Fitr, Fidyah, Kaffarah Ramadan

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Difference between Fitr, Fidyah and Kaffarah in Ramadan


Its complete name is Zakat-al-Fitr. It is a charity given to the poor in the month of Ramadan. It has to
be paid before Eid, for all members of family (adults and kids) regardless of whether they fast or not.
It is paid only if the family can afford this.

Fidyah (not fasting due to legitimate excuse; old age or sickness)

If fasting is too difficult for an old man or an old woman, and will cause them intense hardship, then
they are allowed not to fast, and they should feed one poor person for each day. If they are also
unable to feed a poor person, then they do not have to do anything, for “Allaah burdens not a
person beyond his scope” [al-Baqarah 2:286]. If a sick person has no hope of recovery, he is allowed
not to fast, and he should feed one poor person for each day, because he comes under the same
ruling as an old man.

This amount should be paid when there is no hope of making up the missed fasts (after Ramadan)
because of old age or sickness. Means those who make up the fast later on, doesn’t have to pay the

A traveller can also break his/her fast. He or she should make up that day/s after Ramadan.

More detail:


Kaffarah (expiation for not fasting without a legitimate excuse; old age or sickness)

Breaking fast deliberately by doing intercourse

If the fast is broken in result of intercourse during the fasting.

One should free up a slave.

If one is unable to do so, one should fast 60 days.

If one is unable to free up a slave, and he/she is unable to fast 60 days, then he/she should
feed 60 poor people for that day that one has broken the fast.


Breaking fast deliberately by eating or drinking

If a person deliberately did not fast any of the days of Ramadan, he must make those days
up after Ramadan and repent and ask for forgiveness. No expiation is to be given. The
missing fast is due to the person and has to be made.

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