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The question of whether it is right to use a mobile phone in class is very

controversial today. Some people think that it is necessary, some think that it
is not. I believe everything has two sides good and bad. Therefore using
mobile phones in class has its own advantages and disadvantages.
To begin with, phones can be beneficial in the classroom. They can be used
as a tool for research, to access educational apps, and to take notes. For
instance, many students use their phones to access online textbooks and
other educational resources.
On the other hand, phones can be a constant disruption and may be used
inappropriately. Students who are using their phones in class may be tempted
to check social media or send text messages, which can take their attention
away from the lesson. Because of this in many countries, it is forbidden to use
mobile phones at school. I do not fully agree with this because phones can
used to communicate with parents and it is necessary. However, I think that
the use of phones in the classroom should be limited to certain situations.
In conclusion, to avoid any potential disruptions it is important to limit mobile
phone use to certain situations and make some rules for phone use in the
class. This approach can help minimize distractions and increase focus during
class time.

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