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A Very Blakely Christmas

Author: Jamie Ott

A Very Blakely Christmas It seemed like it couldnt be the best Christmas of Blakelys dreams. Eedle bops and doodle drops, and cosmic taxi streams, he sighed, leaning his forehead against the cold, partly fogged, window. Snow was falling, and sleet was pelting, and beams of light streaked, for miles, down the street. The air was alight by the moon and stars, making large hazy poofs where, once, there was none.

Author: Jamie Ott

The sky was frosted and the ground was blanketed; the fire was roaring, and his family - Sigh - , was so boring. They were celebrating in the living room. Singing songs and being chums, and stuffing their faces with fare, in fun. Not Blakely, oh no, he was watching the fog as it passed by his window. Not that he had much to be ungrateful for, but he would have liked to have had a little bit more. Something adventurous, and perhaps something fun! Maybe a night on Santas sled; hed love to go for a run! Blakely! Dont you wanna come and play? Mommas got a new hippo-fishing game! At the door stood, his cousin, Marcus. Author: Jamie Ott

Not that Marcus was totally bad, but Blakely was tired and extremely mad. He was sick of never knowing anything, which is why he demanded his parents do, for him, that Christmas, just one thing: Take him to the North Pole, so he could see the Christmas mystery. With these thoughts in mind, he turned and he said, I dont want to play! I just want to go to bed! Surely he was bad for being like that on Christmas Eve, but hed told his parents before, and they just didnt believe! He needed proof. Yes! He needed to see the reindeer, the elves, and Santa Claus on Christmas Eve; the most magical night of the year. Blakely loved having Christmas cheer with gifts and treats, and family fun. Author: Jamie Ott

But unless he got to meet Santa Claus, right away, there was no way he could enjoy such play. Looking out the window, at the white and yellow cosmic taxi streams, he noticed little bits of flurry swirling up and down the street. Like dirt devils in the middle of winter, wind was whirling making the water on the street ripple. Narrowing his eyes, he tried to see more clearly what it was that made the doodle drops dance in the street so animatedly. Looking through binoculars, Blakely saw something in the cosmic taxi streams: Little tiny busy bodies riding along the beams with bundles on their backs, striding little four legged things. He couldnt see too clearly, with eedle bops and doodle drops obscuring. Something else caught his attention. Author: Jamie Ott

Little footprints in the street and snow, one by one, made their way up to the window. Up that close, he couldnt see how close the footprints in the eedle bops got to be. Something with eyes as yellow as garland on a Christmas tree popped up its head and frightened Blakely. Falling backward, with a loud thump, the breath was knocked out of him, and on his rump a lump. Frozen in stillness, he remained where he was and wondered where the yellow eyes, hed seen, had gone. Up, in the window, more eyes appeared, again, bright and glowing, and curiously real. These eyes were different, though, and strange; these eyes were red and made him afraid. Carefully, he walked to his closet. Author: Jamie Ott

He kept his eyes on the window, as he reached inside and grabbed his baseball bat. When quick as a flash, the window was up, and inside, they came, dripping in muck. Bat at the ready, and Blakely, unsteady, he shouted, Who are you? My name is Cris, said first one who was skinny yet robust. Blakely noticed his partner had a pointy nose and a tiny little pot-belly gut. My name is Mot and weve come for you. Well take you to Santas workshop, and see how you do. If you work hard and spread Christmas cheer, well show you the mystery that Santa holds dear. Now take my hand, said little Mot, which Blakely did and aptly shrunk.

Author: Jamie Ott

What did you do to me? We had to shrink you, you see. Now come on, and he hopped out of the window. Suspiciously, Blakely followed them down the street; over to the lights that streaked up the street. Now take my hand, once again. Hold on tight, and pay attention my friend. Blakely held on tight to Mot, as he was instructed. In between Cris and Mot, whom he watched as they thrust their bodies onto a yellow beam, and Blakely screamed ah haha, and wee! At the speed of light, they traveled so fast, passed buildings and large snow masses.

Author: Jamie Ott

All around them, Blakely could see, Elven men on horses with packages, traveling with speed. Like moving inside a high class laser beam, bright orange-white light, around them, was all he could see. Suddenly the scene turned to the thickest snow, and they continued on until they reached someplace that was frozen below zero. Gingerly, Cris stuck out a toe, and he disappeared to one side. Mot stuck out his toe, to the other side, and yanked Blakely off of the roller coaster-like ride. In the middle of a frozen town, they stood; it looked like a hundred gingerbread houses decorated with food goods. All the houses must have been real, for the air was a-spiced with ginger meal. Smelling the peppermint redolence air, he was delightfully heady with each deep inhale. Author: Jamie Ott

Gingerbread men stood behind fences grinning with marshmallow teeth and lips of molasses. Blakely walked over to the marshmallow snowman that stood off to the side of the street, pulled off its licorice nose and, blissfully, began to eat. Mot got angry and cried at the sight, Do that again, and thrash you, I might! Every single door had a peppermint leaves wreath, and candy cane fences, striped red and white, with lamps that dangled, giving off light. Cris and Mot lead him to the biggest house on the street, it was made of hard candy; it smelled delicious and sweet. Inside smelled just as sweet as out, making his stomach rumble aloud. From somewhere, inside, chocolate wafted about. His mouth started watering like a fount. Author: Jamie Ott

All he wanted, without a doubt, was to eat, eat, eat, nothing but sweets. As if reading his thoughts, the elf said to Blakely, You can eat later, but, right now, Santa wants you working. They took him to Santa, to whom he asked, Why am I here? Well didnt you ask? I got your letter saying you wanted to come. Youve been a real good boy, except for tonight. Still, I thought it important to give you something youd remember for life. Here you see proof of me, proof Elves and magic, so let it be. Now youll get to prove whether you deserve to see the Christmas mystery. Go through these lists and find me three boys who deserve toys. Author: Jamie Ott

Also three girls who deserve toys the most, and be quick about it; youve got three hours, at most. Blakely sat at the desk and looked down at an enormous mess. There had to be a million boys and girls who were, comparatively, the best: boys and girls who deserved toys more than the rest. After sifting through many names, he couldnt decide which ones were great. There was Bobby from Maine who wanted a Great Dane; there was Michael from Harlem who wanted a game; Stewie from L.A. who wanted new skates; Susie from Massachusetts who wanted new Mary Janes; Marcie from Pennsylvania who wanted a horse she could race; Darcy from Florida who wanted orange braces. All seemed reasonable, to Blakely. He set them aside and considered them likely.

Author: Jamie Ott

But then he pulled a little profile of a boy whose mother had a new baby, and his father was unemployed. What he wanted for Christmas, was this, presents for his mom and dad, and anyone like him. What impressed Blakely the most, about the boy, was his first wish was happiness for those without joy. His name was Jesse and he was a hopeful type. Blakely thought it was important to support his kind. Then there was Sally who wished she could have the holes in her shoes filled before her next class. The girls made fun of her and the boys laughed. How could he not choose a girl such as that? Mac lived in an orphanage home; he wanted a family and to, no longer, be alone. Author: Jamie Ott

Sarah wanted her father back from the war. Rob was sick and wanted to be healthily, restored. Maggie wanted her parents to stop fighting, they were always so mad, and her mom always crying. Although the requests were not always toys, Blakely believed the children showed poise. He didnt know if Santa could deliver, but these kids needed cheer, now, more than ever. After hed done, Blakely looked at the clock, it read 1 am, he said, Oh my gosh! My parents will kill me! I must go home! He picked up his choices and went to find Santa, but he had already gone to deliver more toys.

Author: Jamie Ott

The Elves told him to wait, but it was past late! The kids needed toys, and he was gonna make sure they were great. He ran to the store room and picked out some gifts, put on his coat and ran to the snow, stuck in his toe and then he was gone. Amazing enough, he delivered his toys, he got home and entered with little noise. His family was asleep, his cousins were gone, and all was still. Quietly he snuck into his room but, from behind, there came a loud ruse. He turned around and what he saw was Santa Claus petting his dog. What are you doing here? Why did you come? I picked out the three, each, but you were gone.

Author: Jamie Ott

I delivered the gifts, the kids will be happy. Now you should go because I need nothing. Santa stood and smiled wide. He stroked his beard and said, You are wise. The truth is, you dont need anything and you have proven that youre smarter than you seem. Now, I hope, you understand the Christmas mystery is love with an open hand. Love your family and love your friends; be their support, when you can. When you feel youre getting down, look around and be grateful. He lowered his pack and from inside took out a giant snow globe. Blakely walked up and accepted his gift. He looked deep inside and saw the village.

Author: Jamie Ott

The houses were alight, and there was commotion in the street, the elves were partying, Blakely loved to see. So now youve seen and now you have proof. Dont ever give up, and he vanished with a poof! He touched glass orb of the globe, and everything went foggy. He woke up in his bed, and felt something beside him. Pulling back the covers, he saw the globe, Eedle Bops and Doodle Drops, and Cosmic Taxi Streams etched across the orb. Holding it up closely, he peered in and looked, and from within, elves smiled at him as they looked up. Dont ever forget us, he heard them say. Well always be here on Christmas Day.

Author: Jamie Ott

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