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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Special Issue: Global Perspectives and Novel Technologies for Esophageal Diseases


Esophageal cancer surgery: review of complications and

their management
Mickael Chevallay,1 Minoa Jung,1 Seung-Hun Chon,2 Flavio Roberto Takeda,3
Junichi Akiyama, and Stefan Mönig1
Division of Visceral Surgery, Department of Surgery, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland. 2 Department of
General, Visceral, Cancer and Transplantation Surgery, University Hospital of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. 3 Gastroenterology
Department, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. 4 Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, National Center for
Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Tokyo, Japan

Address for correspondence: Dr. Mickael Chevallay, Division of Visceral Surgery, Department of Surgery, Geneva University
Hospital, 4 Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil, 1205 Genève, Switzerland.

Esophagectomy, even with the progress in surgical technique and perioperative management, is a highly special-
ized surgery, associated with a high rate of complications. Early recognition and adequate treatment should be a
standard of care for the most common postoperative complications: anastomotic leakage, pneumonia, atrial fib-
rillation, chylothorax, and recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Recent progress in endoscopy with vacuum and stent
placement, or in radiology with embolization, has changed the management of these complications. The success
of nonoperative treatments should be frequently reassessed and reoperation must be proposed in case of failure.
We have summarized the clinical signs, diagnostic process, and management of the frequent complications after
esophagectomy for esophageal cancer.

Keywords: complications; esophagectomy; anastomotic leakage; chylothorax; nerve palsy

Introduction opening of the esophagus into the neck, and

gastrostomy.5 Since then, several organs have
Esophageal cancer is an oncological burden that
been used as substitutes for the resected esoph-
requires multidisciplinary support. In 2018, it was
agus (stomach, colon, and jejunum). Different
the cause of death in 508,585 patients and ranked
surgical techniques are now available: Ivor Lewis
sixth in worldwide cancer-related deaths.1 Late
esophagectomy (abdominal and right thoracic
diagnosis of advanced disease is one explana-
incisions), McKeown (abdominal, right thoracic,
tion for this poor prognosis.2 Despite the intro-
and cervical incisions), Sweet procedure (single
duction of multimodal neoadjuvant treatment,
left-sided thoracotomy), abdominal resection with
such as chemoradiotherapy or chemotherapy,
left thoracotomy, and transhiatal esophagectomy.
esophagectomy—the surgical removal of the
Several anastomotic methods have been
esophagus—remains the only curative treatment.3
described with hand-sewn anastomoses, stapling,
Several studies concluded that better outcome
or combined methods. The numerous approaches
(surgical and survival) is clearly related to treat-
and anastomotic techniques reflect the complexity
ment in high-volume centers, which can perform a
of the esophageal surgery. Despite these options,
systematic complex procedure and recognize early
no approach or anastomotic technique is devoid of
signs of complications.4
complications, and technical factors can affect the
In 1942, Sweet described one of the first
integrity of the anastomosis.6 Esophagectomy is a
esophagectomies with an esophagostomy, the
major procedure associated with consistently high
doi: 10.1111/nyas.14492
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences. 1
Management of esophagectomy complications Chevallay et al.

complication rates (more than 50%).7 On the other Table 1. Standardized definition of anastomotic leakage
hand, the mortality rate has decreased from 71% in after esophagectomy
19908 to 4.5% in recent audits,7 and improvement Type of anastomotic
of perioperative management has contributed to leakage Extent and treatment
this decrease. Currently, minimally invasive surgery
is a preferred option since it has an equal overall Type 1 Localized defect that was treated
using medical therapy or by
survival rate and causes less morbidity and fewer
observation alone
pulmonary complications compared with open
Type 2 Localized defect requiring
surgery.9 intervention but not surgical
Standardization of the definitions of complica- therapy
tions is necessary. The Esophageal Complications Type 3 Localized defect requiring
Consensus Group (ECCG),10 a panel of interna- surgical intervention
tional experts, proposed a definition for periop- Note: Adapted from Low et al.10
erative complication after esophagectomy. Early
recognition and appropriate treatment for each
of these complications is fundamental to improve
patient outcome. stomach conduit. A different classification was pro-
Below, we review the management and pre- posed by the ECCG group (Table 2).
vention of four common complications after Despite the progress in perioperative manage-
esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: anasto- ment and improvement of surgical techniques,
motic leakage, cardiopulmonary complications, the rate of leakage still ranges from 10% to 21.2%
chylothorax, and recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (Table 3).7–9,12,13 The ECCG proposed a benchmark
(RLNP). of 11.4% for the anastomotic leakage rate, which
was derived from the results of 24 high-volume
Anastomotic leakage
Compared with other digestive anastomosis,
Failure of the anastomosis to heal is the most esophageal anastomosis is risky due to several fac-
severe complication after esophageal surgery. A tors. The organ used for reconstruction is brought
unanimous definition of anastomotic leakage was from a distant position, inside or through the tho-
lacking until recently. A meta-analysis11 analyzing racic cavity. The blood supply length is extended to
postoperative complications after esophagectomy the maximum that is possible. For the stomach con-
included 98 publications and noted an absence of duit, vascularization relies on one artery, the right
the definition of complication in 63% of them. In gastroepiploic, and for the esophagus, the submu-
2015, the ECCG proposed a definition for the most cosal arteries. Mechanical factors also play a role
frequent complications after esophagectomy.10 In since the esophagus does not possess a serosa. The
this consensus, anastomotic leakage was defined suture through this delicate tissue is associated with
as a full thickness gastrointestinal defect involving high dehiscence rates; the use of surrounding tis-
the esophagus, anastomosis, staple line, or con- sue (omentum, pleura, or pericardium) to reinforce
duit, irrespective of presentation or method of this fragile anastomosis has been described.14 Risk
identification. Three types were proposed (Table 1). factors identified for anastomotic leakage are obe-
Conduit necrosis was another serious condition sity, heart failure, coronary disease, vascular disease,
identified. It involves a vascular compromise of the renal disease, and tobacco use.8

Table 2. Standardized definition of conduit necrosis after esophagectomy

Type of conduit necrosis Endoscopic description Treatment

Type 1 Conduit necrosis focal Additional monitoring or nonsurgical therapy

Type 2 Conduit necrosis focal Surgical therapy not involving esophageal diversion
Type 3 Conduit necrosis extensive Treated with conduit resection and diversion

Note: Adapted from Low et al.10

2 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences.
Chevallay et al. Management of esophagectomy complications

Figure 1. Diagram of the location of the various esophageal anastomoses. (A) Cervical anastomosis. (B) Intrathoracic anasto-
mosis. (C) Colonic interposition with cervical and intrabdominal anastomoses.

The localization and type of anastomosis is an ization is at its more distant location. The diagnosis
important factor for the comprehension and man- of cervical anastomotic leakage can be clinical. The
agement of anastomotic leakage. In esophagectomy, cervical wound will develop an erythema, indura-
the anastomosis could lie in three different posi- tion, or fluctuance.17 The appearance of saliva or air
tions: cervical, thoracic, or abdominal (Fig. 1). in the surgical drain should raise suspicion of a leak-
For cervical anastomosis, the stomach conduit age. Even if cervical anastomosis is at higher risk for
is brought through the thoracic cavity. This anas- leakage, its consequence is different. If the leakage is
tomosis has a higher rate of leakage than thoracic. confined to the cervical soft tissue, mediastinitis will
Studies and systematic reviews report a rate of not appear, improving the patient outcome. Cervi-
12–14% for cervical anastomosis compared with 3– cal leakage can be managed by opening the wound
9.3% for thoracic localization.8,15,16 This higher rate and packing it. A small disruption can be treated
is explained by an anastomosis with more tension completely with observation, including wound
and which experiences more stress from neck move- care, delayed oral intake, parenteral nutrition,
ments. The anastomosis is usually performed at the and antibiotics.18 Some patients with prominent
very end of the stomach conduit where vascular- cervical leaks may recover with these measures. If

Table 3. Rate of anastomotic leakage and mortality in large review and cohort studies

Number of Mortality at 30 days

References Year patients Rate of anastomotic leakage postoperative Site of anastomosis

Low et al.7 2017 2704 Anastomotic leak: 308 (11.4%) 65 (2.4%) Cervical: 1025 (37.9%)
Conduit necrosis: 35 (1.3%) Thoracic: 1641 (60.7%)
Other: 37 (1.4%)
Kassis et al.8 2013 7595 804 (10.6%) 270 (3.6%) Cervical: 934 (12.3%)
58 (7.2%) in patients Thoracic: 706 (9.3%)
with leakage
Price et al.12 2013 432 50 (11%) 16 (3.7%) Cervical: 164 (38%)
Thoracic: 268 (62%)

Wright et al.13 2009 2315 261 (11%) 63 (2.7%) Cervical: 879 (38%)
Thoracic: 1435 (62%)

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Management of esophagectomy complications Chevallay et al.

Figure 2. X-ray with an oral soluble contrast swallow for suspected anastomotic leakage. Red arrow: contrast leak confirming
the diagnosis.

the leak is uncontained or cannot be controlled by leaks should be individualized to each patient.
drainage, or if intrathoracic complications occur, a Surgical intervention is warranted if the leak is
more aggressive approach should be implemented uncontained and for those who fail conservative
with decortication, resection, and diversion. If the management.
cervical leaks extend to the thoracic cavity, the time The use of an interposition organ other than
to recovery has been shown to be longer and require the stomach (most frequently the colon) adds
more reoperation, compared with leaks confined to further complexity to the surgery. The colon is a
the neck.19 suitable organ replacement for the esophagus and
For thoracic anastomosis, the healing conditions the left or right colon has been used for esophageal
are more favorable than in cervical anastomosis, but reconstruction.20 For the left colon, the large bowel
the consequences of the leakage are more serious. is transected at the right flexure, then passed behind
A negative pressure environment from the tho- the stomach and through the hiatus to create a
racic cavity tends to promote aspiration of gastric mediastinal interposition with an esophagocolonic
fluid with anaerobic bacteria through anastomotic anastomosis.21 The reconstruction is completed
sutures. This contaminates the pleural and medi- after transection of the proximal portion of the
astinal space, which affects the negative intratho- descending colon and after anastomosing the graft
racic pressure, compromising respiratory function to the stomach. During this procedure, three anas-
and eventually leading to death. Early recognition tomoses are created: esocolonic, gastrocolonic, and
is a key step. Clinical signs can be obvious with colocolic. To ensure a sufficient length of the colon
tachycardia, fever, and enteric fluid from the chest interposition, a meticulous vascular dissection
tube. Signs can be more subtle, such as change in is necessary. The vascularity of the graft usually
mental status, tachypnea, or cardiac arrhythmia. depends on one terminal arterial branch and thus an
Development of unilateral pleural effusion should injury to it will lead to graft necrosis. The reported
be considered an anastomotic leakage until proven rate of colon necrosis or ischemia is around 5%,
otherwise. A low threshold for prompt investigation and for an anastomotic leak, 12–14%.20,22,23 To
is mandatory. Patient prognosis after an anasto- detect leakage, a thoracic-abdominal computed
motic leak depends on the extent of contamination. tomography (CT) scan with contrast medium per
This is directly related to the time interval to diag- oral is generally the first diagnostic examination.
nosis. Management of intrathoracic anastomotic This will detect a contrast leak or collection that

4 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences.
Chevallay et al. Management of esophagectomy complications

Figure 3. Endoluminal vacuum therapy for an esophagogastric anastomotic leak. Left picture: a small defect on the anastomosis.
Middle picture: the endoscopic placement of the vacuum. Right picture: the final result with complete healing of the leak.

may require drainage. Based on imaging studies, successful observational management.29 If the leak-
the leak can be categorized as contained (small area age is major or the initial management fails, a step-
of contrast extravasation contained by surrounding up treatment should be considered.
structures) or uncontained (large leak with contrast
freely flowing).24 Endoscopic treatment of anastomotic leakage
Endoscopy is also a part of the initial evaluation An endoscopic management plan is used for either
during a suspected anastomotic leakage. It allows primary closure of the defect (clips, endoscopic
a visual assessment of the anastomosis and the suturing, or fibrin glue) or secondary closure (stents
vascularization of the conduit. X-ray with an oral and endoscopic vacuum therapy). Primary closure
soluble contrast swallow is an option to test the is a good option when the leakage is detected early
anastomosis on the 6th to 8th day after the surgery and the patient in a stable condition. The limitations
in asymptomatic patients only (Fig. 2). In the early include difficulty in grasping the edge of the defect
postoperative period, a CT scan with oral contrast and poor results if the leak is large (more than 3 cm)
evaluation is sometimes not possible due to several or asymmetrical.
factors (e.g., mechanical ventilation and dyspha- For stenting or endoscopic vacuum therapy, the
gia), and endoscopy appears to be superior in the patient should also be clinically stable, and the
detection of anastomotic leakage.25 Endoscopy peri-anastomotic collections should be drained.
within 1 week of esophagectomy has been attested The limitations are the potential migration of the
by several studies to be safe for the anastomosis.26,27 stents and the need for regular changes for the
Management of an anastomotic leakage has sev- vacuum therapy. Oral feeding is also limited with
eral goals: closure or coverage of the defect, contain- this treatment. Dasari et al.30 reviewed 27 case
ment of the leak, and drainage of the contaminated series with 340 patients treated with metal or plastic
space.28 The treatment should match the magni- self-expanding stents. Endoscopic placement of
tude of the leak. If the leak occurs within 72 h, a stents for the management of an anastomotic leak
technical error is presumed. If the general condi- was reported as successful in 91.4% of cases, with no
tion of the patient is acceptable, exploration and difference according to the stent type. The average
repair are appropriate. Most leaks, however, occur time for a stent to be left in place was 6–8 weeks.
at 2 weeks after the surgery and present an inflam- The overall migration rate was 20.8%. Stent-related
matory condition, which is unsuitable for a direct complications (bleeding and perforation) occurred
repair. For a minor leakage, the infected area (tho- in 3% of cases, with a mortality rate of 13% in all
racic or neck wound) should be drained, with a patients. Stenting for esophageal anastomotic leaks
delay of oral intake and introduction of a large spec- is potentially beneficial for leaks involving less than
trum of antibiotics. Adequate nutritional status, as 30% of the anastomotic circumference and without
judged by preoperative albumin, and a contained extensive necrosis. Patients with extensive devi-
leak have been demonstrated to be associated with talization of esophageal anatomy, large leaks, or a

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Management of esophagectomy complications Chevallay et al.

nonviable conduit are in the contraindication group sponge systems are renewed every 2–4 days. This
for this treatment. The stent placement should be interval was chosen based on the availability of
performed during the initial diagnosis. Serial the endoscopy service for routine procedures on
surveillance with chest radiography is required to weekends. Other studies reported a mean treatment
monitor stent migration. In their study, Dai et al.31 duration of 11–27 days, with a sponge exchange rate
reported a stent migration in 35% of patients. of 2.75–6 times.36–40 Schniewind et al.41 showed
A self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS) should that endoscopic treatment had a lower mortality
be used for aggressive nonsurgical management and in critically ill patients. They compared different
should be considered when developing a treatment regimen therapies for anastomotic leakage (surgical
plan. Plum et al.32 studied cases of anastomotic revision, endoscopic endoluminal vacuum, endo-
leakage after an Ivor Lewis esophagectomy. In this scopic stent, and conservative management) and
approach, the anastomosis is intrathoracic, and a found that in-hospital mortality was lowest in the
leakage has a significant deleterious potential for endoluminal vacuum group. When compared with
respiratory function. In this subgroup of patients, stenting treatment, the two endoscopic options
the authors reported a sealing success rate of 70% seem to be equivalent. A retrospective study42
(n = 49) with a median treatment of 28 days (range compared the results of a self-expanding metal
7–87). stent (n = 76) with endoscopic vacuum therapy
The timing for the stent removal is crucial: not (n = 35). They found a comparable success rate
too soon before the anastomosis heals and not too in both groups (85.7% in the stent group versus
late to avoid stent-related complications. In their 72.4% in the vacuum group, P = 0.152). The
retrospective study, Freeman et al.33 observed the median ICU and hospital stay lengths were similar.
time of removal in 45 patients with an anastomotic A recently published meta-analysis by Scog-
leak treated with a stent. They showed that patients namiglio et al.43 showed a significantly higher
treated for an intrathoracic anastomotic leak after success rate in the healing of esophageal leaks,
esophagectomy had a significantly reduced compli- a shorter duration of treatment, and a lower in-
cation rate related to an esophageal stent when the hospital mortality rate for endoscopic vacuum
stent was removed at 14 days compared with later therapy compared with SEMS. No difference in
removal. This was not associated with a continued the length of hospital stay was observed. The type
leak in patients with an earlier stent removal. They of treatment did not seem to affect the incidence
concluded that a stent could be removed as early as of major or short-term complications. However,
14 days after its placement, with no increased risk of owing to the limitations of the underlying trials,
leak recurrence. a clear recommendation without restrictions can-
Endoscopic endoluminal vacuum therapy is a not be made for the treatment of an esophageal
recently developed treatment option. The first appli- anastomotic leak.
cation of an endoluminal vacuum was described by
Surgical management of anastomotic leakage
Loske in 2007 for anastomotic leakage after upper
Indications for surgical reintervention depend on
gastrointestinal surgery, and it showed promising
several aspects:
results.34 The negative pressure applied on the tissue
promotes angiogenesis, removes the accumulating r Condition of the patient, when signs of uncon-
secretions, and reduces the size of the wound cavity. trolled sepsis are present.
It has been used for esophageal anastomotic leakage r Step-up after the failure of an initiated treat-
since 2010.35 ment.
The treatment involves the insertion of a sponge r Early leakage (within the first 72 hours).
directly into the defective area under endoscopic r Uncontained intrathoracic anastomostic
guidance (Fig. 3). The end of the drain is then leaks.
connected to an electronic pump, which cre-
ates a negative pressure. There is still a lack of Options for surgical intervention include pri-
evidence for when the sponge system needs to be mary repair of the anastomosis if the leak is small
exchanged. The accepted time frame varies between and there is no extensive contamination. Rein-
3 and 6 days. In some high-volume institutions, forcement with a flap, such as chest wall muscle,

6 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences.
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Table 4. Results of studies with endoscopic vaccum therapy, self-expandable metal stent, or surgical treatment
for anastomotic leakage
References Year Type study Number of patients Success rate Complications rate

Berlth et al.42 2018 Retrospective EVT: 27 EVT: 23/27 (85.7%) EVT: 4 (14.8%)
E-SEMS: 69 E-SEMS: 51/69 (74%) E-SEMS: 18 (26%)
Hwang et al.36 2016 Retrospective EVT: 7 EVT: 100% EVT: 0%
E-SEMS: 11 E-SEMS: 7/11 (63.6%) E-SEMS: 6/11; 54.5%
Mennigen et al.40 2015 Retrospective EVT: 15 EVT: 14/15 (93.3%) Mortality
E-SEMS: 30 E-SEMS: 19/30 (63.3%) EVT: 1/15 (6.7%)
E-SEMS: 8/30 (26.7%)
Martin et al.45 2005 Retrospective Surgical treatment: 13 11 (85%) Mortality
2 (15%)
Page et al.50 2005 Retrospective Surgical treatment: 17 15 (88%) Mortality
2 (12%)
EVT, endoscopic vacuum therapy; E-SEMS, endoscopic stent implantation with self-expandable metal stent.

omentum, pleura, or pericardial fat, generally com- that there was variability in outcomes following
pletes the procedure. If the leak is large or there serious surgical complications, necessitating reop-
is clear necrosis of the conduit, the repair of an erations among gastroesophageal cancer surgical
anastomosis in such a hostile environment is rarely units. Units with lower overall mortality intervened
possible. Complete excision of the anastomosis with more often and were subsequently more successful
the creation of an end-esophagostomy and gastros- than units with higher overall mortality. A more
tomy is recommended. If the patient survives, a aggressive and appropriate reintervention seems to
delayed reconstruction can be planned in a second confer better outcomes.50 Table 4 summarizes the
operation. In either procedure, a feeding jejunos- results of large studies on the treatment (endoscopic
tomy is required as these patients will have delayed vaccum, self-expandable metal stent, or surgical) of
oral feeding. This will provide enteral nutrition, anastomotic leakage.
which improves the recovery of gastrointestinal
Cardiopulmonary complications
function, prevents the translocation of bacteria,
and appears to lower the rate of complications.44 In Pulmonary complications
2005, a retrospective study showed that mortality Pneumonia is frequent after esophageal surgery. It
after reintervention for anastomotic leaks was not increases mortality and prolongs hospital stay. Low
higher than mortality without leaks. They reported et al.10 pointed out the lack of a standardized def-
a 3.3% mortality-associated leak.45 Even if the inition for pneumonia. In 56 studies included in a
short-term mortality was comparable, the 5-year meta-analysis on postoperative complications, only
survival was reduced in patients with anastomotic 18 defined pneumonia, and 16 different definitions
leakage.46 In their cohort of 128 patients, Kofoed were given.11 This has resulted in a wide range of
et al.47 found that the 5-year survival rate was 23% pneumonia incidences (2–39%) in previous reports
in patients with leakage and 36% in those without. of esophagectomy outcomes.
A delay in the decision to perform a reoper- This led to an effort to create a scoring system
ation in patients with persistent sepsis can have to define pneumonia after an esophagectomy for
fatal consequences. This failure to rescue patients cancer. Van der Sluis et al.51 analyzed the patients
with persistent sepsis was shown first in colorectal treated for postoperative pneumonia after an
surgery.48 Despite similar surgical complication esophagectomy. They looked at the criteria used in
rates, variability in outcome following the man- the decision to introduce treatment for suspected
agement of postoperative complications occurred pneumonia and from these results, they created
between high- and low-mortality hospitals. In a scoring system named the Utrecht Pneumonia
upper gastrointestinal cancer surgery, this effect has Scoring System. The score consists of three vari-
also been studied in England.49 The authors showed ables: leukocytes, temperature, and pulmonary

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences. 7
Management of esophagectomy complications Chevallay et al.

Table 5. Rate of postoperative pneumonia and associated mortality in key studies

Rate of postoperative
References Year Number of patients pneumonia Mortality

Van der Sluis et al.51 2014 185 70 (37.8%) 4.5% of patients with pneumonia
2.7% of all patients
Weijs et al.52 2016 201 80 (40%) 4% of patients with pneumonia
Booka et al.54 2015 284 64 (22.5%) Overall survival at 12 months:
76.6% of patients with pneumonia;
85.5% of patients without

radiography. A sum score of 2 points or higher, complications compared with 18 (17.7%) in the
with at least 1 point assigned to infiltrative findings hybrid approach group, corresponding to a 50%
on pulmonary radiography, indicates treatment relative risk reduction. The ROBOT trial,58 a
for pneumonia. This score was then validated randomized controlled trial that compared open
on a U.S. patient cohort52 and revised to create esophagectomy versus robot-assisted minimally
the Uniform Pneumonia Score. There are still invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE), also demon-
approximately 25–40% of patients who will suf- strates the benefits of the robotic approach. Pul-
fer from pulmonary complications following an monary complications occurred in 17 out of 54
esophagectomy (Table 5).15,53 It is the leading cause patients in the RAMIE group (32%) and in 32 out
of postoperative mortality. Pneumonia has been of 55 patients in the open group (58%). The evi-
proven to be a risk factor for in-hospital and long- dence from these randomized studies showed that
term survival. In a retrospective study that included minimally invasive surgery decreased the rate of
284 patients, postoperative pneumonia increased pulmonary complications and therefore should be
postoperative mortality by 10% and diminished favored for patients at risk.
5-year overall survival by 12%.54 Identification of Patients should be encouraged to quit smoking,
risk and protective factors is important to improve as smoking cessation more than 1 month before an
short- and long-term outcomes. The known risk esophagectomy seems to significantly reduce pul-
factors for postoperative pneumonia are age, heavy monary postoperative complications.59
smoking history, chronic obstructive pulmonary Preoperative inspiratory muscle training has
disease, operative blood loss, postoperative pain, been another field of interest to reduce pulmonary
and advanced clinical stage.53,55 complications. Several programs are described;
The surgical approach influences the incidence of instruction by a physiotherapist and daily inspira-
pulmonary complications. Several trials have com- tory exercise is the most common,60,61 but more
pared open and minimally invasive approaches. intense programs exist, with three supervised train-
The TIME trial56 was a randomized trial that com- ing periods during the week.62
pared open and minimally invasive esophagectomy. A systematic review summarized the actual evi-
Minimally invasive esophagectomy was performed dence for respiratory prehabilitation. They con-
through a right thoracoscopy and abdominal cluded that inspiratory muscle training showed
laparoscopy. They found that 19 (34%) patients in improvements in functional status preoperatively,
the open esophagectomy group had pulmonary with three studies showing improvements in respi-
infection in-hospital, compared with 7 (12%) in the ratory complications, but the heterogeneity of the
minimally invasive group. studies prevented a strong conclusion.63
The MIRO trial57 was another randomized trial Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis was stud-
that compared the hybrid approach (abdominal ied in a retrospective German study. The authors
laparoscopic with right thoracotomy) with the did not find any advantage in the prophylaxis
open approach for esophageal cancer. A total of group in terms of pulmonary infection incidence or
207 patients were randomized and 31 (30.1%) mortality.64 Two retrospective studies65,66 showed
patients in the open group had major pulmonary that there was no significant correlation between

8 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences.
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the detection of pathogenic bacteria in a perioper- ease and hypertension were the risk factors. Patients
ative routine bacteriological culture (endotracheal with AF had a significantly higher risk of over-
and gastric juice) and the incidence of postoper- all postoperative adverse events than those without
ative pneumonia. Identification of the pathogenic fibrillation (odds ratio (OR) = 5.50), including
bacteria is mandatory and endotracheal aspiration 30-day mortality (OR = 2.49), anastomotic leak
or sputum should be sampled and sent for bacteri- (OR = 2.65), and pneumonia (OR = 3.42). AF is
ological culture. Broad-spectrum antibiotics should a complication that is rarely seen in isolation; it
be introduced and adapted according to the bacteria is therefore advisable to have a low threshold for
resistance profile. initiation of additional diagnostic workup in the
Improved pain and perioperative fluid man- case of cardiac arrhythmia. In a series that involved
agement have contributed to the decrease in 473 patients,73 direct consequences of AF were rare,
respiratory complications during the past decade.67 seen in just four (0.8%) patients, two from ischemic
A retrospective analysis on 516 patients iden- bowel and two from cerebrovascular accidents. By
tified independent predictors for postoperative discharge, 88 (92%) of the AF patients had reverted
pulmonary complications.53 They developed a to a sinus rhythm.
scoring system based on lung function, age, and Two randomized trials have studied the impact
performance status that identified the risk of pul- of preventive rhythm control in patients with an
monary complications and was relatively accurate esophagectomy. The first trial74 randomized the
in quantifying the risks. To reduce the risk of devel- patients into two groups: one group received amio-
oping postoperative pulmonary complications, darone for 96 h after the induction of anesthe-
adequate breathing and early mobilization should sia, and the other group received no prophylaxis.
be facilitated with appropriate pain control. Epidu- Forty patients were randomized to each group.
ral analgesia is the current gold standard following The incidence of AF was 40% versus 15% in
esophageal surgery, as it is associated with better the control group. There were no significant dif-
pain control, less pneumonia, and a lower mortality ferences between the groups in median hospi-
rate compared with intravenous opioids.68 tal stay, median intensive care unit stay, or post-
Since its development in 2001, the principles of operative adverse events. The second random-
enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)69 aim to ized trial75 used beta-blockers to prevent AF after
minimize surgical stress and promote early ambu- an esophagectomy. They randomized 50 patients
lation and early resumption of oral food intake. to each group. Postoperative AF occurred in 15
The ERAS protocol aims to optimize perioperative patients (30%) who received a placebo versus 5
care by minimizing surgical stress and complica- (10%) who received a beta-blocker (P = 0.012).
tions and accelerating recovery. ERAS guidelines There was no difference in the rates of vocal cord
were published for several gastrointestinal surgical paralysis (P = 0.585), pneumonia (P = 0.318),
procedures, including colonic surgery, pancreatico- anastomotic leakage (P = 0.160), and chylothorax
duodenectomy, rectal surgery, bariatric surgery, and (P = 0.495). The prevention of AF is feasible in
gastrectomy. A new ERAS guideline for esophagec- postoperative patients. The actual evidence does not
tomy was published by Low et al.70 This consen- show any improvement in short-term outcomes.
sus of international experts produced 39 sections for However, the onset of AF requires the introduc-
the perioperative management of patients with an tion of anticoagulation for the prevention of car-
esophageal resection and could improve outcomes. dioembolic events. The preventive strategy would
avoid the introduction of therapeutic anticoagula-
Cardiac complications tion after a major surgery.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a frequently encoun-
tered complication after esophagectomy and can be
explained by the proximity of the esophagus to the The thoracic duct arises from the cisterna chyli at
left atrium.71 In a meta-analysis by Schizas et al.72 the level of the second lumbar vertebra, lateral to
that included 53 studies with 9087 patients, the the aorta. It generally crosses to the left side of the
authors found an overall incidence of 16.5% for AF body at the fifth thoracic vertebra. The thoracic
in the postoperative period. Coronary artery dis- duct drains 75% of the body’s lymph. Around 4 L

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Management of esophagectomy complications Chevallay et al.

of lymph per day flows from the lower extremities Several factors were identified as predictors for
and abdominal organs back to the brachiocephalic the failure of conservative management.84 The-
vein. Its close location to the esophagus in the ses factors are related to the chest drain output:
thoracic region places it at risk during esophageal 1000 mL/day before treatment with octreotide or an
surgery. When injured, the chylothorax can appear output of more than 1000 mL/day after 2 days of
with the accumulation of chyle in the pleural space. treatment with octreotide. The initial output and its
The reported incidence of a chyle leak after an response after introduction of the treatment are pre-
esophagectomy ranges from 0.9% to 18.6%.76–78 dictors for the success of medical therapy. Pleurode-
A lower body mass index, high intraoperative sis with instillation of a high concentratation glu-
fluid balance, and neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy cose perfusion via the chest tube has been described
are known risk factors for thoracic duct injury.79,80 with varying success rates in case series and small
Due to the loss of lymphocyte- and lipid-rich fluid, series.85
these patients will suffer from hypovolemia, malnu- An interventional method for chylothorax man-
trition, and immunosuppression. agement would be to perform lymphoscintigraphy
Diagnosis can be done easily via the milky with coils embolization. Cope et al.86 described this
appearance of the thoracic drainage. If the patient percutaneous technique first in 1997 for the occlu-
is malnourished, the concentration of triglycerides sion of the thoracic duct. This process is technically
could be lower and change the fluid aspect. A challenging and involves catheterization of the tho-
threshold of triglyceride level >110 mg/dL was set racic duct percutaneously and embolization (Fig. 4).
based on the results of one study conducted 30 years In two series,87,88 the success rate for thoracic
ago.81 In a study from 2009,82 44% of chylous pleu- duct embolization was between 71% and 74%. The
ral effusions had a triglyceride level of lower than success rate was related to the ability to catheter-
50 mg/dL. The gold standard is the presence of chy- ize the thoracic duct. If this was technically pos-
lomicrons in the effusion and should be tested if a sible, the success rate was high, with a cure rate
diagnostic doubt persists. of 90%. The overall success of catheterization was
The ECCG group defined chylothorax10 accord- between 62% and 67%. The reported complications
ing to its treatment (Type I, with enteric dietary were leg edema, wound infection, and emboliza-
modifications; Type II with total parenteral nutri- tion of the pulmonary artery. When medical or
tion; and Type III with interventional or surgical lymphatic embolization fails, a reoperation with lig-
therapy) and its severity. (Severity Level A: daily ation of the thoracic duct is required. The first
output <1 L, Severity Level B: >1 L). description of this procedure was made in 1948.89
The goals for chylothorax management are ces- In 1973, Selle et al.90 recommended surgery rather
sation of the leak, evacuation of the pleural space, than conservative treatment whenever the daily out-
and reduction in nutritional losses. The initial step put of chylous fluid exceeded 1500 mL in adults.
to improve respiratory function and monitor the With the improvement of radiological interven-
leak output is the insertion of a chest drain. A con- tion, embolization should be attempted first when
servative treatment can then be initiated with a the dietary measure fails. If technically nonfeasible,
low-fat diet or total parenteral nutrition and reoperation is the second option.
introduction of subcutaneous octreotide to slow Reoperation is indicated in cases of persistent
down the lymph duct flow. A previous treat- leak rates greater than 1000 mL/day over 5 days of
ment for chylothorax was the use of medium- strict starvation or radiological management failure.
chain triglycerides.83 Long-chain fats are digested The success rate ranges from 87.5% to 100%.77,91
and absorbed in the jejunum. They are processed The most difficult part of the procedure is to identify
into chylomicrons that enter the lymphatic system. the leak. Administration of substances, such as but-
Medium-chain triglycerides are directly absorbed ter, cream, or methylene blue, prior to administer-
through the intestinal mucosa into the portal ing anesthesia may facilitate direct visualization of
vein. A diet composed of medium-chain triglyc- the leak site. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
erides provides the daily fat requirement with sol- is recommended as the first approach, as it is associ-
uble vitamins without increasing the chyle leak ated with less postoperative pain, quicker recovery,
output. and shorter hospital stay. If the leak is not identified,

10 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences.
Chevallay et al. Management of esophagectomy complications

Figure 4. Thoracic duct embolization for postoperative chylothorax. Left picture: lymphangiography with puncture in inguinal
lymph node. Middle picture: catheterization of the thoracic duct. Right picture: embolization with coils (arrow).

experts advocate the application of fibrin glue to the The administration of preoperative liquid rich in
suspected leak site. A German retrospective study lipid nutrition could help identify the thoracic duct
summarized the experience of a high-volume cen- or its injury.95,96 The surgeon can avoid inadver-
ter for esophageal surgery in the optimal manage- tent damage in this setting, identify a potential chyle
ment of chylothorax. A total of 906 patients under- leakage, and perform selective ligation. Table 6 sum-
went an esophageal resection. Chylothorax after an marizes the results of the principal studies on the
esophagectomy was identified in 17 (1.9%) patients. management of postoperative chylothorax.
Repeat ligation of the thoracic duct was successful
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
in 14 (93.3%) patients. The authors recommended
that immediate reoperation should be discussed to The recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) plays an
expedite recovery and minimize hospital stay if the important role in vocal cord coordination. The
chest tube drainage was more than 500 mL during RLN originates from the vagus nerve and provides
the first 24 h after the complete oral intake cessation ipsilateral motor innervation to the intrinsic mus-
and total parenteral nutrition.92 cles of the larynx except for the cricothyroid. These
One debate is whether the systematic ligation muscles play a major role in speech, swallowing,
of the thoracic duct should be routine during an and breathing. An anatomical difference exists
esophagectomy. A randomized study of 653 patients between the left and right nerves. The left loops
undergoing an Ivor Lewis esophagectomy, who around the aortic arch from front to back and
were separated into either routine or no thoracic returns to the neck. The right nerve has a shorter
duct ligation, showed a minimized risk of post- pathway and loops around the right subclavian
operative chylothorax in patients who had routine artery.
dissection and ligation of the thoracic duct (1.2% Its injury during an esophagectomy is com-
versus 2.1% in the no ligation group).93 In another mon during either the thoracic paratracheal lymph
study,94 patients were prospectively assigned to two node dissection or the cervical dissection. The
groups: en masse ligation of the thoracic duct (55 most frequent injuries arise in a cervical anas-
patients) or selective ligation if it appeared injured tomosis. In the cervical esophagus, the recurrent
(241 patients). In the latter group, 8.7% of the nerves are closer to the esophagus in the upper
patients underwent selective en masse ligation of part. The risk of injury to the nerve is diminished
the thoracic duct. Incidence of chylothorax-related if the anastomosis is done at the lowest possible
reoperation was significantly lower in the selective location.97 The incidence of RLN injury after an
ligation (0%) than in the systematic ligation (3.6%). esophagectomy has been reported from 0% to 29.3%

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences. 11
Management of esophagectomy complications Chevallay et al.

Table 6. Results of large studies on radiological and surgical treatment of postoperative chylothorax

Nonsurgical treatment Surgical treatment

number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
References Year patients patients (%) resolved cases (%) patients (%) resolved cases (%)

Cope and 2002 42 Thoracic duct 21 (73.8%) 7 7 (100%)

Kaiser87 embolization
29 (69%)
Itkin et al.88 2010 109 Thoracic duct 64 (90%)
71 (65%)
Schumacher 2007 10 9 (90%) 8 (88%)
et al.91
Merigliano 2000 19 NPO and 4 (36.4%) 15 (%) 14 (93.3%)
et al.77 observation
11 (58%)
Dugue 1998 23 NPO and 14 (100%) 9 (39%) 7 (77.8%)
et al.76 observation
14 (61%)
NPO, nil per os.

(Table 7).98 The transthoracic approach seems to possible: full recovery of motion, no return of vocal
have a lower incidence. The incidence of RLN injury fold motion but adequate compensation, and no
was reported to be 0.9% in 220 patients with an regaining of motion with flaccid paralysis. The
Ivor Lewis esophagectomy.99 Hulscher et al. showed treatment includes three options. Observation can
a relative risk reduction of 0.36 for RLN injury be chosen for spontaneous return of function or
in an Ivor Lewis esophagectomy compared with voice improvement with voice therapy to stimu-
the transhiatal approach, with a rate of 3.5% in late recovery. Injection medialization consists of
the transthoracic approach compared with 9.5% in a temporary injection in the paraglottic space to
the transhiatal approach.100 RLNP results in glot- medialize the edge of the paralyzed vocal cord;
tic incompetence due to the inability of the affected this can be done with topical local anesthesia.
vocal fold to adduct completely and oppose the nor- This procedure allows recovery of limited func-
mally mobile vocal fold during tasks that require tion of the vocal cord, but it is temporary. The
glottis closure, such as voicing, swallowing, and injection material is resorbed over time, with most
coughing. Impaired coughing and airway clearance preparations lasting 3–6 months. Some authors
lead to an increased rate of pneumonia, up to 10- hypothesized that the temporary injection material
fold, after an esophagectomy.101 promotes better positioning of the immobile vocal
The most common processes for this type of fold during the initial period after a nerve injury.
injury are direct thermal injury, stretching injuries, Yung et al. in their retrospective study found that
compression, or vascular compromise. Several patients with early temporary injection medializa-
authors proposed intraoperative monitoring with tion were less likely to undergo permanent medi-
neural stimulation and laryngeal electrode. The alization compared with patients with conservative
monitoring was concluded as being feasible and safe management (26% versus 65%, P = 0.013).104 Fried-
with a good rate of identification (87%),102 but stud- man et al. in their cohort found a similar propor-
ies did not find any diminution of RLNP incidence tion of patients with early injection that did not
in the group with monitoring compared with the require additional treatment; 65% of the patients
nonmonitored group.102,103 with early injection did not require additional treat-
When RLNP is diagnosed, the outcome is dif- ment when the injection was performed within
ficult to predict and three different outcomes are 6 months of the procedure.105 Early vocal fold

12 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2020) 1–17 © 2020 New York Academy of Sciences.
Chevallay et al. Management of esophagectomy complications

Table 7. Rate of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis (RLNP), its treatment, and its recovery rate in large cohorts

Number of Number of surgical
References Year patients Rate of RLNP Treatment recoveries medialization

Scholtemeijer 2017 451 47 (10%) Observation: 21 (47.7%) 41/47 (87%) 6 (13%)

et al.108 Transhiatal: 3/127 (2%) Speech language
McKewon: 44/324 (14%) therapy: 36 (81.8%)
Yung et al.104 2011 54 Observation: 35 (65%) 12 (34%) 28 (51%)
Temporary injection: 19 14 (73%)
Hulscher et al.100 2000 140 31 (22%) Observation: 31 (100%) 25 (75%) 6 (20%)

injection seems to create a more favorable vocal injectable materials, followed by a period of watch-
fold position that was maintained by reinnerva- ful waiting, before proceeding to laryngeal surgery
tion. The prognosis for return of vocal function is if no improvement is observed at 6 months.
poor if motion and voice have not recovered by
9–12 months from onset.106 In two studies,107,108 the
median time between an esophagectomy and recov- Despite progress being made to improve periopera-
ery from RLNP was 6 months and the rate of recov- tive morbidity and mortality, the complication rate
ery at 12 months ranged between 50% and 61.7%. after an esophagectomy in patients with esophageal
Definitive treatment is usually postponed until this cancer is still high in the modern era. Minimally
period to allow for potential recovery. If the paral- invasive surgery and the desire to develop enhanced
ysis persists, transcervical permanent medialization postoperative care could lower the morbidity asso-
is recommended. ciated with this major procedure. The surgeon and
The thyroplasty proposed by Isshiki et al. in the team participating in the patient care should
1974 revolutionized the permanent treatment of know how to recognize early signs of these com-
RLNP.109 Under local anesthesia and sedation, a car- plications. A delay in management can have seri-
tilaginous window is created at the level of the vocal ous consequences as the success of therapeutic
fold and a material (usually polytetrafluoroethy- options depends on how quickly the treatment is
lene, silastic, hydroxyapatite, titanium, or Gore-Tex) started. A sign as subtle as new-onset AF may be
is implanted to medialize the vocal fold. Other the only manifestation of an anastomotic leakage.
adjunction techniques can be used during the pro- The endoscopic technique has evolved, and this
cedure (arytenoid adduction and cricothyroid sub- modality would be the first-line therapy if an anas-
luxation) to enhance the vocal quality. The use of tomotic leakage is suspected. Management deci-
early permanent treatment has been questioned by sions should be taken by a multidisciplinary team of
several authors. Abraham et al.110 examined a series experts, including surgeons, anesthetists, gastroen-
of 23 patients who underwent permanent medi- terologists, and oncologists. This proactive attitude
alization for unilateral vocal cord paralysis within toward the identification of potential complications
2 weeks following surgical resections for pulmonary will benefit the patient and improve postoperative
or esophageal malignancies and found improve- outcomes.
ment postoperatively in all measured outcomes,
including hoarseness and dysphagia. The advantage Competing interests
of intervening early in the course of injury could The authors declare no competing interests.
offer protection against respiratory complications.
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