.285658143E-03 0.158471208E-03,0.770082501E-03


0.100000000E-10,0.322681218E-08 0.000000000E+00,-.249666829E-09 0.000000000E+00,-.249666829E-09

0.000000000E+00,-.249666829E-09 0.100000000E-10,0.322681218E-08 0.000000000E+00,-.249666829E-09
0.000000000E+00,-.249666829E-09 0.000000000E+00,-.249666829E-09 0.100000000E-10,0.322681218E-08


0.156688686E+02,0.766712265E+02 0.121061121E+02,0.283638456E+02 0.121061121E+02,0.283638456E+02

0.121061121E+02,0.283638456E+02 0.156688686E+02,0.766712265E+02 0.121061121E+02,0.283638456E+02
0.121061121E+02,0.283638456E+02 0.121061121E+02,0.283638456E+02 0.156688686E+02,0.766712265E+02


0.111210341E-05,0.323284377E-03 0.730790970E-07,-.248520226E-04 0.730790970E-07,-.248520226E-04

0.730790970E-07,-.248520226E-04 0.111210341E-05,0.323284377E-03 0.730790970E-07,-.248520226E-04
0.730790970E-07,-.248520226E-04 0.730790970E-07,-.248520226E-04 0.111210341E-05,0.323284377E-03



0.816496581E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.577350269E+00,-.194289029E-15 -.298672104E+00,-.565131673E-01

-.408248290E+00,0.555111512E-16 0.577350269E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.805005552E+00,0.000000000E+00
-.408248290E+00,0.555111512E-16 0.577350269E+00,-.832667268E-16 -.506333448E+00,0.565131673E-01



0.106476150E+01,-.818394249E-01 0.231110080E+01,-.704871749E+00 0.106476150E+01,-.818394249E-01


0.358323446E-04,0.484424358E-03 0.000000000E+00,-.216840434E-18 0.204216814E-04,-.179681146E-03

0.000000000E+00,-.149077799E-18 0.403748934E-03,0.134139879E-02 0.000000000E+00,0.135525272E-18
0.204216814E-04,-.179681146E-03 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.467446094E-04,0.477394832E-03


-.236958326E-09,0.397837295E-08 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 -.401148606E-09,0.144795868E-08

0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.100000000E-10,0.272747852E-08 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00
-.401148606E-09,0.144795868E-08 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 -.335644384E-09,0.402187423E-08


0.348339298E+03,-.232557646E+02 0.709205831E+03,-.103090647E+03 0.343343439E+03,-.311346148E+02


0.344449429E+00 0.512827139E+00 0.344449429E+00


0.290318379E+09 0.194997481E+09 0.290318379E+09



0.577350269E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.577350269E+00,0.000000000E+000.577350269E+00,0.000000000E+00
0.577350269E+00,0.000000000E+00 -.288675135E+00,-.500000000E+00 -.288675135E+00,0.500000000E+00
0.577350269E+00,0.000000000E+00 -.288675135E+00,0.500000000E+00 -.288675135E+00,-.500000000E+00


0.403748934E-03,0.134139879E-02 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00

0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.358323446E-04,0.484424358E-03 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00
0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 -.115196481E-18,0.000000000E+00 0.358323446E-04,0.484424358E-03


0.100000000E-10,0.272747852E-08 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00

0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.100000000E-10,0.347647901E-08 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00


0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00,0.000000000E+00 0.100000000E-10,0.347647901E-08


Per-Unit Quantities Based On: Base Voltage: 230.00 kV,L-L,RMS. Base MVA: 100.00 MVA

NOTE: Base values are set using Output File DataDisplay Options component in Editor view.


+ Seq. Self: 0.673488943E-02

0 Seq. Self: 0.753895895E-01


+ Seq. Self: 0.913183004E-01

0 Seq. Self: 0.252171867


+ Seq. Self: 0.184164155

0 Seq. Self: 0.144723995


+ Seq. Self: 0.677360012E-02

0 Seq. Self: 0.763230499E-01


+ Seq. Self: 0.915736027E-01

0 Seq. Self: 0.253572550


+ Seq. Self: 0.183905740

0 Seq. Self: 0.144283614


Appendix D: Sunny design full report.


[1] NEPCO annual report 2012, puplished by NEPCO
[2] Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Annual Report2012
[4] PSCAD manual, 2010 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre, a division of Manitoba
Hydro International Ltd. All rights reserved.
[5] Kalbat, A., "PSCAD simulation of grid-tied photovoltaic systems and Total Harmonic
Distortion analysis," Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS), 2013 3rd
International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,6, 2-4 Oct. 2013
[6] Sunny design manual developed by SMA Solar Technology AG
[8] EHV-UHV transmission systems, by F.J.Ellert,S.A,Miske,C.J.Truax


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