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We are told by society to help everybody. To be virtuous, to want to help everybody and to change
the world. The truth is, a majority of people with this desire do not realize that it is because they fail
to help themselves.
It is easier to look at somebody else’s problems and to tell them what to do. You ask people how to
get rich, and most can give advice, but they have excuses for why they do not put their own advice
into action or why it has not worked.
Virtue to others can be a form of self-neglect. The belief that being selfless results in more general
positivity is a fallacy. If you fail to love yourself and to value your own life, you cannot do a good job
of supporting others around you.
For your life to move on, you cannot be stuck in the past. You cannot be living a lifestyle where your
old bad habits still have a vacant slot which is ready to be filled at the next impulse.
Communities can cause problems (such as "nofap"), especially for PMO. With the existance of a
community creates the need for people to return to it. And when people return to it, they can never
let go. When they start to get more involved and as anti-PMO communities become part of their life,
so does PMO itself.
Most people that try to give you advice are stuck in the past, because they have not moved on.
Community also provides a place where people can mope to. Where they can complain, and ask
question on question in an endless cycle of self neglagence. You may have full clarity in the moment
when a cue or lewd video occurs. Yet, through all that, if you involve yourself in these communities,
you have somewhere to complain about it to, to get sympathy.
No matter how much sympathy and motivation you recieve, if you see it as a way to make relapses
less bad, they will play no part in your freedom.
I am not saying movements towards helping people is bad. However, what I see occur is that people
(who know all that needs to be known) are only "users" because they are stuck in the past.
As an example, the result of you reading this book may be exciting. It will be life changing, when read
with humility. The result of this is you may message people about it. You may start talking to others
advising them using this material. Repackaging and reformatting the ideas here.
The second trap is leaving PMO itself.
Let go of these communities and groups. Let go of trying to help everybody else. Because to truly
move on, you need to prioritize yourself.


If you have the feeling ppmo would benefit someone, send them a message right now. Do not say "you
should read" but say about the effect it had on you.
Book link:
If you involve yourself in communties where you think this book would be beneficial, mention others
or post a link to this book if you want to promote it. If there is somebody you think would benefit,
mention them before leaving the communities. Say your goodbyes.
Also if you are the type to make memes, you can create one quickly.
Get this out of the way now.
When you have given advice to all the people you want to, return here.


After this step, remove yourself from all servers, subreddits, communities related to "nofap". If you
are in a discord server with channel/s based around it, you can mute the channel/s and then choose
the server option to hide muted channels.
The second trap is the attachment to those on the same journey. However, as long as you have that
mutual goal with others, you will never be free. You have to make that decision to move ahead and
prioritize your own wellbeing.
On another note, when people leave the PMO trap, they tend to announce that they are quitting like
they have a loudspeaker. From my experience, those that stay quiet the most, are chilling the most.
Keep this in mind.
People act as some exception to this. However, unless you want to be stuck in the trap due to being
stuck in the past, you must look out for yourself. When a community is based around a common goal,
and you no longer have that goal, you will subconsciously go back to PMO (to regain the same goal),
if you continue to be active within such a community.
This is why the step for promo exists - so then the word can still spread, but then you can move past
everything to do with PMO.


Services/sites like 4chan, tiktok, reddit, meme groups, instagram, and much more are ridden with
suggestive cues and lewd content for a reason; to keep users browsing - to users of all ages this is.
They promote suggestive content to kids, knowingly getting them hooked for life with no concern for
their wellbeing or health.
This is another issue completely, with the abundance and reliance on social media in the modern age.
Generally, leaving these things requires a phase out of the need for using them. Do not try to make a
huge change in these things based on motivation. Instead, think about what you enjoy more than
these media sites, but which is also more beneficial.
As we have also said before, cues are not bad - but surrounding your environment with them will place
them on the forefront of your mind. If we do not seek them, cues are opportunities for new neural
pathways to be built in our subconscious, reforming our mind into more positive thinking patterns by the
day. You can find joy in these moments, because you are free. Security can be found in realizing you
have this control, when not giving it up.

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