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Fundamentals of Jet Engines – 3rd lecture

Speed of Sound and Shocks

Introduction of Mach cone

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 2

Types of shocks – normal, oblique and expansion waves

turned into preceding no change in flow turned away from

Flow direction change
flow direction preceding flow

Velocity and decrease, but still

decrease to subsonic increase further
Machnumber supersonic

Static pressure and

increase large increase decrease

Energy and total

decrease strong decrease no change

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 3

Normal Shock
A shock is a discontinuity in a ( partly) sup ersonic flow fluid. Fluid crossin g stationery
shock front rises suddenly in pressure and decreases in velocity. For "normal " shock
equations are:

Continuity : r1 × w1 = r2 × w2
Momentum: p1 - p2 = r1 × w1 × ( w2 - w1 )
Energy : Tt1 = T t 2

With flow Mach number and gas equation :

p2 M 2 T2 1+ k × M12
= × =
p1 M1 T1 1+ k × M 22
k -1 k -1 k -1 2
1+ × M12 M 2 × 1+ × M 22 M1 × 1+ × M12 M12 +
= 2 Û 2 = 2 Û M 22 = k -1 ,
T1 k -1 2 1+ k × M 22 1+ k × M12 2 ×k
1+ × M2 × M12 -1
2 k -1
éæ k +1 2ö æ k -1 2 öùk -1 æ k -1 ö æ 2 ×k ö
êç × M ÷ ç1+ × M1 ÷ú ç1+ × M12 ÷ × ç × M12 -1÷
p2 2 × k k -1 pt 2 ëè 2 ø è øû T2 è ø è k -1 ø
2 2
= × M12 - , = , =
p1 k +1 k +1 pt1 (k +1) × M 2
1 2
æ 2 ×k k -1 ök -1 T1
ç × M1 -
÷ 2 × (k -1)
è k +1 k +1 ø

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 4

Normal Shock Functions

o Rather large
losses for M>1.5 pt 2
o Normal shock satisfies “Fanno”
and “Rayleigh” flow conditions
o After normal shock speed is
reduced to subsonic
o Total Pressure loss is a parameter
for the strength of the shock

o For M1=1,5 find M2=0,7

k =1.4
o For M1=2,5 find M2=0,5
o For M1=1,5 find Pt2/ Pt1=0,9
o For M1=2,5 find Pt2/ Pt1=0,5

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 5

Oblique Shocks

If a plane shock is inclined at an angle to the flow, fluid flow also changes direction when
passing shock front. Fluid is deflected by angle d

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 6

Equations for oblique Shocks

Continuity : r1 × w1n = r2 × w2n

Energy : Tt1 = Tt 2
Momentum normal to shock :
p1 - p2 = r2 × w2n
- r1 × w1n

Momentum parallel to shock :

0 = r1 × w1n ( w2t - w1t )
Þ w2t = w1t
Þ Oblique shock is normal shock in
coordinate system moving with w2t = w1t
Þ Oblique shocks can be calculated
usin g normal shock equations

æ k -1 ö
2 × ç1+ × M12 × sin 2 (s )÷
è ø
tan (s - d ) = 2
(k +1) × M1 × sin(s )× cos(s )

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 7

Shock wave angle and deflection angle

o The shock wave angle 𝜎 depends on the

Machnumber and the deflection angle δ
o Higher deflection δ => higher wave angle 𝜎
o Higher Mach number => smaller wave
angle 𝜎

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 8

Stagnation Pressure Ratio as a function of deflection angle

o For normal shocks look below

dashed line
(For M1=2,5 find Pt2/ Pt1=0,5)

o For oblique shocks look above

In order todashed linefrom
avoid pressure (e.g.
fallingM 1=2,5
with a greatand
rate, the
engine parts are designed to rather face oblique shockwaves
specially in = 10°=> Pt2be
inlet. This could / Pat1cone
=0,9)in that moves
aoutwards as speed increases and inward when speed
decreases. when the air passes through the first oblique
shockwave and its Mach number decreases, as the rate of drop
in pressure decreases it’s not a problem if the flow faces a
normal shockwave.

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 9

Mach Number Change during Shock

o For normal shocks look below

dashed line (M1=2,5 => M2=0,5)

o For oblique shocks look above

dashed line (e.g. M1=2,5 and
δ = 10°=> M2=2,1)

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 10

Nozzle design

o In a subsonic flowfield a converging nozzle leads to an increase in velocity.

o In a supersonic flowfield a reduction in area creates shock waves that increase pressure and
decrease speed.
o An increase in area of a supersonic flow, however, increases velocity.
o Thus to reach exit velocities larger than M=1 a convergent-divergent nozzle design (Laval nozzle)
has to be used.

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 11


o A Normal shock wave is always perpendicular to the flow and reduces to flow to subsonic
o Thermodynamic changes of the flowfield have the same tendencies in oblique and normal shocks,
however their magnitude in normal shocks is much higher.
o Due to the compression in a shockwave and the resulting friction kinetic energy is converted into
unusable heat, which reduces Pt
o A fluid passing through a shock wave will experience these thermodynamic changes:
• Static pressure increase
• Density increase
• Velocity decrease (same massflow at higher density)
• Temperature increase (increase in pressure and conversion of kinetic energy into heat)
• Speed of sound increase (higher temperature)
• Mach number decrease
• Total Pressure decrease (kinetic energy is dissipated and converted into heat)

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 12

Aero Engine Design Process
Gas Turbine Engine Design Process

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 14

Preliminary Propulsion Design Sequence

Aero Engine Design 06.11.2023 15

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