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Sales Flow


What is pre-meeting?
Why is important before every sales?

How the meeting should look like?
Objection handling
4 types of personallities

Follow up
What means follow up in BD?
Why is important?
Creating the long-term value for the
organization, our stakeholders and customers.

The purpose of every o You need to have a goal before every meeting
what do you want to achieve and what is that
meeting one thing you wont end the meeting without.
o Prepare yourself for different scenarios
o Long-term partnerships

Cold calling/mailing

For this, help yourself with PILLARS.

Warm calling/mailing
Preparation Call/mail
o Do a research about the company, what o Be positive, always!
they do, how many employees they have, o Introduce yourself and your organization
what is their organizational structure, values,
o Ask with who you’re talking to
o Check their website and LinkedIn page o Explain why you’re calling/sending an
o Do a research about their industry and email
trends in the world o Suggest a meeting
o Prepare a pitch and the our portfolio that
you will offer them
o Go into the depth of the projects, what are
the benefits, how many delegates were Don’t forget, you are here to help
there, which partners have participated so
far, etc. – prepare all the information them to solve a problem 

Ice breaker &

Objection handling Closing
Ice breaker

o Small talk, informal topics for better atmosphere (Are you

working from home, how long?)
o Use your research that you did and start a communication
o Your interlocutor is a human being
o Always a positive direction to start communication

o Introduce our organization

o Explain why we targeted them for potential collaboration
o Ask a question, open and closed
Good question for beginning

o Have you heard about AIESEC?

o Have you ever collaborate with some student
organization? If yes, how it looks like?
o Selection process-how you are doing with youth?
o Does your company has a programs of internships?
o Are you planning to expand on different market?
o How are you adapting to changes?
o What are your focuses in this period?..
SPIN Technique

1. How satisfied are you with the marketing

positioning in the market?

2. What are your biggest challenges in youth


3. How did these problems affect sales? build a

need for a solution

4. Here they need to see that you have a solution

to their problem and to understand how your
solution can help them in future
4 types of personalities
4 types of personalities
1. Summarize the problems
2. Explain the solution
3. Explain the benefits
4. Technical information
5. Investment
Objection handling

*Where the magic begins*

o There will always be additional questions

o Clarify
o Deal with it
o Active listening is doing a 80 % of the job!
o Approach-you are here to help them not to sell
something that doesn’t make sense!

1.Now or never 2. Testemonial close

3. Question close 4. Assumptive close

Follow up
After 24h*
1. Output of the meeting
2. Portfolio/tailor made offer
3. Suggested dates for the next meeting

Don’t give up! Statistics say that every fifth follow up is successful


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