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Introduction. The U.S education system gives international students many choices.

There is an
array of institutions, programs, and locations that can make the student feel confused. To
simplify the choices, a student must carefully study how each program can fulfill their goals. A
student will need to know how the U.S education system is organized so that they can make
informed decisions.
V. hi, MS. Miles. Thanks for meeting with me today
C. sure. It’s my pleasure. And please, call me Cindy
V. Ok. Well I wanted to talk to you today because I’m writing an article about the U.S
education system. Could you help provide me with some information about that
C. Of course,. What would you like to know?
V. Basically, the system when kids start school into college
C. All right. Kids in the U.S start going to school when they’re about five or six. They can go to
pre-school before then, but it’s not required by law
V. So, they must start school at age five or six
C. That’s right. And first they go to primary school, or elementary, school for five to six years
V. Does primary school and elementary school mean the same thing?
C. Yes. Then after that they go to secondary school. Usually, it’s to middle school for three
years and high school for four years
V. So, how long do they go to school at total?
C. Is a student finishes elementary, middle, and high school, it’s 12 years. We say that they
finish the 1st through the 12th grade
V. Ok. I see
C. After high school graduation, students then have the option to continue on for higher
V. What does that mean?
C. Higher education basically means education after high school. So, It includes Bachelor’s
degree, a Master degree, a PhD, etc.
V. Do students have a lot of choice in where they go for their higher education?
C. They do. There are a lot of different types of school they can attend
V. Oh, that should be interesting for my readers. Can you tell me about them?
C. Sure. Let’s see… there are state colleges and universities and private colleges and
universities. So, which kind of school the students want to attend, it’s a one choice they have to
made. There are also community colleges.
V. What’s the difference with those?
C. They’re 2-year public colleges. They offer classes for students, as well as for community
V. Do they offer degrees?
C. They do. Associate’s degree
V. Are they as good as Bachelor’s degree?
C. It’s just depends on what kind of job student wants to have. For certain jobs, an Associate’s
is all you need. But others require a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
V. Do a lot of international students get Associate degree?
C. You know, I think most get four-year degrees
V. Is there any other important information you think I should include in my article?
C. I don’t think so/ that the basic outline of the U.S education system. If you need more details
while you’re writing, just let me know
V. I will. Thanks for your time
C. You’re welcome

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