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\ THE -JUNIOR BURMESE GRA\WA THE PRIMARY® axyaiterniy . STANDARDS I To IV. OF THE VERNACULAR AND ANGLO-VERNACULAR SCHOOLS, BURMA. - a rr Approved by the Text-Book Commiutee.* -- Sor8EEcooSoog$raheH(G$ooood00000098sagnct pSaa5cBS(B§ 023 Saas 00903 008 caqabrajaeBuge + co$sapogoogggoo§zoBoouphcoyaEsoorc cochadao&(ojo202053q§$a0§ 29.3 2 Cgpfinog§ > "§ 8 G- scsncsto Sia See cog i zs 9g RANGOON: 4 THE BRITISH BURMA PRESS, m > _ Price 6 annas. +. goRr Gu PORTIONS PRESCRIBED. 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