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REG NO. E35/101746/2017






Nature of Learning

Learning is the process by which an individual acquires knowledge, attitudes and skills that are
necessary to meet the demands of life. It then means changing of behavior or behavioral potential
that occurs as a result of experience. It can result from both vicarious and direct experiences.

The nature of learning can be seen in the following aspects; First, learning is universal in that every
creature that lives have to learn but more important man learns most. The human nervous system is
very complex and in that relation is the human reaction and are his acquisition. In addition, positive
learning vital for children’s and also its most important to their development. Learning is seen to take
place through experience as it always involves some kind of experience and vicarious. Its also viewed
from all sides since its from the parents, teachers, environment, nature and media.

Learning is also a continuous process since it denotes the lifelong. In relation to this, new situations
are faced and the individual has to bring essential changes in his style of behavior in order to cope or
tackle them. It also results in change or it brings in some aspect of the change of behavior to an
individual. This means learning is an activity that leaves a more or less permanent effect on later
activity. Learning helps an individual in his self-adjustment or fitting in a certain group. As long as a
human being is a social being he needs or requires to adjust himself with the friends, class fellows,
parents, relations, neighbours and teachers. Most learning in children consists of the modifying,
adapting and developing their original nature and consequently they acquire new forms of behavior.

Learning comes in as a result of practice in the sense that it’s the basis of drill. Its evident that
students learn best and they are able to retain the content or the information longer when they have
meaningful practice and a repetition on the same. In this case every time practice occurs, learning
continues. Learning is also seen to be a relatively permanent change of behavior in that an individual
is able to remember what the state had been and the way to be make out of a certain state.

Learning is also seen as not be directly observed in the sense that one cannot observe the process of
learning as it takes place. In this case only what precedes performance, the performance itself and
the consequences of performance is observed. Learning is seen to have an aspect of growth in that
its purpose is to facilitate the individual’s growth.
Cognitive theory

The cognitive teaching theory explains why the brain is the most incredible network of information
processing and interpretation in the body as we learn things. The theory is divided into social
cognitive theory and cognitive behavioral theory. Learning means to simply thinking using the brain.
This basic concept is viewed in the cognitive learning theory. The theory has been used to explain
mental process as they are influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors which definitely bring
about the aspect of learning in an individual.

Cognitive learning implies that the different processes concerning learning can be explained by
analyzing the mental processes. It posits that with effective cognitive processes, learning is easier and
new information can be stored in the memory for a long time. In contrast ineffective cognate
processes result to learning difficulties that can be seen anytime as the individual engages him or
herself in learning.

In social cognitive theory, the three variables; that is behavioral factors, environmental factor
(extrinsic) and personal factors (intrinsic) are said to be interrelated with each other hence resulting
to learning. The experience at personal level can converge or in a way may comply with the
behavioral determinants and environmental factors. In the person-environment interaction, human
beliefs, ideas and cognitive competencies are modified and changed by external factors such as
supportive parent, stressful environment or a hot climate. In person-behaviour interaction the
cognitive processes of a person affect his behaviour; likewise, performance of such behaviour can
modify the way he thinks.

The environment-behaviour interaction, external factors can alter the way the behaviour is
displayed. In addition, your behaviour can affect and modify your environment. Its clear from the
model that for effective and positive learning to occur an individual should have positive personal
characteristics, exhibit appropriate behaviour and stay in a supportive environment. Learning is a
result of a thorough evaluation of the present experience versus the past. Some of the basic concepts
that might be manifested not only in adults but also in infants, reproduction, self-efficacy, emotional
coping and self-regulatory capacity.

Cognitive behavioral theory entails the role of knowing to determining and predicting the behavioral
pattern of an individual. It says that individuals tend to form self-concepts that affect the behaviour
they display. These concepts can be positive or negative and can be affected by a person’s
environment. It further explains human behaviour and learning using the cognitive triad. The triad
includes negative thoughts about the self the world or the environment and the future.

Cognitive learning theory and technology

Cognitive learning theory has always focused on how students perceive information and the best
educational strategies teachers can use to promote the understanding of the content by the
students. As teachers, it always up to us to vary or otherwise be keen with the teaching methods we
are likely to use due to the understanding of the fact that individual students perceive information or
content in unique ways.

Students can process limited amounts of information at any given point in a class but that
information is far more likely to be retained in long-term memory if the information being presented
is paired with unique experience or relies upon multiple sensory inputs during presentation. From
the works of Pitler (using technology with classroom instruction that works) particularly words
processing software, concept mapping programs and multimedia inclusion in lessons highlight
cognitive processes and assist in greater student understanding. He also describes how students can
better understand new content being presented by incorporating technology into their note-taking
processes. For instance, students using word-processing software such as Microsoft word to track
changes made on a particular written passage to be better able to summarize the material.

If its used in the large-group and then small-group or individual settings can help students better
understand and develop the new skill to edit down material for easier recall in the future. Many
word processing tools have a setting which can automatically summarize a section of text and
provide a visual labelling of the most important points. This tool also can help students to better
identify the important points of a text and highlight the need for revision of their own writing. The
tools hereby can be used to help the students better understand content as well as allows
information to be presented in meaningful and appropriate representation.

Pitler describes how concept maps when used in conjunction with organizing material and note-
taking can drastically improve student understanding of the content. Concept maps are a physical
representation of the cognitive processes occurring within the students’ mind for processing and
understanding content. Through the use of programs such as inspirations teachers can develop
concept maps through introductory lessons that allow students to visualize connections between
questions, concepts and ideas that cat be constructed as knowledge within the student.

Through providing students a visual medium they are more likely to have a greater comprehension of
the general topic of the map as well as the outlying connections being made. In addition to word
processing software and concept map development, virtual field trips also allow the students to gain
a better understanding about a place that the class may be unable to visit while allowing the student
to practice with technological innovations that promote dynamic academic growth.

This type of instructional strategy can touch upon student’s episodic memory which is incredibly
powerful found to help students greatly retain knowledge. Students are able to use various websites
to explore and develop understanding through a virtual journey that helps to develop knowledge
that is then organized and synthesized for presentation to the class. To sum up the technological
instructional strategies highlight the importance of cognitive learning theory.

The incorporations of other technologies are used to highlight the diverse cognitive needs and
individual students and promote knowledge that is easily accessible and promoted to long-term
memory to be continually referenced as new knowledge is scaffolded with already learned content.
Teachers should stay informed of the new technological innovations for they can serve to a greater
acquisition of knowledge by the student and create more unique and creative learning experiences.
Behavioral theory

It only focuses on observable behaviors and discounts any independent activities of the mind. It also
defines learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior based on environmental
conditions. Behaviorists identify conditioning as a universal process. Classical conditioning is one of
the type which occurs when a natural reflex respond to a stimulus. Its believed that we are
biologically “wired” so that a certain stimulus will produce a specific response. The common
scenarios where one is likely to find the classical conditioning brought out in the educational
environment is when the students get the anxieties like the fear of public speaking.

Operant conditioning occurs when a stimulus is reinforced. Its basically seen as a simple feedback
system. If a reward follows a certain behavior, then it becomes more probable in the future. Its
criticized that behaviorism does not account for all the kinds of learning since it disregards the
activities of mind. Apart from this it also does not explain the new recognition of new language
patterns by young children when there is no reinforcement. In addition, research shows that animals
adapt their reinforced patterns to new information. Therefore, this theory relies only on observable
behavior and it describes several universal laws of behavior. Its mostly used by teachers while
rewarding and punishing students’ behavior.

Behaviorism and technology

It’s a philosophy that believes on a well-rounded understanding of the relationship between stimulus
and response which promote desired behaviors within an individual. The inclusion of behaviorist
teaching methods has become more complex through the addition of various technological advances
in the classroom. Pitler describes two ways in which teachers can incorporate technology in the
classroom to promote stronger work ethics as well as superior homework completion. The authors
describe how various technologies such as word-processing software and interactive web-based
practice programs can be used to promote more desirable academic behaviors from students.

The overall purpose of behaviorism is to promote desired behaviors within individuals. In relation to
the incorporation of new technologies can impact student academic behavior and promote student
success through behaviorist methods. They also describe many scenarios where student assessment
data as well as data logging how often the student performs tasks in and out of class is gathered and
displayed in various different graphical mediums to illustrate a correlation between diligent work
study habits and desirable achievements on assessments. Through sharing of data with the student’s
behavioral change is observed and it’s in this that desired effects of the student’s overall grade are

The usage of the technology such as graphical representations and spreadsheets allow students to
quickly understand the data being presented to them and thus effect behavioral change much more
quickly than if the student did not have the data presented in different media. Technology can be
used to give students group data about their performance as its also concerned with the stimulus in
which a student who is more dedicated during and more willing to study outside of class provides the
desired response.

Many of electronic resources are constructed on a foundation of behaviorism as the students are
challenged to complete a problem, place a word in the correct section of a chart or define a section
of a sentence and if they do not immediately give the correct feedback they are given an opportunity
to attempt the problem once again. The websites that give the students an opportunity to review
and practice the skill and apply it rely on the behaviorist philosophy as they design appropriate
feedback to allow the students better understanding and comprehend any issue arising from the
information and encourage them to continue working at the problem till they arrive at a solution.

In English classroom, drill/skill instructional strategies can assist students in better understanding
how to develop complete sentences or use conjunctions properly which can be assessed on a test or
the student’s own writings. When appropriate skill is displayed on a test or writing, the student is
given a positive feedback by the teacher which later reinforces the knowledge to be continually used.
Behaviorism though controversial remains to be a tool to every teacher as he constructs the
foundations for students and helps the students to succeed. The same technologies can also be used
to modify the behavior hence helping the struggling student to succeed in their educational career.

Information processing theory

The basic idea of this theory is that the human mind is like an information processor. Information
gathered from the senses (input) is stored and processed by the brain and finally brings about a
behavioral response (output). Development psychologists who adopt this perspective account for
mental development in terms of maturation changes in basic components of a child’s mind. The mind
is seen to be responsible for analyzing information from the environment. According to the model for
mental-development the mind’s machinery incudes attention mechanisms for bringing information in
working memory to be actively manipulated and long-term memory for passive holding information
so that it can be used in the future.

The theory addresses on the growth of the children, as well as their brains for they also mature and
advance in the ability to process and respond to the information they received through the senses. It
also enhances the continuous pattern of development. The model also serves to be part of
resurgence of cognitive perspective of learning. The cognitive perspective suggests that complex
mental states affects human learning and behavior leading to their investigation. The computers also
provided the model with possible human mental states that provided the researchers with the clues
for understanding the human thinking and the information processing.

There is also a comparison between humans and computers and its used as a means of better
understanding of the way information is processed and stored in the human mind. When analyzing
what develops within the model the more specific comparison is both the human brain and
Constructivists theory

According to Bruner learning is an active process that entails learners to construct new ideas based
on their current or past knowledge. The learner is required to select, transform information,
construct hypotheses and make decision basing it on cognitive structure. It provides meaning and
helps the learner get more information than given. In the instruction process the teacher should try
to encourage the students discover principles by themselves. The teacher and the student should
engage in an active dialog. The role of the teacher is to translate information so as to be well
understood by students. In relation curriculum should be organized in a manner that the students
can continually build upon what they have already learnt.

Bruner states that the theory should address the aspects of predisposition towards learning, ways in
which body language can easily be understood by students, effective ways of presenting the content
for better perceiving and nature of rewards and punishments. Good methods of structuring
knowledge should result in simplifying, generating new propositions and increasing the manipulation
of information. This theory is a general framework for instruction based upon the study of cognition.
Much of the theory is linked to the child development research.

Bruner illustrated the theory in the context of mathematics and social science for young children. The
original framework focuses on language learning in young children. The principles are concerned with
the experiences that make the students willing to read and also should be designed to facilitate filling
in gaps. In addition, instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the students.

Constructivists and technology

According to Desai and other learning theorists believe that students are far more technologically
savvy than the institutions that support them. With the advent of technology in the form of virtual
classroom the rules affecting an activity system differ dramatically from the environment of the
physical classroom. The pedagogies associated with activity theory have been impacted due to
technologies influence on activity system components. Technologies greatest pedagogical impact
within this this theory may be in the area of social interaction.

The exchange of personal, social and cultural norms determines the work environment which in turn
creates the rules of performance in an activity system. The application of technology in a virtual
classroom removes all physical contact and the environment of the system must be determined
through discussion forums. Technology has impacted the pedagogies of social constructivism
significantly. According to Desai instructional design is a critical factor in the creation of effective
online instruction. One of the most important steps in creating a successful e-learning environment
includes the development of flexible technology-based course content.
There must be a significant investment of time and effort on behalf of the instructor in order to
create a successful e-learning. Social interaction, a key component is also dramatically altered by the
impact of technology. In a nutshell, each major transition is communication media from speech to
print to video to electronic form has resulted in changes in our means to create, record and retrieve
information. As a result of these changes the social interactions between the students and students,
teachers and teachers have hanged.

If learning is to take place in an authentic context, technology specifically the internet must be
utilized. The authentic context has been applied to learning digital technology and cultures in spaces
such as social networking sites as young people immerse themselves in the language skills and
discourses of communities online. In classrooms collaboration holds to constructivist pedagogy as
students work together on authentic tasks and as teachers provides scaffolding feedback and
guidance as a facilitator of learning.

From the discussion its evident that technology is changing our ways of life everywhere except in the
schools as illustrated by the above concerns. Carroll (1997) stated that we still have Industrial Age
schools in an information. Age where less than 10% of the classrooms are fully equipped with
computers. This is unacceptable and directly opposes the pedagogical believes of constructivism,
especially meaningful tasks, authentic contexts and effective collaboration. There are ways indeed
almost an unlimited number to stimulate constructivism at every educational level and in every
teaching setting. When considering technology for this stimulation the world wide web is important
to instructional design. Pedagogy of constructivist learning theories such as activity theory social
constructivism and situated learning have been altered and empowered through the use of
technology as a tool in learning and with the ever increasing use of technology more research of
effective learning theories will be procured.

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