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Group Members

Final Report
Bilal Khan (108)
Zain ul Hassan (120)
Amanullah (426)
Sadat (447)
Project name:
Attendance Mark
In this project we using Arduino, RFID sensor, Excel
sheet for mark attendance and software to program
RFID Card Reader is installed that contain microchip
and antenna which detect or read data and mark
attendance by using radio frequency signals and are
capable to detecting Cards with in their range. After
read cards RFID reader transmit data in database or
attendance management system, however it is
important to take note that the exact working of an
RFID hardware and software.
Components required:
 Arduino
 Jumper Wires
 12V input source
 Automation and Efficiency
 Accuracy
 Real time tracking
 Security
 Scalability
 Convenience
 Use in hotel management
 Hotel security
 Door opening
 At any work place
 Cost
 Technical complexity
 Reliance of RFID Card
 Limited range and Readability
 Environmental Factor

In conclusion, RFID attendance markers offer
several benefits such as well as some limitations,
however it is essential for organizations to consider
all pros and cons, access their specific needs and
evaluate whether RFID attendance marker align to
their budgets.
Circuit Diagram:

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