60 Letters of Calasanz

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To Fr. Pelegrino Tencani. Norcia

"To become a good vase, worthy to be presented before any man, it is necessary,
first, that the metal might be very well hammered. The same happens in the service of
God: it is necessary to bear with patience all things and to return with much charity and
meekness, good for bad, in such a way that the neighbor might remain edified. All
together, try to give a good example to the neighbor and to show that you are really poor
of the Mother of God, and that you have been to Norcia only because of the love for their
children' souls; in this way, you will be able to overcome any kind of calumnies and
increase your own merit" (L. 86).
Rome, September 22, 1621


To Fr. Giovani Pietro Cananea. Moricone

"The road to become a wise and prudent person in the low schools is to become a
fool before the eyes of men, allowing to be carried like a small donkey. This is the true
doctrine, but understood by few, because it is contrary to the senses and to the human
prudence; it is followed, too, by few (L. 13).
Rome, November 8, 1622


To Narni

"The voice of God is a voice of the spirit that goes and comes back, touches the
heart and goes away; it is not known where it comes from or when it blows; therefore it is
very important to be always vigilant so that it would not come unexpectedly and might
pass without fruit" (L. 131).
Rome, November 23, 1622


To Fr. Pelegrino Tencani. Norcia

"We must have a lot of patience with the sick, and while they are mortified by the
Lord with sickness, we should not afflict them more, but rather console them, and with
kindness try to make them understand that the Lord sends them sickness so that they
might awake of the sleeping laziness and they might try to walk in the future with great
fervor and diligence through the road of perfection, since 'the will of the Lord is your
sanctification'; and the Lord uses to give these lashes with that goal, but some think that
they come from the second causes, as the 'feelings' and other causes. They 'really' come
from the first cause, who is God, using the second causes according to his will. In
addition, it is not bad to remind them such things in those occasions (L. 143).
Rome, February 8, 1623



To Bro. Giulio Pietrangeli. Savona

"I have received in two mails your two letters, and from them I see the good zeal
you have for the things of God. Because of my many occupations, I cannot answer to all
people that write to me, especially when I have to do it by myself.
I wish you would not take things to heart, but rather as a religious, you may attend
to your prayer and to the exercise of the holy obedience to get the religious perfection.
Recommend to God, with deep fervor, the actions of the Superiors, and in this way you
will do much more than trying to put straight what you think does not go well. This last
thing, many times, is a temptation. I would like you to be a perfect religious, but to reach
it, it is necessary to get a holy simplicity and detachment from all things, even from
oneself, and very few know how to do that and I would like you to know how to do it.
Pray to the Lord for me and may He bless you always" (L. 586).
Naples, February 20, 1627

To Bro. Carlo Bauzano. Genoa

"Pax Christi. (Peach in the Lord) If in that house there are preoccupations that
perturb you, you should know that the greatest imperfection is in you, because you have
not died, as you promised in the profession, but rather you are too much alive and you
resent the things you should try to dissimulate so that you might induce the good God to
forgive your sins, since without any doubt they are worthy of a greater punishment than
the contradictions are. In the meantime, fulfill what you promised in the act of profession,
since God has set that those who want to go to paradise have to pass through many
tribulations. The religious overcomes easily these tribulations with patience, considering
that what happens is not what his sins are worthy of. If you knew how to find this road,
you would be one of the most holy man of the whole religion" (L. 764/1).
Rome, January 9, 1628


To Bro. Giulio Pietrangeli. Genoa

"The holy simplicity is very much loved by the Lord and with those who are
really simple, He uses to be at ease. The letter you have written to me is lacking a little of
this; in the future, you may write to me when you might think necessary, with more
simplicity, without going around the branches. Try to close your eyes to the
imperfections of others, considering yourself in the presence of God, and the scrupulous
will not cause you any worry, neither the faults of the Brothers, for whom you have to
pray frequently to the Lord, and in particular for those who show more un-observance. If
you manifest this to Fr. Provincial, and he does not put any remedy, tell me, that I will
have it as a holy zealous thing. Try to do good things to others, with great charity and
patience, to the children, especially in the holy fear of God, from whom we all have to
wait the remuneration of our fatigues. May He always bless you" (L. 864).
Rome. June 2,1628



To Bro. Giulio Pietrangeli. Genoa

"I am happy to know that you have some knowledge of your enemies, who when
they are really hidden inside ourselves, then they are truly dangerous, because they know
how to disguise themselves like friends and they cheat with that fiction, not only the lay
people, but also many religious. I would like that our religious would know them in such
a way that they would know all their arts and deceits, and they would realize that they are
slaves of them, and we could say, that nobody knows how to give two steps forward
without falling on the ground. This takes place already in the just men, who it is said they
fall seven times, that is to say, many times during the day. Therefore, what shall we say
about the sinner who has as friends his capital enemies? If you consider the foolish things
that come through your imagination from morning till evening, you ought to be always in
the presence of God, and you will see that you don't know how to go forward two steps
without falling down, because you have stopped looking at God and looking with your
thoughts or with imagination at the creatures. The one who reaches this practice should
know how to keep himself as a child of two years, who without help he falls down many
times and loses confidence in himself and you should always invoke the help of God.
And this is what this sentence means, so little understood and less put into practice: 'If
you do not become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven' (Cf.
Mt. 8,3) Learn this practice and try to get this great simplicity and then you will really
find out true that sentences which says 'his talk is with the simple ones' (Psalm 3,32).
May the Lord give you the grace, and also to your companions. Give them my regards"
(L. 912).
Rome, August 4, 1628


To Fr. Juan Garcia. Frascati

"If you feel that you will be better extracting blood from you, do not stop doing
that, since it is important to be healthy; and you should not only extract blood, but also
you should rest for a few days and live a life of recovering from sickness, since it is better
to prevent with a remedy than when the sickness is at home, cure it; and that word
'affliction' is much disagreeable to me because nobody can't have more reasons than me
to be afflicted, since many times arrive to me many motives of affliction, from many
places, but considering that everything comes from the hands of the Lord and what I do, I
do it for His love, being He such a kind and benign Father, I bear with patience all things,
ready to die before abandoning the enterprise, and in that way I reject all afflictions and
melancholy. Try to use all diligence in teaching the Christian doctrine and in helping the
souls, since this is the greatest action you can do in this life and this work done with joy
pleases very much God, who may give you his holy Spirit with the plenitude of his holy
gifts" (L. 1148).
Rome, July 7, 1629



To Fr. Juan Garcia. Frascati

"It pleases me much to know that through defecation you were free of any serious
sickness and you would not admire the diligence of Fr. Antonio Maria, since I have given
him the order to take care of your health and you should take it as an act of charity, as it
is, and not of fiction or adulation. He fulfills the commands I have given to him and I am
moved by pure charity, because I desire your health as my own. And you should not
allow, more less admit, a temptation so clear, thinking that I am not playing a fare game
and I have lost your confidence and that I had known you only to put down the gifts God
has given for your honor; all this seems to me a grave temptation with which the enemy
combats you and he has you almost prostrated if you do not help yourself humiliating
before the presence of God; and you will make him run away confessing that you don't
have any good in yourself, nor any aptitude for any good thing without his grace and that
in the world you have been so unfaithful and unworthy of so many gifts as He has given
to you. And if you know how to become humble in this way, you will conquer the
common enemy and with a great spiritual gain; and you will not get it unless you reject
that temptation" (L. 1149).
Rome, July 10, 1629


To Fr. Giuseppe Freyxo. Naples

"If man's life (it is understood of God's servant, since the others are men only by
name) according to Job is a fighting or war on the earth, why do you marvel that the Lord
will permit so many interior and exterior contradictions? It is because as a good soldier
you should combat with valor trying to lose confidence in yourself and putting it in the
divine favor. And you should always ask with confidence, with much importunity. And
the weather is such that until the hard hot of summer might pass away, you must be in
company of Bro. Alexo. Try to use the solitude in raising frequently your mind to the
Lord and remind it to the Brother and even to the lay people, trying to increase in them
the devotion and if God might perhaps permit, we will meet in Autumn. In the meantime,
let us pray to the Lord that He may grant us the grace of serving Him always" (L. 1165).
Rome, July 28, 1629


To Fr. Juan Garcia. Frascati

"It hurts me that you imagine something good is going to happen because of the
remedy I am sending you in the small sealed box. For me, your sickness comes (only)
from your many fatigues and many bad nights you had to pass serving so many sick
persons. However, to satisfy your desire, I send you the box, warning you that the small
piece is from a real horn of a unicorn. Be careful, really. And regarding your sickness, if
you do not want to come to Rome, where you would find all the possible remedies, it
would be necessary for me to go to Frascati because I can't bear not serving you in your
necessity. Therefore, if you are not here tomorrow, on Sunday I will go there, even if I


would know that I have to do it on foot. Believe me that coming here, you will be much
better, served by all in the house and you will be visited by many doctors; and the Virgin
Mary will be happy that after you may be healthy, you could serve her again. May the
Lord give you His grave to serve Him better" (L. 123).
Rome, October 19, 1629)


To Fr. Giuseppe Freyxo. Naples

"I dislike very much that you may have so many uneasiness and perturbations as I
can see by your last letter. Those cannot come from humility. If you had it, you should
know that the shortest and easiest path or way to be exalted to the own knowledge and
from here to the attributes of mercy, prudence and infinite patience and goodness of God,
is to bumble yourself to give light to the children and especially to those who are more
abandoned by all. This is such a base and vile job to the eyes of the world that very few
want to humble to it, and God uses to give one hundred per one. And even more, if doing
it you would have persecutions or tribulations, and these, taken with patience as from the
hands of God, one could find the one hundred of the spirit. And because very few know
how to practice this Doctrine, very few receive a hundred for one in spiritual graces. And
since you have already been so far in your temptation of going to Spain, or to change
Religion for greater imaginary quietness, that only God knows if you will find it, I don't
know what to tell you, since you would not give me any credit. The only thing I tell you
is that I will pray and I will ask from the bottom of my heart to our Lord that He will give
you the light to be right, because it is an 'important matter', the vocation. About this, I
will write a few words to Fr. Provincial who has the authority for what it might be
necessary. May Our Lord make you a saint as I wish it for me”.
Rome, 19, 1629 (L. 1236)


To Bro. Carlo Cesario. Frascati

" It is a good principle in the spiritual life to have a self knowledge and to know
the misery where we are born, and also our ingratitude with which we have answered to
God after so many benefits received. If you try this with diligence, as you show it in your
letter of the 10th of the present month, I can assure you that you will have in this life some
knowledge of God. And this knowledge is such a great science that a small particle of it
is better than all human sciences. For these sciences, men consume the most and the best
years of their lives and as a reward they become filled with themselves and proud. The
knowledge of God continues beatifying the man, according to the degree that after the
knowledge, he grows in the divine love. I exhort you that every day, the first thing to do
might be that study, and after that, the Lord will give you all the other things the world do
not know. For me it will be a great consolation, but the benefit and the merit will be great
for you. May the Lord give you these things abundantly, as I wish them for me" (L.
Rome. March 15, 1630



To Fr. Estefano Busdraghi. Naples

"Whenever I hear that the novices walk through the spiritual life with fervor and joy,
it gives me a great consolation. To start the purgative life as it should be, all should
compete to see who is the most humble person, since the trophy of the race will be given
only to the humble and then they will be exalted according to how they have been humble
in this life; and because this road is very much contrary to our senses and it is said that it
is a narrow road and are few those who find it, you should insist very much in this matter
that will be much useful for the novices and therefore for the Religion, depending upon
the progress in the novitiate the rest of the religious life, being certain that 'those who
start well, have already half of it'.
And since it is necessary that I should know how everybody behaves, your V.R.
should tell me the fervor or tepidity of each one of them and if by chance somebody is
disobedient, kick him out, since the disobedience comes from pride which is a very bad
signal, specially in a religious, and engage them, as less as you can, in the schools; you
could make them sweep the house, prepare the dining-room, carry water to the kitchen
and other similar things" (L. 1360).
Rome, April 13, 1630


To Mrs. Flaminia Racani. Narni

"Ordinarily the Lord uses to mortify during this life those whom He loves as sons,
so that He would not have to mortify them in the other life. And being this true, we all
must receive as coming from the hand of a Father everything that happens to us,
especially sickness. If we could receive it, not only with patience but also with happiness,
as coming from His hands, we could make Him a very pleasing sacrifice. With the
present letter I exhort you to consider how good the Lord is, who through temporal and
short sicknesses, He prepares for us an eternal Reign. Praise and bless Him, and try to
conform yourself to the holy will of the Lord, in happiness, telling Him that if He wants
you in good health, you are ready to serve Him; and if sick, you are ready to serve Him
even better. This happy conformity with the Lord is a great perfection in the Christians. I
will not forget to recommend you to the Lord in all my Masses so that He may give you
this holy happiness and I will recommend all to do the same for you. And I wish the
same thing for Mr. Celestino. If you think that I can serve you in any thing, I will receive
as a grace everything you freely command me, since everything depends upon your
kindness and the kindness of your house towards our Religion. May God give you the
grace of giving Him thanks, together with all the members of your family, in the church
of St. Casio, when the repairing of the altar might have been finished" (L. 1468).
Rome, August 17, 1630



To Fr. Stefano Busdraghi. Naples

"I would try to send, as soon as possible, two books of the exercises of Fr. Sancho
and six or eight Kempis, De Imitatione Christi (The Imitation of Christ), in vernacular
language. If you think that they are useful, I will send you more; I will also send you the
instructions for the novices and for the novice master of Fr. Juan de Jesus Maria, but the
true book which all have to study, is the Passion of Christ, which gives knowledge
according to the state of life of each one. Therefore, your V.R. only having confidence in
the help of the Lord and in the intercession of the Virgin Mary, don't hesitate to put into
practice what the Obedience commands you. And when something happens that seems
adequate to tell me, please tell me. May the Lord give us always His holy blessing" (L.
Rome, January 18, 1631


To Mrs. Angelica di Falco. Naples

"The ways the Lord has to guide the souls to paradise are all holy and mysterious;
and all are right, with total and paternal providence. He never leaves anybody without a
cross, but in some, the senses turn the cross very heavy; but with patience, the spirit finds
a great smoothness. You should be convinced that all the faculties the medicines have,
have been received from the hands of the Lord, who can give and frequently gives health
more completely than the best medicines of the world. If you are without the remedy of
the medicines, it might be because He wants you to go to Him, as a true doctor and
medicine, asking for the health and happiness, if in that way you will serve Him with
more fervor. You should not fall in melancholy because you don't have the natural
medicines. You go with true faith and perseverance in the petition. If He gives you
health, He will give you also patience, and with that, the Lord will give you not only
great merit, but also an extraordinary consolation" (L. 1565).
Rome, January 18, 1631


To Mrs. Angelica di Falco, Naples

"Not without any great Providence has the Lord sent you such a long and
fastidious sickness for the senses, because as a Father, He wants to purify your soul in
this world with the fire of tribulations so that you will not have to purify it in Purgatory,
that without any comparison is much more terrible than we can imagine; therefore, being
this the will of the Lord, you must thank Him the present tribulation asking Him patience
so as to conform yourself, with much merit, to His holy will. And you must consider still
how in this world He bore pains very great and very ignominious. He wants his chosen
creatures to have some tribulations. If the Lord shows to you great love giving you
tribulations, you must try your heart to love Him much, the one who loves you so much,
and with love, you will not feel so much pain. I do not dare to ask the Lord to take your
pain away, but rather that He will give you patience to bear it and great love not to feel it.


For the rest you recommend me, I will pray, so that if they are in good health, they may
employ it for the service of God and utility of the neighbor. Otherwise, it would be much
better not to have good health or to die before offending a God of so great mercy. I would
like to be in Naples to serve and to console you, but from here I will ask the Lord every
consolation and grace. Greet Mr. Vito Giacomo and Mrs. Delia and also Mr. Aniello,
who if he would know the short time that remains for us, he would use it in spiritual
works. May the Lord bless us all always” (L. 1627).
Rome, June 7, 1631


To Fr. Melchiore Alacchi. Venice

"No one of the ancient philosophers knew the true happiness and joy, and even
what is worse, few, not to say very few, know it among the Christians, because Christ,
our Master, put it on the Cross. Although for many, during this life, seem very difficult to
put it into practice, nevertheless it has inside it so many goods and inner consolations that
it is better than all consolations in the world. And if it were not so, Fr. Domingo had not
persevered until death with his companion, who in certain terms, they can be called
martyrs, since they offered their lives for the love of God in the service of the neighbor.
Those two, who served in Florence, did not have similar grace from God. Fr. Provincial
of Naples writes telling me that they are better. Fr. Ansano passed to a better life. Here in
the Novitiate, a young French novice of great hope passed away too. The others of the
novitiate and these at school, are all well, thanks to God" (L. 1662).
Rome, August 9, 1631.


To Fr. Melchiore Alacchi. Venice

"I like your way of thinking about prayer. About it, all Saints say very beautiful
things. And happy he who really knows how to pray to obtain from our Judge, through
the efficacious prayer, the forgiveness of sins and the abundance of graces. This is the
prayer young men learn while they keep their holy purity, since the immaculate law of
God rests very well in the heart before it is tainted with impure things. I would like that
the young men who are admitted there might be treated with great diligence, so as to feel
from here the good odor" (L. 1755).
Rome, February 28, 1632


To Fr. Melchiore Alacchi. Venice

"I have read your last letter, a full page. Most of it did not have but own praises.
And since we all, as descendents of the rotten root of our father Adam, are rather tainted
and profoundly inclined to evil, it seems more proper for us to accuse and really humble
ourselves than to say any word for our praise. Besides, when one feels more favored by
God with graces or particular feelings, one has to humble so not to lose them, since a


little presumption or own esteem loses them. Let us recognize ourselves as useless
instruments of the Lord, since we rather put obstacles than help His works. (L. 1817).
Rome, June 26, 1632


To Fr. Melchiore Alacchi. Venice

"I have received your last letter where you try to justify the past actions and to
explain, in consequence, the present ones. But I want to tell you that in the psalms of
David, the Holy Church, governed by the Holy Spirit, at the end sings the Glory and we
have to hope the same from all our actions, because the end crowns the work. Many
times, the enemy of the world disguises himself as an angel of light and he uses as many
snares as he can to deceit the Religious. Who are in more danger are those who want to
appear as singular ones. Try to be very alert, because you have enemies that overpass the
strength of Samson, the sanctity of David and the wisdom of Salomon. By the present, I
only write this as a paternal advice. With the help of the Lord, I will write you more next
week. May the Lord always bless us all" (L. 1919).
Rome, November 20, 1632


To Fr. Melchor Alacchi, Venice

"The fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom, consists in being always very
attentive not to do anything contrary to God; and since by nature we are weak, blessed is
the one who always remains in that fear. We all must have it and always teach it to the
students. And if together with it we observe the holy poverty, being happy with the poor
food and clothes, we will get great merit for the other life. Be careful that no one of ours
might touch money, even if the lay people would offer them. Only the procurator will be
able to do it, since in this way we will give more satisfaction” (L. 1931).
Rome, December 18, 1632


To Fr. Arcangel Sorbino. Cesena

"It seems to me that if you both are not in accord, you will not do anything for the
service of God, nor for the school. No one of you should be obstinate in his opinion, but
as servants of God, when one proposes one thing and gives the reasons, the other one,
with tranquility, should say his opinion and present, in the same way, his reasons. Then,
without any passion, you both should try to solve what is more convenient. But if you
pretend, for being more practical, to do what you think, and the other thinks that because
he is a priest, should be given the respect due to a priest - and in this he is right - then if
you both do not do it, you both are wrong. Both should submit your way of thinking to
what it seems more convenient for the good of the School, and you should discuss it
among you with much peace and without passion, because in this way you show very
little fear of God. Above all things of this world, both should be in this holy fear and you


should not fight among you, nor with lay people. In summary, I recommend you peace
and union among you, as Christ recommended it to the Apostles" (L. 1956).
Rome, January 26, 1633


To Fr. Giovani Domenico Franchi. Carcare

"Regarding your temptation, you should not be discouraged because of your

sensation of useless, since it is the way God works. In weakness, God puts down the
fortress. Do not be proud either because you have been elected for so important matter,
although you may feel unable about it. The election comes from God, and therefore
depends upon Him to arrive to a good end. Therefore, your should go to Him asking for
the light you need to know the road you should follow and maybe to reach a perfect end.
You should remain indifferent about yourself. You are only a simple instrument" (L.20).
Rome, March 31, 1633


To Mrs. Angelica di Falco. Naples

"The Lord generally tests in this life those whom He loves and He does not want
to punish them in the other life with many tribulations. These tribulations, if we take
them now with patience and coming from His magnanimous hand, they are of great
merit. I am happy with you after the good results from your knee suffering. It caused you
such a terrible fear! Do not think the Lord has forgotten you when He sends you
occasions of meriting greater prizes for heaven, since it is necessary that the elected
might suffer many tribulations if they want to enter into the paradise. It is better to suffer
those tribulations in this short life, where we find, too, temporal and spiritual comforts,
than to suffer them later the tribulations that should be suffered according to the gravity
the things done in this world. I will not forget to ask the Lord so that He might do with
you as He uses to do with those whom He loves and have destined for paradise, hoping
that you will also pray for me. This is what I think for now regarding the answer to your
letter. May the Lord continue increasing in you His holy grace" (L. 2205).
Rome, March 4, 1634


To Fr. Giacomo Graziani. Naples
"About the inobservance of some of those houses, I don't wonder and I don't
become disheartened, because we know that in the foundation of the Religion of St.
Francis, a heroic saint, there was Fr. Elias that instigated a great number of Superiors
against the same St. Francis. And during the time of St. Dominic, how many
contradictions he had from his Friars of Tolosa to accept the holy poverty! Why do we
wonder now that four ignorant young men may be against the virtue, having inclusive
been badly oriented by some not so spiritual Superiors? In summary, the virtue is in
difficult things and in the perseverance. May the Lord give us them. Amen (L 2232).
Rome, May 19, 1634



To Mr. Aniello di Falco. Naples

"Only one thing I wish from you, and I ask it from the bottom of my heart; being
the holy matrimony instituted by God and being also a great Sacrament of the Church,
upon saying "quod Deus conjunxit" (What God united) (Mt. 19,6). This union should not
only be understood as a union of bodies, but also of souls. Lacking this last one, which is
the principal, you can think how the soul remains regarding the one who commits a fault,
even more when you have continued for such a long time disunited. Some words of your
letter, where you affirm that you do not say to her good morning, nor good afternoon,
give me an occasion to ask you this, with the greatest humility I can. I have prayed and I
will continue praying so that the Lord will inspire with efficacy in your heart this holy
union, since it will be a great merit for you, and for me a great consolation. If there is
something I can help you for your good, you may dispose always of me. May the Lord
always bless you" (L. 2289).
Rome, November 4, 1634


To Fr. Giuseppe Freyxo. Nikolsburg (Mikulov)

"The way to become a wise and prudent man in the interior school is to become,
before the eyes of men, as a fool, allowing you to be guided as a small donkey. This is a
true doctrine, but since it is contrary to the senses and the human prudence, few follow it
and in this way are confirmed the words of Christ 'Arcta est via et pauci sunt qui
inveniunt eam' (rough is the road and few are who find it) (Mt. 7,14). I exhort you to
collaborate with Fr. Superior, and all united, will carry out great fruits, the work of the
Lord. May He always bless us all" (L. 2300).
Rome, December 3, 1634


To Fr. Guseppe Freyxo. Nikolsburg (Mukulov)

"I have read your whole page written on both sides and I feel compassion for you.
You don't know how to have the necessary patience to become a good disciple of Christ.
As you say very well and according to the reason you should not suffer, but if God wants
you to suffer in this life so that you will not have to suffer in the other, I feel that any
prudent person will take it as a grace. Remember the example of that rich woman of
Alexandria who asked the Patriach for a woman so that she would keep her in her house
by charity and to serve her. After sending her a wretched person, who not only did not
thank the expenses and the service she received, but even she would rebel with words and
actions, she, with the spirit of the God, bore all the injuries. The examples are written for
our teaching. You would be happy with a Superior that would be very discrete and
patient, but not with one who would be a tyrant and impertinent. It is necessary to ask the
Lord patience, and more and more patience, since the suffering will be short and the


reward for all eternity. May the Lord give us this holy spirit for His greater glory and may
He always bless us" (L. 2365).
Rome, April 7, 1635)


To Fr. Arcergelo Sorbino. Cesena

"According to the reading of your letter, I see that you need to be consoled and I
am sure that your perturbation is born from your little humility, which you should show
to everybody, and even more to the Superior of that house, who is in my place. If you do
not put any remedy, the uneasiness will grow and you will be far away from the true road
of the good religious. Therefore, try with all diligence to be the most humble of the house
and then you will become the most favored by God. The religious who does not walk
through the path of the holy humility, at the end, he will be deceived by the enemy.
Practice, therefore, in reality, this holy virtue and you will find the true peace, and teach it
also to the lay people. It will be the greatest consolation you could give me. May the Lord
bless us always" (L. 2390).
Rome, June 20, 1635


To Mrs. Flaminia Raccani. Narni

"May the Lord console you and all your household and in particular may He give
great interior light to your priest son, so that he may know the state and great obligation
he has to serve the Lord and to give good example to lay people, because if he does not
do it, it would had been much better if he had not become a priest. You may ask, in
regard of me, to reform his customs and that he may live a retired life, reading spiritual
books, since death is not far away.
Regarding you took the devotion and habit of St. Francis, I am very happy. I hope
that the saint will give you many spiritual graces, since they are better than the corporal
ones, as he has done it with Sor Fausta. Greet her on my part and also her daughter
Barbara. It seems that the Lord impedes the state of marriage; maybe He wants her for
His spouse. I will not stop praying for the whole household and I thank the kindness you
had with me in sending the basket, which I send back full of pomegranates and lemons.
May the Lord bless your whole household as I wish it" (L. 2433).
Rome. September 6, 1635


To Bro. Filippo Loggi. Naples

"I have as a great servant of the Lord the one who is not disturbed and does not
change his tranquility during adverse or prosperous circumstances, but rather always
remains in his integrity, that is to say, in the same state, without allowing the passion to
change his place, and this is the person that gains the prize. Wherever the passion would
enter, the mind is agitated. If it is altered, it cannot judge in liberty. If somebody thought
that Fr. Ludovico did not behave well, and maybe they were mistaken, they should have


admonished him with prayers and kind words, and not trying to be united immediately
with others wanting to bend him. I greatly feel sorry that passions may reign among ours,
and especially among the priests, who have to attract others to observance through their
example. For a greater tranquility of you, I have thought that you should taste a little the
stay in Mesina, where I hope you will profit better than in Naples. This is what I think
for the moment" (L. 2457). Rome, October 6, 1635


To Fr. Pietro Musseti. Ancona

"I have read, for my consolation, the letter of your reverence and I give thanks to
the Lord who makes you understand the fruit of your fatigues, teaching well the Latin
language as well as the holy fear of God. I am very much pleased hearing that some
young men live with the desire of being really poor of the Mother of God, only by the
pure love of the Lord. If the vocation is from the heart, it will be confirmed during the
time until the next spring and then you may advise me again about your feeling and also
about the feeling of those Fathers, whom you will tell to pray so that the matter might end
well, if it is for the glory of God. This is what I think for the time being as an answer to
your letter. May the Lord bless you always" (L. 2503).
Rome. February 13, 1636


(Without assigned person)

"When Our Savior taught us to get with efficacy the forgiveness of our sins, He
did not tell us 'forgive us Lord because we have done much penance, nor because we
have done much prayer or miracles, but rather because we have forgiven our enemies.'
When this is done for His love, it is the best efficacious remedy for any forgiveness. Here
is a criminal who with whole submission wants, thanks to you, to get the peace of his
adversaries. It will be a worthy charity work of you. The criminal is Miguel Calver, a
singer of Mr. Anuntiata. The offenders are Juan Alfonso Pri and Pietro Giovanni and
Honofrio Palombi, brothers of Carlo Palombi, deceased; what would be done regarding
this matter, I will pray to the Lord that it might be for a greater glory of Him, whom all
our actions are directed. And may Our Lord give you many years of life and health, as
this your much obliged servant and chaplain wish from Rome, February 23, 1626" (L.


To Fr. Melchiore Alacchi, Palermo

"I communicate to you that our Bro. Ludovico, in charge of the alms in the
novitiate, who seemed and tried to be taken as a simpleton brother, died about 8 or 10
days ago, but not as a simpleton but as a very wise brother. Before dying, he challenged
all the devils of hell to come for him and later on he sang with a strong voice 'I will sing
for ever the mercies of the Lord' (Ps. 88,2). He has been three for four days in a state of
shrouded body without burying him and his hands moved as when he was alive. In ten or


twelve years he has gained an eternity of glory. And our religious who go so much
running away from fatigue and pretending a glorious place! At the end maybe will find
themselves with great repentance and deceived, since the paradise is only gained by love;
and according to the grades of love or charity each one might have, in the same way each
one will have of glory. When we humble ourselves more and more for the love of God, it
will be a sign that we love Him more. In the same way, when we become poorer for the
love of God, we show a greater love for God. Some lose this great love for the love of a
book, a hat, a pencil-box or any similar trifle. Nevertheless, those who are a little proud
are rejected by the love of God, because 'God resists the proud, but gives his grace to the
humble' (Prov. 3,34). May you esteem the holy humility and poverty in our Religious! It
will help them very much. May God bless us all. Amen" (L. 2630)
Rome, 17 November 1636).


To Fr. Melchiore Alachi. Palermo

"The perfection of virtue consists in suffering calumnies and insults from those
whom we have done some good and we are ready to do more by the love of God. In this
we have to put all our efforts. I think that, that house of Palermo, regarding the greatness
and the good place, is above any other, but this is only material and I would like that it
would be the first in the holy observance of our Constitutions. In this, your reverence
must try your best, going before others with good example in all the virtues.
Fr. Onofre has not tried any other Religion, and nevertheless here, the flies look
for him as elephants. This will be known when he tries the change. It seems lacking of
prayer, since if we would deepen in the Passion of our Holy Christ with patience and
continuously, any mortification would seem to us very light and even we would go
looking for them; but our self-love impedes us such a great good. It would be of greater
merit for him and for all, to sweep the schools of the smallest ones and to teach the Our
Father, than to sing the Hours. And to be in the room when one does not like it or not to
be in the room when one desires it, and other small changes that sometimes lead many to
apostasy. May God not permit that, in that Religion or in any other. I wish that in all
would be lived the great perfection" (L. 2646).
Rome, December 13, 1636


To Fr. Girolamo Laurenti. Norcia

"If you desire that many students would profit in their souls, as it is an obligation
of the teacher, with great fervor and humility you should ask the blessed Lord such a
grace, because the one who does not have in himself fervor and love of God, cannot
communicate them to others. Every day, once or many times, in secret, and above all, in
the Mass, you should ask God the particular grace of being able to get the fruit you must
get from the students that come to our schools. If you get from the blessed Lord this
grace, you will get a great merit for you and it will be of great profit for the neighbor" (L.
Rome, May 13, 1637)



To Fr. Giovani Crisostomo Peri. Savona

"If the priests of our religion would know the importance of working for the love
of God, they would not be, even an instant, idle. If the time they cannot use helping the
children, according to what our Institute commands, they would employ it in reading The
Way of Perfection of St. Teresa, they would see how their hearts are inflamed, since the
words of such a saint have a great efficacy for those who read her with devotion" (L.
Rome, May 15, 1638)


To Fr. Giovanni Domenico Romani. Florence

"If some of our Religious have heard in disgust that evangelical truth that the road
to heaven is narrow and narrow the gate (cf. Matt. 7, 13,14), I really feel sorry for their
ignorance, because they believe that being submitted to the senses they can walk through
that road; on the contrary, they should avoid, little by little, the taste of the senses and
enter the taste of the spirit; then, they would find easy this road to heaven, because the
yoke of God is smooth (cf. Mt. 11,30) for those who want to live according to the spirit;
but it is difficult for those who want to live according to the senses; and those who wait to
make this proof in the future, it might be that the time is short. Nevertheless, you should
not stop fulfilling your job, since the blessed God will give you strength to get fruit, if not
in all, at least in some; and maybe these will be the most despised by men and chosen by
Make write in good letters the following warning for the recreation time: 'It is said
that they are words of God when among the Religious is talked about mortification,
humility, observance of the Constitutions, contempt of the world and its vanities and
grandeur and esteem of the divine and eternal things. It is said, in the same way, that they
are words of the devil talking about relaxation, amusements, pleasures, own esteem,
accusations, murmuring and defense of the own faults. Where the first words can be
found, God reigns, and where the second words are used, the demon reigns. Therefore,
you can judge who reigns among your religious and have this as a true truth'" (L. 2923).
Rome, August 14, 1638


To Fr. Giovani Domenico Romani, Florence

"Fr. Ambrosio goes there to help in that house, that should be very much
observant, since being many priests with whom you have to make congregations
frequently, I am sure that the Holy Spirit, through some of them, will always show His
will. Therefore, all together, fixed the work each one has to do according to his talents,
and later on, with that same union, attend all, first to the betterment of the own soul and
later on to help the religion and the poor students. On my part, any good of yours will be
of great consolation to me. May the Lord bless us all" (L. 3198).
Rome, November 22, 1639



To Fr. Ciriacco Beretta, Carcare

"I have seen that you show little humility not receiving the warnings and advises
with the spirit they have been given. I have always warned you of the faults that are said
about you, so that if any defect could be found, you could amend them. It is never true
what you say, that when I am sure that somebody has committed a grave fault, I never
forgive him; and that I never keep him in good esteem unless I see him improved. In this,
I follow the same way the good Lord does when somebody commits a mortal sin. He
not forgive until the person amends. Be careful to behave well with God, who cannot be
deceived with a false conversion of the sinner, as I can be deceived by a false repentance.
May God give us all the true light to save our souls (L. 3345).
Rome, 24 March, 1640.


To Fr. Giovani Antonio Ridolfi. Pieve di Cento

"God knows with what a great affection I wish for you the assistance of the Holy
Spirit, so that conversing with Him 'clauso ostio' (with the door closed) (Mt. 6,6), at least
once or twice a day, you may know how to guide the little boat of your soul through the
road of the religious perfection towards the eternal port of happiness, being this the first
and principal matter that each one of us should face; and if this goes well, all the rest
matters will be solved with good results in the presence of God, although it might seem
different according to the human prudence It would be a satisfaction for me if during
these circumstances of so many disturbances you would show a great value of the spirit
in bearing with patience all the things, by the love of God, whom I will pray, in a special
way, so that He will give you the grace of getting much good fruit for the neighbor with
the talents you have given for that. This is what I think for today. May the Lord bless us
all" (L. 3858).
Rome, January 3, 1642


To Fr. Giorgio Chervino. Florence

"I answer your letter of the 19 th of this month telling you that until now I have not
opposed what Fr. Mario, Provincial of Toscana, has written to me; on the contrary, I have
sent him many subjects and even I will send him more, damaging some houses very
much. I do not believe that this damage will be imputed to me before God, since I do not
do but to fulfill the obedience to the Sacred Congregation. But the blessed God, who sees
the heart of all, will provide as He would think the right way and Fr. Mario should
consider the damage he causes to some houses because of lacking of those subjects. Here,
in Rome, because you are not here, I was obliged to send in your place the Fr. Provincial,
but this Fr. Provincial should go visiting the houses of this Province to amend some
matters that need a remedy and he cannot do it because he does not have a Novice Master
to take his place. I don't know what to say more; only that I entrust myself to your prayers


and I will always remember you before the Holy Lord and the Virgin Mary, his Mother,
so that she will protect this her Religion" (L. 3982).
Rome, April 26, 1642


To Mrs. Claudia Taultina. Aquila

"I have seen what you write to me in your letter of the 22 nd of the past April, and
regarding the room you occupy in the house you are now living, while you may live, I am
very happy that you would use it; even more, that no one of ours could make you change
the house while you would like to use it. Regarding the altar, you will be satisfied in the
same way. The Lord, who did not want to give you natural sons, will deign to give you
many spiritual sons, and they are the good works you would do with the spiritual union of
your soul with your spouse, the blessed Christ, through the divine grace you should
always try to keep, receiving frequently the Holy Sacraments and with the reading of
spiritual books. And sometimes giving, for the love of your husband, some alms to some
poor people you know they need. And pray also for me, because at the old age of 84, I
cannot do many efforts. May the Lord give us always the gift to increase in his divine
grace" (L. 3987).
Rome, May 19, 1642


To Fr. Giovanni Francesco Apa, Florence

"Yesterday afternoon, by a mistake of my secretary, I did not answer the

paragraph about the renovation of the solemn vows. Now, at midnight, remembering it, I
write telling you that the renovation of the solemn vows or profession, made by pure love
of God, is an action so much pleased to God that even it surpasses in merit all the actions
made by men, except the martyrdom. The one who loves God as it should be loved,
should renovate many times an act so much loved by God; and even more if it is done
giving good example to the neighbor. I value it very much and I pray to the Lord that he
may give all a new fervor so to become heroic persons in the pure love of God. This is
the first and the principal precept of the holy law of the Lord. May He always bless us
all." (L. 4024).
Rome, July 20 1642


To Fr. Ciriacco Beretta, Carcare

"The good marine is known during stormy weather. You should do the same
during these actual circumstances, knowing how to behave in such a way that those who
were against you, may be overcome with good words and better works, and above all,
commend many times yourself and the house to the good God, not only during the day,
but also during the night. In solitude, without anybody watching you, since "the days are
bad" (Ephe. 5,16). The good God wants to be asked many times and evens in an


importune way, so as to discover the affection with which we go to His Divine Majesty.
If from Rome we can give you some help, please tell me" (L. 4073).
Rome, December 13, 1642


To Fr. Vicenzo Berro, Naples

"Try, therefore, V.R. (unless these Fathers give some commands against this, and
you can inform them about the state the novices are, if I had not written to them) that they
may dedicate, first, to what is the most important thing, that is to say, to the religious
perfection. In that, I trust in your prudence, trying, with kindness, to take them back to
the observance and make them understand that the main goal of the religious is, after the
glory of God, the own sanctification, and in the second place, the salvation of the
neighbor. It is necessary to gather like a shell before we can give to others as a channel.
Try that Fr. Provincial would understand the same thing you write to me, so that all
together may carry on the service of God. This is what I remember now. May God bless
us all" (L. 4120).
Rome, July 31, 1643


To Fr. Gabrielle Bianchi. Genoa

"I have seen what you have written to me in the copy letter you have sent to Fr.
Visitor. I can't tell you but to bear the offenses with patience, since besides these, I am
even myself the one who was led to the Holy Office without knowing the reason why,
and later on, when I was told, I saw that in that I was innocent. God wants us to test us
through the road of tribulation. But, trust in Him. I will tell you what might happen here,
since we were not able to talk to Fr. Visitor. I think it is right to write to him telling him
what they have done to you. Nevertheless, take courage in suffering for God, since 'per
multas tribulationes oportet nos intrare in regnum Dei' ( We must go through many trials
to enter the kingdom of God) (Acts 14,22). This is enough for today. May the Lord bless
us all" (L. 4125).
Rome, August 29, 1643


To Fr. Vicenzo Berro. Naples

"As for the beginning of the Pious Schools, I met two or three members of the
Christian Doctrine that used to go to the Trastevere to teach in some schools at Santa
Dorotea. And since in them, most of the students paid a certain amount a month and some
of my companions came in the morning and others in the afternoon, when the Parish
Priest died, who used to lend us a small hall and a room on the ground floor, I made up
my mind to move them to Rome knowing the great poverty that was there, after my visits
to the neighborhoods of Rome for six or seven years as a member of the Confraternity of


the Holy Apostles. Of the companions I had in the Trastevere, only one followed me and
thus the Institute was set up in Rome. Little by little it became a Congregation and later
on a Religion, which was persecuted by the infernal enemy and some of his followers, on
account of its usefulness for the poor. But I hope the Blessed Virgin will help us
overcome this tempest. I will write to you next week about the rest. May the Lord bless
us all" (L. 4185).
Rome, May 20, 1644


To Fr. Giovanni Francesco Apa. Florence

"I have seen what you write to me. Regarding the four religious who died in
honor of sanctity, I can tell you that Fr. Tomas was rather taller than short, with a
mortified face, black hair, of great modesty and with a special charity zeal for the
neighbor, 40 years old, more or less, and with his charity caused admiration not only to
lay people, but also to the Religious of other Religions, and until now, his memory is in
the places he was, not praising him enough.
The second one, Fr. Lorenzo, had a special gift in converting, to the holy fear of
the Lord, the worst naughty students who came to the school,. When he died, he was
buried in the floor of the church of Narni, and after ten or twelve months that his
sepulcher was made, his body was found intact without any sign of corruption and the
whole town went to see him, as a miraculous thing. He was rather short, brown hair,
humble face and mortified and about 38 years old, more or less.
Bro. Giovanni de S. Carlo, called of the Passion, was received in the
Congregation when he was around 59 years old. He was very simple and very devout of
the Passion of Christ, and he used to sing ordinarily in such a good spirit, that many times
he could not stop but jumping with fervor, especially when he was alone in the kitchen,
where he was working as long as he was able to do it. He was of middle stature, white
beard, mortified face, disarranged mouth, without teeth, and about 85 years old.
Bro. Ludovico was of a special patience and a lover of silence. He was in charge
of asking alms and with his modesty, he got a lot of alms. He had a great contempt of
himself; he never became excited, not matter what kind of mortification people might
give or say to him. The sanctity of his life was seen, in a particular way, in the moment
of his death, since just a little before dying, he used to bet all the demons of the hell to
come before him, and in spite of all of them, he said: "Misericordias Domini in aeternum
cantabo" (I will sing forever the mercies of the Lord) (Psalm 88,2). It was the admiration
of all that were present there, and he bet the infernal demons with much courage. He was
of a normal stature, scarce beard, black hair, aquiline nose, obscure color and about 55
years old" (L. 4242).
Rome, December 10, 1644


To Fr. Vicenzo Berro. Naples

I have received your letter of 11 th of this month and I tell you that regarding our
matters, I can add that our Institute will not be destroyed, but we are expecting the


resolution of the Pope. This week we have presented him a memorial asking for a
Protector and in the next week I will be able to tell you the answer of the Pope. But I,
while I have breath, I will never lose the desire of helping the Institute with the hope of
seeing it re-established again, founding myself upon those words of the Prophet:
'Constantes estote et videbitis auxilium Dei super vos'" (Be constant and you will see the
help of the Lord upon you) (2 Par 20, 17) (L. 4309).
Rome, November 18, 1645


To Fr. Giovanni Domenico Franchi. Podolin

"With your letter of June 20, I have received a great consolation, since you are
telling me about the coming back of our dear Father Giovanni Francesco of Saint Mary
Magdalene. I will pray to the Lord, as I have done it before, so that He will give him, in
particular, the true light to know the truth of the invisible things God has prepared for
those who imitate Him in His Passion, since through it, they will reach the knowledge
and love of such things. God uses to make this grace to the humble, as the Prophet says:
'intellectum dat parvulis' (Psalm 118, 130) (He gives knowledge to the little ones). While
one humbles more in the knowledge of himself, God will exalt him more in the
knowledge of the invisible and eternal things. May the Lord give to all our religious a
perfect conformity with his holy will and may He always bless us all" (L. 4392).
Rome, August 12, 1646


To the Vice-Queen of Sardinya. Caller (Cagliari)

"To my old obligations of always praying for the venerable House of Moncada,
now is added the new one you impose upon me with your letter. You are telling me about
some misfortunes that have affected your House during the passed years. Since ordinarily
such happening are the results of the enemies, I wish you to have as a certain thing that
what the world considers as inopportune mortifications, they might be great favors from
the paternal hand of God, who, as an efficient cause of all pains, uses to send them in this
life to those whom He loves more, as a benefit for the other life. Those who know how to
receive them from the infinite wisdom and not from the hands of the enemies, who are
particular instruments of the will of God, and might know to be conformed in patience
and knowledge of this truth, will get a great merit of graces in this life and of great glory
in the other.
Meanwhile, I will pray continually to the Lord that He may keep, for many years,
in health, the whole Household of yours and in particular your two sons, and may He
increase constantly the divine grace. This is what I, as your servant and subject, can wish,
giving to you my respects" (L. 4397).
Rome, August 25, 1646



To Fr. Pietro Paulo Grien. Nikolsburg (Mikulov)

"But the Lord, with a paternal providence, has wished that our Religion may be
mortified during this time, not to say persecuted, maybe with the help of our own
members. In this occasion we will see who gives signs of being predestined or rejected.
Those who accept this mortification from the hand of God, as the efficient cause, and
may bear it with humility and patience, in imitation of Christ, and may pray to the Lord
for those who persecute us, being in conformity with the divine will, and may persevere,
will be given the occasion of receiving the eternal life, as I have said. But those who
would accept this mortification of the Religion as an occasion to live in more liberty, that
will be a contrary sign.
You should exhort all to a holy patience and wait for the mercy of the Lord, who,
although it might be that he abandons his children, that is not so, but He reserves the help
for the proper time. It will be for me a great satisfaction if you, with prudence and the
credit you have before me, keep there the Institute for the pure love and glory of God. If
from here is written something contrary to the good government and observance of the
Institute with the goal of perturbing the spirits there, do not believe it, because if
something would happen again, I would communicate it to you.
Try to take off from the spirit and from the opinion of all the division of the
individuals, and have, as a loved brother in Christ, any person of any nation, if he is
fearful and good servant of God, since in the service of the Lord 'non est acceptio
personarum' (Rom 2, 11) (there is not any acceptance of persons), and as the philosophers
and mathematicians say 'quae sunt eadem uni tertio sunt eadem inter se'" (things similar
to a third one, are similar among themselves) (L.4439).
Rome, February 10, 1647


Fr. Marco Manzella. Naples

"In the last mail, I have received your letter. For what I understand, although I am
not sure, there exists certain aversion among our religious, and I am very much disgusted.
The infernal enemy does everything he can to sow discords among our religious, so that
by the grace of God we might see later who is constant and loves the good of the
Accept all things from the hands of the blessed God, who loves us much more that
we love ourselves, and not from the hands of certain troublemakers of our Institute. Have
you the straight intention of conforming with the paternal will of God, who will guide our
things to his greater glory and He will give us his holy grace to serve Him in the future
with the religious perfection that is due. And don't trust but what I would write to you
regarding our things" (L. 4458).
Rome, May 1, 1647



To Fr. Giuseppe Pennazzi. Pesaro

"Constantes estote, et videbitis auxilium Dei super vos. Et nunc sumus orantes pro
vobis ut not contristemini, sed in tribulatione magis elucescat virtus vestra' (cf 2 Pa 20,
17; Mak 1,6; 1 Tes 4,12) ( Be constant and you will see the help of the Lord upon you.
We are now praying for you so that you may not be sad, but rather, in tribulations, might
shine your virtue). Because of my sight defect, I cannot be long in writing. May the Lord
always bless us all" (L. 4463).
Rome, May 20, 1647


Fr. Pietro Mussesti. Pisa

"I highly praise your humility that hates the honorific titles and tries to give
yourself happily to work for the love of God. Regarding this, I wish you would continue
purifying more and more in yourself all your actions with the love of God, being true that
the one who loves earth, becomes earth, the one who loves gold, becomes gold, and the
one who loves God 'unus spirit fit cum eo" (becomes one spirit with Him) (cf 1Cor 6,17).
In his way, you will be able to overcome all the temptations of the infernal enemy and
will always continue helping the neighbor with much own merit. Pray to the Lord for me,
and I will pray for you. This is what I tell you today" (L. 5427).
Rome, January 26, 1648


To. Fr. Giovanni Domico Franchi. Podolin

"I have received your letter of April 15. You say it is an answer to three of mine,
received at the same time. I am glad you go to live in the new building. May the Lord
give you all the spirit of humility, and as deep as it might be, the bigger and deeper will
be the virtue of knowledge and love of God and the neighbor; and if you know how to
unite such a virtue with the study, you will make an incredible profit with the neighbor.
This will be experimented by the practice of those who know how to do it. To those
persons, I will help with my daily prayers" (L. 4557).
Rome, June 13, 1648


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