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Plot(the main events in sequence)

Bayan ng Makiling
Bundok ng Makiling

Is there a Narrator? What is the narrator’s job?

In literature, the narrator is the voice that tells the story. The narrator’s job is to provide
the reader with information about the characters, setting, and plot of the story.
Depending on the type of narrator, they may also provide insight into the characters’
thoughts and emotions, and offer their own opinions and perspectives on events that
occur in the story. The narrator can be a character within the story, an outsider who
observes the action, or an omniscient voice that knows everything that is happening.
Regardless of the type of narrator, their job is to engage the reader and help them
understand and appreciate the story being told.

Are there any stage directions? Give an example and tell how they help the actors, crew
and director

Stage directions in playwriting are written in italics and provide important information
about the actions of characters, movement of props and set pieces, and general mood
and tone of the scene. They can also include technical instructions for the crew. Stage
directions help ensure that the play runs smoothly and that all technical elements are
executed properly.

What is the theme/message?

The theme of a Maria Makiling roleplay is the preservation and protection of nature and
the environment. Participants learn about respecting nature, harmony between humans
and nature, and the need for sustainable practices. It promotes a deeper appreciation
for nature and a sense of responsibility towards the environment.
Write a one paragraph about your opinion of the play. Why would you or would you not
suggest someone read it? What is the best part of the play? What connections can you
make to this play?

Maria Makiling is a mythical figure in Philippine folklore who resides in Mount Makiling
and is believed to be a protector of the mountain and its forests. She is known for her
benevolence and for helping those who respect nature. Her story has been passed
down from generation to generation, inspiring awe and reverence

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