DE 57-7-1 - Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load Release Gear (SOLAS Regulation III2... (IACS)

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EQUIPMENT 16 October 2012
57th session Original: ENGLISH
Agenda item 7



Periodic servicing of launching appliances and on-load release gear

(SOLAS regulation III/20.11)

Submitted by the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)


Executive summary: This document proposes that as part of the work to develop the
new framework of LSA requirements mandating the provisions of
MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1, it is clarified that the conditions for the
five-year overhaul and test carried out on launching appliances,
lifeboat or rescue boat on-load release gear and davit-launched
liferaft automatic release hooks are linked to the safety equipment
renewal survey
Strategic direction: 5.1

High-level action: 5.1.2

Planned output:

Action to be taken: Paragraph 6

Related documents: DE 43/18, DE 43/INF.9; MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1 and MSC.1/Circ.1392

1 SOLAS regulation III/20.11 requires tests to be carried out on launching appliances,
lifeboat or rescue boat on-load release gear and davit-launched liferaft automatic release
hooks as follows:

"11.1 Launching appliances shall be:

.3 upon completion of the examination referred to in .2 subjected to a
dynamic test of the winch brake at maximum lowering speed.
The load to be applied shall be the mass of the survival craft or
rescue boat without persons on board, except that, at intervals not
exceeding five years, the test shall be carried out with a proof load
equal to 1.1 times the weight of the survival craft or rescue boat
and its full complement of persons and equipment.

DE 57/7/1
Page 2

11.2 Lifeboat or rescue boat on-load release gear, including free-fall lifeboat
release systems, shall be:

.3 operationally tested under a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the
boat when loaded with its full complement of persons and
equipment whenever the release gear is overhauled. Such
over-hauling and test shall be carried out at least once every
five years.

11.3 Davit-launched liferaft automatic release hooks shall be:


.3 operationally tested under a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the
liferaft when loaded with its full complement of persons and
equipment whenever the automatic release hook is overhauled.
Such over-hauling and test shall be carried out at least once every
five years."


2 SOLAS regulation III/20.11 makes clear that the annual thorough examination and
operational test of launching appliances, lifeboat or rescue boat on-load release gear and
davit-launched liferaft automatic release hooks should be carried out at "the annual surveys
required by regulations I/7 and I/8." This regulation is, however, silent on the timing of the
5-year overhaul and test.

3 It is noted that the Sub-Committee, at its forty-third session, noted with appreciation
the information provided in document DE 43/INF.9 (IACS) which provided, in the annex, a
copy of IACS Unified Interpretation (UI) SC 144 on Periodic servicing of launching appliances
and on-load releasing gear. IACS has recently reviewed this UI and updated it to take
account of amendments to SOLAS that have subsequently entered into force and recent
relevant discussions and developments, such as the approval of MSC.1/Circ.1206 (and its
revision 1) and MSC.1/Circ.1277. It is to be noted that the latest version of UI SC 144, a
copy of which is provided at the annex to this document, requires that the five-year
overhaul/test be done in the presence of a surveyor which will therefore be normally carried
out when the surveyor is on board for the safety equipment renewal survey.

4 The Sub-Committee is invited to note that IACS Members will apply revision 2 of
UI SC 144 from 1 January 2013, unless otherwise instructed by the administration on whose
behalf they are authorized to act as a recognized organization.

5 IACS notes that the recently approved Guidelines for evaluation and replacement of
lifeboat release and retrieval systems as per MSC.1/Circ.1392, reinforce the provisions in
paragraph 3 above by recommending that the recognized organization witnesses the
associated testing.

DE 57/7/1
Page 3

Action requested of the Sub-Committee

6 The Sub-Committee is invited to note the latest version of IACS UI SC 144 as

provided in the annex to this document and, taking into account that overhaul/tests are to be
witnessed by the surveyor as per this IACS UI as reinforced by MSC.1/Circ.1392 for
evaluation and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems, to consider linking the
performance of the overhaul/tests with the safety equipment renewal survey in the
development of the new framework of LSA requirements mandating the provisions of


DE 57/7/1
Annex, page 1




SOLAS regulation III/20.11 reads:

"11.1 Launching appliances shall be:

.3 upon completion of the examination referred to in .2 subjected to a

dynamic test of the winch brake at maximum lowering speed. The
load to be applied shall be the mass of the survival craft or rescue
boat without persons on board, except that, at intervals not
exceeding five years, the test shall be carried out with a proof load
equal to 1.1 times the weight of the survival craft or rescue boat
and its full complement of persons and equipment.

11.2 Lifeboat or rescue boat on-load release gear, including free-fall lifeboat
release systems, shall be:

.3 operationally tested under a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the
boat when loaded with its full complement of persons and
equipment whenever the release gear is overhauled. Such over-
hauling and test shall be carried out at least once every five years.

11.3 Davit-launched liferaft automatic release hooks shall be:

.3 operationally tested under a load of 1.1 times the total

mass of the liferaft when loaded with its full complement
of persons and equipment whenever the automatic
release hook is overhauled. Such over-hauling and test
shall be carried out at least once every five years."


The thorough examinations/overhauls and tests in five-year intervals shall be done in the
presence of a surveyor.



1 This Unified Interpretation is to be uniformly implemented by all Members and Associates from 1 July
1999, unless otherwise instructed by a flag State.

2 Changes introduced in Rev.1 are to be applied from 1 July 1999.

3 Changes introduced in Rev.2 are to be applied from 1 January 2013.


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