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1. What is science?
- Science is the study of living and non-living things. As we, people, study
these things or do researches through observation, and experimentation, we
acquire knowledge that enable us to know the world and understand how it
works. Hence, science also refers to the systematic process of acquiring
knowledge. It answers questions that augment to the body of knowledge. It
also refers to the body of knowledge that is based on facts, not opinions or
2. What is technology?
- Technology is the application of science for practical uses. It involves the
techniques, skills, methods, and materials used in creating goods or services
or in achieving objectives to solve real-world problems. Technology is
developed through science and is the tool used in science to study the world
and the universe.
3. What is technology?
- Technology is the utilization of scientific knowledge for practical applications.
It involves the techniques, skills, methods, and materials used in creating
goods or services or in achieving objectives to solve real-world problems.
Technology is the tool used in science to study the world and the universe.
4. Give at least 3 predictions for the future from Hochi Shimbum newspaper.
Provide discussion and insight.
- There is a long list of predictions for the future from Hochi Shimbun
newspaper. One prediction he had is the invention of Photo telephone.
According to him, the photo telephone would have a device to show the
image of the caller at the end of the line. Video conferencing was introduced
in the late 20th century, and after several years or in the present, we have the
smartphones that enable us to do not only voice call but also video call and
do other stuffs. It is surprising to know that it was predicted a century ago,
science and technology have indeed changed the way people communicate
with another. Another prediction is the convenient shopping. Hochi Shimbum
stated that consumers will be able to see remote goods and purchase through
photo telephone and immediately receive them via underground steel pipe. It
did not become a reality in the 20 th century. But, in the 21st century, with the
advancement of technology, we are experiencing convenient shopping,
though the purchased products are not delivered through steel pipe. With the
use of smartphones, laptops, and shopping applications, we are able to buy
products from distant shopping malls and we can receive the item after few
days without going directly to the malls. It takes less effort, time, and money
to do so. Another prediction that has not become real yet is the unlimited
conversation between humans and animals. Studies on animal language
would advance and humans will be able to freely converse with animals such
as dogs and cats. It did not happen in the 20 th century and has not yet
become a reality in the 21st century, but I personally would love to see the
prediction turn into reality in the coming years. It can be discovery of their
language and a device that would translate the animals’ language. This would
enable us to fully understand animals and have a deeper connection and
positive interaction with them. For now, we only understand the animals like
dogs through their body and tail movements.
5. What is science?
- Science is the study of living and non-living things. It refers to the body of
knowledge obtained through the systematic process of observing and
experimenting, or through the scientific method or research. It builds and
organizes knowledge based on truth and testable explanations.
6. How do science and technology affect society?
- Science and technology create knowledge and use the acquired knowledge in
solving real-world problems. Both science and technology greatly contribute
and have various impacts to the lives of people and pave the way to the
developed and developing societies we have in the present. They affect
society by making life easier and more convenient, and improving life
conditions. Science and technology affect society by changing how the
people live and communicate. Another is that both are key drivers to the
development of society in different aspects. In addition, science and
technology continuously enable the society to meet their needs. As the years
pass, the population grows tremendously and natural resources are already
limited. People find a way through discovering ways and inventing tools that
will help in meeting the growing needs.
7. Relevance of Science and Technology in the transformation and
Development of people’s lives
- Science and technology greatly influence how each and every person lives.
The acquisition of knowledge and the technological advancements allowed
people to be knowledgeable about their world and the universe, and have an
understanding on how their world works. Those improve the lives of people.
For instance, the invention of compound microscope allowed Anton van
Leeuwenhoek, Robert Hooke and other scientists to observe cells, which led
to the development of Cell theory. The invention of telescope allowed people
to see distant planets. As we all know, answers lead to new questions and
new answers. These are some concepts that led to the development of ideas.
We were able to study how the cell works, and becomes the fundamental
concept used in the field of medicine. Many lives have been saved and
prolonged because of the discovery of vaccines and antibiotics, early
discovery of diseases via health examinations, and other medical
breakthroughs or advancements. Furthermore, scientific and technological
achievements make our life more convenient. We have now smartphones that
enable us to communicate with people from distant places, and other helpful
electrical and electronic appliances. Another example is the invention of
calculator. Before its invention, numbers and complex problems are solved
manually. But now, we can solve more complex mathematical problems in a
single tap. It takes less effort, time, and resources. Last but not the least,
science and technology changed our lifestyle. Before, people usually walk to
go to place, but in the present when cars, bicycles, and other vehicles are
existing, we now seldomly walk. Technological tools like computers, phones,
and internet were once wants, but are now considered as a necessity that
everyone should have. Science and technology indeed transformed and
change the way people live.
8. At least one environmental problem mentioned in the article and how it was
- Ineffective and irresponsible use of science and technology pose a threat to
the survival of the people and the world as observed in the environmental
issues and reported bioethical problems. However, effective and responsible
use of science and technology can also help people address the
environmental problems and social issues. One environmental problem
mentioned in the article addressed through science and technology is global
warming caused by greenhouse gases. It was addressed by improving the
fuel efficiency of gasoline-fueled cars, making engine and power transmission
system more efficient, and reducing the weight and air-resistance of the car.
Hybrid cars and energy efficient cars were also introduced. These efforts
were done to reduce Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
9. Relevance of Science and Technology in the transformation and
Development of society
- Science and technology both build and organize new knowledge, such as
discoveries of new principles and tools, to answer questions and solve real-
world problems. Both have significantly provided contributions to the
development and progress of people’s lives, the economy, and the society.
Science and technology are key drivers in the transformation and
development of society. Firstly, these influence society through its knowledge
and world view. The society was able to gain knowledge about their world and
was able to have an understanding in how their world works. These helped
them solve real-world problems. Secondly, the discoveries and inventions of
the past civilizations led to the technological advancements and the
development of the modern society. In the medieval times, the printing press
was invented to address the need for publishing books to disseminate
information to many people at a faster rate. Before, it was manually done and
not portable but it developed into more advanced printers in the present
having the same purpose. Thirdly, with the help of technological progress and
improvements of human resources, the economy of the society improves. For
instance, a country has the machines that can mass produce goods. The
presence of more advanced machines means less effort and less time, and
more goods to be manufactured and released in the market in the earliest
time possible. More supply means more money to be obtained, and thus the
increase in GDP and GNP. Having more developed knowledge and advanced
technology are one of the reasons why some countries have healthier
economy than other countries. Examples of countries having these
characteristics are United States and Japan. Moreover, science and
technology aim to eliminate crimes, accidents, and other social concerns to
achieve a safe and secure society. Without science and technology, the
society we have today or the modern society is not existing.
10. What is society?
- Society is a group of people sharing the same social or spatial territory,
usually subject to same political authority and prevailing cultural expectations.
They are involved in social interactions, and share distinctive culture,
traditions, norms and institutions. Society is greatly influenced by science and

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